FâtUÿ, OtoU» 0, 1034 ASÄtAJrt) »Atty CTtftflâ PROFESSIONAL S o e ie ty by the ttRderaigned committee. I trumpet to him melodiously a t ( *ay. Avoid entanglement of dog (7) Ali competitive essays will first. If he Still obstacles your with ?6Ut Wheel spokes. a cimpio slip of seine exquisite fabric and entirely free from trim - 6. Go soothingly on the grease be judged according to tlreir gen­ passage tootle with vigor, and, ex- ing or embroidery. It is in the press by word of mouth the warn- mud. o*s tncre lu ik the skid do­ PHYSICIANS eral m erit and excellent; but Cla-sMlfied Column Kates jewels th a t fashionable women mon. I ihe judges will also take into con­ ing, Hi! Hi! . One cent the word each allow tlisir fancies to wander. 3. Beware -of the w andering 6. Press the brake of the foot OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings sideration, in passing thereon, One 3ees two diamond necklaces time. horse th at he shall not take as you rj?ll around the corners office. Phone 91. i neatness of m anuscript, accurate To run every iasuo for one fiung about the ueck of a wo­ THE MAGIC SPELL fright as you pass him. Do not to save the collapse and tie-up. orthography, correct gram m ar month or more, the word DR. C. W. HANSON (By Ellie Tatum Diehnal, in ,th e man wearing an unpretentious and composition, and .purity and explosion the exhaust box on him. Dentist Kansas City Tintes.) j robe of white velvet. A curious each time. clarity of diction. Go soothingly by or stop by the ; Letterheads. statem ents, , Special attention given to pyor­ If all the ma^lc known of old headdress of real pearls and dia- The Oregon State Library in j roadside till he pass away. your order at the Tidings Office. FOR RENT The Oregon Historical Society rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver were mine, dear, I monds covers the head of a sm art 4. Give big space to the festive' We have a good job printing de- selected “The Hudson’s Bay Salem has a reading list or bib- tf Your raim ent would be cloth-of- j dancer whose gown is only a has Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR SALE Company and the Oregon Coun- liography upon the above named dog th a t make sport in the road- pa met. A French simple slip of silver. gold and lace, _ -----------------. ------- : ------ — To Traod service at a rea- MISCELLANEOUS— Swiss W atch- of the educational institution at- j Club meet in club room for regu­ he church. pouab’e price. Phone 83. Rejoice in a sweater! But don’t buy any sweater m aker. W atch repairing done lar card party. F irst meeting oi 3. A Rally Day to call hack to tended, stating th a t the w riter o f , or any knitted outer garment of any kind until reasonable and guaranteed. Close the essay is a pupil or s tu d e n t, year. the church from summer vacation FEHIGE-ROACH you see what your money will do when invested tim ing on railroad watches. attending the same. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 10 ill church members. Transfer — Express — Storage in Jersild 10 Point quality. Maurice A. Lassen, 217 N. Main. (5) In order to be considered and 11. Civic Club will hold an­ October 5 has been suggested 26— 6* Hauling — Dray work of all in competition the essay m ust be Their 10 points o f perfection mean better looks, kinds. Quick motor service. Dry nual rum m age sale at club house. as Rally Day for the sim ultaneous delivered, by mail or in person, longer wear, more warmth and comfort. See and of the program GET YOU STOVE repaired at wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Don’t forget to donate anything launching to The Oregon H istorical Society, feel a Jersild and you’ll quickly be convinced. throughout the country. The find- Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito 37 5 B. St. 112-tf you may not need. Public A uditorium , 253 Market ngs and plans of the “ evangelis- R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 FLORIST Civic Club— ic effort,” decided upon at a re ­ Street, Portland, Oregon, not la t­ Oberlin St. 306-1 m o ? The Civic Club will meet at the treat held by the Commission on er than March 1, 1925. SAY IT W ITH FLOWERS (6 ) All essays subm itted in PIANO instruction, by exper club house next Tuesday after Evangelism of the Federal Coun- From competition will be numbered and ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ noon at 2:30 and an excellent il of Churches at Northfield last Aikins. Phone S H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed subm itted, w ithout the names of program will be given. Mis« Tune, have ju st been published. red, Mrs. H. S. 3— lm o [ Co., tem porary location 399 Grace Cham berlain will be the They were worked out during the. the w riters or other identifying 441J. — * i Mountain Ave. Cut flowers a n d 1 1 main speaker of the day and sum m er by the denom inational m arks, the three judges selected You can always find Goats Bred by registered floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo will give a report on the conven secretaries for evangelism and i buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, lion of the Federation of Wo­ church leaders. low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 POLITICAL ANNOI XCEMENTS men’s Clubs of which she is statf During recent years the period • miles south on Pacific Highway vice-president, which was held a preceding E aster has come to be G, W. Milam and I brought a tru ck load of bar- , 14— 1 mo.* Los Angeles this w inter. T hen generally accepted as the time j ga'n counter goods from P o rt­ * Independent ’ WANTED: — Plain sew ing, Candidate for County School will be music also, but it ha for concerted ehiphasis on strong i land last week, all of which More-Mileage Quality in 25-6* not yet been decided what will thening the local congregation. j Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ 400 Liberty St. our tires will be sold accordingly. Auto be given in th a t line. The hos The Church leaders balieve th at) Robes, W ade Dragsaw, H alt­ ty. Oregon. WANTED: — Wells to drill, teases in charge of this meetin: there should be a sim ilar period , ers, and lots of arm y goods. for short time only, am passing are Mesdames H. O. Anderson. ef intensive effort this fall Come in early while they last. th ru w ith drilling; machine. Ad­ Grace Andrews and Eugenia At­ Under the p ans sent to the , dress Box X care of Tidings. kinson. The hostesses are being churches, prelim inary work w ill, 27— 3* selected alphabetically this year, begin at once. Surveys will be • and this will give everyone a made of communities by groups For a smooth shave chance and no one w'ill be left out. of churches or by single churches and quick service go Final plans for the Civic Club where there is only one or when to the Shell Barber Broken Out Skin and Itch­ rumm age sale will also be made one only takes p art in the move­ Shop. Ladies and at this meeting. The sale is to ment. Conimittees will work on ing Eczema Relieved Children get your hair be held on October 10 and 11. ists of possible church members. at Once During the 8th and 9th of Octob­ bobbed and marcel An effort will be made on er the clubhouse will be open to "R ally Day” to secure the atten d ­ led. For unsightly skin eruptions, receive anything th a t is brought ance of all members, adherents W. A. SHELL, Trop. rash or blotches on face, neck, in, or if'a n y o n e has suitable and those who have “ lost in ter­ do not have to things lor th e sa . and cannot >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore arms w an or for body, relief you ho,» to rtu re or est” at the services and 3eek to em barassm ent. declares a noted »end then, to the club house, they interest them in the church work. This campaign will differ irom skin specialist. Apply a little should notify one of the ladies in charge or call Mrs. P. K. Ham­ most in th a t it will not be car­ M entho-Sulphur and improvement mond, president. ried on by a visiting preacher or shows next day. . by the m inister alone. It is pro­ Because of it3 germ destroying| Parts properties, nothing has ever b e e n : A delightfni party was given at posed th a t the laymen shall do found to take the place ot this 1 th e home ot Mrs. H. E. Hills on most of the work under the d ir­ ection of the pastor. sulphur preparation. The m om ent N ursery strew when she entertained some of her In summing up the effort for , you apply it healing begins. Only Mrs. Wolf Was Told She those who have had unsightly neighbors. The afternoon was Rally Day, Dr. Charles L. Good­ Could Never Get Well— skin troubles can know th e de­ spent in doing fancy work and 1n ell, secretary of the Federal conversation. At the close of Council’s Commission on Evan­ But Tanlac Saved Her. light this Mentho-Sulpliur brings. the afternoon dainty refresh­ gelism, said the plan has two ob­ Even fiery, itching eczema is ments were served by the hostess. jectives: “ My case had been pronounced dried right up. A very enjoyable time was had ‘‘F irst, to reinterest the ab­ Get a small ja r of Rowles hopeless, so I don’t think it amiss sentee church member who does by all. to credit Tanlac w ith my being M entho-Sulphur from any good Those present to enjoy the a f­ not take churclj attendance Ser­ alive and in such good health I druggist and use it like cold fair were Mesdames Ara, M erritt, iously as a duty. now,” is the striking statem ent | cream. Hens’.ey, Bryan, Hays, H agar, ‘‘Second, to secure the a tte n d ­ of Mrs. Mollie Wolf, 828 East Stew art and the charm ing hos­ ance of every possible person in 7th St., Portland, Oregon. Gasoline Lowered in E ast the community who is not now a tess, Mrs. Huis. "F o r several years my stomach • • • NEW YORK. Oct. 2— Reduc­ church m em ber.” was in such a fix th a t food wstfid tion of four cents a gallon in the Rebekahs Meet— m ake me almost deathly sick. My tank wagon price of gasol’Jie in The Rebekahs had a delightful weight went down to only 95 lbs., New England to 13 cents, and covered dish supper at the Odd and I was almost a confirmed in­ three cents a gallon elsewhere Fellows Hall Monday evening. A valid, having to spend half my in its territory, was announced large num ber of people were X v t lim e u tter I began | by the C ult Refining company, et- there and everyone enjoyed the fective tomorrow. meeting very much. Following taking Tanlac I felt a wonderful the supper an enjoyable evening O' < change coming o v e rm e . F irst of ♦♦ » ♦ 111 « I « I t » ♦ t ‘ 1 t was spent playing games, talking all my stomach trouble stopped and several clever little playlets a splendid digestion and a » e R ¿ B were given. The committee in tite developed and the way I re­ / i t charge was Mrs. Norma Reeder, gained my weight, health and á í í Ü F A O . S S S * « iS chairm an of the entertainm ent strength was the surprise of my Mrs. Phipps and Mollie Songer in life. I now weigh ICO lbs., and charge of the kitchen. am in the best health of my life. * * * In fact, I couldn’t feel better. Paris Style Hint— Tanlac deserves only the highest PARIS. Oct. 3. — Pearls to praise. match your favorite flower is the ' TW O -HORSE B RA ND druggists Accept no substitute. I RESPONSIBLE FOR ILL HEALTH latest fashion fancy, bringing into j HE man who laughs is the Over 40 million bottles sold. j D IL E S or other rectal or colon prominence orchid-Colored, rose x disorders may be responsible colored, azalea-pink, dandelion- fellow who has money in the yellow, bachelor-button blue and Tanlac Vegetable Pills recorn-1 for your general ill health, bank. Enough said. Nobody can wondfifi bv the m anufacturers of My nOn-surgical treatment of these dis­ every other shaSe in the rain ­ deny this statement. Come into orders has been taken by thousands of bow, for both the neck and the Tanlac. men, women and children from all parts this hank and talk happiness. j o f the W est, my unprecedented success ears. FO R AND The traditional strings of pure | enabling me to confidently GU ARAN­ Classmea ads bring Termite. TEE to cure your Piles o t refund your fee. white or cream pearla have given Send today for my FREE way to new ones in all the deli­ the large sales denote satisfaction book on Rectal and Colon cate colorings one can imagine. disorders. Every sufferer Flowers and jewels are now more should have it. im portant than the gown itself, also makers of Phone NO. 3 ASHLAND, OREGON Plks Bldg. D EA N , M.D. Inc which one only chooses to set TWO-HORSE Brand Bib Overalls Ashland, Oregon necklace. Deauville OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE off the for M ob » n d B o y » D.ORCCON . . . m r MWCHANDISE SINCt I S U brought the sheath-gown to the IS P A P E R W H t N W R I T I N O 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 foreground. In many cases it is i 0,3 IZA*«»» 7a - Y e a rly Classified Column T he Horae B e a u tifu l” DEEPER FAITH IN CHURCH AIM I J. P. Dodge & Sons J E RS I LP Best Values Kruggle Bros.’ PEIL’S CORNER Tire Shop The Pinkerton Coat Burton K, Wheeler INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR G AM 65 LBS. Vice President WILL SPEAK AT The Ashland A rm o ry • Wednesday, October 8, 1924 * A wonder for wear and fits perfectly; t all popular styles in solid colors; heath- ♦ er mixtures; all sizes—Priced from j; $7.00 to $8.00 each. Bovs’ Pinkerton Coat, priced $6.65 Young Men’s “V” Neck Pullover Sweaters A most popular athletic model; colors maroon and navy; all sizes—I rieed from $6.30 to $7.75 each. 3:45 P. M. Its all in the way “V” Neck Wool Shaker Coat They Fit Colors maroon and white; priced $8.40 and W ear L evistrruss Copper Riveted WAISTOveralls The Man Who Laughs Boys Coat and Slipon Sweaters All wool in brown and tan, cardinal and oxford, and other popular colors; sizes 5 to 14—Priced $2.80 to $3.85. T MEN YOUTHS FREE 'Y r The Citizens Bank of Ashland G o ld e n R u le S to re