- ■ I J ASHLAND DAILY T ID IN G S ( Established in 1876) P a bUwhed Every Evening Except Sunday by shlano öAttr rrniy&ì President Coolidge still lives in Washington, D. C.J but Walter Johnson of the Senators is thè big boy in- the! capital these days. Friday, October fl, BE SUBJECT OF Â NATIONAL MEET THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. tourist came through this city with almost his en- George Madden G r e e n .................................. "."."”.".".7.".7.’.'.*.".’.B u sin ^ s M e a g e r i cluttered up with a political candidate’s official city paper ................................... .77 Telephone 39 p >osteis an<^ dickers. This despite the fact that the cair E n tered a t the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter d i d a t e tllUS a d v e r t i s e d ig headed toward wreck and rum. ----------- 'according to some dopesters. _ „ . . Subscription Price, Delivered in City This is Ashlands Place To Find What It Wants To Eat Sunday A Feature Png© For Telling the Cooks About the Good Eatables Market Basket Secretary W allace’s call for a invitations to the conference as national conference . on the utili- soon as possible after receiving One Month ............................................................... 3 zation of forest products, has ju st | , he responses to the letters he ....... I .65, OF INTENTION TO the line and a fast, shifty back- been received a t the Forest Ser­ mailed today. 3.75 One Y ear ..................................................... CONSTRUCT CEMENT SIDE- field of such veterans as Slater vice offices in Portland. In his letter the Secretary 7.50 This meeting, which is to be said: By Mall ami Rnral Routes WALKS ON BOTH SIDES OF at full, Hales and W aldorf at One Month ......... ........................................ $ .65 LAUREL STREET BETWEEN halves and- M artin at quarter, held in W ashington on November “As you know, the question of Three Months ......................................... ’ 1.95 NORTH MAIN AND ALMOND they should have a look-in- des­ 19 and 20, will m ark the most tim ber supply is becoming more Six Months ............•............ 3.50 comprehensive ever made One Year ................ STREETS, AND ON BOTH pite the loss of “ T ruck” D avis’ 7— *"*"— — attem pt C,CI acute year by year. We are 6.50 th ® UnRed States tO haVe the studying it from three angles; HIDES OF GRANITE STREET star end who was injured in I , display advertising rates of . existing tim- first, how to protect the tim ber FROM A POINT WHERE practice this week and will h e «conomical Single Insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ 30 out of the game the rem ainder J 7 / UPP^ take Rs essential we have from fire, insect pests N UTLEY' STREET INTER. Yearly Contracts One insertion a week ..........._............................. 273 pl e in the national forestry pro- and plant diseases; second, how SECTS S A ID GRANITE of the season. Two insertions a week ......................................... .......................... «5 At the University of Idaho 64 al° “ g With the prevention to encourage the growing of more STREET NORTHERLY TO Daily Insertion .......................................... ...................................... 20 w arriors, the largest in the in- of iorest and the growing of timber, both on national forests THE INTERSECTION OF R ates for Legal and M iscellaneous A dvertising stitu tio n ’s history turned out. The ! “ Cr° PS’ * OffiCial8 ° f and private forests; third, how to GRANITE STREET BY NORTH F irst insertion, per 8 point line ........................................ s .10 Forest Service. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ........ ................... 05 MAIN STREET. big year for the Vandals may not cut down the waste in th e m anu­ Card of Thanks ...................................................... ......................... l ' 00 R ecorder’s Office, Ashland, arrive until next year but they Can Reduce D rain on Forests facture and use of wood. O bituaries, per line By b etter ways of m anufacture • 02 * Oregon. Sept. 26, 1924. will bear w atching in 1924. They Jo in t A ction is N ecessary NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN are scrappers from the word go. i and use the drain on the coun- W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ We believe th a t by better I try ’s forests can be reduced at ii future events, where an admission charge is made or a to all persons interested in the At Corvallis Schissler — ----- _ Coach W V,1IDO1C1 u of , , . . * ,,, , I ways — “* of m “■— anufacture ■““ •'•tuie mm and use uoe the me collection taken is Advertising. ownership of any parcel of land the Aggies ha» a w ealth of m a - i lan„ , r.. ^ ra *n on our forests can be re- No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. 150 . . on Laurel Street and G ranite ¡ terlal, there such equal competi- * lace states in his letter to , . duced by at least one-fourth. This DONATIONS “ representatives of wood-using i n - 1 „„„v, v Street, th at it is proposed by the tion th a t two “ first” team s have dnairio. _____ v . I No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis­ Common Council of said city to dustries, consumers, the building piobIem has not received the a t­ been formed, and it may develop tention it should have. We need ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. construct cement sidewalks on th a t Schissler’s strategy in shift­ crafts, and the general public who more facts than we have as the said streets as follows: i n g an entire squad during a have been asked to name 2,000 basis for a workable program. OCTOBER 2 men and women to whom invita­ On both sides of Laurel Street game will prove DEFRAUD NOT:— For this is the will of God, . . . th a t no disastrous A fter considering the whole m at­ tions to attend the conference man defraud his b r-th e r in any m atter.— 1. Thessalonians 4: 3, 4. between North Main and Almond to th eir opponents, A demon- te r carefully, I have decided to P R A Y E R :— He us, Lord, to be honest with Thee, and then 1 Streets and on both sides of Gran- stration of the equal strength of should be sent. w© cannot be disho- st with ourselves and w ith others. berm en and tim ber own- call a national conference on wood I ite Street from a point where Nut- these two “ first” team s came d ur­ ers ‘ Lum of Oregon and W ashington Novtm’h er 19 on W ashington’ i ley Street intersects said Gran- ing scrimmage last week wljen and 2° ’ In the hope OCTOBER 3 ite Street northerly to the in- the two squads were pitted in a should be keenly interested in this th „, conference and be fully represent- ,8UCh * C° nference may be ... UNLIMITED SUPPLY:— If ye abide in me, and my words i tp«-Pption of Rm nito abide in you, ye shall ask wLat ye will, and it shall be done unto 1 H “ ,Of Gran!te Street by i se-saw battle. ed, for with these two States hav­ able to work out a plan of joint you.— John 15:7. PRA Y ER:— Our F ather, with confidence we come ' Nortl1 Main Street, excepting W hitm an’s hopes for a victory action by Federal, State, and in­ to Thee, for with C hrist Thou w ilt also freely give us all things. i therefrom properties where ce­ over the Oregon Aggies a t Pend­ ing approxim ate!/ one-third of dustrial agencies. The respon­ m ent walks have already been leton Saturday were strengthen­ the rem aining standing tim ber, sibility is a joint one in which the public is looking more and laid. ed during the past week with the the public and the industries W E ARE PROUD OF HIM . . . . i You are hereby summoned and re tu rn of Wyman Ratphford,^ more to the Pacific Northwest alike have a vital interest. Ashland has the national boy gardener champion and I requirod to appear before the heavy guard and three year let for th eir lum ber supply, but what “ The thought is to invite rep­ should be justly proud of-him, says The Portland Ore-!pommon council, at the City Hall te r man. Tilton is providing a is more im portant, will look to resentatives of all the associa­ in t ’.ie City cf Ashland, Oregon, sensation at q u arter and it is be­ Pacific Coast lumbermen and tion and industries financially in­ gonian in the following editorial: loggers to effect all possible re ­ “ii iho 7th Jay of October, 1924, Oregon’may fittingly feel pride in the achievements at 8:30 o’clock P. M. then and lieved he will replace Freddie duction in waste, both in the terested in the m anufacture and Corkrum, dim inutive signal cal­ use of forest products, as well as of the 13-year-old Ashland boy, Barnard Joy, who has there to offer any suggestions or ler of last year. The backfield is wood3 and in the mill,” said Dis­ the representatives of State for­ been chosen as champion juvenile gardener of America. objections to the construction of reported an a irtig h t combination trict Forester Cecil, in comment­ est organizations, the trade and ing on Secretary W allace's call. i and if the line can be bolstered Of the many thousands of members of boys’ and gills’ said sidewalks. general press and public in te re s t' By order of the Common Coun- up W hitman should make a great The Pacific Northwest lum ber­ and education groups. agricultural clubs he has been held the most successful cil. men has shown an interest in fire showing this year. I am hoping th a t you and sev­ prevention, is beginning to be­ agriculturalist, and by no lesser authority than the Veget­ C. H. PIERCE, Down at Eugene the Oregons eral others will come from your Mayor. have three weeks to prepare for come interested in reforestation; own association, and I am asking able Growers’ association, a national organization. It is BIEDE, their next big game— Stanford on but in the problem of cutting if you will suggest .the names of something for any state to declare with satisfaction, that GERTRUDE Recorder. down the waste of tim ber, there one of its children is the lirst child gardener in the nation. Date of first publication, Sept. October 18. The m iserable show­ lias been little or no general .real individuals who will take a live ing of the team in S aturday’s interest in the subject and to Oregon is not unmindful of the distinction. 26, 1924. 22— 2 Fri. game with W illam ette was a interest shown to date, foresters whom I can send personal invita­ hold. And the success of Barnard Joy, in a worth-while stinging surprise to Coach Mad­ tions. I believe the purpose of It is planned to have the two dock. N either on defense or of­ contest, prompts us to hope that other boys and girls will day m eeting attended by represen­ the conference is sufficiently im­ fense did the team meet up with emulate him. We would*not suggest that they turn from tatives of both the wood-consum­ portant to justify the time and the expectations of its mentor. ing industries of the country. their play entirely, and devote all their spare time to the Unless a world of improvement Newspapers, periodicals, ra il­ culture of vegetables, for this would be wrong of us and develops within the coming few roads, builders, architects, for­ weeks before the h ard er games wrong for them. Nor need they emulate Barnard Joy in esters, forest schools, and the PORTLAND, Oct. 2.— The try ­ gardening alone. It will suffice if they emulate his am­ ing days of pre-season football on the schedule arrive the Ore­ general public will be represented. gons are in for some disastrous Secretary W allace will issue his bition and big industry in any pursuit that counts. Most grind, with its all-perplexing defeats. a of the failures in life, we take it, were once hoys and girls problems to coaches, with its zeal Fired with enthusiasm over who thought there was plenty of time left in which to and grim determ ination of as­ their virtual victory Saturday— pirants for perm anent berths will a tie with Oregon U.— the w ar­ study and apply themselves. end this week in the Pacific riors of Coach Rathbun of W il-i As tor Barnard, Joy, we wonder if lie really knows Northwest. It is a week of gruel­ lam ette University are back at what he has won? For he has won far more than the ling scrimmages, a week of hard work in preparation for their prizes that have been bestowed upon him—far more than whipping by anxious,coaches. Out game with W ashington at Seattle these. He hag won the right to feel his worth in the world, of the results of the week end Saturday. Prospects seem bright-) A ID S clashes will come a semblance of er th is year than any in the his-) and to justify this early promise. In a sense he has given som ething more than mere specu­ tory of the institution. hostages to fortune. He must hereafter prove that he was lation as to the relative strength D IG E S T IO N of the doubtful ones, tire mystery Every ad has a message. ^Worthy of the distinction now awarded him. elevens. Up Seattle way they are still Success is insured by using TEACHING BY VISUALIZATION optimistic. The Huskies are WINCHESTER SHELLS The visualization of an object, the association of an looming ever more powerful. object with an historical fact, is proving a successful They look threatening to their ) opponents for the coast champion­ method of teaching, according to school officials. Asso­ ship. The heavy line developed ciation lias always been recognized as one of the best this week is as form idable as any that w’ill add eharm to methods to improve one’s memory and it should add in on the coast— Kuhn, Petrie, Bell­ any h om e, reasonably man and W aters— all veterans, a ‘ priced at terest and value to teaching methods. combination to beat. I)r. S. A. Barrett, head ot the Aliiwaukee public mu­ hard From Pullm an comes the word THE ASHLAND FURNITURE seum, which is used by the Milwaukee schools, highly th a t the Cougars will average COMPANY 187 pounds to the man. W ith recommends the visualization method and says: 83 N. Main “ Somehow people believe most what they can see. most of the beef concentrated on expense consumed it.” in attending F razier & S on TWO SKELETONS FOUND KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 3. — I A scraper operated by a road bui.ding crew on Wocus marsh, ’• five miles north of Klam ath Falls ) unearthed two human skeletons i today, revealing an evident trag-j edy of decades past. The supposition is th at the two persons were drowned there, since the Wocus marsh was form erly an inlet from upper K lam ath lake. Dow about some Cherro Pancake flour these cold, crispy mornings, w ith some pure Alfalfa Honey, and a cup of Golden West or Royal Coffee, and some shredded wheat biscuits toasted, with a little Ash­ land Butter and Apple Sauce. FOR SALE— Old papers a t T id -. Cherro flour is the best on the ings; 25c per «bundle. rfh m arket and every sack guar­ The T iding’s A ils B ring R esu lts anteed. We handle all kinds of feed, all-wheat, cracked Complete line ol Ashland Cin- corn, rolled oats, barley. Mill- nps have had the most followers. “ A schoolboy may he taught history out of a book, but it is far more interesting for him if it is visualized, and that is what we are doing at the Milwaukee Public Museum. “ The groups representing dramatic moments and modes of living at different periods in the history of the United States are life-like models and correct to the last detail. “ In a group representing the Battle of Lexington the uniforms of the soldiers—officers and men—are complete, even the belt-buckles being truly produced. The painted background carries the idea still further, for the houses are copied from styles used in the period represented. “ It certainly is vastly more interesting for a child to see the Battle of Lexington than to read about it. - The memory of the things he has seen will linger after the printed words are long forgotten. “ That these visualized lessons are popular is attested fcy the tact that 300 to 500 school children have two-hour lessons in visualized history each day at the museum. The first lesson is ’spent in hearing a talk and seeing mo­ tion pictures. Then the children are taken to a group that has to do with the part of history they may be studying.” The museum also contains a motion picture film li- iry, from which educational films are loaned to schools. Even Johnny McGraw, veteran Giant fighter, was shocked. It must have been a rotten affaft. ! Hard Wheat :: :: :: :: :: Soft Wheat 3 Fisher’s Blend in 10 lhs., 24V2 lbs., and 49 lbs. Del M onte.............................. 24V2 lhs. and 49 lhs. Snow Ball .............................. 24V. lbs., and 49 lhs. A full line of Cereals—Com Meal, Oat Meal, Pan­ cake Flour, Buckwheat. We have a good 50c coffee for ........................45c We Deliver 20UlCentaryGrocery 31 Stores Y ou win! Y ou can’t lose. I t ’s a sure thing. Buying at any 20TII CENTURY Store is boyind to show’ you a saving. There really are .no better places to trade. Just Received! OFFERINGS SATURDAY and MONDAY, OCTOBER 4TH and 6TH. the New ä A L L E N ’S G herardellis g r o u n d Carnation Milk Chocolaté, 1 lb. can 32c can 9c 3 lb. can 89c -Oth ( entury Brooms—5 sew, medium weight, excellent quality __ $1.00 eadh Full Cream Cheese Pound 30c 0 8 &S 0 Royal Baking Powxler, large cans 43c 2V2 lbs. $1.29 P arlor F urnace . nV ■ ££ £3 )fhn,,tW<>1Tle'tf1l1 J 0" hef“ i ng SyStem that tlle eilti,'e e0Untr>’ !s talking at out Installed in a few- minutes—heats several connecting rooms or an entire small home—does the work of several small stoves. a A Furnace Above the Floor A small furnace beautifully finished in a porcelain enamel-choice of bine room Z l Z g , " PU!n finiSl‘eS_a C°l0r t0 ha™ °nize With your °'™ The Swenson-Peebler Furniture Company . Ashland, Oregon Fancy Crepe Toilet pape;-, 4 rolls 25c Pcets Washing Ma­ chine Soap, large pkg. 33c Mazola Oil—Pints 27c each—Quarts 50c each—OneTIalf Gallons 93c each. The key to success locks the door to success.—Colum­ bia Record. Pussyfoot Johnson rises to tell Londoners that pro- libition opponents in Amreica “ are getting it in the leek,” and somebody else added, “ and it bums all the way down 9 9 31 Stores 201 Main St. 1 We Have Flour for Sale Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store GROCERY} Ball Mason jars, with Good luck rubbers caps and rubbers 89c 3 doz. 25c doz. qts Flour—Crown Olympic or Drifted Snow—49 lb. sacks $2.30—Yrim $2.15. Certo, for grape jelly 2 bottles 65c E X t r a large Italian Prunes, 3 lbs. . . ...,2 5 c Fig bar s, fresiliV baked pound ..................... 19c Macaroni, curve cut, 4 pounds ............. ...27c Swan Matches—Noiseless—They strike—Good size boxes Hersliey Cocoa, U» lb. c a n ................ 17c each ( ‘reme bars . Fancy Sliced Pineapple, medi- um size cans, each tw U 5c S o a p 3 Sea F o a m ............20c Pdr., lge‘. pkg., 2 for 45c Washing Broken sliced Pineapple large size cans, each 20th Century Coffee. The blend that suits your taste—Roasted daily in our own plant—Always fresh—1 lb. 43c, 3 lbs. $1.27 Southern Oregon Convenient Locations ASHLAND 374 E. Main St. MEDFORD 31 N. Central Ave GRANTS PASS 509 G. St.