' ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. VOL. XLVIII. The Tidings' Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News W ire Service) Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. OREGON HAS SMALL VOTE DIGEST POLL , DUCKS THICK AT TULE LAKE j UK AL H U N IER S REPORTED MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 BETTING IS 1 TD COOLIDGE IS SURVEY WILL F BASEBALL GOSSIP ! 5; THE SENATORS ALLIED WITH BEMADENOW SURE 10 FOLLOW HAVE PREFERENCE WALL STREET HIGH POINTS , GAS DROP WAS MISTAKE; PRICE STILL 2(1 CENTS LA FOLLETTE XX ---------- XX ' XX Thursday afternoon a ru- XX « « Messrs. Oldfield, Stock, tt • XX nior started around th a t XX U Kay, Mason and McClellan, it XX gasoline had dropped three XX « who retu rn ed yesterday from it i XX cents in price and one ac- XX it a hunting expedition at Tule i t ; ! XX tually placed a sign out in XX it Lake in N orthern California, it , XX front th a t the price of gas XX ♦i reported the ducks were so it ! XX was 20 cents plus 3 cents for XX Scalpers A rrested As I R eported O’C onnell, W ho Did j T icket it thick th a t they once* or it ■ XX tax, total 23 cents. XX Price Shot Skyw ard; W ill B ribe Stunt, S eeks Talk XX twice thought they were go- XX j X X The sign did not remain X X H ave Bad W eather W ith Czar Landis XX ing to light on their gun XX _____ So Senator Brookhart, Who XX up very long however, and XX Local Organization Has P re­ xx Council Orders Probe of a; WASHINGTON, Oct. 3— “What! WASHINGTON, Gives Coolidge Safe Lead xx barrels. Oct. 3 — Has Denounced Dawes, | « very few m otorists profited XX pared Royal Welcome Over Opponents; La Fol- ¡« ’ They h u n te d W e d n esd a y xx Possible Dam Site at for Sen. Wheeler will it lead to ” is the question on J Cloudy w eather tomorrow and Says in Statement ; « by the error, as the m istake XX lette Is Second ’ « and a short time Thursday xx i High Elevation the lips of the baseball fans as a ' showers Sunday is the w eather --------- XX was soon ascertained and XX ---------- i XX morning and baggeU oue XX! ---------- It XX HERE ON WEDNESDAY the O’C onnell-D olan'predictions for th e world series. BACK TO MAKE FIG H T!« the old sign returned. FALLS’result of CLOSE X X goose and 110 ducks. The « BEFORE SNOW CALIFORNIA IS XX wa3 not stated from w hat « which open tomorrow. I scandal. i XX geese, they said, were all XX ! ---------- XX source the erroneous report XX Will Be Taken By A uto to Horn­ Betting is brisk in W ashington, Says He Never Intended Leave The tem porary lull of the tem ­ W isconsin S till in Lead o f th e i xx flyin g high and out of reach. XX ' V otes M axim um o f $ 4 0 0 for Tills brook for Speech Tliere Republican Party; War oil XX originated. « with the Senators ruling 7 to 5 pest is expected to be renewed Prelim inary W ork, W hich D em ocratic Candidate, But and Then to W eed l XX They also reported th a t they XX • P en rose and New berry X X « « « « « « « « « « « « after the series, with fu rth er in­ as the- favorite. There has been May P rove Valuable L atter is G aining i XX almost got stuck in the XX J vestigations. Judge Landis de- one large bet, $11,000 to $10,000 The La Follette - W heeler or­ XX quagm ire road which leads XX j EMMETSBURG, la., Oct. 3— I n , d a re d ‘‘the abortive attem pt was on the Giants. A prelim inary survey of a pos­ ganization in this city is prepar­ The small vote registered iu i XX to the hunting grounds. XX H undreds of governm ent agents a scathing denunciation of P res’- j ing for a royal reception for The Literary Digest nationwide jXXXXXXXXttXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX sible site for the proposed dam to made to bribe a’ ball player toj dent Coolidge and the “ Republi-, throw the game, but th e attem pt descended this afternoon on the increase A shland's w ater supply poll from the state of Oregon, in --------------------------- Senator Burton K. W heeler, the Senator Brook- failed. That is all there is to i t . ’ ticket scalpers, who have been can» m achine,” th eir issue of October 4, 1924, vice-presidential candidate who or storage from Ashland creek . reaping a rich harvest during the ! h art of Iow a’ deuied todayt lh a t i will be made immediately by En­ Why call off the series?” will be here for an hour W ednes­ gives: The w hereabouts of Jimmy O’- last 48 hours, selling series’ tic k - ihe ls a traito r the Republican gineer S tu art McKissick, accord­ Coolidge ...................................1455 day, October 8th. Connell is a mystery, but it is re-i ets at exorbitant prices. ! P«** demanding the with-, ing to a decision of the city coun­ The local organization, with Davis .......................................... 389 ported th a t his team m ates sm ug-1 The treasury departm ent today draw al of General Dawes as t cil last night at a special session. Dr. Brouer as chairm an, Mrs. L. La Follette ............................... 4 68 vice-pres’dential candidate. This site is located at a high I gled him aboard the train out of .ordered the a rrest of several hun- The total vote in this week’s Senator B rookhart o p e n l y C h aiges Made B y B utler Of Hilty as secretary and M. E. Ply- I elevation where snow may fall j pity and th at he accompanied th e 'd re d speculators who are operat- mate, E. Ii. Bush, W alter Ever­ poll is 689,019 and gives: R epu blicans F alseh ood, So A dearth charged President Coolidge with ■ a t any time, which would block I team to W ashington from New p n g w ithout a license ton and E. R. H arris as members Coolidge ............................. 397,522 W isconsin S tates affiliation with the “ Wall Street fu rth er surveying there until York to seek a conference w ith 1 of tickets is causing a mad scram ­ Davis ................................... 118,259 of the finance committee, was Bloc“ and with desertion from the ble for tickets, selling from $50 next April or May, so the council Judge Landis. of La Follette ...................... 164,366 Jury D eclares He is G uilty recently formed to boost La Fol­ basic principles of Lincoln Repub­ .. .WASHINGTON- Oct. 3— A for­ to $100. is in a hurry to have the survey The main interest in the poll lette and W heeler in this region. L eading a Gang W hich mal denial of the charges of licanism. completed immediately. The local committee announc­ A ssaulted Girl still centers around the vote in FORMER SEC. FAIR Brookhart declared. “ I have Chairman Butler, of the Repub­ This is in connection with the j California, which, this week, is: ed th a t W heeler’s speech in P ort­ BOARD MARRIED KIANGStJ ARMY HALTS never thought of leaving the lican national committee, th a t a FREDERICK, Md. Oct. 3. — special report made a few days Coolidge ............................... 45,324 land. Tuesday evening would be CHEKIANG FIGHTERS party. On the otheT hand, I am “coalition” exists between the ago at the chamber of commerce Davi3 ........................-........... 6,124 H arry Leatherm an, form er Sun- A report reached Ashland yes­ back in Iowa to fight the falsity I Democrats and the La Fol,ette boardcast at 9 a. m. sites. terday th a t Fred Currey, ex-sec­ SHANGHAI, Oct. 3. — The La Follette .......................... 38,926 ' day school teacher, was today forum of possible dam Senator W heeler will arrive at an(j ! Independents to elect Governor The Digest comments: ‘‘The found guilty of being the ring- While there is nothing definite retary of the state fair board, and Chekiang troops have retreated and corruption of Penrose Roseburg Wednesday on No. 53 I Bryan was made by the La Fol­ first returns, when the votes stood ; leader of the mobs which tarred as to the feasibility of the pro­ Miss Davis, who it is said was two miles following the heavy Newberry.” and will speak there about 30 or lette headquarters, today. a t 25,000, gave Coolidge, 16,071; j and feathered Dorothy Grandon posed dam site which will be with Currey in a recent autom o­ fighting at Sungkiang, the Kiang- 40 minutes. From there he will Davis, 3,792 and La Follette, 5,-j last July. He faces a term in the surveyed, it is felt th a t it m ight bile wreck, were m arried in this su forces halting th eir advance NEW DECORATION PLAN go by automobile to G rants Pass, FOR CITY OF MEDFORD DALLES MAN HELD 596. It will readily be seen that penitentiary of from two to 20 offer a solution of the need for city Tuesday, but no inform ation at nightfall. speaking there for 30 minutes. AS TRAIN WRECKER Then by automobile to Medford, more storage from which to sup­ relative to this could be ascer­ Mr. Davis’s present vote is at a years. The Medford post of the Ameri­ HAZING RESULT SERIOUS ply the city with more w ater tained here. Practically all the much improved ratio. In the j --------- —>--------- THE DALLES, Oct. 3.— W. M. where he wiil also speak. Com­ can Legion will tomorrow m orn­ than the available supply at pres­ local m inisters were interviewed, • SALEM, Oct. 3. — H arry Min­ earliest returns, Mr. Coolidge had | DISCUSS REOPENING Pendleton has been arrested here ing to Ashland by automobile he ing sta rt actively at work on its to, son of Frank Minto, chief of between four and five times as hut none had perform ed the cere­ OF LOCAL NORMAL ent. i in connection with attem pting to will remain here longer than at A maximum of $400 was ap­ mony. many as his Democratic oppon­ police, was bedfast today a3 the plan to have the business sec­ wreck two fast mail trains near any of his other stops in south­ ent. In the present poll of 689,- result of Salem’s annual outburst tion of the city adopt a uniform G. A. Briscoe, Homer Billings, propriated by the council for this Hood River. The authorities be­ ern Oregon, being here for an 019 votes, the Republican candi­ A. C. Joy and J. H. Fuller re ­ prelim inary survey. This is from of hazing among the high school method of decoration hereafter Game Body A sks $ 7 8 7 ,1 1 0 hour's speech at the armory. lieve him mentally unbalanced. date has only a trifle more than turned yesterday afternoon from the balance in the Canyon Road Since he can leave here in au­ SALEM, Oct. 3. — It will re­ students. It was said th a t young at all patiiotic observances and three times as many, a very con­ Monmouth, Oregon where they fund of about $800. The bal- quire $787,110 to conduct af- Minto is suffering from a high celebrations, Tiays The Medford tomobile at about the same time siderable reduction in his propor­ met with the state normal board ance left after this prelim inary | fairs of the state game commis- fever and was threatened with Mail Tribune. th at the train does and still be The Legion’s plan is to have tional lead. Mr. La Follette, also in a discussion relative to th e survey wiil perm it of additiona j gion during t he next biennium, pneumonia. Jack Spong, also a in Hornbrook for a 80-ininutes at the the j according t0 an estim ate of the victom of the hazing, suffered no small holes sunk in the sidewalk has cut down the lead of the local norm al school building and work during the w inter at speech and still leave on the train President, the first returns show­ its possible reopening in the near lower elevations and it may he 1 proposed expenditures filed in the visible injury, but was forced to next to the curb in front of each for Weed, the local La Follette- th at no fu rth er appropriation, office of the state budget commis- spend most of last night w ander­ place of business in which will ing the Coolidge strength at ap­ future. 1 W hee'er club num bers will ru?h will he needed to he voted by the g.on today> Expenses of th e de­ ing about the hills east of the b e placed an iron pipe for a hold­ proxim ately three to one in La- tl ?»ca.idid.i‘o from lu re to Horn­ PORTLAND, Oct. 2. — A sug­ brook by automohie. er to contain a twelve-foot flag people until next spring. | pa rt ment for the present bien- city. F ollette’s ease, while the present The councilmen discussed the . nium were j6g9,567. The larg- rep o rt gives somewhat less than It was reported th a t the two staff flying a four by six United gestion that the proper au th o ri­ advisahility of putting to vote egt increase in the budget for the boys were seized by a num ber of States f ’.ag oh the-e occasions. ties inquire into the legality and COUNTESS WAS TN tw o and a half to one. Mr. La F o llette’3 popular vote continues the question of a sufficiently large , yearg ig in t be hatch- high school students, placed in Between observances each busi­ propriety of the investm ent of SALEM A tT O WRECK to be well above th a t registered fund for the complete surveying : efy departm ent and aggregates automobiles and driven some dis­ ness concern will have its flag sinking funds of school districts by Mr. Davis, but, of course, on PORTLAND, Oct. 3— While en tance from Salem, where they and staff in storage, and a rae- in installm ent bonds of invest- of the w atershed. All were un­ $86,000. tai cap will be screwed down on ment companies was made yester- route to Portland from California the basis of the returns so far animous in approving this idea, were left to find th eir way home. 3.- Estim ated receipts of the com­ KLAMATH, FALLS, Oct day by ex-Governor W est and W ednefday inorrii.g. received, Mr. Davis would have The purchase of *240 acres of hut the method of doing this or mission for the next biennium Officers said th a t an investiga­ the flagstaff hole. Countess The local legion post has ob­ George Bieck, public accountant Constance Graham and her hus­ th e greater num ber of votes in land by the Southern Pacific Rail­ the tim e when it should be done were fixed at $745,120, as against tion of the hazing would be con­ tained contract figures for the who (o n s'itu te the committee ap- band, Sir C: 11 Edgerton Graham th e Electorial College. Only Wis­ road company near where the was not settled. Some thought it $725,242 for the present bien­ ducted. work of m aking these poles, flag pOin, -j ; y Governor Pi rce to in- of London and Paris, who have consin is thus far credited to the new line to the north crosses should go on the November hal- nium. nnles etc which will make the vest -e stock .” ;1 1; • tl 1 S" s ’ s in been touring by motor along the W isconsin Senator, with Minne­ Sand creek has caused rum ors to lott, others th a t a special election ( Ori gon. This practice in invest­ Pacific coast, suffered an auto ac- expense « < * ol bU,,,,eM sota where he was expected to spread throughout this city th at should he held, while some ing funds is now in vogue in some c’dent dear Salem which resulted co-operating, only $ Li­ have a considerable lead, thus ■ locatad the division thought the balance in The Can­ lt is expected th a t every busi­ d istricts; said the report, which fa r. safe in the Republican col- company> yon Road fund would cover all in slight injuries to the countess ness place will heartily co-oper­ added (hat there was great dang­ and necessitated the re tu rn of the work which could be done during umn. This m atter came before the ate, as they have in various other er of consequent losses. The re­ The vote for the three cane i - (Urector3 of the cham ber of corn- the w inter and th a t spring would , party to San Francisco. and towns of Oregon, and port of the committee, sent to the dates. Coolidge, La Follette and reg u lar weekly meet- he early enough for an election, ______ The accident occurred about 16 I SPARTANSBURG, S. C. Oct. 3. cities the Legion committees will he-1 governov yesterday, follows: Davis by states, their total votes Tuesday noon and the rail- 3 1,—At noon the oil tank fire, which miles outside of S a le m , Your com nvttee, appointed to gin signing up the local business • and the grand total, which ‘n_-; road comraittee, J. A. Gordon., and of the f i v e members investigate the sales of stocks and places tomorrow. chairm an, was asked for inform a­ of tiff? Graham party the countess on the sleeve of Major Alexander tric t of the city since early this (Continued on page 4) Bv this uniform plan of pati 10- bonds in this state, finds that a tion on this and for any report question to the incoming coun­ C onkhite’s arm y blouse th reaten 1 morning, raged as fierce as ever, was the only one injured. She tic decoration, which presents a num j,f.r of investm ent companies which th a t committee desired to cil, which will be elected at the to become the most vital evidence with little chance of bringing the was treated in a Salem hospital beautiful and inspiring sight, the ( jjave j,een inducing school dis- ASHLAND FURN. CO. make on the m atter of the loca­ November election. blaze under control. People and removed Wednesday evening IN ITS NEW HOME tion of a division point by the The council also passed a reso­ in the trial of Roland Pothier, have abandoned th eir buildings city could be appropriately de tricts to invest their sinking to the train for California. who is the alleged m urder of corated on an hour or so’s notice, funds in installm ent bonds issued lution granting the California Lady Graham is a former New near the blaze. Two million gal­ The Ashland F u rn itu re com­ Southern Pacific. Cronkhite six years ago. by said concerns. it is claimed. While no knowledge as to the o re g0n Box and Lum ber company York girl and holds her title of lons of gasoline and oil in the pany, which has been occupying The new decoration system “ It is apparent th at boards of exact use. to which the 240 acresj a 25-year lease on the mill site . countess by a form er mar. iage. tanks is now considered lost. two buildings on N orth Main will be first put into use on Arm- d irectors of hut few of these dis- of Sand creek will he put is claim- in this city. In England she is well known as COAL LEASES A R E FILE D street has moved into the Mc­ istice day, November 11, when t r jcts are ¡n position, to iuvesti- Carthy building at 83 North Main ed by the committee of the cham IN SISKIYOU COUNTY GOVERNMENT PLANS it is planned to stage a big cele- gate the strength and character a, w riter. Sir Cyril is a son oi Looks Good to H im TIM BER SALE IN street combining the two stores, her of commerce, it was stated bration in Medford. I of these investm ent concerns or Lady Foulkstone. FREM ONT FO REST A. S. Rosenbaum, district The vis'tors sailed from Eng­ This combination of the store : th at information from various YREKA, Cal., Oct. 2.— Leases --------—--------------- j the worth of their securities, with makes it more convenient for the high officials of the company fail­ freight and passenger agent of on several thousand acres of land VINING BANQUET G t’fcST ■ the re8a lt th at there is great dan- land on the same boat as tin- u r e proprietors as well as the ed to indicate th a t as a division The Southern Pacific*. dropped in in the Ager coal field district, a Announcement was made of Irving E. Vining, president of ! gcr Of SOme of these districts suf- Prince of Wales, and accompan­ The Tidings office yesterday and few miles northeast of Yreka and the coming sale by the govern­ Considerable im- ied his party into Canada. Coun point. custom ers, the Oregon State Chamber of fering a loss. .stated conditions looked very m ent of from 200,000,000 to 300,- Montague, were filed with Alice tess Constance is a close friend provem ents and remodelling is to Commerce, on the eve of his de- “ i n order th at the sinking favorable in Ashland, w ith all the STATE GIVES MAN RANCH 000,000 feet of tim ber in the M. Young, recorder for Siskiyou be done yet. but the store is open parture on a trip th at will bring f linds of the several school dis­ of Princess Mary of England. SALEM, Oct. 3. — 9. L. Crites, stores busy and everybody carry­ County, here today. Frem ont national forest, in which The party is planning to con-, for business. him in contact with a num ber of , tricts niay be fully protected, we 41 years of age, form erly an em­ ing an optimistic spirit. The papers show the lessee is grow one of the few rem aining the leading business men of the i WOuld respectfully -suggest that tinue east from California iu a , . --* " • COOS BONDS GET BLOW ploye of the W ilbur Lumber com­ R. D. C lark, who has made his large stands of fine quality yel- east, was the guest of honor at a