Thursday, October d, UHM pao »: rbbtt CITATION ' ed this 25th day of A ugust, A. D | infrequent. No reports of deer light oi a decline of 8.1 per cent MARINES CALLED i killing -by panthers have been IN THE COUNTY COURT OF 1924- in building m aterial prices over TO FIGHT FIRE CHAUNCEY FLOREY, turned in. the year period. The fru it can­ THE STATE OF OREGON, County Clerk SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. 2. — ning season Is now drawing to a I In the vicinity of Kroll and COUNTY OF JACKSON. By DELILIA STEVENS, Commercial factors qsti->! The m arines were called out here close. ¡Ada, where the Alaska moose, now In the M atter of the Estate of A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of ______ m ate th a t the pack in California j early this morning and dispatched JOHN W. HERRIN, Deceased. z Deputy j 2 years old, are ranging in ter- local interest E. D. Briggs, Adminis- . ritory ten miles square, the ani- To W illiam F. H errin, David SALEM Oct. 2. __Orders s to p -jwi11 be &li8htly sm aller, and th at to Descanso to help fight the trato r, Ashland, Oregon, j luais are doing well and are often brush fire which has been fanned C. H errin, Fred W. H errin, Ed-1 ping all fu rth er enlistm ents, ex- in Oregon and W ashington ap­ winds since Monday. Thurs. 5t j seen about the homesteads and ward W. H errin, Caroline B. Dix- i : cept for replacem ents, were tele­ proxim ately the same as last year. there by t__ _______________ In Town— lakes. Three came into a school This year’s pack is meeting a on, Mary Kilgore and unknown graphed to all organization com­ Ashland Lodge No. 23 E. J. B arrett of Portland is in m anders of the Oregon National steady m arket demand a t prices TWO INDIANS INDICTED y“ard not long ago and made heirs, if any there be, of said I A. F. & A. M. ON LIQUOR CHARGES town for a few days on business. guard which have tended upward as the friends with the children. They estate, and to ail other persons by B rigadier - General Special communication, T h u rs-' season advances. were kept at a farm for some claiming any interest in the es-1 George A. W hite, commanding. day evening, Oct. 2. F irst D e-, No agen t In Southern Oregon PORTLAND, Oct. 2. — Hollis­ tate of saiii deceased: The total volume of trade time after being liberated and This action came when the guard gree. Light refreshm ents after can w rite better A nto insurance te r McCoy faces trial on three transacted in the district, as in­ became quite domesticated. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE completed its expansion to 100 work. Meet a t 7:30 o’clock. or a t low er rates than th e Staples per cent of its present authorized dicated by debits to individual ac­ counts, the charge based on al­ OF OREGON. M. H. ELLIS, W. M. Agency. You and each of you are hereby ’ quota of 3100 men, and follow­ counts a t banks in 20 clearing leged sales of liquor to Indian's. M A R S H F IE L D , S ept. 30. __ W. H. DAY, Sec y. TORE DOWN DUMP ing the receipt by General W hite house centers, declined slightly He is said to have supplied a large notified th a t on the 25th day of! D istrict Game W arden Fish has 26— 2 Cliff Payne Makes brackets. of instructions from the w ar de­ during August as compared with quanity of hard liquor to Indians August, 1924, E. D. Briggs, the j made a survey of the game deni­ The excavaton at the Lithian partm ent to check the grow th of July, but wa3 still slightly above who were entering on a week of duly appointed, qualified and act­ zens of Coos county and believes hotel site is progressing so rap­ Stated Session The Indian police ing adm inistrator of said estate R eturns H o m e - the guard until congress makes estim ated norm al and well above celebration. idly th a t the wagon dump had H illa h Tem ple Miss Tillie Anderson of Gold fu rth er provision for its expan­ the low point reached in June. chief on the reservation was said filed in said C o u rt a petition, duly there are 300 elk in the county. to be torn down Thursday m orn­ M asonic H all Hill, who has been visiting in sion. Retail trade activity increased by to have participated in the w et verified, praying said Court for i W arden Fish bases this estim ate ing to continue the work. The upon his own observations and Friday evening October 3. Rop- Ashland for several days, retu rn ­ ‘ The fact th at the strength of less than the usual seasonal party and as a result lost his job. an Order of sale of the whole of I oa inform ation obtained from workmen are certainly cutting Mahoney also wras indicted a the real property of said estate tine business. Refreshm ents. ed to her home yesterday. the guard in your state is so am ount during August and the into the granite. second time, accused of having on the grounds and for the pur- J hom esteaders and residents of P. B. HERMAN, Potentate increased buying, which appear­ much iW excess of the m ainten- the isolated section. One party W H DAY, Recorder. Imogene W allace, piano classes ance strength indicates a high ed in July, subsided, so th a t trade transported a stolen automobile poses therein stet forth, which 27— 2 begin Septem ber 25. F o r lnfor-j standard a nd great in terest,” the at wholesale again presented from W alla W alla, W ash., to New­ said real property is described as reported counting 36 elk in one herd this summer in the district follows: mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss; depa rtm ent telegraphed. “ The m arked irregularities. Here also, berg, Oregon. known as the Tioga country. The In Jack son ville— The not tru e bills were re tu rn ­ Beginning a t the southeast Wallace, Central Point. 13— tf war departm ent is placed in the however, the August figures re­ other herds are sim ilar, with the $230 E. E. Phipps is spending the corner of the N ortheast quar­ unfortunate position of apparent­ flected a .more favorabl situ a­ ed against Amos K ist, Indian, main portion of them iu the coun­ day in Jacksonville on business. R egister Now— te r of Section 33, Twp. 38 S. ly placing a dam per on the growth tion than th a t which prevailed in who was implicated with Thomas try east of Coos bay toward the and F o ste r Barkley in the alleged June. The num ber and liabilities R. 1 E. of W. M. in Jackson The Billings office will be open; of your flourishing organization. Douglas county line and in the Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, unUl eight o’clock tomorrow but immediate action mu3t be of business -failures w ithin the liquor law violation. The other County, Oregon; Thence North northeastern section of Coos 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. (F riday) night so th a t people taken to prevent the fu rth er in7 d istrict during August were, less “ release” went to W. F. Corrigan, on the section line between county. 26— tf may register. Everyone is urged crease in stren g th .” by more than 15 per cent than accused on two counts of posses­ Sections 33 and 34 60 rods; A few herd are known to be sion and transportation of liquor. during July. T hence W est 40 rods; to register immediately so th at Oregon is the only.-.northwest inhabiting the southw estern part Moved Office— Increases in commercial de­ Thence South 60 rods; Thence they will not be too late. state affected by the order, ac­ of the county east and 3outh from Dr. Gordon Mac< icken has E ast 40 rods, to the place of cording to inform ation received mand for credit, resulting both Albany R ail Men Back Coolidge Powers. ALBANY, Oct. 2— Not all ra il­ the F irst moved hls office fri beginning, containing 15 acres, Get my price® before you buy at guard headquarters, adjoining from seasonal needs of trade and In the coast section, according N ational Bank Builcnig to his your Fall clothes— P aulserud’s. states not having passed the fed­ from recent slight increases in road men are for La Follette for there being a small house on to the w arden’s records, eight elk residence at 262 Hargadine, FOR the land, 11 acres improved and 26— tf eral m aintenance strength. Ore­ business activity, have been met president, as the form ation of a have been killed this summer. Of local railroad m en’s Coolidge 4 acres untillable, of which he gon is 40 per cent in excess of by member banks out of their these two were killed at H unter W illiam is the owner in entirety in his j One Cent Sale a t McNair Bros., Successful H u n t - federal strength requirem ents and own resources. Commercial loans club clearly indicates. j head, in Curry, and a third one own right. next week. Fred Taylor and E arnest Biden has 100 per cent of its prescrib­ of 66 reporting member banks Dickson, general yardm aster, has : near the same vicinity. Two were The E state of his father has returned l^te yesterday evening ed nuota for the first tim e as the in the principal cities of the dis­ been elected chairm an of the: I dressed and used, but the third Returns— never been divided and d istrib u t­ from their quail hunt, bringing ’•esult of recent recruiting activ - trict increased $5,000,000 during club. i was left. In the district above J. L. Corbett, who has been two turkeys. They did not explain . ed among the heirs, and the real th e four weeks ended September Allegany, near Fall creek, three , ,ty ’ visiting in Ashland for several how they were obtained. TARBELL FOR DAVIS property belonging to the said Belief was expressed by General 10,1924. A reduction of $4,- elk have been slain, but the kil­ days, returned to Hungry Creek WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 2. estate, of which he was the own­ by ' W hite th a t the restriction will be 000,000 in loans secured lers have not been apprehended. where he is working today. stocks and bonds and of $2,000,- — MiS3 Ida M. Tarbell, magazine er of a one-eighth interest there­ MARCEL AND CURL LAST in effect fo- nosslbly more than Coyotes are the worst enemies Our Phone 82 000 in investm ents provided the w riter, fam ous a u th o r of “ The in, is described, as follows: LONGER a fte r a Golden Glint f rv r'.octVs. Main • P laza Ashland of deer, W arden Fish declared, The NW K of Section 8, Twp. funds necessary to care for this History of the Standard Oil Com­ Rexall One Cent Sale next Shampoo. but depredations this year are increase in commercial borrow­ pany,” “ The Life of Abraham 35 S. R. 2 W. of W. M. contain­ W eek.— McNair Bros. ing. Demand deposits of report­ Lincoln” and “ The Business of ing 160 acres. R eturn H om e— V isitin g H ere— A one-eighth interest in all the ing banks have increased further, Being a W oman,” will vote for Mrs. B. M, H eath and son, Mrs. Fay Potter of Bray, is Bobble, returned home Tuesday following described property, the and a t $781,000,000 on Septem­ John W. Davis for president. same being situated in Twp. 38 visiting at the home of her par­ evening from Eagleville, Missouri, ber 10th, were at record levels. S. R. 1 E of the W. M. "in Jack- E arning assets of .th e Reserve ENGLAND SINKING INTO ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. K ellar where Mrs. H eath was called by son County, Oregon: Bank increased slightly during SEA AS SCOTLAND RISES of Allison street. the sickness and death of her THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL The S% of NW Vi, the SWV4, the m onth as a resu lt of p ur­ father. On their trip they also chases of governm ent securities LONDON, Oct. 2.— England is and th e W % of the SEVi, Sec­ TOMORROW and SATURDAY Save $10.00, walk upstairs to visited Mr. H eath’s m other at and of acceptances. Discounts of slowly^ sinking into the sea, but tion 2, containing 320 acres. Orres tailor shop. 17— tf Garden Grove, Iowa. The SV6 of the N E ü , the the bank, at $16,000,000 on Sep­ to the same extent to which the SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29.— tem ber 17th, were at the lowest SE% of the NW Vi, the N% of British Isles is losing ground, the V isitin g H ere— A drama of daring exploits, Complete line of new ready-to- H esitant improvement character­ the SV£, the S% of the SWVi, point reached since the la tte r part northern section — Scotland— is Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Day of Hon­ wear Suits and O’Coats. We are hair-breadth escapes, secret ized the business situation in the and the SE% of the SBV4, Sec­ of 1917. In terest rates have re ­ gaining. olulu are visiting in Ashland for tailors and can fit you. — Paul- amours, thrills and suspense— Twelfth Federal Reserve District Recent hydrographic surveys tion 3; containing 400 acres. several days on their way home 3erud’s. 26— tf during A ughst. A definite ex­ mained a t low levels. of love and life and death in Lots 1 and 2, the SV& of the show th a t during the last fifty from a trip to England. They are pansion in industrial activity was year3 Scotland’s height above sea N E % , the SEVi of the NWV4, the cauldron of an epochal visiting the Mowatt family here Pass Through— noted, but seasonal gains in vol­ level has increased by half an the diagonal NE% of the NEVi, and are registered at the Hotel revolution. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. W ahl of ume of trad e at wholesale and of the SWV4, and the SEVi, Sec­ inch. England’s average height Ashland. Portland passed through Ashland retail were sm aller than usual. above sea level, however," is half tion 4; containing 378 acres. today on th eir way to Florida. The trend of the general price The diagonal NE% of the NEV4 an inch below th a t of fifty years Complete line of Ashland Can­ They are touring in a Maxwell level was upward, although of Section 9, containing SO acres. ago. 94-tf car. Mr. W ahl is a p rin ter on the coiyiter movements were frequent ned Goods at Detricks. The NEV4, the NWV4, the d i­ Humorous com m entators as­ Portland Oregonian and called and not all commodities shared In IN agonal NE % of the NW % of the cribe Scotland’s gain to an abnor­ Leave for P ortland— at the Tidings office. the advances. Funds for financ­ the SWVi mal chest and head expansion as S W U , the EV6 of J. W. McCoy and Rawles Moore ing business continued In ample and the N% of the SEV4. PORTLAND, Oct. 2.— Agricul­ a result of Prem ier Ramsay Mac­ of Medford left last night for Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ supply at low rates, and m em ­ Section 10; containing 500 acres. P ortland where they will appear ity Bread, from the oven over ber banks were able to take for tu ral conditions in Oregon and Donald’s success as Great B rit­ A picture that sweeps into • The NVfe of the N W U , the ain’s first ^pbor Prem ier. Mac­ before the Unites States district the counter, 8 and 12c. 22— 64 the slightly increased needs of W ashington are recovering rapid­ SWV4 of the NW Vi, and the reality lives worth living and court. th eir commercial borrowers w ith­ ly from the recent period of de­ Donald hails from the Scottish NW% of the SWV4, Section 11: presión, and with favorable grow­ moors. hearts worth dying for. At, G rants P ass— out recourse to the Federal Re­ containing 160 acres. ing and m arketing conditions of Ladies and childrens hats — Glenn Addis left this morning serve Bank. The NEVi, the EV6 of the Mrs. R. Potter, 30 2nd St. 26-2* for G rants Pass w here he will Fact and opinion concerning 1925, the farm ers of th e two Siren Placed— N W % , the SEVi, and the E% A grass and fence fire in the LAST TIMES TODAY spend several days assisting Mike present and prospective returns states will have discharged their of the SWVi, Section 21; contain­ re a r of a barn near 709 South obligations and have an appreci­ Noble Grand Club Meeting— Ceei' B. DeMille’s “ TRIUM PH” Clemens with his one cent sale to farm ers for th eir 1924 crops ing 480 acres. Oakdale a t 12:30 Tuesday a fte r­ able financial surplus, according The Past Noble Grand Club of at the Rexall store there. are exerting a particularly im­ The NW Vi, the SW Vi, the W % the Hope Rebekah Lodge will p ortant influence on the general to ” John H. Guill of Chico, Cal., noon resulted in causing the fire of the EV6, the SEVi of the m eet a t the home of Mrs. Gil­ Coming’ Tues., Wed., Thurs. Sweet cream for whipping and business situation this year. Al­ member of the federal farm loan departm ent some lively work be­ NEVi, and the E% of the SEVi. fore it was extinguished. Fire board, on a tour of inspection of bert, 600 W alnut Street, tom or­ coffee— also fresh milk, always though definite statem ent m ust Chief E llio tt and the police warn Section 22, containing 520 acres. row afternoon (F riday) at two on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf aw ait completion of harvesting th« N orthwest. The NWV4, of the NEVi, and Loans aggregating more than the auto drivers to at once draw’ o ’clock.— Josephine (B. . Crockter, and disposal of a larger propor­ the N % of the N % of the NW Vi , 27— 1 B u ild in g B u n g a lo w - tion of the crops than has already 95,000,000 have been made to up to th e side of the street when Secretary. Section 27; containing 80 acres One of the im portant building been m arketed, it is safe to say farm ers of Oregon, W ashington, they hear the siren whistle at the And the NEVi of the NW Vi, T Ï - Idaho and M ontana, through the corner of Main and F ro n t streets Back in Ashland— stru ctu re going up at the present th a t recent increases in prices of and the N% of the NEVi, Sec­ Melvin Borah returned to Ash­ time which -was not m entioned in agricultural products have done federal land bank at Spokane, blown for a fire, This siren was tion 28; containing 120 acres. land Tuesday after spending the the list of improvements in a re­ much to improve the outlook in Guill said and the funds have placed especially as the signal NOW, THEREFORE, in pursu­ been used in improving proper­ w'hen blown for all autos to line sum m er in South Dakota with cent issue is the building at the farm ing sections. Crop produc­ ties ,and increasing production. ance of the Order of said Court up along the stre et curbs. A r­ relatives there. He will enter corner of Church and Almond. tio n -fo r th e d istrict was gener­ The m arket for federal land hank rests will follow any failure to duly made and entered upon the high school immediately and play This is a modern California bun­ ally sm aller in volume this year bands is strengthening and th e heed this signal.— Mail-Tribune. filing of said Petition, you and galow and is being built by C. E. than in 1923, and slightly below on the football team. agricultural industry- throughout each of you are hereby notified From an. When finished it will the average of recent years. the country is rapidly being stab­ th a t you are required to appear R eports of increasing indus­ be one of the nicest homes in Visiting Here— L etterheads, statem ents, t o before the said Court on Satur­ trial production, which were quite ilized. Mr. and Mrs. £>. M. G riffith of Ashland. Accompanying Guill on hia tour your order a t the Tidings Office. day th ^ 4th day of October, 1924, num erous during the la tte r p art San Diego are visiting in Ashland of investigation are W. D. Ellis, We have a good job printing de­ a t ten o’clock In the forenoon of Special Auto Accident Policy of July, have been confirmed by for a few days, staying at the partment. tf said day, a t the Court room of the statistical record for August. president of the federal land for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo H otel Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. said Court In Jacksonville, Jack- Lum ber mills and m etal mines bank of Berkeley, Cal.; W. C. 24-tf • G riffith were form er owners of of course. 80n County, Oregon, to show of the d istrict have increased Dean, chief inspector; W. A. Mc­ Return Horae__ th e Eagle Ridge Tavern on the J. H. Fuller, Geo. A. B riscoe,’ cause, if any exist, why an Order th eir output in response to a Neill, reviewing appraiser for the K lam ath Lakes and are now pro­ Llthians to Play— federal land bank of Tennessee, H om er Billings and A. C. Joy re­ of Sale of the whole of said real Can th e raw m eat eating Cave­ growing demand for th eir pro­ prietors of the Keystone Hotel In and A. F. Cardon, reviewing ap­ turned this m orning from a busi­ property should not be made as men defeat the fizz w ater d rin k ­ ducts on a strengthening m arket. San Diego. praiser for Utah. ness trip to Salem. They have prayed for in said petition. ing L ithians in football? The The building industry has con­ The party visited a num ber of been gone for several days. Service of this Citation by pub­ tinued active at levels only slight­ Mitchels. Auto tops, curtains, L lthians think it cannot be done. ly below the record figures of a W illam ette valley towns on the lication is made on the non-resi­ painting and upholstery work. Yesterday J. H. Fuller, secretary year ago, the num ber and value way from California and arrived dent heirs and the unknown heirs TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 382 E. Main. 22— 6t of the Ashland Chamber of Com­ of building perm its issued in 20 here from a trip through Tilla­ of said deceased by Order of the merce, visited G rants Pass and County Court, which said Order principal cities of the district mook and Clatsop counties. They WANTED: — Wells to drill, suggested th a t the L ithians m ight R egistered — during A ugust, 1924, being 12.1 will leave Monday for Spokane for short time only, am passing is dated August 25th. 1924. Among th e out-of-state regis­ fall in w ith th e idea prom ulgat­ j>er cent and 11.3 per cent, re­ and other points in W ashington. th ru w ith drilling machine. Ad­ W itness the Honorable G. A. i trations at the Hotel Ashland are ed by the Cavemen of such a con spectively, larg er than during G ardner, Judge or said C o u rt,1 dress Box X f a r e of Tidings. Mrs. J. Z. W ing. Mrs. William F. M. W ilm ott, Tulsa, Oklahoma; test. Coach J. P. Brown of the July, 1924, and 12.1 per cent and 27— 3* with the seal of said Court affix- J. F. Ell, Chicago; W. A. Keys G rants Pass high school, has been 15.1 per cent smalled than d u r­ Myers and Mrs. Gilbert spent yes­ and family, Brockwayville, P a.; placed in charge of th e form ation ing A ugust, 1923. The la tte r de­ terday afternoon in G rants Pass Mrs. W. Keim, N. Y.; and Milton of a Caveman team and it is high­ creases m ust be interpreted id the visiting friends. T hrasher, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. E. ly probable th a t a game can be I o M. Wooley and C atharine and arranged.— G rants Pass Courier Marian Wooley of Passaic, N. J. We deliver the goods -Detricks 94-tf If you want to save, get one of I bocal ; P erso n al flotes IN Nil. GUARD A Rebuilt THOR Electric-Automatic IR O N E R $150 Murphy Elec. Co. 1XU 12TH DISTRICI F Richard Barthelmess MUCH m IN OPINION. EXPERT uTlie Fighting Blade” uTlie Covered Wagon” A wonderful new line of Comfort Cre­ tonnes, yard wide, Beautiful new Au­ tumn patterns, good weight cloths. Permanent dye. Priced at, the yard 25c, 35c, 39c, 45c 36 inch Comfort Challies in dark and medium dark shades, with floral and leaf designs. Permanent dye. Priced at. the yard 19c As Your Friends Would Do Nolhing Small About Mother P aulserud’s suits and overcoats. . 26— tf R eturns— Otis Johnson, George Converse, Ray Shortridge and Johnny Gru- At Oregon H o t e l- elle returned home yesterday a ft­ Registered a t the Hotel Oregon ernoon a fte r th e ir two weeks’ are R. C. Teague, Seattle; C. M. Thompson, Vancouver, B. C.; C. trip at Cinnabar Springs, where they spent th e tim e hunting and B. Maxfield, Seattle; O. A. P ark ­ fishing. They reported th a t they er, Seattle; J. H. Bryan, Los An­ enjoyed the trip very much, al­ geles; R obert E. Kane and Wife, Los Angeles; D. L. Stonequist, though they were lost for a short San Francisco; J. R. Stewart, time on their way home. Johnny New Y ork; F. Osterberg, Pull Shortridge, one of th e party, was separated from them and re tu rn ­ man. W ash.; J. C. H errich, New ed home Tuesday evening. Y ork; Mr. and Mrs. J a n Pasrer, Cleveland, Ohio; J. W. Howard, Cleveland, Ohio. Let us fill your pall with Swifts Silver Lent lard. Costs less than Burton Dancing School, Mem­ shortening. Goes farther and is orial Hall. Open dally. After­ more nutritious. Detrleks. 94-tf noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. 307-tf There Is wisdom In reading ads. 1 saw a M other, bent w ith age, H er brow deep stam ped w ith love and care, The while she scanned a close w rit page- Absorbed in w hat was w ritten there. It breathed of love h nd constancy, — A son’s love to a M other’s h eart,— And rambled on so tenderly. I saw the happy te a r drops sta rt From h er dear eyes. And ia the end He thanked her fo r her loving care And begged of her th a t she, would) send To him a lock of M other’s hair. She stood before the glass and gazed Upon h er reflex earnestly. W ith trem bling hands she gently raised Her silvered locks and, musingly, She pondered o’er w hat tim e had w rought In changing strands of burnished gold To gleam ing silver, and had brought To h er both pain and joys untold. I looked and saw a crystal drop Fall from h er eye so misty, dim, Then— she walked down to the barber shop— And, smiling, sent it all to him. Dick Posey. To the bereaved family there is nothing more com­ forting than the sympathetic understanding of true friends. This is the spirit in which we strive to serve you— realizing that proficiency in technical requirements must be augmented by thoughtful attention to any detail that will help to lighten the burden of your loss. Comfort Cottons in all size bats; both cotton and wool. Our range is com­ plete with new cotton. Priced at 20c, 29c, 35c, 49c e Large full size bats. Priced at $1.29, $1.45, $1.79, $2 75, $3.95 GET READY FOR WINTER AT a J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors Day Pl^one 212—Night Phones 255-L, 282-J Mrs. Louis Dodge, Lady Assistant Where Your Dollar Has More Ceuta*