>afte Tw3 isfti fô ÎHlLV Itibrodny, October 2, If) J 4 A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S m£ public i should know what those regulations are. It! yet their trappers scattered through the wilderness were been persuaded against coming action by a motion inviting Ash- (Established in 187«) ¡should know that it is not encountering a speed trap when ¡under no present direction from their employers, and na- tbis far west because of what his land and G rants Pass to join the lts cars enter any municipality within the state. It should turally only half civilized themselves filled their savage m anagers deemed strategic rea-j movement. That these two cities P ub lish ed E very E ven in g Except Sunday by i will soon fall into line is the con- understand that the regulations for one are the -regula* comrades with antipathy against all who were in compe­ sons- THE ASHLAND PRINTING 00. . _____________ ! fldent expectation of supporters. tions for all. Such a law would be a most desirable one. tition with them. It is not at all strange that these Indians! B ert R. Greer ....... ..................................................................................Editor MEDFORD AM) KLAMATH ~ ' ........... i George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager But in the meantime there is no occasion for the profit- should have been made familiar to a certain extent with FALLS IN SCOUT MOVE of speed traps in this or that town or white encroachments for many generations back and cover-! OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ............'...*................................. “ .Telephone 39 i able installation . E n tered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail Mattier, l t j • In e Uregouian. ing a large part of the American continent. The Indians! Klamath F a ’ls and Medford Subscription P rice, D elivered in City were also kept informed from the same source of the joined hands last night and took ' One Month ............................................................................................ $ .65 prelim inary steps toward the for-1 FROM OX TEAM TO AIRPLANE coming oi those who were to be discouraged because not mation of a F irst Class Boy S co u t' Three Months ....................................................................................... 1.95 The venerable trail-maker, Ezra Meeker, like a num- allied with the Hudson Bay Company. They were also Council for southern Oregon, says Six Months ................................................................. Ì.75 One Y ear ................................................................................ . 7.50 erous company of whom he is a type, may fairly be said ¡kept informed of the attitude o f'til? United States and the Klamath- Falls Herald. B y Moil and Rural Route« One Month ......................... *................................................................ $ .65 to have earned the right to select hi8 means of transpor- Great At a meeting in the Chamber ' Britain toward each other on the all important sub­ Three Months ....................................................................................... 1.95 fation across the continent. Mr. Meeker chooses the air­ of Commerce rooms attended by Six Months .............................:....................... 3.50 1 ject of ownership of the Great Northwest. So we see that representative citizens, commit­ One Year ................................................................... 6.50 plane and if official orders are received in time he will trom the beginning the Indians were made to understand tees and members from the Rotary presently be wafted in about two days across the plains that it was the wish and aim of the great Nation to and Kiwanis clubs, Chamber of DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ .30 that in his youth it took six months td» traverse. Surely which the Hudson Bay Company/ belonged that the Commerce, and churches, a mo­ Y early C ontracts prevailed to launch the pro­ One insertion a week ........ .......................................................... .27% no student of contrasts could find a more striking illus­ American Government’s claim to the Oregon Territory tion and enthusiastic support was Two insertions a week ............................................................ .25 tration of material progress within the short span of the should be defeated, and they adopted the only methods ject Daily insertion ...................................................................... ......... expressed, promising a financial .20 life of one man. R a tes for Ijcgnl and M iscellaneous A dvertising known to them to aid their great ally. Some people have background which it is. confident­ F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................ ................................ $ .10 believed will assure the move­ Not only the basic science or lieavier-than-air navi­ Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line expressed surprise that Indian tribes at great distances ly .05 m ent's success. Card of Thanks ................................................................................ 1.00 gation but the incidental aids that have made it feasible from each other should be kept informed on current O bituaries, per line Grants D ubious • 02% are the products of comparatively recent time. The in­ events of importance to them. It .must, be understood that Early in the Pas« meeting, presided WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ternal combustion engine, but for which no flying ma* over- by Acting President R.* C. these savage tribes had their own methods of communi­ “ All fu tu re ev< its, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is * ivertising. chine could hope to leave the ground, is an infant by cation, some of which were ingenius and others daring. Groesbeck of the Chamber of No discount wi be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. comparison with Mr. Meeker himself. The distillation of When white men first came into the country they found Commerce, it was learned through Gordon Holt, president of the DONATIONS petroleum, which had not been conceived of three-quart­ a well traveled trail from the Columbia river to the Sac­ G rants Pass R otary club th a t his No donations tc charities or otherwise will be made in advertis in g 'o r job printing— our contributions will be in cash. ers of a century ago as a source of power calculated to ramento valley over which communication was kept up city was, dubious about its ability revolutionize travel, has since had profounder conse­ and from various sources the doings of the outside world to share in the program. Ashland OCTOBER 2 was not represented, it having DEFRAUD NOT:— For this is the will of God, . . . th a t no quences than the most daring pioneer would have ven­ were learned. They learned of the war between the United explained th a t the public of that man defraud his brother in any m atter.— 1. Thessalonians 4: 3, 4. tured to predict. Mr. Meeker came west in a time when States and Mexico, even before Fremont had received his city had not been fully apprised PRA Y ER:— Help us, Lord, to be honest w ith Thee, and then there was not a railroad west of the Mississippi, nor a we cannot be dishonest with ourselves and w ith others. orders to return to California while he was yet at the of the plan. Telephone in the United States, when mail in Oregon head of Klamath lake in Oregon. Undaunted and determined that the boys of southern Oregon shall, came by way of the istb.umus of Panama and the tele- MESSENGERS OF FAITH IN CITY The kindness of Dr. McLaughlin, Factor of the Hud­ have the advantages of a healthv f I 'HE real economist The presence of the advertisements of two mer- graph was yet an experiment. To hark back to the days son Bay Company toward the early settlers and his en­ scout organization. Klam ath Falls is the one w ho chants of this city in today’s issue of the Tidings, who °f the ox, which Mr. Meeker himself has so often and so couragement of the establishment of Missions in the Will­ and Medford delegates*proceeded looks for quality in will be represented regularly in The Tidings during the eloquently apotheosized, would- he to discard far more amette and along the Columbia, while recognized as an to organize and • concluded their clothes. It isn’t the next 12 months, is a reminder of the “ Let’s Go Ahead’’ than the superficial advantages of speed in getting from act of -generosity and mercy, was no less an act of states­ price that counts; it’s spirit which is being felt more and more each day by the Plaee to place; it would be to revert to a state of hard- manship, but not understood by those above him. The! the value you get. merchants of Ashland. ship and discomfort, of unremitting and often unrequited Missions established in the Willamette and along the' At present The Tidings is carrying the advertise* toil, which, however it may have served in its own time Columbia were clustered about directly under his eye! Clothes Tailored to Always ments, on a regular schedule and on a contract for a to develop sturdy men and women, has given place on where the inevitable might best he shaped and directed.) Measure by Bom are year, of six merchants of this city, who previous to the the whole to indubitably better things. There were no efforts to establish Missions in Southern! a warm house sold with the broad­ There ever have been, there are now, and there al­ Oregon, and the first move in that direction by Dr. H. K. last three-months’ period had not been regularly solicit­ est guarantee for last- ing patronage by means of daily newspaper advertising, ways will be pioneers, since pioneering is a matter of the Hines in 1834 was discouraged by the Hudson Bay Com­ R adiator heat keeps the which is recognized today as the quickest and most ef­ spirit and not of geographical frontiers. It has been Mr. pany’s representative stationed on the Umpqua river house warm no m atter how mg service. it is outdoors. fective method of reaching the purchasers of a com­ Meeker’s fortune—as it is that of all other elders—to south of the Callipooia mountains, and he reported the cold Stoves and other old-fash­ They are as good munity. have lived in two pioneer epochs superficially as widely Indians there to he dangerous and unreliable. Even at ioned heaters, even when constantly, will not and look as good as These merchants, instead of depending upon a hap­ apart as the poles but in fact as nearly alike as the am­ the time of Jedediah S. Smith’s adventure with the In­ watched keep even tem peratures. Steam hazard appeal to their prospective customers, will make bitions of men in all ages. In the kind of craft in which dians at the mouth of the Umpqua river in 1828, they hot w ater or vapor heat keeps cloth es ordinarily even tem peratures on two or sold at much higher a continuous and systematic appeal in this newspaper. the pioneer of 1852 will return to the land beyond the were not ignorant of the* power and importance of the three firings a day. S ee dh and learn hoW eco­ prices. In addition to these new advertisers, those adver­ Ohio a bevy of aviators have just encircled the globe. Hudson Bay Company, for Dr. McLaughlin at once took nom ical if, is to have radiator to , differentiate between the motives the responsibility to punish them anti recover the prop- heat. tisers whose contracts have expired during the last three It . is . . impossible . W e’ll be glad to months have renewed them for another year, positive whieh rule our modern Marco Polos and those which ac- Crty they had taken from Smith. These Indians knew show you the new evidence that they have found business good and be­ tuated the explorers and the trail-blazers of a remoter about the great power on the Columbia to which Jhey Jerry O’Neal line of wonderful all lieve that business will be even better than it has been. time. It is a mistake to assume that the opportunity of had to bow, and doubtless they had also learned that wool fabrics. They are messengers of faith in Ashland. the pioneer ended with the passing of the ox team—The prowling white adventurers not of that company should Plumbing Heating Oregonian. he discouraged. The leading chiefs in the subsequent P hon e 138 2 0 7 E. Main HALF-BAKED REPORTS INJURIOUS Rogue River Indian wars were also informed of the feuds General Dawes has not said “ HelPn M aria/’ not among white men that were coming into the country. A few days ago a committee appointed by the state executive issued a report in which an organization close­ even once, in the present campaign, but he is creating (To he Continued) ly related to this community was attacked, indirectly a little interest just the same, and we will .miss our guess if he does not have at least one characteristic explosion Democratic parties. • REMINGTON POCKETKNIVES more than directly, hut just the same attacked. Nor can there be any question before November 4th. The special committee report recommended a cessa­ Guaranteed—Reliable about the California decision hav- ¡ tion of sales by the local organization until further in­ ing an appreciable effect on the i The Independents claim that Dawes’ explosion is Remington Guns and Ammunition La Follette situation in the W est, i vestigation could he made. The attorney for the local coming when the votes are counted—and they say it It causes La Follette to seék for for your success in hunting organization in a reply stated that the organization’s the 13 electoral votes of Calif or- ' won’t he the result of joy either. books were open for inspection by the probers, who had nia through the medium of t h e ¡ promised him no report would be made until further Army Goods Store Socialist electors, or a t least of Why the Republicans thought Brookhart, Nelson Robert M. La Follejte, because electors put on the ticket by the conferences with officials of the local organization. Biggest Little Store In Ashland The investigation has not been extensive enough and Hiram Johnson would remain silent is beyond our of the adverse decision of the Socialist organization of th at nor was the report of a sufficient scope to justify a judg­ understanding. They are not built .that way, nor have California suprem e court reg ard ­ state. La Follette and his Cali­ ing the placement of 1 is 13 elec­ fornia m anagers seeming to real­ ment either favorable or unfavorable to the local organ­ they made their reputation by remaining silent. tors on the November ballot in ize th a t the consequent reluct­ ization, and no judgment should he made. th a t state, is to invade Oregon ance of many voters to m ark Judging hv the poor reception which Senator Pep­ and W ashington in person, as well their ballots for Socialist nom­ The point to be brought out is the necessity for as California, this in direct in­ inees will, under .ordinary and per s keynoter in one of the New England states was re­ more care in making reports by probers until the investi­ ference from La F o llette’s own unattended circumstances, mean gation fully justifies a comprehensive report which would ceived, the cancellation of his speaking tour because of statem ent and by the direct in­ the loss of many votes in th a t on leave no doubt C flier in favor or against the company a disagreement with General Dawes might he advan­ sistence of the La Follette 3tate state to the La Follette cause. * tageous. , La Follette, so his friends here headquarters. which is being p jbed. Farran-Oid Fan Belts—Thermoid Brake Lining— say, all the time has been insist­ T hat La F ollette’s coming in To merely create doubt and uncertainty and anx­ Strömberg Carburetors—American Hammered Rings For the life of us, we can not criticise President person to plead his case before ent on a trip to the Northwest and iety as the report relative to the lqpal organization did Pacific coast sections. ' He had voters will li'ave much and Coolidge because of his silence and the resultant isola­ the and hundreds of other auto replacements and parts is injurious and should be discouraged. potent influence on the Oregon tion in the present era of babble. and the Pacific coast campaign FOR EVERY CAR cannot be doubted. It, in a way, W hen .you s ta rt the hunting JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES Have you registered? There are more than 300 can­ tends to shift, for a time at least, season tomorrow, you should The controversy in the League of Nations in connec­ the storm center of presidential tion with the protocol and the rumor that Japan would didates in the state of Oregon—of course not all in Jack- campaign from the A tlantic and w ear a pair of our W eyenberg Real W et W eather High Top refer the question of American exclusion of the Japanese son county—but there will be sufficient for you to select Midwestern to the Pacific and Boots the kind which will Tires Always for Every Car F a r W estern states. And, it may to the league for arbitration does not have even the sem­ from. wear longer and give you max­ well develop, th a t it will tend to blance of menace to this country. imum protection against water. cause a different view to he taken Pioneering in Southern Oregon The recent receipt of a huge shipment of silk, which of this p art of the country from a OVERLAND was rushed by special train from Seattle to New York, campaign standpoint by the n a­ by 0. B. Watson tional headquarters m anagers of ¿7 is one of the strongest indications as to what attitude Shoe Shop both of the Republican and the (Continued from Tuesday) the Japanese will take as regards America. Japan wants The importance of the fur trade was early recognized the United States business and will try a lot of diplomacy before they resort to arms—and the victory on the pro­ and the fortunes that were being built up by it aroused tocol shows that they know a little about diplomacy too. the cupidity of others. Monied men were at all times ready to invest where the harvest promised such great returns and plenty of reckless adventurers were ready to THE GOLD HILL SPEED TRAP The pernicious effect of the latest speed trap, as op­ brave the dangers of the wilderness, for tlie “ fun” and CALL is here. Everywhere there is a erated in Gold Hill with the approval of the mayor, di­ thrjll of it under circumstances which promised them un­ * quickening of activity, a preparation rects attention to the need for legislation that will stan­ controlled liberty and freedom of action. Other organ­ for handling increased trade and a reach­ dardize traffic .matters throughout the state, and afford izations were formed and these adventurers were enrolled for action in the wrilderness. Great activity between com­ some sort of central supervision by the state. These ing out for new business. peting companies soon arrayed the followers of each abuses of local authority are common. No sooner has one You will find here a helpful ally. You been corrected than another arises. It may well he sus­ in antagonisms. Independent trappers not in the employ can also receive the benefit of the cumu­ pected that fat profits rather than a zealous regard for of the Hudson Bay Company were soon in feuds with the lative experienc of our officers as well as public safety have something to do with the persistence great organization’s trappers, and in the conflicts result­ ing the Hudson Bay trappers had the advantage of In­ of the village speed trap. our correspondents over the country. After Sixteen Weeks in Medford dian support. The Indians soon learned that these in­ Nor is it at all uncommon for the merchants of the Problems that baffle you may be identi­ dependent adventurers were to be discouraged from pur­ city so afflicted to protest against action of the city au­ cal or similar to those solved successfully in the thorities, as the merchants of fold Hill have done. They suing their chosen vocation because it antagonized the by many others. are in a position to see what rewards come from an unfair powers that dominated them and to which they were Come in at any time for we want to and arbitrary practice, and they understand that the pledged to fidelity. It was only the exercise of natural human instincts, speed trap creates sworn enemies and gives both commun- know you better. Our entire facilities uneducated, uncivilized and practically uncontrolled that ity and vicinage a bad name. Of the many cases tried are yours to use freely. prompted the attitude of these savages toward all comers in recorder’s court in Gold Hill, since July, it is said . Bank Here Where Careful that only one defendant escaped without a fine. Is not no^ in ^iarmony the great organization with whom Efficient Service Rules One Night Only that significant? Whether it is or not, every condition of they were related in trade. The trappers who had taken this sort smells intolerably of greed, and even of official wives among them and had adopted tribal relations con­ First National Bank Prices 10 and 25c. Reserved Seats 50c graft, and the municipal authorities of such a town have ferred among themselves in the interests of the company and, even though the higher-ups of that organization only themselves to thank for the suspicion. Vaudeville Between Acts Ashland, Oregon It is true that traffic regulations must be enacted and were, perhaps, not directly instigating the savages and enforced in every Oregon town and city. But the motor- often punished them for inhuman acts against the whites, Paulserud’s LA FOLLETTE TO STUMP COAST AS SUDDEN SERVICE Leedom’s Tire House T O N IG H T ! Frank & King’s Comedians A rm ory “ The Girl in the Taxi” Make Tilings Hum ' This Fall