A shland D aily T idings ASHtAXD CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at .Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. ASK REELECTION Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. CANDIDATES WITH MOST MONEY WIN NO. 27 ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1924 LA FOLLETTE TO FOR 1024 WHEAT MAIN FACTS ABOUT SERIES FIRST STEP FOR T ASSEMBLY VOTE Number of men who will see ! P refers N orthern Route on His the series, 299,874. Way to Coast; to Finish in -^Number of men who would see i ______ New England the series if their wives would ! ('naniniously adopts A rb itra to r let them, 379,204. ami Protocol W ith Japanese WASHINGTON, Oct. 2— Senat­ Total am ount of small change A m endm ent Early Today ------------------------------ LÌ or La Follette, who will begin a dropped under seats, 3660.35. Effort Certain Players to Bribe Heinie Sand of Phila­ nationwide speaking campaign Share of each played on wining GENEVA, Oct. 2.— The league delphia to Throw Game Settled; Players Suspended; Monday, according to announce­ team , 350. of nations assembly this morning ment today, is said to favor the Share of each winning player’s unanimously adopted the arb i­ Will Not Interfere With World Series northern route to the Pacific .coast wife, 35,400. tration and disarm am ent proto­ including Idaho, W ashington and Umpire’s share, 1,271 (pop col, including the Japanese NEW YORK, Oct. 2. — In d i-( way to enter the series. I c a n } Oregon. He will wind up with a bottles). amendm ent after the document cations are today th a t the sen-1 not see how anybody could a c t 1 whirlwind campaign in the New Number of fran k fu rters sold, was introduced only yesterday. sational baseball scandal will g o . so blame foolish.” England states. 201,112. France led in the support of no fu rth e r than Jim m y O’Connell, i The rum or th a t Brooklyn would I Suits ruined by m ustard, 681. the protocol and Form er Prem ier the star fielder of the Giants, and be substituted for the Giants in Number of office boys’ grand­ Brian called it “ thè most form id­ “ Cozy” Dolan, the Giant coach, the W orld Series, because of the m others expected to kick able obstacle against war ever who were suspended and declared scandal, was laughed at by the tlie bucket during the series, devised.” ineligible by Commissioner Lan­ baseball commissioner, who de­ 4,180. The adoption is regarded as the dis, because of an attem pt to in­ clared, “ barring unforseen devel­ **iSuppers th at will get cold, step toward calling an interna­ duce Heinie Sand, Philadelphia opments, the case is closed. The 260,355. tional disarm am ent conference. center-fielder to throw last S atu r­ whole thing Is deplorable, but Visitors in press box, 951. day’s Philadelphia-New York there is one compensation, which Curses directed at umpires, 1,- REPUBLICANS W ON’T is th a t a m ajority of the players game. 328,441. EVEN CONCEDE HOME O’Connell’s confession to Com­ are honest.” CHICAGO, Oct. 2. — John E. Out-of-town visitors, who will STATE TO LA FOLLETTE “ They are making a goat out Edgerton, president of the Na­ have their pockets picked, 4,- m issioner Landis accused Frisch, Young and Kelly of knowing of me. I have been a damned tional Association of M anufactur­ 290. NEW YORK, Oct. 2— Not even about the bribe. Landis declar­ fool.” O’Connell declared. P resi­ ers, today addressing the Ameri­ People who will be convinced h's own home stato. Wisconsin, is ed today: “ Their statem ents were dent Stoneham of the Glant9 de­ can B ankers’ Association, stre s- »hat the series is not on the level, conceded to Senator La Follette, straightforw ard. I have exoner­ clared: “ It is a shock to me. I ed five particular things: 9,161. by tlie republicans, William M. always thought O’Connell one of ated them .” 1. That the bankers and all People who will be on the Butler, chaiim an of the republi­ The scandal leaves the New the most innocent and honest business men should give more wrong team , 9,161. can national committee said. York fans em bittered. McGraw, youngsters I ever met. As to heed to their obligations and less Men who will get their heads ”1 think the republicans have m anager of the G iants js disgust­ Dolan, he Is not w orthy of a to crying for their rights. cracked chasing balls hit into the a good chance to carry Wiscon­ ed, and declared: “ This is a fine thought.” 2. That the greatest need of stands, 2,597. sin,” he said. “And I think La tlie country is to desert the era Boxes of cough drops th s t will Follette has a poor chance of of jazz and superficialities and be sold after series is over, 6,- carrying any state, Wisconsin in­ get down to honest work. 001. cluded. We are well organized 3. That too much is asked of there; our speakers are making Congress, both from the stand­ a whirlwind campaign and things point of capacity and its proper look bright for the republicans.” functions. 4. Scored La Follette as a de­ 03878954 PORTLAND, Oct. 2— Em phaticl KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 2. — magogue whose time could be put MOTHER FINDS RATLER denial of violation of the Sher- One public project m et its W ater­ to more useful employment. IN CRIB WITH BABY loo and another received a decid­ man a n ti-tru st act or any intent 5. Attacked as enemies of the THE DALLES, Oct. 2.— When to transgress on such law ’s pro- ed impetus at an adjourned ineet- country, those who are trying to visions will be made by th e O re-| ing from last week of the city tear the Constitution to pieces SACRAMENTO, Oct. 2. — Tlie Mrs. C. H. Doyle, who lives in gon W holesale Grocers’ associa-' council last night, state highway commission has the Mill Creek valley near Tho with their mob appeals. tlon in answ er to the govern-' a resolution, adopted on a announced the completion and Dalles, went to her baby's crib "Gentlemen, there is too much m ent’s suit for dissolution and fori four-to-oue vote, it was decided static in our citizenship. The un­ opening to traffic of ten miles of to find out what was making him a perm anent injunction, it was to Place before the people on elec- iversal passion for wealth, ease, new pavement just north of Red­ cry this morning, she put her asserted by counsel for the d e-'^io n day, November 4, a propos- am usem ent and pleasure th reat­ ding, Shasta county, on the main hand on the rattles of a three fendant concerns and individuals. I ed bond issue to raise 350,000 ens the very life of this nation. trunk line betweeri the Sacram en­ foot rattlesnake, coiled under the covers beside the child. Dey, Hampson & Nelson, de-j ^or ^be erection of a librury build- Real work has become the most to Valley and the Oregon line. She snatclu d the baby from fense counsel, will ask th a t thei in* and rest room iu K lam ath unpopular thing of modern times; The new section elim inates a danger before tlie snake, appar­ case go to trial at an early d a te .: FalI»> as advocated by the Wo- and the virtues of self-denial and detour th at was necessary during ently made sluggish by the cold’ Processes were being served Tues-i men’s Library club and supported sacrifice, by which only genuine the sum m er tonring season. Grad­ day on the nine companies and also by the Business a »d P r °- character is bullded, are not ing of rhoulders will be under weather, could strike, and called 27 individuals. j fessional W omen’s club. often seen. The discontent of way for several weeks, but will for help. A neighbor responded The only purpose of the Gro- A 3imilar re3° lution subm it most foreign counties is the dis­ not seriously interfere with use of and dragged the crib into the cers’ association, a statem ent is- to tbe public for a pproJ a oa e content of poverty. Ours is the the new section. Motorists, how­ yard, where the snake slipped sued by defense counsel asserted, sa,ne day a J’ . ° n 139ue discontent of wealth. When our ever, are urged to use caution in from beneath the tiny bedclothes was to end trade abuses and to f0‘ / e pur8 ase ° aa ? ne people satisfy their craving for traveling over the ten miles until and escaped under the house. . . .. . . , . , ,, half acres of land in Hot Springs luxuries, they don’t have much the shoulder work is finished. The baby, but 3 months old protect the independent retail .. ... „ x , , i addition, ju st north of the Mo- left for the necessities of life. In had been crying for some time The new section of pavement grocer. Not a single wholesale! , , . „ . . . , , 1 doc park ball grounds, to be used some vital respects the peoples i3 approximately ten miles in and once the m other, while grocery ln Oregon has earned a> .. . „„„ ' “ * «v , x ... as a recreation ground, was de- of Europe have an advantage over length. It is of Portland cement smoothing the covers, heard a p ro f't of 2 per cent the last three , feated by a three-to-tw o vote. us in that they are receiving les­ concrete, twenty feet wide, six rattle. She thought that it was years the statem ent said It also _______________ sons in sacrifice and other vir­ inches thick in the center with from the ra ttle the baby had been declared th#t th e association 1 p VLIFORNIA IS NOW nine-inch edges. State Highway- playing with and disregarded the never had refused to sell supplies’ QUARANTINING TEXAS tues growing out of their dis­ tresses which ultim ately will make Engineer R. M. Morton is confi­ warning. Tlie baby refused to to nonmembers. | _____ them strong and very difficult for dent it will be adequate to handle be soothed, however, until it was Government inquiry, it was SACRAM^CTO, Oct. 2— In or- a nation softened by self-indulg­ the traffic over the Pacific High­ removed from the immediate vi­ sgid at the offices of the United der to prof ect the livestock and way for a number of years. The cinity of its unwelcome bedfel­ States attorney, indicated th a t re -1 a „ allied industries of California, ence to compete w ith” . paving was financed from bond low. tail groceries have been subjected governor Richardson, after con- funds and cost approximately to petty price increases through sultatloq w ith- Director (J. H. 3478.000, including necessary MOTHER OF 12 CHILDREN the method used by the associa- of the state departm ent of IS GRANDMOTHER AT 30 widening of the form er grade. tion. One grocer, it was said, agriculture, proclaimed an em­ North of the new pavement, cited a case w-here the association bargo yesterday afternoon against HUNTINGTON. W. Va.. Oct. 2. grading is still under way for the with consistent frequency boosted livestock and livestock products — A nother aspirant for youngest- greater part of ten miles, where the price offrutt jars, the retail­ originating in districts ’ of Texas grandm other-in-Am erica honors the highway is being widened and er being compelled to abide by infected with the foot and mouth F. Roy Davis, district court re­ straightened. This work will be has arisen in the person of Mrs. the order and suffering loss In disease. porter who was arrested here re­ completed this Fall, afid it is Nora Eggleston, who reached her profit, he being reluctant to add cently after complaints had been hoped th a t another section may thirtieth birthday last April. a few cents to the cost of the con­ WOMAN, 58, IS ATTENDING Her eldest child, Mrs. Calvin registered against him by local be placed Under contract in the sumer. O ther sim ilar cases were! Meadows, seventeen, gave birtli SCHOOL IN KANSAS CITY women th a t he was disturbing not distant future. pointed out whereby m e rc h an ts' The widening work is classed I here recently to an eight-and-a- them , lias sent word th a t he is were powerless, they said, to re-1 as reconstruction and is financed half-pound girl, and immediately KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct. 2.— Bollman, private secretary to Gov­ Fourteen hundred and sixty- sist the “combine’s” price in-! The old adage “ it is never too ready to pay his fine, according from the gasoline tax fund. relatives put forth the claim th at HUNTINGTON FIREMEN to local officials. ernor Pierce, for alleged aliena­ one tourists registered at the lo­ creases. Mrs. Eggleston holds the distinc­ PROVE PROLIFIC PAPAS late to learn ” is being supported Police Judge Baughman noti­ tion of Mr. Bozell’s affections, cal chamber of commerce regis­ tion of being the country’s young­ in Kansas City, by Miss Anna M. fied Mr. Davis’ attorney th at a will be tried about October 10, tering office during the month of est grandm other. HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Oct. 2. W hite, who by her 58 years of fine of 3100 would be assessed according to announcem ent made September and were granted the THOUSANDS SEE Mrs. Eggleston, despite her — F ire laddies are proving to be SAILORS RESCUED age easily wins the distinction of i aga Oregon citizens, charging them miles 6 an hour, Walter Lee of Jlayton in a Hartzell FC-1 plane, he v „ „ n » t° r some time and fast progress! f° r each month this year will today won (he National Cash Register trophy. and Lincoln streets by a machine lawyer and horseman, has for- with negligence and carelessness Lee T utt e ant m iis now being made, it will prob-1 greatly exceed sim ilar months of driven by Tenney Johnson, Al- saken the social life to enroll as in the forest fire menace. PERSIAN MOB INCITER KILLED have purchase e otlnn ably not be completed and ready! last year ham bra. Cal., knocked 1Ö0 feet a student nurse at the Presbyter- Ethel F. Parent, living east of Clarion, according to inform ation October 20. The! The registration by m onths this WASHINGTON, October 2— Private Horteza, a Persian soldier down the street and turned over. jan Hospital, here. given the Tidings Thursday after- x ,, VP