PAGE FOUR ASHLAND pAILY TIDINGS Lioeal * P ersonal fiotes A D ally C hronicle of th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of local Interest i rigation, or subject to same, di­ vided as follows: Privately owned ..................10,000 Medford district ..................10,000 Talent district .................... 13,100 ; Rogtielands .............. 6,000 Eagle Point ........................... 6,000 Gold Hill ............................... 800 H unting— # Total .................................45,900 Fred Taylor and E arnest Biden “Adding the 15,000 acres at of Medford, left early this morn-^ G rants Pass to the 45,900 acres Special communication, T hurs­ ing to be gone several days on a in this county, makes over 60,000 acres under the ditch or subject day evening, Oct. 2. F irst De­ quail hunt. to irrigation in the Rogue River gree. Light refreshm ents after Get my prices before you buy valley.” work. Meet a t 7:30 o’clock. Mr. Anspiger said the new dam M. H. ELLIS, W. M your Fall clothes— P aulserud’s. Of the Talent district, located 26— tf W. H. DAY, Secy. seven miles from Ashland on the 26— 2 R eturn— Pacific highway, will get its w ater Mr. and Mrs. Horn of northern from Im igrant. creek, will hold H unting— J. W. McCoy and Dr. Tilton California have retu rn ed to Ash­ 8000’ acre feet, and will cost spent this morning in the Valley' land to make théir home after be­ $320,000. “.The present dam at H yatt ing away for about a year. * View district quail hunting. Prairie holds 16,000 acre feet, MARCEL AND CURL LAST making a total of 24,000 acre feet Ladles and children’s h air cut­ for the district, ataple to supply ting. Powder PufT Beauty Par­ LONGER after a Golden Glint their needs. In addition they lor. 293-tf Shampoo. have 1600 acres served direct by w aters of McDonald creek. R eturn H om e— » In G rants Pass— R. C. Lee oi Ashland was a bus-! “ The new dam is known a3 the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newell of thin arch or variable radius, the Berkeley, who have been visiting iness visitor in G rants Pass yes­ first one of the kind in the state, th e V. V. Mills family for a week, terday. and its construction is being care­ returned to their home Saturd > fully studied by the American So­ Complete line of new ready-to- evening. wear Suits and O’Coats. We are ciety of Engineers, the state en­ gineers and the Copco Co. — Best mflk— Lininger’s Dairy, tailors and can fit you. — P aul­ 26— tf Medford Mail Tribune. 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. serud’s. 26— tf Ashland Lodge Ne. 28 A. P. A A. M. À W ednesday, October I, 1021 hydraulic mining operations. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ’ You are. welcome to compare . ler, Indians on the K lam ath re s -; States m arshal; H arry V. Reed, In his petitions, Hislop say3 he my Automobile rates with any trvaiion, will be tried on a A rth u r Johnson and C. C. W ells, has been informed a considerable To Trade for P ortland Property. other rates in Jackson or Jose- j counterfeiting charge. K night is deputies; Allen A. Bynon, assist­ quantity of gold is buried with I About two acres of splendid phine Counties; you can be the serving a term at McNeil island ant United States district attor- full bearing fruit, principally Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. the rem ains of the three men. for assaulting an aged resident 1 ney and F. M. Brown, deputy 24-tf I of the reservation. An injunction petition to pre­ Cherries, ^Peaches, Apples and clerk will be in Medford during vent the disinterring of the re­ Berries, good house and barn, Clarence R. Hotchkiss, United the court session. mains has been filed in the sup­ owner moving to Portland, wants to exchange for property there. erior court by William G. Lee. I F E D E R A L COURT TO SIT Value a t $4000.00 all clear of IN MEDFORD OCT. 7. encumberence8, see BEAVER REALTY CO. for fu rth er infor­ Federal court at Medford, will mation. 26— 6t ' open October 7, with Judge Bean 1 SAFELY SW IFTLY COMFORTABLY presiding. Three cases will bei Cool in Summer—Heated in W inter tried. A nother Bargain A land fraud case, in which the 5-room modern house 1 1-2 DAILY TO PORTLAND—FARE $8.20 blocks from high school. Price governm ent has called 40 w it-, (Through in a Day) $1500.00, for quick sale. 1-2 cash nesses, will be the principal ac­ tion. G. S. E h’.e is the defend­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. — , balance long time, 6 per cent. E C O N O M IC A L TR A V EL ant. 5 room modern house, lot President Coolidge, as the first Hugh K night and Claude But« The use of Motor Stages will pay a definite profit every fan of the nation, today joined 100x150 Garage, chicken house. trip in actual money saved. Price $3100, for quick sale. Good in the home-coming welcome to The stage traveler is rewarded in three ways; Time saved, th e W ashington Americans. Coo­ term s at 6 per cent. See W. W. money saved, and health gained by clean, sootless, open air MISCELLANEOUS— Swiss W atch­ travel. lidge will speak a t the municipal Robison, 63 North Main St. m aker, W atch repairing done dinner tonight. For further inform ation and tickets WANTED: — Position by com­ reasonable and guaranteed. Close on railroad watche3. Phone 47, Ashland Hotel petent, experienced w o m a n timing BID S W ANTED FOR as cook or housekeeper. Address Maurice A. Lassen, 217 N. Main. We make direct connections at Roseburg for Coos Bay points. NIN E STORY HOTEL 26— 6* Box H, care of Tidings. 26— 3* (Continued From Page 1) FOR ..SALE: — A real milk All four sides of the building will cow. Come and look her over be finished concrete. All rooms and see w hat a bargain we are will be outside rooms, with views offering. 153 Granite. 26— 1 from none of them obstructed. There will be three fire-escapes. There is wisdom in reading ads T rav el By M otor Stage IN WELCOME Ï0 W onderful V alues in V isitin g H e r e - Paul W am pler of F ort K lam ­ Misses Ruth Osmund and Em-, ath arrived in Ashland Friday ma Jenkins and Robert W agner and is visiting with friends for a made a trip to K lam ath Falls few days. Sunday and visiting with Mrs. Don’t miss the One Cent Sale— Emil Paul, form erly Effie Boot- McNair Bros. by of this city. To F alls— SATISFIED WITH COATS A llen’s P a rlo r F urnace FOR WOMEN AND MISSES . • Coats Priced Now Mrs. C. O. Holman has opened I WASHINGTON, Oct.' 1. — P ri­ Complete line of Ashland Can- vately owned monopoly, as a poli­ wed Goods at Detrlckw. 94-tf renovating and remodeling p ar­ tical issue, it bound to play a p art lors at 43 5 B. St., in connection COMFORT IN with her high grade dressmaking; in the present political campaign. Spend Week-End— This is the statem ent of Sam­ F irst class alterations, tailor Bess and Ida Briscoe and Alice COLDEST style, on ladies’ and gents’ uel Gompers, president of the Ferguson, who are attending high Ameiican Federation of Labor, in clothes. Old garm ents made like W EATHER school in Ashland this year, spent an article appearing in the Amer­ new. F irst class service. the week-end with their parents 26— Wed.-Sat. ican Federationist. at F ort Klamath. Gompers sa,id the subject com­ HEALTHFUL H E A T I N G pels attention in the political plat­ From K lam ath— Ladies and childrens hats — Dr. Goddard motored to Ash­ forms. WARM AIR CIRCULATION Mrs. R. Potter, 30 2nd St. 26-2* land from K lam ath Falls Sunday, “ The Democratic P a rty ,” he returning with his wife, who has continued, “ demands strict en­ W illiams Leave— been dn the Community Hospital forcement of the Sherman Anti- Earnest W illiams and wife left here. They were accom panied, T rust law. The La Follette p la t­ Even heating in al( parts of the Tuesday for Pasadena, California, home by Mrs. Goddard’s sister, ¡ form calls for use of the power of where Mr. W ill’am s will be head room—no drafty comers. Mrs. Yates, who will visit with ! Government to crush private stew ard and Mrs. W illiams chef monopoly rath er than foster it. them for several weeks. at the Green hotel in th a t city. The Republican platform pro­ Bigger— B etter than ever One pounds the good old doctrine of Retains its finish. Requires no Mitchels, Auto tops, curtains, laissez faire, or leave things Cent Sale.— McNair Bros. painting and upholstery work. about as they are.” polishing. A 1 ig saving on 382 E. Main. 22— 6t P arties M iss P oin t Sentenced to Prison— No political platform meets the vour fuel hill. • C. E. Proper and Lawrence R eturns Home— Davis have been sentenced to j thought of labor on the question Johnny Sliortridge returned serve a term in prison by Judge of monopoly, according to Gom­ last n ’ght from a two weeks' C. M. Thomas. The two were ; pers. He said that, the monop­ camping trip at Cannibar Springs. indicted by th e grand jury on a oly subject n “well worth special , Mr. Shortridge in some way charge of the larceny of an auto- consideration at th e .o u tset in or­ was separated from the rest of the mob’le. They were caught in the der th at Labor’s future course crowd and was compelled to come may he as clear as has been its car belonging to the C hicago! home alone. The other men are past record.” Land Co., which they stole here J still up iu th at district. and drove to Portland. They will setrve three years each.— G rants' If you want to save, get one of Pass Courier. P aulserud’s suits and overcoats. 26— tf Cliff Payne has Inland ladders. $16.95, $22.50, $25.00, $29.75 - $34.50, $39.75, $45.00 All are made of the season’s newest fair lies; a great many with fur collar end some with fur collars and cuffs. DEPOSIT w ill hohl any coat ch o-en now CuiJdipn’s Coais .3 to 1G years Swenson & Peebler Furniture Company Enrollm ent Laige— The high school enrollm ent will be over 400 by the end of the year at G rants Pass, states the Courier. Monday seven new’ stu ­ dents were enrolled, bringing the total for the year to 390. This is the largest enrollm ent ever re­ corded at the high school. BELIEVES GOLD BURIED WITH 3 To K lam ath F alls— Carl Loveland, Dorothy Reid and Isabelle Silver left this a fte r­ noon for K lam ath Falls, where AUBURN, Calif., Oct. 1. — Mr. Ixiveland will play in an or­ Colin B. Hi3lop, public adm inis­ chestra this evening. Miss Silver tra to r of Placer County, filed pe­ will rem ain there for a week and ■ titions with County Clerk A. S. visit with her sister, Mra. W illard Flem ing of Placer county, asking Pendleton. th at he be appointed special ad- m inistor of the estates of Jean Valpeau, Yuill Vantigne and Monte C artier, the three French miners and trappers reputed to be buried in the Auburn ravine, P atrol P lanes— and whose rem ains Jam es D. The governm ent airplanes Stew art proposes to disinter by which arrived in the city from the north about 11 a. m. today and landed at the local landing field for refueling, w’ere thought to be ’ planes which have been in the forest patrol service with head­ quarters at Eugene, and which Service Station have ju st been relieved from th a t is ready to give what it duty and are en route to Crissy field near San Francisco.—^Mail- implies ‘‘SERVICE” Tribune. Burton Dancing School, Mem­ Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ ity Bread, from the oven over noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. 22— 6 307-tf the counter, 8 and 12c. In A shland— Mrs. Belle Martin, Mrs. C. S. Bray, Mrs. J. E. Emmons and daughter, Dixie Elaine, Mrs. Maude Hood and Charles Cain motored to Ashland from K lam ­ ath Falls Sunday and visited with friends here. Save $10.00, walk upstairs to Orre« tailor shop. 17— tf M otored Ovei The W. and N. Melvin Bowman journeyed to Ashland from Merrill Saturday, Sweet cream for whipping and returning Sunday with his wife, coffee— also fresh milk, always who has been visiting friends for on lee a t the Plaza. * 239— tf several days here. Fined— No agent in Southern Oregon S. D. Chiloquin was fined $20 can w rite bi’tte r A uto insurance and G. M. Riddle $25 by chief of or at low er rates than th e Staples police Lem L. Gaghagen for being Agency. drunk on the K lam ath Falls streets Monday evening. Chas. V isitin g— Hood and Ralph George were ar-j Mrs. Leila Elden of Portland, rested on the same charge but form er resident of Central Point, later released from custody on is visiting friends in southern payment by each of a cash bail. Oregon this week. — K lam ath Falls Herald. Shell Gasoline and Oils Tires, tubes and acces­ sories E. R. ISAAC & CO. "The Quality Store” BOYS’ Shoes An E vent in D ress Selling We have made a special effort for the 25 New Ones Boys’ Business If your hoy is hard on shoes get him a pair of UBALL BAND” Shoes with “MISCO” Soles Cut your shoe bill one-lialf , at $16.75 and Boys’ Dress Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 2’s to 5’s W. & N. Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Boys’ School Shoes with Misco Soles $2.85—2’s to 5’s “ K reider’s W elts” for the Little Boys in brown and • QUAIL SEASON Imogene Wallace, piano classes Special Auto Accident Policy begin September 25. For Infor­ for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo m ation phone 210-J or w rite Miss of course. 24-tf W allace, C entral Point. 13— tf We deliver the goods— Detricks i 94-tf F o r B ellingham — Mrs. Homer Billings left last night for Bellingham, W ashing­ ton, where she will attend the branch meeting of the W oman’s Foreign Missionary Society d u r­ ing the week. Priced $4.48 to $22.50 OPENED TODAY Success is insured by using GIVES DATA ON TALENT PROJECT black; broad or medium toes, every pair guaranteed to give the wear you may expect. Prices from $2.00 to $3.25 One table of Boys’ Shoes 2 ’s to 5 ’s regular $3.50 and $4.00 grade. Close out $2.35 W INCHESTER SHELLS HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, At the Kiwanis m eeting Mon­ of course. 212— tf day, O. A rnspiger, engineer for the Talent Irrigation district, To The Dalles— gave some very interesting data Mrs. W. M. R inehart left last regarding irrigation in th is val­ night for The Dalles, Oregon, ley and about the new dam the where she wil spend two or three Talent d istrict is building. weeks on business. He said 45,900 acres under ir- Simpson's Hardware Winchester Store I c £ 7 £7 Z77/CZ r z / 7 L J 'Where Yonrs Dollar Has More Cents' $19.75 You have seen dresses at this price, of course, • just as we see lots of them. But we believe that you will be convinced, just as we have 4 been, that the New York manufacturer of these dresses just received uses just a little better silks and puts better work into them than you see in dresses at these prices.