U Î H J S f b D À i i f T i u liîë â l< H L \ M ) D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1870) S o c ie ty Published Every E ven in g Except Sundny by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, Oct. 2. Upper Valley Community Club meet at the OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R .........................................................Telephone 39 home of Mrs. W. D. Jackson on Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mall M atter Iowa street. All day meeting. Mist Brewster, home dem onstra­ Subscription Price, Delivered in City tion C |?nt will instruct in m illin­ One Month .................. I.............................................. .................. $ ,A5 Three Months ..................................................................................... l.s»5 ery. Six M o n th s.............................................................................................. 3.75 Thursday, Oct. 2. Parent- One Y e a r ____________________________________ 7.5« Teacher council will meet in the B y Mail and R ural R ou tes: All One M o n th ........................................... $ .65 afternoon at the Library. Three Months ......... ............................................................................. 1 9 5 presidents of circles asked to be Six Months 3.50 there as some very im portant One Year 6.50 business will be discussed. Friday, Oct. 3. Missionary So­ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per Inch ................ ........................................... « .30 ciety of Christian Church will Yearly C ontracts: meet at church parlors. Mrs. Ed One insertion a week ............................................ ........... .27% Kilgore, leader. Two insertions a week ............................................ .25 Dally insertion ....................................................... Monday, Oct. 6. Ashland Study .20 Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising Club holds first meeting a t the F irst insertion, per 8 point line .................................... ....... " $ 40 home of Mrs. J. W. McCoy on Each subsequent Insertion, 8 point line .05 Oak street. Roll call will be Card of T h a n k s .....— ______ , , ....... ........ 1.00 O bituaries, per line.............................................. ~ . • 02% “Chinese W ar Notes.” 2:30. Tuesday, Oct. 7. Civic Club WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING meets at clubhouse at 2:30. In­ All future events, where an admission charge is made or s teresting program . Everyone is collection taken In Advertising. No discount will be aUowed L-l.igious or Benevolent orders. urged to attend. - J> UlOJiS No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis- Flackus-Elliott Wedding—— lay or .ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Flackus a t their OCTOBER 1 ' RULES FOR RIGHT LIVING:— Let all bitterness and w rath ’ home on B street, Sunday, Sep­ and anger and clam or and evjl speaking be put away from you, with tem ber 28th at two o’clock when ail malice; and be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving Miss Bernice one another, even as God for C hrist’s sake hath forgiven you.— their daughter, Ephesians 4:31, 32.— PRA Y ER:— Fill our hearts, O Lord, with Flackus and Mr. Russell R. El­ thy love wherewith Thou hast loved us, and then we will think no liott of Palo Alto, California, were united in m arriage, the Reverertd S. J. Chaney officiating. MAKE THE SURVEY COMPLETE The bride was charm ingly dres­ sed in a gown of turquoise blue The question of adequate water supply for the city silk The house was dec­ of Ashland has been put squarely up to the tax payers of orated crepe. in flowers of pastel shades. this city for solution by a competent engineer who has Miss ........... ....... was maid- Ruth Flackus made a careiul, but not as complete or thorough exam- of-honor and Mr. Ray Clary was ination of the Ashland creek watershed as he states should the best man A delicious wedding dinner was be made. served at five o’lock. The table That is the point which the tax payers must decide. was beautifully decorated in pink Is it worth spending a few thousand dollars to.work out and white with three pink and a plan that will bring out the best methods of procuring white wedding cakes. Two kew- Bert R. Greer ............... .................................................................. Editor George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manage Following the wedding the bri­ dal party journeyed to Cloverdale where a wedding breakfast was served. A fter visiting the glooms p ar­ ents in New Yflrk, N. Y., the happy couple will make their home in San Francisco where Mr. McConihe is associated in the c o n ta c tin g buEines with his un­ cle. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Montgomery, form er residents of Ashland. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. McConihe of New York. Rally«— The Christian Sunday School had a fine lally at the churcb last Sunday. A good crowd attended and about four carloads of people came in from Anderson Creek. A week from next Sunday th e An­ derson Creek Sunday School will be best to the local school at a basket dinner and Sunday School in the afternoon. * * * Conference— 7 There will pe State conferences for the Christm as Seal w orkers a t La Grande on Oct. 2nd, at Portlarid on the 3rd and at E u­ ' • . * * * gene on the 4th. Tcrwiiligt\r-Bovenkerk— Jackson county will be repre­ Miss Isabel Marie Terwilliger sented at the Eugene conference and H arry E. Bovenkerk were united in m arriage at Yreka, Cal­ ifornia, Tuesday, Sept. 30. Im­ m ediately following the ceremony the couple left on their honey­ moon, to be gone for two weelyi, after w’hich time they will be at home at Kl&math Falls. Mrs. Bovenkerk was form erly of H orn­ brook but attended high sch o o l; in Ashland last year and h a a ' for the prevention of Goi­ many friends here. The groom ters, 35 cents a box is foreman at the Southern Paci- j fic shops at K lam ath Falls. I o—n—o—o 1 • • . Diamond Crystal Iodine Salt To E n tertain — * Dr, Maude Hawley will en ter­ tain her class of young folks of the C hristian Church, the C hrist­ ian Endeavor and the Berean class of young people Thursday evening. The group will meet at the Boulevard at seven o’clock and then go in cars to Dr. Haw­ ley’s home. The men will furnish the refreshm ents1. This is to be a “ Bon F ire” party and a good time is anticipated by all. Market Day Seedless Raisins 4 lbs. for 45c Baker’s Cocoamit, moist and sweet, just like fresh, 20 cents a package Plaza Market H. A. Stearns 61 N. Main We think the Golden West coffee is just about as good at 50c as any 55c coffee. In order to con­ vince you, we ask you to come in Friday and Sat­ urday and try a cup of Golden West the water supply for the city and the best methods of p‘ea d" M;d as krlde aad s™“ using this water supply in such a manner that it will, Mu .lc . . . played I . the even- mean both an adequate supply', thus preventing any re- ing until 8:30, when the bride currences of the lack of water such as wag felt here the and .groom ,eft for P°lnts north on 1 - 4 ’ - e 'r honeymoon. They will be at last summer, and ' also a revenue which will more than th home in Palo Alto, California. pay for the cost of the project. The bridal party consisted of Engineer McKissick stated yesterday that the supply Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flackus, is there, that it could he stored and that the storage Parents °* the bride. Miss Ruth water could be used to supply the needs of the eitv both Flackus' Mre Frank Davis- motl1- in water and in electricity. ' " T ™ ' R‘y C'ary a°1’ ©tore the water above the municipal light plant, let The bride 1st a graduate of the it come through the plant, where it would generate elec­ Ashland high school and has tricity, and then from this point would flow two sources made ’her home here for some time. She has many friends here of revenue to the city—water and electricity. who wish the coup’.e much happl- Various persons who have studied the question feel ness • * * that the profit from the combination of electricity and ;Montg<>mery-McConihe W edding— water would in a reasonable time wipe out the The m arriage of Miss Gloria which would have to be incurred in providing the plenti­ Montgomery and W alter Doug­ ful water supply and in the installation of the plant to lass McConihe was solemnized at make electricity. the home of the bride’s parents The investigation to work out the best methods of at Ukiah, Saturday, September 27, 1924. Judge Preston of handling this proposition will no doubt cost many thou­ Ukiah officiated using the ring, sands of dollars, but the city most assuredly should pro­ ceremony. Miss Francis Borring vide this fund for a comprehensive study of the situation, attended the bride and Mr. Jack so that when the people are asked to vote upon a huge Montgomery, cousin of the bride, man. bond issue, they wlil know they are voting for a project was The best house was beautifully de- which will mean the solution of the water supply problem corated in. yellow roses and the and also eliminate the heavy expense for electricity which bride was charm ing in a yellow the city now must betu’, due to the inadequacy of the georgette gown and carried a bouquet of li'.les of the valley. municipal electric light plant at the present time. It would be foolhardy for the people to consider a* large bonded indebtedness to provide a water supply .ur less they knew the supply would be plentiful and also profitable. I he Daily 1 idings feels that a fund for sur­ R O M A N veys and investigations should be provided and that it should be provided at the earliest possible moment so that the biggest problem before us today, can be solved M EAL in order that no further water shortages shall visit Ashland. COFFEE FREE Remember we are selling’ feed at a very low price. I Mill Run, per sack ........................................$1.65 Hog Feed, per sack ........... .•.......................... 1.50 E astern Oyster Shell, per sack .............. 1.50 We have some Alfalfa hay at $20 per ton. Phone 214 FRAZIER and SON 353 E. Main St. MAH-JONGG $5------- $25- -$30 Playing Cards .............................................50c—85c Bridge Cards .................... .........................50c—85c Score pads and .cards——Assorted Gifts for Brizes F I H A D C L L ii A K 1 □ Books and Stationery Classm ea ads bring resulta. F ree! Prizes Free! $300 Given Away DIAMOND RING A SACRIFICE Public Auction Sale On Thursday at 2:30 sharp, I will open my doors to THE PUBLIC and throw my entire Jewelry Stock at the mercy of the Public, at a SACRIFICE PUBLIC A U C T IO N SALE. Everything must be sold under the Hammer to the highest bidder regardless of cost. My stock is of the highest grade that von will find in Southern Oregon, and consists of the following watches of all makes: — Howards, Hamilton, Wal­ tham, Elgin, Gruen, Illinois, in 12 & 16 sizes in White, Green and Yellow gold cases from 7 to 23 Jewels. Ladies’ Wrist Watches in Rectangular in Platin­ um with Diamonds; White and Green Gold cases, all standard makes in 7 to 17 Jewels. Perfect Blue White Diamonds, all sizes. Pearls, all grades. Platinum and Diamond Rings and Bar Pins. Ail kinds of ladies’ and men’s rings, over 500 to select from. Cut Glass, Hand Painted Ohinawaro. Bronze ware. All grades ot Metal Chime Clocks in Seth Thomas, New Haven and Giilierts. Wall Clocks. All grades of Alarm Clocks. Umbrellas, the very latest. Ladies’ fancy Leather Bags. Vanity Cas 3. High grade Field Glasses. Toilet Sets in Ivory and Amber. Sterling Silver and Plate Hollow ware of the best makes. Over 15 patterns of Flatware to choose of tile best makes: Gorhams, Alvins, Rogers, Community and other mak;.; i: 26 lice. dusts and <»dd pieces. All kinds of Novelties which are too rum^rors to-irent’on will be offered to the-public at AUCTION ragardless or price. A $300 Diamond Will Be Given Away 7,“Vcd.“n Coupons given out tz> those attending sale. It will pay you to attend this 9 day sale. The California Oregon Power Company offered 2,00C shares of its 7% Preferred Stock to its own employes. The issue was immediately o v e r s u b ­ scrib e d . THESE MEN KNEW The Fontana way of making real egg noodles assures you of noodles w hich are rich in fla­ vor and free from unpleasant starchiness. A ID S D IG E S T IO N * Think of this when you buy. Then you w ill insist on Fontana’s. 10c a package. REAL EGG Franklin Bakery Phone 199 NOODLES . FINE AND WIDE « 73 UghibgChntest Operators tending the giant generators at Copco power plants know that fourteen thousand custom­ ers get power and light over Copco wires. Men on duty throughout the system come to realize best the enduring assets of the Company— assets of rock, steel, concrete, and of never-ceasing power! Engineers, accountants, linemen, cashiers, offi­ cials—all these knew, intimately, the security and earning power of their investment. They had in s id e kn o w le d g e of its value. ASK THEM Ask any one of these members of the Copco organ­ ization today how you can buy Copco Preferred Stock, yielding 7.14% for your idle fu n d s or monthly savings, on monthly payments as low as #5 a share. Or clip and mail the coupon below. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY O ffic e s ’. SCHOOL BOYS AND SCHOOL GIRLS OREGON Get This Primer Today—Free - - - And the reward of the globe-circling accomplishment! will be a series of tiresome dinners and entertainments J instead of rest and quiet. SIMO T w . T km f P v t ; « - I B«n— 1 G irl 1---------- T « * Fmwdb F r i t t a - 1 Bov— I G irl r » . ! .M P r « « - 1 « W - 1 CM u m ________ 2 r - . St«* P n < « -1 Bo,— I C M The humorists continue to berate the saying that two' can live as cheaply as one, but couples continue to solve the problem satisfactorily just the same. McNair Bros. NS1DE INFORMATION Judge Caverly who gave Loeb and Leopold a life sen tence instead of the hangman’s noose which the public generally approved, has certainly made good his desire to go into retirement following the trial. What the small boy does not understand is why they retain grown-ups to judge jam exhibits at the fairs.—De­ troit Press. ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 04 N. Main J. H. Plant, Auctioneer in Charge A GOOD FAMILY CREED — will give you the maxi­ mum service at the mini mum cost. 0. H. Johnson, Jeweler, Ashland BREAD All Americans should read and ponder “ The Creed of the Sawyer Family,” which was read at the simple funer­ al sendees in Marion of Dr. Charles Sawyer, late physic­ ian to President Harding. “ We believe,” it runs, “ in the principle of honesty, in the principle of fair dealing, in earnestness of purpose, persistency of endeavor, community of action, in hospi­ tality, generosity, economy, thrift and industry. “ We believe in loyalty to country, iij patriotism and in the support of all American ideals.. “ We believe in the home and home influences as fun-i damental to the maintenance of the nation. Me stand first, last and always for America for Americans for a J nited States ever prepared for its own ,’efense—for a policy which extends to all people of the world a helping hand when actual need or dire emer­ gency arises.” C moral Sawyer had his limitations, like the rest of i us, but to the best of his ability, he practiced this creed actively all his life. PEIL’S CORNER LANG RANGES I t d oesn 't m a tter how ld r g you h ave h ad d is­ agreeab le C atarrh, or how m an y o th er tr e a t­ m en ts you h ave tried w ith ou t la s tin g relief. 1 gu aran tee to g ive you relief in 2« hours, or It c o sts you n othing. C atarrh is n ot a sim p le su r­ fa ce d isea se, but th e b asic cau se is In­ tern al con geetien . My R lnex-T arltou trea tm en t g o es a fte r It from b oth in sid e and ou tsid e. R inex cap su les g et a t th e con gestion in th e sy stem and rem ove it com p letely, w h ile T arkon solu tion , a s a w ash or sp ray, q u ick ly clean s, d isin fects and h ea ls th e sw ollen n asal m em branes. So every n a sty sym p tom is ch eck ed In 21 hours, or your m on ey Lack. A sk an y good d ru ggist. Three Beautiful prizes will be given away after every Sale. Mali Jongg Racks—»Mali Jongg Counters MAH JONGG PRIZES Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries I bronught a truck load of b ar­ gain counter goods from P o rt­ land last week, all of which will be sold accordingly. Auto Holies, Wade Drags»»w, H alt­ ers, and lots of prm.v goods. Come in early while they last. (Guarantee to End ïo n r CATARRH —Or No Cost • To the first 20 ladies entering the store Thursdav at 2:30 sharp will receive $3.00 prizes. SETS $3- by Mrs. Robinette, Miss Taviner ( Let us fill your pall with Swifts and Mrs. Tilton of Ashland, Mrs. 1 Silver Lea; lard. Costs less than Crawford and Mrs. Halloway of ' shorttuluj;. Goes farther and is Medford and Misses Carltons and more nutritious. Detrtcks. 94-tf Mrs. Brisel of Central Point. Must Raise Cash»Am W illing to Sacrifice. My Loss W ill Be Your Gain. Buy Now and Save Money. Frazier & Son \ hifsdrtj, October I , ibti-i $95.00 $95.00 THIS is the day to enter the Home Lighting Contest. H ERE is the way to do it! 1. Get an announcem ent folder and reg ’stra- tion card from school (electrical sto re). 2. Read folder carefully and decide if you w ant to en ter contest. 3. Fill out registration card and give to your teacher in exchange for a Home Lighting Primer. 4. Study Home Lighting Folfter carefully and follow directions contained there. Boys and. Girls, here is a chance that comes only once in a lifetime. Each boy and girl over ten years of age who is attending public, private or parochial school has an opportunity to win a prize. Don’t forget to enter this contest TODAY. MEDFORD LIGHTING EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE Roseburg Medford Y reka YOUR PARTNERS — or mail this coupon — today I Klamath Falls CALIFO RNIA Dunsmuir TH E CALIFORNIA OREGON POW ER COMPANY MEDFORD. OREGON IN PROGRESS Ask any member of our organization Grants Pass Please send m e full information about your 7% Preferred Stock and special partial payment plan. Name. cAddreat.