A shland D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the~rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been -Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE ithout the use of medicine cores nine cases out of ten of asthma This is a proven fact. ( International News Wire Service) T - Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. VOL. XLVIII. “ J . '- - — - HIGH POINTS IN ENGINEER WATER PLANS J L - _______I ■ ■ SATURDAY IS LAST DAY , IX WHICH TO R E G IS T E R ' u -------- n U R egistration books close 8 U Saturday evening, October 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4th, and everybody m ust 8 register before then if they 8 w ant to vote in the coming 8 city election. This registra- 8 tion is done at G. F. Billing’s 8 office. 8 If your name does not ap- 8 Strong for One Big Dam, In-!« pear on the roll of voters, 8 «V n n i practically ir n p tic u llv H i s f r a n r h is p « disfranchise 8 stead of Series of Small­ 8 8 v you 8 yourself. ~ .8 er Ones 8 Regardless of politics. 8 SEVEN CITES GIVEN « register! Do your duty as a 8 ! 8 citizen. 8 S ays Fund to In vestigate Is B est 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Invested Now to Safe- guard Project E i .i ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, W 4 NO. 2<; - I JAPAN NOT TO SUBMIT POINT OF EXCLUSION ----- MAY DISARM F e n n e r P rem ier Says H is Country W ill be F irst if Protocol Is A m ple P rotection 1 7 ,(MIO BIDS WANTED FOR 9-STORY LOCAL HOTEL KILLED MANY IN 2 STATES; Will Not Ask League tojRepublicans Did Not Expect Him To Make Trouble; firm si H e r T Immigration m m i o-rofi/xn I w r____ : J c. T - V ______ w ir 1 -- Consider Reported C? Sen. Norris aijd Sen. Johnson May A Also Problem, Stated - Bolt; Pepper Said to Have Cancelled Speaking Tour j FRANCE NAMES PETITION LA FOLLETTE-WHKELER n ---------- a 8 ALBANY, N. .Y., Oct. 1. 8 ♦* — A La Follette - W heeler 8 8 petition, carrying 17,000 8 8 names, and weighing 500 8 8 pounds, was filed today with 8 Secretary of State Hamilton. 8 The petition was necessary 8 i 8 in order to have the names 8 8 of the Independent candi- 8 I Pennsylvania Loss Is Nine 8 dates appear on the election 8 Plans Accented nc TAnoA- T L - •/. .. , n V v L jJ L C U d b O U U I U I l L e i l 8 ballots. Dead; Three T Lose T Life 8 by Architect at Meeting 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 in N. Y. Downpour of Directors Tuesday 18211415 WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.— Sena* to r B rookhart’s spectacular bolt ironi the Republican party with a “dem and” th a t th e Republican manageia remove “ General Dawes* from the tick et” , caused a politi­ cal sensation in the capitol toe day. While the Republican leaders liad never counted on Senator B rookhart, a piogressive, throw ­ ing h.s undeniable strength ii( Iowa for the national ticket, they had counted on him rem aining quiet and not em barrassing Presi­ dent Coolidge politically. Reports from authentic sources are to the effect th a t the Iowa leader will allow his denunciation by coming openly for the La Fol- h tte-W heeler combination. i TWO VESSELS SUNK ment soon and that Senator Hiram _____ Johnson of California may sup­ Wind F orres Crews D esert Two port La Follette. Ships; Train W recked in Speaking Cancelled a Bridge W ashout GIVE MAIN EZRA MEEKER IN PLANE JO OHIO Senator Pepper has cancelled a lohg speaking tour because of al­ PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. If VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. I leged d.fferenees with the Re­ Nine are dead, hundreds of; — Lieut. Oakley Kelly left Van- publican vice-presidential can­ homes damaged, mines flooded eouver barracks this morning in didate, it is said. t and thousands of dollars of prop- a piane with Ezra Meeker, fam ­ erty damage is the result of a ous Oregon pioneer, for Dayton, Dawes To Reply fierce wind and rain storm in Ohio. CHICAGO, Oct. 1. — Gen. Eastern Pennsylvania. The mission of Meeker’s visit Dawes leaves Chicago tonight for is not known, although this is his a speaking tour in Iowa, Missouri SYRACUSE, N. Y., Oct. 1. — longest airplane trip. He has and Indiana. Three are dead, a train wai made several previous to this in He indicated a reply to Senator „reeked in a washout and bridges! Z n B rookhart will come at Kansas City tomorrow. drenching rains since last Satur­ HORSE GIVES FIRST day. FEATURES W ill Include th e L atest Ideas in H otel C onstruction; Oct. 17th U n lit for Bids TOKIO, Oct. 1.— Foreign Min- Engineer McKissick’s report The directors of the Lithian ! ister Shidehara announced today to the cham ber of commerce fo r - ' Hotel company Tuesday evening , th at “Japan had no intention of um yesterday presents several in­ held a conference with A rchitect I subm itting the American immigra- teresting points, such as the site3 T ourtellette, a member of the which he thinks, “ upon superfic­ Diamond Lake closed for the ^ on Pro blem to the league of na­ firm of T ourtellette and Hum­ ial examination appeared to af­ season last Sunday, and it is es­ tions for adjustm ent and declar­ mel. of Portland, for a discussion ford the best th a t could be had tim ated th a t 20,000 people visit­ ed the Japanese objection to the of the plans and specifications for in the way of impounding w ater, ed the resort this year. Manager original protocal was a m atter of A shland’s new nine-story hotel. these sites to be selected exclus­ Howard of Diamond Lake Im ­ principle only. The plans were accepted v irtu ­ ively above the present power in­ provement company left Monday, ally as outlined by Mr. Tourtel- GENEVA, Oct. 1. — The a rb i­ leaving the lodge and cabins in takes.” !ette and it was decided that bids These hites, five of which have : charge of a caretaker for the.w in- tration protocol containing the would be advertised for, the same already been surveyed and two ■ ter. Two inches of snow fell at Japanese am endm ent has been to be in by October 17th. These added by Mr. McKissick, are as the lake last week. Many im­ subm itted before the assembly bids will cover the general con­ CLUE TO TRAGEDY WiU Censure B olter provements a t the lake are plan­ for debate. follows: struction, wiring, plumbing, heat- DES MOINES. Iowa. Oct. 1.— Form er Prem ier Briand of A— The present power intake ned next year by the concession- NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 1. — Two BEND, Oct. 1. — Alvin Rob- :ng and the elevator. Bids will N o n is May B olt A m eeting of the state republi­ vessels were sunk in the gale | jnson, 4 5, hom esteader near A .h- and small reservoir on the W esf ares, among the projects being France, in addressing the assem­ Sim ultaneously with the can committee has been called for whlch swept the Atlantic seabord. wood ,n Jeffersoil county> was be asked from firms both to the the building of a dance pavilion. bly, praised the protocol, saying Fork. B rookhart bolt, come reports th at tomorrow for the purpose of cen­ Both vessels were abandoned by I shol to dealh 80mp time 6,nce north artd to the south of Ash­ E— On the W est Fork near the The government road crew is still “ If it assures sufficient security, Senator Norris of N ebraska would suring Senator B rookhart for the their crews who were picked up I Friday> it wag announced follow. land, according to the decision of IT. S. Ranger Station. working on the forest service France will be the first nation to at sea. None was lost. ing (fce finding Qf the body ]agt the directors. C— On the W est Fork, jo3t be­ road from Roseburg to the lake, set an example of disarm am ent” Have an “ im portant” announce­ sensational bolt he has made. The first floo • of the hotel will end expect to complete it as far low W inburn’s. night. Sheriff Bern E. Gard of contain the lob y, 47 by 47 feet. D— The “ old dry lake bed” , as Big Camas lake before they 357 SEEK OFFICES GAME WARDEN HAS j Jeffdrson county. Coroner E. W. 2 stories higl dining room 42 IN STATE OF OREGON ■near the head of the W est Fork. are forced to suspend operations HARD TUSSLE WITH I Mason and District Attorney B. by 4 0, two s lies li’gli, and E— The present power intake hy the advance of winter. BRUIN AT KLAMATH i C. Boylan are now at the scene kitchen 20 by 29 1-2, the kitchen SALEM, Oct. 1. — Oregon vot­ and small reservoir on the East ______ Î investigating. and dining room being to the ex- ers will have an opportunity in Fork. GOOD PROGRAM FOR KLAMATH FALLS. Oct. k — ■ The fh s t intim ation of their tf eme i ear of the first floor. A November to choose from among F— On the E ast Fork, 4 500 PIONEERS’ MEET 226 men and women, candidates Absorbing bullets like a John ! tragedy came late Monday after- ‘ m arquise cover will be at the feet in distance upstream from E. Barleycorn would cocktails, a 200 noon, when Robinson’s saddle front. There will also lie four G__On the East Fork, 6500 JACKSONVILLE, Oct. 1. — foi 131 offices, according to the ! pound bear charged straight at !h o ise and pack horse returned store rooms. 17 hy 40 feet at the ballot certification prepared by ■feet in distance upstream from E. ' pjoneer£ of Jackson county and Deputy Game W arden Phil Mot- home. The saddle horse was The engineer also suggests a ' southern Oregon wiil hold their Secretary of State Kozer and Says H e W ould R ather lx* Dead International Soviel y Man Is schonbacher Saturday and en­ blood-streaked, and so badly front. H eld for Im person tttn g Than R eturn and K nown The second floor will include a plan whereby by the tapping ol , annua) reunion this year at transm itted to county clerks for dangered the sportsm an's life un- frightened that no one could get hall room, 30 by 31, tlie Mezzan­ Army O fficers th eir inform ation. The ofTices as Q uitter both forks of the Ashland creek, Jacksonville, Thursday, October til a bullet in a vital spot brought near it. with the added supply from res- js th , w ith A ttorney Charles range from presidential electors Mrs. Robinson called up neigh­ ine floor, ladies parlor and 10 lr’m down six feet from the end to district attorney and include SHANGHAI, Oct. 1. — Un- SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1., —- ervoirs farth er upstream , the sup- Kearnes, a son of a well known bors who in turn got word to rooms. The third and fourth of the gun. United States senator and con- daunted by the prospect of the I “Count” Jacques Debaufort, an floors will contain rooms. Above ply might be increased. j n oneer.' de ivering the main ad- M otrchenbacber with Deputy Jefferson county officials at Ma­ severest w eather of his flight, international society figure, is the fourth floor the tower will Sites B, C, E, F, and G. which I ,|ve s c( the day. It will also b e ' gressmen, secretary of state, sta»s Game W arden H. H. Short were dras last night. The party of of­ continue five ¿dories high, with have already been surveyed, are the occasion of the opening of j treasu rer, justices of the state Major Zaimis, the A rgentine globe i loday vain.y attem pting to raise an allnight hunting in the Clear W ater Burn, ficer! conducted the most practical in the engin-ph*> Jacksonville museum contin-j r,np‘ ?n’f> COU,’L attorney general, circ’.cr, today announced his d<*-;$500 for hail, following his ar- ■ gilt steel posts extending in the in the northern part of the coun- ; search, and this morning the body c er's opinion, although he states^ {ng the Pelton collection of p io n -! ^ a i' an^ f°°d commissioner, pub- term ination to cross the Pacific * rest for im personating United a 'r and toj ped with large elec- V. Motschenbacher spotted I of Robinson was found. A bul lie service commissioners, circuit ocean despite the warnings. . I States and Belgian army officers, other contours might show some- orr relics, by Mrs. Alice Sargent, let entering his back had caused tiic lights which will he able to th in g much better and more f e a s - ithe rnoth er of the project. Food court Judges- state senators and i “ I would rath er die than re- j The “ count” has made repeat- Bruin browsing in the brush. , he seep for miles. death. :ta te representatives. . I tu rn to Buenos Aires w ithout do- cd efforts to raise the bail in lo­ Throwing his r i f e to his should-; Tho gist of the specifications ible. i and oratory will abound. Robin:on was last seen alive, er, Motschenbachor shot the bear He states th at at first glance J The p re im in a ry details of t h e | in addition to the candidates j ing my utm ost to finish the cal circles, but he seems to have in the hind r tar era. for the new hotel is as follows: except for the interval when the lost li's influence with his form- the figures indicate that the V Lin-; annual event, are under the dir-I t-Ae voters will pass upon seven I flight, ’ he stated, Basement under the dining W heeling I:’?'1 a flash a rd *.'iv d —er w itched him before er friends. burn site, B, is much the best for ectiOn of Miss Alice Hanley and; '«ensures, three subm itted by the rcom and kitchen. H eater room h ro t’rg him down, when he stop­ growling terriblv, the ar.im ’.1 j storage, although lie says the dam j others, and will he featured by p’ate legislature, another by re INROADS MADE BY * and store room in basement. * charged straight at the game war- ped Friday noon at the Dewey n t this site would he extrem e1}’ n big dinner at noon, at which ferendum end three proposed by STANGE MALADY ON BOBBED HAIR BEFORE i Holding his ground, Mot- Daguer ranch. He had left home Sidewalk doo:*3 to basement and SO. OREGON DEER BANGED, PREFERENCE , , „ , , expensive. wi’l h ' r *': ved chicken, roast beef. initiative petition. ash lift on the F irst street side. > AT? TWUPTITnOTfilT ECh enI>achei t°°k anothei shot in the morning, intending to he Repuh’iean candidates num ber A dam 50 feet high wou.d hold t pork, turkey and 100 different Street facades faced with cast r TT-, 0F METHODIST BISHOF bear squarel amid. back shortly and was on his re­ PORTLAND, Oc;. 1. — Unlejsi ---------- ! th e following acre feet of w ater, kinds of edibles, prepared hy 103. Democrats, 73; Independ­ stone to Underside of course turn trip when he stopped at the CHICAGO, Oct. 1. — Bobbed 1 slups’ cooks, who learned their art, sat­ ents, 9; Socialists, 5; Progres­ the strange malady, w’hich is kill- bis report thow s: under the third story windows, W ithout even pausing the Dagner place. C, 102 acre feet; B, 71 acre isfying the hunger of Indian figh­ sives. 3; Sociälist-Laborites, 4; ing d e .r along the C alifornia-O re-' hair, 3hort sk irts and songs? like marble base on outside In street Democratic-Republican?, 5 and gon 1 ne, is.cheeked withiu a few | Yes, We Have .No Bananas, w ere, beast came on with mfnith open feet; E", 61 acre feet; F, 51 acre ters and empire builders. facades also. Balance of exterior CRAWLS TO AUTO The fatal shot The Emil B ritt collection of Republican-Democrats, 24. Two weeks it may be fatal to the h u n -! defended against banged hair, I an(J anar. ng feet; G, 37 acre feet. is or ornam ental concrete cast Clarence Adams, deputy game dreds of California and Oregon hoop sk irts and Pharaoh On The I caught the bear through t le ab- A dam 100 feet high would photographs of prom inent pion­ are women. Aomen. So close was the animal warden, is in Portland on official into ornam ental forms, resulting deer th at use this territo ry for a Fence, L ittle Moses In The Pool. I show as follows: eers and characters will be on th at his nose was powder burned. hm inesi and is at the Imperial. in a pleasing texture, contour and w inter rar.ge, acording to report by Bishop Edwin H olt Hughes of j C, 670 acre feet; B, 421 acre display, and there will be a rem- Short and Motschenbacher Mr. Adams was browsing ayound color, a monolith of concrete: made today by A. E B urghduff, i the Methodist - Episcopal Church j feet; E, 364 acre feet; F, 309 inescent hour during the a fte r­ the hills about three months ago above.Is trimmed with art stone. j in an address at a reception ten- _TT_,__ _ , _j state game warden. noon. The exercises will start acre feet. Rogue river, Union creek and Dia­ when he slipped and fell and was A brush coat with a cement base Burdhoff has been making a * dered him and Mrs. Hughes last G is not surveyed above a <0 at 10:30 o’clock in the morning mond lake and reported few deer impaled on a broken branch. The is spread over outer surface to careful 'check of the reports com­ night. and will last till sundown. foot dam. game warden had to crawl three make a w aterproof surface over ” We criticise their hair, their killed. Short, however, brought miles over broken country to ing from K lam ath and Lake He stated th a t further investi­ Binger Herm ann of Roseburg, same. , down a three-point black tail. counties and has discovered th a t skin, th eir stockings, th eir shoes, gation may show th a t a dam 150 form er Oregon congressman, well* reach his automobile and after Lobby has tile floor and m ar­ more than 100 dead deer have skirts, cosmetics and m anners,” feet high and holding a much known in this section, Captain O. treating liis w’ound with iodine, ble base, with small spaces off, been found in Modoc county. Cal­ said Bishop Hughes, speaking of la rg e r volume of storage, with a C? Applegate of K lam ath Falls, he managed to drive to the near­ all with green stone side walls, The C rater Lake season which ifornia, and a few in extreme modern young people. “ I suppose b etter construction base and at Bill Hanley of Burns, Oregon, and est town to find a physician, but ornam ental beamed and decora- a sm aller cost than a sm aller dam Governor W alter M. Pierce are began on July 1 last, came to an Southern K lam ath and Lake when you middle-aged people there was no physician available. t ’.ve ceiling. Ornamental iron were young» to bear some of you could be built at the W inburn among th e outside dignitaries official end today. Although the counties. Despite the gravity of the injury, railing forms balustrade of Mez­ attendance figures for the sea­ Beyond declaring th a t the dia talk, you would think you were site, where conditions for a dam scheduled to be at the reunion. the grit of Mr. Adams was such zanine in main lobby. Dining son arc not yet available and ease is neither the hoof and gentle angels, sitting around on There will he delegations of a re said not to be best. th at lie pulled through and he is room and annex have panelled He points out the fallacy of pioneers from every se tion ol probably will not be for a day mouth epidemic nor anthrax. Cal- sofas with your hands folded on back on the job.— The Oregonian. wainscoting beamed ceilings and or so, it is known th a t the a t­ ifornia veterinarians and federal your lap3. building a series of small dams southern Oregon. hardwood floors. French doors tendance greatly exceeded th a t of inspectors aie unwilling to make j *“We never had a finer set of a t various points in the w ater­ FREDERICK, Mdj— John W. separate dining rooms. Ball previous seasons. any statm ent on the n atu re of young people in the Methodist shed. stating th a t a dam 50 feet Davis, Democratic candidate for room has beamed and vaulted The lodge was closed Tuesday th e disease. These investigations Church than we have today. More high at five sites would impound ceiling, pannelled wainscoting and forenoon and all the lodge em­ are being cortinued. than 30,000 of them attended in­ president, opened the last month n total of only 328 acre feet, of the campaign with a slashing hardwood floors. ployees and rem aining guests de­ The theory had been advanced stitutions this summer and 9 6 which would be the equivalent attack this afternoon on Secre­ All of the upper portion of the parted from the lake by noon in th a t unusual drouth in th a t coun­ per cent of the num ber listened only of one dam 90 feet high at tary Mellon and the entire Coo­ building has woodwork maliog- the stages for this city. try had driven tlie deer to poison­ .with attention to serious lectures. Site B or one les3 than *10 feet SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 1. — lidge adm inistration. anized; cement floor in tower All the park rangers hut Pete ed w ater holes, but fu rth er in­ “ Don’t you remember when the CHICO, Cal., Oct. 1.— Thirty- high at Site C. He advocated Two men were wounded this He roubdly denounced the portion, fir floors with stained Oard. who will be on duty all vestigation has revealed th a t th e young people used to bang theii going up in the air for adequate six trained horse3 of the A1 G. morning on the border in a gun “ rule of silence” in W ashington and varnished borders in wing w inter, were released from duty Barnes circus were burned to malady is wide spread. The dis­ h air— jet is fall all over the fore­ battle between federal prohibi­ storage. on all government m atters. yesterday, and the lodge and sur­ units. Bath rooms have cement ease starts with mouth ulcers head? As between banged hair tion agents and liquor runners A traverse line on an aPPro" death in a train fire here. Quick p riate grade run around the work saved the elephant cars at roundings, and the community th a t finally run down into the and bobbed hair, I take the bob­ * who were attem pting to smuggle floors and bases, same to be house is now in the care 6f John MINING MEN WILL . 1 whiskey into Ferry county in enamelled. m ountain side from the W inburn the rear of the train. vital organs and bring about bed variety. Mabin, caretaker, and Ranger Principal or tower unit is a INSPECT SO. OREGON eastern W ashington from British ‘* Remember those balloon site to Site F on the E ast Fork death PLANE LICENSE MAY BE Oard. Superintendent Thomson fireproof building Class A. The state game authorities a r e ; skirts? W hen two women met on and from there on around to a Columbia. REVOKED DUE TO ACCIDENT .and family will rem ain w ith a Roof is level and GRANTS PASS, Oct. 1. The George Murray and Andrew throughout. particularly anxious to get the the sidewalk, one had to step off point opposite to and direct y staff of laborers as long as the southern Oregon country as a Sa a j Vlnner, was shot through f°r u3e length of pipe line n e c c s^ rv to motor vehicle departm ent to d a y ! Provement wor a t the present time, according to 50,- th a t should be productive going 1 expects to show them the Holland $540 or gave an alternative of! THE WEATHER LONDON, Oct. 1.-—The Greek E ight hours of study, eight the creation of a board of me­ 000. begging, for the land is the basis mine as an example of the deep 180 days in the county jail. Lenzi I cabinet has resigned 6O th at thp Report for the past 24 hours: chanical experts to inspect all air­ hours of sleep and eight hours Maximum, 71; Minimum. 43; Set for meals and recreation is the of all prosperity.”— The Oregon- mines, in which values have been paid the fine from a roll of m o n .|Bew m inister can be created on planes for which licenses are re­ Every ad haa a message ian. proven. ey he carried with him. a coalitlon basis> Maximum, 59. Ideal day advanced. » quested. E ARGENTINE FAKE COUNT IS FLIER TO KEEP ’ EFFORTS AT C R A B BUT SOME STILL GO K DÜE TO SILENCE CIRCUS LOST 36 HORSES IN FIRE M ÏS B Ï EIRE IS CAUSE BIG LOSS T