PAur r o m » - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • » « ■» ♦■♦ . ♦ . AStttAÑti ÎL4iLŸ TtDlNGS ♦ ♦ » » ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » » ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ m m m B utterfield Has Accident— - H. O. B utterfield had an a u to ! accident Sunday when returning toward Ashland. A nother driver j ahead of B utterfield turned out at the Rogue River intersection ■ w ithout giving any signal and the two cars collided, damaging each of them slightly. Tuesday, Septem ber So. 1«)2Í 10 _supreme court- I Mills will fly the famous Ver- America's youngest aviator of re The p.aintiffs in the action, I ll’c-Sporry monoplane built by the cognized ability, whose hames have not yet been . late Lawrence Sperry who lost ~ - -- ■■— •» ' ---------:-e ------------------------------------ =rr-.-. — _ - . . . — The three-day program calls for divulged, will contend th at all the his- life flying a c ro ss‘the English 12 m ajor races in which more A D ally C hronicle of th o se w ho com e and go, and ev en ts of candidates for the two vacancies; Channel, * * than 200 are entered. in the court should be grouped' local interest On to D ayton” R ace Plans have been made to seat 1 on the ballot, under the desigwa- _ •* The ‘ On to Dayton” race, a pre­ 200,000 persons in the huge Mtion of “ vote for two.” i The secretary of state ha3 held liminary of the International Air j grand stand and bleachers at the From M arshfield— } . , Cal., Sept. 30 th a t the two vacancies in the su- Race program proper, is attract- ; field. M alta Com m andery Ko. 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Baird;, form ­ Correction— I lacei County s large deciduous ! preme court should be treated as ing the attention of am ateur pil­ K n igh ts Tem plar erly of Ashland now living in A. L. Lamb stated today th a t fiu it belt is ready to turn the j separate offices, and has arrange- ots throughout the country. This M asonic H all Marshfield arrived in Ashland the driver of the Ford truck th at clock back seventy-five years on j ed t he ballot to th at end. Under i cvent closes at midnight Oct. 1 ™<> LATK TO CLASSIFY States conclave, W ednesday, yesterday for a short visit with made the trip of 301 miles from Wednesday, and for a day bring ’ the ruling of the secretary of It is open to anyone who can fly evening, Oct. 1. All Sir K nights friends and relatives here, Jervais, Oregon, wa3 Wayne Glea­ FOR RENT — Ten.toom house LONDON, Sept. 25.— Many na­ back the era when fortunes were ! state, based on procedents cover- a ship. E ntrants will fly to .pay- courteously invited. Open in long son, instead of Mr. Lamb. taken out of the ground with ' ton from any point in the country partly furniriied, 111 3rd St. ing many years, the regular party tives of Pondoland, South Africa, form, with drill. Dinner a t 6:30 B urton Dancing School, Mem­ picks instead of through the roots nominees will contest for the of­ and the winner will be judged 25-3* are likely to lose wives purchased o'clock. orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ A rrested— of a thousand prosperous or- fice of justice of the supreme on points as to speed, distance, on extended credit, during the F. H. JOHNSON, E. C. noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. WANTED: — Plain ’ sewing, Earl P. Smith of Ashland, who chards. court male vacant through the weight, gasoline consumed and W. H. DAY, Recorder. 307-tf was arrested by Deputy Game last three years, because they 4 00 Liberty St. The occarion is the Gold Trail resignation of Lawrence H arris of the cost of the trip. W arden P arr on the charge of claim to be unable to complete Extension Celebration, the play- Eugene. Candidates for this of- Two entrants in the On to Day- their payments. FOR RENT:— A w inter cabin W orking at M edford— In A shland— hunting deer with a dog near day of the American Mining Con- , fice are H arry BeR of Da]las> re. ton race are Ralph Dickinson, 66. The purchase of wives on credit furnished for house keeping, M arshall Barber and Allen A u-’ U h la n d , entered a plea “of not Mrs. H arry Ackley of K lam ath gress convention in Sacram ento I pilblican> and o . P . Co6how of of Chicago, the oldest licensed Cheap and comfortable way to i3 not usually allowed among the Falls is visiting with her m other trey are working at the Twentieth guilty in Judge Taylor’s court this week. In this celebration the Roseburg, democrat. pilot in the country and Ted live. Pleasant community. 153 Mrs. J. F. Wells of Sixth street. Century store in Medford. here this forenoon. This m eans natives, as there is too much in­ gold rush days of 1849, when the Moellendick, 16, of W ichita, Kan., Granite St. For the office made vacant ---------- • th a t the case will bq tried before clination to retu rn the - wives in process of reclaim ing the foothills See Paulserud’3 for the latesi Mitchels, Auto tops, curtains, a j ury as SOon as the district at- lieu of the purchase price, but a from the wi.derness began, will through-the death of the late Ju s­ in Fall suits and woolens. painting and upholstery work. j torney can appear for the state. m atrim onial m oratorium has been be lived again by the residents tice John McCourt there iv but one candidate. This is Judge in effect during the period of 382 E. Main.. 22— 6t — Medford Mail Tribune. ¡o f Auburn and vicinity for the p ^ r c y K e l l y of Albany, i m ourning for the death of a para- L eaving Today— benefit of thousands of visitors I /who filed as an independent. Mrs. L. A. Shaw is leaving to­ Stopped Here— MARCEL ÁND CURL LAST t biount chief- This period is now cxpected from without. In another suit it was said th a t I Colonel and Mrs. Al Fair- day for San Francisco after visit« LONGER after a Golden G lin t' over> an m aintaining initiative ! of course. 24-tf Parish house at 7:30. All of porcb and renov*ting the kitchen, ; f the m i’e-long grand stand. elite: prise, t.rd progress in -our ; ■ New sp^ed re c o rd s f r a dose:, those interested in making this Mr- Sh° r t on Beech street lias, Vjiiway and other utilities, q' j r me-.-» d l-tn n rjr an ti'ip ated PROOUCTIOM H unting— 1 successful year arc a3ked to a t - 'addcd hardwood floors, a kitchen-' --PrCi.s t j,ej css th eir enormous growth F. J. Murphy is spending the tend. This is the first meeting ette and breakfast nook to i inti oHiciai?. cf the In'c-rnat nnj -vo-, SH A N G H A I. S ept. 30. his: nd constantly improving effici- week in the Dead Indian country of the new year. home i en cy ’ and service. , honsand com batants were killed ! Air R aces ra y th e p ro g " m t f hunting. r.d wounded in the heaviest bat- I special a ir c a rn iv a l event? is un _______ | 0,1 Third street Guy Louis has ,.Tll „ , . Why pay more for m ilk „ h e n M P “ “ 1 *1 « ~ w ,h ’Te casualty iist in the history .of j p re c e d e n te d . Are you hard to fit? Try a suit you can get the best milk for lront P°rch, Carl The Pn'Lzpi« Race the Chinese civil war, hut the McEwen has made to your m easure at Paul- 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone added a new porch and paint and service, and this growth is far I b attle lines outside of Shanghai As usual, interest in heavier- more precious than any am ount serud’s. 14— tf 396R and 369J. than-air speed events centers in remained unchanged today. 4-tf Mr. Shutz has put on a new roof. A story of work and play—thrift—waste—success- of legislation. Of these occasion­ The machine guns are ham ­ the Pulitzer race against time, ---------- Mr. De Haas of Union street al individuals who fail to m ani­ Move— m ering night and day at the the winner of which will get the failure—romance and thrills, In Ashland— has added a new roof to h’s home. fest this sense of public respon­ C hristian Anderson and fam ­ Mrs. Charles Brady of H orn-i On Nob Hill Mr. DaHoff ig re- Chekiang and Kiangsu lines and $10,000 Liberty Bond purse, ily moved into the George C arter brook was in Ashland today vis-! modejling his house into a Dutch sibility. I could speak witli bit­ a big engagement is expected at Harry Mills, goes into the con­ house on Mountain Avenue last iting with relatives and shopping, colonial one, which will be very terness, for they are the real Sungkiang. REGULAR ADMISSION Bridges blown up test as a representative of Orville stim ulators of socialism. Such week. They arrived here re­ W right, pioneer in heavier-than- on the HangChow railroad pre­ ---------- attractive when completed. J. J. men give the cause for the des­ cently from eastern Oregon. Mrs. Imogene W allace, piano classes McNair is also improving h?s pair th a t government ownership vent the moving up of the K iang­ air fiying. Anderson is a sister of Mrs. J. begin Septem ber 25. For idfor- bouse, adding paint, and doing a is the only relief from their ac­ su forces and their big guns. V. W right of this city. mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss small am ount of building. ♦ »♦» ” ♦ '♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ <> >-♦ ♦ » « tions. But we do not put the! TH E W EA TH ER Wallace, C entral Point. 13— tf! Mr. and Mrs. G. N. K lam er of whole people in jail because of oc­ Big Bargain at the one cent sale Report for th e past 24 hours: ---------- H argadine street have added a casional m urders.” — McNair Bros. Maximum, 85; Minimum, 41; Set R eturns Home— store room, sleeping an« open Maximum, 71. Mrs. Guy Randles returned porch at the back of their house. R eturn From P ortland— Sunday evening from Klam ath There are many more improve- N ot W orld F ilers— Mr. and Mrs. F. D. W agner and Three airplanes flew over Ash­ F in e F ilb erts— Falls where she had been visit- • ments go ng on in town which Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney re ­ ing. She came home to attend have not been stated, and the land a t noon Tuesday and many W. F. A rant of this city, Tues- turned home yesterday afternoon the funeral of her mother, Mrs. am ount of building th a t is being ‘bought they were the w o rld . day bad a ja r of filberts .which from Portland where they have fliers returning to the south.! were grown by Dr. J. M. Powell Radcliffe. done is encouraging. been visiting for the past week. However, this was a mistake, a s | o^ Monmouth. Mr. A rant stated The Kinney’s brought a new the world fliers have been o rd ered ! filberts could be grown easily and Snappy new models in suits for FA IR PRIZES FOR COUN­ Jew ett sedan back with them. On w TIES TO BE BANNED east and th eir planes are p a rk e d ' profitably here. The 3amp'.es he their return they stopped at Eu­ young men at Paulserud’s. in a Seattle hangar, aw aiting fur- j ^ad were splendid specimens, 14— tf gene and visited Paul W agner, These garments are made of All Wool—Pre-shrunk, color fast Material. You can th e r orders. Portland and other (Continued from page 1.) who is attending school there. Addresses School-— cities which had planned a wel­ SUIT TO TEST PLACE C. A. Hitchcock, who is visiting a display, many think finer, than come upon the fliers’ retu rn Complete line of Ashland Can­ here from Jefferson, Ohio, a d -1 any in th e pavilion, and is award- southw ard are keenly disappoint­ NAMES ON BALLOTS UP ned Goods at Detricks. 9 4-tf dressed the student body of the ed sixth Place, the first place go- ed at the departure of the fliers SALEM, Sept. 29. — It was high school yesterday aftern o o n ,! ing to Columbia county, w h ich ; to the east, reported here th a t a suit would F or Salem — giving an excellent speech a n d : h as a creditable display but one be filed in the courts within the Geo. A. Briscoe, Homer Bil­ one th a t was thoroughly enjoyed th a t does not compare In quality We carry for the school girl 'Pho Wool­ week to test the authority of the lings, A. C. Joy and J. H. Fuller Letterheads. statem ents, t o or variety of products with th at by all. secretary of state in connection left today following the Forum en tailored .lack Tar Dresses; made in Tidings Office. made by Jackson or several other your order « a t the j . . t i a l l g e m e ent in with m the e a arrangem of the bal- luncheon for Salem where they » g00d JOb p r,nting de_ i lot at the November election, as HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo counties. will have a meeting of the Board a variety of styles—some are Button partment. 212__tf ' The inevitable result of this t f it relates to filling vacancies in of Regents and take up m atters of course. injustice will be the w ithdraw al, pertaining to the Ashland Normal Trimmed and some are Trimmed with another year of Jackson and other », School. P urchase Property— counties from participation. These i «I self material and Linen. They come ¡1. J. A. Hoagland of Central j counties cannot be expected to You are welcome to compare Point has purchased the property enter into a dishonest competition plaids and plain woolen material. my Automobile rates with any of L. M. Trask at 505 Boulevard where the awards, are “ fram ed” other rates in Jackson or Jose­ through the Ashland Realty Com­ by Oregon A gricultural college Sizes 6 to 1G phine Counties; you can be the pany. Mr. Hoagland will take politicians for sectional advant­ Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. possession in a few days and age. Priced as low as $9.00 MWT** 104» 24-tf thoroughly renovate, repair and No. 1769 A round robin has been signed paint the house. in protest by the disgruntled ex­ To Erect Garage— hibitors dem anding either the A cement garage wi’l be erect­ Lubies and children’s hair cut­ elim ination of all aw ards or an ed by A1 LeMo3s and son, Dewey ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par- honest judgm ent by experts based LeMoss, on their property at or- The New .Jack Tar 293-tf upon m erits, threatening w ith­ a r The J a c k Sixth and Main streets, according T Summer is done—glorious Pall with its swift in- f l a n n e l Middy draw al of displays another year, to a statem ent given out by them Trains H eld G y m n a s i u m vigoration and the snap of cool, delightful days which would d etract largely from Coatee is h e re , this morning. The construction Southern Pacific train s Nos. 54 the fair, bloomer has been flashes a signal for speed. • work starts tomorrow, with m a­ made of very fine and 16 were late in arriving Mon- Probably th e best policy will be adopted as the cor­ terial already being taken to the day night due to th e fire a t I to elim inate th e aw ards entirely, French flannel, in rect style bloomer As Nature slows down, i t ’s up to us to shift into rite of the new building. It is pioneer. According to mail clerks letting th e counties make the best soft shades with eS ,mV-eftdnnha\ ? ? e !,trUCtUre/ l\ on these train s the fire s ta r te d , display they can, as Marion coun- high, to keep things in balance. th ro u g h o u t the contrasting mater­ IwAwUd tn pWw rln ta in the brU8h al° Dg the highway, ty does., not for the sake of a country. E x t r a ial, on Collar, Cuff „ „ __ The fighters thought they had prize, but to exhibit to the state Al) along the line there is the promise of activity— full and reinforced. Pass Courier. and Pockets. Hi- this extinguished, but the blaze th eir resources.— Salem Capital of action that fosters the ambitions, everyone holds. spread to a buildiug and in a Journal. Lo Collar, w i t h We deliver the goods -D etricks short time was destroying sev er-1 Sizes G to 18 --------------------------- lo re d Tie. Tailored Y ou’ll find th is In stitu tion in harm ony w ith the 9 4-tf al buildings. Crews from Mt. GRANTS PASS GRAPE season— keyed up fo r cooperation in any enterprise Priced at ...$1.79 Makes Good Run— Shasta City and other nearby! SHIPMENTS AT PEAK riced ag low as w here good banking service is needed. The local Ford dealers Mon- p° in‘s wer e rushed to the scene ■■ $6.50 day made a test haul of lum ber 'an(i the big mill a t Pioneer was GRANTS PASS, Sept. 30. — ' L et’s m ak e tlie F a ll season one w e’II lo n g rem em ber. from the Moons-Fields mill on the saved The train crew reported Grape shipm ents from this coun- Green Springs road to the local the blaze was so fierce th at, ty a re n<>w a t the peak and will T h e L a b e l box factory site making the ¡blowing across the tracks, it continue for the next ten days RUB 'EM -T U B 'EM round trip of 46 miles on five warped the rails. The origin of or two weeks. Nearly a car a day SCRUB ’EM gallons of gas. The trip out was the fire was a cigarette, it was i3 being sent out by the local as- sociation. The rain of the past made in one hour and 25 min­ stated. _ _ _ _ _ week was not of sufficient d u ra­ utes and the trip back in two THEY tion to damage the crop, as the COME UP SMILING hours. The load included 2143 Let .us fill your pall with Swifts damp w eather was followed by feet of lum ber. The box factory -W here Your D ollar H as M ore Cents' of H o *o r ver Leai lard. Costs less than , cie ar warm w eather, drying out may use this method of hauling a or en ng Goes farth er and Is th e grape bunches before mildew th eir supplies to the local plant. more nutritious. D etricks. 94 tf! could 8et in. b o ca l ■ P e rs o n a l |4otes $ Wives On Credit TO EARLY DAY ERA Bought in Africa May Be Returned To Their Parents * * * Husbands Broke Today, Tomorrow, Thursday EXPECT SPEED 10 BE MADE AT RACES CECIL B.D e MILLES PIE FIGHT FRONT TRIUMPH* Just Arrived—A new Line of The Famous “JACK TAR TOGS’’ for the Boys and Girls Rub- em DIG UP THE OLD ‘let’s go ahead” spirit • —DRESS IT UP FOR BRISKER DA YS! First National Bank Ashland, Oregon 1 ub- em—Scrub-’em They come up smiling*.