fisa »Ait? æ m Classified Column Ulnmlfierl Column Kates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, ftc the word each time. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS S o c ie ty ï ’iKsuej-, 4ept*tnber :to, 102Ì preftram and refreshm ents were . bhsdktt-ehief &ii e8fehined in oil«, ¿f sailors, firemen, « * • - H cooks ~ and w h iu in tha IC t, a a * .. 1 “ f h e Tiding'« A ds I)ring R esult« and the ju n io r boys. An excel­ t w a cigs. Coolidge anu Secretary of Labor osition to make to the President lent program consisting of duets-, OR. HAWLEY— /.bove Tidings DaVls to urge th at laws be made of the U nit'd i t 3tec wtiiei Scint Patrick may have chafed lass stringent. rnnr . , Sta*eS’ uhich v;e solos and stories was given. A office. Phone 91. ail the snakes out of Treiard but w « ™ «a ,» , ! ‘ l,£C,O8e at th,s t i m e W i l ’ collection was taken up for the WANTED— Clcarf cotton * THE WINDS O F GOD ho had , '’ ikon adm its there have been son, said, DR. C. W. HANSON . • church, remodeling, the first one he had no hing on the leather , cause, (or e „ )e ,aw ; * » ags. No overalls, underw ear * (By Ethel McKinzie in Contem-i D en tist th at has been taken. At the goods people who are corraled and says he has * or w oolen goods accepted. * porary Verse) evidence that Special attention given to pyor- FOR RENT close of the evening delicious re- every lizzard and crocodile in ex- during the last 5 ceu ts per pound, Tidings * rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver > The wind of God are out to-day, , freshm ents were served by the ' istence and made them up in to ' were <,mug ,ed year thousands FOR SALE— Old rapers at Tid­ * office. __• NICELY Furnished room for rent. Block. Phone 178-J. into tho United 233-tf. i Exultant through the world they j hoys and girls. bonnets and slippers for the Fair states ings; 25c per bundle. dh S H t t l t i t t i K t t S t t t t K t t 119 7th street. Near Depot. as seamen who were not Zp^ac- Play’ ! * * * j aex. It is reported th at there connected with the sea. Wilson 24— 3* UR. ERNEST A. WOODS Blow clean and sweet w here m an-) “ Who Do” Class— aren ’t enough reptiles left tcy3up- tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose anu says he has evidence th at at Gen­ The “ Who Do” class of the ply the demand for the m illiners tlfroat— X-ray including teeth. Thpvk!" d Clowds- FOR RENT: — Modern well oa a shipping agent supposed to ‘ " ' ° Sa great arm s of th e Methodist Episcopal Church met alone. At any rate, we have just located furnace heatq^ apart- 1 Office hour,, 10 to 12 and 2 tc be identified witn the Seamen's trees. with Mis. Madden on Pine slreet discovered among the Parisian ments and sleeping rooms, fur- ‘ 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Confederation in Italy was The w ithered leaf before them Friday afternoon. About tw e n ty ' imports leathers that once were • nished and unfurnished. 316 lia r- J Ore. flees; of the members wei}» present, j cow-hides — dyed up to resemble m anufacturing” seamen whole­ gadine. 1-tf ___ sale a t enormous profit. Such ---- OR. MATTIE It. SHAW— Resi­ They catch the arrow s of th e sun, Mrs. Dew, past president of the crocodile and lizzard skins. These conditions, Wilson adm its, led to FOR SALE The grasses from th eir sallies run. class, was up from Medford to are made up into sports hats and dence and office, 108 Pioneer < f In -appre- shoes for the most p art although the stringent law passed by Con­ We All Have Taken It FOR SALE: — 200 p u lle ts ; avenue. Telephone 28. Offici They bear me upward on th eir attend th e meeting. wings, gress; but in passing such a law citation of Mrs. Dew’s faithful ' there are belts and handbags laying 70 per cent. Pedigreed W ith Good Results,” De­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m .^ 2 to 6 W ith joy my spirit soars and work with the class she was pre-1 which al3o use .these reptile sub certain sections of the Seamen's J r -. rooster and cockrels. Mrs. W. D. p. m. only. clares Mrs. James. sings, sented a beautiful vase by Mrs. stitutes. Booth. Phone 257Y. act have been destroyed, and sea­ 24— 2 ___ Above the waves of pain and i S. J. Chaney. The afternoon whs men are now virtually prisoners ' Kitu u ii~ v ---------~---------------- E - B- ANGELL— Chiropractic ‘‘Every member of our family I strife FOR SALE: — Cull Switzen-I and spent in visiting and doing fancy Electro-Therapy. Office has taken Tanlac and not once has -iK ” berg apples 50c a box. Bring) That beat upon the shores of lift). ! work. At the close of the after- phone 48; residence 142. First In mighty play they rom p and ! noon dainty refreshm ents were it fa ie d to do w hat we expected your boxes. Phone 440J. 24-2 _____ * National Bank building. ; of it,’ is the candid statem ent of ’ ro ar; i served by the charm ing hostess. i Mrs. Wm. Janies, 4064 2Cth Ave.,) They shake the hinge of heaven’s ! The next m eeting will be held A FEW REAL BARGAINS MONUMENTS S. W. Seattle, Wash. door; i at the home of Mrs. Cook of Med- Does the question of wha 4-Room House 2 blocks from ' Three years ago my health ASHLAND GRANITE Across the hilltops wild they race, I ford next month. was so run-down th a t I couldn't H awthorne school. Price $1250 • • MONUMENTS They wrestle through the open meats to serve j even sit up. L had suffered from on term s at 6 per cent. B iair G ranite Co. space; Officers Elected— kidney disorders, backache and PENNISTON. Manager LONDON, Sept. 2S. — British They rouse the giants of th e earth At the W oman’s Home and F o r­ 7-Room House on Boulevard, shattered nerves for years and Office 175 E. Main X The welkin rings w ith good'.y eign Missionary societies meeting seamen want a quiet heart-to close to Hawthorne school well i was hardly eating enough to keep Res. Plione 444-Y m irth. h eart talk with President 'Coo­ at G rants Pass last week the fol­ furnished, nice lawn, good g ar­ me alive. And all the earth in trium ph lowing officers were elected: lidge. Tf so phone us and we wil age, chicken house, some fruit. I N I GIRL IN TROUBLE— May | Tanlac gave me a ravenous ap- swings! The new United States Immi­ ap- Foreign, Mrs. Grace Engle, Ash Price $4500.00. Terms at 6 per communicate with Ensign Lee he glad to make sugges­ petite, increased my weight gration law, which requires a O Winds of God! Give me your land, President; Mrs. A. J. Ged­ 151 I 'i R S V cent. of the Salvation Army at the lbs. and left me feeling b e tte r, y . wings! tions for your next meal ship’s captain to provide a bond des, Roseburg, vice-president; W. W. ROBISON, ' W biteShieid Home, 565 May- than I have in many years. Since JA'M W S * * * Mrs. Ri'ey Hensen, Medford, Re of $1,000 for every alien sea­ 63 North Main St. fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. j then Tanlac and the Tanlac P il’3 ___ P CALENDAR.OF EVENTS cording secretary; Mrs. Homer man given shore leave in the 2 1 - t f ------------ , have been my good friends. I u ? e j 's „ W ednesday, Oct. 1. Standard Billings. Ashland, Corresponding United States is causing great PLANING MILL j them as occasion demands and Bearer Circle, M. E. Church hold secretary; Mrs. J. M. Isham dissatisfaction among British sea­ ANOTHER BARGAIN ¡rem ain well, active and happy.” Tanlac Vegetable Pills for con- Splendid house, w ater and con IGRDON’S SASH AND CABINET first m eeting a t the home of Mrs G rants Pass, treasurer. Home men and is making it difficult for N. Main Tanlac is for sale by all good stipation; made and recomniend- Plione 107 veniences, three sleeping rooms WORKS, Cor. Helman and Deer, 48 F ifth street, 7:30. Mrs. McCracken, Ashland, Presi steam ship owners to get crews for j druggists. Accept no substitute, ed by the m anufacturers of Tan- large porch, large lot, with shade Van Ness. 194tf Thursday, Oct. 2. Upper Val­ dent, Mrs. Ralph Billinga, Ash voyages to United States ports. Over 40 million bottles sold. ' lac. trees, considerable furniture in ley Community Club will m eet at land, corresponding secretary; Havelock Wilson will sail for TRANSFER AND EXPRESS the house. A $6,000 property of­ the home of Mrs. W. D. Jackson Mrs. R i’ey Hensen, Medford, re­ the United States in October at 1 W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co cn Iowa street. All day meeting. fered for $4,500. cording secretary. the head of a mission, composed for SERVICE. • * * Thi9 property is one of the Miss Brew ster, home dem onstra­ Experienced movers and pack tion agent will in stru ct in miUin- Have Picnic— best locations in Ashland, fro n t­ ers of household goods. Deal- j ery. ing East, over-looking Lithia Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Greenwood tr s in coal and wood. Phone Park. Thursday, Oct. 2. Parent-T each­ and Mr. and Mrs. Jones and 117. er Council will m eet in afternoon daughter, Estelle, picnicked up ST A PL E S’ AGENCY SenJif Office 89 Oak St. near O ffice, H otel A shland B ldg. at Library. All presidents of Neil Creek Sunday and reported Hotel Ashland circles asked to be th ere as there a very enjoyable time. £) 1924 A .O .C O . MISCELLA NEOUS • • • is some very im portant business r. L. POWELL— General T rans­ WANTED:— W ork by compet­ to be discussed. Picnic At Mine— fer— Good team and motor ent experienced Janitor. Ail or Monday, Oct. 6. A shland Study Mrs. L. A. Shaw. Mrs. Abbie trucks. G )od service at a rea- p art time. Will do anything. Re­ Club holds first m eeting a t home Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sugg 4onab.'e price. Phone 83. ferences. 218 Y. 21— tf of Mrs. McCoy on Oak street. Roll and daughter, Jane, spent Sunday call will be ‘‘Chinese w ar notes.’ at their mine near Foots Creek à STOCKMEN A T T E N T I O N W e FK1IIGE- ROACH 2:30. having a very enjoyable picnic w a^t to buy feeders, cattle, sheep are always close to vour Transfer — Express — Storage Tuesday, Oct. 7. Civic Club dinner at noon there. and hogs. W rite Coast Live Stock | Hauling — Dray work of all • • • meets at club hou3e a t 2:30. In ­ body and lace; therefore Co. 1429 W alnut St., Berkley, j kinds. Quick motor service. Dry teresting program to he given. Wco # . $475,000 Fire Loss lot to a pair of popular model brown and white. Call 84 Alida P aris Style H int— INDERW OOD, Wash., Sept. will be acceptable. This stre et or phone 268J. 24— 2* 29. — The loss in the fire which , Slippers From Paris comes the cigarette Jc „ „ - .. . , yesterday destroyed the new ware- ' * to cliiar away the hat which has two little side For a smooth shave house of The W hite Salmon F ru it accum ulation in th e store room pockets in the crown — one, to and qu!ck service go Growers’ association here Í3 es- or attic, thus relieving the con­ hold gold-tipped cigarettes and gestion and at the same time one to hold a colored silk hand­ to the Shell B arber tim ated at $475,000. benefitting someone else. kerchief. These hats are made Shop. Ladies and • * « can he onlv of colored felt and the cigarettes * satisfactory w children get your hair Study Club— supplied with them are real. T h e y ) or unsatisfactory. bobbed and marcel The Ashland Study Club w il' are retailing in New Orleans for led. leet October G at the home of $12.50 each which is ra th e r cheap The former will mean .pro­ Mrs. J. W. McCoy on Oak stree‘ for a cigarette-case, hat and W. A. SHELL, Prop tection, while the latter >32 A. St. Ashland. On o the fi’ st m eeting of the year may mean a disastrous at 2:30 ^o’clock. The roll call wil be. “Chinese W ar Notes” , and fire and great inconven­ Lette» beaus, statem ents, t o every member is supposed to re ­ your order at the Tidings Office. ience to you. port! with soma news in this We have a good job printing de­ IMPROVING line. Mrs. Fred Engle will be j partm ent. , tl about the house this fall? We pride ourselvea on do­ on the program and Mrs. Louie i ---------------------- ! Y ou May B e A fflic te d Dodse will review the book ing Satisfactory Wiring DELES may exist for years before they “Swinging L anterns” a C hinese' We can assist you in the paint­ I manifest any appreciable symptoms, f et, if present, they dissipate the nerve story. This year the club will re-! ing, staining-, varnishing and And we will be ----------- ; jorce and undermine the health. view modern classics and a t the ■ papering. glad to do this. Add This Fact to Y our Store of Hie old theory that Piles necessitate a end of the year these will b e 1 K now ledge rurgical operation has been so com- donated to the public library. EVERY MEMBER Of FAMILY GIVES PRAISE Ï 0 TANLAC TARS REQUEST TO SEE E WORRY YOU? Eagle Market MOTORNA Blankets and Pillows /»V B URNS ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY HOUSE WIRING Murphy Elec. Co. _______ K idney d isease often advances ao rapidly that m any a person is MOTO OIL O IL pletely disproved by my non-surgical : treatment that I GUARANTEE to cure any case of Piles or refund the patient’s \ ^ec W r ite t o d a y fo r ray FREE book on Pile* and other Rectal and Colon disease*. firm ly in its grasp before aware of its progress. Prom pt attention should be given the slightest symptom of kidney disorder. If th ere is a dull pain in the back, D E A N , M.D. Inc headaches, dizzy spells «or a tired OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE D, OREGON w orn-out feeling, or if the kid­ ney secretions are offensive, ir­ regular and attended by pain, pro­ cure a good kidney remedy at once. Your townspeopel recommend will ' simply ask for a kidney remedy— tueSjindigestioD, gassy pains that crowd' get Doan’s Pills— the same th at the heart,, biliousness and cor.stinati ion J ’ in ■ ever» , r i f - , 8 &alvei needed Mrs. Eddings had. Foster-M il­ Cnarnberlain** family for burns, scalds, wounds, pileâ burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. and skin affections; these valued famiij No 44 mediunea for uuly 5 cents. Don’t miss it H a ll’s Catasrib Medieïssfe • ♦ • 8. S. Social— Friday evening of last week the Christian Endeavor held their regular monthly gathering The O. M. Franklin, the lo­ cal baker, purchased a New Oakland car, hut he wanted the Greatest COM FORT so he had Gabriel Snub­ bers installed. Y our car can he made to ride easier if you let us put on Gabriel Snubbers. Automotive Shop Agencies: Dodge and Chevrolet Our Phone 82 J. O. RIGG Main . Phut* ä ^ ^ S? ewP.r^ '5 ii ! i?!!.SMCCessf“1 Where Everything Elee Has. ailed. CompleteReliefGuaranteedin24Hoiirs-OrNoCost w heezing, etc.— is controlled within 24 hours. W by be a sla v e to burning pow­ ders, e tc., w hich g iv e only tem po- rary r e l i e f and do not a t j a il p r e v e n t ! t h e Asthm a ; from g ettin g i w orse? G e t ! R inex today ; and ju s t' try i | it. M oney back in sta n t­ ly If not fully relieved w ith ­ in 24 hours. Free Trial Offer J u st now, through a special introductory ar­ rangem ent, you can ob­ tain a trial treatm ent!! en tirely FREE. Sim ply ,. Bo to any of the drug ' stores named below and I ask for a trial package • o f RINEX. No obligation ! be »lire a,11 ? n y0Ur Pa rt- But I m en? w u t i your free tr e a t-1 1 w U hln the n ext three days n h f.i8 lB Hmited. It may be I obtained in th is city at McNair Bros. The Daily I hlin£s discontinued its collector on subscriptions in the city and hundreds have come to .the office and paid for a month’s subscription in ad­ vance or took advantage of the Special Anniversary offer which we made during this month. Ashland asthm a No m atter how long you have suffered w ith Asthm a or w hat your age, you can now banish alt that a g o n izin g w heezing, gasp- ‘US’» cougfhiiigr un0 m inutes or less, and is posi- i liv ely guaranteed to bring com plete , relief from every sym ptom within 24 hours— or it costs ; you nothing. The new t r e a t m e n t is know n as Rinex, and is ! based on the latest medi­ cal discoveries. These prove that all Asthma, no m atter w hat the form, is due to one fundam ental internal condition— protein sen sitiv en ess of the s y s ­ tem. That is why e x ­ ternal rem edies have so little effec t But Rinex, taken In sim ple capsule form, goes direct to this internal cause and neutralizes it com pletely— w ith ou t harm ful drugs or bad after-effects. So every s y m p t o m — coughing, gasping, Have You Paid Your Subscription? AH Subscriptions Must Be Paid Stiictly in Advance Have you mailed in your subscription reinii- tanee or brought it io The Tidings office? If not, we will appreciate it if you will take care of this at once. The habit of dropping in at The Tidings office each month and paying your subscription is a good one. The Daily Tidings