Tnfe Two AsíTLÁkD ÖAtti TttítNGS Tuesday, September «o Uh»j « o W > g Florida ftitrus fruits 'to California be-jations, and the result a general acceptance of the head « » « !« , . t T. a . r . h « . chi.i; «.r» c ,« . . , « a ... (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) | / Up la WOU c hurt ^ 16; lttdustpr the state, AA hile; Factor as the dominent power, recognized by the natives ,rspoetor fcl> ihe Stste »otor ve * ■ r« « s r . w Ni»e ti riverì were arrested for switch­ t alitornians may give reasons galore for their action, one, through the trappers, who, themselves came to be recog- h id e d e p a rtm e n t, w e re re s p o n ­ ing licen se p la te s a n d seven d riv ­ P u b lished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by sib le fo r l i n t s in th e a m o u n t of 1 being that the Florida stock is badly infected, still the ^n¡zed as the representatives of this powerful organization e rs w e re ta k e n in to cu sto d y fo r THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. real big reason is that Florida stock is superior to Cali- They were treated with consideration and their wants and 14958 being levied for violation s d riv in g th e ir m ac h in e- w hile In ­ of th e tra ffic law s d u rin g S e p tem ­ to x ic a te d . B e rt R . G re e r ....................................... ........................................................... E d ito r rnminn nnd outhnntiAo ™ ___ 1L-L2.11 , _ _ a G eorge Madden Green ...........................................................B u sin ess Manager 'ained to the pur- ber, a c co rd in g to a s ta te m e n t is ­ A rre s ts fo r v io la tio n s of th e h e re to day. O F F IC IA L CITY P A P E R ............................................... .7.......... T e lep h o n e 39 tra ffic law s in P o rtla n d totaled ed for a market su ed O th e r a c tiv itie s on th e p a rt of 1 658, of w hich n u m b e r 1091 w ere E ntered at th e A shland, Oregon P ostoffice a s Second Class Mall M atter crop of hay. Idaho wanted to ship its alfalfa to the state iduce that found a place among Hie needs, or con v fn tn ce s th e tra ffic officers cau sed r e m it­ fo r c a re le ss d riv in g . A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G SlP068^1« Subscription Price, D elivered in City One Month ................................................................. Three M onths •....— ......... ............................................................ — Six M o n th s.............................................................. One Year * • By Mali and R ural R o u tes:......................... .. O ne M o n th .................................................................. 65 i i started. - ---- ■lhe growers of California demanded protection Three M onths ...^____ „ ...................................................... ’ / a t against Idaho and they secured it. A quarantine was de- Six M onths .................. One Year ............................. 1 dared against the Gem State stock. It was claimed that tan c e s to th e s ta te of $2126 fo r tra n s fe r s a n d d u p lic a te license p la te s an d $ 6 7 1 1 .2 5 from licen ses issued to fo re ig n c a rs S tolen a u ­ to m o b ile s reco v ered by th e t r a i ­ ¡fie o ffic ers d u rin g th e m o n th had e early taught that the C la s sm e a a d s b rin g re s u lts . at benefactor and readily is company was wholly a commercial concern and in their treatm ent of the Indians t T Y > they were simply cherishing the Goose that laid the j a va-ue of a p p ro x im a te ly $2000. Golden eggs. Recognizing the fact that in the course of Thete WM " tolal 01 289 arrMts some very serious disease had been discovered in the time the country would be settled by whites who would ,7 T “7 7 °o“T B. , DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: , « h i m H O U iU jth e city of P o r tla n d . A pproxi- S ingle Insertion, per inch ................................................... $ .30 Idaho alfalfa. This put a stop to shipments despite the . . su l servient to them, and that education and Christ-! m a te ly 190 of th e a r r e s ts w ere _ , • Yearly C ontracts: fact that leading agricultural authorities of the country One insertion a w eek - i , p ., ,. ... , . - Jamzation of the Indians, would be the least objectionable! for speeding, w h ile 16 a r r e s ts Two insertion s a w eek ....................................... .25 I never heard of the disease until the quarantine was plac- method of approaching the inevitable, they encouraged ___________ ---------- — D aily insertion ............................................. .20 ed. However California was loyal to its own product. the coming of Missionaries and the establishment of Mis- R ates to r L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising h i r s t in se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ..... .............. $ .10 , Here in Oregon there is a general absence of loyalty ! sions. Under the circumstances it was inevitable that* the ! E a c h s u b s e q u e n t in se rtio n , 8 p o in t line .05 W hen you s ta r t th e h u n tin g As the frame Card of T h a n k s __ __________ ..________ ?........................ .......... ¡to the state’s products. Despite the fact that Oregon ¡Indians should make a distinction between the Mission ' seaso 1.00 n to m o rro w , you sh o u ld O bituaries, per lin e ..................... .02% grows the best potatoes in the country, its population per- arie» and their followers, and the roaming adventurers w e a r a p a ir of o u r W e y en h e rg work goes up- , W H A T C O N ST ITU TES A D V E R T ISIN G sists ill securing the bulk of their needs elsewhere. Whole­ who were not subject to the great company, nor in ae-| R eal W e t W e a th e r H igh Top f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re an a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r s B oots th e k in d w hich w ill salers are interested in selling the outside produced stock cord with the Missionary sentiment. c o lle ctio n ta k e n in A d v e rtisin g . • T h a t is th e tim e to ta lk in­ No d isc o u n t w ill be allo w ed L Ijgious o r B e n e v o len t o rd e rs. w e a r lo n g e r a n d give you m ax­ su ra n c e w ith us. T he th re a t of because they have the market to themselves. Home grow­ (To be Continued) fire h o v ers over ev ery b u ild ­ im um p ro te c tio n a g a in s t w a te r. ers cannot compete for this trade simply because the ing, a n y you need p ro te c tio n M , J* fiexs No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s or o th e rw ise w ill m e m ad e in a d v e rtis ­ a g a in s t loss b e fo re a n y chance wholesalers have educated the public into believing that ' knew t h a t h e w as c h a rg in g ad- i n g o r jOb p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash . blaze can to u ch y o u r hom e. OVERLAND . m ission a t his speeches fo r hi3 an inferior potato is the best. It is idle to say that Yakima C om plete a n d d e p e n d ab le in ­ , SEPTEM B ER 80 ) own b e n e fit a n d th e tr u e d e p th su ra n c e on y o u r house and its Shoe Shop nhnii " 0 L F .ALSO sh a ll dw ell w ith th e lam b , a n d th e le o p a rd , potatoes are superior to the Oregon stock. It is true that fu rn is h in g s m ean s th a t you of h is ra d ic a ln e s s, he n e v e r w ould know y o u r in v e stm e n t is sa fe g e t a v o te from th e w e ste rn peo­ “ {«£■ child Than nideadhethye T l i “ °a?ai;"?w ' ’e*7 1»-» good; but its best is far behind fro m loss. a. an j i . u, the i i. _ Beaver Itnnvor state eintn product iieArlimt in quality. ple I am s u r e .’ L et us w rite th e policies you SB ‘ T he a u th o r w as d re sse d fo r SA LEM , S ept. 29.— “ Since in need to s a fe g u a rd all your I lie trouble is that the local wholesalers are unwill­ p ro p e rty . s u it of ro u g h GIVE HIM ALL THE WATER HE NEEDS A m e ric a c h u rc h a n d s ta te a re h is o u tin g in a ing to purchase the better quality Oregon stock because The advice of this ,.l„ 7 a has n best, ‘J " S’ the f,rSt 80methia« |i t costs a trifle more than the junk from other sections. s e p a ra te d fo r all tinfe, an a d e ­ tw eed s an d a heavy w oolen s h ir t agency h a g saved th e ty p e w orn by lu m b e rja c k s. in a n y a property r ’7 “ d 7 ° ? eq“ a “s benefieial as the other points of ¡They erv loudly for quality but a few of them are willing q u a te sy stem of e d u c a to n m ust of ow ner from loss. W hy • p ro v id e fo r tra in in g th ? re lig io su H is e v e r p re s e n t p a n c ak e S te t­ renown, she has the best hoy gardener in America. j to pay for it. It can he said to the credit of California n a tu r e of ch ild h o o d , an d th e plan son, w ith (he n a rro w h o rse h a ir uof let us help you, too? ilreds of hov.a8yn r i u Wm, a " ‘"ionaI contest. Hun-, that it will quickly pay for quality. The Oregon potato is of th e w eek -d ay re lig io u s school b and, only p a rtia lly hid h is iron th e ir i j ,1®" ’ th7 ’l;K ‘ont America were doing one of the highest priced there. Here the Yakima stock w ill give su ch tra in in g w ith o u t g ra y h a ir. Of m edium s ta tu r e , he Billings Agency g violence to th e fa ith of th e is ro b u s t a n d has k een brow n „ , H ' to ' ' 1,1 tl,‘8 coveted honor, so you can realize is highest priced and Oregon lowest. In California the d h o o in E sta b . 1883 For Every Car m e,’’ a c co rd in g to a s ta te m e n t eyes th a t m iss n o th in g . R eal E s ta te & R eal In su ra n c e t h a t tne work which brought victory to Barnard Joy o f ........................ “ On th e tr ip n o rth , one a u to ­ Yakima offerings are lowest because the trade is willing issu ed h e re to d a y by J . A. C h u rc ­ 4 i K. M ain St. P hone 211 this city must have been excellent. h ill, s ta te s u p e rin te n d e n t of m obile of th e p a rty c a rry in g Mr. Farran-Oid Fan to pay for quality. a n d M rs. J. 11. S m ith of A rizo n a, schools. And Barnard had to work under difficulties, for he Oregon Tokay grapes so far surpass Californian that T he s ta te m e n t w as given o u t by w-as w reck ed n e a r B a k e rsfie ld a n d Belts could not have as much water as he needed to bring his it does not take an expert to see this. Despite this the Mr. and Mrs. S m ith w ere forced th e s u p e rin te n d e n t in connection For Every Car vegetables to the maximum stage of development. Be­ local trade will—with the exception of some Josephine w ith th e c o u rse of a re lig io u s to re m a in in a h o sp ta l th e re , h u t cause he was skimped in his water supply, his exhibit stock—pay more for the inferior Californian than for the s tu d y w hich w as p re p a re d by A. a re expected to jo in th e p a rty la ­ TIRES ALWAYS T he a u th o r w as som ew hat F. B ittn e r of P o rtla n d a n d is now te r. at the state fair was just one-half of a point below that better Oregon. For Every Car p e rtu rb e d by th e fac t t h a t n ew s­ bein g d is tr ib u te d by M r. C h u rc h ­ of the winning vegetables; but bis report, showing the p a p e r re p o rts had e rro n e o u sly Here is the case of Oregon onions. They are acknowl­ ill. productivity, cost, returns and methods of cultivation, in edged to he the best in the country. Despite this whole- Thermoid Brake T he p ro p o sed p la n fo r c o n d u c t­ s ta te d th a t it w as h is c a r th a t wa? Wltl‘ ha” dre’,s of other g°od reP°rts from en-!talers will “ order their heads o ff” for Walla Walla and ing th e w eek-day re lig io u s school w reck ed . A fte r G rey ’s v isit h e re Lining highest” and ’'l n f i ” tod 7 °f t !C.nat!011.’ 'vas graded thc YaWma stock and pay any price asked but arc insistent is o u tlin e d in th e fo llow ing g e n ­ E he u r w e k ill a .” go to C rescen t C ity and For Every Car nignest, ami lie is today proclaimed the champion hov upon getting the home product for less than the cost of e ra l s ta te m e n t issued a t .the s ta te e d u c a tio n a l d e p a rtm e n t: gardener of America. “ Too m an y people th in k of th e production. * Strömberg Carbure­ Barnard modestly stated that most of the credit end of e d u c a tio n a s bein g c itiz e n ­ sh ip , p a re n th o o d , in d u s tria lis m or tors—Parts should go to the Boys’ and G irls’ club of which he is a Many a candidate has found that mud slung is tra d e . member, which gave him the training and the inspiration. ground lost.—Spartanburg Sun. For Every Car “ E d u c a tio n sh o u ld be re g a rd e d While we hold the highest regard for the splendid work as b ein g th e d e v e lo p m en t of m an American Hammer­ A on will not g o wrong if which the clubs are doing and wish to see them encour­ SA LEM , S ept. 29. — S ta te M lien is the age at which the asking of questions in th e fu ll ro u n d n e s s of c h a ra a te r in a ll b e a u ty of body, of in te lle c t, tra f fic officers w o rk in g u n d e r th e aged and expanded as much as possible, the victory was switches from the hoy to the parent? ed Rings you try o f h e a r t, of w ill. T he end of e d u ­ due to Barnard J o y ’s superior work, his greater enthus­ For Every Car c a tio n m u st he c h a ra c te r , based on iasm and his perseverance. One trouble with the world is that laziness is so sel r ig h t h a b its of m o ra l co n d u ct. K R U G G L E SUDDEN Ashland should he deeply proud of this youthful , l • • ' -18 13<^ U° in^en^Ion t° wail l° r aa attack. They were ness’ assets, and von will have only a shell in th ° ' U Wait 11° nioutl1 w^at we now know as Williamson This nation is ra ^ 'llv ™ t « ^ its suppl” of ri,ni,i- ‘" C '#ke fr°m *'le CaRt Thpre " a8 with very little reforestation being'done to replenish tic t ' ! h T ' d ’ "0" ' ' T tU'le “ Wl'icl1 th'; 14 required il very brief time to bring up the which formerly stood in the forests that is valueless. . ' »«rests, that is alisi ll"'an tlme Carson with those at his command absolutely was ,n h.s glory. No mercy was shown the savages nor Henry Ford, that great conservator and hniirior ¡an' or^ catalogue the slaughter. Hid among the wil- mediately saw this wastage when he started to cutting liisV -— ' T . 3 ” -..4,.? 1!1*®- 14 seel? e r »« >>e a favorite fishing forest of hard wood timber, and lias constructed a million amp and contained canoes and all the savage parapher­ dollar plant for the manufacture of charcoal and by-pro­ nalia for fishing. All this was destroyed and the Indians driven belter skelter into the swamps or killed. ducts from the hard wood wastage. I reinont and Carson then hurriedly pursued their In this country there is very little hardwood, but there is a huge waste from the soft wood cutting aud saw- journey into California, there to perform their part in pro­ tecting citizens and adding great state of o California M l Z ^ r t i n S ™to iZ X " a ! f " “ T * the diadem' S° W products. If they succeed in doing this profitably thev •I’gainsM he whites” 7 wil, contribute liberally to the „phuildin'g of this and the prevention of one source of huge waste. LACKING OF STATE LOYALTY A w riter in The Portland Journal of Sunday has an article on Oregon and outside produce, with the Oregon X e X " Hteria! W r i t t e n ‘h®“ SaVageS 1846’ the journey through Southern Ore­ gon, on an errand of mercy in the interest of pioneers still coming. This I will give in my next chapter. , T T r ”™ b> ZANE GREY GAN NOT UNDERSTAND LA FOLLETTE VOTE “ Z ane G rey, th e fam o u s a u th o r a n d n o v e list h a s been in Siskiyou c o u n ty th is w e e k ,” says th ? Y re­ ka J o u rn a l. “ F ro m A rizo n a, to u rin g h e v isite d in th e valley th e n cam e n o rth a n d w e n t to K la m a th F a lls , th e n v isited G ra n ts Pa3s a n d w as a t D o rris y e ste rd a y en r o u te to th e lava b eds p a c k in g in, w h e re he ex­ p e c ts to g e t m a te ria l fo r a new i novel. .T u r n in g h is co n v e rsa tio n to th e p o litic a l s itu a tio n a few i d a y s ago he sa id : “ ‘O ne th in g I do not lik e to see is th e a p p a re n t s u p p o rt of La F o lle tte in th is sectio n . I do n o t u n d e rs ta n d how th ey a re a b le to rec o n c ile h is (L a F o lle tte '« ) a t ­ titu d e d u rin g th e w a r . w ith his p re s e n t e n d e av o r. If th e people o lid Jerrv O’Neal Plumbing hoe.e 138 Heating B ig g est L ittle S to re in A sh lan d Ybur Money Buys More at I , ► FOR YOUR OLD COFFEE POT allowed from the special sale pric<* o f $(>.75, making this wonderful EDISON ELECTitJG Per<‘olator Sally Ann priced regularly at $7.50 Quality Products Fair Prices and No matter what condition your coffee pot is in, $1.00 allowed fo r The bread which pleases on all occasions. Lithia Bakery Honest Dealing McNair Brothers Drat -Storo , $1.05 FOR YOUR OLD IRON Biing in your sad iron or vour old electric iron, no m atter what condition they may he in, and we will allow you $1.05 from a fine EDISON ELEC­ TRIC Iron, at $5.00, making your new iron, cost you only 7 ”" $3.75 and a few that purchase mostly at home C a lifo rn ia i 't ’• / " * a °Pte? them toward the Indians while, the extreme example for p u r c L te g the I m m e ^ u ! ! ' ; ! , ^ 3 reSU! ‘ed W ween while Oregon appears the opposite by being anxious to ized that to gain their c o n fid X e c 7 ” '' secure supplies from elsewhere. Ju st why these things ¡extent, assimilate with the tr ite , ’ among whom they happen cannot he fully explained but there is a reason. In C alifornia'there is a lovaltv to the state’ t W ’ ij““ 81®*1, ,T.h‘8 co,dd be. best accomplished by having the nearreligion. There the people stand toZeteer te r t,!î I 1 e ”^ 7 “nd ‘° 8 exUnt adoP* welfare of the home m anufacturer or producer It is in, otUhnt” 8, T T “ 1? ‘’æ“ ' Th® tra PPcrs werc proaucer. it is im -lof that class not averse to the establishment of such ro- $5.75 Fsiauus Ihel^iidOrer in full: ® Wr,“ en and 18 the Southern Oregon eonntry dating from Jedediah J W what is the reason why the average buyer wiii i plondte!, of to "pV " r (idino Loads timi will make the hunting oasicr and more spoitsmanlike. Army Goods Store 2 0 7 E . Main Chapter Two oh,'0,,iolod ‘ho oa^ 8‘ - t r i e s of white men persist in purchasing the commodity produced at a distant i these we have seen that the atritude of the pomt m preference to the home article, has always been from the begin,,ing been Intag“ WINCHESTER SHOTGUNS th e rich, p u re p ro d u ct o f West CoastDairies It’s N e s t le ALPINE DO IT TODAY—NOT TOMORROW T he E v e r y D a * M ilk -. The Ashland Electric Shop