PAGK FOUR ASHLAND DAÍLY TIDINGS Monday September 29, 1024 OFFER $200.000 G oing H unting— Hope Greet Coogan ing Theatre at eight-fifteen this! G. D. Mason, Dan Kaye, Rev. f*()R PEKING MEN evening. Oldfield and Mr. Stocks will leave pv . 29. A R0M E’ SePj’ 29. — The Pope, I Tuesday m orning for northern , ___________ SHANGHAI, „ Sept. California where they will hunt price of 5200,000 each has been ! today greeted Jackie Coogan, the > PLANT MAKES duck3. , placed on the heads of We PeiI American film child star bocal • P erso n al flotes j 4 A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts o f local Interest Fu and Tsao Kun, heads of the Ladies and children's h air cu t­ Pekin government, by Chank Tso ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par- Lin, the M anchurian warlord. From M edford— ('rater Lake— ier. 293-tf | Severe fighting along the Juangtu H. O. FrQbach of Medford was Miss Ila Myers, Mr. Duncan and and Lluho fronts, according to re­ a visitor in the city Saturday on Mrs. Pernie Johnson were among G rants P ass Visitors— ports. business. e those who made the C rater Lake Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Burdlc and ! trip last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Johnson made See P aulserud’3 for the latest TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY a trip to G rants Pass yesterday In Fall suits and woolens. Why pay more for milk when and visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. you can get the best milk for! L. Burdic Sr. R eturns H om e— I OR SALE: — Cull Switzen- 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone \ ______ G. D. Mason returned Sunday 196R and 369J. berg apples. 50c a box. Bring 4-tf Let us fill your pail with Swifts m orning from Portland where he ______ your boxes. Phone 440J. 24-2 6ilver Lea lard. Costs less than »pend several days on business , Cliff Payne makes steps. shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is W ANTED— To buy small sing­ more nutritious. D^tricks. 94-tf Sweet cream for whipping and Visiting Here— le work horse or m are for or­ coffee— also fresh milk, always George Parsons of Oakland, Store To Close— chard work. Must he gentle and on loe at the Plaza. 239— tf California, is herb visiting with Reasonable in price. C. The Johnson jew elry store will quiet. his m other, Mrs. Robert Shaw. be closed all day Tuesday and E. McCormick, 345 Harrison St. L eave -- — - For -w. E ast— --- .»vunvouaj LU the Lilt? W ednesday picpaittLGl/ preparatory to 24— 3* A. L. McNabb and fam i’.y of Imogene M allace, piano classes big sale th a t is being put on and ' 7 ~ ~ ~---- Encanto Heights, left recently for begln September 25. For infor-j will open Thursday at tw o-thirty. NIC'ELY Furnished room for rent 119 7th street. Near Depot. < ______ Chatanooga, Tennessee, where mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss 2 f — 3* Wallace, Central Point. 13— tf ParcitM es Property— they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H. Hersey j ------ »-------------------- - have purchased the property ‘ ' emale Fox Terrier, To Siseoa— Special Auto Accident Policy known a , th» M rf-,,«. ™ ! brown and white. Call 84 Alida Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rockefeller knowm as the McCune place on , Wr for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Y c j ’t v n a tn r .U .. ...I___ A „V ,.. - > ...... . . _ _ ' Street or phone 2C8J. 24— 2* of course. 24-tf left yesterday for Sisson where Ashland street from Mr3. Edith they will stay for several days on G. Kearney. They do not expect FOR SALE: — 200 pullets business. C rater Lake Trip— to move into th eir property for laying 70 per cent. Pedigreed several months. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hitchcock j rooster and cockrels. Mrs. W. D. Snappy new mode’s in suits for and Mrs. W*. C. Smith made a Booth. Phone 257Y. 24__2 i Arrived H om e__ trip to C rater Lake Saturday, re­ young men a t Paulserud’s. 14—tf j AVordwas received here today porting a beautiful trip. * th at Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Roco have .a rriv e d at their home at National Are you hard to fit? Try a suit I io m H ilt Elm er Biegel of Hilt, was in Cif,yx Calif., after an extended made to your m easure at Paul­ Ashland over the week end visit trip during which they visited J seru d ’s. 14__ if ing his m other and sister friends here. Im proving— Jan et and Jean Balis, who have been sick at their home on Alli­ son street for the past week, are very much improved, and will be able to re-enter school soon. C om plete lin e of A shland Can­ ned Goods at D etrlck i. 94-tf You are welcome to compare my Automobile rates with any other rates in Jackson or Jose­ phine Counties; you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. 24-tf To Crater Lake— W. R. Staff and Mr. and Mrs. F red Southard of Klam ath Falls spent the week-end in Ashland and Medford visiting with friends and relatives. Burton Dancing School, Mem­ orial Hall. Open dally. A fter­ noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. 307-tf To Lum ber Camp— J. K. McWilliams and N. H. H arrison left this morning for Field's and Moon’s lum ber camp where they will continue the de­ m onstration of Ford trucks and trailers Mitchels, Auto tops, curtains, painting and upholstery work. 382 E. Main. 22— 6t «-W- Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ ity Bread, from the oven over the counter, 8 and 12c. 22— 6 From Tacom a— Mrs. Charles H aner of Tacoma arrived in Ashland this morning for an indefinite stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. P ort­ er. She was called to Ashland on account of the illness of her m other, Mrs. Porter. Save >10.00, walk upstairs to O rres tailor shop. 17— tf R ecord Trip— A. L. Lamb arrived In Ashland yesterday from his home about th irty miles this side of Portland, having made the trip in a Ford truck, bringing a tractor and other equipm ent, in 24 hours. The distance he covered was 203 miles. N o agen t In Southern Oregon w rite b etter A uto insurance er at lo w e r rate« than th e Staple? cub Returns Home— Mr. L. N. Stevens has returned to his home at K lam ath Falls a fte r visit’ng for a few days last week with his daughter, Mbs Mildred Stevens of this city. Adolph Zukor «V Jess« L LssKy p r a e - r Lille .Aik O' tyarumount tyxiutv D E M IL L Y SETS $3 —$5------ $25- MAH JONGG PRIZES Regular Admission Playing Cards ...............................................50c—85c • Bridge Cards ................................................. 50c—85c Score pads and cards-----Assorted (lifts for Prizes ELH ART’S Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries p r o d u c t io n The whirl of fasliionahle society and the world of modern industry lpfinlded into the most luscious screen feast since De Mille’s “ Male and Female” and ‘‘ Manslaughter. ’’ $30 Mali Jongg Racks—Mah Joiigg Counters TONIGHT ONLY Griffin’s Minstrels The best in the West •Books and Stationery Brushed Wool Slipon Sweaters for girls 12 to 14 y ears, the size usually Laid to fit . .. ........................... $3.95 SSL^poDS Nqw Brushed Wool Sweaters for women .......... ........... $5.95 to $8.75 • Fall stocks arc at their best now and 36 inch white Outing Flannel, two weights ............................... 29c—35c serve you with complete assortments An unusually large assortment of fine Blushed Mohair Coats $12.50 to $15.00 of wearing apparel or piece goods than it is today. Women’s Slipon Sweaters, Silk and Wool varus • ........................... $3.95 this store was never better prepared to 27 inch white Outing Flannel 17c and 25c More than 100 Coats Now on the Racks and when you can buy Sterling («oats as low as $16.75 why buy elsewhere? You can get cheaper coats, of couise, but you probably will not care to when you have seen these. There are splendid $19.75, $24.50, $34.50, $44.50 and on up to $125.uu AND EVERY COAT A GOOD VALUE END Dollar Day Sales EVERY ITEM LISTED BELOW IS A REAL BARGAIN 94 Sheeting “Bleached” 2 yds. for $1.00 TOMORROW. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY MAH-JONQG groups of finer coats at M ONTH TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL ROD L a I 36 inch heavy striped Outing Flan* nel ................... ' .................. 331-3c New Flannel Dresses Twilleen Dresses $19.75 $24.50 Botany Flannels, made up 4 house that prides itself i by on ored. in contrast, others are of striped flannel. • 64 ineli Silver Bleach, $1.50 yd. regularly V .'¿any < i the jackets are 46 to 43 inches * * * hut long, shorter lengths are also in vogue. these are in plain colors, trimmed Pure Linen Table Damask ft fine meen, and they look like $30.01) to are tailored and ours are well tail­ the Paramount Dress Co. Some of Fine Quality Sheeting, sold regularly at 65c yd. S U IT S for Fall a Mai erial practically same as Cliar- workmanship and clever designing, $3.W)0 dresses. R etu rn s H o m e - Rev. J. T Abbott, who has been visiting old friends in Ashland during the past week, returned to his home in Portland this morn­ ing. Have Parade— (Continued from Page 1) The members of the Sam Grif­ fin's all white M!n;-trel Show had but no prof'table use lias ever a parade and band concert this been found for these by-products. noon from the Boulevard to the Plaza. About twenty-five p'eople The local plant is intended to were in the parade, dressed in i take m aterial, which is either their white suits. This show w il’ i burned or rots, and make useful give a perform ance at the Vin- products from It. 36 inch (Outing Flannel, good weight and neat colored stripes 25c yd. Ä BANK OF ITALY! K lam ath— CHARCOAL AT LOCAL PLANT FOR T H IS W E E K Hope Rebekah lodge will ob serve fifth Tuesday with a cover i Hike— Hal Emery, Gerald W enner and dish supper and general social Elwood Hecburg hiked yesterday evening Tuesday, September 30 at 6 o’clock. Rebekahs, Odd Fel­ up W agner Gap, then crossed and hiked up Ashland B uttee from the lows and th eir families only. ALICE GOWLAND, Sec. other side. They made T h e trip 23— 2 to W agner Gap in a car and did the hiking from there. They re- im proving— ported th at the view from the Word has been received by toP of Mount Ashland was won- friends here from Dr. W. J. C ra n -' derful. They also stated th a t they got a wonderful view of the dall stating th at his arm is im­ fire which was burning on the proving nicely and th at he is hav­ ing a very nice time. Dr. and Siskiyous. Mrs. Crandall are spending a few months at Venice, California, on a vacation. The letter did not state when they will return home. Misses Minnie and Eva Poley, Mrs. Josephine Poley and Mrs A. K. Thomas of Medford spent HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, the week-end at C rater Lake, of course. 212— tf starting Friday evening. They retu rn ed home late last evening, F irst Season Closed— ■ ----- und reported a beautiful trip. The first real to u rist season of WOODLAND, Cal., Sept. 29— K lam ath Falls is now finished, j Two ba,ldits sta&ed a sensational _ SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ hotel m anagers report. Hotels 'h o ld u p ^he Hank of Italy here jagg MOBILE Insurance; better term s this summer, enjoyed the m o s t! this m ornin& - forcing th e clerks and lower rates. Yeo, of course. lucrative business in history d u e ' t0 °Pen the vaults and locking m Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf to the steady stream of sight eight employes in the vault. j |j They escaped w ith 527,000 in ¡He seers that passed through Klam­ A t Jack son ville— ath Falls to and from C rater •cash and securities. Posses are jUB Mrs. Emil Pell, Mrs. Applegate Lake. About the first o f ‘ Sep­ searching the hills for the two and Miss Lydia McCall were In Jacksonville Sunday afternoon tember, the num ber of tourists holdups, who made th eir getaway and visited at the home of Mrs. began to fall off and have continu­ in an aw aiting auto outside the ed to do so ever since until now bank. Sargeant. ______ , this type of visitor is practically / There is wisdom In reading ads. We deliver the goods— Detricks extinct. K lam ath Falls Herald. 94-tf F rom Tidings classified do the business Th^re are Silk dresses at $10.75, $16.75 and $24.50 that are wonder­ Suits fully’ attractive. $19.70 to .50 4 yds. Outing Flannel for $1.00 36 inch fine quality Outing; Regular value 29c yd. 6 yds. •» Bleached Muslin for $1.00 Fine quality ' ‘Daisy” Muslin, 19c yd. Regularly 51-2 yds. Cotton Challie for $1.00 New Patterns in light and dark colors 7 yds. Dress Gingham for Wool Dress Goods • * * * * * Wool Batiste, Serge and Cashmere, good cloths for children’s School Dresses $1.00 New • • » Gloves Domino ('hecks, fine Wool plaids and checks, French Serge, twenty-five patterns, at ............................................................ $1.45 Come in chocks and plaids; sold Regularly 20c- yd. * * * 6 yds. Percale for $1.00 A big color range of W oof Crepe and Plaid Crepe a t .................’...............................$2.45 Both light and dark colors; sold Regularly 22c yd. Hemmed Table Cloth, * each $1.00 s Some Silk Prices * ♦ M Fine Poiret Twill, 54 in. Serge, 50 inch Tricotine ..........' . ................................. $2.95 Size 58x58 Mercerized; sold Regularly $1.25 each Crepe de ( ’bine, peacock blue, almond green, rose, maize, pink and turquisc, nt $1.35 yard New blouse shades iii heavy $3.00 quality Crepe de Chine, n o w ......................... $2.50 Satin hack C re p e ..................... $2.95, $3.95 Short turn-back cuff kid gloy re, such as usually is sold at about $5.50 Priced at $4.75 * * * Our staple $4.00 long gauntlet kid glove a t .........................................$3.75 Niagara Crepe, satin faced ............. $3.29 Direetoire Satin (haronette) now so pop* alar for princess slips ..................... $1.85 Mallinson’s black silk velvet, 40 inch width, 2 q u a litie s ............... < . .$6.00, $7.50 6 yds. Outing Flannel for $100 27 inch in light colors and white Closing Out Home Patterns How Often Has It Happened to You? Comfort Batting, each $1.00 and we have returned all the older num­ bers. We will sell the newer ones at one- fifth off. Hereafter we will be agents only for — .PICTORIAL PATTERNS----------- Have von found your dress on the closet floor, instead of on the hanger? If so, stock up your closet with 21-2 lbs., size 72x90; will make complete comforter E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Q uality Store” L1HH hl 1' !•' P f i !il : In i ’STAYFAST HANGERS' 01532353235323020002000002