■jMMfci------- PROFESSIONAL ■¡¡Si Classified Column Classified Col am n Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, the word each time. PHYSICIANS tilt. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings ~ ~~i nr~"'~ r S o c ie ty AiKUm » am mtwn jic h ita t- ¿H. hiili ! bright colors this season, and the J glttfilftg to work back IS the ua- old-slash fires by carefully f colSi- m ust enit the odor, accord-, tiohfti iotesta,” sftid Mr. Eldridge, clearing brush from the ground * ing to the latest dictum. Thus "U ntil now the cuttings were all around them. j there is ' -I and Still ‘‘Em erald” find “ Jad e” done on private lands easily ac­ andther which is called cessible to railroads. These “The Blue H our,” which is a love, lands now are being denuded, and ly azure hue. For those who do the railroads are advancing to not care for suitable m ixtures the boundaries of the national and heavy scents there are the forests. simple flower ones, to be found at “ This means th a t we must de­ all the good shops in the Rue de vise a plan for systematic cutting la Paix. Garden bouquets co m e! and reforestratfon, so that the In delicate green shades and national forests will be paying single flower odors such as rose, i investm ent and a constant source lily of the valley, lilac, and h elio -1 of tim ber supply” . trope, in appropriate shades. The j Long-Time Rotation Aim best are made of the real essence f The forest management plan, of the flowers. devised to meet this need, wlli For the moment the fashion ' soon be operating in Oregon, Mr tends toward light, d e lic a te 1 Eldridge said. This plan pro- scents One of the very newest j vides for dlvlsion of a timber area discoveries is the scent of the i into enough tracts to secure con-, raspberry, a very delicate*combin-j tinnous cutting for 100 years A t ! ation of fru it and flower frag- the end of thi3 time the firgt tract rance, which has already become will have been seeded over and very popular with the Parisienne. ) grown up so th a t trees 100 years The story goes th a t the discpv- old may be cut off again Tbe erer has been working for m anyj plan am ounts to a long. time ro ta. years trying to get ju st this p e r-, tioQ of crope fum e‘ As safeguards of the system,! ONCE UPON A TIME DR. C. W. HANSON Once upon a time I used to Dentist dream Special attention given to pyor­ FOR RENT Strange spirits moved about rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver my way, FOR RENT — Five-room f u r - . Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. And j might catch a vagrant gleam nished house on .Mt. Ave.. Inquire A g’int of pixty or of fay: at 713 Oak St. . 23— 2* DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice Limited to eye, ear, nose ana Their lives were mingled with FOR KENT: — Oarage. Cor- my own, th ro at— X-ray including teeth. ner 4th and East Main. Inquire ! So far they roamed, so near Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Icenbower’s new and Second' 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, they drew; Hand Store. 22— 3 ' And when I found a child had Ore. grown, FOR RENT: — Modern well I woke, and found, my dream located furnace heated apart- j DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ was true. dence and office, 108 Pioneer m ents and sleeping rooms, fur- i « nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- j avenue. Telephone 28. Offici hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 For me is clad in coat of fur. gadine. And one is decked w ith feath­ — ■ --------- * p. m. only. ers gay; FOR SALE DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic Another, wiser, will prefer PLANO BARGAINS! ~ A sober suio servant from his and E lectro-T herapy. Office In this vicinity we have a birth, birth, phone 48; residence 142. First slightly used Piano and Player And th a t a princess you m ust National Bank building. piano. R ather than incur the please, expense of freight, boxing, etc., MONUMENTS And this one loves to wake your we ofTer these pianos at a frac­ m irth, ASHLAND GRANITE tion of their original price. A And th a t one likes to share MONUMENTS small cash payment and the bal­ your ease. Blair Granite Co. ance in thirty equal monthly pay­ S. PENNISTON. Manager m ents are term s we will extend O gracious creatures, tiny soul! Office 175 E. Main to responsible people. F o r, full You seem so near, so far away. Res. Phone 444-Y inform ation, w rite Kohler & Yet w hi'e the cioudland round us Chase, W holesale D epartm ent, 26 IN If G IR L IN T R O U B L E — May rolls O’F arrell Street, San Francisco, We love you b etter every day. communicate with Ensign Lee California. 12-3 Mon — M argaret Benson. of the Salvation Army at the Systematic exploitation of Ore­ * * * gon’s national forest tim ber is W hiteShield Home, 565 May- FOR SALE: — A 2 apartm ent CALENDAR OF EVENTS now starting, and will reach its fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. completely furnished bungalow. , Monday, Sept. 29. W. R. C peak within the next decade, ac­ Both apartm ents rented and pay­ PLANING MILL Social in afternoon at 2:30, Odd cording to I. F. Eldridge, forest ing 18 per cent on purchase price. Fellows Hall. inspector, of W ashington, D. C., Nearly all furniture new. Cash fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Thursday, Oct. 2. Upper Valley now in Portland on an inspection or terms. Phone 445R. 23— 2 WORKS, Cor. Helman and . will ... m eet . a t . the ., „ : r> Community Club lour of northw est forest regions. Van Ness. 194tf ' x home of , , Mrs. , „ M. D. ~ Jackson , on Unlike private tim berland ex­ A FEW REAL BARGAINS Iowa street. All day meeting ploitation, cutting in national TRANSFER AND EXPRESS 4-Room House 2 blocks from Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. Miss Brewster, home dem onstra forests will not leave denuded tion agent will instruct in m illin­ waste in its wake, but will, by a Hawthorne school. Price 11250 for SERVICE. ery. on term s at 6 per cent. system of periodic cutting, pro­ Experienced movers and pack vide a constant tim ber increase in 7-Room House on Boulevard, ' ers of household goods. Deal­ Luncheon— • a 100-year cutting cycle. close to H aw thorne school well 1 ers in coal and wood. Phone A very delightful luncheon “ Oregon tim ber cutters are be- 117. furnished, nice lawn, good g ar­ was given Saturday at the Hote’ Office 89 Oak St. near age, chicken house, some fruit. 1 Ashland in honor of Mrs. Mary Hotel Ashland Price $4500.00. Terms at 6 per Alice B urdett, W orthy Grand« cent. razier on r. L. POWELL— General Trans­ Matron who is making her offlcia’ W. W. ROBISON, visit to Alpha Chapter, No. 1., O fer— Good team and motor 63 North Main St. trucks. G )od service at a re a ­ E. S. How about some Cherro 21-tf Those present to enjoy the af sonable price. Phone 83. Pancake flour these cold, fair were Mesdames Mary Alict ANOTHER BARGAIN crispy mornings, w i t h B urdett, W orthy Grand Matron Splendid house, w ater and con FEHIGE-ROACH some pure Alfalfa Honey, xeniences, three sleeping rooms T ransfer — Express — Storage Effie P. Brown, W orthy Matron large porch, large lot, with shade I Hauling — Dray work of all Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Blake, Mar and a cup of Golden West trees, considerable furniture in I kinds. -Quick motor service. Dry garet W hittle, Leah M. Ca'.dwell or Royal Coffee, and some the house. A $6.000 property of- ! wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Nellie Peters, Mazie Bates, Eli shredded wheat b iseuits fered for $4.500. 375 B. St. 112-tf zabeth Van Sant, M argaret Dean, Joyce Ellis, Gladys Peterson, toasted, with a little Ash­ This property is one -of the FLORIST Hazel Nims, Helen McCallen, Ella land Bufter and Apple best locations in Ashland, front­ Mills, Grace Turner, Robert? ing East, over-looking Lithia SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Sauce. Everton, Rev. and Mrs. P. K P ark. « From Cherro flour is the best on the Hammond, Miss Lydia McCall and m arket and every sack guar­ STAPLES’ AGENCY ! H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Butler. Office. Hotel Ashland Rldgi anteed. We handle all kinds Co., tem porary location 399 ! of feed, all-w heat, cracked MISCELLANEOUS Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and Paris Style H int— corn, rolled oatu, barley. Mill- run Cherro Mash and Scratch floral design’ng. Phone 118. 9 mo PARIS, Sept. 29. — Perfum es WANTED:— W ork by compet­ feed. Tell us w hat you want and we will do the rest. ent experienced Janitor.. All or POLITICAL AN \ O l NCEMENTS are keeping step with fast-chang- I ing fashion, and new scents come p a rt time. Will do anything. Re­ : into vogue continually. G. W. Milam ferences. 218Y. 21— tf razier on Perfum ers, as well as dress­ Independent Phone 214— 353 E. Main St. STOCKMEN ATTENTION:— We Candidate for County School makers, seem to be running to w ant to buy feeders, cattle, sheep Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ and hogs. W rite Coast Live Stock ty. Oregon. Co. 1429 W alnut St., Berkley, ’ Calif. 21— 6 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT P T F C ? XTAW I GET Y’OU STOVE repaired at IN THE COUNTY COURT OF I LrUhiOb i\L)W Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito THE STATE OF OREGON FO R ' R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 and win this beautiful Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* jackson county . In the M atter of the E state of PIANO instruction, by exper­ anice M c C lanahan , deceased.! stove, which we are giv- ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ notice is h er eb y g iv en , . red,- Mrs. II. S. Aikins. Phone that the Final Account of the ° ^he Olie w ho 441J. 3— lm o executor in the said estate has ,, „ i n, x been fi.ed , with -.i .x n County Clerk , m akes the m ost aecur- the Goats B red by registered buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, of Jackson County, Oregon and ale guess of the num­ low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 the Hon. G. A. G ardner, Judge miies south on Pacific Highway of 3aid Court has designated the ber of spots in the roll 14— 1 mo.* 25th day of October, 1924, at ten o’clock A. M., at the Courthouse of linoleum in our win- WANTED: — Male chef’s help­ in Jacksonville, Jackson County, i er for kitchen. Inquire Hotel Oregon as the time and place for do\V Ashland. 20— tf a hearing thereon. Any person having any objections to said ac­ LOST: — Small black and count is required to present the w hite Spaniel. Bobbed tail — same on or before- the tim e set Answers to “ Polly.” R eturn to for said hearing. Plaza Conf., or notify Mrs. E r­ LOUIS WILCOX, Executor.! nest Biden, Medford, Ore. Furniture Co. Briggs & Briggs, Attys. . 23— 2* Ashland, Oregon. 18— 4 Mon. WHO WANTS a Ford or Hup- moblle? Cheap for cash. Come EDITOR OF BRITANICA to Bell Rooming House. 160 4th ENCYCIXIPEDI.A DEAD St. ‘ 23— 1* LONDON, Sept. 29. — High Crisholm, editor of the Encyclo­ For a smooth shave pedia Británica and one of the and qu’ck service go to the Shell Barber best known men in England, died todav. Shop. Ladies and children get your hair FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid­ bobbed and marcel­ ings: 25c per bundle. dh led. BETTER CUTTING OF TIMBER WILL F F & S & S MAKE YOUR seeding m ust be assured, by care­ ful burning of slashes in wet sea­ sons so as not to injure the seeds lying dorm ant in the cut-over land. A fu rth er safeguard is the leaving of small groves of trees uncut, to scatter seed. These trees are protected from possible I -------------------- ------ SAN DOMINGO GETS NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT ON » GENEVA, Sept. 29. — The League Assembly voted unani- j mously to admit San Domingo to the League membership. The Man Who Laughs Classmen -ads bring results. man who laughs is the fellow who has money in the hank. Enough said. Nobody can deny this statement, Gome into this hank and talk happiness. T LANG RANGES will give you the maxi­ mum service a.t the mini­ mum cost. ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 04 N. Main Have You he The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon Paid Your Subscription? New Figs, 2 lbs...........25c New Dates, 2 lbs. .. ,35c « o— o— o— o Pure Maple Syrup, 45c a can, 3 for $1.25 O ’ " O' • 1 O-- Q Do not forget our coffee, none better at any price, only 35c per lb. -O---O---o The Daily Tidings discontinued its collector on subscriptions in the city and hundreds have come to the office and paid for a month’s subscription in ad­ vance or took adv antage of the Special Anniversary offer which we made during this month. We still sell cane sugar, 11 lbs......................... $1.00 M l Subscriptions Must Be Paid Strictly in Advance Plaza Market H. A. Stearns 61 N. Main ROM AN M EAL BREAD A ID S D IG E S T IO N Have you mailed in vour subscription remit­ tance or brought it to Tbe Tidings office? If not. we will appreciate it if you will take care of this at once. 9* — . The habit of dropping in at The Tidings office each month and paying your subseription is a good one. The Daily Tidings Franklin Bakery Phone 199• afü ? nJ io FOR OWNER Remember WR1GLEYS After Every Meal The Ford Motor Company requires that each agency must carry a complete line of Ford parts and accessories. I t ’s the lo n g e s t-la s tin g IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR confection y o u can b u y - a n d it ’s a h e lp to d i- I JACKSON COUNTY. In the M atter of the E state of gestion and a cleanses* PH EBE J. WELLS, deceased'. lo r th e m outh an d teeth. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. th a t the undersigned adm inistra­ W rtflS c y ’s m e a n s b e n e fit a s w e l l a s to r with Will annexed of the p le a s u re . E state of Phebe J. Wells, has fil­ ed his final account in said Court, and the Hon. G. A. G ardner has feet November 1, 1924. at 10 o’­ clock A. M. at the Courthouse in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, as the time and place for a hearing thereon. All persons having objections to the same are required to make such objections on or before the tim e set for said hearing. GEO. W. DUNN, A dm inistrator. 24-4-Mon. - * f I I ■IN LEAGUE OF NATIONS Swenson & Peebler W. A. SHELL, Prop. >32 A. St. Ashland, Or« * ASBESTO S .READY ROOFINGS Bear Underwriters’ Class B label, — that means adequate fire protection and low rates of insurance. Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings not only resist all sorts of weather conditions but smoke, fumes and fire as well. Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings come in several finishes, white top”,—slate surface and smooth finish. Call on us for samples and prices. *'A R oot fo r every b u ild in i.“ Ashland Lumber Co. When you need anything for vour Ford bring ¡1 to the Ford Garage and you will be assured of genuine Ford replacements and the most competent sei vice as our mechanics specialize on Ford repairing. H A R R IS O N BROS. The Ford Garage z