J‘*te two ABflUSft DAttÆ ftfttsag « A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Mon September ¿Ó. of them of tender age who havd not matured sufficient] v n n r n F BIT F ïlfà îî/ï n F Y AHPlllF they have been more or less dcre hfcadQuartere In U edihrd, has to see the real beauty in the world. het in telling the world of their filed articles of incorporation Ibis is a very interesting report and brings out the purposes and accom plishm ents.; with the state corporation depart­ Published Every Evening Except Sunday by It is to fulfill these shortcomings ment here. The incorporators are following facts: THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. that the magazine has been m- Charles W. Reames, V. V. Ply. That 85 per cent of the victims of eye accidents are ! augurated.” B ert R. Greer ............... ..... .................. — ....... ........ ......................... Editor male and A. E. Reames George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager men and boys, oiHy "604 out of the 4,456 victims being ~ ,;ri8. * Sintered With Indigestion OFFICIAL C IT Y 'P A P E R ..................................... ....... ” ..........Telephone 39 women and girls; LOGGING RAILWAY FILES E ntered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice a s Second C lass Mall M atter That industrial accidents constitute the most ser­ For Years But Tanlac Letterheads, statem ents, t o Relieved and .Built Her i ious single group of accidents resulting in eye injuries. SALEM, Sept. 29— Capitalized Subscription Price, Delivered in City your order at the Tidings Office. Up. On® M o n th ................................. « «c at $2,000.000, the Medford Log- That almost 25 per cent of the victims of eye acci­ We have a good job printing de- Three Months ........... .......................................... ............... i\*« Ring Railroad company with partm ent. dents are children, 1053 hoys and girls having been so “ When it comes to a treatm ent Six M on th s.................. ................................................*-................. tf One Year ................................................................................................ & 7.50 injured during the last twelve months. for stomach and nerve troubles _ .. By Mail and R ural Routes Tanlac certainly does the desired On® M o n th ......... .............. I .65 • That next to children’s play accidents, automobile thing, Three Months ............................._ i t least it has for me,” re­ 1.95 accidents are the most serious non-industrial sources of Six Months cently stated Mrs. Millie Schaef­ 3.50 One Year ..................................................6^50 ¡e^e injuries, the eyes of 381 persons having been injured fer, 126 North Hope St., Los Lubricating Service Station Angeles, California. in motor vehicle accidents, principally through the break­ .. , , DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch ............................ $ ‘ I had suffered from nervous ing of windshields, during the past year; , Yearly C ontracts: for years, together One insertion a week ........ v :£• That explosives and firearms were responsible for «indigestion with constipation, almost con­ Two insertions a week ................................. ............... injuries to the eyes of 202 persons. stan t headaches, nervousness, Crank Cases Daily insertion .................................... C om plete Oli sleeplessness, gas on the stomach n The Committee received reports of 100 persons whose Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising Drained and — o ------ Hne .............................................. » $ :m«l G reasing eyes were pierced by metal shot from air rifles; 99 eye and nausea. I had become so M1U» Refilled run-down and weak th a t work Card of T h a n k s __ _ . Service jCHAXVFEB- accidents were due to the use of chemicals outside of in­ was alm ost impossible and life Obituaries, per line................ — _ “ dustry; 96 occurred during the chopping of fire wood; 89 seemed a burden. Genuine Pennsylvania Lubricants ««All , WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING were hunting accidents, and 84 persons may loose their “About a year ago a relative Tan ac is for sale by all good z collection S £ ” i n Z ^ 'r û s ï o g ? “ < * « « • <» - a d o or . 'during the past year sent me a bottle of Tanlac and druggists. Accept no substitute. begged me to try it. It gave me Over 40 million bottles sold. ___ N° dl8 Boys with sling shots injured the eyes of . 27 . persons. In the editorial column the p u r­ Uncle .Toe Cannon, veteran of many a political battle &ow ail(^ arrow accidents may lead to the blindness of 24 pose of the publication is outliu- in congress and the one who has administered more re- persons; (J olf bal1 accidents destroyed or endangered the I ed and one of the paragraphs fol- bukes to “ insurgent” politicians, who made efforts to S,§ht °f 37 P ^ o n s. “ The Oregon Sportsm an,” of­ I lows: ficial publication of the Oregon I “ Members of thp com m ission; place their own advantage above that of the party, has n . ------------------------- 7--------- ? state commission, made its 1 have iran k Iy adm itted th at they at last broken his silence and in an article in The Satur- ( alitornia reports a mysterious river of mud flow- initial game appearance as a bi-monthly | have been so ' en^rossed in the day Evening Post gives some of his experiences and also>ng d°Wn the side.°f Shasta. Maybe Hiram «Johnson magazine under the editorship o f ; working out of program s and lets loose a few hot’shots at the present wave of insur- P? ^lere practicing a campaign speech.—Nashville Otto M. Jones, educational direc policies to be adopted and car­ ried out by the commission, th at gency which resulted in the launching of the third party ^outliern lumberman. to r for the commission. This publication, in a sense, is in the presidential election campaign. a continuation of the magazine About 98 per cent of those who think that “ Ma” I ncle »Joe, 100 ]>er cent Republican party-man, who issued by the game departm ent j got his first inspiration when he listened to Abraham Ferguson will be bossed by «Tim Ferguson are bachelors. before the war but is more am ­ bitious and enters the field with Lincoln recite the basic tenets of Republicanism many —Lincoln Star. the avowed intention of being the HOUSE WIRING After Sixteen Weeks in Medford decades ago. says that it is traiterous to the wishes of the medium for interchange of ideas Road hogs are motorists who put on speed every time voters when a candidate is elected as a representative of can he only satisfactory among the sportsm en of the state. one party and then later refuses to walk the chalk line you get in front of them.—Toronto Star. The first num ber is a 24 page or unsatisfactory. in the magazine bearing an attractive which the majority of that party has drawn. If some merchants are not given a golden harp and two-color cover. A total of 3000 The former will mean pro­ His article is interesting and his logic is true. He copies were turned out by the rightfully holds that when a majority of the people decide a crown when they get to heaven, they will no doubt he Shelton-Turnbull-Fuller company tection, while the latter may mean a disastrous that one party shall he in power, tile victorious party satisfied with something “ just as good.” of Eugene. These copies will be fire and great inconven­ mailed to members of sports or­ should have control. He also holds as tenaciously that It is splendid to see the business men of Ashland so Opening Play ganizations of the state and the ience to you. when th.e majority of the representatives of the victor­ sportsm en will be urged to sub­ ious party in congress decides where the chalk line shall! deepi^ interested in the welfare of the hovg of our citv. scribe to the publication. “When Dreams Come True’" We pride ourselves on do­ he drawn, the members who were elected as the repre-i This initial appearance is devot­ Pioneering in Southern Oregon ed to introductions of the mem­ sentatives of* that party should step onto the line and ing Satisfactory Wiring The Greatest of All Dramas bers of the commission and a few walk straight from beginning to end. by C. B. Watson stories on outdoor life. Announce­ That is the way they did when Uncle .Joe was com­ m ent is made th a t the magazine (Continued from Friday) mander-in-chief of the congressional army. The veteran Murphy Elec. Co. will be devoted in the future to Coming Tuesday and Wednesday, the leader is pictured in the publication as sitting in the F remont and Carson, with fifteen men at once left Our Phone 82 Great Swede Comedy Drama teacher’s ehair with a switch, representing party disci­ their camp and rode rapidly down the lake to meet these Main - Plaza Ashland pline, back of him and the pupils, knowing from exper­ messengers About sundown they met them and made “Ole Olsen Out West” ience that he would use the switch, are studying their camp. Lieutenant Gillispie delivered his messages, and lesson and reciting very dilligently. Prices 10, 25 and 50c Tlie W. and N. L remont knowing all his men were very much fatigued That is not the method hv which congress is conduct­ told them to go to bed withojit a guard as he would have Vaudeville Between Acts Service Station I broilught a tra c k load of b ar­ ed today. Another picture accompanies the article, in to be up reading his messages and mail until late and that is ready to give what it gain counter goods from P o rt­ which a pupil is pulling a rope tied around the le" of land last week, all of which implies he would call a guard before he retired. He finished his the teacher’s chair, the pupils are “ jazzing” about* the will be sold accordingly. Auto “ SERVICE” messages after midnight, and everything appearing quiet, CUT DOT THIS TICKET Robes, W ade Dragsaw, H alt­ room, two “ bloc” pupils are rolling on the floor in a fist he stretched himself by the fire without calling a guard. ers, and lots of arm y goods. Shell Gasoline and Oils light, another is shooting paper wads, while a wild-eyed Just as he was dozing to sleep the Indians attacked. A Come in early w hile they last. This ticket will admit any lady FREE to Tires, tubes and acces­ boy, who is eloquently reciting, is about to get a waste- lively fight ensued and the Indians were repulsed, but not Frank & King’s Show sories paper basket down over his head and ears. It is a true until tlie\ had killed two of his men; one an Iriquois and Monday night, Sept. 29th cartoon of congress today. PEIL’S CORNER the other a Deleware Indian. They had taken toll from Uncle Joe also gives a little dissertation on the in­ the treacherous Indians and among others had killed a - n b N. Service surgency wave in the home, where the same disregard of chief. Their departure from this tragic camp was a sad precendent mid authoriyt seems to have developed. Station Uncle Joe has not lived for more than 80 years for one. They attempted to carry the dead bodies with them, BOULEVARD and SHERMAN But the forest was heavy and the brush thick which made nothing, he has not been blind these more than four-score it impossible without too great a delay. So they buried years nor has he become an imbecile in any sense of the their comrades under a big log and piled rocks and brush word. about them, having no tools to dig a grave. He had quite The California Oregon Power Company offered As one considers the flagrant display of disorder and a numhei of Troquis and Deleware Indians in his company A Slave to 2,00C shares of its 7% Preferred Stock to its own incoherency and lack of accomplishment which seems to and when they had heard the story of how their comrades employes. The issue was immediately o v e r s u b ­ have marked a few sessions of congress since Uncle Joe the Stove had been killed they swore vengence against the savages scribed. left the marble halls and the czar’s chair; as one considers who had murdered their brethren. Fremont was notified you live in a house full . le crime wave among the younger generation of todav m the dispatches that the Mexican war was on. This was of Do stoves? in contrast to the small number of juvenile eases of years the fiist notice to him. He had been away for many months so, you know7 th e am ount ago, the blatant disregard for authority and respect for and had had no information. He was ordered to return at of If work Operators tending the giant generators at Copco as well as fuel it takes to run A fire in every room you precedent among the younger people, the prevalence of power plants know that fourteen thousand custom­ once to California and protect U. S. citizens and their w ant heated. home-wrecks throughout the fair land; as one considers property. ers get power and light over Copco wires. R adiator heat ing systems the tendency of leaders to fight for their personal ag­ economical in th eir use of Men on duty throughout the system come to He had traversed the west side of Klamath lake on are grandizement and advancement, even though their fight­ lus journey to its head and now concluded to pass round fuel. They provide healthful realize best the enduring assets of the Company— w arm th in every room. Why ing is of little value to the people— rem ain “a slave of the stove?’’ assets of rock, steel, concrete, and of never-ceasing the upper end of the lake and return along the eastern One wonders if a little more of the old-time party shore. Walling says in his history that the tragedy just power! See us fo r particulars. discipline in politics, a little of the old-time home disci­ Engineers, accountants, linemen, cashiers, offi­ narrated was on Hot creek in Siskiyou county California, pline and rectitude would not be welcome. cials—all these knew, intimately, the security and i his is a mistake. Hot creek is at the south of the lower earning power of their investment. They had inside Klamath lake and is entirely out of the line of Fremont’s O’Neal know ledge of its value. NO SHIELD FROM THE LAW journey north, and the messenger and his companions had The cloth of a minister is not a shield from the law; ollowed F remont’s trail all of the way. The place of this Plumbing Heating 207 E. Midi! churchly position is not in the slightest degree an exten­ tragedy is well known by Capt. O. C. Applegate and others. Phone 188 uation of crime; extra odium, even rests upon the min­ Such a trip would have involved crossing the Klamath ister who falls by the wayside. Ask any one of these members of the Copco organ­ river and would have been noted in his memoirs if such ization today how you can buy Copco Preferred Ministers throughout the country have pronounced had been the case. Besides Fremont in his memoirs ex­ Stock, yielding 7.14% for your idle fu n d s or this judgment and sentence and if the jury which tries pressly describes the crossing of the lake at the head of monthly savings, on monthly payments as low as £5 Rev. Hight for the murder in Illinois of his wife were Link river which is the beginning of the Klamath. Walling a share. Or clip and mail the coupon below. composed of ministers, he would probably receive a more is again wrong in saying that Fremont “ traveled by way of stringent punishment than he would from a layman jury. Goose, Clear and Tulle lakes to the southwest shore where THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY — ------------------------■ pie camped for a few days.” He was not nearer to Goose Office*: LOSS OF EYESIGHT j t h a n fifty miles and was. when rounding Tulle lake < 1 he God-sent privilege of seeing the wonders of this;at lGas? ten miles west of Clear lake. The writer is fam- W O O D Roseburg Medford - Grants Pass Klamath Falls world, of seeing the smile ot welcome and cheerfulness onCbar all that country and has read and checked n n triends faces, of seeing the beauty of nature changing on b remont’s official memoirs. and from season to season, and of seeing the thousand and one (To be Continued) other attractions of every-day life is taken away from! almost five thousand men, women and children each vear "FIRE DANGER REMOVED fire. The order would have be- T H E CALIFO RNIA OREGON P O W E R COM PANY come ineffective October 1, b u t i liecause of accidents which could have been prevented, ac­ EUGENE YOUR PARTNERS F Macd,,» P 29' — Nelson I the suPervi8or said yesterday th at MEDFORD. OREGON cording to a report from a committee appointed to probe F Macduff, supervisor of th e C a s- ¡in all probability many hunters? IN PROGRESS into the causes of this kind of accidents. Please send m e full information about your 7% Preferred cade national forest, has recom- and perhaps others will desire to! Ask any member Simpson’s Stock and special partial payment plan. mended to the d istrict forest of- go camping between now and then ! One of the outstanding facts in the report is that a! fice m Portland th a t the order and it would be unnecessary to of our organization Hardware large per cent of’ those who are thus denied this wondrous ! made d t ^ n g 3 th e ^ a d y ^ u m m e i take the usual precautions against i Name. pm uege are children, who are thus compelled to goltbat permitsc be obtained for fire. — or mail this coupon Winchester Store through the years ot life deprived of this privilege, manU re8C’nded at once, aa the recent — today J 1 rains have removed all danger of ' ’rKthtll 1 Î KUllI KfcLATlVfc (E stablished in 1876) PROVED AID TO HEALTH The Ashland Service Station NEW MAGAZINE Of SPORÎS IS ISSUED T O N IG H T ! Frank & King’s Comedians Armory IV. INSIDE INFORMATION THESE MEN KNEW ASK THEM HEATERS COAL fh e Tiding'« Ads Bring Results tAddresa^.