PAGE Furti ASfiUîîfi Ö A ilt ÏWÎ.V08 SatuKiay, MeßtebUr L io c a l» P e r s o n a l f io te s ^ UNUSUAL EVENTS to r of Ashland will give the ser- mon at the Methodist church to­ morrow. He is now living in Portland. • • • TOO LATE i o CLASSIFY ¡a royalty, and that they receiy- j to exact the »1.500.000 ln pr0 ,|6„, „ „ TOK RENT _ Five-room tu r- | ^ p t t U ST oiV ’ f toe to°he"o ” t a A Z X ” T h o U 1 c ü î ‘ u « e « ÎÔÜ1 ,k. " î ' ^ h * *, O a V 'st” ” L A ï’ '‘ I, n’ “ ‘r e h lT " ’ r ” 0“ ” - WW1* ,u e h ,v e ln «««• ««»» bough, atoek under,«king w n n u r a T u , '“ s'r'e j’ a t 713 Oak St. 23_ 2 . | Mthltc was “ expected to supply! „ „ a company have a right to a reeent.d and th aï " b e “ v ’f the capital and assume the risks,” I fair share of any prottts which Ashland and the stockholder, Ô, — A 2 apartm ent are 1 . FOR sa le ; — set forth in the report, Î • Best place to dance^-Sat. nite may accrne- accrue.” t|fe company company will will profit greatly completely furnished bungalow. j I tne The syndicate was. accordftig Jackson Hot Springs. 21— 3« “ This com m ittee,” says the re-1 thereby. The subject seem« to Both apartm ents rented and pay- Visiting— In Town— to the report, organized in May, i j port, ‘is not in position to pass he covered by a report published JACKSONVILLE, Florida Sept v l V ”7 , PUrChaSe price‘ Russell E lliott and hla mother, I Fred Gosoway, form erly con- Returns— 1923, with a capital stock of $3,- , 7 p, ,, , ’ »epi. | Nearly all fu rn itu re new Cash upon the m erits of the H artm an ! in bulletin No. 1, Vol. 3 of The Mrs. Davis are visiting at the J nected with the Ashland mills, ,,hono 000,000 divided into 3o,000 B ert Asher of the Plaza, who has 2 7 .- F ,o r td a . whoso chief -crop” or patents and processes, nor is it in Mineral Resources of Oregon, pub- Flackus home for a few days. now of Tacoma, stopped in Ash­ been confined to his home since is tourists, now is making prepar­ shares with a par value of $10 i position to pass upon the quality lished by the Oregon bureau of land today .on his way south. He W ednesday with illness, has re­ ations for the biggest harvest in LOST: Small black and each. M.x, I or quantity of the shale in ques- ‘ mines and aenln^v ” Fresh homemade candies a t The is looking for a place to locate. its history. l o r the purpose, apparently off " anu geoiogj. white Spaniel. Robbed tail __ sumed his duties. Rose Conf. Already the “tin can” touristä Answers to ‘‘Polly.” R eturn to circum venting our blue sky law. Why pay more for milk when are invading the land of “ sun­ Plaza Conf., or notify Mrs. E r­ an attem pt was first made t o r Are you hard to fit? Try a suit IJJ S H S asaS S asS aS E S S S H S E S H S eS I Complete line of Ashland Can­ you can get the best milk for l made to your m easure at Paul- shine and freckles.” A num ber nest Biden, Medford, Ore. operate as a common law tru s t,” ned Goods at Detricks. y 4-tf 10 cents. Llnlnger Dairy. Phone i seru d ’s. 14— tf of foreign automobile license THE CHEMISIER RETAINS 23— 2* says the report. ’This action was 396R and 369J. 4-tf i tags have been observed on the I “ forbidden by the corporation com­ fl ITS PLACE IN THE MODE WHO WANTS a Ford or Hup- m issioner.” Have Returned— streets of Jacksonville within the Returns He mobile? Cheap for cash. Come Don’t fail to hear the Fair Emily and Carolyn W arner The report sets out »hat E. W. iiS e S E S S S S S H 5 B S 2 S 5 e s a S E S ili Mrs. Torrence retu rn ed yester­ last few days. have ju st returned from Youngs­ Ground Dance Pavillion’s new 9- day from Santa Cruz and San According to figures compiled Io Bell Rooming House. 160 4th H artm an claimed to he the in-1 (5 H E success of the chemlsler ' 23— 1* ventor of certain patented equip-1 town, Ohio, where they have been piece Jazz Band Sat. night. Florida Development St- Francisco where she has been by the type of frock this summer ment and processes for »lie ex- i visiting for the past three months. 21— 3 spending the past week visiting Board approxim ately 1,000,000 has given rise to a delight« Classmen ads bring results. ful adaption of the chemlsler idea They state th at to them there is tourists invaded Florida during traction of oil from shale rock,! with friends and relatives. for the more sedate months of Visiting— no place like home. the fiscal year ending August 31. and “ these patents were transfer autumn, as evidenced in this after­ Mrs. Voruz of Baker arrived red to corporations organized by I SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ An increase of 10 to 15 per cent TO HAUL LIM B ER noon frock, which strikes a happy Try our famous tam ales; Al­ in Ashland today and will visit MOBILE insurance; better term s is anticipated by the Development compromise between sportlveriesa TO LOCAL PLANT said Hartman in other states and ' and dignity. ( ways fresh and good— The Rose for a couple of weeks with her and lower rates. Yeo, of course. Board during the ensuing year. having millions of paper capital, The dress Is made of black Frost - Conf. fie appears to have been given j d lughter. Mrs. George King of Phone 21 & 274-J. Practically every resort city in 212— tf (Continued from Page 1) krepe, a substantial crepe with the Beach street. Florida lias constructed a new stock control in these companies j slight rib which Is so much in We deliver the goods— Detrick? hotel or new apartm ent houses has a great significance. evidence in Fall fashions, and Is in exchange for his patents.” Visiting ¡n Falls— combined with wide Scotch plaid If it is a success a full fleet A nother big dance Jackson Hot 9 4-ti It was from one of these com-j Mrs. Guy Randles is visiting during the Summer months. Mia­ ribbon. The skirt is made in three IB i Springs Sat. nite. ■ 21— 3* friends in K lam ath Falls for a mi has boasted of a bigger build­ of Ford trucks and trailers will panies th at the H artm an syndi­ IB ■ ■ I tiers of the plaid, bordered with Dance Hot Springs Sat. nite. ing program than any other city at once be put in . commission cate purchased its equipment. • few days.. the Frostkrepe. The plaid appears IB Ml I ib r a i Used Piano, good as new. easy ; again in the chic chemlsler front 21— 3* in the State. During Angus! night and day to get all of the Representations made to stock which gives the dress Its piquancy, lum ber from the Field’s mill be­ term s.— The Rose Conf. purchasers in the syndicate that See P aulserud’3 for the latesl Miami's building program to tall­ and in the bands on the long fore the snow flies. Will the boys whom the black ed $3,578,980, which made a it owned three thousand acres of ' in Fall suits and woolens. ’’skin-tight” sleeves which also and white Spaniel followed home H unting— grand total of perm its issued in shale lands in southern Oregon mark the new mode. Friday evening please return And. by the way. this dress, de­ E. E. Phipps and Mr. Wild left Successful Trip— th a t city since Jan u ary 1 equal ATTACK ‘ON HARTMAN are false, the report charges, as­ ceptively unsophisticated as it SYNDICATE IS MADE same to the Plaza confectionery yesterday afternoon on a hunting serting th at the company owns Perry A shcraft of Portland $16,418,911. Taraja, W est Palm seems, reflects many of the newest 1 but 600 acres of such land pur- as she is greatly missed by her trip in the Jenny Creek district, George A shcraft and wife of New­ Beach, Daytona, Jacksonville and ideas in the late Paris openings, (Continued from Page 1) young m aster. 2 1 — 1 to be gone until tonight. | chased with “ money we under- for instance, the .insertion of trim ­ port and P. L. A shcraft of this other W inter resort cities have ming motives into the sleeves. i stand was advanced to El. H. city returned yesterday from a trailed close .on to Miami’s re ­ tion commissioner until the Premet. according to a cable re­ Purchase Car— Imogene W allace, piano classes hunting trip in the Lake of the cord. H artm an by local people who ex­ ceived by Henri Creange, Director stockholders have had an oppor­ Misses Elizabeth Palme? and begin September 25. For infor­ Woods country. pected a certain am ount of pro­ They brought J of the Cheney Style Service, spon­ tu n ity to meet and fully investi­ Grace Chamberlain have purehas mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss hack three brown bear, one deer 1 — motion stock in re tu rn ” . sors “all sleeves straight, Darrow, gate the company's affairs and and long, with decorative motives ed a new Chevrolet sedan. The Wallace, Central Point. 13— tf and a quantity of duck3. Mrs. John Taylor is very ill at The investigators find a h a i-! properties, is contained in a re- at the wrist matching trimmings deal .vas reported b<; the Auto­ her home on B street. b ». '«■ port filed with Governor P ierce' ? Ue & tFact ° f 120 of dress.” motive i bop. Snappy new models in suits for Special 9-piece Jazz Band at Jenny plays with the idea oC today by Oswald W est and George X Z i bright colored yokes, and repeats young men at Paulserud’s. the Fair Ground’s Dance Pavii Black, appointed to investigate this theme in sleeves. Says this B urton Dancing School, Mem­ 14— tf lion Sat. night. Their first ap i certain stock and bond sales in J " ma ‘ *ia t the fund’ j cable, direct from her opening, orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ i Oregon. ° f the comPany have not been pearance in Medford. 21— 3 "Often square chiffon yokes, sewn noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. Real home-style chicken dinner PimrixcQ thnt carefully expended and th at there i either ln front or at back and pro­ • m a rg e s th a t the company was , I longed ln a scarf turning round 307-tf at the Plaza Sunday. 75c. 22— 1 Visiting He . organized for the * pur- neis been wnste nnd oxtrnv^crpncp i apparently . gence | neck and knotted at side. These ______ - - pose of creating’ a m arket fo r, h° Ut attem Ptin * t0 P»“ ¡ Mr. and Mrs. McElman of neai CH fckcy effects are nearly always In some Mitchels, Auto tops, curtains, Improving San Diego, are visiting today Sam G riffin’s Original Prem ier I certain equipm ent used in the ex ’ n^ ’tS ° f the patenL- I vivid color such as pink; orange, painting and upholstery work. green, on black, navy blue or Mrs. O. E. H urst is slowly im- with Dr. Sawyer, on th eir way M inistréis coming to the Vining ¡trac tio n of the oil from the rock dnd prpce£«es- or value of 382 E. Main. 22— 6t proving after an operation at the to Portland where Mrs. McElman th eatre Monday night, are now { which equipm ent is m an u factu re brown dress. Little knots, bands Iands' ‘he reports says: or cuffs of same chiffon posed Community Hospital, but is not will visit with her m other and ma ing their third tour of the ' ed by other concerns in which “ Regardless of the vaKie of the rather high on sleeves, which are Listerine Antiseptic, 30c and yet able to go to her home. long aud tight.* other relatives. She was form ­ Pacific Coast. The Company is E. W. and H W. H artm an are deposits, your committee feels 60c— McNair Bros. erly Miss Mabel Young and was composed this year, of some of ; heavily interested and on the sa’.e that the prom oters of th is'u n d er- Dance Moose hall tonight. P et­ a very successful Sunday Schoo’ •he most notable m instrel sin g -! of which equipm ent t h e y " r w i v ^ taking should not ba perm itted tBBBS Leaves— tit's Peppy Players. 9 o’clock. teacher. Among those who she ers and comedians in the country Miss Nellie Purves left this 23— 1 taught were Gerald W euner, today, and will be the best ag- j ----- afternoon on train 54 for Seattle Frank Davis, Andrew’ McGee and gregation th a t has visited the i* " » -* * * ................................... .. with a patient. Miss Purves will New Hats ju st received. Mrs. Carl McCune. Pacific Coast since Billy W est’s : take her vacation at this time R. Potter, 30 2nd St. 21— 3* m inistreis made their last tour and visit friends and relatives in Show H en'— fifteen years ago. Nearly all northern cities. Hope Rebekah lodge will ob­ The Frank and King th e atri­ members of this company are serve fifth Tuesday with a cover cal company will open a two from the big m instrel shows of Craiilc Cases Complete Oil Our chocolates are fresh and dish supper and general social weeks engagement at the Armory the E ast and have spent their unsurpassed in quality. — The evening Tuesday, September 30 Monday evening. This company entire career in minstrelsy. H ap­ Drained anil and Greasing Rose Conf. at 6 o’clock. Rebekahs, Odd Fel­ has been sii owing at Medford for py Benway, principal comedian Refilled S<‘rvl«-e lows and th eir families only. the past 16 weeks and has met of this company is one of Amer­ September 28, 1924 W hitman Candies. — McNair ALICE GOWLAND, Sec. with enthusiastic approval in the ica’s foremost black face com­ Bros. 23— 2 neighboring city. edians and occupies a place*in SOUP this profession almost exclusively Chicken with noodles From Schools— Return Home— his own. Mr. Benway was form ­ OREGON HAVING Among those who are spending Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Loosley Comhination salad 1ST GAME TODAY erly one of the principal comed­ the week-end in Ashland from returned home yesterday from ians with the Original Honey Boy ’ RELISH their schools are Misses Mildred Fort Klam ath where they have UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Evans M instrels, said, to be one ! DR. OESER & SON Celerv, Beeson, Ethel Bryant, M argaret been visiting for some time. Sweet Pickles, Eugene, Sept. 27.— Qregon gets of the greatest m instrel shows Kijje Olives Dougherty, Mrs. Letta Eastburg the first test of the 1924 football ever produced in this country up and John Galey. Jointed Young Chicken, a la Maryland Why worry about Sunday din ­ season today, at Salem against to the time. He later made a ner when the Plaza serves such the W illam ette'B earcats. Roast Spring Land) and Jelly tour of the Orpheum Circuit with Treat your wife to a delicious a delicious dinner for 75 cents. The Oregon prospects have seven of the Original Honey Boys“ Baked Young Hen and Dressing chicken dinner at the Plaza Sun­ 22— 2 picked up with the retu rn of sev­ The seat* sale is now on at the Frieasee Chicken with Noodles $1.00 SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER day. 75 cents. 22— 2 $1.00 eral veterans and promising ex­ box office and from all appear­ To Give Demonstration— freshm en. Maddock will take ances, the M instrels are going to Mashed Potatoes with Cream Fried Parsnips Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ Miss Helen Cowgill of O. A. C. about th ree squads to Salem and make a big hit in Ashland. There ity Bread, from the oven over will be in Ashland Monday and will give every man a chance if will be a parade and band con­ Tee Cream and Cake. Coffee, Tea or Milk September 28, 1924 the counter, 8 and 12c. 22— 6 will give a public dem onstration possible. The varsity m entor isn’t cert Monday at noon. 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. 5 to S p. nt. ......................................................................... ........................... of the making of prune break at underrating the strength of the Cliff Payne makes chair rock- i ; the high school. The public- is W illam ette eleven and is taking RELISH ers. invited. : enough reserve m ateria! in ca?» litad Lettuce, Th lio tlsa ilil d Island Dressing | of injury. Hei SOUP Picture boxes of chocolates The Oregon schedule cal's f ' Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wooder also n’sin ones, all sizes and ( ’roam of ( 'dory a great d:?.I cf tra v d and cigh of Portland, form er residents of prices reasonable at The Rose -amc-3 in a row. which means that FISH • Ashland, were het ‘ today visit­ Conf. h juries m igh. et the varsi' linked Salmon, Au (¡ratin ing with friendi and relatives. b a 'k . Maddock will not pick The Plaza’s Sunday dinner ’of ¡’¡to lir tu p until the g.uni ENTREE Tamales first of the Beason 7 5 certs, will bs a real treat tf i F i i ns,c ( I jh .( H, Egg Noodles Uiturdnv. It is iikelv that ho Mow being served at The Rost you and your family. 2 2 - - r i wil star; the m ajority of his let Ln'i Fried Chicken, a In Maryland Conf. i ‘e:n i:n at tho opening whisiie ROAST P e tn rrrd — Three le terni.'n are eligible for NOTICE TO CANNERY WORK Harold Proso of Petaluma backfield duty and six veterans Prime Rib of Beef ERS W ork wi.l bo resumed Calif., who has been visiting hi: AiasTed Potatoi’.s on tlie line. Sugar Com Monday, Sept. 29. !3— 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pros Choiee of Pie Ice Cream and Cake I for some time returned to his MARCEL AND CURL LAST i home Friday. LA FOLLETTE MAY ' ______ LONGER after a Golden Glint LOSE OUT IN LA. Shampoo. HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo BEFORE ELECTION i of course. - 212— tt In Tow i NEW ORLEANS, La., Sept. 27 Isabelle Terwiiliger and her c «n *<,tioii— —The petit on to place the name mother, Mrs. Terwiiliger of H orn­ Miss Imogene W allace has re cf La Follette on the ballot for brook were in Ashland today turned from Cleveland where she the November elections will be shopping. Miss Terw iiliger a t-¡h a s been studying music during tended high school in Ashland i the summer instead of Haven, as refused unless the La Follette i followers successfully obtain court; ' last year. • ■ was stated in the paper. action. The decision means th at 'ME THEATER BEAUTIFUL La Follette loses Louisiana even Save $10.00, walk upstairs to Ladies and children’s hair cut O rres tailor shop. 17 tf ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par before the voters go to the polls.! LAST TIMES TODAY i lor- 293-tf No agent iu Southern Oregou ! ILLINOIS AGAIN A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local Interest C O M M A N D ING YOUR INTEREST T Al IHE VINING Lubricating Service Station A sh lan d Hotel Special Sunday Dinner $1.00 Genuine Pennsylvania Lubricants The Ashland Service Station Nelda Cafe Buil