FAOB tffltt« ASffiAÑD DAILY TIDINGS Classified Column Ula.tf.Uied Column Kates One cent the word each tim e. To run every Issue for one month or more, Vic the word each time. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone SI. S o c ie ty AT THE Tidings A. Secretary, tonight a t 7:45 P ; I Senator Caraway read ex ten -1 Sinclair for trying to exploit the M. All men interested lh the Y. 1 siveIy fraEl an authorised copy of naval oil reserves ahd th P M. C A. work are asked to be the suppressed speech, and trout-1 m eat Irom the cabinet or torn, ’ " m fc ______ ¡ “ “ y « « ’*■»«1 US use by saying A ttorney O eher.7 ¿ ¡ ¿ h e n , Z ■ Ann ° U! "* T • lssue in •AmerIcan politics, ’h " * ° " ly on<' " in lh » South | the expotlng of crimes and crlm- for ^ th gnOCk. A cor- accompanied by a strong plea for) inals. We infer th a t the president , mon »u. m e evening service Preaching tlce lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano ^he gentian's bluest fringes Hand Store. 22— 3 1 is ‘ W arning At The Devil's F ire’/ dial invitation to all. equality at the polls for the negro; won d prefer that the government th ro at— X-ray including te e th / Ar« curling in the sun; O. R. Reeder, Pastor FOR RENT: — Sleeping room I At the close of the service two Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc 1,1 dlisty pods the milkweed rac* „ v . be plundered ra th e r than have the ! young people wili be hurried by overlooking Lithia Park. Suitable _ ilbur s speech, as detailed by ‘ rogues and rascals discovered by 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, I lts hidd®h silk lias spun. F irst Congregational Cbudch I Caraway, assailed the whites in for one or two ladies. 126 S. baptism into His death that like Ore. W. Judson Oldfield, Minister ! southern states for not granting any other means than by a grand Pioneer. as Christ was raised from the 19— 5* ------------------ ---------------------------- l The sedges flaunt their harvest _ ju ry .” in b a\ ing- vtiiir brakes Boulevard Main dead by the glory of the F ather Sunday school and at . m V n k L 'b i L T T “ ’e V° " “ S ' " “ I Ver£‘° “ lh' DR. M ATTIE B. SHAW — Resi- In every meadow nook, FOR RENT: — Splendid fu r­ tested mid relined, if they so we also might walk in newness dence and office, 108 Pioneer. And asters by the brook-side nished apartm ent, two room with of Life.” avenue. Telephone 28. Office Make asters in the brook, need it, may save you a kitchenette and bath. A dults only. C. E. prayer meeting at 6:30 . . . . « , hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 fatal or d isastrous acci­ The fact is th at there is only Phone 122. 16__2 P. M. This society lia3 pledged p. m. only. I From dewy lanes at morning dent. The grape’s sweet odors rise ;! $100.00 for the Bible school an-J of Mustard Seed.” Junior Christ-1 feared delivery of the speech FOR R E N T : — Modern well i _______________________________ j nex. an Endeavor at 5 p. m. Christian 1 would spoil w hatever chance they j located ‘ furnace heated apart DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic At noon the roads all flu tter RAYBESTOS LINING Endeavor at 6:30. Evening ser . might have of carrying “ b o rd e r1 At 7:30 P. M. the sermon is W ith yellow butterflies. m ents and sleeping rooms, fu r­ and Electro-Therapy. Office the third of the series on Divided vice at .:3 0 ; subject "Treasure ■ states, such as 'K entucky, Mary- ! and our instant service nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- phone 48; residence 142. First Protestantism . “ The Bible and and Pearls.” __ Prayer meeting land and Tennessee, for the Coo- j By all these lovely tokens, gadine. i_tf N ational Bank building. make a com bination which every W ednesday ’ eveniug a; Christian Unity.” September days are here, idge-Dawes ticket. Should inspire ail to have will insure you the g re a t­ 7:30. The subject for next week FOR SALE MONUMENTS “ The W ilbur , address,” Cara-j W ith Sum m er’s best of w eather the needed improvenient'- est safety. F irst Church of C hrist, Scientist ’.s “Obedience to the New Com way said, “discloses the fact that about the house— such as And A utum n’s best of cheer. A FEW REAL BARGAINS ASHLAND GRANITE / wall papering alM| p aint. mandment the Proof of Disciple­ Pioneer Ave., South P resident Coolidge opposed the j MONUMENTS ing— done at once. 4-Room House 2 blocks from Sunday service a t 11 o’clock. ship.” The public is cordially In­ senatorial investigations which: But none of all this beauty, B lair G ranite Co. 'Subject of lesson, “ R ealty.” Sun­ vited to all these services in the revealed crimes which led to the ' H aw thorne school. Price $1250 Which floods the earth and air. S. PENNISTON, Manager day school at 10 o’clock. Wed­ Congregational church. on term s at 6 per cent. Is unto me the secret indictment of Forbes, Doheny and Affendes: |><»dK<. and Office 175 E. Main nesday evening m eeting kt 8 o’­ Which makes September fair. ( 'hevroiet 7-Room House on Boulevard, Res. Phone 444-Y M ethodist Episcopal Church clock. close to H awthorne school well S. J. Chaney, Minister Reading room open daily from furnished, nice lawn, good g ar­ 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Tis a thing which I remember, The Sunday School will mee. 2 until 5 P. M., excepting Sundays To name it th rills me yet; communicate with Ensign Lee age, chicken house, some fruit. a t 9:45. Classes are provided for and holidays. of the Salvation Army at the One day of one September Price $4500.00. Terms at 6 per all ages and all are welcome. Dr. T rinity Episcopal Church I never can forget. W hlteShleld Home, 565 May- cent. J. T. Abbett of Portland, a form ­ ♦ * * Vicar The Rev. P. K. Hammond fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. W. W. ROBISON, can be only satisfactory Holy Communion at 8 A. M. er pastor will be the speaker at CALENDAR OF EVENTS 63 North Main St. PLANIN c T m ILL the m orning church service. His Saturday, Sept. 27. W orthy Church school at 9:45-, Morning or unsatisfactory. 21-tf • subject w il be, “ The Creed of the Grand Matron, Mrs. Alice Mary service and sermon at 11. JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Tlje evening church Strangers and visitors most Skeptic.” FOR SALE: — A good reso­ B urdette will make her official The form er will mean pro- WORKS, Cor. Helman and visit to Alpha Chapter, No. 1., cordially welcomed. •service will be evangelistic with lute Universal coal heater. Good MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 8:15 P. M. tection, while the la tte r Van Ness. 194tf an openning song service and a O. E. S. as new. Call 244 Hargadine. m ay mean a d isastrous gospel message. The Epworth Baptist Church Monday, Sept. 29. W. R. C. Phone 469R. 22— 2 T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS , League devotional meeting a ’ “ God’s Recipe for Victory,” the tire and g reat ineonveir U hit tie T ransfer & Storage Co. i Social in afternoon at 2:30, Odd 6:15 Sunday evening and the O riginal Prem ier *z ANOTHER BARGAIN morning sermon. Evening. Fellows Hall. ienee to you. Splendid house, w ater and con I for SERVICE. evening church service to ' begiu “ W hat You Must Do to be Saved” . Thursday, Oct. 2. Upper V allej veniences, three sleeping rooms i Experienced movers and pack­ Community Club will meet a t the Beginning with 2:30 P. M. the at 7:30. All are cordially invit­ ers of household goods. Deal­ large porch, large lot, with shade We pride ourselves on do­ Baptist young people of South- ed to all the meetings at the ers in coal and wood. Phone home of Mrs. W. D. Jackson on ‘ ern Oregon will trees, considerable fu rniture in have a rally! Methodist church, Iowa street. All day meeting ing Satisfactory W iring the house.’ A $6,000 property of- i 117. which will continue until 7:30 Miss Brewster, h o m e-dem onstra All W hite Office 89 Oak St. near iered for $4,500. tion agent will in s tru n in ihillin Luncheon in the church basement Hotel Ashland This property is one of the a t 6 P. M. Dr. Milliken and ery. EMBRACING 25 OF THE WORLD’S best locations in Ashland, fr o n t-1 * * * » other speakei’3 will address the r. L. POWELL— General T rans­ in g East, over-looking Lithia young people. A good program fer— Good team and motor D inner Party— Park. . is provided. The young people Mr. and Mrs. J. H. F u ller en trucks. G >od service «at a rea- Our Phone 82 STAPLES’ AGENCY are especially invited to this ser- tertained Mr. and Mrs. I. C. W il­ Hain - Plaza Ashland «onab e price. Phone 83. Office, Hotel Ashland Bldg. liams at a charm ing dinner party vited to this service. Bible school MISCELLANEOUS at ttíe Plaza W ednesday evening convenes, 9:45 A. M. the senior FEHIG E- ROACH T ransfer — Express — Storage A delicious dinner was served. and interm ediates are studying WANTED:— W ork by compet­ WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. — Hauling — Dray w oik of all The evening was spent witnessing the Bible— a real Bible school for ent experienced Janitor. All or Norma Talmadge in “ Secrets” ai them. If you are interested in Senator Caraway, Democrat, ol .... p art time. Will do anything. Re­ kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry the Vining Theater. study of God’s Word, come. Pray­ A rkansas, charged in an address i wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R ferences. 218 Y. 21— tf * * * er meeting Monday 7:30. Other before the Davis-Bryan Club here S75 B. St. 112-tf e services announced from pulpit. th at the rfecall of Secretary Wil­ C hristian Endeavor— STOCKMEN ATTENTION:— We ----------- bur from his western tour wa. FLORIST B. C. Miller, Pastor The C hristian Endeavor met at ■ Ws» w ant to buy feeders, cattle, sheep because of a speech he intended Do you live |,| „ |,OIIS(> f „ |, - Presbyterian Church the Christian church parlors fo- and hogs. W rite Coast Live Stock say IT WITH FLOWERS Ol stoves? to deliver at Denver, September th eir regular business meeting Co. 1429 W alnut St., Berkley, j From 20th. ' J. C. Mergler, M inuter If so, you know (he am ount ^ a l,f* 21 6 | Rutcher & Benson, Floral & Seed W ednesday eveniug, with Miss The A rkansas senator quoted o f work as w ell as fuel it takes Sunday School at 9:45 -A. M. Mabel H agar, president, conduct­ location 399 <<> run a fire in every room you what he said were excerpts from GET YOU STOVE repaired at Co., tem porary Opening Exercises in main assem ­ ing the meeting. Committees for want heated. Cut flowers and Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito ! Mountain Ave the year were appointed. A rtro bly room. The Rev. W eston T. th e ^ d d re ss, particularly those A R adiator h eatin g system s R adiator and Stoves for sale. 140 floral designmg. Phone 118. 9-mo Swingle was appointed secretary Johnson D. D., San Francisco, dealing with the voting right? are econom ical in their use of of negroes, and attack the secre­ Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS for the year. Many plans for the Secretary of W estern District, tary as “ Mr. W ilbur, who knows fu el. They provide h ealthful Foreign Mission, will occupy the 10 Comedians, including HAPPY BENWAY, formerly year were made and a discussion warm th in every room. Whs PIANO instruction, by exper hour of m orning worship, 11 A. j so Inucb flbout everything, and of pledging money for the new rem ain “a slave of the stov«*?’’ with George E vans’ Honey Boy Minstrels, and late of G, W . Milam iencetl teacher. Beginners prefer­ M. Senior C. E. at 7:00 P. m . ! ®spec,ally th at part of the coun­ Independent church was one of the im portant red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone See us for pari ieuhit-s. The Original 7 Honey Boys, touring Orpheum Circuit. Subject for pastor’s discourse, at try below the Mason and Dixon 441J. 3— lm o Candidate for County School points talked of. At the close line.” 10 Dancers 25 People including many of America’s Best Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ of the meeting delicious refresh 3:00, “ The Matchless Jesus.” The The speech was issued in con­ Minstrel Stars. Goats Bred by registered ty. Oregon. i ments were served by the ho;t- regular monthly meeting of the fidence in advance to newspapers buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, I esses, Misses Vera W right and session held in P asto r’s Study, SEATS NOW SELLING low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 Monday, 7:30 P. M. Communion and press associations for publi­ ' Jean Putnam . Prices 50c, 85c, $1.10—Boxes $1.65, including Tax « • « miles south on Pacific Highway Service and reception of mem­ cation w’hen delivered. When Plunibiniï Tica tin ti 14— 1 mo.* bers next Sunday, The Commun­ Secretary W ilbur abandoned his j Paris S ty le H int — W a tc h for Parade and Band Concert at Noon Mondav ’’hone in # MEDFOED . I PARIS Sept. 27. — A Patou ion P reparatory Service will be trip the speech was recalled. 2 0 7 E . Mai,, WANTED: — Male chef’s help- ' novelty of the season is men’s held W ednesday at 7:30 P. M. er for kitchen. Inquire Hotel homespuns for the tailleur. Plaids Sermon by the pastor. ‘The Pre Ashland. 20— tf are insisted upon, and delicate paration Room.” The «reception and tender shades are used for for Prof. Howell, new Y. M. C. The Pulse of For a smooth shave sports clothes. The new Patou SPECIALIST Your Business and quick service go shades a re Nile green Patou, in In tern al Medicine for the past twelve years to the Shell Barber Patou absinthe and rosewood. Fur • « It is the bankers biis>'ness Shop. Ladies and tailored suits will help to make to keep his finger on the finan­ cial pulse of the community. cnildren get your hair the W inter warmer. A wonder­ He knows the channels and bobbed and marcel ful silver lame, only to 'be com­ Dees Not Operate arteries of money circulation led. pared to the most valuable speci­ is an independent station. mens found in the museums is In the Town It is not owned by a com­ W . A. SH ELL, Prop. being used for some of the love- Will be at pany. »32 A. St. Ashland. Ore It may be some portion of ; lie-t evening gowns. It is as Holland Hotel your business is paralyzed, ; supple and rich and glowing as nerve centers dead, or merely Monday, Sept. 29 We Handle j pure liquid silver itself, but it unused, maybe some part over­ O ffice H ours 11 a. m. to 4 p. ni. SHELL PRODUCTS worked. Take these things to ! has one drepdful drawback, which your banker for diagnosis, i is the price. because we believe in Severe indigestion, gxssy pains analysis and treatm ent. It that crowd the heart, distress Patou insists upon a coat for them. may be you don’t need money, after eating, relieved and One Day Only i every occasion. Beach, morning, merely advice, a new vision. Good digestion restored by I afternoon and evening gowns each has a coat of its very own. This C H A M B E R L A IN ’S No Charge for C onsultation ' is no humble feat — to have cre­ TABLETS Acceptabla to senaitive «tomachs. 25c ated a really beautiful ensemble in so many designs' BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Dr. M ellinthin is a regular grad­ uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of O re-' yn Ashland__ gon. He does not operate f o r : Tom Land of Talent was in chronic appendicitis, 'g all stones,' ~ iid your system of C arn n h -1" - “ ! ulcers of atom ach- tOQsila or ade- Ashland yesterday afternoon at- or Deaf- , no'ds. ] tending to business interests ness caused by Catarrh. He has to his credit w onderful here. Sold by dntuitt* for ovtr 40 yean results in diseases of the stom ­ *« J. C H EN EY & C O ., T oledo. Ob io ach, liver, bowels, blood, skin,] nerves, heart, kidney, b lad d er/ bed w etting, catarrh, weak lungs, i rheum atism , sciatica, leg ulcers NEW HOOF AND MOI TIÍ j DISEASE IN TEXAS and rectal ailm ents. j Below are the names of a few 1 of his many satisfied patients in HOUSTON, Texas. Sept. 27. — Oregon: Finnia Pekkari, Ilwaco, Wash., A new epidemic of the hoof and mouth disease is prevalent in chest trouble. W. C. Todd, Grass Valley, Ore., Texas herds and H arris county is ulcer of the stomach. quarantined, according to state­ Joseph Schuster, Beaverton m ents made here thi3 morning. Ore., catarrh and h eart trouble. Elizabeth Taylor, Baker, Ore., ntestinal trouble. Mrs. Ernest Lacey, Ironside,! Ore., heart and nervous tro u b le.1 C. J. Minch, Estacado, O re./ kidney and bladder trouble. Mrs. Henry Baker, Banks, Ore., TH E GOOD THINGS gall stones and appendicitis. OF AUTUMN E. C. Nichols, Lebanon, Ore., are many, but among the num­ ! append'eitis. berless blessings of peace and Remember above date, th at prosperity there is nothing so | consultation on this trip will be essential to the w orld’s welfare I free and th a t his treatm en t is as good, nutritious bread— the i different. kind th at tastes good, looks Married women m ust be ac­ as good as it tastes, and proves companied by th eir husbands. its goodness by bring health and vigor to all who eat it. Address: 211 B radbury Bldg., Such bread is the kind made L03 Angeles, California. by Letterheads, statem ents, t o ask anv ybur order a t the Tidings Office. member of our o We have a good Job printing de­ ization partm ent. tf _____ Z', ( JUST A LITTLE Precaution Autumn Beauty V Automotive Shop J. O. RIGG HOUSE WIRING S A M G R I F F IN ’ S N S 1 " R E ] Murphy Elec. Co. Greatest Minstrel Stars '1 A Slave to the Stov Jerry O’Neal COMING TO DR. MELLINTH1N Have You Paid Your Subscription? The W. and N. o F latulence W. & N. Service Station First National Bank H a l l ’s C a t a r r h M a d ic iii© w,n do wha* Tire Prices DROPPED At DIX BROS. % These Tires Are Brutes ior Punishment CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER ~ COMPANY Try One! Trrferred Stockyields 7.14% Lithia Bakery DIX BROTHERS The Daily 1 idings discontinued its collector on subscriptions in the city and hundreds have come to the office and paid for a month’s subscription in ad­ vance or took advantage of the Special Anniversarv offer which we made during this month. A// Subscriptions Must Be Paid Strictly in Advance Have you mailed in vour subscription remit­ tance or brought it to The Tidings office? If not, we will appreciate it if you will take care of this at once. The habit of dropping in at The Tidings office each month and paying your subscription is a good one. The Daily Tidings