ie Two A SH LAN D D A IL Y Siat tu day, Kept« tuber 27, 102 4 T ID IN G S a national highway problem hardly less serious than church secure and rem it the full ’ S. D. TAYLOR ! room and smoking room. Cigars, I (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 0 ) when’We were a country of dirt roads. ¡am ount due on apportionm ent. ANNOUNCES J Cjaiettej, candy and drink.: will We can be charged with lack of foresight but eveii i eai^ ec.tlvte* coacIudt;’ b y ! ) bs served. P ublished Every E ven in g Except Sunday by - e - .................. ° - ' n o w lid .« ,. tl,A - j i- i i earnestly varucM iy requesting the bishops i I wish to thank my friends who now when the need of Wider highways is recognized, we: amP editors to “ im prest the facts have nominated me for coun-U- THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. JAPANESE OFFICIALS coiltivue to b u ild new roads of obsolete width. Where'0 1 1 churches, pastors and members man and to say th at while I am Bert R. Greer .............................................. — ~ E ditor CLASH ON POLICIES tile facts are known there can he llO foresight lacking. j 'hat on,y universal and tre m e n d -! in no sense seeking the place, I George Madden Green ........ ............... B usiness' Manager The real reason „ we have not built and . are not build-i 7 ,ric8ponse in e ivi» s *can sa v e ’ will, ¡f elected at all times, work TOKIO, Sept. 27. — Foreign OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R ..........................................................Telephone 39 ' • . , . ' . ’ ---------------i .w o r*n wide,- thoroughfares is that appropriations for the; 8“ ’“e 1 Minister Shidenara and W ar E ntered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Class Mall M a tte r ’ 111^ Wider thoroughfares is that appropriations for thej aster.” Minister Ugaki clashed today in purpose have been limited and we have sought mileage! • to the development of an ade­ . a cabinet m eeting regarding Subscription Price, D elivered in City One M o n th ......................................................... quate w ater supply, for I am j Jap an ’s policy in China. 3 .65 rather than the fulfillment of future needs. It is natural Three Months ............... ■................. l.ité , firmly convinced th at on The opening o f'flie duck sea-i S- D - T a YLOR. Adv. • 27% .26 .20 The announcement that the Indians might uprising unless one of their tribesmen, held as a murder $ 40 suspect, was returned for their celebration, and the a,r| “ ar °"r ~ .05 2 1.00 00 nouncement of-the Sickiyou county officials that the In- rods, occurs next W ednesday The ' OBSERVATION CAR 02^ idian was being held merely on a liquor charge may have first shots will be fired a t 5:26 1 FOR KLAMATH ROAD a. m., which is one-half hour be­ been only a coincident. KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 2 6— fore sunrise on October 1st. Prac­ tically every low riverbank, Beginnin glast night an observa­ Il the world fliers had again postponed their flight m arsh, pond and slough will have: tion parlor car is part of the reg­ f - t northward, we doubt -- if we could have sustained our up- its patrons. Ducks, geese, jack ular equipment between Weed T1DNS --------------------------- snipe and mud hens will be the and this city. The ear is the lat­ lav or nh »rii.0«1?* t0 charities or otherwise will me made in advertis- w a r d pose anv longer. th j or ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. ' S est type of observation car being quarry. ' ---- — —-------- Due to the unusually dry year the same as used on the Del SE PTE M B ER 37 rvz«. inc. nunv IS A sun and a shield: shield- The Lord win! Bow,e knives, hows and arrows and even boomerangs a num ber of popular duck ponds Monte limited, the Stockton Fly­ FOR THE LORD uuu GOD IS A SUN w a i k ^ n X h i V t 810^ . no/ , ° ^ thing wil1 he W1thoid from them th a tia r e talked of as possible weapons for hunting in Southern will be dry and others will have er and the fast train between San and Sacramento. u - tiv crxr S eptember aiiiornia due to the ban on firearms in the national much less w ater than usual. For Francisco SE PTE M B ER 2 8 The new car will be in charge th.s reason hunters will do well Sha.n n,° more Ro dow u; neither shall thy noon with- forests. More California optimism. to get advance inform ation on of a regular Southern Pacific d lt f° r th «e L° rd sha11 be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.— Isaiah 60:20. the spot to which they are going, “ Red Cap” who will give especial Maybe the tourist is developing a new art of collect­ lest they find a dry field instead attention to women and children. of a tranquil pond. The best bet The car has, besides the larges’ ing windshield stickers. FIGHTING BOB LA FOLLETTE for the hunter who has no favorite observation com partm ent, a rest Candidate Boh La Follette is destined to face a dif- hunting ground will be to slick ficult campaign, lor the political war lords are “ after seems as though it’s going to be mighty common close to the rivers and larger him,’ according to present indications and political-camBaign w^len Ba Follette is fighting for the common marsh lands and bodies of w ater actions. . people; Mr. Coolidge foi common sense; and Mr. Davis where ducks are certain to be Both of the major party candidates seem more con­ for common honesty.—Nashville Southern Lumberman. found, although possibly not un­ der such favorable conditions. cerned about the policies and qualifications of La Follette A few- of the regulations of the than they do about each other and the unpublished com­ Another good way to teach a hov the art of defending fish and game law on duck h u n t­ mand seems to have gone out to “ hammer La Follefte,” himself is to let him wear long curls.—Wichita Falls Rec­ ing at this time may not he in- appropos. who, being a hom campaigner and a man who is pictured ord-News. It is unlawful to take or have as gnashing his teeth unless he is encountering appo­ more than 25 duck3 or 8 geese IN sition, has delighted in the fusillade of attacks againstj 1 0 ,000 A CH INESE per day or 50 per week, or more GREAT O FFEN SIV E him. than 8 honkers or biaek sea brant . . : SHANGHAI, Sept. 27. — Ten! per day or 24 per week, or more Inen came the court action in California hv which tll0usand Checkiang troops have; than 25 jacksnipe per day or 50 FOR EVERY CAR La Follette seems to have lost his place on the ballot as!launched an offensive on Tait- per week.” an independent candidate. He came back with the asser-l H unting from power-boats, sail-) non that Ins name would be placed on the Socialist boats, automobiles or airplanes) is prohibited. ticket. . .R etu rn — M igratory birds — ducks and ; CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 25. — Now comes the announcement that similar efforts A. McMillan and wife retu rn - geese — may not be bunted more j FOR EVERY CAR ( d last evening from Salem where Constantly falling income for the will be made to bar him from having his name on the they than one-half hour before sun­ have been attending the benevolent work of the Metho­ North Dakota ballot as the independent candidate. state fair. dist Episcopal Church, and the rise, nor after sunset. The time He no doubt will he harrassed as much as possible, possibility of curtailm ent for mis­ for sunrise on October 1st is 5:36 FOR EVERY CAR but the final outcome is up to the voters. If they want NOTICE O F FIN A L ACCOUNT sionary work at home and abroad, and sunrise occurs slightly later each day thereafter. In the County Court of the resulted in the. issue today of a him, he will no doubt find a way by which they can -ex­ It is unlawful to sell wild fowl State of Oregon, for Jackson telegram to bishops and editors press their desire for him. ’ of any kind. County. | of the Methodist _____________ Episcopal Church In the Blatter of the E state o f ' which days th at the W orld Ser- D. F. Jackson, Deceased. i vice receipts to A ugust 3l3t were NEW YORK POLITICS FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid­ Notice is hereby given th a t the^ $1,679,000 below last year’s re­ ings; 25c per bundle. FOR EVERY CAR dh The New York gubernatorial campaign this year will undersigned, adm inistrator of the : ceipts. probably be the most interesting race in the entire nation, above estate, has filed his Final! Drs. R. J. Wade, Executive as each of the major parties has a candidate who is the Account in said county court, and Secretary and Orrin W. Auman, idol of the great mass of voters in the New York com­ that Monday the 20th day of Oc­ T reasurer, of the W orld Service tober 1924, at ten o’clock a, m., Commission in the telegram say: monwealth FOR EVERY CAR and the court room of said Court, ‘The receipts for benevolent p u r­ Governor Al Smith, the present executive wlm wns at Jacksonville, Oregon, has been b n r n in a t , , . , . v a l c u u v c , w h o was ai jaeasonviiie, poses from th the e four and a half ora 111 a tenement, but who, through Ills personality and appointed, by the Court, as the million members Of the Methodist ability, rose to the highest position in the state, is loved tilUG and place for hearing o b -. Episcopal Church showed a short- jections to age for j.,na June, July and August by all classes and will make a formidable candidate. iectiona to said said Final Final Account, ap ™««» i a< ?e Mr t ., i „ -«a *---- - FOR EVERY CAR and the settlem ent thereof. cf $785,000, or more than forty- On the other hand, the Republicans have chosen a Date of first publication, Sep­ five percent.” candidate who will gather to his banner those who love tem ber 13,' 1924 The telegram states th a t the the name, Roosevelt and, who admire the young man who B. E. Smith, A dm inistrator. receipts at the C hurch’s head­ FOR EVERY CAR 11— 5 Sat. q u arters in Chicago from fourteen The above sketch v.'&s m ade is following the path which his illustrous father hewed large and small conferences ‘‘re­ from an actual pliotngraph out in the world of politics. AD VERTISEM EN T FO R PRO- ported to date are th irty percent Both are scrappers of the first order and, as the old POSALS TO CONSTRUCT below last year.” SE W ER . saying goes, “ the fur is sure to fly and the fittin’ will If this decrease of receipts con­ R ecorder’s Office, Ashland, be between two he-men.’’ . ' tinues, the Commission w arns in FOR EVERY CAR Ore., Sept. 20, 1924. the communication th a t “ it will SEALED PROPOSALS will be compel the closing of at least This was one of the most cost­ MODERN ENTERPRISE ly cars on the m arket but a ft­ received by the Common Council twenty-five percent of mission k The average man ¡iag ptt]e jdea of spirit of enter. of the City of Ashland, Oregon, schools, hospitals and churches er a bad skid it depreciated in value several hundred dollars. priâe that is alive today, and of how the business world is until 7:30 o’clock P. M., Tues­ and the dismissal of at least five Check up on your automobile October 7th, 1924, at the thousand of the tw enty thousand insurance. No m atter how FOR EVERY CAR competing to take advantage of openings in every direc­ day Recorder’s Office, and such pro- j' native workers, and the recall of careful you may be, you have tion. A hank official in a large city was remarking the posais will be opened and c o n -¡th re e hundred of thp 1,168 mis- to reckon with other people’s carelessness. other day, on the care with which liis institution was go­ sidered the same day and date a t; sionaries.” ing through the newspapers of the smaller cities and coun­ 8 o clock P. M., for the construc­ The alarm ing decrease also Call on th is ' aijeiH-y of the tion and installation of a sewer threatens to underm ine the home H artford F ire Insurance Co., try towns, in search of possible business* for all form s o f A utom obile In­ FOR EVERY CAR It was determined to k n o w n t t l . . n r . -I , ! u ,8 tn c t wo- 27. a d pipe I Mission work on ru ral and fron- P 1 th ear,1(?st possible ¡and m aterial to be furnished by tier fields and seriously curtail surance. date ot every chance for the development of enterprise, as!the Contractor. tem perance and other reform that made new chances for the use of its own services i Said 8ewer di8tr,ct ls de8Cril>ed work as well as the church edu­ cational program. ± 8]";h were beh,g “ X T is a S L u The telegram says th at Estab. 1883 the read by the representatives of business organizations all elusive of Block 11, Original trend of all fall Methodist Epis>- Real E state & Real Insurance over the state. If the item was printed in some local Town of Ashland, said sew er to copal conferences makes the 4 tu - 41 E. Main St. Rhone 211 extend from the manhole to in­ newspaper, that such and such a man or conceni contem­ atlon desperate” and suggests that tersection of Laurel and Oberlin every church and conference im­ plated starting a branch of its business, or building a Streets, westerly along Oberlin mediately send in all benevolent factory or spreading out in other ways, the eager eyes of Street about 400 feet. moneys, th at the twenty-six many representatives of Chambers of Commerce* and The whole cost incurred -in the thousand Methodist churches construction and installation of should observe Victory Day Octo­ Boards of Trade would note that little item ber 12 for sacrificial offering for to t h ^ ± lelU v 7 W0Uld, get to work writinK W orld Service, and th a t every -P * *. ^OBcBors and canvassers and secretaries special assessment and levy on the would interview him, until he might be fairly pestered! property specially benefitted by such rivalry. The lesson of such observations is that thereby> in proportion to the re- Mn ♦«vUrei eVf ^ tF’ Yhere an admission charge is »made or a collection taken in Advertising. No discount will be allowed risi.igious or Benevolent orders. Universal Electric Washing Machines combine the lest material with the devices which make washing easier and more satisfactory. Wc will be glad (<> demon» si rale m arket. We have many styles, sizes 8 to 16 inches, plain or “pac” toes. W aterproof. OVERLAND Shoe Shop j rpHE Ashland Electric Supply 24 0 East Main S t ______________________ __ A NEW ONE ; e Genuine Timkin Bearings II chm ans Farran-Oid Fan Belts TIRES ALWAYS Tire Rods, Bolts and Bushings Thermoid Brake Lining Gears and Pinion i Washburn Valves A wet pavement— Too much ugas” Strömberg Carburetors American H a in- mered Piston Rings S 'V u i 1 M itv A sto r in th e P uim ount. Picture 'U nguarded W omen* An AU r . Crosknd Production At The VNING SUNDAY only R A IN R A IN R A IN M e have just what you want ¡11 rain eoats, heavy winter suits, shirts, underclothes, socks, over shoes, hoots, shoes; in fact everything you will need this winter. See what we have to offer before buying. Army Goods Store Biggest Little Store in Ashland RENTAL LIBRARY Many people are taking advantage of our Rent­ al Books They are as cheap as buying the popular magazines and yon are able to read hooks you want to read. Look Them Over NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries ELH A R T 'S Books and Stationery COMINC TO ASHLAND SU D D EN S E R V IC E Billings Agency 1 , Leedom’s T ire Comedians House After Sixteen Weeks in Medford a community has to he ve.y wide awake in these 'tim ^ • t is to Hold its own. Its own business men who con’ Gd according to plana and speci template some form of expansion, may be lured off to!i,cations on flle lD the ofHce of other places Most towns have at any time a certain nuni-i thea5 ‘^ Ileeorfe" , x i mfb itiousi’T p-'ew h " che,r i s h i n t h e i r h e a d s ~ ioi s ju e io rm ot business development Many of these; “Proposal to Construct sew er.’i schemes are visionary and will not amount to anything 1 A certifled check for $25.00 But a certain proportion of them are practical and p o s -IX ? ^ t0 CUy °f A8hlaDd H e .,— r o in < _vi x V • .................... | must accompany all bids, which sible. xj 1 men u and: am successful shall 1 . . . lieie ill Ash ,, ,, and we want our business -------- u u .ttu w ount u u i, the u ie m x e s s iu i bidder Diaaer enaii ambitious young fellows, in their plans for development, forfeit to the c ity in case he shall to prefer their home towm so far as possible. i fail to execute a contract and FORESIGHT AND ROADS j furnish an approved bond for the , faithful perform ance of such con- j tract within five days after no- of tifica-tion of acceptance of the L ir highway pioblem today is not so much one mileage as of width. There are good sectional, intersec-i bi,L ' The council reserves the right tional and trans-continental roads,Unit those roads are not' wide enough for the rapidly multiplying traffic. AVel to reject any and all bids. GERTRUDE BIED E, have been building hard surface roads for decades, but) City Recorder. now that we have them they are found to be inadequate Date of 1st publication, Sep- for present day traffic. The result is that we still have| tember 2°th’ 1924' 17— 2 Sat. i STOP THAT COLD with McNair’s Cold Tablets ............. 25c McNair Brothers Stgyatt S m t M o n , Drugs, Books and Stationerv in the Armory Opening Play “When Dreams Come T rue” rh