«s ¡BUffiP ÙÂiLÇ tifö&jg ù â ii til M ed fo rd - SPECIAL attention to AUTO- \ Are ydu hard to Hi? Try a suit Mr. and Mrs. E: T. Allen of MOBILE Iflsu ran w ? madd tft your measure at Paub ¡'the Hotel Ashland, Spent yester- and lower rates. Yeo, of course. serud’a. 14__ tf ! day in Medford on business. , Phone 21 & 274-J. 212__tf R eturns— , Trea; your wife to a delicious See Paulserud’3 for the latest H. C. Galey returned this chicken dinner at the Plaza Sun- in Fall suits and woolens. morning from K lam ath Falls, ■ day. 75 cents. 22— 2 ______ . where he has been spending the R ides at E igh ty Years— ALPHA CHAPTER past few days on business. Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ A. C. Spencer, eighty years o.d, i No. 1 ity Bread, from the oven over decided Sunday to ride out to h is : Let us fill your pail with Swifts O. E. S. the counter, 8 and 12c. 22— 6 ranch about fifteen miles out*on Silver Lear lard. Costs less than Special Meeting, Tomorrow the Dead Indian Road, so he sad- shortening. Goes farth er and is Saturday September 27 at 8 P. M Our chocolates are fresh and died the horse and started out, more nutritious. D etricks.’ 94-tf Official visit of th e W orthy uns«r P*ssed in quality. — The disregarding the fact that it was Grand Matron. Visiting Members Rose Conf- raining and th e roads were slip- cliff Payne make3 [rench doors cordially invited. By order of the ' ---------- pery. He reported a fine trip W orthy Matron. Stopping Here— and th at he felt excellent after TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY LEAH M. CALDWELL, Sec’yi- Miss C harlotte Vimont of Cha- the ride. He returned home on 22__1 i halls, is stopping in Ashland for Tuesday. ---- ---------- ------- several days. 1 FOR RENT: —* Garage Cor- il Ju st think of buying pure linen Pka «1 , C“ mbl" atio"i"<>r 4th and East Main. Inquire Mitchels, Auto tops, curtains, Damask for $1.00 yard. Dollar g ., I .50. McNair Bros. j Icenbower's new and Second painting and upholstery work. Days at E. R. Isaac & Co. S atur­ 22 1 j Hand Store. 22— 3 .1 22— 6t day. 22— 1 382 E. Main. Keeping Store — O. H. Johnson is still ill at his home and at present store. He for several Mrs. Jennie Swan is running his jewelry will probably be away days. Ladies and children’s hair cu. ting. Powder PufT Beauty Par- lor- 293-tf Why pay more for milk when ’ I*N)R SALE: — A good reso- Burton Dancing School, M#m- you can get the best m ilk f o r ! Universal coal heather. Good j ! orial HalL Open d ai,y- A fter 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone j as new- Call 244 H argadine. j noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. 396R and 369J. 4-tf ' Phone ^g9R. 22— 2i 307-tf Don’t fail to hear the F air We deliver the goodc -Detricks Ground Dance Pavillion’s new 9-! 94-tf piece Jazz Band Sat. night. V I C THEATER BCAUTTU 21— 3 — v i Sant G riffin’s M IN S T R E L S G reatest M instrel Stars Kenneth McWilliams and W il­ or at low er rates than th e Staples liam K err made a short trip to Agency. Klam ath Falls yesterday, re tu rn ­ New Hats ju st received. Mrs. ing with a car. R. Potter, 30 2nd St. 21— ‘ Real home-style chicken dinner To G rants Pass— a t the Plaza Sunday. 75c. 22— 1 Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil and Mrs. Gordon MacCracken made Save $10.00, walk upstairs to a trip to G rants Pass today on O rres tailor shop. 17— tf busines. Stop Here— Picture boxes of chocolates, John Larg and family of Se­ also plain ones, all sizes and attle, while enroute to California prices reasonable a t The Rose this week, spent several days at Conf. the residence of J. W. Frazier, who form erly knew the Larg fam­ Best place to dance— Sat. nite ily in W ashington. Jackson Hot Springs. 21— 3* VS. Ashland I&6.75 to $67.50 $19.75 to $44.50 With a lot of wonderful values at the Intermediate prices. CXZOO 2:30 p. m. Admission 35 cents • d » l « r r t i i p in A m e ric a n o r C a n a d ia n C o l i c g e o r U n i v e r s i t y o f a c c e p te d standard. Saturday This Home L ighting Contest is being conducted bv CCtriCa people of this cit>’ °n account of thei? in- youSelvesCOn9erV’ng eyesight of your children and Two Third Prizes— 1 Boy — 1 G irl «600 K h o lk n h ip in A m e n t t n o r C a n a d ia n C o l. l««e o r U n iv e m r v o f accepted u n n d a rd . Two Fourth Prixe»— I B o y - 1 G irl •6 0 0 The glare and gloom caused by improper use of ,o • “<■*> W , “r pu°r‘ effects° he Pr° Per USe ° f Hght to el m inate such Thev^wm ,o°tUr .t h i,dr.............................. Ti p 3n ° ^ '1Hr do LLAR DAY SALE STARTS SATURDAY Dav Sa t° Wr lg IteniS,A’e !he S ' eatest Values We Have Ever Offered in a Dollar Da> Sale. Come and Enjoy This Merchandise Treat. Pure Linen Damask Yard $1.00 Come early—It won’t last long, f i n e heavy quality Silver Bleach. Sold Regularly $1.50 yard. Outing Flannel 2 Yards for $1.00 2 Yards for $1.00 Linen Crash Toweling 6 Yards for $1.00. Pure Irish JJnen Crash Tow­ eling. Unbleached with colored border. Sold Regularly at 25c yard. Dollar Day Values in Wool (foods Unbleached Muslin 6 Yards for $1.00. “ Sea Island” Fine quality Muslin, 36 inches wride. Sold Regularly at 19c yard. Made with large open mesh. Comes in white and ecru. Sold Regularly at 50c yard. 7 Yards for It has been a Jong time since you have bought Dress Ging- io • , i , ham at this low price. 0 his is ' S » Sl'S C" ".rs'. elll'''k a " d U-tO Value for $1.00. plaid patterns; conics 36 to 54 inches w i d e . _________ Every yard a real value. Sold Regularly Fine Bleached Muslin up to $1.48 yard. Wool DreSS Goods, yd. $2.00 J mcIles wide. Wool Coating, Suit- ing and Check Flannels. Values in this lot up to $3.98 yard FANCY PRINTED SILKS, YARD $2.00 40 inch Printed Crepe de Chine and “ Tns- sah ” silks; come in a good assortment of patterns. Values in this lot up to $3.19 yd. ..Minili Jumi: , Hou’, , ’Dim, „H iiliini, Ullillani I t llt u M II llllllllilllll* S , nm,unilta, SL 1 (inmuto,,iti) illilllililliiiiuii S a v e a 11 d H ave — Buy Now! I Daisy Pillow Cases 3 for $1.00 ¡42 and 4 5 inches. ¡Made of fine quality muslin. Sold regular­ l y at 39c each. 6 Yards for $1.00. “ Queen of the Home” Fine Quality Sheeting. Sold Regu­ larly at 65c' yard. Fine Dress Ginghams Wool Dress Goods, yd. $1.00 81” Bleached Sheeting 3 Yards for $1.00 We are showing the new 48-inch Jacket Suits Market *" Attention Parents! H o b « b u ilt o n lo t p ro v id e d bv » in n e r ) T u n Second Prizes — I Boy— I G irl Specially Priced Wool Dresses "* 2 2— 1 • 1 5 ,0 0 0 Model Electrical Home Two good patterns to choose from. Extra fine quality. Sold Regularly at 65c yard. Silk Dresses manky by leaking for the E»tle ^ent Fir»« P rije — Fall Dresses The coloring is complete, giv­ ing you an ample opportunity to select the style and the shade most becoming to you. 1 D ate Mercerized Damask Aside from the price lowness these are the sort of frocks which decide the question of what to wear when the day is to be one of varied engage­ ments. Charming lines char­ acterize all and the fabrics that fashion them come up to our measurements/>f quality. 9-piece Jazz Band at 1 R eturns Heme— Ground’s Dance Pavh E P P « -i. night. The-r firs, an t in Medlnrd « 1 ’ i PorUan'd. Today and Tomorrow Curtain Nets Saturday, September 27, Ì9 2 4 Special the F air Hon Sat. Pear,nee 27 inches wide in stripes and plain white. Sold Regularly at 22c vard. . FOOTBALL Klamath Falls i htUy, beptent bet- ito, i,.. Vining R eturns to Home— MONDAY Mrs. Jean Nimocks, who has A nother big dance Jackson Hot Sept. 29, 8:15 P. M. been spending the summer with Springs Sat. nite. 21—-3« her sister, Mrs. * Fielding on The Eagle Meat M arket is of­ fering Saturday Specials in this G ranite street, has returned to NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ad today. 22__1 her home in Los Angeles. CONSTRUCT CEMENT SIDE- Original Premier WALKS ON BOTH SIDES OF The Eagle M arket is offering At Hospital— LAUREL STREET BETWEEN i Mrs. Rhodes, who underwent .'special Saturday bargains. See NORTH MAIN AND ALMOND an operation at the community ’their ad in today’s paper. 22— 1 STREETS, AND ON BOTH j All White hospital recently, is reported to SIDES OF GRANITE STREET Dance Hot Springs Sat. nite. be doing as well as could be ex­ FROM A POINT W HERE i Embracing 25 of the 21— 3* pected. NUTLET STREET IN T E R -; W orld’s SECTS S A ID GRANITE • Complete line of Ashland Can­ You can’t afTord to miss The STREET NORTHERLY TO i 94-tf “ Dollar Day Sale” Saturday at ned Gooda at Detrlcks. THE INTERSECTION OF E. R. Isaac & Co. 22— 1 GRANITE STREET RY NORTH A ttend Circus— MAIN STREET. Mrs. H arriet Fielding, Mrs. HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, R ecorder’s Office, Ashland, of coarse. 212— tf Emma Oeder and Mrs. Bert R. Oregon. Sept. 26, 1924. Greer were among those from this NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In Town— city attending the B aines circus to all persons interested in the Mrs. George Robison of Shale in Medford Tuesday. ownership of any parcel of land City was in Ashland yesterday on on* Laurel Street and Granite business. Tamales first of the season, Street, th a t it is proposed by the Now being served a t The Rose Common Council of said city to The Plaza's Sunday dinner, Conf. construct cement sidewalks on 76 cents, will be a real treat to said streets as follows: See Dahlia Display— E lh a rt’s. you and your family. 22— 2 On both sides of Laurel Street 21— 2 between North Main and Almond Here— Streets and on both sides of Gran­ Fresh homemade candies at The Dr. Tufts, representing the ite Street from a point where Nut- W illam ette University, was in [ Rose Conf. ley Street intersects said G rar- Ashland yesterday on business. ite Street northerly to the in­ In Ashland— tersection of Granite Street by R. L. Burdic, Sr., of G rants DOLLAR DAY SALE SATUR­ North -Main Street, excepting DAY. See our advertisem ent in Pass, was in town yesterdav and " w u ‘ wain B ireei’ l e p t i n . r,„„.hnSPd a I, carload nf from i ; th erefrom properties where ce of cattle from this paper. The most wonderful purchased ment walks have already been values we have ever offered in a the Murphy ranch and will take laid. dollar day sale— E. R. Isaac & them to hi? ranch near G rants You are hereby summoned and Co. 22— 1 Pas3 to feed. required to appear before the common council, at the City Hall Order Dahlia Bulbs now — T ry our famous tam ales. Al- in the City of Ashland, Oregon, E lh a rt’s. 21__2 1 waya fresh and good— The Rose on the 7th day of October, 1924, ______ Conf. at 8:30 o’clock P. M. then and In Town— there to offer any suggestions or j MARCEL AND CURL LAST Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Payne of 10 comedians, including objections to the construction of Sam Valley, who have been spend­ LONGER after a Golden Glint Happy Benway, formerly said sidewalks. ing the summer in K lam ath coun­ 3hampoo. By order of the Common Coun­ with George E vans’ Hon­ ty, were in town yesterday. cil. Large Auto Sponges, 65c— Mc­ ey Boy Minstrels, and C. H. PIERCE, Nair Bros. 22— 1 Why worry about Sunday din­ late of The Original 7 Mayor. ner when the Plaza serves such Honey Bovs, touring Or- GERTRUDE BIEDE, a delicious dinner for 75 cents. H e r e - Recorder. pheum Circuit. Mrs. Susanne Holmes C arter, 22— 2 Date of first publication, Sept. Republican candidate for county 10 dancers—25 people 26, 1924. 22— 2 Fri. school superintendent, was in Snappy new modele in suits for including many of Amer­ Ashland yesterday in the interests young men a t Paulserud’s. ica’s Lest minstrel stars. Used Piano, good as new, easy 14— tf of her office. Mrs. C arter while term s.— The Rose Conf. a Republican, has also been en­ SEAT SALE OPEN dorsed by the Democrats and her THURSDAY Sweet cream for whipping and Imogene W allace, piano classes name will appear on both tickets. coffee— also fresh milk, always Prices 30c, 85c, $1.10 begin Septem ber 25. For infor­ Boxes $1.65, including Tax on Ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf No a g e n t in Southern Oregon mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss can w rite better A uto insurance Wallace, C entral Point. 13— tf! To K lam ath F alls— i. r TABLE CLOTH EACH $1.00 Size 58x58 Mercerized Table Cloth; Hemstitched ready for use. Sold Regularly at $1.25 each. 21-2 lbs. “ W inthrop” Cotton Bats $100 Size 72x90; will make complete comforter. 51-2 yds. Cotton Challie for $1.00 .6 Yards for $1.00, Daisy Muslin 3« n niw im , m tnw n a 8°°^ 8UPPb’ at this J *ar *>n-v 1 .adies’ 1 landkerchiefs 6 for $1.00 Fancy colored borders and Plaid Patterns. Guaranteed last colors. Sold Regularly at -0c each. Outing Flannel 4 Yards for $1.00 36 inch fine quality Outing Flannel in light colors. Sold Regularly at 29c yard. Black Sateen 3 Yards for $1.00 36 inches wide; a fine Mercer­ ized Sateen for making bloom­ ers. Sold Regularly at 39c yd. Yard Wide Percales KMX) yards ail new patterns in light ami dark .6 Yards for $1.00, Buy Ready to Wear Now Light and dark patterns to choose from. Sold Regularly at 22c yard. colors. W e arc show ing a w onderful assortm ent of w om ­ e n ’s F all and W inter Coats and D resses Coats p r ic e d ...... $16.95 to $95.00 Dresses priced ....$14.95 to $39.75 1OO Coats for children 2 to 16 years. will please you. The prices E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Quality Store’’ Bath Towels 4 for $1.00 A good towel for family use made w i t h fancy colored stripe. Sold Regularly at 35c each.