fitti Classified Column C lassified Colum n K ates One cent ángAW g C- ..r i a SE the word PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS each tim e. DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. S o e ie ty Tidings PAttf bahin ate stands 51 Republican, 43 Dem­ W alsh, Mass. Democrat w h o 1 kitchenette and bath. A dults only. ! Ore. * Be not the fow ler’s net, ocrats and two Farm er-Laborites. may pull through the strenuous i Phone 122. is — 2 If the Democrats can capture opposition set up against him. Which stays my flight. { FOR RENT: — Modern well DR- MATTIE B- SHAW— Resi- And craftily is set four Republican seats, they caij W alsh, of Montana who is ex­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer deadlock the senate and contro. pecting an easy victory and To allure the sight. . located furnace heated ap art­ "avenue. Telephone 28. dtffiet the m ajority through the two m ents and sleeping rooms, fu r­ W arren, Wyoming Republican ‘ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 n u t the favoring gale Farm er-Laborites who have not who has long controlled a m a jo r- ^Los Angeles Man S a y s nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- failed to vote with them on even ity in his state. p. m. only. , That bears me on, gadine. 1-tf It Did Him So Much im portant occasion during the re­ And still doth fill my soul FOR SALE DR. E. R. ANGELL— Chiropractic Good He Is Recommend- cent session. If they can get When thou are gone. and Electro-Therapy. Office more than four they can contro j ing It To Others. A FEW REAL BARGAINS phone 48; residence 142. F irst; j cannot leave my sky an absolute m ajority. , National Bank building. 4-Room House 2 blocks from For thy caprice, Up For Re-election • According to the calendar ij H aw thorne school. Price $1250 True love would soar as high Besides the eight already de­ am 75 years old, but judging from MONUMENTS on term s at 6 per cent. As even is. feated for re-election, senators up the way I feel since taking Tan­ this year for re-election include: ASHLAND GRANITE ias, I am a good many years 7-Room House on Boulevard, The eagle would not brook Borah, Republican, of Idaho, MONUMENTS close to Hawthorne school well younger than th a t,” recently re- Her m ate thus won, B lair G ranite Co. who is alm ost certain to conn furnished, nice lawn, good gar­ niarked“R. W. Collier, 947 South ba^k. PENNISTON. M anager Who trained his eye to look Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. age, chicken house, some fruit. Office 175 E. Main Beneath the sun. B rookhart, Iowa Republican, Price $4500.00. Terms at 6 per Collier is that genial and affable UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Res. Phone 444-Y who feels sure of returning now — Emerson. cent. to whom everyone Eugene, Sept. 25.— Oregon fo o t-i • < » that he has obtained the nomina­ W. W. ROBISON, ball prospects appear somewhat i ¡\and® ,/heir Uckets on entering IN Y GIRL IN TROUBLE— May | tion. CALENDAR -OF EVENTS 63 North Main St. brighter to Coach Maddock whoi th « Alhambra Theater, com m unicate w ith E nsign Lee l Bursuro, New Mexico Republi­ has ju st a few days left in which , - -V o , A. . - .v I F rid ay. Sept. 26. Belleview 21-tf ° F S° me niOnths Pa8t 1 liave of the Salvation Army at the I P arent-Teachers Association will can who is powerful in his state. to whip hit* varsity eleven into 1 6,t a ’ ru n -down- 1 had a Poor W hiteShield Home, 565 May ! meet at the Belleview school at FOR SALE: — Good milk cow’, Capper, Kansas Republican w’ho *hape for the opening game with appetlte- my s,eeP was restless, fair A ve., Portland. Oregon. cheap, also 2 iron bedsteads with eight o’clock. Everyone urged to probably will have a walkaway. the W illam ette eleven, at Salem "iy Hver 8lu*Si8h and 1 iolt so springs. 455 Mt. Ave. Phone 314J. he present. Couzens, Michigan Republican WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. — A PLANING MILL Oregon can put an almost vet- tired and w orn-out*’*, hat every 21— 2 Friday, Sept. 26. Reception for dec sive change in the personnel who is favored to pull through eran line into the game now due , step was an effort. IORDON’8 SASH AND CABINET I Mr. Howell at Presbyterian the stiff fight th a t is being put of the United States senate is in FOR SALE:— 15 ton alfalfa In to the return of Gene, Shields, A friend put me on to Tanlac W ORKS, Cor. Helman a n d , Church, 7:45. All men invited. prospect as one of th è most im. up against him. _______________ and it has done me so much good slack 1-2 mile from Talent on Van Ness. 19^tf I Saturday, Sept. 27. W orthy portant results of the November Edge, New Jersey Republican th at I am now recommending it druggists. Accept no substitute. W agner Creek. F. A. Daugherty. ■ Grand Matron, Mrs. Alice Mary who is facing a hard situation presidential elections. to others. My digestion is fine, Over 40 million bottles sold. Phone 468R3. 17— 5* T R A N SF E R AND E X PR E SS B urdette will make her official Of the 32 seats to be filled within his own party in his own my appetite the best ever, I have W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. visit to Alpha Chapter, No. 1. O. ANOTHER BARGAIN this year, at least eight will hold state. no more constipation, headaches Tanlac Vegetable Pills for con­ for SERVICE. Splendid house, w ater and con E. S. Glass, Virginia Republican jvho new personages, it already has or restlesd nights and, in fact, I stipation; made and recommend­ Experienced movers and pack­ veniences, three sleeping rooms Thursday, Oct. 2. Upper Valley been determ ined. is sure to come back if he rem ains am feeling fine.” ed by the m anufacturers of Tan­ ers of household goods. Deal­ Community Club will meet a t the large porch, large lot, with shade in good health. The prim aries mowed into the Tanlac is for sale by all good lac. ers in coal and wood. Phone home of Mrs. W. D. Jackson on senate personnel this year as trees, considerable fu rn itu re in H arris of Georgia, H arrison of 117. th e house. A $6,000 property of­ Iowa street. All day meeting. never before. A half dozen fam- Mississippi gnd Heflin of Alabama fered for $4,500. Office 89 Oak St. near Miss Brew’ster, Home dem onstra­ iliar heads already have been — all Democrats — ■ who at the This property is one of the Hotel Ashland tion agent will instruct in m illin­ lopped off and each prim ary t o ; Pre8ent w riting seem certain to 4 best locations in Ashland, front­ ery. return. come holds sim ilar forebodings. * * * ing East, over-looking Lithia T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ Magnus Johnson, the Farm er- Seventeen Republicans, four­ fer— Good team and motor Park. Past M atron's Meet— teen Democrats and one Farm er- trucks. G >od service at a rea- The Past M atron’s Club met at Laborite are up for re-election. STAPLES’ AGENCY snuab.'e price. Phone 83. O ffice. H otel A shland Bl