'*•» twe ÁbítLÁM) ÖAiLV ittiS ä i the presence of antiquated buildings sandwiched iii be- searched for so b ag. He finally reached the foot of “ Big tween more modem structures. Only time can remedy Klam ath’’ lake and oft its banks an Indian village. This such a situation. Had not a conflagration come to this spot is how within the corporate limits of the city of Published Every Evening Except Sunday by city it would have takeii a generation and more to have Klamath Falls. The Indians were not friendly but with THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. accomplished what has been accomplished in the past 21 the .offer of valuable presents they assisted him to cross Bert R. Greer ............... ..... ....................................................................Editor •orge Madden Green ............................................ ........ Business Manager months, and then the results would have been so grad­ the lake and directed him to a trail that ran northerly ually obtained that the effectiveness would have been alqng its western shore. He traveled a few miles and CITY P A P E R ..........................................................Telephone 39 ■Jntefred at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail M attet much less notable. damped. From his higher ground he could see large num­ The merchants of Astoria are entitled to the appre­ bers of canoes tilled with warriors following along par­ _ . Subscription Price, Delivered in City One M onth............................... ciation of the whole community for the part they have, allel with his course. He suspected hostile intent but with 3 .65 Three Months ....................................................................... ............. played in making the new Astoria a source of much en­ Kit Carson as guide and adviser lie finally reached the Six M onths............................. 8.75 One Y e a r __ They are entitled to an appreciation -north end of the Jake where he« made camp on the 20th 7.59 thusiastic pride. By Mail and Rural Routes: that will translate itself into support and ’■patronage. da\ ot May, 1846. On that evening he was surprised to One M onth__ 3 .65 Three Months 1.96 Many of them have extended themselves to the last dol­ see two men whom he Iiad,* at their request, discharged at Six M onths__ 8.5V lar of their credit to equip their stores with fixtures of Sutters Fort in California inany weeks before. These men One Year ___ 6.50 stocks such as will invite comparison with the stores of were riding horses much jaded and lathering'with sweat. . DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch ..................... metropolitan cities. -Such an expression of confidence in The\ hurriedly told him that they had come with some 3 .30 _ Yearly Contracts: • One Insertion a week W.l,° ’ ere hVrri!?K L° with urgent dis- .27^ their community is li»und to be a positive factor in carry­ patches and orders Two insertions a week ...................... from the War Department; that these ing the city forward. There could be no better evidence .25 Daily insertion ................. .30 men were many miles behind them and had hurried them of the faith which a citizenship has in its future. witw » . B«tes for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising First insertion, per 8 point line ___ j .10 Therefore, we say, the merchants do well -to adopt a on to overtake his command and urge that he send a detail Baeh subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. .05 Card of T hank s......_ ............... ..................................... means which will draw the people of the outlying district to meet them. Their horses were badly jaded and they 1.00 Obituaries, per line.............. .02^ here to visit their stores. Though they come to take ad­ thought that the Indians intended to attack them. vantage of the bargains offered them, they cannot fail , WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING (To be Continued) Ail future eventag where an admission charge is made or a to catch something of the spirit which has made possible colli eetion taken in Advertising. No discount will be a’lowed a'lowei L- ljglous or Benevolent orders. that which they will see and admire—Astoria Budget. September 26, lütU A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S ( Established In 1870) „ J j » pions No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis- mg o r^o o printing— ou r contributions will be in cash. SEPTEMBER 2« HE THAT WILL LOVE LIFE, AND SEE GOOD DAYS I F T THEYR SPEÎK N NÎI/ Sp?’?rNi ? UI; FR0M EVIL ’AND HIS ^ P S THAT THEY SPEAK NO GUILE.— 1 Peter 3:10. While the honor of having participated in the world flight can not be measured in gold, the hearty response of the citizens of California in raising gigantic subscrip­ tion funda for the fliers is commendable and, surelv ap preciated by the fliers. MUST PAY IAXES AND RLE REPORT This is Ashland» Place To Find What It Wants To Eat Sunday eft$in?er» read as fo.lewa: " It h declared th a t all aign3 painted jupon the state highway pavement, which do not pertain to the direction of traffic b i promptly removed; also that ef­ SACRAMENTO, Sept. 25. — fo rt be made to prevent the paint­ The lettering of th e state high­ ing of such signs w ithout special perm it. way with symbols and signs of "Section 6, chapter 490. sta ­ any organization lacking au th o r­ tutes of 1915, an act providing ity to make use of the public : for the care, m anagement and highways for advertising purposes ; protection of state highways and has been ordered stopped fo rth -; with by the state highway com­ penaHhps for violation of the act, mission. The state commission makes this a misdemeanor and has also taken steps to have any: we should take all action possible to apprehend and prosecute per­ existing signs removed. sons caught violating the law.” At the headquarters of the ! commission here it was announc-1 4'liiiia Torn Up By W ar ed today th at instructions have IN CAL. BANNED *1.'“ °“ ,X SHANGHAI, Sept. 25. —*• The engineers stationed in various railroads In Kiangsu province are parts of the state inform ing them the painting of signs on state tom up and bridges are down, pavements is illegal and directing while in the north the lines are that all signs other than those in a chaotic condition and clut­ placed for the'direction of traffic, tered up with troop and supply trains be removed at once. The instructions to the division Every ad has a message. M arket Basket A Feature Page For Telling the Cooks About the Good Eatables PORTLAND, Sept. 25—Gorpor-- ations and individuals m ust p a y 1 the state income tax, and m ust file 1 THE SOUTHWARD TREK N. Mexico Condemns Kian Just to get on a political ticket, no matter which th eir returns, together with the At Hotel— The Sunny South attraction seems to have gripped first three in stallm en ts’of the tax, SANTE FE, N. Mex. Sept. 25. H. V. Smith of Portland and fill the migrants of the road, and the Pacific highway is ticket it is, seems to be the ambition of some candidates. if not already made, on or before The New Mexico Republican H. Steinhart and M b . Murphy of Monday, October 6, in the opin­ crowded each day with tourists, both those on foot and convention today adopted a plat­ I asadena are among those who The Illinois minister has created a new aibi for mur­ ion of attorneys who have follow­ those in automobiles. form condemning the Ku Klux are registered at the Hotel Col­ der in believing that he was God-sent to minister to the ed the legal aspects of the in­ Kian by name. umbia today. The fall rains and drops in temperature have aroused convicts in the penitentiary. come tax law, and who have made in these tourists the call of the South, just as the age-old particular study of the law since the state suprem e co u rt’s decision Beef R o a s t........... 12 l-2c call of the South is answered each fall by the feathered The vote extended to Andrew Gump, caboose-riding' upholding it. birds of the air. Beef Boiled meat . .. 10c F razier & S o n . candidate for pr&ident, shows the American’s sense ot The Marion county circuit Loin S te a k ................. 20c The bonafide tourist from the southland has visited humor. court in a decision by Judges the north; the hiker has treked through the northland; the How about some Cherro Bingham and Kelly jn the test Round Steak ............. 20s Good Bacon ............... 28c case brought by the Standard hobo has enjoyed the climate change in the balmier land Pancake flour these cold, Lum ber company of Portland, in of the north equal with the millionaire tourist—and now crispy mornings, w i t h holding unconstitutional the Swift Jewel Shoi 'ton­ by 0. B. Watson feel the call of the Southland and are hurrying to leave some pure Alfalfa Honey, clause relating to exemption of ing, 4 lbs.................75c behind the chill of fall and winter, just as the birds of and a cup of Golden West dividends paid to residents of the (Continued from Tuesday) the air are doing throughout the world. or Royal Coffee, and some state cf Oregon by resident and Chickens and Rabbits non-resident corporations, main*! u ‘September 18th—Moved about sunrise. Indians Next Spring and Summer they will feel the opposite shredded wheat h iscuits taine th a t the law was discrim in­ call and then again they will crowd the highways and the 7Xr e mu°U observed winning along the mountain to the toasted, with a little Ash­ A ID S atory in this particular, and th a t I byways, trekking from south to north. lett. There could be no doubt that they intended to attack as this clause would not be tak-i land Butter and Apple us at some difficult pass. Our braves occasionally fired en out w ithout destroying the! Sauce. D IG E S T IO N Cherro flour is the best on the on them when there was a mere possibility of doing any intent of th e legislature, the law: ENCOURAGE H. S. ATHLETICS N. Main Phone 107 m arket and every sack guar­ The old pigskin will become the plaything of the execution. About twelve o’clock when we were in a stony as a whole was unconstitutional.! anteed. We handle all kinds The decision of the state su­ of feed, all-w heat, cracked fighting, scrapping high school athletes tomorrow on the and brushy pass between the river (Rogue river), on our preme court in th e same case exs­ corn, rolled oata. barley, Mill- loeal athletic grounds. The noise and encouragement right and a mountain covered with wood on our left, fir­ cinds from the law the proviso re­ run Cherro Mash and Scratch feed. Tell us what you want from the sidelines has a great deal to do with the outcome ing and yelling in front announced attack. Mr. Young lating to corporation deductions, and we will do the rest. apprehensive of an attack at this pass, had gone in ad- and leaves the rem aining provis­ of the game. The poorest team in the world would not have any ' ance to examine the brush and ravine, and returned with­ ions of the act subject to enforce­ New Figs, 2 lbs.......... 25c F razier & S on by the state tax commission. chance to defeat the best team in the world, regardless of out seeing Indians. In making further search we found ment New Dates, 2 lbs. ...35c Phone 214— 858 E. Maia St. The decision relative to the how much encouragement the weakest team received from them posted on each side of the road. After firing off corporation dividend deductions the sidelines; but, if the players have any sand in them four guns, the forward cattle having halted, and myself clause said: The only effect from its omis-! at all, they will not permit the rooters to display 100 per having arrived with -the rear, I started forward, ‘ hut sion from the sta tu te is to deny Pure Maple Syrup, 45c a orders met me from Mr. Young that no one sho’uld’ leave cent loyalty to the home boys, without reciprocating with corporations the right, when can, 3 for $1.25 the cattle, he feeling able, with the two or three men a fighting spirit. m aking th eir tax retu rn s to de­ So tomorrow, and every other day the Ashland hoys with him, to rout the Indians. In the struggle Gay was duct from th eir net income the Phone 155 201 Main St. play here, let’s be out on the sidelines and give them a wounded by an arrow in the hack. Two arrows were shot am ount of dividends declared and Do not forget our coffee, rousing welcome When they come onto the field, or when into the horse ridden by Mr. Young, while he had dis­ paid to res’dents, with a resulting none better at any price, Pickle Time—Ingredients for Mustard Pickles— increase of th e tax paid by cor­ they make a smash through the line or some other meri­ mounted and beat him on the head, hut he refused to porations. The rejection of the only 35c per lb. Small Onions — Cucumbeis — Tomatoes — Cauli­ go off, and received two arrows, probably shot at his torious play. proviso would not create any new flower — Peppers — Vinegar — Mustard — Tim- -o-?- o Encourage the athletes and you will have a hotter master. Having another bushy place to'pass, four or five tax. It would merely deprive eric — Sugar — Flour — Mustard Seed — Celery of us went in advance but were not molested. Camped at corporations of the benefit of a I We still sell cane sugar, school, and a better citizenship later. Seed. the spot where the Turner party was attacked two rears deduction not allowed to individ-, 11 lbs. . .$1.00 ago, soon after, the men on day guard said they had seen uals in calculating their taxable! WE HAVE ’EM THE INEVITABLE IS COMING , - three Indians in a small grove about three liundrec income.” ' Clarence Darrow, famous emotional attorney of Chi­ yards from camp. About half of the partv went, surround­ In declaring the dividend pro­ Also Fresh Fruits cago, stated upon his return from a visit with the yo’ntli- ed the grove, some of them fired into it, others passed viso unconstitutional and ip exs­ H. A. Stearns We Deliver OI N. Main cinding it from the law, the state ful murderers of Bobbie Franks, who are now serving through it but could find no Indians. Night set in dark suprem e court, according to law­ « « « n « « life sentences in Joliet prison, that “ if indications of in­ and cloudy threatening rain, so that the guard could yers interested in the case, leaves sanity developed, efforts would be made to either pro­ have hardly seen an Indian ten paces off ,until the moon other provisions of the law as it cure their release or transfer to another institution.” rose about ten o’clock. I was on watch the first half of stands in the hands of the state tax commiss’on for enforcem ent. This seems almost the same as a statement that ef­ the night.” On this basis, they said income forts are to be made by interests representing the wealthy Here Mr. Edwards’ diary breaks off, but from such tax retu rn s m ust be filed. murderers to either gain their release or to have- them information as could* he obtained, the partv had a very It is held th a t the state su­ transferred to some other institution where the hard­ serious time in passing this hot-bed of savages. So it will prem e court is unlikely to grant ships would be eliminated or ameliorated. he seen that many years before any attempted settle rehearing of the case or th a t the WE HAVE IT! WHAT? THE BEST QUALITY — LOWEST When »these murderers saved their necks from the rnent of Rogue River valley, the whites knew of the war United States supreme court AVERAGE reverse the state supreme PRICES—EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS, AND SPEED SERVICE AT ANY gallows, it was a foregone conclusion that only a short like character of these Indians. When we cross the Cas­ would co u rt’s decision. Saturday SPECIALS ROM AN Pioneering in Southern Oregon M EAL BREAD Eagle Market Franklin Bakery Phone 199 SC H U E R M A N G R O C E R Y Plaza Market 31 Stores period would elapse W ore an effort would be made to circumvent even the lighter sentence and it seems that the time is drawing near when the campaign for their release or recommitment to ease their sentence will begin We wonder what our readers think about this. cade mountains among the Klamaths and Modocs we find the same spirit exhibited toward the Hudson Bay Com- pany Tbe lndians seemed to realize that people who WANTED— Clean cotton were coming in to makes homes and to engage in agricul­ ra45s. No overalls, underwear woolen goods accepted. ture; who were appropriating the soil were preparing to 5 or cents per pound,. Tidings become fixtures. They were not furnishing to the In­ office. tf • dian a market for their game and furs, nor living the easy MERCHANTS SEEK BUSINESS Sixtv-three Astoria business houses have handed to­ social life of savages as many of the trappers did. They gether to present special bargains during a series of resented the attitude of superiority and wefe warned bv monthly co-operative sales days as a means of attractinp the history of the tribes that had been subjected bv white here people from over the district that they may beeome people in far disant regions and were not wholly ignorant better acquainted with the new locations of the stores of that history that found its way to them in many . th a rth e y may note the attractive and modern homes devious ways. which these mercantile firms have built for themselves _ In 1846 J. C. Fremont, pursuing his search for the and note also the fresh stocks of merchandise offered * Great Klamath Lakes,” which he had failed to find in 1843, traveled north through California, toiled laboriously for sale. , If a fine idea. There is nothing about the recon­ up the Sacramento reached Pitt river which he crossed, structed business district of Astoria in which Astorians following its tributary, the McCloud, northeasterly to its have more cause for pride than in the type of stores source in springs and noted the great snow capped peak to which replaced the old, unsightly ones which the mer­ his left, knew that he was outside of any beaten path chants were forced by necessity to use before the clean-up but did not know the name of the towering peak that per­ conflagration. Nearly every business firm in the city is sisted in view for many, many weary days. Mount Shasta seemed to look down on him with compassion. He turned now housed in a permanent home after a makeshift exis­ to the left where he saw a notch in the mountains that tence since the fire, and those that are not so housed promised him an entry in the direction of his search. In You will not go wrong if soon will be. this pass he noted lAva beds of forbidding aspect and the you try In almost every instance store fronts have been put rugged volcanic character of the country, but did not m which incorpórate the very latest ideas in store archi­ know that these fastnesses were the abiding place of the KRUGGLE tecture, combining beauty with utility, and window shop­ most ferocious savages in all the land. He was passing ping has become a real delight. Store fixtures, too, are!the lava-beds where twenty-seven years later the1 Modoc BROS. TIRE all new, up-to-date and attractive, and stocks of mer­ war was fought and where treachery lured General Canbv chandise are in thorough harmony with their surround­ and Commissioner Thomas to their deaths. He rounded SHOP SERVICE ings. It is no. idle boast when we say that nowhere in the Tulle lake and called it Rhett lake. From there he saw West is there a city business district which presents such that the country opened into plains of sage and bunch and a uniformilv clean, modern and inviting appearance and grass and that the mountains receded as he pursued his this in itself is no mean asset. course toward the Northwest, believing that in this great Fisk or Silvertown Cords Most cities of progressive spirit are handicapped hv basin he would at last see the Klamath lakes that he had 20,hCcnlnryGroccry 31 Stores 20TH CENTURY STORE Offerings’ Saturday and Monday SEPT. 27TH AND 29TH Carnation Milk, Tall cans, each 9c Ivory Soap, 10e size, 3 bars 22c Mazóla or Wesson Oil Quarts 53c BALL MASON JARS, complete with caps and rubber;& . . . . . . . QUARTS 89c doz. Crystal White Soap, 6 . bars 25c . Shrimp, New Pack, No. 1 can, 2 for 35c New Strained Honey, pt. Masón Jar 35c Yrim, Best Patent Flour—49 lb Sack Sun Maid Raisins, 15 oz. pkg., 2 for 25c Campbell Soup, all Var­ ieties 10c Jello, anv flavor 10 c Royal Garden Tea, very fancy. No Tea dust in your cup. Removed bv vacuum process—Ceylon and India, 1-2 lb. 40c— Japan 1-2 lb. 40c. Royal Baking Powder, large size 43c Pure Lard, fresh Bulk, 3 pounds 55c Macaroni 4 pounds for 29c MATCHES, noiseless, strike easily, good size boxes Lux, large size, each 25c Pure Cane Sugar, 10 pounds for 83c limit 20 lbs. at this rale to customer Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans 25c 20th Century Coffee,—one cup calls for another—Roasted daily in our own plant. Pound 39c 3 poUnds $1.15 Southern Oregon Convenient Locations ASHLAND 374 E. Main St. MEDFORD 31 N. Central Ave GRANTS PASS 509 G. St.