a MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three mohths in the, rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic wpter helps. * A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years • VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. LOCAL CLUBS GIVEN HANY FAIR PRIZES Without the use of medicine curee nine cases out of ten of asthma This is a proven fact. ASHLANjD, OREGON, .FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 ■L —p ROOSEVELT HAS QUIT NAVY FOR N EW YORK RACE ( International News Wire Service) ASHLAND CLIMATE NO. 22 "v. TRYING KNOCK FBI? - uprising lafollette I Ï K WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. — I Coione! Theodore Roosevelt this m orning resigned as assistant secretary of the navy following h’.s nom ination for governor yes­ terday by the New York Repub­ lican convention. President Coo­ lidge accepted the resignation. Boys and Girls Win Fifteen The political contest between Republicans to Contest His Places in Club W ork Electors in That State, Roosevelt and Governor Al Smith, a t State F air who is seeking re-election on the Announced Democratic ticket will be-one of DO SPLENDID WORK the warmest in New York politi­ TO BE HEARD MONDAY cal history, it is predicted. BRITISH AND VISIT TURKS MIXING ON OJL RIGHT ZR-3 IS READY FOR VOYAGE TO U. S.; IS TESTED POWERSHOULD BE LESS BERLIN, Sept. 26.— The Giant dirigible ZR-3 arrived in Berlin this m orning and was greeted in a frenzy of enthusiasm before proceeding to America as partial In tim ated U n le ss Spouse W ho Is W ill be M ain .Speaker at B ig Bus payment of the German indemn­ H eld fo r M urder R eturns in ess G atherings; Is a Rec­ ity. The motors test perfectly Tribe May M ake W ar ognized A uthority and the final test flight proved Battle Between Two Forces in every way th a t the giant of the Coolidge SaVS Effort to YREKA, Calif., Sept. 26. — Prof, irving e . Vining, of this Is Expected Near Mosul r is fit for the trip across the Change System “ Public Fearing a tribal outbreak in the city and president of the Oregon ' an Oil Center ’ I a ocean to relieve the Shenandoah,: Ownership’’ Scheme K lam ath Indians tribe which State Chamber of Commerce who ’ 1 . America’s huge dirigible, which j m ight involve every Indian on Will be the main speaker a t the PLANES ATTACK TURKS will be sent on a voyage as soon F E A R S D O M IN A T IO N the K lam ath River as far north Pennsylvania State Chamber o f 1 Club W ork Show s R em arkable as the ZR-3 arrives. Independent Chairm an Says th e 'a4 the Oregon line, John Pepper, Commerce meeting in H arris-I En* ,and Makes Plea to the Lea- Incren.se and P rogress Strength o f Candidate Feared Speech at lSOt^i Anniversary of a mem ber of the tribe, was burgh in October, as announced ffue o f N ations That Turk­ Over L ast Year and C ensures A ction C ontinental Congress Vs. whisked away by automobile from sometime ago in The Tiding3, will ey he R estricted P ublic O wnership Somes Bar late yesterday follow­ be honored on several occasions The boys and girls who attend­ CHICAGO, Sept. 26. — Close ing his conviction on a charge during his visit in the east, ac- BAGDAD, Sept. 26— A battal­ ed or entered exhibits at the on the heels of the California su­ of possessing liquor. . PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Sept. 26 cordng to this announcem ent in ion of native British soldiers un­ State F air from this county made preme court decision, which pre­ — Public ownership of railroads Pepper is in the Yreka Jail for The Oregonian; der British officers is retiring on an excellent showing and took a vents La F o llette’s electors from safe keeping. The charge of vio­ Selection of Mr. Vining to de­ Amedia, 65 miles northw est of TUr Tiiinn r u n n / and electrk «»»‘.««1 would SOOn large num ber of prizes. Those going on the ballot in th a t stale, lating the liquor law is purely a liver the principal address is re­ Moseul in face of a Turkish ad­ personally attending the fair were William M. B utler, chairm an of technical one, the au thorities ad­ garded as significant of the na­ vance. . Misses Ellen Galey and Adena TOKIO, Sept. 26. — The the Republican national commit, m it and the actual possession pre­ clared in a speech here last night tion-wide advertising th at Oregon • SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 26— Joy. representing the second year Hochi, a Japanese newspaper to ­ tee, announced this morning that ceded the death of Pepper’s wife, has received in the * last year, LONDON, Sept. 26— Dozens o f j A triple legal attack has been in connection with the observ­ canning; John Billings, Richard day quoted a high governm ent sim ilar efforts will be- made in Septem ber 15, say white w it­ through the publicity and adver­ low-flying British, airplanes pour- launched by Edgar Snyder, sec- ance of the 150th anniversary of Joy and Barnard Joy in the stock official as saying th at the Jap ­ North Dakota. nesses from Orleans B ar who ad­ tising cam paigns of the railroads ed a machine gun fire into th e |r e ta r y of the Progressive party the first continental congress. Judging division and Miss Mary anese governm ent’s attitu d e is The case in th a t state is coming m itted carousing with the suspect­ serving the northw est and through “ It is very difficult to reconcile ranks of the Turkish force of against political groups which Galey in the first division sew­ swinging toward intervention in before the suprem e court of North ed man. Pepper was fined $500 other sources. His subject will 2.500 to 3.000, routing the M os-jare alleged to be wrongfully a p -! rem H e’c a n T l ^ 7 * * ? Vere?gn ing. the Chinese civil war. Dakota Monday, Chairm an B ut­ •» hich he was unable to pay. „ m n -i,« ,.., - . P I 1' ople ca!’:,blp of managing their be “ A dvertising a S tate,” in lems and killing and R eturns received last evening ' propriating the perogatives of the Sim ultaneously Japan is w ith­ ler said, and the second action “ The charge of m urder will be which he will use the exploitation - a n y in a r-ght „ „ r , |„ v „ wounding t rocng.HZ«..! La F o il« ,« .» d j „ * ,7 a L 7 'X a g ,', showed th a t Miss Adena Joy des­ draw ing her com m ittm ent to the has been filed with the secretary held in abeyance,” said C. E. of Oregon as an example of what ul, the details of pite the fact th a t eight ja rs of League of N ation’s arbitration of state of North Dakota, who Johnson, d istrict attorney of Sis­ which were W heeler organization. business. No doubt there are h er fru it were stolen at the coun­ scheme, which would tie Jap a n ’s is asked to strike the names of kiyou county, on his retu rn last can be accomplished along this made public today in The Star I hree petitions calling for line through concerted effort. certain m unicipalities where some The skirm ish which took place ty fair, received third place on hands in regard to China. of mandam us against Sec- public utilities have been manag- the four La F ollette from the night with the prisoner. “ The Incidentally, according to a fortnight ago, vA revealed at w r'ts , her menu canning and fifth place ballot. W d7 ,h 6 HlDkIe beeni ed th o u g h p u b ic ownership with state does not care a t this time 'P resid en t Vining’s announced In individual canning. Miss Galey GENEVA, Sept. 26. — The But that is Chairman Nelson of the La Fol- to make public the evidence it plans, he will seize the oportun- the League of N ations’ assembly L ed in the supreme court at | creditable success. received second place on her in­ Japanese have refused to sign lette-W heelef headquarters here, holds in the capital charge.” yesterday. The S ta r’s version of u«y T ? ia he c ° 11 r 1 asked very different fi om a proposal ity to impress th e Pennsylvania dividual canning. the arbitration protocol proposed declared this m orning th a t the Through a m isunderstanding business men with Oregon’s vast the affair is th a t the Turkish Hinkle to be compelled to certify th a t the national government In the calf club class Richard by the League. The arbitration court activities of the Republi­ in transm itting the message from troops raided the Iraq border to the county boards the names opportunities in the industrial should take ovei the railroads and Joy received fifth place on his agreem ent was part of the dis­ cans indicated they feared the and th a t the British air forces of the true La Follette electors, Somesbar, which is in the wildest and m anufacturing field. other utilities.” calf and in the open class he re ­ arm am ent scheme fostered by strength of the Independent party and most inaccessible part of the went out to drive them hack. thus preventing fraudulent lists The day following the banquet The president also again w arn­ ceived second place. This boy McDonald of England and H erriot and are resorting to every effort on the ballot. county it was reported th a t Pep­ President Vining w’ill preside at ed against breaking down the also received fifth place in the of France. GENEVA, Sept. 26— England to "tak e the franchise from the per had been held on the charge a m eeting of the presidents and power of the courts, urging that club class on his rabbits and first This action was a surprise, as people.” of m urdering his wife. He was secretaries of 24 state chambers ha3 made representations to the DISSENT VOTE the jud'eial safeguards evolved in place In the open class on same. all other nations have accepted. League of Nations council at Gen­ not held on this charge. of commerce and will lead the IN LA FOLLETTE this historic spot be preserved John Bi’lings in the Grade Je r Preparations are being made for FL IE R S DELAY T R IP; TO The woman was found hang­ discussion with talks on the eva claiming th a t Turkey was BAN ON TICKET from all despotism, “ whether it spy class received second piaci a disarm am ent conference next violating the Lausanne treaty by PASS OVER CITY SATURDAY ing near her home with circum­ “ Psychology of Selling.” em anates from a monarch, from on his calf. Merrill Rose receiv­ year. It is not known w hether 8 m ilitary maneuvers near Mosul, ---------- 8 stances pointing to an attem pt to The .dissenting opinion of Ju s­ a parliam ent, or from a mob.” George E. Foss, secretary of ed second place on his rabbits in the United States will participate. 8 SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 8 convey the motive of suicide. tice Leawell in the decision of the Pennsylvania state chamber which is a disputed oil center. “ If the people lose control of the open class. Difficulties between the Brit- , the California court th a t the 8 26. — The world fliers re- 8 Officers say th at feeling is run- of commerce, has informed local the arteries of trade and the na­ In the home beautification di­ ¡ 8 mained in San Francisco to- 8 ; ning high against Pepper in the state cham ber officials th a t Dr. ish and Turkey arose over the names of La Follette and W heeler KLAMATH MAN IS tural sources of our mercantile vision Miss Rosina Gallatin of DEAD DUE WRECK day, Instead of leaving for 8 1tribe. It is on th* eve of their Vining as a nationally-known a u ­ border line for the British de-j could not be printed on the bal- Valley View received third place. ---------- I 8 Eugene, as had originally 8 J annual religious festival. “ Pica- thority on business _ psychology, _______ pendency of Iraq. The British interesting and reproduced be* power, the nationalization of all Miss Dorothy Stevens in the industry could soon be expected. DUNSMUIR, Calif., Sept. 26. J 8 been planned, while a new 8 yabish,” when all tribal difficul­ will also be called upon to speak i " ant M°sul >n their territory, low: home-making division received — J. J. Davis, 70, retired lum ber- 8 motor is being installed in 8 Through tile breaking down of ties are settled according to In­ before various gatherings of busi­ while the Turks claim Vilayet. : I am unable to persuade myself fifth place. Bernard Joy receiv­ man of Klam ath Falls, Ore., died 8 Lieut. W ade’s plane. tlie power of the courts l'es an 8 dian custom. ¡ th a t it w'as the intention of the ness men at H arrisburg, Philadel­ ed second place on his garden in the CoinUh hospital of injuries 8 easy way to (lie confiscation of They will leave Saturday 8 The prisoner’s fath er was m ur­ phia and other cities before leav­ legislature by the enactm ent of project and Miss Mary Galey re­ sustained in an automobile acci­ 8 for Eugene, probably reach- 8 MISS HAZEL EMERY TO BE property and the destruction of dered years ago, the officers say, ing the east. A rrangem ents are our present election laws to pro- ceived first place on her sewing dent near Laino’ne at 3 p. m. 8 ing Seattle Sunday. Lieut. 8 IN CITY RECORDER RACE the liberty of the individual,” the and Pepper’s son was decapitat­ also under way to have him ap­ : mote and protect party welfare 8 * ------------ » project. president stated. W ednesday. His skull fractured 8 W ade’s plane was forced 8 ed fifteen years ago by Barney pear before th e M erchants’ asso­ i by preparing a scheme of legisla- This totals two first peaces, and he never regained conscious­ 8 down yesterday by engine 8 8 Miss Hazel Emery, who is 8 Shanks, now dead. j tion which would compel partisan ciation of New York. seven second places, two third, ness. 8 employed at the W hittle 8 8 trouble 20 miles south of 8 “ The Indians have little to I voting and which practically, in and four fifth places. These boys 8 Transfer office, will be a 8 Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. 8 ihe Crissey field and arriv- 8 say,” declared Johnson last night, 1 a legislative sense, would outlaw and girls competed with much and Mrs. G. B. Bennett, accom­ 8 ed 40 m inutes after the 8 8 candidate for the office of 8 ‘ but those who are friendly with I independent suffrage and candi- older people, who had the advan­ panied by the la tte r’s little grand­ 8 other fliers. 8 city recorder, according to 8 8 the whites show no hesitancy in , dies. tage of more experience. “ 8 petitions which are being 8 daughter, were on their way to 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 declaring th a t if Pepper rem ains ' To usequally obstruct the inde­ An unfortunate occurrence was Oklahoma. 8 circulated for her. tj a t Somesbar during the festival, pendent electorate from exercis­ th e stealing of eight Ja rr of 8 She is well known through- 8 Bennett had relieved Davis at S E A SID E SW EPT an outbreak m ight be looked ing its will Is contrary to the Adena Joy's canned fruit, but re­ the wheel only a m inute or two 8 out the city and will make 8 for.” principies and precept3 of a rc BY DISASTROUS gardless she took a place at the when the machine, running into ... SALEM, s Z i? “ 26— Governor, an ?ctive cail'i>aign for the 8 FIRE; BIG LOSS publican form of government, and top. Pierce has received a telegram : * ° ffice‘ Miss G ertrude Biede. 8 we cannot assume th at the legis- some soft d irt as he pulled back The stock judging team was into the middle of the road, skid­ from W ashington th a t the flier8 1« y h o is now holding this post- 8 ; lature intended such a result. Ex- H undreds Still Succum bing io SEASIDE, Sept. 26.— Fire of much weakened this year and re- ded and overturned down a slight 8 tion, has a ’ready filed her 8 undeterm ined origin swept Strange M alady; Fail to Find will make a special stop of one ! istirg provisions of the act may be ceived no place. The canning i bank. 8 petition for reelection. 8 through part of the business dis­ Cause o f D eaths hour at the Salem fairgrounds. applied to the case before us w ith­ team results will not be announ­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Mrs. Davis, an elderly woman, trict of this city with an estir Elaborate preparations are being out doing violence to legislative ced until the last of the week, and the other occupants were mated loss of $20,000 today. The KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 26. made for Saturday, which will be intent. Section 1188, political due to the fact th a t so many only slightly injured. B artlett building. The Leppla — Diagnosis conducted by veter­ the crowning day of the fair. code, provides “ th at a candidate LOW W ATER IN LAKE team s are competing. WASHINGTON, Sept. 26— A Plum bing shop, The- Chowder for any political office for which inarians in San Francisco and CAUSES KLAMATH INN The club work in the state is SMITH GIVEN A ! Bowl restau ran t and the Necani- labyrinth of subterranean pas­ TO CLOSE FOR SEASON ro non-partisan candidate has Sacramento have failed to dis­ Lu In Bad P lace very much greater than ever be­ sages discovered beneath several O RF, A T OVATION 1 cum R,ver bathhouse were des- been nominated at any prim ary close the cause of the mysterious fore and the results show much blocks of W ashington’s most ex­ AS RENOMINATED i troyed in the fire whih was swept SHANGHAI, Sept. 26. — Lu KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 26. election may be nominated subse­ malady which has killed hundreds progress in the 3tate work and clusive residential section, all lit- by a high wind , , , „ . Yung H siang’s Checkiang arm y — Unprecedented low w ater in quent to said prim ary election, of mule deer in the Shasta Na­ also in the county work. tered with German newspapers o f . . ... . . SYRACUSE, N. >Y. Sept. 26.— ha3 been completely surrounded Uper K lam ath Lake has caused or in lieu of any prim ary elect­ tional Forest in less than a month. 1917 and 1918 have revived some Post mortem examinations con­ Amid thundering applause, Gov­ STOPS SEATTLE and the second Chi Hsien Yuan the closing of Eagle Ridge Tavern ion.’’ in a m anner there defined. JA IL DELIVERY of the old-war atm osphere in the force, moving northw ard from for th e 1924 season. The tavern ernor A1 Smith was this a fte r­ From the form ative periods of ducted on deer carcasses show th a t capital and the talk of spies. noon renom inated by the Demo­ Hang Chow, has reached H ash­ is reached by boat and lies aeros our government to the present the disease first m anifests itself SEATTLE, W ash., Sept. 26.— cratic s tite convention. When ing. Lu may surrender immed­ the lake four miles from a main I time electors have been clothed on the lip of the deer in the form Smith appeared on the platform , A m ysterious telephone call early PORTLAND W ANTS wIth wide discretion. In tho ex- of an ulcer and gradually works iately otherw ise serious possibil­ highway. lie received the greatest ovation today fru strated a wholesale jail 1925 V E T S ’ MEET ities are foreseen if the forces W ithin the last week it has ereiee of 8UCh discretion they down into the ’stomach destroy­ of his career, except during the delivery of 30 prisoners a t the ' been impossible to take a boat: raay vote for any Person for the ing tissue and severing organs fight to the finish. SALEM, Sept. 24. — Changes Democratic national convention city jail. The police departm ent LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26— Se­ i across the lake w ithout running ■ o b ’ce president or vice presi- from their moorings. In onethird of the textbooks in the last June. who received the telephone call, a ttle and Portland are fighting .'KLAMATII HOPES TO Animal experts have vetoed the into mud banks. ¡d e n t whom they may choose to gram m ar and high schools of the for the honor of entertaining the J WIN FOOTBALL GAME suggestion that the disease might was told of the escape plans. They __________________i elect. state, an action taken every six ; investigated and stopped a man 91st Division of the A. E. F., in _____ ! R eturn From H unt— No count may assume to con- be “ hoof a»