PAGE FOÜft A 8 B U S 0 ßA tl.V WWNÜ8 î'bursdaj-, Sepiomh»^ aft, P a il Closed foi* Day1« - I At Hotel Ashland—■ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 shdrt and disrupted time, And the * • * “ " * ,“V . *?*• »■>< » « « t . a U , , k . m a i . ,o t u n . , ia O. H. Johnson is confined to b ls| Included in tfad out-of-3tate' ----- ------------------- --------------------- __ j lilhlted atnount of raw p ro d u ce! slderation, this com­ I do not expect the home on account of sickness and guests at the Hotel Ashland "are: i accomplishing the packing of a munity. ae a result the jew elry store is J. F. W ertz. J. Hazard, Seattle; i FOR SALE: — Good miik cow, available, we have used in these ’ season to be an entire disappoint good commercial quality products . The plan of increasing our op- cheap, also 2 iron bedsteads with a» days, about $7000.00 worth | ment or failure and in fact I share i not open today. t at are undoubtedly good for: erating season by the addition of S. Hiscock and wife, Rice, Minn.; ' springs. 455 Mt. Ave. Phone 314J. cf raw produce, all of which goes j the views of some far wiser and repeat business in any man s m ar-j new crops and new lines; the util­ J. D. McGee, Seattle; Edward F. ' 21— 2 j direct to the producer, and have older heads in the game that A shland L odge No? 23 For Pleating see Orres. 21— 1* Linsin, San Francisco; W. H. J ization of by-products is receiving paid out $5000.00 for labor all of the year as a whole will prove a A. F . & A . M. Doubtless some of the grow­ our most intensified attention and WANTED:— W ork by compet- Laidlow, Chicago; Wm. J. Pow-! which has gone to the people of blessing in disguise to the in g ers have criticised us unjustly for j in mapping out this program , we agent in Southern Oregon ers and wife, San Francisco; - L. -. i ent experienced Jan ito r. All or Special communication, * ’burs'-, No _, Ashland. This is an average of dustrv. day evening, Sept. 25. Third D e-1 Wr‘te ***** Aoto losnrance Eader, Los Angeles; P. A. O’H air Pa rt tlm e- Will do anything. Re- about $200.00 per day for produce Relative 10 our move to A„h- i p r X u we " X j i T a ' J ' d o r t ' 1 **” *“ « “ '»"»•V » « * • « « • *» or a t lower rates than the Staple« ferences. 218Y. 21— tf and wife, Brem erton, W ash.; Wm. gree. Light refreshm ents after I having the good council and ad­ and $150.00 a day payroll. Agency land I am very glad the step was j less some of the help have criti- H. Shaw, Denver, Colo.« Mrs. work. Meet a t 7:30 o'clock. vices of Oregon A gricultural Col­ The conditions FOR RENT— Neat, homey, 5- Presently ob-,! taken and I am greatly encourag- eized us for being too exacting Mary Seevers and Miss R ita See- M. H. ELLIS, W. M lege experts, experienced cannery- room furnished cottage, modern tatning to the cannery business, ed over the attitu d e and support ' regarding their services, but in To Klam ath— vers, Los Angeles and Mr. and W. H. DAY, Sec’y. men, brokers and wholesale buy­ to short cyaps and a light , accorded us generally by the lo- each instance appointm ents, double garage, due myself and sub- ers from outside m arkets actual- L 20— 2 • H. C. . Galey made a trip to Mrs. C. C. Chapman of Eureka, lot, near Ju n io r Hi. Term lease carry over, or moat atocka trom I cal business people; by the grow- ordinates have patlentlv tried . . T * " Klamath Falls yesterday on busi­ Cal. e . . „ .a .... . . ....... ..... ............. ......... ' 1 10 ’ so O’ e r the Held with us last season, which makes the cu r­ an- only.— Staples Realty Agency. ers and th e help in the fa c to r,. , | explain , h , these things ...... . . ness. He expects to be gone for A t P o r t la n d - are 1 alyzing and ren t pack in fairly brisk demand 21— 1 several days. Particularly do I want to law necessary for the successful and ;,rob’< Let us fill your pall with Swifts Mr. and Mrs. B utler W alker ems. with prices on the upgrade, com­ favorable stress upon the class perm anent conduct of the business Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than 7-Room House on Boulevard, pare som ew hat to war time con­ and Miss Leta W alker are visit­ All this work has been and is and character of help th a t is ' and in nearly all cases ing at Portland and Salem for i New H ats ju st received. Mrs. ihorteniug. Goes fa rth e r and is close to H aw thorne school well ditions, of which you m erchants t iest . being carried on iu an unpreten­ working for us and compliment j things have been meted out to the ' R. Potter, 30 2nd St. 21— 3* more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf furnished, nice lawn, good g ar­ teveral weeks. tious, but I believe quite effective are doubtless aware, particularly them upon the interest and effort : satisfaction of all concerned, age, chicken house, some fruit. if you don’t happen to be pretty way. 1 assure you most heartily they are m aking to do their work , In carrying out the work this Why pay more for milk when Receive Prizes— Price $4500.00. Terms at 6 per well covered on futures. New hats ju st received. Mrs. that we are putting all our back­ right iu putting up a good clean , way I believe we are outlined on Word was received in Ashland cent. P orter, 30 2nd St. 20-2* you can get the best milk for This puts us in a position of sanitary and wholesome pack of ; a substantial and constructive pro- ing, every pound of energy and 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone today th a t Miss Mary Galey had W. W. ROBISON every ounce of faith we possess which I am reminded of my 4-tf received first place in the first 63 North Main St............... friend Mr. Hoke, who formerly f°od products th a t can be consunv gram, looking to the planting and in an effort to develop this little Cliff Payne makes book stands. 396R and 369J. ed and relished by the most dis- ' growing of the proper varieties m division of sewing at the State \ 21— tf conducted the Medford Cannery. crim inating. institution into a substantial in­ To Medford— tlie fi^ld of the proper and most d u stry and in this endeavor, we F air and th a t Ellen Galey had l e a v e s for C orvallis — Mr. Hoke had a well earned repu­ It is not the intention of the I economical methods ef handling FOR SALE:— Four and Five Mrs. G. M. Green and Misses ■received second place in the in­ Miss Ivern K ellar left early beg your patience, we generally tation of being overly optimistic this morning for Corvallis where Edith Dodge and Isabelle Silver dividual canning division of her months old W hite Leghorn Pul­ to say the least, and this was m anagem ent to go to extremes the products to the can, and with invite your inspection and criti­ in putting up a show pack, neither the underlying problem of mar- lets. 900 Oak St. 21— 1 she will attend O. A. C. Miss Kel­ made a triff to Medford yesterday fruit. The stock judging team back around 1917 or 18, when will I resort to hair-splitting on keting as a foundation, I cannot cism and earnestly solicit your evening on business. did not receive a plaice this year STOCKMEN ATTENTION:— We we had a short crop of tomatoes m aking the various grades, but w e ; help but believe this business can be,1 ^ d T o ^ a V o f ’necessUv^ la r has one more term at college. and results of the canning team, w ant to buy feeders, catt'.e, sheep and which was cut still shorter Have Meeting— To R eturn— consisting of Ellen Galey and and hogs. W rite Coast Live Stock by an early fall frost. Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Iowa, Adena Joy, have not yet been Ladies and children’s hair cut­ Co. 1429 W alnut St., Berkley, About this time I dropped in ting. Powder PufT Beauty Par who have been visiting the W il­ decided, as the dem onstrations of Calif. 21— 6 to see Mr. Hoke one day and we l®r. 293-tf liam Day family on Baum street canning have not been complet­ were swapping lies about each for some time, will retu rn to their ed. A FEW REAL BARGAINS others business, when I incidental-, 5-Foom Modern House, good ly asked him what kind of a sea­ School Supplies- -McNair Bros. home Friday. - range in house. About 1 1-2 block son he had and he aaid “ I ju st SPECIAL atten tio n to AUTO­ 1 21— 1 Used Plano, good as new, easy MOBILE Insurance; better term s from Ju n io r High School. Price lost $10,000." I said: “ This is terms.— The Rose Conf. R eturns H o m e - and lower rates. Yeo, of course. $1250. Terms. quite a loss isn’t it, how did it Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf Miss Imogene Wallace re tu rn ­ happen?" “W hy," he said, “ if 4-Room House 2 blocks from Imogene W allace, piano classes ed this morning from Haven, this frost had ju st held off an­ Hawthorne school. Price $1250 Ohio, where she has been spend­ >egln September 25. For Infor- D eM olay’s M eet— other th irty days, I could have on term s at 6 per cent. • The De Molay’s held th eir reg­ ing the summer studying music. nation phone 210-J or Write Miss sold all the tom atoes I could pack W. W. ROBISON, Wallace, C entral Point. 13— tf ular meeting last night and cele- * and would have cleaned up $10,- 63 North Main St. brated educational day. A very Orres cleans and remodels gar­ like a top." 21-« 000.00 good program was given consist­ a ? ! : ments for men and women. 21-1* Returned— So you see I am already pre­ Mrs. C. O. Holman returned ing of a report on statistics by pared by Mr. H oke’s method with HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, Tuesday evening' after spending Marcus Woods, acting Junior H ere — an alibi to my bankers for a non- Mr. Proctor, insurance agent • f course. 212— tf her vacation in Olympia, Portland, Counsellor. Orville Hall, Senior profitable season even though we of the W est Coast Life Insurance Salem, and in Lyons City visit­ Counsellor gave a talk of the don’t have an early fro3t. To A ttend C i r c u s - “ Value of Education" and V. V. Company was an Ashland visitor ing relatives. However, with all of our bad Carl Loveland and son, Carl, Mills spoke on the Purposes of from Medford today. growing season, I am not at all Jr., Oscar Silver and son, Buddy, Education.” The regular Don’t fail to hear the F air an discouraged with our operations Journeyed to Medford today to Ground Dance Pavillion’s new 9- business m e tin g was followed Stopping. this season, having been fortuii- attend the circus. by a short social hour. piece Jazz Band Sat. night. Among those stopping a t the ate in securing a very fair pack 21— 3 Hotel Oregon are Mr. and Mrs. of pears, which is positively 'the Cii-cus D a y - W oodbury's Facial Soap, 25c— J C. A. W lnan, A lham bra, Cal.; J. strongest item on the canner’s list McNair Bros. 21— 1 Today is circus day and the I Henry Lippiett. Santa Ama, Cal.; today. We are ju st completing Are you hard to fit? Try a suit made to your m easure at Paul school board has given a blow to Mrs. R. A. Vadnais, Los Angeles; our pear pack and will be fo rtun­ Sweet cream for whipping an to have one room hot as an oven—• Save $10.00, walk upstairs to But to give you an idea cf the let alone touch the many out­ another so <<>1<1 it m akes you shiver. E v eiy room in the hou se can be 307-tf Orres tailor shop. See P au lsem d ’3 for the latest im portance and possibilities of side orders th a t have been sub­ 17— tf m ade com fcrt.ah o— and a h ea tin g system k eeps it that w ay. The in Fall suits and woolens. th is enterprise, even during this m itted us. You can readily see even tem peratu re protects your fam ily’s h ealth — and m akes your D ue Today— Return H om e— hom e cozy. the only solution to this problem Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hitchcock H. H. E lh art and EJ. L. Bootil- DAVIS STILL WEAK out the country, has received a is Increased production which .N ot cn ’ v is a hot r ater or strain h eatin g systt in a convenien ce of Jefferson, Ohio, are expected ier returned yesterday from P o rt­ AT BIG POLL total of 50 votes thus far in the happily I feel is assured by this but it also i n 'nve-tm en t. When you sell your hom e you w ill realize to arrive in Ashland today for a land where they have been spend­ on tin* lucre.:.-»:I value o f th e property. addition of water. Digest poll, the voters scratching week’s viBit with friends here ing the past few days on business. (Continued from page 1.) We are now preparing to start i various candidates in order to ex­ We ’ .111 1 iljul to explain the steam , hot w ater or vapor y s t e il ls Mr. Hitchcock was formerly sup­ press th eir approval of the Gump on our apple pack, which we have of h eatin g erintendent of schools here anc Snappy new models in suits for ijg e has been given more than •candidate. W ill Rogers, w ith ten assurance will be quite consequen- principal of the high school. They young men at Paulserud’s. twice as many as La Follette. votes, is running second to Mr. tal, as we already have orders expect to stay with the Bolton’s 14— tf The D'gest calls attention to Gump in w hat he term ed an un­ booked th a t will require approxi­ while here. the fact th a t the vote so far is official anex of the ponll. Dinty mately 500 tons of raw fru it to Special 9-piece Jazz Band at mostly from the cities and th a t Moore has three votes. John T fill. I might say this was pre­ We deliver the goods -Detricks the F a ir G round’s Dance Pavil the ru ral voters, who are usually King, friend of W illiam H. An­ pared before receiving this m orn­ 94-tf lion Sat. night. Their first ap­ heard from later than the city derson, receives one vote, Luis ing a telegraphic order from o£e pearance in Medford. 21— 3 voters, have not been returned. Firpo gets one. Henry Ford of our old apple custom ers in Dance Hot Springs Sat. nite. A feature of the p resen t ballot­ draws several, and the Prince of W ichita, Kansas, for 2500 cases 21— 3* To R eturn — ing is the entirely unexpected W ales is preferred by a t least two of apples which will require ap­ Misses Adena Joy and Ellen vote th at is coming in for the proxim ately 80 tons to pack. F o r Salem — Galey and Richard Joy, B arnard prom inent cartoon “ movie” pol- voters, one of whom w rites what may be considered a delicate Professor I. E. Vining and Sec­ Joy and John Billings are expect­ retary J. H. Fuller left today for ed to retu rn home sometime to­ iUcian, Mr. Andrew Gump. Mr. fem inine hand. The vote in the second count Salem to attend the state fair. day from Salem where them have Gump, whose political speeches and rem arkable features adorn They expect to join the Umpqua been attending the state fair and is as follows for the three main newspaper comic pages through­ candidates; Chief’s at Ro&eburg tomorrow and exhibiting and dem onstrating will be with the hospitality clubs. their work. They were with C. _ Coolidge Davis La Follette Mr. Vining will deliver an address C. Cate, county agent. California ....................................................22,488 3,008 19,829 for these clubs tomorrow. Illinois ...........................................................36,309 8,147 12,725 Kansas ........................................................ 5,135 1,443 1,335 Order Dahlia Bulbs now — Minnesota ..... 15,690 2,341 8,464 Complete line of Ashland Can E lh a rt’s. 21— 2 New Jersey ................................................. 6,504 1,547 . 1,578 id Goods at Detricks. 94-tf New York ....................................................17,920 2,764 3,098 Ohi° ............................................................... 25,341 7,426 6,942 House Moved— Pennsylvan’a ........................................ 22 126 4,875 Fresh homemade candles a t The 5,864 The Enders house on Main ....... ~...... - ......................... 4,298 7,312 1,122 Rose Conf. street, is bein^ moved back from Virginia ................................ 896 1,510 186 it location to make a place for a W ashington ................................................. 2 252 453 1,228 V isitin g H ere — 932 158 modern business building. The West Virginia ............................................. 1,449 1,705 W. C. Thurlow of the Thurlow actual moving was started today, State unknown ............................... 853 995 Glove Company of Portland, is but preparations have been made TOTAL VOTES ......................................162,473 42,611 63,524 visiting his family this week. for some time and the founda- They moved here a year ago for ions have Just been torn down. the health of their daughter, Gladys, and say th at the pure See Dahlia Display— E lh a rt’s. m ountain air and w ater of Ash­ 21— 2 land have done wonders. SUMMERTIME WARMTH r DURING W INTER EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE AS WARM IN WINTER AS IN JUNE Heating JÊRRY O’NEAL Plumbing Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Necu Suueaters and Sweater Coats that are the Cream of the Knitting ‘ ’ Mills No. 2900 is a Convertible Coatie Sweat­ er—Brushed effect of Pure Wool \ am —Mandarin Sleeve—3 button fasten­ ing—Deep revers with rainbow stripe bordered Collar, Cuff and Waist. Comes in all Autumn Shades. Prit ed at Form er R esid en t D ies— All wool suits and overcoats, W ord has been received here special $23.50 at Orres Tailors. of the death of Mrs. Jennie Smith 21— 1* Deming of H ealdsburg, Cal., who was form erly a resident in Ashy MARCEL AND CURL LAST land. She is better known here LONGER after a Golden Glint as Jennie Smith. Her father, J. Shampoo. E. Smith was form erly in the fu rn itu re business with J. P. The Chamber of Commerce Dodge. Mrs. Deming’s mother, committee in charge of plans for Mrs. J. E. Smith will live in P o rt­ the Portland business m en’s trip land with her son. Lou Smith. to Ashland on October 13. held Best place to dance— Sat. nite a m eeting last night at the Cham­ 21— 3* ber of Commerce rooms to make Jackson H ot Springs. arrangem ents. The plans now iuclude a lunch at noon and a To M e d f o r d - Mrs. L. 8. Brown, Mrs. F. F. drive around Ashfhnd. T. H. Simpson is chairm an of the com­ W hittle, Misses Emma Jenkins, m ittee which includes A. J. Mc­ Ruth Osmun and Georgie Coffee Callan, J. II. Hardy, J. H. Rob­ motored to Medford last evening and visited Reames Chapter, No. bins and H. O. Anderson. 66. O. E. S. Mrs. Mary Alice B urdette, W orthy Grand Matron Do not wait for snow before of Oregon, was m aking her offic­ ordering your w inter suit and ial visit to Reames chapter. She overcoat, our custom made gar­ will visit Alpha chapter Saturday ments are best. Try them now, evening. prices are lower than ready mades a t Orres Tailor shop, upstairs. A nother big dance Jackson Hot 21 1*¡ Springs Sat. nite. 21— 8* $7.95 Klamath Falls VS. No. 2700—Ladies’ Sweater Coat, eoiivertable collar—Straight Sleeve —Silk Braid Trim and Rainbow borders of Collar, Cuffs and Waist. Very good weight garment. Comes in Brown, Buff, Gray and Tango. Priced $9.50 Ashland Children’s Sweaters in Slipons, Coat Style and Wrap effects, All colors and sizes. Pure W o o l gar- ments. Priced at $1.95' $5.90 •** • New Sweaters Are Arriving Daily . See O uc L in e s top a S u re F it yfie Saturday, September 27, 1924 2:30 p. m. Admission 35 cents » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « * « * « # * « X * - « « * * * t .-