PAGE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Classified Column | PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS One cent the word each time. To ran every Issue for one month or more, Vic the word each time. DR. H AW LEY— Above office. FEARED HE WOULD RAVE 10 GIVE UP ¡SIS WORK ! :S O C IE T Y : Cla.4*ifieU Col mini B ates Tidings Phone 91. Thursday, Septem ber 2 5 , 1024 m S S EDITH DODGE, E ditor There ’s wisdom In reading ads. Real Wet Weather High Tops Weyenberg high top boots are the best-wearing boots on the m aiket. We have many styles, sires S to 16 inches, plain 01 “ pac” toes. W aterproof. Phone items to her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Took Tanlac at D ruggist’s Advice and Is Now in and reception to the i Fine Condition, Says from the M assachu-' Pierce. DR. C. W. HANSON D entist FOR RENT The creamy OPPORTUNITY a welcome Special attention given to pyor- richness o f th is ( By W alter M alone.) delegation rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver m ilk m akes They do me wrong who say I come ; setts Chamber of Commerce, j Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. a ll food, better, no more ] There were about seventy-five in “ There I3 nothing too good for When once I knock and fail to the party from our far eastern me to say about Tanlac, for the OR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Prac­ Its Nestles ALHNE J find you in; coast, including their ladies. medicine lias made a new and dif­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano FOR RENT: — Sleeping room th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. For every day I stand out3ide your These visitors were brought down ferent man cf me,” is the eni overlooking Llthia Park. Suitable, door from Medford in autos and took phatic statem ent of Sidney C. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te j for one or two ladies. 126 S. And bid you wake and rise to their special train south from Pierce, 1607 1-2 Santee St.. Los 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, P ioneer. 19— 5* fight and win. here. They were gracefully wel­ Angeles. Mr. Pierce has been a Ore. comed by the tlu b s president, i cjiet for 39 years anj ¡s regarded FOR RENT: — Splendid fur- Wail not for precious chances j Mrs. P. K. Hammond, who was as a n expert in all m atters per­ nished apartm ent, two room with ; *'4ATTIE B. SHAW Resi- passed away! followed by Miss Grace Chamber- taining to culinary work. dence and office, 108 Pioneer j kitchenette and bath. A dults only. Weep not for golden ages on lain, who not only spoke to them avenue. Telephone 28. Phone 122. 16— 2 “A complication of stomach, the wane! a3 vice-president of die Oregon liver and kidney disorders, indi­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 FOR Rl^N'T: — Modern well Eaclj night I burn the records of Federation of W omen’s Clubs but! p. m. only. gestion, constipation, d'xziness located furnace heated ap art­ the day— as a daughter herself of the o ld : and shattered nerves had weaken­ m ents and sleeping rooms, f d r - ! DR.^ 7 B. ANGELL— —Chiropractic At sunrise every soul is born Bay state. Mr. I. E. Vining then ' ed me down until it looked like nlshed and unfurnished. 316 Har- again! greeted them as President of and Electro-Therapy. Office I would have to give up my work gadine. . l-tf the Oregon Chamber of Com­ phone 48; residence 142. First entirely. It all followed an a t­ Dost thou behold thy lost youth merce, and his fluent, eloquent National Bank building. FOR SALE tack of carbondioxide poisoning all aghast? speech was responded to by the MONUMENTS Dost reel from righteous Re­ president of the M assachusetts about a year ago and my health FOR SALE— Kitchen Cabinet, was ju st about wrecked. trib u tio n 's blow? state Cham ber of Commerce. Mi3s and Linoleum. 108 G ranite St. ASHLAND GRANITE « druggist advised druggists. Accept no substitute. Then turn the blotted archives of Trask of Boston then delighted i 20— 2* MONUMENTS DETROIT, Mich., Sept. 8th, 1924 Busi- Tanlac and the first six bottles Over 40 m illlon bottles sold. the company by singing two songs. the past. B iair G ranite Co. put me on my feet. So I kept on FOR SALE:— 15 ton alfalfa in And find the fu tu re ’3 pages The tea table which was p re -, . . , boss conditions of the country general ly ire S. PENNISTON, Manager slack 1-2 mile from Talent on sided over by Mesdames Provost, a ing 4 alonR during the year Tanlac Vegetable Pills for con­ white as snow. Office 175 E. Main W agner Creek. F. A. Daugherty. Gruelle, Greer and Myers w a J and am now in the best condition stipation; made and recommend­ showing a decided improvement, according to Res. Pitone 44-4-Y Phone 46SR3. 17— 5* ed by the m anufacturers of Tan- Art thou a m ourner Rouse th ee extremely dainty and a ttra c tiv e ' I have known in years.” Tanlac is for sale by all good !ac. 1 N Ï GIRL IN TROUBLE— May August sales reports of the Ford Motor Com­ from thy spell; and in the serving of this bever­ ANOTHER BARGAIN A rt thou a sinner. Sins may be age opportunity was presented for communicate with Ensign Lee, Splendid house, water and con pany. the exchange of these words of of the Salvation Army at the ■ forgiven; veniences, three sleeping rooms ing with a fringe of pear'.s, in W hlteSbieid Home, 565 May- Each morning gives thee wings greeting and interest which gave large porch, large lot, with shade vertical strips, around the body. the personal touch to the affair to flee from hell, fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. trees, considerable furniture in Two shades of blue lame, delicate Each night a star to guide thy and made it all seem so worth the house. A $6,000 property of­ A Touch of i he most striking evidence of this upward and deep blue, are united by rose PLANING MILL while. feet to heaven. fered for $4,500. and gold embroidery and white Our efficient secretary of the trend is shown in the retail sales of Ford Cars This property is one of the IORDON’8 SASH AND CABINET, velvet, to make another stunning ■ splendors Chamber of Commerce, J. H. Ful­ W ORKS. Ccr. Helman and ¡ ! Laugb like a boy at best locations in Ashland, front­ stairw ay gown in this same col­ ler, v/as in charge of the party Van Ness. 1 9 /ti' th a t haVe Sped’ and 1 rucks lor the last ten days of August. ing East, over-looking Lithia can be added to your house by lection. while in our city and much' of To vanish joys be b'.ind and painting or wall papering. Park. The diagonal closing is also During that period sales exceeded by more the success of th e occasion was deaf and dumb; T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS STAPLES’ AGENCY used in many of the closings of due to his thoughtfulness and a t­ W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. My judgm ents seal the dead past Let us assist you. Of flee. H otel A shland Bldg. bod'ces and even tunics, and this than 900 per day those of the previous ten r —aw» tention to details. w ith its dead, for SERVICE. goes to make the stairw ay gown MISCELLANEOUS Tho Ashland W omen’s Civic But never bind a m om ent yet Experienced movers and pack­ in a num ber of new models. Jean days. Telegrams asking for additional ship­ Club feels th a t in meeting needs- to come. 1 ers of household goods. Deal­ GET YOU STOVE repaired at Mangin is showing a new velvet, like these it i3 indeed serving the ers in coal and wood. Phone Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito ments to take care of the retail demand have civic life of the communty and with a diagonal closing, bordered Through deep in mire, w ring not 117. R adia te r and Stoves fof sgle. 14X) with novel horsehair fringe in living up to its name. your hands and weep; been coming in to the Highland Park Plant O berlin St. 306-1 mo.* Office 89 Oak St. near black and white, reaching from • • • I lend my arm to all who say Hotel Ashland the hem to the point on the PIANO instruction, by exper­ Reception— “ I can !” 11om piaetieally all sections of the country, shoulder. ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ r. L. POWELL— General Trans­ No shame-faced outcast ever sank Friday evening at the Presby­ The Banker red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone and all indications point to September sales fer— Good team and motor terian Church a t 7:45 a recep­ so deep Your Doctor TWO ROUTES FOR 441J. 3— i mo trucks. G »od service at a rea- But yet m ight rise and be tion will be given for Mr. Howell, 1 eing the greatest Septemlier business in the GIANT DIRIGIBLE new Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. souab.’e price. Phone 83. again a man! For bodily ills, the average Goats Bred by registered * * • in Ashland. All of the men of the - ! human little delays in getting LAKEHURST, N. J ., Sept. 24. history of the Company. buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, Community who are interested in — Two routes have been laid o u t ; remedy from a physic'an to CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEHIGE-ROACH low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 Thursday, Sept. 25. Christian the w elfare of our boys are urged for the flight of the navy dirigible i stop sickness. Why not do miles south on ‘Pacific Highway j Transfer — Express — Storage Endeavor at C hristian Church. to be present. A good program Shenandoan to Seattle, which j th at Hauling — Dray work of all 14— 1 mo.* ! will be given. kinds. Quick motor service. Dry 7:30. probably will sta rt October 3rd. ' • • * Friday, Sept. 26. Belleview! WANTED — Good Housekeep­ wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R One route is for fair w eather; the ! In Business e r for family of two or three at 375 B. 8t. 112-tf Parent-Teachers Association wilT S. 8 . Social— other is for storm y weather. Friday evening at the C hrist­ meet at th e Belleview school at W hen it begins to show the sm all mill camp near Chiloquin. The fair w eather route is over ! red of a severed artery, indi­ eight o’clock. Everyone urged to ian Church the monthly Sunday Oregon. Good home for right York, Pa... Dayton, O., L ittle j gestion of m erchandise or low FLORIST School serial will be held. The Rock, Ark., F ort W orth aud El person. Address Sprague River be present. blood pressure of the financial .FORD SAY IT W ITH FLOWERS Friday, Sept. 26. Reception for program and refreshm ents will Paso, Texas, Tucson, Ariz., San ‘ current. Don’t wait about see­ Company, Chiloquin, Oregon LINCOLN FORDSON From at Presbyterian ing your hanker. His £ rst-aid be furnished by the young folks Diego. San Francisco and Eureka, j Mr. Howell 19— 4* Dealers and advice will be the life-sav­ H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed. Church. 7:45 All men invited and prim ary children and prom­ Cal., A storia, Oregon, and Seattle. ASHLAND ing elem ent in most cases. W HO W ANTS a Ford or Hup- ; Co OREGON tem porary location 399 j Saturday, Sept. 27. W orthy ises to be excellent. Every mem­ The unfavorable route covers m obile? Cheap for cash. Come Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and Grand Matron, Mrs. Alice Mary ber is urged to be present. Richmond, Va„ A tlanta, Ga., and to Bell Rooming House. 160 4th floral design'ng. Phone 118. 9-mo B urdette will make her official • • • the same itinerary from Fort St. 20— 2* visit to Alpha Chapter, No. 1. O. P aris S ty le H int— W orth, Texas. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT'S i PARIS, Sept. 25.— The “s ta ir­ E. ,S. LOST: — Suitcase between Hot Thursday, Oct. 2. Upper Valley way gown” is one of tlia newest Springs and Ashland Tuesday. C. W . M ilam Community Club will meet at the fantasies of Autumn fashions In N otify Mrs. Daily. Hill Crest Or­ Independent the French capital. home of Mrs. W. D. Jackson on chard. Medford, or leave at Tid­ Candidate for County School Needless to say, it goes up and All day meeting. ings office. Reward. 20— 2* Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ Iowa Street. Miss Brew ster, Home dem onstra­ down, sometimes one way and ty. Oregon. W AN TED: — Male chef’s help­ tion agent will instruct in mil­ Boraetimes, the other, very much e r for kitchen. Inquire Hotel like the disposition of black linery. * * * Ashland. 20— tf Topsey. Several m ode's are IV. C. T. U. M eeting— vertically striped, with bands of The W. C. T. U. met at the regularly diminishing lengths. MEDFOED For a smooth shave L ib r a r y 'a t 2:30 Tuesday, after- Lelong makes the stairw ay gown and quick service go i noon and enjoyed an excellent with Binds of gold lame, a lte r­ to the Shell Barber j meeting. A large num ber of Shop. Ladles and people were present and a very Of course you do! And have children get your hair good program was given. The you safeguarded it against loss SPECIALIST bobbed and m arcel­ organization voted seme money with complete, dependable in­ in Internal M edicine for the led. surance? to buy flowers from the green­ past tw elv e years Your home is your mo3t val­ house for sick people. At the ued possession, representing W. A. SHELL, Prop. close of the meeting a com m ittee! the result of thought as well >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore was appointed to take the flowers as money th a t you spent in Does Not Operate and visit people in the hospital. planning and furnishing it. Why leave any loophole for This committee took flowers aud fire to sweep away part of it? made a persoaal vigit to every­ Adequate, carefully-w ritten W ill l»e at one in the hospital. There were insurance is the only sure pro­ Holland Hotel quite a few out-of-town people tection. a * The advice of this Monday, Sept. 29 in the hospital who had no flow­ —nd your system of Catarrh or Deaf- agency has saved fless caused by Catarrh. » O ffice H ours 11 a. in. to *4 p. nt. ers, and they were appreciated m any.a property own. S*U by ¿m a n ta for aver 40 ytara very much by all. er from loss. Why « « « for your Friday dinner F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio not let us help you, « too? To H ave Meet ing— One Day Only Thursday evening the C hrist­ F ire Season Closed Few could have foreseen in the oil stove of their ian Endeavors of the Christian ALBANY, Sept. 24.— Because childhood days, the foundation ftf the present day Church will hold th eir regular No Charge for Consultation Estab. 1883 Perfection—a range o f beauty and convenience—as snow and rain have been falling business meeting at the church N. Main Real E state & Real Insurance P hon e 107 big and powerful as the gas stove. In the m ountains since Friday, parlors, at 7:30. Committees will 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 C. C. Hall, forest supervisor, has This grown up oil range does not smoke or smell. It Dr. Mellinthin is a regular grad- b® appointed and officers elected, proclaimed the fire season clos­ cooks the minute it is lighted. Its flame is as simply re­ ed and fire-fighters, rangers and uate in medicine and surgery and Miss Mabel H agar is a t present gulated and as steady as a gas flame. ‘It leaves no soot is licensed by the state of Ore-i tjie very efficient president of the trail-builders have been called out gon. on pots or pans to kill the housewife’s enjoyment of He does not operate for of the forest. Snow to the depth chronic appendicitis, gall stones, organization. * ♦ » her perfectly cooked meals. of four inches on the higher lev­ ulcers of stomach, tonsils or ade^ And best of all by burning oil, the universal fuel, it • P arty— els has been reported and rain no'ds. brings to women everywhere, a splendid, efficient cook He lias to his credit w onderful , Sunday afternoon Mrs. Marion has been general throughout the results in diseases of the stom-, H agar of scenic. Drive entertained stove which banishes forever the discomfort and hard e n tire forest. aeh, liver, bowels, blood, s k in / ® , „ . , , . . ( labor of cooking with coal or wood. nerves, heart, kidney, b la d d e r,'her Sunday School class of pri-. Perfection’s dependability and year ’round usefulness bed w etting, catarrh , weak lungs, mary children with a party. A j is already known to more than four and a half million rheum atism , sciatica, leg ulcers very delightful time was spent! BONT TRY TO RAISE your family and satisfied users. rectal ailm ents. jn piayjng games. At the close j without it. For stomach aches and Below are the names of a few e P " “* sudden cramp«, severe intestinal! Of his many sat'sfied patients in cf the afternoon the hostesa serv- T h e C leveland M etal P roducts C o . colic and indiscretions of eating and Oregon: - J ” - ’----- — Oakland Branch, 45>k and Hollis S tr u ts ed ' delicious refreshm ents. drinking, changes in water, diet or Finnia Pekkarl, Ilwaco, W ash.,' • • • See y o u r dealer today. H e carries all styles and climate, take chest trouble. j qjv | c club Entertains — sizes o f Perfections and w ill be glad to demonstrate. u .X - S ° " ’i The A sh lan d ‘ W oman's Civic ‘C O L I C a n d D I A R R H O E A Joseph Schuster, Beaverton ; Club threw open the doors of its * REM EDY Ore., catarrh and heart trouble, beautiful club house Tuesday Never fail to Eave it on hand. Elizabeth Taylor, Baker, Ore., afternoon from three to four for ntesiinal trouble. Mrs. E rnest Lacey, Ironside, ‘----- ' ” " " ------- —' F -------- heart and nervous trouble. This W ill Fix Y o u r Ore., C. J. Minch, Estacado, Ore.,' kidney and bladder trouble. . Mrs. Henry Baker, Banks, Ore., gall stones and appendicitis. Dr. PUn’i R in e x — a new internal treatment that r« » at the real came of Aathma— if giurante«? E. C. Nichols, Lebanon. Ore., to gire cupi píete relief from all anadea is 24 ap p en d citis. For quick warmth, whenei