ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Thursday, September 25, 1024 A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S dustries, much interest is felt in the attitude of the rail- County c o u rt, which said o rd e r “ It is with our hearts filled with you of .the m ilitary service w ith gratitude th a t the Monterey ia paying homage to the memory roads toward the lumber markets. They are purchasing ia *?ated August 25th- 1924. . (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) a little material right along, but few real schedules have! o. rd^ ' ; ’ court Cham ber of Commerce represent- of Privates Bolo and W atkins who P ublished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by ing the people of this city ex- lost theii Eves in the flames. We been ottered tor placement. The comparatively small buy- with the seal of said c o u rt affix­ presses its great apreciation of desire th at you convey our ap- THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ing that l|as been done, though coupled with definite pros-; ed this 25th day of August, a . d . the work of Colonel H erbert J. l predation to the W ar D epartm ent ®*rt R. Greer ................ ................................... .....................................Editor pects for more, has had the effect of strengthening the}1924 Brees and the officers and men and say th at the splendid work George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager CHAUNCEY FLOREY, of his command at ’’residio of o£ Colonel Brees and his men not market somewhat for all classes of car material. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ............................................. 1 ...... Telephone 39 ’ County Clerk. Monterey during the big fire of oniy contributed greatly toward ‘‘The hardwood situation is quiet, but concurrently; Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mall M atter By DELILIA STEVENS, Sunday, Sunday night and Mon-! saving the city but set an example there are reports of improvement at Cincinnati and Louis-1 Deputy. day. We shall never forget theI of personal bravery, Subscription Price, Delivered In City E. D. Briggs, Aaminis- ville. There appears to be relatively more life now ini heroic efforts put forth by the i ____ ■ One M o n th ........................................................__ $ .<5 tra to r, Ashland, Oregon. Army to save property in the vi- Three? Months ...................... .................................. " i ’ iir northern than in* «southern hardwoods. Prices in this! Six M o n th s.............................................................................................. 3 75 Thurs._ 5t i c’.nity cf the fire and we join On* Year*.................................................. "___ " 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 5® branch of the trade are generally strongly maintained by By Mall and Rural R ou tes: THE ROADS the mills, and yet there is more or less cutting evident in On« M o n th ............................................................. .. « 65 arc wet and slippery Three Months ............... ............................. i ‘oK current sales transactions.” Six «VUtuo----------------- Months • ................................................. -------------- --------- ............... ------- Comparing the trend of this year’s business with that 3.50 One Year .................. 6.50 of last, the general situation is held not so favorable. But WEED CH AINS . DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: For Every Car a slow acceleration in the gross hulk of orders received, Single insertion, per inch ........................................... 5 Leaves You Forever* actual production reported, and shipments from mills __ , Yearly C ontracts: One Insertion a week ............................... lends slight encouragement. Lumbermen have cried out C T C Tires Twc insertions a w e e k ....... 1 H H ™ H U H 1 . . . H 1 So Says James H. Allen, Whp from business cramps, but the whimpering is gradually Dally Insertion ................ - ....................... ..1111............. For Every Car The readiness of the United Drove Out Rheumatic Poi­ ... . . Rate* ,or Le* a Miscellaneous Advertising dying away as day by day* an increase over a previous day States Army to respond to any First insertion, per 8 point line .................................... H . ... i sons After Being Crippled or week is noted. It is difficult to state whether the mar­ emergency call with organized Bach subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ns Still have an for Years. Card of T hank s.................. ...................... ..................................... . 00 n0 assistance w hether the emergency ket will swell to any gross proportions by the middle of AMERICAN O bituaries, per line........................... .02% winter or the early spring. It may at least be conjectured be national or w hether it bg some HAMMERED local disaster, has again been ex­ W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING that continued improvement should mean full healthful­ ‘All fu tu re events, where an idnrisslon charge Is made or a emplified by the aid furnished the PISTON RING collection taken in Advertising. ness at some future date. City of Monterey during the re­ RHEUMATISM No discount will be «’lowed L lig lo u s or Benevolent prderp. n o ns 1» ' No donations to charities or otherwise will me made In advertis- or ,o b printing— our contributions will be In cash. ■ '■ .................. - - ■ ■ ------------------------ SEPTEMBER 25 W HOSOEV ER W ILL COME AFTER ME, let him deny himself, and -ake up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose It; but whosoever shall lose his life lo r my sake and the gospels, the same shall save It.— Mark 8:34, 35. “ I lou are wasting your vast natural resources like a spendthrift does his easily acquired money,” one of the Massachusetts delegation remarked Tuesday. “ Twenty- live years from now, unless you adopt more conservation, you will not be as proud of this state,” he added. cent conflagration when the Army saved lives and property and m ain­ tained order. • Two gallant soldiers lost their lives while fighting the fire. The g ratitu d e of the citizens of Mon­ terey has been conveyed to Ma­ jo r General Charles G. Morton, commanding the N inth Corps Area, in telegram s from the Monterey Cham ber of Commerce and from Benjam in F. W right, Mayor of Monterey. The telegram from the Mon­ terey Chamber of Commerce states When the car stops IT IS USUALLY The same old story Battery Ignition Carburetor . Just a little attention be­ forehand would have pre­ vented the inconvenience and loss of time. H e can give you quick service in overhauling then«, vital parts of your machine. Murphy Elec. Co. Our Phone 82 Main - Plaz« Ashland For Every Car JUST A LITTLE KELLY Precaution CORDS For Every Car in having your brakes tested and relined, if they need it, may save you a fatal or disastrous acci- dent. Get the best in a “ The fortitude of the Pacific coast citizens is re- STROMBERG rp, ¡markable. We marvelled the other day in Washington CARBURETOR The same old story, “ I gave huq a pure heart, but when we saw farms which*had been planted, hut upon For Every Car RAYBESTOS LINING h°f at SinfM °ne’ The SamG °ld be,ief» .“ 1 erred’ v’]nch ?ot a sPrig of grass had grown—yet the farmer Sms o u t did not sin. kept pegging by selling his eggs, milk, butter and garden HAVE YOU TRIED OUR ami our instant service How many hundreds of women, placing utmost con­ truck,” a Boston business man in the Massachusetts party make a combination which SUDDEN SERVICE . W-äiOi fidence in men, and trusting them with their womanhood, here Tuesday remarked. will insure you the great­ For Every Car have uttered these words, as did Mrs. Sweeten hack in est safety. Mr. Jam es H. Allen, of 26, Forbes St., Rochester, N. Y., -suf-j Illinois, .following her “ love crime’* with the Illinois We leave Oregon in a typical Massachusetts set­ Leedom’s Tire fered for years with rheum atism .! minister, a pact having been made for the elimination of ting,” one of the visitors said. “ Boston Baked Beans— Many times this terrible disease Automotive Shop their husband and wife respectively so that they could grown in Oregon and baked in New York—and a Boston MONDAY, left him helpless and unable to Agencies: Dodge and House enjoy life together. 'Pea Party in Ashland.” Chevrolet September 29, 8:15 P. M. work. Now each of them faces the gallows or a life in the He finally decided, after years Sam Griffin’s of ceaseless study, th a t no one penitentiary, the result of trying to squeeze out of life Fifteen trips abroad, two trips to South America, can be free from rheum atism Original Premier something which was not on the program for them. and innumerable trips throughout the United States, but until the accumulated im purities, never on the Pacific coast is the traveling record of one M I N S T R E L S commonly called uric acid depos­ R A IN R A IN R A IN . • THE HOUSE COULDN’T JUM P its, were dissolved in the joints of the Massachusetts delegation. All White V e have just what you want iu rain coats, lieavv and muscles and expelled from Now we have learned why there are so many auto­ Embracing 25 of the W orld’s the body. CITATION mobile accidents. the diagonal NE% of the N E % , winter suits, shirts, underclothes, socks, over shoes Greatest Minstrel W ith this idea in mind he con-! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF of the SW % , and the SE % , Sec­ hoots, shoes; in fact everything you will need this We have learned through the statement of a young THE STATE OF OREGON, suited physicians, made experi-l tio n -4 ; containing 378 acres. Stars winter. See what we have to offer bef< driver who was arrested in Portland after knocking two COUNTY OF JACKSON. ments and finally compounded a tore buying. The diagonal NE % of the NE % prescription th a t quickly and girls to the pavement. He said: “ They saw me coming In the M atter of th e E state of of Section 9, containing 80 acres. completely banished every s ig n 1 Army Goods Store JOHN W. HERRIN, Deceased. and didn’t jiunp. ’ ’ The N E % , the«N W % , the d i­ and symptom of rheum atism from ' To Willi&m F. H errin, David agonal NE% of the N W U of the That is expert testimony. The young man talked C. H errin, Fred W. H errin, Ed­ biggest L ittle Store in Ashland his system. ' I SW ’4, the E% of tiie SW% from experience. Hadn’t he just knocked a couple of pe­ ward W. H errin, Caroline B. Dix­ and the N % of the SE %, He freely gave his discovery, : which he called AIlenTlni, to oth- I destrians around over the street who “ didn’t jump?” on, Mary Kilgore and unknown Section 10; containing 500 acres. heirs, if aoy th ere be, of said ers who took it, with what m ight j The N% of the N W % , the It -might be, of course, that pedestrians sometimes estate, and to all other persons SW% of the N W % , and the be called marvelous success. Aft­ don’t jump.quickly enough or far enough. Some people claiming any interest in the es­ er years of urging lie decided to Il NW% of the SW % , Section 11; can’t jump much, as they get along in years. But, the tate of said deceased: let sufferers everywhere know containing 160 acres. young man and others like him probably reason, if they IN THE NAME OF THE STATE The N E% , the E% of the about his discovery tlirough the OF OREGON, newspapers. NW % , the SE % , and th e E% don’t jump, drivers have a perfect right to run ’em down. You and each of you are hereby of the SW % , Section 21; contain­ “ The blessed relief this m ar­ Then, there was the house out on Hawthorne avenue. notified th a t on the 25th day of ing 480 acres. velous prescription quickly gives SERVICE PACKAGE GIVEN Into the front room came an uninvited automobile. Per­ August, 1924, E. D. Briggs, the The N W % , the SW % , the W% has made for it thousands of haps that driver eased her conscience by saying to her­ duly appointed, qualified and act­ of the E % , the SE% of the friends,’ ’says E ast Side P h a r­ ing adm inistrator of said estate N E% , and the E% of the SE % , macy, who has been appo nted self that the house “ didn’t jump.’’—Portland Journal. THE A SAME OLD STORY THEATER BtWJTiTO S Q U IB B filed in said Court a petition; duly verified, praying said Court for MANIA FOR BLAZES an Order of ea’.e of the whole of The properly functioning mind has a horror of blazes, the real property of said estate but, according to those who have studied the subject and on the gronndB and for the p u r­ poses therein set forth, which who have come in contact with subnormal minds of fire said real property is described as fiends, the pyromaniac feels the deepest thrill of pleasure follows: Beginning a t the southeast when he gazes upon a fire destroying property and en­ corner of the N ortheast quar­ dangering lives. te r of Section 33, Twp. 38 8. Their mania to see blazes forms a compulsion which R. 1 E.^ of W. M. in Jackson fire fiends frequently admit is irresistible, just as the County, 'O regon; Thence North craving in the worst afflicted drug fiend is in many cases on the section line between irresistible. They do not place any value upon human Sections 33 and 34 60 rods; hence W est 40 rods; life; their only wish is to see the roaring flames leaping T Thence South 60 rods; Thence into the air. E ast 40 rods, to th e place of Their mania borders on the verge of theatricalism, beginning, containing 15 acres, for often the pyromaniac, after setting fire to a building, there being a small house on land, 11.acres improved and where dozens of lives may be endangered, loves to turn the 4 acres unt'illable, of which he in the alarm, race to the fire and'even assist in the heroic is the owner in entirety in his own right. rescue of those who are caught in the blazing building. Fire Marshal Brophy of New York City, who has The E state of his fath er has been divided and d istrib u t­ dealt with more pyromaniacs than probably any other never ed among the heirs, and the real official in the country, brands tills kind of criminal as property belonging to the Maid the worst menace to society, and gives these characteris­ estate, of which he was the own­ er of a one-eighth interest th ere­ tics of the pyromaniac: in, is described, as follows: “ They work.alone. The NW% of Section 8, Twp. “ They work for the most part at night. 35 S. R. 2 W. of W. M. contain­ “ They always choose the same time of night to set ing 160 acres. A one-eighth interest in-all the fires. And they always set them in the same manner. following described property, the “ They seldom use oil or kerosene to help the fire. same being situated in Twp. 38 They merely apply matches to something inflamable. S. R. 1 E of the W. M. in Jack- son County, Oregon: “ It takes the trained specialist to detect their oper­ ations and to know what procedure to use. Sometimes the The S% of N W % , th e .S W % , the W % of the SE % , Sec­ asylum is the place for them,- often the prison. Some have and tion 2, containing 320 acres. been cured; many ‘repeat,’ after they leave places of cor­ The 'S % of the N E% , the rection.” SE% of the N W % , the N% of the S% , the S% of the SW %, and the SE% of the SE % , Sec­ LUMBER BUSINESS IMPROVING tion 3; containing 400 acres. That the lumber industry of the Pacific coast is im­ Lots 1 and 2, the S% of the proving, although it is not expected to overcome the set­ N E % , the SE% of the NW %, back of the last year, and that the summer lull had been broken is indicated by the following from The Lumber Manufacturer and Dealer: “ On the whole the statistical situation for the soft woods is well balanced with the demand, and in the case of fir is still- in equasion of decided market strength. Var­ iety of sources of demand for the west coast- product— the Atlantic coast, the California, the export and rail • trade—have kept order files more than amply replenish­ ed against a cut in recent weeks. “ The extent of thé buying for rail shipment has been rather remarkable, in view of the agricultural conditions in much of the territory served; and considering the strong advances that have been made in uppers, current advices that domestic trade, water and rail borne alike is showing evidence of easement are not surprising. “ Pending the coming of fall buying by yards and in-* Section 22, containing 520 acres. agent in your city. It is Mr. Al- The NW % , of the N E % , and len’3 own discovery. the N% of the N% of the NW % , Section 27; containing 80 acres And th e NE% of the N W tf, and the N% of the N E% , Sec­ tion 28; containing 120 acres. Í: NOW, THEREFORE, fn pursu­ ance of the Order of said Court duly made and entered upon the 10 comedians, including filing of said Petition, you and each of you are hereby notified Happy Benway, formerly th a t you are required to appear with George Evans’ Honey before the said Court on S atu r­ Boy Minstrels, and late of day the 4th day of October, 1924, The Original 7 Honey Boys, a t ten o’clock in the forenoon of said day, a t the Court room of touring Orpheam Circuit. 10 dancers—25 people in­ said Court in Jacksonville, Jack- son County, Oregon, to show cluding many of America’s cause, if any exist, why an Order best minstrel stars. of Sale of the whole of said real SEAT SALE OPEN THURSDAY property should not be made as P rices 50c, 85c, $ 1 .1 0 prayed for in said petition. B oxes $ 1 .0 5 , includ ing Tax Service of this Citation by pub­ lication is made on the non-resi­ dent heirs and the unknown heirs AV of said deceased by Order of the FREE! with every purchase of $1.00 or more, made at our store for one week. This .purchase must include one Squibb item. Service pkg. contains 6 pkgs. of Squibb products. A a ir B ros. COMING TO ASHLAND Frank & King’s Comedians After 16 weeks in Medford Universal Make a Study Electric Washing of wliat you get out of your gasoline and oils. Machines At T h e combine the best material with the devices which make washing easier and more satisfactory. arm ory USE SHELL PRODUCTS and compare Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN We will be glad to demon* strq te IV. & N. TPHE Ashland Electric Supply 240 E ast Main S t Travel By Motor Stage Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably From Ashland Daily to Portland........ .......................7:00 A. M- Daily to E u g e n e....................... .12.00 Noon Daily to Roseburg............ ..........4:15 P.M. 12:00 noon and 4:15 p. in. Stages connects to Portland following morning. We take passengers fo r aii way points; for fu rth er Inform ation and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone 47. FARE ASHLAND—PORTLAND $8.20 C A U F O R N IA OREGON POWER COMPANY Preferred Sto&yidds 7.14% ask any member or our Œganization X 1 7 H E N you buy * ClothesTailored to Measure by Bom remember that your purchase is backed by the greatest of tailor­ ing institutions« You can’t go wrong when you trade here. B om Tailoring is un- ' conditionally guaran­ teed to give complete satisfaction or money back. At any price you choose to pay you may be sure of get­ ting a full measure of v a lu e fo r e v e r y c lo t h e s d o lla r in­ vested. P au lseru d ’s Opening Play 44 When Dreams Come True” Tiie greates1 of ail dramas DONT FORGET MONDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 29th Prices 10c, 25c, 50c Vaudeville between acts