PAGE R it t i Ltocal> Personal flotes AStflAMS DAlLt „ . - • • , - . ___________________________________ _____________ ruesda), September fli, JoiU To K^tttrti— i eluted tile gdv&gs iiifithaniC) who statoi The perm it of thia man ta ' Xo R E s f r v o i h o v i i t i i i T i , ,, _ , -----------------— —.... , Jesse W iftburn has Bold chit his was held since the battery left operate in Oregon was revoked FORESTER REPORTS’ c ®ai« « reU l C k h on the entire grounds, this year Paris business andI is expected to by tfie bandite aame from b i. gar- by the state .e a V e s S com m i" I _ * REPO RTS 0 .G 0 I d H i H ge s real busy r ig h t! occupies ftLlyJiO per cent more •i iere soon He will live in age, the professor stated to the «o n er, with the result th a t the (Continued from Page 1) I n ne day and find the space than heretofore Aside from 1 this country— th a t is U. S. A.— Collier’s ’ w riter: j applicant has appealed the deci- ’ _______________________ _ 1, 1 * 3 < ■ „ * C the r *gular space the colle^ will A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of ereafter. Mail Tribune i “ It was all vejy sim ple,” th e ' sion of the real estate departm ent the air. The The fact fact th th a a t t there there has has • • Gold note H win m \ ° D n" th a t. T take over the auaitoriuni auditorit local interest ' ill will T ' ‘7 ’” ’ ine »n the w in oe a side issue, educational university instructor told me. “ I 1° the circuit court. ¡been more mud flow activity in j art) tl) * i>&ue, educational building, utilizing saw at a glance th a t the grim e J There is another case where a Mud Creek Canyon than in other havo had o> • / - * th ‘8 la rgely for their electorical a *e w iittu on the overalls was not oil at all ' man came into the state, procur- • - stream s on the mountain is held 1 “ brim ^ m eir ears tilled to l° the d i p ‘ay- DeM olay M eeting Her<‘— itli stories about th e speed The regular meeting of Lithia but pitch. That elim inated the ed a license to sell real estate, by H a>l to be due to the fact COp who is reputed Engineering and electrical de­ Will Stone of Chiloquin, Ore.,' C hapter will be held at Masonic! was in Ashland yesterday atten d ­ garage mechanic. Closer examin- Practiced sharp tradiny for a few th at the glacier and ice fields south wi partm ents of the institution are featured............ iteli, W ednesday evening. Sept. ' iug to business interests here. a t’011 under the microscope prov­ uionths and subsequently was which feed Mud Creek are on the I e l t a i tester 7 ^ with agriculture com- 24, at 7:30. Educational day ed th a t the ’oil’ was fir pitch called before the commissioner southeastern side of the m o u n -; ¡n Gold Hill Th(? tj P ing second. Ph a r r acy and home program. _ for hearing, i t was proved th a t taia and catch more sun than do, investigating at least a n d "an y Under the steroscopic microscope economies are likewise well rep­ Are you hard to fit? Try a suit R alph Robison, M aster Councilor. made to your m easure at Paul- 1 the particles of dust in the pock-{ the man B dealings were question-! sim ilar bodies fu rth er north on way t ^e Commercial Club shin ¡1 resented. According to officials Russell Overocker, Scribe. e ts, m a g n ifie d 500 tim es, w ere! al)!e, and upon recommendation of ! {lie mountain. seru d ’s. 14— tf! j be revived and the fighting spirit cf the college the display is a more In answer to the statem ent re- resolved into bits of Douglas fir W ’ A’ Mllllin, chief deputy in the Hall says the last heavy flow of in Gold Hill quieted down a little spectacular than bete-e, with FI Ti-i cently made by D istrict A ttorney In A s h l a n d - ne Trip Jesse w C arter of Shagta County needles, f nger nail cuttings, and! State insurance departm ent, his debris down Mud Creek Canyon — Ilie town is sliding backwards. much of the exhibits showing the Mrs. Della Patterson of P ort­ actual workings of their respec­ Those who went to C rater Lake California, th a t the recent orders leaves of th e ‘kinnikinnick,’ a n d ! license to operate was revoked, was a week ago Sunday. land, is visiting friends and rela­ with the M ethodist delegates yes*- of the forest service restricting salal, which are peculiar to the ; Tbe- man bas since appealed his tive divisions. The glacier is located by Hall tives in Ashland and southern le rd a y reported a perfect trip and public use of national forest-lands Pacific Northwest. There w e re jCase to the circ«it court for final as extending from the 11,000-foot Oregon being especially adapt­ elevation to a point near the peak, f Oregon. She is wrell known in a f;ne day. A large num ber of are absolutely illegal and contrary pine chips in the right hand pock-! de^ rminatiO11- ed to the breeding and raising of this vicinity. Due to the reports that unus­ aCt ° f appeaHng the case livestock, it is fitting th at the cars made the re tu rn trip by to law, the California district et. I got the color of tile hair from a strand caught on a but-S tO.*he CiFCUit COurt supercedes tbe ual disturbances had taken place exhibit in this divlson, showing K lam ath Falls. 1 headquarters of the United States Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. ■ ruling of the commissioner and on ,he m ountain, numerous tele- to n ” all the various breeds at the state ---------- I Forest Service at San Francisco j entitles the broker to continue gram s have been received here, ____ _ j fa lr’ is one that is not surpassed “ How could you tell he was Save $10.00t walk upstairs to b a . issued the following state- H ere- operations unmolested until a ! Some ask for the safety of rela- left-handed?” I asked. Expect Best P ro g ra m o f E niii-e :lnvw he re in th e c o u n try . Orres tailor shop. 17__tf } m ent: « Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newell of court decision is handed dow n.' lives and friends of the senders. j Eveiy barn cn the grounds is "C h’ < pg in the right-hand pock­ H istory; Many New “ The act of congress of Ju n e 4, Berkeley are expected to arrive To Corvallis— Because of the many cases under! Others inquire as to the safety , filled to capacity, the showing 1 ni proveniente 1897, called the National Forest et, was the quick answer. “A in Ashland for a few days to visit Miss M argaret McCoy and Miss A dm inistration Act, provides that left-handed man stands with his consideration. Mr. Moore said it °f railroad travel. ---------- j of d raft horses to be the biggest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, V. Frances P ra tt left Sunday for right side to the tree while choD-' be Several n,ontba before th e ' To a l* reply is made th a t there SALEM, Sept. 22.— The gates in history. The poultry exhibit the secretary of agriculture shall . ' Action filoil against nooinci^ this 1,_io V» is no danger. V. Mills. action filed broker Corvallis to attend school this make provisions for the protec­ Ping. Flying chips enter his of the Oregon State fair opened is an°th er that will assume m ajor year. They are members of the tion against destruction by fire, right-hand pocket, not his left.” can be disposed of, and in the in­ this morning for wliat officials p r°Po rt‘ons and interest. The Ladies and children's h air cut­ sophomore class. terim there is no way in which predict will be the largest and a £r icultural display is increased “And his fastidiousness?” and depredations upon the pub ting. Powder Puff Beauty P ar­ “ Finder . be can be prevented from dealing GOLD HILL FEARS most notable state exposition in j ,b ’s ^ear, with every section of lie forests and forest reservations — S’.u “ !1 ™ ‘U" ES- Unl!!SSa U>- P«bHc. The records to lor. 293-tf LOSS OF HIGHWAY the history of the annual event tbe state represented. Snappy new models in suits for and th at he may make such rules lum berjack is fastidious he does the real estate departm ent show young men at P aulserud’s. and regulations and establish such not cut his finger nails as neatly . W orkmen have bqen busy on the The night horse shows and the In Town— th a t In one a n n u a l ^ > case a man who had I . A ’*P C° ’nes from up north to grounds for the past fortnight racing card offer excellent annme- service as will insure the object, as those cutings in the pocket in­ 14— t f 1 Mr. Cormack of the Balfour Z _ _ ? J OUr- ? - eAraUded tiietheff;a' tb at the road on tbe ai’d every building hums with ment for both afte/noons and of such reservations, namely, to dicated. That caused me to be­ G uthrie Company of Portland was Visiting Here— clients of more than $2500 after south of the river is.soon to . activity. j evenings. E ntries have been com­ regulate their occupaq^y and use lieve th a t he would be equally his commission to operate had in Ashland today in connection be hi ought up to grade and sur- The Oregon A gricultural col-i ing in at an Mr. and Mrs. Dollarhide of and to preserve the forests there- careful about his hair being cut. with their property north of Bear been revoked. 'vi!h « ‘"cr^te say the Gold lege exhibit, always one of the the past few days f o ^ h ^ h l r s e Los Angeles are visiting their on from destruction. Any viola- The creases of his overalls, Creek. As a cure for this evil, Mr. Hill News. This tip also states biggest and most comprehensive show. daughter , Mrs. Anna Zeigler. t?ou of such rules and regulations betraying the way he rolled’ thé Moore will ask the legislature to HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, They will visit here for a few is Punishable under federal law? legs of the garm ent to fit into i increase the am ount of the appeal of coarse. 212— tf days and th en go to W ashington by both fIne and imprisonment, a lum berm an’s shoe, as well as! bond from $500 to $2000. In to visit with their sons. Settlers Not Barred the things found in his p o ck ets,' order th at all safeguards may be ---------- The secretary of agriculture told me he was a lum berjack, j throw n around real estate trans- F or Portland— has prom ulgated a regulation pro- Plant specimens peculiar to the actions, Mr. Moore has urged Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Darling left V isitin g H ere— Mrs. L„ A. Shaw, son, Donald, ^ b itin g the use of national for- Northwest indicated his abode. th is afternoon for Portland where th a t all m isunderstandings and they will visit for about three and Mrs. Abbie Shaw arrived ini eSt lands desiSuated as areas of The size of his overalls gave his alleged m isrepresentations on the Ashland yesterday from Spokane iire bazard> except under permit, approxim ate weight and height. weeks. part of brokers be reported to [ to visit Mrs. J. H. Sugg. Mrs. bow ever> being required of actual Does th a t satisfy you?” his departm ent w ithout any de W aterm an’s Fountain Pens — L. A. Shaw will stay here for ten settIers going to and from their “No,” I replied. “ How d'd you lay. This would expedite inves-i » ° ™ .. McNair Bros. 19— 1 d a „ and then s o „„ 80ulh know his age? Or th a t he w a s!’ tigations, and in many cases re- Mrs. Abbie Shaw will spend the! D lstrk t A ttorney C arter says not a Negro or an In d ian ?” 1 cover losses suffered by uusus- w inter here. i tb at this law expressly provides For School— Heinrich laughed. pecting investors. _ - j th a t nothing shall be done to pre- Hugh Bates, George Ross, Jr., “ Now th a t sounds difficult,, SPECIAL attention to AUTO Vent the peop,e irom entering or but it was not. Exam ination of) L ette*'heacis, statem ents, t o and Frank W alker left th is m orn­ ing for the north where they will MOBILE insurance; better term s ' leaving the forests for lawful pur- the h air gave me the age. W e !your order a t tbe Tidings Office, enter college for the year. Mr. and lower rates. Yeo, of course. poses. If this is all he said he have charts showing the cond'tion We have a good ^ob Printing de- 212— tf has neglected to fully inform the of the pith of hair at v ä r in ,,,' p artla*»t- Ross and W alker will go to the Phone 21 & 274-J. _________ n public as to this particular part University of Oregon and Mr. ages. Comparing a magnified’; TOO LATE TO C L 4 S S IF Y ~ ' Kian L ecture— of the act. It provides “ nor shall cross section of this m an’s hair Bates will attend O. A. C. CLASMPY Rev. v . K.| Allison, local min- anytbinS herein prohibit any per- with the chart, 1 found it b e -! --------------------- -------------------------- ! Sweet cream for whipping and ister, will deliver a lecture at the SOn f’ ° m enterin£ uP°n such for- lo nged to a man between twenty ANOTHER BARGAIN coffee— also fresh milk, always Armory tomorrow evening on the eSt reservations for aH proper and and twenty-five. The cross sec- Splendid house, w ater and con- ! Ku Klux Kian. This lecture was ,aw ful Pu rP°SGa including th at on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf ricn of a negro s hair is elliptical.! ven’e a ces, three sleeping rooms, announced recently, but was p o s t- '° f prospectinS. locating and de An Indian’s is coarse and s tr a ig h t! Iarge porch, large lot, with shade Returns Home— poned ‘ * because of the d e a th of veloping the m ineral resources thereof: Provided, th a t such per­ Ry t3 general appearance and ' trees> . considerable fu rn itu re in! Carvell Thornton has returned Mayor C. L. Loomis. sons comply with the rules and the character of the scales, I ’be house. A $6,000 property of- ! home after being with the navy knew the hair in question be. i'ered for $4,500. /o r several years. He will enter See Paulserud’3 for the latest legulatlor s covering such forest longed to a white m an.” This property is one of the reservations.” high school here. in Fall suits and woolens. best locations in Ashland, front­ To Enforce Rules 14— tf ing East, over-looking Lithia That the secretary *of agricul­ Burton Dancing School, Mem­ Park. ture has full power to pass any orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ Fined— regulation for the protection of STAPLES’ AGENCY noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. W ith his face cut, bruised and O fticc, H otel A shland B ldg. the forests from fire is clear 307-tf gashed and clots of dried blood on his right ear, A. W, Scott was from the provisions of .th e law. SA LE:— 1 I will sell my 1 FOR • «.zi* o.-xijc,;— 111 at H oiiip - x brought before Police Judge L em ' T hat SUCh regulations are valid beautiful California bungalow Dr. Phetteplace is still confin­ L. Gaghagen on the charge of be­ and have the force of law has (w hite stucco finish) very rea­ ed to his home with illness. He ing drunk this morning. He been fully established by the de­ sonably, and on the easiest of expects to be in his office again pleaded guilty and was fined $25 cisions of the supreme court of SALEM, Sept. 23.— Tightening! term s’ Has 5 ’’ooms, Kitchenette, the United States. In view of these the first of next week. and sentenced to 12 days in the up the real estate laws now in batb and e a ra ffe- All modern I city jail.— Klam ath Falls Herald. laws and decisions, forest officers operation in Oregon will be re-1 features, fireplace, etc. state th a t they have ample au ­ commended to the legislature at i 11 is beautifully Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. furnished. Will thority and intend to fully en­ its Let us fill your pall with Swifts ts next session by Will H.‘ M oore,! Sel1 eitber furnished or unfurnish force the closing orders relating At Moon’s C a m p - «Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than who. bv virtue nf Ma ap ar.„z,;„*___ a ri h of vho, by of his p o in tm en _ t' I Gt‘ v Carl H . ’ Loveland, Lo'e la n d , Studio Studh Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fifield spent shortening. Goes fa rth e r and Is to national forests in California. Main street. Phone 134. ¡as state insurance commissioner, i 135 E Sunday with Mr. and M rs, C. R. more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf is in charge of the state real e s -! WAVrn ? n , TT 7 j J Cleveland at Moon’s Camp. tate departm ent. VI ANTED — Good H ousekeep-! SISKIYOU HOLDUP IN A COLLIER ARTICLE It was pointed out by Mr. er for family of two cr three at _ small mill camp near Chiloquin, j Complete line of Ashland Can P lan Duck H unt— Moore today th a t under the ex­ G. D. Mason, Dan Kay and ' Oregon. Good home for r ig h t' An» article in Collier’s magazine ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf others are planning to assist in gives a clear account of the meth- isting laws a stranger may come ! person. Address Sprague River j opeuing th e duck season in Cali­ ods used by Professor Heinrich into the state, file an application, Company, Chiloquin, Oregon. Return Home—- together with a form signed by 19— 4* Mr. and Mrs. A. Easton re tu rn ­ fornia the first of October. Sev- in m aking certain deductions 10 free holders, furnish the state eral local parties will hunt on i v’’bich assisted in th e fastening o f ' witi. ed to their home in Gresham a ft­ x J , .w ith a surety bond for $1000 or FOR RENT: — Rooms; two famon» train dynam iting and a persooal boni| >|gned e r visiting for two weeks with the lower K lam ath river in the upper, two lower, close in. Adults robbery on the D’A ntrem ont ' ersons „ a tin g propert v„ ue(] eld friends and relatives in Ash­ southern state. only. Across alley from Isaacs brother«, who are «till fugitives o t more lh a „ , hat land. Mrs. Easton was form erly Store. 29 S. Pioneer Ave. 19— 5 MARCEL AND CURL LAST j from Justice, instead -of holding G ertrude Churchman and is very engage in the real estate busi­ LONGER after a Golden Glint the garage mechanic for the rob­ FOR RENT: — Sleeping room well known here. ness. D Shampoo. bery, as was a t first done. overlooking Lithia Park. Suitable Many com plaints of question­ The Sherlockian professor bas­ able real estate transactions havo for one or two ladies 126 S. No agent in Southern Oregon To State Fair__ ed his deductions on the batteries, been filed with Mr. Moore during Pioneer. 19— 5* ran Write better Auto insurance Misses Ellen Galey, Adena Joy, monkey wrench and pair of over­ vr at lower rates than the Staples FO R R ENT: — A piano. Call Barnard Joy, Richard Joy, John alls which the bandits left behind the past year, and in one instance} Agency. Billings and Mary Galey left Sun­ them. In describing how he exon- the man complained of had been Robison’s Garage or phone 432Y. convicted of fraud in another! 19 2 day for the state fair where they At Home— ^CRO SS B O N ED ^ Mrs. Ellen Lyman is confined to will try out for prizes. Ellen and OIAPHRAGM REDUCING th e ’ canning h e r home at 125 W imer street, Adena constitute Team, the boys the stock judging w ith illness. team and Miss Mary Galey re­ Why pay more for milk when ceived the trip on account of re­ you can get the best milk for ceiving the greatest num ber of 3 0 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone points on her exhibit. 896R and 369J. <-tf Doans Kidney Pills, 60c. — McNair Bros. 19— 1 llavo Meeting— The Southern Oregon Dental Association held a very successful Peculiar Incident__ A rath er unusual incident oc­ m eeting in the Josephine Hotel, <;rants Pass, last Saturday. Dr. curred the sixteenth of Septem­ Lyle Baldwin, Mr. H. W. Fixott ber, when Lewis Beeson left for and Dr. Carl Donley, all of Port- colleSe a «