HM «maa A8HUS8 Classified C olum n Ï PR O FESSIO N A L I C larified Column llates One cent the word each time. To fun every Issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. F or rent !65J. St. PHYSICIANS Tidings DR. C. W. HANSON D entist Special attention given to pyor- rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver 18— 2* Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. tlce lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. ( Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ' 5. Swedenhurg Bldg., A shland,j Ore. SPECIALIST in In tern al Medicine for the past twelve years wt'jiOuiibcf 3:i, li>ûl The Government state- ! era 11 y eweeded the combined in every St £T. in the Union, but value of wheat ahd cotton, the thrive» best in the Central Statés next two most im portant cro p s.1 from Ohio ’cstw ard to Missouri c’bm g. awing ¡3 the principal task and beyond of mi lions of farm ers. As a rule MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor are p ,,n We deliver the goods -Detrick:- Phone items to h er at 39, between 8 A. M. and P. í f forty n r tv .. ed to ed wetting, catarrh , weak lungs, H ilt-buried in the dry and tro d ­ like myself. I had lost all en­ dition. 946 Beach St. 18— 3* and sailed .down to Deauville, rheum atism , sciatica, leg ulcers enough to go nine times around den sand, 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May joyment for food and could not and rectal ailm ents. Tv-hero she is am using everyone the world at the Equator. FOR SAIaE: — Good milk cow, And ran and snatched it, and with communicate with Ensign Lee eat w ithout suffering great dis­ Below are the names of a few with her millinery boatful of Farm ers get a greater total re­ comfort afterw ards from indi­ ing, too, cheap, also 2 iron bedsteads with battle-shout of the Salvation Army at the of his many satisfied patients in for I am still strong and springs. 4 65 Mt. Ave. 314J. tu rn from corn than any other gestion. My liver was sluggish Lifted afresh he hewed his enemy freakish bonnets. W hiteShield Home, 565 May- Oregon: we!!.’’ The floating hatshop is typical cron. During the past decade the and that (¡red feeling was on me | Finnik Pekkari, Ilwaco, Wash, 18— 2 down fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Tanlac is for sale by all good chest trouble. of Deauville, and the hats mu3t product of this plant has gen- all the time. And saved a great cause that druggists. Accept no substitute. 1'OR SALE — Hudson Super- W. C. Todd, Grass Valley, O re.J be in keeping with the shop. PLANING MILL heroic day. “ Three hotties of Tanlac re­ Over 40 million hotties sold. ulcer of the stomach. Six, model O., condition A1 Trimming seems to have had its Joseph Schuster, Beaverton, lieved my troubles and started me throughout. Privately owned, fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Orc., inspiration from the vegetable catarrh and h eart trouble’ CALENDAR OF EVENTS off with a system so thrfroughly consider small car in exchange. WORKS, Cor. Helman and Tanlac Vegetable Pills for con­ Elizabeth Taylor, Baker, Ore garden. M arthe Regnier herself Friday, Sept. 26.— Belleview toned up and renewed that I soon stipation; made and recommend- 1650. Phone Medford 690L. Van Ness. 194tf ntestinal trouble. wears a little green felt, with tiny found myself feeling like a new ed by the Mrs. E rnest Lacey, Ironside, Parent-Teachers Association will 18— 3* manu facturera of green and white fishes encircling man meet at the Belleview school at Ore., heart and nervous trouble. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS The results have been last- Tanlac. C. J. Minch, Esiacado, Ore., eight o’clock. Everyone urged to the crown, while another of her PY)R SALE:— 15 ton alfalfa in Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. kidney and bladder trouble own models is of red -felt, with attend. stack 1-2 mile from Talent on for SERVICE. Ashland’s most popular - Mrs. Henry Baker, Banks, Ore hearts, clubs, diam onds and Thursday, October 2.— Upper W agner Creek. F. A. Daugherty. Experienced .m overs and pack gall stones and appendicitis. bread, which you order Phone 468R3. 17— 5* E. C. Nichols, Lebanon, Ore Valley Community Club will meet .padee, made of a red composition era of household goods. Deal­ See the from your grocer or get ’ at the home of Mrs. W. D. Jack- forming the trim ing. One sm art ers in coal and wood. Phone appendicitis. FOR SALE— A home, 5-rooms, Remember above date, th a t son on Iowa street. All day m eet­ Deauvilleite came away from the at our hakerv. O regon 117. hath, wood house, chicken house, consultation on this trip will be ing and Miss Brew ster, home de­ boatshop the other Urfy wearing Office 89 Oak St. near garage. Terms. Near high school free and th a t his treatm ent State Fair ls, m onstration agent will instruct in a curious erdhtion trimmed with different. Hotel Ashland 263 Mountain Ave. 17-—4* a great cabbage plant ia the ! millinery. S a l e m Married wpnien m ust be ac­ front. And still another had a * * * r. L. POW ELL— General Trans- FOR SALE— Maxwell Touring companied by th eir husbands stick-up of a pretty coral carrot Sept. 2 2 -2 7 fer— Good team and motor Address: 211 B radbury Bldg J ° ,n t ^ " ^ n c e — w ; car. Engine and tires in fine trucks. G iod service at a rea- Los Angeles, California. ’ The W omen’s Home Mission- shape. 1924 license and car tools. «ouab.e price. Phone 83. .. ........... ............ __ ; arY Society and the W oman’s For- Mi A good bargain at $50. Inquire 1 eign Missionary Society of the 244 G rant St. 17— i ----------------------- ------- ---------- — Says His Prescription '07 — ------------------------ ----------------- ! FEHIGE-ROACH Methodist Church will hold ^ Bargain E xtraordinary T ransfer - Express - Storage Joint conference at Grants Pass Has Powerful Iñfluence I Tuesday and Wednesday of this A magnificent family home, ( Hauling — Dray' WOrk of all, adm irably situated, paved street. | kJnd8. Quick mot(Jr service,. Dry week. lots of shade grounds about ^ -ood of all kinda p^one 410-R Over Rheumatism __________ I About fifteen Ashland ladies 60x200, splendid surroundings, j»37g B s t U 2 _tf J T i are Planning to attend. On Tues- UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT AND I Mr. Jam es II. Allen suffered for day the sessions will be given over WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. — W ELL FINISHED NINE ROOM . je.u.s with rheum atism . Many j to the foreign work and on Wed- So s u n - s w e p t FLORIST What will be the price of hare HOUSE in the pink of condition ' L "!.SS ^hi9}®rrib l® disease left him neaday to the home work. This inside and out, built of the very helpless and unable to work. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS alluring at (Ids seawn.” 1^ S golden sun»Line becomes increasingly is the annual meeting of the >nd eggs and pork chops this best m aterial, with all modern Ho finally decided, after years southern Oregon district. From The above sketch was made w ondroti playhgToinX’anE%ovh?hm iRrateu ra|Ch year to Ca,‘fomia’g conveniences. H atcher A- Benson, Floral & S eed !0’ eea8eless study, th a t no one can tien i an actual piiotograj h ! A very interesting program has Pleasures of the beach , healthful outdoor life and thé The owners are non-residents Co., tem porary location 399 I ° Iree from rh e a ® atism until the been planned for the convention. Take advantage of the wirUc: »ænths. «nd are bound to sell. You can Mountain Ave. Cut flowers a n d ' accuiaulated im purities, common- Apply wet bakiDg soda or On Tuesday Miss Mary Young, convenient service. U CFn #cific ,ow fares and comfortable, have this place for one third of floral designing. Phone 118 9-rao Ca, e chickens and all farm machin­ The guests of the evening yrere ratoriesC o..C leveland, ji.oosizt i on sale a t all good druggists. ery. 12 ton hay Price $6500 Mesdames and Messrs. William Many a woman’s back has many ! * T h »n< - DON-j MISS IT. TMe E v e b v da * on good terms. aches and pains. See your name and address plainly Ofttimes ’tis the kidneys’ fault. »nily. together with 5 cents (and thu W. W. ROBISON, T h at’s why Doans’ Pills are so ) to Chamberlaii» Medicine Co . Do McNair Bros. 63 Nqrth Main St. Loincs, Iowa, and receive in return 1 effective. 8tf is often the exclamation trial package containing Chamberlain’» Many Ashland ’«»«««— »------ 1 j Cough women know Remedy for oougls, c o l l croup S end i t , FOR SALE or TRADE—,160 this. Hg vonchial, “flu” and whooping coughs when Superior bread is acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ Read what one has to say about .nJ tivslmg throat; Chamberlain’« Stom aprì ich and Liver Tablets for cieiuach trou tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, it: tasted in comparison with okr ---------- Mrs A qherard n» :ï c\ îndi8e?t?1?n» p it« (hat crowr N orth Dakota. If interested call _ a rd ’ 881 E - Ma’n j beati,. MlioavneM s.nd constipation o r w rite G. S. Butler. 300— Into St., says: “ I can recommend 1 pbamberlain’s Sake, needed m ever, other breads. Doan’s Pills from experience for for bums, scalds, wounds, piie» FOR SALE —r Tomatoes for I know ♦hov on th .u o a . t is »_ claimed wT.SKm affections; these valued farm!» they d/x do all © w24A.aca tan n in g , 2 cents per pound. Mrs. for them. I had a lame aching •ocdicmej for only 5 cents. Don’t miss it Johnny and Mary are go­ Josselyn. upper end of Ashland back th a t kept me feeling m iser­ St. 14— 6* able all the time. My work tired ing to school again—and me easily and I had frequent head­ M ISCELLANEOUS aches. My kidneys acted too fre­ of course you will have »j quently, too. Doan’s Pills bought GET YOU STOVE repaired at them looking as spi<*k and E agle Foundry. Boch Magnite a t Poley & E lh a rt’s Drug Store, à R adiator and Stoves for sale. 140 helped me w onderfully by reliev­ span as their playmates. Ober'dn St. 306-1 mo.* ing the backaches and regulating my kidneys.” ,J b PIANO instruction, by exper­ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t And to do this there is no ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ simply ask for a kidney remedy— red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone get Doan's Pills— the same that need of your doing extra You May Be A fflicted 441J. 3— lm o Mrs. Sherard had. Foster-M ilburn washing—in fact you can o Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. No. 30 ILES may exist for years before they Goats Bred by registered j manifest any appreciable symptom«. buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, Yet, if present, they dissipate the nerve easily rid yourself of the force and undermine the health. low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 The old theory that Piles Necessitate a washing that you miies south on Pacific Highway. surgical operation has been so com­ combine the best material 14— 1 mo.* pletely disproved by my non-surgical It is easy to send vour with the devices which treatment that I GUARANTEE to cure WANTED — Second cook and any case of Piles or refund the patient’s make washing easier and ICC. j family bundle to u« each dishw asher at the Ashland Hotel. more satisfactory. W r ite t o d a y f o r m y 17— tf Fi)R RENT: — Splendid fur-j nished apartm ent, two room with kitchenette and bath. Adults only. Phone 122 16— 2 Will be at 1 « » « Sally Ann 'X L itliia B akery 4 i©ingaway C alifornia ites - stings B VICKS T his ear killed th ree ch ild ren w Southera, Pacific Y ou W ill L ike It B illings Agency Eagle Market AM A W OMAN’S BACK S U P E R IO R School Clothes F ra n k lin B akery P h o n e 199 I B I « « •« * • PILES Universal /öAvIUnex M il K‘ îa & à b w i t h ; N e s t i é ’s A y T N E MOTORMÄ ,'tlQRCl HULE« n*,, SLLLDH’ E lectric W ashing I LOST: — Between Klam ath F alls and Ashland, one 30-3 Tim, Riverside cord tire and tube. Phone 262 Jacksonville. Reward. 18— 2* WANTED: — Work by High School boy, Evenings or Satur­ days. Phone 422J. 18— 2 ^ifit P I C A L IF O R N IA OREGON POWER COMPANY I P ‘ referred Stockyields week. FREE book on Piles and other Rectal and Colon diseases. S,E N T - The cost will be soMsmall that DEAN, N.D. Inc