Two ASWL axd í ) áí L¥ tiDLVôS A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S ¡their savings in Florida. When this capital once is in j vested it will increase the assessed valuation of property, thereby increasing city, county and State revenue. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by lu this way Florida should realize far more benefit THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Bert R. Greer .......... ..................................... ................. S « L , j from a man’s property than she would by waiting until the i man dies and collecting a big inheritance tax. Not only O«»r«. Madden P re e n .... this, hut it is far better for the man’s estate to collect ¡revenue gradually from year to year than to take it all in a lump sum, which often wrecks a man’s entire business. Subscription Price, Delivered in City O ne M o n th ....... “ Florida already is beginning to profit by this amend-! $ .«5 T h re e M onths 1.95 jinent, even though it has not yet been ratified by the peo­ Six M o n th s ...... 3.75 O ne Y e a r ........ 7.66 ple. Just recently a case came to my attention of an East- By Alnil and ! tu ral R outes: i cm capitalist, who lived in a State with a 40 per cent in­ O ne M onth $ .65 T h re e M onths The man sold his- factory and property, 1.95 heritance tax. Six M onths 3.50 ¡valued at approximately a million and a half dollars, and O ne Y ear ..... . 6.50 is going to invest his money in the development of Florida , D ISPL A Y A D V K ItliS IN G R A T E S : real estate. b ing.e In se rtio n , p er inch $ .3 (» . .. Yearly C o n tra c ts : “ I believe that hundreds will follow this man’s ex­ One in ee rtio n a week ample. We may not get so many real wealthy men, but fw c in se rtio n s a w eek I?**?’”'???............................... . Daily in se rtio n .......I.............. .................................................. this amendment should be a drawing card for scores of F irst inBe r t ^ te8n5Or«L egal and Mi« * » « n e o u . A d vc.U sin g *2 ° moderately wealthy young men. 9 9 eirB i insertion, per 8 point line » ka> heretofore exertieed by the, (Established in 1876) ~ Rcb i? 5 2 ? q u e n t ^ s e r t i o n , 8 p o in t lin e ......................................... C ard of T h a n k s ........................................................ ................ .......... O b itu a rie s , p er l in e ......... ’ ’ .02% • ah W H A T C O N ST ITU TES A D V E R T ISIN G co llectio n taken® in A dvertising® idnrii(8lon c h a r «« ia m ad e or 8 - ln _ toy No d isc o u n t w ill be a .low ed lig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd ers. d ° D ation* to c h a ritie s or o th e rw ise w ill m e m ad e in a d v e rtís o r ,o b p rin tin g — o u r c o n tr ib u tions will be in c a s T S' SEPTEM BER 28 ~ JUST A LITTLE BalVs C a ta rrh tid your system o f Catsrib or Deni- .¿css c & uscq by • ' b y c .-uggiitt / o t or«- <0 7- L C H EN EY &L C O ., T oledo, OHc, NormaTalmad^e eut Eugene O’Brien / ^ '‘S ecrets’ A t T h e V iliine h e c in n in c ,„„¡,.1.** .05 1.00 ----- Several writers are using up pages of reading space in magazines advocating the retention of the maiden names for women who are married. “The courts provide this with much fewer words. They say that General Dawes in popularizing the pipe as a candidate’s smoking piece.has done this to elim­ inate the cost of campaign cigars. It takes only one experience for citizens from” nearby towns to ascertain that they do not harmonize with the Ashland city regulations by misconducting themselves. tecticn to wild birds eu govern­ g o v e rn o r of th e te r r ito r y u n d e r th e d e p a rtm e n t of th e i n t e r i o r ,1 m en t ra n g e s a n d re s e rv a tio n s w as am ended to p ro h ib it th e m o le sta ­ w as tra n s fe r re d to th e d e p a rt- , tion o r k illin g of both b ird s a n d ' m en t of a g ric u ltu re , g iv in g th is gam e. d e p a rtm e n t co m p lete a d m in is tra - ‘ tion th ro u g h th e b u re a u of bio- ! logical survey. A m ore econom - ' ic e x p e n d itu re of public fu n d s is expected to re s u lt from th e tr a n s ­ fer. A fed e ra l law a ffo rd in g pro- A rtic le s o f tim e ly in te re s t, a re w elcom ed u n d e r th is h ead . C o m m u n cia tio n s m u st b e a r th e s ig n a tu re of th e a u th o r . E D IT O R T ID IN G S :— I w ould lik e to see som e yo u n g m en on th e C ity C ouncil. W e h av e one of the* L ith ia n s, D r. R. L . B u rd ic, now a n d h e is to th e good, t a k ­ ing a s m uch in te r e s t in c ity a f ­ fa irs , se em in g ly , as h is ow n. A sh ­ lan d s ta r te d to pick up a s soon as th e L ith ia n s m ad e th e ir p re s ­ ence felt, in D r. B ro w e r’s a d ­ d re ss upon h is p ro p o sed City C h a rte r, he s p o k e of o u r city as M iss A s h la n d .” I t seem s to m e M iss A s h la n d ” is th e p ro v e rb ia l “ sle e p in g b e a u ty ” a n d It w ill ta k e th e k iss of th e y o u n g m an to w ak e h e r up. Do n o t le t m y p e titio n keep a n y one fro m ru n n in g . . I w ill n o t file u n til th e la s t d ay, a n d if j m having ycur brakes tested and relined, if they need it, may save you a latal or disastrous acci­ dent. RAYBESTOS LINING A Touch of N E W N E S S the forum Precaution o ra l g am e s ta tu te s have been r e - ' p o rte d hack from c o m m ittee s an d ' can be ad d ed to y o u r house by w ill be re a d y fo r c o n g re ss a t its p a in tin g or w all p a p e rin g . n e x t session. T he m ig ra to ry gam e re fu g e bill L et us a s sis t you. w as re p o rte d fa v o ra b ly by both ’ h o u s e a n d s e n a te c o m m ittee s. T he A la sk a gam e bill p assed th e se n ­ a te , b u t is p e n d in g in th e house, i J u ris d ic tio n over g am e in Alas-1 J. O. RIGG ami our instant service make a combination which will insure you the great­ est safetv. Automotive Shop A gen cies: Dodge and C hevrolet TENTS TENTS New Wall Tents HUDNUT’S PRIMITIVE VOTING FACILITIES MADE OF 15 OZ. GOVERNMENT KHAKI 1(S’x l 2............................... R opes Slide, etc ........................ .. s - » SO There is considerable agitation at prcsent-as there- Three Flowers Pioneering in Southern Oregon ] 2 X} 2 .................... R opes Slide, e tc ....................... 30 2 '» usually is, and rightfully, at election time—about “ every­ 1 2 x 1 4 ..............................R opes Slide, etc ...................... 77777 by 0. B. Watson PERFUME and TOILET body should vote;” hut we have not heard anybody raise Goods their voice in an effort to have the voting facilities im­ Army Goods Store (Coninued from Mondav) proved. • s b z B ig g est L ittle S to re in A sh lan d P a c e P o w d er ...........................75c The voting place is usually a dark corner in a build­ Hall J. Kelly’s efforts to start an “ Oregon Settlement V a n ish in g C ream ................... 50c ing equipped only with temporary booths draped with to be commenced in the spring of 1832,” failed to mater­ old canvas or cast-off cloth for curtains. Most of the ialize for want of support among his Boston friends. In C le a n sin g C ream ................... 50c une there is nothing but a tallow-candle, dripping and that year he set out for Oregon by the way of Mexico and T alcu m ....................................... 25c smearing the writing space, which is usually merely a m California fell in with Ewing Young in 1834. They narrow hoard, practically always much too narrow for the bought a band of horses which they drove to Oregon; but wide and long ballot which the voter must fill in And' ‘on arriving at Vancouver (October 15, 1834) they were th e re is a good bu n ch ru n n in g ■ h av e m o re i n t e r e s t ’in th e ! McNair Brothers the voter is expected to intelligently decide in this atmos­ accused of horse stealing, later they were exonerated by w to ho w n th a n I, I w ill n o t file. I do j phere of semi-darkness and makeshift, the momentous the Governor of California. Kelly returned to Massachu­ n o t w a n t th.e city to s h rin k back j 2^« Drug Store , question of who shall run the government. Whv couldn’t setts and Young remained in Oregon where he became in to its p re s e n t w a te r su p p ly , b u t temporary electric limiting arrangements be made! If a valuable citizen. There is nothing to show whether r a th e r to p ro v id e a b u n d a n c e a n d Drugs, Books and it was a church bazaar or most anything else electric they drove this band of horses through Rogue river val­ grow up to it. T h e re is a tow n Stationery n o t a h u n d re d m iles aw ay w hich lights would be installed. ley or not, but it is known that the Indian trail from the is n o t a fra id to bond fo r n e a rly O / I Willamette valley into California was through this valley a m illio n d o lla rs to p ro v id e p u re and was familiar to the Hudson Bay men, and it is reas­ d rin k in g w a te r fo r its f a s t in-1 THE GASOLINE TAX in g p o p u la tio n an d su p p ly for There is not a single agency which will bring pros­ onable to suppose that these horses were driven along c th re e a s big in d u s trie s com iug. perity and happiness as quickly to a community or state this trail. When the car stops T h a t tow n is g ro w in g in to a It appear^ that about this time the IIudLons Bay Com­ city r ig h t b e fo re o u r eyes. as good roads and every plan for the improvement of the IT IS USUALLY highways should he encouraged, unless the plan entails pany extended a more active exploitation of this South­ T he nex t tw o y e a rs w ill w it­ e ’. ous c h a n g e in “M iss an excessive tax or wasteful use of the money derived ern Oregon country and operated as far south as the wa­ A n e s ss h la a n d m .” a rv She The same old story is j u s t now ro u s ­ irom the taxes. ters of the Sacramento river. In passing hack and forth ing up— y aw n in g a n d ru b b in g h e r Battery the Indians came to know more about white men and to eye3. S he w ill soon be th e w id­ It is understood that certain interests in this state Ignition are prepared to ask for an increase in the gasoline tax, learn something of the difference between the great com­ e s t a w a k e little c ity in O regon, Carburetor pany and independent trappers that occasionally appear­ if you p u t progressive* y o u n g m en Just a little attention be­ w hich is larger now than in many of the states. a irs a t h e r council. Records 111 the offices of the secretary of state show ed. It is said that in June, 1825, a party of white fnen on in P th ro e s p c e h rity forehand would have pre­ is e n te rin g o u r g a te . that since the motor vehicle fuel oil tax was first enacted a trapping excursion entered Rogue River valley and were L e t u s elect city officials w ho w ill vented the inconvenience up to June 30 of this year, there has been received from’ attacked at the mouth of Foots creek. There were eight give h e r th e g lad h a n d an d p len ty and loss of time. Every Business Faces Emergencies! . T H^ L w i° n t ? ge,VCLeS ° n Which fig u re d ,- try th e this source $6,225,681.75. This revenue was based on the of them including a squaw, the wife of one of the trap­ of A sh la n d C re e k W a te r. V. e cau give you quick service M RS. B A R B E R . „ ,°l a11 b u sin ess o rg a n iz a tio n s — young ai d old sale of 296 113,309 gallons of gasoline and 17,866,097.86 pers. Four of these men were killed and the remainder in overhauling these vital sm all an d larg e. It i s th n n th e se rv ice of th e b a r k e r a re gallons of distillate. parts of your machine. badly wounded. In the transactions of Oregon Pioneers n eeded m o st— an d th e m ea n in g of re lia b le bank co n n ectio n s n r X m Cit te ‘L W °i inV\te to b rin g th e i, L u s S This tax, with the large sums which are derived from in 1882, as narrated by J. W. Nesmith, the circumstances GAME LAWS OF « L it US aUd g ° ,n to lh e m ! W e g u a ra n te e c o n fid e n tia l NATION BETTER automobile licenses should enable the state high wav de­ were as follows: ‘‘The party consisting of Daniel Miller, Edward N u m e ro u s a lte ra tio n s a n d im ­ Murphy Elec. Co. partment to both build more highways and also to keep Barnes, Dr. Bailey, J. Turner and his Squaw ,Sanders, p ro v e m e n ts in th e n a tio n ’s fam e maintenance up to a good standard. Our Phone 82 ' First National Bank Unquestionably the efforts of the governor and other Woolworth, and a man known as Irish Tom ,was under law s a r e c ite d in a b u lle tin is­ Main - Plaza. Ashland officials to procure legislation for the increase of the tax the leadership of J. Turner and was on a trapping excur­ su ed by th e U n ited S ta te s d e p a r t­ on gasoline will arouse extensive opposition. The auto­ sion. About the middle of June they were camped at the m e n t of a g ric u ltu re . A m e n d ­ mobile is not the plaything of a few todav, but the con­ Point of Rocks, (Rock Point), on the south bank of Rogue m e n ts to th e a lre a d y e x is tin g fed- am venience for many and the necessity for manv others river. Several hundred Indians dropped into camp, but -Many ot those conversed with Conditions feel that econ­ Turner thinking there was no danger took no precautions, omy in the state departments should be the first move and the natives most unexpectedly attacked the party Q u a lity h a s been b u ilt in to with clubs, hows and knives. They got possession of three instead ot attempting to increase the taxation. W. L.* Douglas Shoes of the eight guns with which the whites were armed, and fo r so long t h a t it is now sec­ for a time the trappers fought them with fire-brands, o n d -n a tu re fo r D o u g las w o rk ­ FLORIDA WANTS DEVELOPMENT FIRST m en to know t h a t th e w o rk ­ PI ,nore interested in the development of dubbed guns and whatever came handy. Turner, a big m a n sh ip m u st be th e best. Florida s 33,000,000 uncultivated acres of land than thev Kentucky giant, siezed a fir limb trom the fire and fought are in sharing a percentage of dead men’s property lustily. He released Gay who was held down by the sav­ ages and finally the assailants were driven from the eamp. through an inheritance tax. OVERLAND Dan Miller and another trapper were killed on the spot, This fact was revealed by the action of the last Flor- Shoe Shop T ? 1?. Un; .in Pr°P°sing an amendment to the State while the six survivors were all more or less wounded. Constitution which will prohibit future legislatures from The remainder took to the brush, and without horses and deprived of all their guns but two, traveled, fighting In­ passing an inheritance tax law. Florida and Alabama are the only States in the Union dians by day and walking by night, making their wav that do not have some sort of inheritance tax. Residents northward. Dr. Bailey was wounded with a tom-hawk Having blow that cleft his shin. Sanders wounds disabled him of the Peninsula State apparently are determined that WHAT YOU WANT Florida shall never have an inheritance tax. There has from traveling, and he was left on the South Umpqua, )een practically no opposition voiced to this proposed while “ Big Tom” (Irish Tom) was left 011 the North for your automobile has X( e have taken the agency for one of the best amendment to the constitution which will he voted on bv Umpqua. The Indians reported to Dr. McLaughlin, of the resulted in the making of follows m the November electiolb and which reads as Hudsons Bay Company, that both men soon died of their hundreds of customers known maunfacturers of loose-leaf systems of office wounds where they were left. Turner, bay, Woodworth who always feel they can Article 9, Section 11—No tax upon inheritances or and Dr. Bailey ultimately reached the Willamette valley?’ find it at factory and professional records of all kinds. upon the income of residents or citizens of this State shall The following is taken from Wallings’ History of South­ Leedom’s Tire be levied by the State of Florida, or under its authority, ern Oregon: “ Two years later, or in 1837, a party of Oregonians and theie shall be exempt trom taxation to the head of a House proceeded to California to buy cattle and drive to the family residing in this State, household goods and per­ sonal effects to the value of $500. V illamette. They secured a drove and returning, passed if it is for an automobile When this amendment once is adopted by the people through Rogue River and Umpqua valleys. The party- was the leader; » .............- PrL. Ed­ it will require another amendment*to the (Constitution be- composed 3 v in part, of Ewing ° Young, ----- --------------- by adapting modern methods. We will be glad to Sudden Service wards, lore an inheritance law can be passed by the Legislature w aris’ who kept a diary of the trip; Hawcurst, Carmich- This proposed amendment has been heartily endorsed iae!’ Bai,ey’ ErO«ette, Des Pa-u, B. Williams, Thibbits, Gay, has always been main assist you in doing this. It will mean more accurate by the Florida Development Board, the Florida Legisla !^ ° ° ^ Camp and about eight others all frontiersmen of tained tive Council, the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs experience’ WhiIe encamped at the Klamath, (river> on For Every Car books and therefore less loss and inconvenience to and — by nuacrous ........... civic 1 1 clubs over the •’ State. ~ Its passage’ the 14th of September, 1837, Gay and Baily had shot an o—o—o—o Indian who had come peaceably into camp. This was in an November is assured, its sponsors assert. yourself and to your customers. revenge for the affair at Foots Creek two years before, AVhen asked to explain in what way Florida would 1 - J 1 1 1 • J -1 1 _ _ _ Do you need a but that locality had by no means been reached, and the evenged on an individual who, Tire? o __x «xxiviiM-i lle event- The act was deeply ment, said: resented by the Indians throughout the whole section, Florida has 35,000,000 acres of land, only 6 per cent ?md the Party .met with the greatest difficulty in continu’ C TC hicli. or 2.000.000 «pros is un/Ur * x 1 , iner their course. On the sevpntopntb nf snmo ™™ii seventeenth of the same month of which, 2,000,000 acres, under cultivation. At least ing 20,000,000 acres of this land is adaptable to cultivation. they encamped at Foots Creek, and on the next morning KELLY sustained a serious attack of the savages, narrated thus What Florida needs is capital to develop this land. “ The passage of this amendment to the constitution in the Edwards’ Diary: CORDS undoubtedly will induce scores of capitalists to invest (To be Continued) <1 o a l s S l d II C t . Modern Business Demands Modern Binders and flodern Printed Forms Systematize Your Books 1 1 The Ashiand Tidings Phone 39