4 MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings 1 he Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to tèe Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. KILLED HUSBAND FOR ASHLAND CLIMATE M ithout the use of medicine cure.* nine cases out of ten of asthma This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1924 MEDFORD ORCHESTRA IS HIT B Y AX S. P . TRAIN « H ---------- II. H. Dinge, a member of tt the Metropole orchestra « which furnishes the music ti at the fairgrounds dancing XX pavilion a t Medford, was in- j XX ju red in an automobile ac- R cident near Portland when » the car in which he and » other members of the orches- Talent Irrigation Project Is Inspiration of Copco Article S, A. PE TER S, Sr. WILL BE IN RACE FOR. COUNCIL R —-------- jj XX XX S. A. Peters, Sr., will be « tt X X in the race for reelection to XX XX X X the city council, as a petition XX i XX The September issue of The I which the site is adm irably suited XX was circulated and filed Xt R Volt, Copco’s unique monthly j because of its narrow ness and th e XX Tuesday morning in favor of XX R Magazine, contains tw’o very good tight and haid character of the XX his candidacy. -Mr. Peters « XX articles, both of which are of foundation and abutm ent rock, XX is at present a member of XX XX R | ™UCh interest to tbe readers of and it is worthy of note th a t this XX the council and lias worked XX : tra were' traveling to Port- R this publication. The main a r­ type requires less m aterial than XX heartily for the improve- XX A l ' • t 1 ** land was hit by a Southern R ticle which covers the construc­ other types of concrete dams. At XX ments which have been made XX XX I « Pacific train at a crossing. R tion of the new Em igrant Creek present very little definite data it during his term of ocice. Dam in Southern Oregon, is en­ X X It is understood that Dr. XX are available on the subject o< , XX Dinge suffered a broken XX titled “ More W ater — and More ♦ X R. L. Burdic, who is also X X arch dams. Here engineers saw XX collar bone and other slight R Knowledge,” and deals with a an opportunity to gain much XX serving as councilman now, XX XX injuries. The car was stal- R i subject which has been upper­ needed inform ation. So to meet XX has been requested to make XX XX led directly in front of th e XX: most in every* ag ricultural com­ the expenses of the contemplated XX the race for reelection. Nô XX R oncoming train and w as R m unity in the west during the research work funds were raised. XX petition was in circulation XX MOI NT \ ERNON, Ills., Sept. 23—Additional depu­ R throw a considerable dist- XX past dry season. jj The contributors were the State XX however Tuesday morning XX ties were sworn in following the confession of Mrs. Sweet­ XX ance. “ Conservation and utilization of Oregon, the Engineering Foun­ XX for Dr. Burdic. ' CAMP PERRY, Ohio., Sept. 23. en that she had killed her husband, when a mob gathered XXXtXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX w ater is recognized as a most of dation, the Talent Irrigation Dis­ XXXXXXXXÎÎXXXÎXXXXXXXXXXXX } A .special session of the senate in front of the jail, where Hight cowered in his cell in vital factor in the development of trict and The California Oregon committee investigating the de­ western America; it may not be Power Company. deathly fear. partm ent of justice will be called putting it too strongly to say that ' ¿ e engineering details of this • “ J love her. I have sinned. I am ready for the gal­ immediately, Senator B rookbart, no work of greater im portance is unique example of modern con­ lows,” Hight declared. chairm an of this committee, an- being done states The Volt. The struction are covered in a com­ Mrs. Sweeten will he indicted for murder today, Judge i nounced this morning. tests th a t will be conducted on prehensive m anner and consider­ I Senator Brookbart has ju st re- Thompson said. s the Em igrant Creek Dam make able inform ation concerning The ! ceived a telegram front Senator this stru ctu re designed for local Mrs. Sweeten was persuaded to confess after the au-l Talent Irrigation D istrict is also , W heeler agreeing to the hearing. benefit a work of far more than jiven in this article. thorities, unobserved, had spied upon the couple spend- 1 J Form er A ttorney General Daugh- local concern. And it is possible One entire page is devoted to ing an hour together in the cell. Chinese Leader Hopes to erty and Ga ,on B Means wil> he th a t the tests may redound to a large photograph of the new the benefit of countless peopl, Dam, in course of construction Force Intervention by ; ca,led ln an effort to slft the truth not remotely connected with the Foreign Power« fl0m ,he n,any w hich have MOUNT VERNON, Ills. Sept. and other interesting pictures Predicts Renomination of been afloat during the last few engineering profession.” 23.— Naming her pastor as her Leave San Diego for Santa which serve to illustrate, this ex Entire Ticket at the This dam has been selected by cellent number. FIGHTING LULL TODAY day, the charges and counter betrayer, Elsie Sweetin, age 34, Monica, the Startino- State Convention charges resulting from Daugher­ the Engineering Foundation today confessed th at she poisoned Point of Flight A nother article of particular < hao Yang, an Im portant City which body is made up of affil­ ui ty’s open letter to John W. Davis, her husband, W ilford, so th a t she interest to the many customers IS ANNOUNCED TODAY Northern China, F alls, O ffi­ Democratic candidate for presi­ iated engineering societies, as a ind stockholders of The Califor­ IS AN EPOCHAL TRIP could be free to love her pa3tor, cially Reported dent, and the alleged repudiation T hought H is Candidacy W ill be subject for study. Its construc­ nia Oregon Pow er Company an Rev. Lawrence M. Hight. : of Mean's testimony. tion affords opportunity for re­ aounces the completion of the lat­ W ill Arrive S eattle Friday a s Of A ssistan ce for N ational Can­ A fter an all-night session ot OSAKA, China, Sept. 23. --- --------- - ficial End; Says W om en of search work th a t promises to re­ est addition to the Company’s questioning following her arrest didates in N. Y. i he fall of Chao Yang, an import- f ° L l MBUS, Ohio, Sept. 23.— Am erica Are th e B est su lt in certain and definite know* on the confession of Rev. Hight, generating stations, the East ant city in northern China, to the M’SS Roxie F inson. one of the which implicated her, the pretty ALBANY, N. ¥ ., Sept. 23. — Iet^e, now lacking, which will b< Side Plant of Klam ath Falls. This- invading M anchurian troops of senate com m ittee’s star witnesses SAN DIEGO, Sept. 23.— With brunette told her story this m orn­ Governor A1 Smith will accept ot great value in fu tu re engin new plant which is located or ed in Means' repu- 100-mile jum p. Lieut. Smith was the m urder of his wife by poison­ Ho lias been requested from a ” Minnesota Sunday, the latest re- tervention by foreign powers ! <1ia,ion in whie’*» he declared that the first to take to the air. Once ing. -He prayed when told the sources to make the race, in tue I orts show’. » B ecause o f Lack o f F un ds no! R elative V alue o f W arships and in the a ir the planes circled over which would be favorable to him, Miss Stinson, like himself, had woman had confessed. belief th a t he would strengthen In Wisconsin 54 were killed I San Diego in a V-shape as th£ Lu believe?. There was a lull In given testim ony “ inspired by Sen­ This confession *by the woman the national Democratic ticket in More R ecruits W arted i„ i P lan es and E conom y in and five were killed in Minnesota. n tire city waved a fond fare-well. fighting on all fronts today and ato r Buiion K. W heeler, prosecu­ New’ York. is in diwectiefucation of the California-O regon G overnm ent The officials thi3 m orning fear- * The official ending of the globe the positions before Shanghai re­ tor of the investigation,” and de­ confession made by Rev. H ight cd the total might reach 65 w hen; nied that coercion had been used ■circle is expected Friday at noon mained unchanged. yesterday, which wa3 a follows: WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. — j WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. — all the reports are in. in obtaining her testimony. when the planes will arrive al “ I, Lawrence M. Hight, of my R ecruiting in the national guards President Coolidge today laid be- Seattle. H undreds are reported injured ‘ It is perfectly l idiculous,” she own free will, voluntarily, w ith­ of 22 states, including Oregon fore the cabinet two questions in the various districts where tlie said. “ I am only casually acquain­ “ A fter looking over the wo­ out th reat or promises, and hav­ and W ashington, was ordered of vital im portance— the relative men of the w’orld, we are glad to storm was the worst. Tangled ted with Means. How could ha ing been fully informed of my stopped today by the w ar dep art­ value of battleships and airplanes wires continued to isolate many know anything about my testi­ be in the United States. Ours rig h ts; th a t what I say may be ment, because cf insufficient and the question of governm enta’. ire the fairest and dearest in the of tlie districts which were storm { mony? 1 did not say anything used against me, make the follow­ ARDMORE, Pa., Sept. 23. — funds. W ashington is nofi in­ economy. swept. under coercion. No one forced An investigation tc w orld,” Lieut. Smith said. ing statem ent, th a t on Sunday Lobby Jones of A tlanta went into cluded among the state which are me to go to W ashington.” make a comparison of b attle­ morning. July 27, 1924, at the th e second round of tlie national I affected NEW YORK, Sept. 23.- -Giunts, The announcem ent did ships and airplanes is being made The Means statem ent was in- home of W ilford Sweetin, at Ina. am ateur gold championship by de-I not state how long th,e drder by Secretary W ilbur. I’ittsburgh 1. coroprated in tire letter which Jefferson County, Ills., I placed feating J. W. Thompson of Tor- would be in affect. D augherty sent to Davis. This some arsenic in a glass of w ater | onto, the Canadian champion of NEW YORK, Sept. 23.— With statem ent said in part: FORUM LUNCHEON and gave it to W ilford Sweetid. < 1923. The score was six up and ORGANIZE A LA FOLLETTE Frisch and Heinie Groh out of United States Senator Burton HELD AT HOTEL who drank it. I did it to ease j five to play. Thompson wilted CLUB AT KLAMATH FALLS tl.e lineup for repairs, the Giants K. W heeler, of Montana, prosecu his pain. Elsie Sweetjn knew’ i under the burning pace set by Ralph fCozer gave a very in­ TACOMA, W ash., Sept. 22. — today faced the most serious situ- j tor of the commitee, now vice- nothing of this and there was ... SALEM, Sept. 23— The rain in Jones in the afternoon. KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 23.— teresting address at the Forum Two are reported to be dead as a ation of the stason in the series presidential candidate on the La never anything between her and this section of th e W illam ette Perm anent organization of a La uncheon which was held this noon result of tlie disastrous forest with Pittsburgh. If Pittsbungh Follette ticket, is charged in the myself in any way. valley will not interfere with th e Saulw,or8 Follette-W lieeler K lam ath Coun­ xt the Hotel Ashland. A splendid fire at Eatonville, W ashington. A wins two games of the series, the! Means statem ent with having “ LAWRENCE M. HIGIIT” . i program at the state fair and all! c lau d e Saunders, local barber, ty Club was effected at a meet- dinner was served, followed by complete ring of fire encircles >iants pennent hopes will be virt- “ put this tissue of lies” in the events, including the races on ' T‘ h<' was arrested Sunday evening ing held here this week. mouth of Means and the m ajority short talk by Clinton Baugh- the city. The populace has aban­ ually shattered. Lone Oak track, will be held. ! tbe tim e F. Roy Davis of Med- j C. M. O’Neill was elected presi- nan, fire chief, who ju st re tu rn ­ doned the town in trucks. ■ of other witnesses. PR O B E SALE OF CANAL The Legion drum corps from f" rd ?vas arrested ou a charge of , dent, Dr. Fred W esterfeldt, sec- ed from the Fire Chief’s Conven- I “ These witnesses and mvself In A s h l a n d - AT KLAMATH PROM ISED galem, Portland. Albany and Eu- 4runkenness and disorderly con- j retary and Miss Lucile Hogue, KLAN LECTURE AT ! were persuaded to make these .ion at Astoria. He talked of the Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roberts were gene will help celebrate Amerl- ll,UCt’ was f.inad $50 on each 1 treasu rer. President O’Neill ap m portance of improving the fire ARMORY TOMORROW false statem ents,” continues the KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 22— charge in Judge Goudy’s court I pointed a membership committee, in Ashland Sunday visiting their can Legion day today. ---------- Means statem ent, “ by Senator lepartm ent facilities and invited Thorough investigation of the i Tuesday. i a finance committee and an ex- the business men to come into m other, Mrs. Roberts and sister. ------- ------ —----- 1 lie Kian lecture advertised I W heeler under th reats of Indiet- circum stances surrounding the j ecutive committee with instruc- the fire station and look over Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen, from their tor the night of August 27th last ments in some cases and by prom- sale of the Ankeny and Keno can- URGES VOTERS TO j tlons to report at the next m eet­ the equipment and study the needs ranch near Medford. and postponed on account of the ise of gain and aid in others. als to the California-Oregon Pow- REGISTER AT ONCE ing of the club. d ;a th of the late Mayor Loomis, I “ The testim ony giv'en before of the departm ent. Mr. Kozer c r Company was promised by A. Plans were advanced for bring- was then in tr Oductd and talked will be held in the arm ory Wed- the W heeler committee by Roxie M. Thomas and R. E. B rad b u ry ,j While there is considerable a g i-■ nesday the 24th at 8 o’clock. This Stinson, R. Momand, myself and ing in outside speakers and for ¡ on th e canning situation. His candidates for the position of di- tation as to candidates for mayor lending local speakers to the conn, i address in full will appear in to- lecture wa3 delivered in Yreka, | the m ajoiity cf the other wit- rector of the K lam ath Irrigation : and council in this city. G. F. J try districts. i by Mr. Allison a few days ago to nesses was nothing but a tissue morrow's issue of The Tidings. District, at a meeting held at | Billings, local official register, i ¡an enthusiastic audience of several of lies put in tlie m ouths of these Malin. The election will be held stated this m orning it would be! hundred people. i witnesses by Senator W heeler. SHASTA NATIONAL I CHINESE BLOWING October 24th. : advantageous to call the atten-1 I he lectuier explains the pur- ! prim arily to confound and dis­ FOREST IS OPENED' UP MANY BRIDGES Each candidate also pledges i tion of the voters to the fact th at I SOMESBAR, Cal., Sept. 23.— pose and message of. this great, i credit the departm ent of justice him self to determ ine the reason • they must register if they have John Pepper, husband of Mrs. MT. SHASTA, Cal., Sept. 23. I SHANGHAI, Sept. 23— Twenty MT. SIIA STA , C al.. Sept. 23.— rapidly growing, all-American o r­ and the adm inistration.” officials of the United States moved from one precinct to an- Pepper, 60-year-old Indian woman The Means statem ent was made Forest aU Supervisor J. R. Hall o f ! bridges near Hangchow have been It is my belief th a t no reservoir der. b,°d i I,a,’s l n s i Sh£«a'N onal"poIe'8i Reclamation Service agreed to other. Many have done this since Mr. Ailison goes back into his in W ashington on September 11th. , i ---------------------- - announces has been formed in Mud Creek blown up to prevent troop move­ sell w ater to the power company last registering and they must lio m a tree at the Pepper epper k home o m ejth at D istrict Forester Paul G. Red- ments, according to reports re­ Canyon or elsewhere on Mt. loiy anti tells the real reason for D augherty said it was given to a t a price lower thafi th a t charg- appear at the Billings office and a week ago, was arrested on a ington of San Francisco has re- i he birth of the Kian. He then him voluntarily. Means is now here. Heavy Chekiang«re- Shasta. w arrant charging f ir s t deg,ee j scinded his order closing th a t p o r-! ceived ed the farm ers. j register for their new location. iuforcementji are pouring into shows that, thru the influx of the 1 in seclusion, preparing additional “There is no unusual activity Investigation of the m anner in i The registering law requires m urder. foreigner, a parallel to th at cause data concerning his form er false tlon of the forest west of the Shanghai and there have been ar- at this time iq, Mud Creek. The w arrant is based on new o x , which funds of the district have : th at all registering must be done exists in the affairs of the nation testimony. D augherty left his “ There lias «been no unusual ? !“ RJ ' erS- I U llery between the op been adm instered was also prom- 30 days before election, which «•vide,,«, obtained since the in-1 *21“'” ''", today and that the Kian have Columbus home w ithout announc­ quest and prelim inary in v estiaa-' a ? ¡.V il " rains ; posing forces on all fronts. disturbance on Mt. Shasta during gives the voter only eight days Ised. the last week other than dust now constituted themselves cru­ ing his destination. ° ” S<>|,t These were declarations made those elem ents which are anti- request of the district i must have been a resident of the the here Saturday by J. R. Hall, sup­ Klan. The enthusiasm and golden atto rn ey , Johnson and Calkins: precinct for 30 days. ervisor of the Shasta National oratory of Rev. Allison’R delivery G ENERAL SA W Y ER DIES were here investigating the w o -! Forest in which the mountain j suX)Jeci &R hut defy the m an’s death last week, but Pep­ 1 w ho w a!lI p r i ; ° H ^ d S tem ber » - « W * « e n . C harles E. Saw yer, peak is situated, when asked for glorioU8 PrlvileBe of American Sm okers To Be W arned per was stead fait in his original BERLIN, Sept. 23. — The Ger­ ta lk in g to h f i T w i f e ^ T perRonaI P hy-W an, dropped dead w h ile a statem ent in connection with cB’zen3^*p‘ WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. -The story of having conre home to find xaiKuig to h i s w ife th is afternoon. A poplexy w as tlie eaime h « h«/» man cabinet today decided in fa­ reports th at a reservoir which ! These Principles are neither un- plan of the League of Nations to! KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 23.— h is w ife ’s body h an gin g from the ■*ust ret’ir»eaF SUpP° rt » ' ^ n o o ™ J K t i e tw ii earth slide had occurred at the the delivery of the lecture, not League council regarding guar- peak. conference n American initiative,! “ Stop Forest Fires Association o f' come to her death from “ stran g u ­ H u n ch eon ed togeth er here. T h e C alifornian prom ised to speak in b i d d e n / " ^ ° n Wa> wea