t»AOE KT »CB A á títÁ Ñ Í ) bÀ ÌL Y T ÍÚ ÍÑ 03 ■» H ere—- M onday, Septem ber 2 2 , lw H I same number. Thus the N o rth -; had taken plaee; eorn, Instead o f worm has done considerable daffl- j ern State may be balanced in t h e ; leln g a few inches high, was six age. At Alvin. Texas, near Gal- C. H. PIERCE Electoral College by a Southern feet tall, and the grain th a t look- veston, they have gone into fig ANNOUNCEMENT | State with about one-sixth as ed so fine was mostly blown raising and th e ie are several or- many voting citizens. i down or moulding in the shock, chards only two or three y e a ’s A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of ---------- Each ballot requested th e . As we drove into Ankeny, near old that are bearing wonderfully urged by mauy local in terest We deliver the goods— Detricks ! Alt hough i I SPRING CANYON, Utah, Sept, voter s political preference at t h e ! Des Moines, Iowa, every telegraph The figs are sold at the cannery 94-tf friends to run for the office of 22——Five men who are entombed ^ast Presidential election and. pOje Was down for a mile. W mayor, I have until recently hesi­ fe in- and bring a good price. Also a by an explosion in The Carbon these are also tabulated in th is ; quired if there was a Duck H u n t i n g - tated about doing so for various camp 1 developing company is doing good A t G rants P a ss — R e ta in s H om e— Having decided to stand Fuel comPan y “ »ne are believed lS8Ue T*»e Digest and an aly z-: ground> anri wag told there was work east of El Paso putting in reasons. Geo. H. Yeo was a business Carl C arbon, Howard Oden, Mrs. C. C. Cole and ^on, Jr., to be dead. The rescue crews are io»" comparison, if we could get into it; th a t a cy- irrigation, and there are many visitor in G rants Pass today. William K err composed a party returned to th eir home yesterday for election my enthusiasm is now still working to reach the men, al-i strong and if elected I shall make clone had passed through there prosperous farm s and acres of which enjoyed duck hunting near after a pleasant two weeks visit and the strange part of it was cotton that will yield two bales to The Staples Agency has realty K lam ath Falls over the week-end. ' with Mrs. Cole’s parents, Mr. and this work my main concern and though little hope is held out 8 2 0 0 MILES IN TR IP ¿■hall give the best I have in serv­ th a t they will be taken out alive. I l>ar gains. ■ Mrs. J. F. Doran. BY IAK'AL PARTY th at it took telegraph poles and (he acre. ing the city. trees, damaging only one house. Arizona also has some fine cot- Fresh fish moss and fish food ’ ______ I take this opportunity to pay R etu rn s— We drove to the camp ground but ton fields especially through Salt at the V ariety Store. 16— 2* For pleating see Orres. 17— 2* (Continued from page 1) tribute to Mr. O. H. Johnson as _______________________________ i could not get in for the fallen River valley. Through Phcen’x O. H. Johnson returned today a good citizen and efficient form er every direction were gone and wej trees which lay in every direction, and Yuma the heat was intense from Pendleton aftern atttnding Io < orvallis— i Returns Home— had to go two hundred miles out I so we made camp on a vacant lot. and many have their beds and th e Round-up there this week. J. K. McWilliams and A. W. I Mrs. J. H. McBride, who has 1 mayor of Ashland, and to urge of the way to get through. The same wind demolished Tracy, cots in the yards; it is a long. Moon made a trip to Corvallis been visiting her daughter, Mrs. every voter who cannot find a Fresh fish moss and fish food yesterday, returning late in the ■ A. H. P racht for a month return- real good reason in his mind why ■ -------- - i We foufid the best roads and Iowa, and done damage in several dreary route of cactus and sand. a t the Variety Store. 16— 2* evening. Imperial Valley, California ed to her home in Portland Thurs- he should vote for me to vote for i WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 22. j t ^le best m arked roads in Minne- other places. Mr. Johnson for the office. Paul Anospide, an American ! sota than in any state we passed We passed through Atchinson, looked refreshing in comparison; ! day by auto stage. If defeated, I shall have no citizen, has been slain by bandits through. No advertising is per- Topeka, Leavenworth, and Tong- the f ’rst cool night was exper- S p en d W eek -en d — W ednesday night. Sept. 24, feeling or resentm ent w hatever at Fontera, Mexico, according to m ltte l along the highway except anoxie, Kansas, where Mr. Carol Van Dyke and Dori3 Armory, Ku Klux Lecture. 15— 4t Intoxicated— Free- ienced on the m ountains near San It is not my intention to .m ake K leinham m er spent the week-end advices received by the govern- such as to point the stranger his berg was in business forty years Diego. Going- through Pasadena “ D utch” Beck was fined $25 Crater Lake— at Applegate visiting relatives. this morning by Police Judge Lem any campaign or to ask any p er­ ment. The report did not state w a>'- Through w estern Iowa, ago. He met a few of his old up the coast rouQ*, we got into Frank Beswick and family of L. Gaghagen for being drunk on son to vote for me. Though w hether he was robbed or held northern Illinois and southern friends s t’ll living there who in-! a cold fog, and through the Sac- Rinex for Asthma — McNair Medford went to C rater Lake yes­ the city streets W ednesday night. deeply interested in the general for ransom. Wiseonsin small grain was good, sisted on» his stopping with them a lam ent Valley on the we6t side Bros. terday and returned by way of An additional $5 was added to progress of Ashland, in better but corn was backward owing to couple of days, and iff living over we had a very strong headwind, Klamath Falls. 1 the usual $20 fine for intoxica­ streets, extended lighting sys­ so much ra in th at farm ers could events of other days, seemed to At Yreka we had quite a shower To Corvallis— tion because this is Beck’s second tem, more scenic drives, our park not plant early and in many forget the years th at had passed, which lasted until we were nearly Fresh fish moss and fish food offense.— Klam ath Herald. and auto camp, etc. I feel the so­ Cleon Caldwell left last nie' places could not get onto the land leaving its m ark upon all alike, home, where we arrived at 6 p. 16— 2* lution of the w ater question to be for Corvallis where he will attend at the Variety Store. to cultivate it, and many fields In Oklahoma, crops were g e n -'in . Friday. We traveled 8,200 the param ont issue in th e coming O. A. C. this year. Crater Luke— were given up to weeds. erally good. We camped at Mus- mi leg; were in o v e ra l electric To G renade— Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge, city election. I therefore pledge We spent six del’ghtful weeks kogee, and passed oil fields con- storm s, living out all the time and Sweet cream for whipping and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fuller and Bobby Dodge and Misses Edith myself to im m ediate careful and AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 22— with relatives and started forj ta ’ning hundreds of immense oil never got wet nor took cold. We coffee— also fresh milk, alway Mr. and Mr3. John Finneran of Dodge and Isabelle Silver made complete investigation by compe­ “ Ma” Ferguson, who was recent­ Texas the 8th of August. In tanks. Cotton in northern Texas passed through fifteen states, on ice at the Plaza. 239— ti his city were in Grenada yester­ a trip to C rater Lake yesterday, tent engineers of every possibility ly given the Democratic nom ina­ those six weeks quite a change' is good; south of Waco the arm y Mr. and Mrs. Freeberg. day to attsn d the wedding of Miss going by way of Medford and of w ater and power development tion for governor In this state by Klenzo Antiseptic Mouth Wasl Mice V ande:s.uis to Kenneth returning by K lam ath F a lb . They in Ashland creek canyon, and the a huge vote, in a dem urrer to­ King. 50c— McNair Bros. reported th a t there were several broadcasting of reports', maps and day charged a conspiracy of the inches of snow at the lake and inform ation in connection th ere­ Ku Klux Kian to defeat her in with to every resident. V isitin g H e r e - Suits and overcoats, special val­ th at is was exceedingly cold. the November elections. The suit Mrs. P itts of Klam ath Falls is ues, $28.50 tailored Assuming th a t such complete is to prevent her candidacy for to your in Ashland visiting Mrs. John measure at Orres tailor, tailors Ladies and children’s hair cut­ data will show up some practical the governorship. upstairs. Best values in Ameri­ ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par- method of developing sufficient Enders. ca. 17— 2* or. 293-tf w ater and power from the can­ Cliff Payne has Inland lad- yon, and believing as I do th at WILL WELCOME BUSINESS MEN To Grants P ass — tiers. every detail should now be as­ Study Club— Wm. B arber and family mad6 The Ashland Music Study Club certained and made public, even The welcome to the Massachu­ a trip to G rants Pass yesterday will hold its first meeting of the if the probable cost does run con­ To> Portland — setts business men and women H. S. Emery left Saturday and visited with Mrs. Alfred year at the home of J. H. Fuller, siderably higher than the early rig h t for Portland where he will H uggarth, who was form erly a 150 N orth Main Street this even­ prelim inary estim ates, th a t the who will be in Ashland between three and four o’clock tomorrow patient at the Convalescent Home. ing at 7:45 o’elock. A cordial people may have opportunity to visit for some time. will be givefc at the Civic club­ invitation is extended to all who vote on some definite proposition, house. Prof. I. E. Vining, presi­ Orres c le a n i clothes. Phone 64. See Paulserud’3 for the latest wish to join. Anyone is eligible I should bend every effort as may­ dent of th e state Cham ber will in Fall suits and woolens. who is interested in music and or to get this subject up for a give a short address. The women R eturns H om e— 14— tf willing to work to fu rth er the vote of the people at the earliest m embers will be presented by Clinton Baughman returned possible date. If the Ashland aims of the club. Mrs. P. K. Hammond, president last night from Astoria where he D oing W ell— voters will then vote a definite of the Civic Club and Miss Grace has been attending the State Fire Mrs. Sam Rhodes is reported Sends E xhibit— sum for a definite w ater program Cham berlain, officer of the state Chief’s Convention during the past to be doing very well following K lam ath's best in the line of in the canyon I shall be pleased her operation at the Community agricultural products and county to do all possible as city executive Federation of W omen’s Clubs and week. form er resident of M assachusetts. Hospital recently. club work left early this m orn­ to secure the rapid completion of Mr. Howell, the new Y. M. C. ing by truck for Salem where such a project at the minimum Every ad has a message. A. Secretary, wants to meet all The tru th about the Ku Klux County Agent C. A. Henderson cost. “ Y” Pioneer boys between the Kian W ednesday night. Sept. 24 and County Club Leader Frank It seems to me particularly u r­ 15— 4t Sexton will make up an exhibit gent at th is time to elect a real ages of 12 to 15 Tonight at 7:30 Armory. NOTICE OF HEARING ON n t the Presbyterian Church. FIN A L ACCOUNT th at will compete with other coun­ business council to back up who­ 18— 1 Has P osition — IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ties at the state fair.— Klam ath ever may be elected your mayor. Word was received today from Herald. To handle perhaps a half million THE STATE OF OREGON FO R ' Pair Pair Joe Neil stating th a t he had re­ F ish in g — dollars of city funds in a two year JACKSON COUNTY. Size 66x80 Heavy Cotton Blankets in Size 70x82 Wool and Cotton mixed. N. H. Harrison and Max Pracht ceived a position with C lark’s or­ period is no light m atter, and if In the M atter of the Estate of t new colorings in plaid patterns, pink, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY m ade a fishing trip Saturday and chestra at the College Inn and Hnds hound with soisette, come plaid finally decided to do so your city ANICE McCLANAHAN, deceased.! blue, tan, lavender and will attend the University of Ore­ Sunday and expect to return some­ grey patterns: pink, blue, tan and grey. guardians should have an extra NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,! gon this year. Mr. Neil has been tim e today. FOR SALE CHEAP— Laundry, large m ajority indorsem ent by th a t th e Final Account of the playing in Loveland’s orchestra doing better than $100.00 per vote of the people and every as­ executor in the said estate has Complete line of As'hland Can- and was prom inent in musical week. Some term s. A ddress R. surance of confidence and harm ­ been filed with the County Clerk Pair Bed Goods at Detricks. 94-tf circles at the high school while C. M. care of Tidings. 18— 3* ony in our ranks. of Jackson County, Oregon and i Size 66x80, 100% pare wool, come in here. Size 70x80. Block plaid cotton blan­ Any program of w ater develop­ the Hon. G. A. G ardner, Judge FOR SALE: - Good horse, Fresh fish moss anid fish food block plaid patterns, in blue, tan, ment in the canyon would seem of said Court has designated t h e ' kets in an extra heavy quality. Made weight 1000 lbs, sound, 946 8t the Variety Store. 16— 2* To P ortland— grey, lavender and pink. An extra to suggest a considerable increase 25th day of October, 1924, at ten! of China cotton; it looks and feels 18— 3* in our w ater and light rates, and H. H. E lh art and E. L. Bootilier Beach St. o’clock A. M., at the Courthouse; tine value in an all wool blanket. like wool. of this city left yesterday for H ornbrook— FOR SALE— 16x16 tent with m ight even increase our city in Jacksonville, Jackson C ounty.! H. C. Emery and family, the Portland where they will attend flooring and side walU, good con­ taxes. The public is entitled to O regon as the time and place for Crouch family and Sam Morris to business for several days. Staple Cotton Blan­ dition. 946 Beach St. 18— 3* have every bit of inform ation as a hearing thereon. Any person Pure Wool made a trip to Hornbrook yester­ to these features carefully work­ having any -objections to said ac­ Blankets FOR SALE: — Good milk cow, ed out in advance and then to count is required to present the K. K. K. Lecture, Armory, Sept. day to visit Mr. and Mrs. H arry kets, pair 24. 15— 4t cheap, also 2 iron bedsteads with pair Morris. “ The Quality Store’’ have the final say by popular I same on or before the time set $2.48 to $3.75 springs. 465 Mt. Ave. 314J. $10.50 to $19.75 vote. j for said hearing. Fresh fish moss and fish food No agen t in Southern Oregon 18— 2 My mind is already made up LOUIS WILCOX, Executor. 16— 2* can w rite better A uto insurance at the V ariety Store. if elected to work out these prob­ j Briggs & Briggs, Attys. FOR SALE — Hudson Super- o r a t low er rates than th e Staples lems in a thoroughly businesslike Ashland, Oregon. 18— 4 Mon. Six, model* O., condition A1 To M edford—- A gency. way and not to be swept off my Privately owned, Mr3. C. H. Pitney and son, throughout. feet by misguided enthusiasm LA FOLLETTE STRENGTH consider small car In exchange. T o E u gen e— Dick, left this morning for Med­ coming from any quarter. O ther­ SURPRISE IN DIGEST VOTE Mi3s Joyce Johnson left this ford where they expect to stay $650. Phone Medford 690L. wise I should much prefer an 18— 3* m orning for Eugene to enter the for several days and visit with I ----------------------------------------------- honorable defeat in the Novem­ (Continued from Page 1) University of Oregon for her friends. FOR RENT: Piano. Phone ber election. Junior year. 265J. 18— 2* If any definite plan shall be College. Are you hard to fit? Try a suit “ The situation is fu rth er com­ sanctioned by the people I should LOST: — Between K lam ath Why pay more for milk when made to your m easure at Paul­ constru this to be a command for plicated by such electoral anom a­ 14— tf Falls and Ashland, one 30-3% rapid you can get the best milk for serud’s. aggressive action and lies as the fact th a t Georgia, with rim, Riverside, cord tire and tube. 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone should at once try to m easure up a popular vote of 154,049 in the Phone 262 Jacksonville. Reward. 396R and 369J. 4-tf In A shland— to the situation with the aid and last election, has fourteen elec­ 18— 2* Mr. and Mrs. H arry E. Dobbins, toral votes, while New Jersey, advice of a good council. sen, W il’is and Mrs. Delta J. H unting— with 908,638, has precisely the CHARLES H. PIERCE— Adv. WANTED: — Work by High Perry A shcraft of Portland, D re s'le r were in Ashland recent­ School boy, Evenings or S atu r­ ?eo. A shcraft and wife of Newport ly frem the K lam ath Agency. days. Phone 422J. 18— 2 *-♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -» • ♦♦ ♦ ♦ • • • and P. L. A shcraft of this city Save $10.00, walk upstairs to have gone hunting for several 17— tf hays. On their return the party Orres tailor shop. will stop in Ashland for a short 0 Snappy new models In suits for time. young men at Paulserud’s. - 14— tf The Staples A gency has a w on­ bocal > P ersonal flotes BELIEVE 5 MEN Q. R. M artinelli, chef at the Saint Francis Hotel in San F ran ­ cisco, is in Ashland for several davs. W EA R W ELLB L Warm, ^Durable, Jfaxurious Time to Buy Blankets You’ll be delighted with the attractive colorings and pat­ terns shown in our new lines of WEAR WELL BLANK­ ETS. Their prices are decidedly moderate. $4.91 $6.65 $10.50 $5.48 Pair E. R. ISAAC & CO. Business Demands Modern Binders and riodern Printed Forms TO d erfu l bargain in B ungalow . B et­ V isitin g H e r e - ter hurry. DOUBLE TAXATION Mrs. P e ttit of Honolulu is in Ashland visiting at the home of PORTLAND, Sept. 20— A re­ K. P. Picnic— her son and daughter-in-law , Mr. fund of all sums paid by Oregon More than 100 members of the and Mrs. Leonard P ettit. corporations or th eir stockholders, K nights of Pythias from this city, when such payments constitute l.ledford, G rants Pass, Klamath B urton Dancing School, Mem­ double taxation, will be recom­ Falls and Montague gathered at orial Hall. Open dally. A fter­ mended to the coming session of Lithia Park Sunday a t noon for noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. the legislature by the state tax nn enjoyable picnic and sdcial 307-tf commission, according to Earl feathering. Fisher, state tax commissioner. To Crater Lake—- When the income tax law, was Imogene W allace, piano classes Misse3 Templin, Kidder, Jar- drafted by the legislature of 1923 begin September 25. For infor­ mon and W etherford, teachers in an effo rt was made to insure the m ation phone 210-J or w rite Miss the Ashland schools made a trip collection of the tax on earnings W allace, C entral Point. 13— tf to C rater Lake yesterday and made by non-resident stockhold­ reported a very enjoyable time. ers of corporations doing business R etu rn s to A sldand— They were taken by Acklin’s in Oregon. This was the proviso Rev. S. J. Chaney has been re­ Taxi. invalidated by the McCourt decis­ assigned to Ashland for this year. ion. It provided, in substance, It was announced at the Metho­ HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, th a t an Oregon corporation doing dist conference yesterday. To­ of course. 212— tf business in the state, should con­ day the Medford people, and John sider dividends paid to resident Rigg, Ralph Billings and Rev. S. Remove Stamps— stockholders as a deduction in the i J . Chaney took the delegates on The postoffice departm ent ha3 a trip to C rater Lake. The ses­ issued notices to business houses establishm ent of net taxable in­ sions closed last evening after a calling attention to the fact th a t come, but th at, in the case of div­ pa'd to non-resident stock- •very successful conference. The old addresses and postage stam ps idends . . .. . next conference will be held in m ust be removed from container I holders' th<’ *“ shoold be pald Eugene next year. »h en they are neat through th e " » SOUrCe by tbe corpora“ on- mails again. This applies par- SPEOIAL attention to AUTO-1 ticularly to egg containers and Let ns fill your pall with Swift» MOBILE insurance; better term s' the boxes used in the transports- Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than and lower rates. Yeo, of course.! tion of films— Medford Sunday shortening. Goes farther and is Phone 21 A 274-J. 212— tf Sun. .more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf Rayon Silk Vests and Bloomers Ravon is the new name adopted for artificial silk or fibie silk. The vests and bloomers we are showing are made of fine drop stitch knitted vesting in flesh and peach shades. VESTS BLOOMERS VESTS $1.19 $2.45 $1.41 We have taken the agency for one of the best known maunfaeturers of loose-leaf svstems of office factory and professional records of all kinds. Systematize Your Books by adapting modern methods. We will be glad to assist you in doing this. It will mean more accurate books and therefore less loss and inconvenience to yourself and to your customers. < > A s t r i p e d Char­ meuse bloomer, all colors $1.19 The Ashland Tidings Phone 39