H ö i fe ta li AgftUifö M M mtííflá MnR¿A>, *4í‘p<«U»l Î m * î thl. iflíií Classified Column ! PROFESSIONAL ClaHaifled Colum n R ates ¡S O C IE T Y will hop hom New York to and their companions, ‘th ai th e 'C h ic a g o , the next from Chicago io fly enntinuously? T hat’s what the Air Service next umo we. attem pt such a to Sàn Francisco, the next to statem en: attributed to Clemen­ , . - Se­ would like to know next. hazardous test in flying we shall attle, the A le u tia n , Yokohama, ceau th a t th e ’ trouble with Gsr- OR. IIAWLEY— /.bove Tidings see hôw fast we can fly around Shanghai, Rangoon, Calcutta, etc. MISS ED ITH DODGE, E d itor inany is that there are twenty office. Phone 91. the world. That would be ac­ or w hatever division of mileage million too many Germans is sup- Portland — Bium aaer - Frank Phone items to her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. complished by establishing relay the plans may call for. DR. C. W . HANSON Drug Company plans $300,000 ; ported in more scientific fashion -»»»i depots, around the world ,with FOR RENT W hat the result will be is quite D entist • by Professor Gustav Cassel, of warehouse, seven stories high, on machines and pilots and • P a ris S ty le H ints— me- ! easily imagined. Instead of the Irving street, between 13th and Special attention given to pyor- i BRAHMA the University of Stockholm, and chanics to fly each leg of the Planes being forced to wait for FOR RENT— Pleasant furnish- rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver (By Ra,ph Waldo Em erson) I PARIS, Sept. 22.— The sh a w l! J. M. Keynes of Cambridge .Uni- 14th street. journey. «<1 apt., near Jr. High, 323 Al­ be * * 8 .reve,a* ' repa,r». to change engines, or to has not said its last word to the versity, two of the leading ¡con ! I I I i n , , . beautiful framed picture of LLhia lots of shade, grounds about by compelling these powers to FLORIST Park. 60x200, splendid surroundings. * * * , fign the Treaty of Versailles. UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT AND SAY IT WITH FLOWERS These first two attem pts have W ELL FINISHED NINE ROOM From been inadequate to restore the Uppec Valley— HOUSE in the pink of condition H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed Wednesday. Sept. 24, the U p­ complete peace which is essential that will delight you and inside and out, built of the very Co., tem porary location 399 per Valley Community Club will to European life, and the econom- NEW YORK, Sept. 22.__What best m aterial, with all modern Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and have a prelim inary m eeting at ists were a t last called in to ac- is the ‘shortest time in which avi- your guests. Why worry conveniences. floral design’ng. Phone 118. 9-mo the home of Mrs. C. A. Brown on complish through the Dawes re­ ators can fly around the world? The owners are non-residents with cake-baking or bread the Boulevard. This will be a Mil­ port a task for which soldiers and W ith American “ Eagles” sue 30x3 % and are bound to sell. You can I linery meeting and all ladies are politicians, let us say, are un- cessful ¡n being the first to cir have this place for one third of POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS making when our pro­ instructed to be sure and bring able to accomplish. The expert j cum navigate the globe through w hat it would cost to duplicate old velvets and hat fram es and knowledge of the economist was the air, General Mason M. Patrick, ducts arc sure to be so th e property and you can conduct anything to be used in making a necessary for a settlem ent. Chief of the Air Service, would G, W . Milam your own appraism ent. This is “ The adoption of the Dawes now like to know Just how quick­ pleasing to vou. bat, so th at they can be shown Independent absolutely an unparellel bargain report seems likely to give Ger­ ly th a t same flight could be made. how to renovate the m aterial. It fo r a large family or a small fam­ Candidate for County School many some , financial stability, “ It is quite p o s s ib le ,G e n e ra : ily who would like to rent out bed­ Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ is very im portant th a t they do but I see little likelihood of Ger­ this as nothing can be done un­ Patrick said in discussing** the room s of which there are six very i ty, Oregon. many, any more than England, world flight made by Lieutenants til the m aterial and frames are large and airy. being as prosperous as it was be­ in shape. Will be glad to show this prop­ • * • fore the war. The fundam ental ! For a smooth shave erty to anyone interested if they fact in both these countries is t h a t ! and quick service go will call in person. Shower— they are so thickly populated and to the Shell Barber STAPLES REALTY AGENCY Mrs. Louis Schwein entertained so highly industrialized th a t the Shop.* Ladies and 'with a delightful shower in honor international division of labor and children get your hair of Miss Bernice Flackus a t her FO R SALE bobbed and m arcel­ home on Church street, Friday exchange of commodities must be carried on to the highest de­ 6 room modern house on North led. evening. A delightful evening was gree or their business life breaks Main St. Large lot, all kinds of to get a deor will be b etter W. A. SHELL, Prop. spent in playing games and tell­ down. Oregon and other western fru it. A Real Bargain. Price ► 32 A. St. Ashland, Ore ing stories. At the close of the states which feel they need an in­ $3500 on good term s at 6 per if you Use • • evening a two-cour3e luncheon flux of settlers should take com­ cent. was served by the -charming hos­ fort in the fact th at the evils 6 room modern house close in tess. The tables were charm ing­ Price $2100, on easy terms. WEATHER OUTLOOK ly decorated. Red Crown Service Station on Miss Flackus received many Main Highway to trade beautiful gifts from her many *2? the ten y e a rs from 1913 to 1923, n et earn in g s Pac’fic Coast States: F air for house in Ashland I bron ught a track load o f bar­ friends. normal tem pera­ o f T h e C alifornia O regon P o w e r C om pany in creas­ Good 18 acre ranch on highway, weather and gain counter good s from P ort­ Those present were Misses Ail- ture in California; considerable 6 room house, good new barn, ed 281 p e r c e n t land la st w eek, a ll o f w hich garage, nice lawn, 6 cows, good cloudiness and occasional rain ene W alker, M arjorie and Louise w ill bo sold accordingly. A uto i T h is constantly grow ing use o f electricity in team , sow and 12 pigs, 2 dozen with tem perature below normal Gillette, Alice Brown, Mabel R obes, W ade D ragsaw , H alt­ hom es, industries a n d fa rm s is b u t one o f m a n y re a ­ chickens and all farm m achin­ in W ashington and Oregon. The T rott, Grace and Louise Ridley, ers, and lo ts of arm y goods. ery. 12 ton hay Price $6500 fire w eather hazard will remain Hazel Erickson, Bessie McMillan, sons w h y n ea rly t w o m i l l i o n A m e r i c a n i n v e s t ­ Com e in early w h ile th ey last. on good terms. high in California and relatively Bertha Borall, Romona Wise, o r s h a v e a lre a d y chosen electric lig h t an d p o w er Mesdames Gerald Gunter, Norma See in the north Pacific States. securities for th e safeguarding o f th e ir funds and W. W. ROBISON, N orthern Rocky Mountain and Reeder, J. Z. Wing, Elton Ramsey, m o n th ly savings. 63 North Main St. Plateau Regions: S c a t t e r e d Jewel Lockhart, Eric W eren, Roy 8tf showers toward middle of week. Clary, Mrs. Schwein, the hostess * and the guest of honor, Miss Ber­ FO R SA LE or TRADE— .160 Cool bgeinning and again toward nice Flackus. acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ end of week. • * * tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, Letterheads, statem ents, t o I). A. R, M eeting— North Dakota. If interested call your order at the Tidings Office. The D aughters of the Ameri­ or w rite G. S. Butler. 300— lm o T h e C alifornia O regon P o w e r C o m p an y ’s 7% can Revolution met at the home FOR SALE — Tomatoes for of Mrs. Elizabeth Van Sant on P re fe rre d Stock yields a dividend r e tu rn o f 7.14% on canning, 2 cents per pound. Mrs. Oak*street, Friday afternoon. The $100.00 p a r v alu e shares, obtainable b y d irect p u r­ Josselyn, upper end of Ashland meeting was an usually splendid ch a se from th e C om pany a t $98. one. The regular business m eet­ St. 14— 6* . ing was held with Miss B lanche| MISCELLANEOUS For full information about our special Monthly Hicks, Regent, presiding. Follow­ Chew it after Payment Plan for investments of ^5.00 a month or ing tine business m eeting Ifev. j GET YOU STOVE repaired at every m eal J. C. Mergler gave a fine ad- j if more, telephone any member of our organization— Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito you came to our [ CALIFORNIA OREGON] I t s tim u la te s dress on “ Freedom Under t h e ! or simply clip and mail the coupon below. R adiater and Stoves for sale. 14 0 a p p e tite an d Law.” He brought out the point ! b to r e and make a guess PO W E R CO M PA N Y i Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.» a i d s d ig e s t io n . ! th at we can only m aintain free- i j THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY W ANTED: — Used flat I t m a k e s y o u r dom by the m aintenance of law’. ‘ n u m b e r ot blue A — -r~ office d.esk and swivel chair. lo o d d o y on m o re i Mrs. Gordon McCracken gave an O ffic es: flo o d . N o te b o w interesting review of one of the spots in the roll of Lin­ Greer a t the Tidings office. ! i . r e U i V e®._, h a t ®, a I f y le e lto fl OREGON lectures given at the state confer­ oleum in our window. PIANO instruction, by exper- s l i e r b e a r t y e a t in g , Roseburg Medford Grants Pass Klamath Falls ence in Eugene. . • fenced teacher. Beginners prefer-! W k lte a « te e th . A social hour followed with ( CALIFORNIA • w e e te a a red. Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone! h r e e t h a n d ! Mesdames Anderson, Mitchell and ’ D u n sm u ir tiU . 3— lm o i t ’s th e goody Grace Andrews in charge. D u e 1 th a t to the fact th a t Miss Mitchell • Goats Bred by registered was away Mrs. Mitchell took her; buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk s tr a in ,1 T H E CALIFO RNIA O REGON P O W E R COM PANY low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 p’ace in addition to her own. As i your partners miies south on Pacific Highway Mrs. L. N. Woodside, who was MEDFORD, OREGON IN PROGRESS ; scheduled to furnish the music, 14— 1 mo.* Please send me full information about your 7% Preferred is ill, It was omitted. ’ Stock and special partial payment plan. W ANTED — Second cook and Delicious refreshm ents of tea dishw asher at the Ashland Hotel. and cakes were served. The cakes Heating stoves $5 down 17— tf j caused much comment as they and weekly payments. Name. — o r C M a il th is c o u p o n were each decorated with the let- C lassified ads bring resu lts. i tcr3 of the organization. — to d a y ] c X d d re s8 One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one m onth or more. ftc the word each time. PH YSICIANS population. The rather blunt Snappy Mornings Just Arrived TO T RELIEF TO ALL Highways and By-Ways Plaza Market The Citizens Bank of Ashland NEXT FUGHI E ■ IO TESI SPEED Cakes, Pies and Pastry OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE STATION Miller Cord Tire $9.56 Franklin Bakery Phone 199 I VALVOLINE OIL Dr. Oeser and Son Your Chances PROFIT FROM SAVINGS Winchester Guns and Two million investors have found it! Ammunition PEIL’S CORNER Simpson's Hardware Winchester Store 7.14% and a monthly payment plan This Stove YOURS « Swenson & Peebler Furniture Co. Use Your Credit Ask any member ' of our organization