PAUK rt .(TÈ • • • ♦ > . Á<ÍÍLA&t> 0AÍLY TIDINGS Saturday, September 20, 1924 To Grant« P a s s - H otel Colum bia— NEW SERVICE AI ASHLAND HOTEL SATISFIES ALL Calf, 3rd. Listed in the register at the work Quilt, 2nd. 1 Dorothy Stevens, 4 article«, Mrs. J. L. H arner. Lunch cloth, Dick Joy, Senior Doe, 2nd. Hotel Columbia are the names of Home making, 2nd. Ellis Rose Senior Doe, 1st; ' E , V. W orry, Corvallis and Mr. Embr. in white with cut work, Emily Taylor, 4 articles. Home Junior Doe, 2nd. I Mrs. F. A. Ahoon of Vallejo, Cal. 1st. ; Making, 3rd. A D ally C hronicle o f th o se w ho com e and go, and even ts o f ‘ Emma lx Oeder, P ortrait, Girl, Dick Joy, Junior Doe and Save $10.00t walk upstairs to Barnard Joy, five vegetable«, 1st; Flower, 1st and 2nd. local Interest Buck, 1st. M uscovites H ere— Orres tailo r shop. ! 1st. 17— tf Mrs. Charles Barne, Still Life, Adena Joy, Canning, 4 jars, Seventy-five live-wire Musco­ "»♦ h m i h h m Ashland Schools, Illustrated i 1st; Flower, 1st. 1st. To Lake— vites and th eir wives of G rants ’ i Story, 1st and 2nd; Paper Weav­ F or Tacoma— lia s P ositio n — Lorraine Sparr, 4 ja rs 5th. Those who were fortunate Pass were in Ashland a few min- ! . . Eunice Grubb, Landscapes, 1st; Mrs. Em ma Oeder and Linda ing, l set, 2nd; Penm anship, 1st; • M anne, 2nd; Still Life, 2nd. Mrs. O. A. Paulesrud left last Miss Kerna Nixon has taken a Ellen Galey, 2 qts. F ru it and Oeder left last night for Lake enough to visit the Ashland Hotel utes Saturday morning en route I Posters, 3rd; Dolls. 3rd; Peu- Miss H arriet Hodges, Land­ Vegetables, 2nd. night for Tacoma where she will i position in the Ashland Realty of the Woods to spend the w eek -!lasl Sunday for the special din- to K lam ath Falls, where a M us-; scape, 2nd; Poster, 2nd. mansliip, 3rd; Sentences, 1st; vis't her m other for some time. Company for the w inter Dorothy Crews, 6 jars, 3rd. Shej end at their sum m er cottage. uer which the famous chef of the! covite ceremonial and celebra- j Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Poster, Map, 2nd; Free Hand Drawings, Lucile Crews, 6 jars, 4th. started work yesterday. Ashland had prepared report a |tio n wil1 be lield tonight. The! 1st; Lettering. 2nd; Posters, 3rd; 1st. The Staples A gency has realty Iris P a tte r s o n , S ew ing C lass A Fine Stationery— McNair Bros. splendid menu and th e 'm a n a g e - 'Muscovltes, according to one of! W ater color & crayon, 1st and K. K. K. Lecture, Armory, Sept. bargains. m ent of the hotel announced t o - , the visitors> i3 the “jazz orches- j Dick Joy, Hereford Calf, 1st. 4 th. 2nd; Mechanical Drawing Sets, Adena Joy, H ereford Heifer, 24. 15— 4t 1 The Young People’s Society of ; day th a t a menu even better than ! tra " part of the Odd Fellows. Letha Miles, 4 articles. Home 1st; Cooking Aprons, 1st; Guest 2nd. Purchased Property— making, 1st. the Nazarene Church of Medford last Sunday had been prepared ; I Tow eb, 1st. Barnard Joy, H ereford. Heifer George King has purchased the Fresh fish moss and fish food will hold a special m eeting Sun­ for tomorrow, which will be serv­ WILL MAKE SURVEY Calf, 1st. A C. Robertson property on at the Variety Store. 16__2* day a t 6:30 P. M. at the Church, OF CITY OF ASHLAND Elizabeth Joy, Hereford, Heifer ed for $1.00 a plate between 121 Beach street through the Yockey 4th and C streets. A cordial in-j and 2 o’clock and between 5:30 V isitin g H ere__ Realty Company. 1 lie Chamber of Commerce has vitation Is extended to all. A. M. j and 8 p. m. Special improvements Mr. and Mrs. John Weldbrook Ramey, Pres. started plans for a complete s u r­ 15^—3 • have been made in the dining TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Rainbow Rock Springs Coal at of Portland are visiting at the vey and census of Ashland, com­ ro o m ^ n d in the service and the Ashland Lum ber Co. Phone 20. W alter Pierson home on the To C orvallis— local peopl§* who have dined at puting the entire population; FOR SALE or trade— A Jersey 16— 2 Boulevard for several days. Ermole Carlon will leave to-j the hotel since the improvements num ber of houses, etc. It is th e cow and a good U. S. Seperator. I MADE OF 15 OZ. GOVERNMENT KHAKI th a t when completed this morrow for Corvallis to attend the , * . ,6n made are enthusiastic i d plan S*10.............................. Ropes Slide, etc ............................ #•»•> ata shalJ be pubHslX i 563 North Main. l " — 2* In Ashland— Ladies and children’s hair cu t­ Oregon A gricultural College. m con­ 10x12............................ Ropes Slide, etc ........................ •ui •»% about th e service and menu. The Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Price of ting. Powder Puff Beauty P ar 12x14............................ Ropes Slide, etc ........................... a».fto venient directory form which will { FOR SA LE:— Very Cheap. A : men j tomorrow, according to the prove of very great value to mer- the C rater Lake Hotel were in lor- small pasture lot on Oberlin St. j 293-tf Snappy new models in suits for managem ent, will be especially chants and all citizens of the Inquire 151 Coolidge St. Ashland yesterday on business 17— 2 young men at Paulserud’s. enjoyable.— A dvertisement. City. connected with the new tourist Complete line of Ashland Can­ 14— tf FOR SA LE:— 15 ton alfalfa in Biggest Little Store in Ashland J. H. Doran is assisting Secre­ hotel. ned Goods a t Betrlcks. 94-tf slack 1-2 mile from Talent on tary F u ller in the prelim inary j B urton Dancing School, Mom- work, and if the plans seem feas­ W agner Creek. F. A. Daugherty. Fresh fish moss and fish food j F o r O- A. C— orial Hall. Open daily. After- 17— 5* ible the work will be pushed io j Phone 468R3. at the Variety Store. 16— 2* William Briggs, Donald W right ! noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. rapid completion. ---------- ¡and Carl Dyrud are leaving to-j 307-tf FOR SALE— A home. 5-rooms, Sweet cream for whipping and ! morrow for Corvallis to attend; ---------- bath, wood house, chicken house, W INTER AT KLAMATH coffee— also fresh milk, always the Oregon A gricultural C ollege1 Moved— garage. Terms. Near high school 239— tf ' this year. on Ice a t the Plaza. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Nichols have 263 Mountain Ave. 17— 4* K lam ath Falls had its first THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL moved from the Cormack home touch of w inter w eather this FOR SALE— Maxwell Touring Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. N o a gen t in Southern Oregon on California street to 765 E ast ast TIM E S TO DAY Engine and tires in fine PORTLAND, Sept. 20. — Re­ morning when the m ercury drop­ car. j can w rite better A uto insurance Main street. H ere— commendation th a t the minimum ped below the freezing point with shape. 1924 license and car tools. i or at low er rates than th e Staple? E. McKenzie, brotherin-law of A gency. HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, salary of m inisters be placed at a registration of 31 degrees. Al­ A good bargain at $50. Inquire 17— 3* J. R. Meikle, has arrived in Ash­ of course. 212__tf $1400 and th a t.a ll churches adopt though It was chilly the low tem ­ 244 G rant St. perature did not last long and a land from Honolulu and will .the budget system of operation, Why pay more for milk when WANTED — Second cook and make an indefinite stay here, you can get the best milk for Don’t forget the big dance at was made today at the opening high point of 62 degrees was dishw asher at the Ashland Hotel. SUNDAY and MONDAY hoping to benefit his health. 10 cents. Llnlnger Dairy. Phone Jackson Hot Springs Sat. nite. A of the United B rethren confer- reached this afternoon. 17— tf Rain in various parts of the , 396R and 369J. ■ 4-t f big time assured you- -Metropole j enct’ OreS°n district, in the Tre- “ Men” —with fat purses and state are reported today but there ! Orche3tra. 15— 3* ! mont United B rethren church, Rainbow Rock Springs Coal at thin ideals—with silk hats and Bai gain E xtraordinary were no signs of any such e li-1 (1st street and 59th avenue. Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20. In Jack son ville— A magnificent family home, ragged morals—with shining matic change in K lam ath today. Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Davis Every body is going to Jack- ' 16— 2 adm irably situated, paved street, limousines—and dark records. — K lam ath Herald. of Ashland visited at the Gallup soh's Hot Springs Sat. Sept. 20th. lots of shade, grounds about — all fluttering around the Fresh fish moss antd fish food home in Jacksonville on T hurs­ 15- 60x200, splendid surroundings, pi • 1 who '1 1 had > ■ MANY PR IZES WON BY day. at the Variety Store. 16— 2* I Name oi <• a girl learn- UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT AND ASHLAND EXHIBITORS E at your Sunday dinner at the ied—and made them pay for W ELL FINISHED NINE ROOM Subscriber over Forty Years— The Staples A gency has a w on­ Plaza. The best chicken dinner HOUSE in the pink of condition j her hitter schooling. (Continued from Page 1) 16— 2 Jack True was in this morning derfu l bargain in B ungalow . B et­ in the city, 75 cents. inside and out, built of the very and paid his forty-second annual ter hurry. Thornton Wiley, Plate of 5 ap­ best m aterial, with all modern H otel A shland— subscription to the Tidings. He ples each, Spitzenberg, 1st; De­ conveniences. Among th e out-of-state peo­ Follow the crowds to Jackson IN lias bene on the list continuously licious, 1st; W inter Banana, 3rd; The owners are non-residents Hot Springs Sat. Nite, Sept. 20. ple- registered at the Hotel Ash­ fo r-all these years. SALEM, Sept. 20. — Operat­ Golden, 1st; Delicious, 2nd. and are bound to sell. You can Music by th e famous • Metropole land are Wm. C. Miller, Okla­ ing expenses and plant outlay for dyed piece, 1st. have this place for one third of ' 15__3* homa; J. S. Hayman, Miss Hay- The Staples R ealty A gency can Orchestra. the state school for feeble minded Miss E. Grubb, Batik Piece, w hat it would cost to duplicate man, W. M. and Mrs. -Way of for the biennium of 1925-26 will Home, 1st; and 2nd. show you som e real bargains. the property and you can conduct R eturn Soon— Modesto; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. cost $576,100, according to the A ntonia Denzer, Silk pntch- your own appraism ent. This is Mrs. C. O. Holman, who was Vernon, Hollywood; D. C. Mef- budget subm itted to the state work quilt, 1st. B ack from Vacation— absolutely an unparellel bargain Mr. and Mrs. L. ’ J. Orres and expected to retu rn to Ashland e rt and family, Boise, Idaho; budget commission by Dr. J. W. K atie L. Scott, Dresser Scarf, for a large family or a small fam ­ daughter, Edna, returned last about the 15th of this month, has Quincy Scott, Seattle; Dr. R. L. Smith, superintendent. The ex­ crochet trim , 1st. ily who would like to rent out bed­ evening from their vacation spent been detained and expects to re­ Toombly, Mrs. A. M. Toombly, penses for tilt last two years was Sr Premier Showing of Mr3. Mary Gyger, Crochet Rug, rooms of which there are six very at Bandon, Marshfield, North tu rn the first of next week. Boise, Idaho: F. A. Brown, New­ $432,874. 2nd. large and airy. Southern Oregon, ark, Cal.; R. B. Calhoun, San Bend and many other places. An increase of about 75 pa­ Mrs. H. H. E lhart, Pillow cases, W’ill be glad to show this prop­ ATTENTION GROW ERS Francisco. They were gone for several weeks tients is anticipated and several tattin g trim , 2nd, Childs coat, erty to anyone interested if they Tue.—Wed.—Thur. Pick and deliver W inter Nellis Improvements are asked. The woolen, 2nd. will call in person. Pears next Monday and Tuesday. SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ We deliver the goods— Detricks population of the institution at • Mrs. Ellen Lum an, Wool Patch- STAPLES REALTY AGENCY, MOBILE insurance; b etter term s None after Tuesday evening. 94-tf present is approxim ately 800. A FRUIT ASSOCIATION. and lower rates. Yeo, of course. probation officer to cooperate with 16— 2 Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf A real party! At the F air this institution and the 3tate in Grounds Pavilion tonight.. Finest dustrial school for girls, the ex­ Imogene W allace, piano classes “ Open-Air” Floor in the State. Fresh fish moss and fish food penses to be equally divided, is at the Variety Store. 16— 2* begin Septem ber 25. For infor­ Modern Syncopated melody, by asked by Dr. Smith. mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss the famous Jewel Orchestra! Improvem ents contem plated are W allace, Central Point. 13— tf In Ashland— a $50,000 dorm itory for women Miss Susanne E. K utter of Break In to Shop— and girls; an auditorium and. Portland, who has been attending For C ollege— , P aulserud’s Tailor Shop was school, $50,000; hospital. $40,- Paul W agner will leave tom or­ broken into last night and five 000; machine shed, $6000; re­ the Methodist conference at Med­ row for Eugene where he will a t­ or six suits of clothing were pairs to farm er’s cottage, $2300; ford, was in Ashland last eve­ ning visiting with friends here. tend the University of Oregon taken. The thieves gained en­ prune dryer, $12,000; addition to this year. trance through a back window. dining room, $30,000 and a cot­ It is not known w hat tim e the tage for the superintendent $5,- ATTENTION GROWERS th eft occurred but it wa3 prob­ 000. See Paulserud’3 for the latest Pick and deliver W inter Nellis ably about midnight. Pears next Monday and Tuesday. in Fall suits «and woolens. None after Tuesday evening. 14— tf For pleating see Orres. 17— 2* ADVERTISEMENT FOR PRO­ FRVIT ASSOCIATION. Are you hard to fit? Try a suit 16— 2 I POSALS " TO CONSTRUCT made to your measure at P aul­ No New C andidates— SEWER. R eturns H om e— serud’s. 14— tf A lull in local politics seems to R ecorder’s Office, Ashland, have come, for Saturday no fu r­ Ore., Sept. 20, 1924. Miss Ruth Aitken returned to Ashland last night after living for Confined at Home— ther petitions for council were SEALED PROPOSALS will be several months in Berkeley. She Dr. G. C. Phetteplace is con­ filed with the city recorder. Pe­ received by the Common Council was accompanied by Mrs. J. B. fined to his home with illness this titions for J. H. Hardy, R. E. of the City of Ashland, Oregon, Aitken and will rempin in Ash­ week but will resum e his duties Detrick and W. M. W right have until 7:30 o’clock P. M.. Tues­ land for about ten days, before in his office the first of next been filed. day October 7th, 1924, at the returning to Berkeley where she! week, R ecorder’s Office, and such pro­ will enter school. posals will be opened and con­ sidered the same day and date at Jew el O rchestra! F air Grounds! 8 o’clock P. M., for the construc­ W ednesday night. Sept. 24, fo n ig h t! Armory, Ku Klux Lecture. 15— 4t tion and installation of a sewer in Sewer D istrict No. 27, all pipe H otel O regon— Fresh fish moss and fish food and m aterial to be furnished by A. Fredsenholm of Stockholm, at the Variety Store. 16__2* Sweden, is staying at th e Hotel the Contractor. Said sewer district is described Oregon. Oothers registered are Returns Home— as follows: Lots 3 to 7 inclusive Douglas Ruch, Corvallis; Victor PORTLAND, Sept. 20.— Fines of Block 15 and Lots 8 to 15 in­ D. W. Merrill of Albany, who W alker, Corvallis; Geo. C. E ast­ has been in Ashland on account on, Corvallis; J. P. Calf, Seattle; am ounting to $450 were collect­ clusive of Block 11, Original of the illness of his father, E. T. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Hosselblod, ed from seven violators of the Town of Ashland* said sew er to Merrill, has returned home. Mrs. Seattle; Mrs. Busklund, Seattle; state game laws arrested thia extend from the manhole to in­ Merrill, who has also been ill, Mrs. Bradreck, Hollywood and C. week in th e Siletz country by F. tersection of Laurel and Oberlin M. Brown, chief deputy game Streets, w esterly along Oberlin ia much improved and Mr. Mer­ M. W alls, Los Angeles. warden, and W ardens Cornell and Street about 400 feet. rill is improving, but very slow­ H erring, according to report made The whole cost incurred in the ly and is still not able to receive Let us fill your pall with Swifts today at the headquarters of the any callers. construction and installation of «Silver Lea lard. Costs less than state game commission. 3aid sewer and all expenses inci­ shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is S. L. S tratton of Longview, dent thereto are to be paid by The Metropole Orchestra is more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf W ash.; G. W. Frieberg, of Los special assessment and levy on the giving another big dance a t Jack- Angeles, and C. C. Pond and Fred property specially benefitted Bon Hot Springs Sat., Sept. 20. Best Chicken dinner in Ashland. U tiger of Logston, were fined thereby, in proportion to the re- 15— 3* 75c, Sunday, at the Plaza. 16— 2 $50 each for hunting deer with spectix^ benefits thereto. dogs and $25 each for hunting Said sewer is to be construct­ Suits and overcoats, special val­ Fined— w ithout licenses. J. H. Reid of ed according to plans and speci­ ue», $28.50 tailored to your Roy Campbell, who was a rre st­ Lon Angele3 and E. P. Stokes of m easure at Orres tailor, tailors ed for the possession of liquor Siletz were fined $50 each for fications on file in the office of the City Recorder. upstairs. Best values in Ameri­ here and for helping Ira Irons to hunting deer with dogs, and All bids m ust be addressed to ca. 17— 2* escape while being held was fined Joseph Morgan of Portland was the City Recorder and m arked $2 5 for transportation of liquor fined $25 for hunting w ithout a “ Proposal to C onstruct Sewer.’» F in e Team — by Acting Judge Gowdy today. license. A certified check for $25.00 W ith seven experienced grid- Dave Jones was fined $50 for hav­ A rrests and convictions also payable to the City of Ashland iron w arriors as a nucleus, the ing liquor and Ira Irons was fin- were reported from other sec­ m ust accompany all bids, which prospects for the 1924 football i ed $25 for having liquor in his tions of th e state. Captain P. W. am ount the successful bidder shall team of the Klam ath county high possession and $10 for co3t of Johnson of Newport was fined forfeit to the City in case he shall school look bright. Football bringing him back to Ashland. $100 for allowing oil to be re- fail to execute a contract and practice has been in progress on Campbell lias returned in his car i leased in w aters of the state. Carl j furnish an approved bond for the the Modoc park athletic field and to Dunsmuir and Irons and Jones Sellers of Cottage Grove was fin­ faithful perform ance of such con­ 25 candidates for positions on the are still in Ashland. Irons was ed $25 for selling deer horn3, tra c t withip five days after no­ first team are turning out faith ­ also found with a gun and a suit­ W illiam Eusted of S tarr and J. tification of acceptance of the fully.— K lam ath Herald. case belonging to a Dunsm uir R. French of P ortland were fined bill. man, and it wa3 found th a t he had $25 each for angling w ithout li­ The council reserves the right The tru th about the Ku Klux shipped the suitcase to W ashing­ censes. to reject any and all bids. Kian W ednesday night, Sept. 24, ton. All three men are from GERTRUDE BIEDE, Armory. 15— 4t Dunsmuir. Corvallis — W inkley’s cream ery City. Recorder. one of the largest in the W illam­ Date o f 1st publication, Sep­ Santiseptic Lotion, 50c— Mc- Fresh fish moss and fish food ette valley, moves into its new tem ber 20th, 1924. Nair Bros. at the Variety Store. 16— 2* $30,000 building. 17— 2 Sat. I George Yeo was a business vis­ ito r in G rants Pass yesterday a ft­ ernoon. b o c a l ; P e rs o n a l flo te s H TEN TS TENTS New Wall Tents Army Goods Store F Î1400 AS LOWEST L “WILD ORANGES” $576,000 ASKED FOR SCHOOL FOR THE FEEBLE MINDED Pola Negri “ MEN” Your Check ARE B t f f l FIRES TONIGHT for $6.00 Plus What You Owe to Sept. 1,1924 And We Will Credit Your Subscription for One Year This is the Last Chance To Save This $1.80 No Checks at this Rate Accepted Unless Mailed Tonight! The Ashland Tidings