#À81 aséláñó Classified C olum n bÂttf mete» Saturday, September ¿0. 10^4 PR O FESSIO N A L ClawUied Colnmn Rates One cent the word each time. To m o every Issue for one m onth or more, %c the word each time. 1 ” 7 s s r x r i î DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. o R4v, « v s » J. V C, « Mergler " : r ‘ ,e r' Pastor P M tw fe r e « c lo r e -je ilo W , orange and iring a 'c ,a S3 for t i ’ . each bud quite a m .il ¡.people. Yo» „ ¡ n S “ "» scarlet :S O C IE T Y : PHYSICIANS : ' b“ re‘ " » - ...................." “ ! ,h '" » r ^ i u - 't w o hands.- MrSOTMl « Curio», blarotlr. rliici covsrH it entirely. MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor w e are glad to a n n o u n c e ^ lution * c rR ic U I n g ^ h l £ 0 ^ ° ' 1 O ^ " 8 ’ P r° feS9° r B reast ”d ” Phone itemg to her a t 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. DR. C. W. HANSON the choir of the churfh is b e in g « adopted b y £ h e c o n v e X ‘hingS th at Prof* - ’ -»-* ■» « » FOR RENT D entist re-organized with Mrs. Woodside While declaring X tre8sur<* ^ » t highly — - —------ Special attention given to pyor- SPEED it was in a way of farw ell party, FOR ~ R EN T.— j-room h o u se,; rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver t >y C. R. Haines in the Cornhill { The guests of the evening were as director. m aking this an- has been s h o w n ° f a nouncement we desire to express I bureau director X rt i 'L , ° f TUt'S n‘oth^ “ law done ’furnished on Mt. avenue. Also Block. p hone Magazine, London.) Messrs. Glenn Wild, Paul Wag- Trinity Episcopal Church 178-J. 233-tf. one on Second St. Inquire at 713 ¡ 1 \ K,“ K- Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond our full appreciation for the four charges th at be is b e in Z T th eir w a y 1 F ran k W alker’ William Oak St. i e — 2* DR, ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ Millenniums loitered on on their way, Briggs, Ralph Robison, Russell Holy communion at 8 a. m years of faithful and efficient erly advised by h e d e ” » P r ° P - • It is said on good authority And Time’s grey wings seem’d loya, service as choir directorT en- attacked and nee’s , a n J I **“ “ ‘ I “ fa3hi° n<>d “ * hil* he tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano he ™ was Overrocker, Carl Dyrud and the Church School at 9:45 Morning • FOR RENT— Pleasant furnish­ furled dered our church by Mrs. Fuller, to remedy this a n T t f ,,an^ s rushing” her daughter, whom service and sermon at 11. ed apt., near Jr. High, 323 A l.! th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. While N ature w ithout host, Donald W right, «Huation he eventually m arried, haste o r | * e mond St. 16__t i i Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Strangers and visitors most cor­ who resigned as director because’ are dem anded.' stay of the press of other duties. 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, dially welcomed. F ratern al Brotherhood — Peopled the nascent world. At eleven o’clock, the hour for Astoriia FOR RENT: — Splendid fu r­ Ore. Practically every The F ra te rn a l Brotherhood Morning Worship the pastor wi'l nished apartm ent, two room with i sah»°» canning factory in Low'- Church of Christ Lodge held th eir regular meeting kitchenette and bath. A dults only. dr . MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ lill monsters waddled on the land j «r Columbia will pack salmon Bible Study at 10:45 a. m. preach. Sermon subject,“ P ro­ Thursday evening at the Mosoe Or swallowed in the sea. Phone 122. digals R eturning” . The C. E dence and office, 108 Pioneer ! this season. 16- Hall at «even o’clock. A fter the Morning Service — Subject Bap­ will meet at 7 p. m. The even­ avenue. Telephone ¿8. Offici And pterodactyls aeroplan’d regular lodge session a dance was tism, W hat, Where, How. FOR REN T:— Furnished house On broad vans lazily. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Endeavor Service at 6:30 p. m ing worship a t eight o'clock will held. A large num ber of people close in.— Staples. p. m. only. Subject for the Evening^Ser be cfpened with a song and praise were present and all had a very The lieavy-gaited tortoise slept r?»*? ,*}?. “ avoided, tore service. The sermon theme will By Jam es Grant £•??* ,•*’ v°m ed, or torpid FOR RENT — Furnished bed CHICAGO, Sept. 18 - R i n g T„. r S ^ S w S S S a a g “ “« OR. E. B. ANGELE—Chiropractic i A thou8and w inters through enjoyable time. Music was fur vice— Is Christian Unity P racti­ he, “ Was it Capital Punishm ent cal? room, with board to steady rent nished by the P etit orchestra. Electro-Therapy. Office * efts by inches crept was the first real star gazer. 13 (leansirS er. Reasonably priced. 520 Eli j and September 28 will be Rally or the Atonement of a Race?” This lodge has been ju st re­ Each hour a mile or two. Recent discoveries ihow ac- B 5 L R 3 L - A .I zabeth. Phone 359L. 14— 4! phone 48; residence 142. First cently started In Ashland and all day in the Bible School. We are cording to Professor JameL t i ------------- National Bank building. Jam es H. T A B L « E T S By tedious steps through cycles indications show th at it will be a planning to have 250 present 01 Breasted, Of the University of «ever FOR RENT — Four-room fu r­ ‘h at day. Anderson Creek Schoo large one. nauseate—2ce slow MONUMENTS t iiicago, that the Egyptian mon­ nished apartm ent, with garage. • • • will be present. From ape advanced to man, A dults only. 1101 Boulevard. arch knew something mors than B. K. Allison ASHLAND GRANITE The cavern -dwellers with hi3 bow E ntertains— mere styles. 12-tf - Mrs. B. B. Balis of Allhor- MONUMENTS Our wondrous race began. Carefully wraped in cloth in F irst Congregational Church B lair G ranite Co. street entertained; in honor of FOR RENT: — Modern wel1 Professor B reasted’s quarters a. W. Judson Oldfield, Minister PENNISTON, Manager located furnace heated ap art­ 1 he Calm Greek in his leisured Mrs. Goings and her daughter, Lil the university is the oldest known Boulevard and Main street Office 175 E. Main lian Goings, Friday afternoon. A ments and sleeping rooms, fur home scientific instrum ent for the com­ Res. Phone 444-Y nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- W rought works the gods might lovely time was spent in visiting. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 19. — putation of the stars, believed to gad hie. At the close of the afternoon th< closses for all grades and ages t N l GIKL IN TROUBLE— May CIaim have been fashioned by King Tut Bring your Bible. Morning ser­ To offset the inroads cf “ insidious himself. communicate with Ensign L e e ! A" d. Wise »n b »r r y*»S royal Rome hostess served dainty refresh FOR SALE ments. vice a t 11; subject, “ C hrist’s De and un-American” propaganda, of the Salvation Army at the Uid deeds beyond a!1 fame. It is thought to have been used The guests were Mrs. Goingi nials.” Ju n io r Christian Endeav­ the American Legion convention FOR SALE:— A good Jersey to determ ine time by establishing W hiteShleid Home, 565 May- ,, or at 5 p. m. Christian Endeavoi here today determined to wage cow. Inquire 177 E. Main. Phone fair Ave., Portland. Oregon Ut " ° W Our dream is sperd and and daughter, Lillian, Mesdames the instant when a star crossed F rank Dickey, Henry Monroe at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30; “as effective a program e as pos­ combine (he best material 146. speed, 15— 3» the observer’s, meridian. Its con­ sible for com batting his loyal in­ uibject, “ The Picture Gallery of Monroe, Sr., B. R. Greer and PLANING MILL W ith tru th the mocker sings sti uction is said to be com para­ with tlie devices which fluences?’ FOR SALE or Trade—Overland Balis. The C hurch.” Prayer meeting That W hirl is lord and kind in­ make washing easier and “Certain foreign propagandists tively simple. Touring Car. Call at 939 B. St rORDON’S SASH AND CABINE! Mrs. Goings and Miss Going every W ednesday evening at 7:30 deed rofessor Breasted made the more satisfactory. 13— 5 Ì WORKS, Cor. Helman and The subject for next week is ‘ The apd misguided pacifists” were! And ousts all good-like things. have been visiting the Henry charged with spreading these u n -1 ’ 'eovei y b- v ’»«rest chance while — ___________ _________________ i Monroe’s and expect to re tu rr Glorification cf th e Son of Man” . Van Ness. 194tf L,ondon‘ He bad stopped in FOR SALE H e will be ghul (o (ieiuoti- The public is cordially invited to American Ideas, “stronger and j Friday for their home. ‘F aster and faster’ still we cry, more determ ined than ever t o ; English metropolis on his 6 room modern house on North • * * TRANSFER AND EXPRESS strate all these services in -th e Congre­ No m atter w hat the goal; break down ideas and ideals o f ! Way fr° m Tut 8 tomb at Luxor, Main St. Large lot, all kinds of • W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. gational church. Mrs. Elsie Churchman en ter­ We hurry, hu rry until we die, our citizenship.” and witb a ir,end had entered an fruit. A Real Bargain. Price for SERVICE tained in honor of Mrs. A. Easton Nor once possess our soul. Demand for an earlv trial of obscur ’ a » t’-que shop. 33500 on good term s at 6 per Experienced movers and pack­ who is visiting here, at her home First Church of Christ Scientist cent. Colonel C. R. Forbes, under in J There> cov.e red with the dust | ers cf household goods. Deal­ Pioneer Ave., South on Union street Thursday even­ rpHE Ashland* CALENDAR OF EVENTS dictm ent for alleged irre g u la r-: ° f ma»y centuries, it stood. Clos- 6 room modern house close in ers la coal and wood. Phone Sunday service at 11 o’clock. ing with a card party. A delight Friday, Sept. 27. Belleview Electric Supply Price 32100, on easy term s 117. ful evening was spent and at 1 Subject of lesson, “ M atter” . Sun­ lties in connection with his direc- C1 8Cruti»y showed it to have Parent-Teacher Association meets tion of the United States v e te ra n s' t,1G royal tit,e ° r the Egyptian Red Crown Service Station OD 240 E ast Main St. Office 89 Oak St. near at the Beileview School. Eight late hour lovely refreshm ents day School at 10 o ’clock. W ed­ k in g ..“ made with T utankham en’s Main Highway to trade ! Hôtel Ashland were served. The Mitchell twins nesday evening meeting at 8 o’­ j o’clock. for house in Ashland ___________ Madge and Marie, played sever clock. * * * Good 18 acre ranch on highway j r * D. POWELL— General Trans Reedfng Room open daily from al duets on the piano and Mrs 6 room house, good new barn, fer— Good team and motor j E ntertains— until 5 p. m., excepting Sun Mrs. W. C. Baldwin and chil- W aldo Klum gave some vocal se­ garage, nice lawn, 6 cows, good trucks. G iod service at a rea- , days and holidays. i dren recently entertained with a lections. team , 3ow and 12 pigs, 2 dozen sonab.’e price. Phone 83. The guests of the evening were i candypull at her home on Cali­ chickens and all farm machin- ’ B aptist Church Homes th a t have batli-a^iay fornia street. The enjoyable a f­ Mesdames • A. E. Kinney, Will ery. 12 ton hay Price 36500 fehige - roach The Rev. Steurnagel of Sacra­ facilities for all, enjoy a lux­ Dodge, Waldo Klum, Will M it­ on good terms. T ransfer — Express — Storage fair was given in honor of Lucile chell, Ella Mills, Elsie Church mento will deliver ’the message ury th a t costs next to noth Jig. Many people are taking advantage of our Rent­ See bathing benefits body .H auling — Dray work of* all Anderson of Eugene, who is re­ man and Miss Lydia McCall. at th e morning service. His wife, and Dailj turning soon to her home after mind. It is really more of W. W. ROBISON, al Books—They are as cheap as buying the liopular kinds. Quick motor service. Dry * * * a cultured vocalist, will sing. This a necessity than a luxury. pending a six weeks vacation in 63 North Main St. wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R magazines and you are able to read books vtzu want will be a service you cannot a f­ Modern bathing equipm ent Parent-T eacher Meeting— 8tf , 375 B. St. 112-tf Ashland. Each one present pull- is m oderate in cost. to read. ford to miss. At the evening ser­ The H aw thorne Parent-Teach i ed his own portion of taffy. The W e’d be glad to tell you vice, 7:30 the young people will FOR SALE o r TRADE—,160 about it. afternoon was thoroughly enjoy­ er circle met at the H awthornt acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ FLORIST school yesterday afternoon, with have charge and will conduct tlu ed by all present. tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, The guests were Luci’.e A nder­ a very good attendance of p ar­ whole service. Thi3 is to be the SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North D akota. If interested call NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED son, Mrs. C. Shutts, Miss Mary ents and every teacher present. first of Sunday evening services From or w rite G. S. Butler. 300— lm o which will be conducted by the Mrs. GeBauer was elected presi­ H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed Spencer, E sther Spencer, Mrs. dent in the place of Mrs. Guy young people once a month d ur­ location 399! Trusty, Waldo, Roscoe and Ger- FOR SALK —— Tomatoes for Co., tem porary ing the w inter. The Bible school Toilet Goods— Cut flowers and a,d TrUSty> Mr8‘ S’ Y arian’ dai3y’ Good, who resigned. Plans for a canning, 2 cents per pound. Mrs. Mountain Ave. Plumbing Heating Books and meets 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting membership drive wa3 outlined Drug Sundries 9 i Earl, and Clifford Yarian, Jessie Stationery f "hone 188 207 E. Main Josselyn. upper end of Ashland floral designing. Phone 118 and Dorothy Bu3h, R uth Myers. At the close of the business Mrs. W ednesday evening. Prayer band St. 14— 6* and Bible study Tuesday evening POLITICA L ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. W. C. Baldwin and Lyston, Denton, school nurse, gave an ex. cellent talk, w arning every p ar­ 7:30. FOR SALE— 30 pullet3 from Gae'yn and Thais Baldwin. O ther services announced from ent to keep his or her child in » » » trapnested hens, sires records G, W. Milam pulpit. school regardless of any fear of over 270. A. Bert Freem an, 112 Birthday P arty — Independent B. C. Miller, Pastor N utley. Phone 456J. 1-ttf Candidate for County School Miss Alice Brown was pleas- epidemic, and urged th a t the p ar­ l antly surprised at her home on ents try to keep th eir heaas when FOR SALK — Jersey cow. Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ ty. Oregon. Ilolly slreet Wedaesday evening faced with sickness. It is .hop­ Tlie hirst Presbyterian Church Phone 9F4. 14__4* Ashland, Oregon — ■- — when a group of friends came to ed th at eVery Hawthorne m other Corner N. Main and Helman Sts. can be present at the next meet ' kelp her celebrate her birthday. FOR SALE— Grapes. Thomp­ ing, which will be sometime the For a smooth shave : a birthday dinner was served son Seedless, Rose of Peru, Mus­ and q u ’clt service go with a large birthday cake. The first of October, as some very cat and Tokay. Get them fresh to the Shell Barber tables were charm ingly decorat­ im portant business will be pre a t the vineyard or phone A. H. Shop. Ladles and ed in pink and white. Following aented at th a t time. Davenhill. 14__4» children get your hair the dinner the time was spent in MISCELLA NEOCS bobbed and marcel talking and doing fancy work. Paris Style H int— PARIS, Sept. 20. “ Mother, led. The invited guests were Misses GET YOU STOVE repaired at FOR pin a rose on me, or a camelia, oi Grace and Louise Ridley, Mar­ Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito W. A. SHELL, Prop. jorie Gillette, Ruth and Bernice any other flower th at looks well Rad later and Stoves for sale. 140 >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore Flackus, Bertha Borall and Mar­ with my complexion and costume Oberlin St. 306-1 m o ? garet Stevens. At a late hour the For Fashion says to wear a flow WANTED: — Used flat top girls said goodnight, wishing Miss er this season.” The vogue for wearing flowers office desk and swivel chair. See Brown many happy retu rn s of the fresh one3, or th e fadeless vari­ G reer a t the Tidings office. 1-4 day. ety, is growing from day to day. * * * PIANO instruction, by exper­ The fashion has always been a Postponed— ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ The m eeting of the Belleview pretty one and very popular since red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone Parent-Teachers Association post­ the days when the “ Dame aux 441J. 3— lm o poned its meeting last night until Camelias” made the little white WANTED — 12 or 15 milk next Friday, Sept. 26. A clever flower famous. The grande couturiers are custom ers in vicinity of Junior program has been arranged and, High school. Call at 156 Man­ a large num ber of people are ex­ showing flowers on all th etr street ■ costumes. 1 here are brilliant Drug Stora ( zanita St., after 5:00 p. m. pected to attend. camelias and pale white ones. * * * 14— 4* Shaded carnations, in pink and E ntertains— Goats Bred by registered gray tones, give a delightful touch ' Greeting Cards — Crater Mrs. C. C. Cole and son, Jr., buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, Lake Pictures were guests at a charm ing din­ and can scarcely be distinguished' low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 from the real garden variety. The ner party given in th eir honor at mlies south on Pacific Highway the home of Mrs M. E. Randles 14— 1 m o? W ednesday evening. The table w-a beautifully decorated and a WANT TO R EN T:— Couple wants delicious luncheon was served. to rent -small place on or near Pola Negri Following dinner the party made Highway between Medford and to the Paramount Picture a motor trip to Medford. Those C rater Lake Junction. State *M en * present were Mrs. C. C. Cole and price and description. Address 3on, Jr., Miss Alice Doran and Mrs. A rthur Keenan. K irkford | At the Vining Sun. & Mon. Ore., Care of Shans, Bertram Co ' Mrs. M. E. Randles. A l THE CHURCHES I TO S W STARS C onstipation N’ ï Ï0 Universal E lectric W ashing M achines Costless L uxury RENTAL LIBRARY Look Them O ver Jerry O’Neal EIHABrS F in e STA TIO N ER Y all occasions McNair Brothers Classified advertisements have come to be an American institution—ihev •/ vitally concern every member of the family. ♦ * ♦ Stage Party— • Donald W rig h t entertained a do waat Rnmber b°ys at b *s home at we claim for ir ’ 341 Beach street last night. The K a il’s Catasra?Sa NOTICE O F FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson —rid «r..» B County. tia your system o f Catarrh or I W ucss ca.i^d by Catarrh U In the M atter of the Estate of D. F. Jackson, Deceased. ?. J. CHENEY fit *“*-*•» c n t Toledo, ^ i j d u o Notice is hereby given th a t the w— undersigned, adm inistrator of the “ above estate, has filed his Final Account in said county court, and th a t Monday the 20th day of Oc- 1 tober 1924, at ten o’clock a. m .J and the court room of said Court, at Jacksonville, Oregon, has been appointed, by the Court, as the tim e and place for hearing ob- J jection3 to said Final Account, j and the settlem ent thereof. Preferred Stock yields Date oL first publication, Sep­ tember 13, 1924 B. E. Smith, A dm inistrator. 1 11— 5 Sat. • 1 evenin g was * • »Pent in i playing i sam es and ta?king- At the close ! ■ of - the refresh- , evening delightful , m ents were served. The party was given because the group will soon be leaving for college and G7l)£ CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER ^COM PANY 7.14% A storia — New 375,000 depot for S. P. & S. railroad to be built a t once. ask kany mem iberofcour oiganization Sally Ann Bread is good all the time; for any meal any day of the week. L itliia B akery Most Readers S p ecial Sunday D in n e r At The N elda C afe ii to 2 5 to 8 - - $1.00 have becom e h ab itu al patrons of th e classi­ fied advertisem ents, because th ey have found it is a p ro fitab le h ab it, indeed. P ick up today’s issue of T he T idings, read f th ro u g h th e classified advertisem ents and learn for yourself why classified advertis­ ing is so im portant. 1 Cent A Word The Ashland Tidings U5I