twe AS H L A M ) AstfLÀtfb DAO ttftffiflft D A IL Y Haturduy, Septem ber S40, T I D I N G S ^ /1 church or two. lyyj In the wide stretches of the valley be-’ BRYAN JUMPS ALL been filed. Tidings classified do the business (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 0 ) tween there were scattered cabins connected by trails! OVER GEN. DAWES Mrs. Blackburn, a bank clerk, asserts In her suit, th at she was! faintly traced., In the span of-about half-a-cent'ary inter-! P u b lished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by veiling between then and now our communities* as w e* PENDLET0N> Sept. l » .- T h r e e | throw n heavily against the top of THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. thousand persons 3tood in t h e i an auto in which she was riding, !| now have them, many with their thousands and . . . . z some rain two hours today and listen-! when it struck a spot in the Pac-1 OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE Uert R. Greer ......__ ....._____ ______...._______ Editor W ltll I Heir tens ot thousands, equipped with facilities of a «1 to W illiam Jennings Bryan ‘ ifir highway, where a culvert had i George Madden Green ................ 1 B u sin e ss? ' Manager STATION modem standard of living, have been realized. 'This was hold up General Dawes, the Re- b«en placed, and th at the excava- O FFICIAL CITY P A P E R .................................................. ~...........T elephone 39 publicau candidate for vice-presi- ) tion had not been properly lev- E ntered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Class Mail M atter encompassed through imitating the institutional arrange­ leled, and no w arning signs were 30x3 % ments and achievements of the more advanced outside ridicu’e’ posted. _ Subscription Price, D elivered In City One M o n th .................................. --------------------------- $ , .^5 world. In tne past the Oregon communities have been m dent Coolidge as the most react- i Three Months ......... ........................................... the role of catching up. From now on with some solid ionary man who ever sat in the ' We. have a good job printing de Six M o n th s......... ...................................................... -•................ i'2 2 president’s chair. He said Coo- par tm ent.' advantages in their type of population, in climate and one Year.............' . U» ~ B y MaU and R ural R outes: other resources, to have the consciousness of hein®- real-jlidse was a bteh-minded, con-! One M o n th .... Iv alive it devolves upon them to make returns in cultural ! ‘"Ô rX X I ? .65 Three Months ....................................... Six M on th s............................................................................................. ì ’ ! 3.50 contributions to the world at large to whom until now they other other ouaiities qualities. One Year 6.50 have essentially been debtors. Dawes’ speech on irrigation was ! DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: censured and he praised La F o l-1 The Oregon community as a whole has the basic ele­ Single Insertion, per inch ................................. $ lette as a progressive, but said ments essential for raising itself to the place of a cred­ „ , Yearly Contract«: he was not one wit more pro­ On© insertion a week .27% itor community. In the proportion of her youth that gressive Twc insertions a week .......................................... than John W. Davis . .25 Daily insertion ........................ throng her high schools and colleges and the relative sizes .20 F irs t in « w i* atC8 fOr L€* a l a n d M iscellaneous A dvertising of the graduating classes that are turned Out into the non- The answ er of Jackson coun­ Beats Electric or Gas r lr s t insertion, per 8 point line b « .10 ty, in the suit of Mrs. Viola Black­ academic world there is evidence of a generous appre­ Lach subsequent insertion, 8 point line?..'.'................................. .05 particular bloc the politician at- Card of T h a n k s ...... ........................ .................................. A new oil lamp th at gives an i GREAT MENACE leges 1.00 ciation of the fact that life fulfillment is through educa­ burn for $6,143.50, for alleged he represents. Obituaries, per line................. ’ ' ’ ........ .02% tion. In the development and intensive use of the library received while riding on the Pac- ! amazingly brilliant, soft, white There should be a diversity of ific highway in June, 1922, was light, even better than or interest represented upon the . . . . . t . " H A T CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING facilities throughout the state there is an outstanding filed in th e circuit court Mon­ electricity, has been tested gas By M. A. Traylor, Chairman, Eco­ Board, but that the majority of the by the conecuo'i « u nei.e73“ :„7,i„7 a° s“"mssl'J° char6e 18 " '“■o or a Policy Commission, Amer­ Board should ever be constituted exhibit'of the expansion of the movement for adult edu­ day. The county denies all alle­ U. S. Government and 35 leading nomic ican Bankers Association ___ No <»3c°unt will be allow edR eliglous or Benevolent orders. of other than men thoroughly cation. In the strong pulse of Civic activity in its woni- gations of negligence, and prays universities and found to he su- A cross section of American trained by practical experience In DONATION’S — — — — en’s clubs, service organizations and alert press there is “ th at she take nothing by virtue ■ perior to 10 ordinary oil lamps, thought today, as reflected in pri­ financial management is to me ut­ No donations to charities or otherw thereof,” besides asking th a t the ; It burns w ithout odor, smoke or public ad­ terly unthinkable and if practiced rhade ln advertIs' a token of the normal -use of the growing reserve of vital- costs of the suit be assessed to ‘ noise— no pumping up, is simple, vate conversation, in« or ,ob printing— our con tobutious^vin beI1inmca3 dresses a n d will in the end lead to a complete — — — — —---------------------------- _L------------ - , ity and leisure. In all this we have an exhibit of a strong Mrs. Blackburn. The answ er of . clean, safe. Burns 9 4 per cent air through our mul- disintegration of the strength of titude of avenues the System, if not to a worse con­ thou s h a h t nvp85iXE-',BER 20 I pressure forward. But of necessity it must retain a large the Medford Irrigation district, j and 6 per cent common kerosene of thought distri­ clusion. and a » thy «tren^^ of “ sheer strength and awkwardness” except in a co-defendant in the suit has not (coal oil). bution, would re­ We do not select bankers for our The inventor, V. M. Johnson, yseu. r h s do and thou shait live.— Luke 10:27, 28. ¡so far as each area of couimoii interests develops effective veal perhaps as plowboys or bricklayers for our is offering to send a lamp on 10 great a confusion artists. We demand specialists for equipment and procedure for using fully the available in­ day s FR EE trial, or even to give of Ideas and pur- i every character of specific activl- BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CLUBS telligence of our time and the clear teaching of its own p o s e 8 as con- ty, and the welfare of our whole one FR EE to the first user in The victory of the boys and girls from t l ns _ _ region experience.—F. II. Young in Commonwealth Progress. - founded the as- population demands that the credit j each locality who will help him throng ' power of the nation, without which m the club exhibits at the county fair is interesting. F O R D B U G I introduce it. W rite him to-day M. A. Traylor at sembled Babylon. Is no business can live, must be com- for full particulars. Also ask him This is probably the best training that hoys and not high time that the bankers mitjed likewise to the hands of ex­ The Portland Japanese man intended to “ say it with to explain how you can get the demand the preservation and prac- perts in its use and distribution. girls could possibly receive and will be of inestimable ean(^v’” but, when he ascertained the woman lie loved agency, and w ithout experience Hce °I those sound fundamental It is a pretty and catching phrase val'ne to them in later years in moulding better citizenship. was faithful to her husband, be “ said it with acid.” It or money make $250 to $500 per l*rinciPle8 which are so absolutely to declaim that if you destroy the essential to the welfare of the nfl- agriculture of the country grass This feature of the fair should be encouraged and the would have been nicer if the husband had been standing Good rubber, spotlight, m onth - ____ ! tion? Bankers and business men will grow in the streets of your boys and girls should be stimulated to take a greater in­ outside, observed the fidelity of bis wife and then used a ~ : , . j t j j 0 couut ry have little right to cities, but it is no more true than and good engine. terest in their exhibits. Where the boys’ and girls’ club heavy club on the intruder. complain of the prevalence of un­ to say that if you destroy the cred­ round economic theories, of rad it structure of your country the exhibits have been given the most prominence,' the great­ o— o— o— o ical political tendencies and par- products of your labor will rot in est success has come to the fairs doing this, for what the Mount Lassen is forming a lake. Maybe she is trying T he W inners alyzingly foolish legislation, so the fields and the machinery of long as they maintain the silent or your industry and commerce rust hoys and girls are doing is of universal interest to all. to copy Crater Lake. Raybestos Says defensive attitude which has char­ Into inactivity and decay. There­ of* Five Races at Medford acterized them in the past. fore, let us, who are in no smail on Sunday used Ray it with, brakes and A few days ago I heard a gentle measure responsible for the bank­ And the welcome rain came from over the hills. VOTE OR GO TO JAIL taon, supposedly well versed in ing and financial welfare of the na­ save the flowers for the Judge Kenesaw Landis, king of the baseball world, i-jlitics, say that if the charter of tion, give unstintingly of our time Shell Gasoline Mayor Gaddis of Medford strengthened La Follette’s wedding instead of the ’.f;9 Federal Reserve System were to the propagation of sound eco­ thinks that failure to vote is sufficient crime to justify funeral. ..p for renewal or extension at the nomic policies. Is it a better gasoline? vote in this country when he refused to let a speaker fav­ a jail sentence and, speaking before the American Legion ; resent time, he doubted very I se it in your car and be convention, be advocated that those who failed to vote oring the Wisconsin senator speak in the public park much if Congress would prolong FOR FARM PROGRESS Convinced * the life of the System, and certainly should be confined to the jail. This is quiteN contrast to bandstand. ' If It did would only do so after such The Agricultural Committee ot the present custom, as the judge stated, of giving the amendments and modifications as the North Carolina Bankers* Asso­ Automotive Shop in mining and in 1896 was m ar­ would destroy the basic principles ciation, in conference with officials voters a luxurious ride to the polls in a motor car. ried in Phoenix to Minnie Oliver the present structure. of the College of Agriculture, re­ The judge is right in his criticism of those who fail & H. Service underlying who survives him. A real menace is involved in this cently adopted the following pro­ W i s e C r a x to vote and then, in many cases, complain about the cali­ suggestion, but I wonder how gram for active work in the state: Mr. Short was especially well Station much we have done or will do to 1. Aid county agents in deter­ bre of the officers who are elected. The voters today are known about Phoenix where he BOULEVARD and SHERMAN acquaint the voting public, who mining definite objectives has had charge of the Phoenix penalized in their failure to vote by inferior officers and Poverty has its drawbacks, but will eventually elect the Congress for each community and or­ who will pass upon this proposi­ inefficient government in many cases, but we believe you never hear of a poor m an’s! W ater w orks- He leaves besides ganize county in community daughter eioping with the chauf- ’ his bereaved wife, three children, tion, with the actual facts of the groups to carry them out. i t would be difficult to carry out such a stringent policy case. Notwithstanding mistakes feur— Spartanburg Sun. ! Mrs- K - A- K nighton and Mrs. M. 2 Give each county a definite as to jail those who prefer to remain at home or office that have been made in the admin­ ______ I F. Davis of P ortland and A rlet objective through an organi­ istration of the System, most of instead of at the polls. zation of farmers, bankers, It isn’t the first kiss th a t costs, Short of Phoenix. also one broth- Business the opposition to it is based not and business men. according to the Gary Post-Tri- er and two sl6t era» ®Jrs- Roseli upon facts but upon twisted stories Principles 3. Secure from state and fed­ Miller Cord Tire $9.50 $50 FEW MEN LEARN THE ART OF SLEEPING bune, it’s the upkeep. ' Harvey, San Francisco; Laura A. ______ I King of Phoenix, and Thos. Short Static is the heckler of the ra-|®^ Burns, Ore., and one niece, Mrs. dio campaign.— Indianapolis S tar. ! of Phoenix. Mr. Short _____ ! was a highly respected member Yet most people who have s u n -, o£ the Woodmen of the World, shine in their souls, have cash R ainier — Contracts let for in their pockets. — Birmingham two new concrete-and tile busi­ News. ness building. They may yet m arry in haste, but they now have to repent at work.— Talladega (A la.) Home. The effectiveness of sleep does not depend on quan­ tity but on quality. The fact that a few great men have been able to get along on three or four hours of sleep is not because they were as exceptional in their body re­ quirements as in their mental attainments but because they had mastered the trick of obtaining the proper kind ot sleep. Recent scientific investigation shows quite definitely that the time-honored idea that it is wise to get a great deal of sleep has scant basis in fact, write Prof. Donald A Laird, of Calgate University, in the October number See the bright side If your ot Popular Science Monthly. As a matter of fact, many creditors don’t get it the lawyers people probably get too much sleep, and too much sleep will.— A rkansas Democrat. may be harmful, just as too much food is. Though sleep­ Dempsey m aintains th at ing may seem one of the most natural things you do there he Jack had his no3e remodeled, not is an art of sleeping you can learn. ’ to make him more comely, but to If you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning, allow him to breathe more easily. it is because you have not learned how to sleep. The Everyone can breathe more easily tired feeling ’ that makes rising at the call of the alarm since Jack has doled out th e ex­ clock so difficult would not disappear, as you imagine planation.— Springfield Register. were you able to disregard its summons, for tile deep, resD ful sleep that repairs weariness of body and mind comes PHOENIX VETERAN CITIZEN IS DEAD flUTmg the iirst hour or two after you go to bed. It tilOIl t tliat lin t your muscles are most relaxed, your blood nres- W illiam Aaron Short, well sure lowest, aud your skin sensitivity least known citizen of Jackson county 1 After the first couple of hours, sleep becomes lighter I S ' 62 yaars a"'1 a rMlon can still learn how to sleep.soundly, and to become rested thoroughly with six hours’ sleep Instead ot eight or nine. 1 The three necessities of sound sleep are muscular re­ laxation, qmet, and comfort. The first can he obtained BEAUTIFYING t l ' ,‘n.g P,"rt •' 1°" 'i'® .S,de alld part*y 011 the stomach. The second can be obtained by sleeping where there are no unusual noises. The third can be obtained bv avoiding the house, inside or out? lumpy beds and heavy covers that cause uneven pressure We can assist whether you are papering or paint­ If yon wish to cut down your sleeping time, do it ing. Phone Us. gradmilly and make the reduction from the night end ot the sleep period. That is, stay up later and rise at vour! J. O. RIGG usual time. When this is done, the deeper sleep that y ou get when you go to bed will compensate for what yon I have lost. * : BIG S p e c ia l Ström berg Car­ Collapsible Canoe Carried on Auiv» Seats T w o Persons Vivid Hues Brighten Mrney to Check Counterfeiting For the automobile tourist who So that it will be harder to counter­ .iiiaa to fish and paddle, a collapsible feit United States paper currency and canoe has been imported from Ger- spurious notes may be more readily detected, legal tender is being I brought out in distinctive colors. The denominational figure, serial number and treasury seal will be printed blue on silver certificates, red on United States notes, green on federal-reserve notes, brown on national-bank notes and yellow on gold certificates. * ♦ * buretors Handy Block Makes Can Opening Easy For Every Car The above f»ket<*h was made from an actual photograph This car killed three children This car skidded O q a slippery pavement and crashed into the sidewalk. Three little chil­ dren were killed. Even careful drivers have un­ avoidable accidents, and when law suits follow they are forced to pay thousands of dollars in damages. Carry adequate 1J- ability insurance. Call on th is agency o f th e H a itfo rd E ire Insurance Co. for a ll form s of A utom obile Insurance. Billings Agency Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Maiq, St. Phone 211 These are the most reliable carburet- nrs M b I ! Piany which can be packed in a m a r K e i I! bundle, six inches in diameter and forty-eight inches long,' and weighs only thirty-five pounds. When as- -o—o— o |¡sembled, which can be accomplished in ten minutes, it is fifteen feet long, with waterproof spray shields at each end, and seats two people in comfort. n n tL o O il l i l t Sudden Service Where? at » L eedom ’s T ire H ouse • * * Loudest Noise” Deafens Per­ sons Ten Miles from Blast Many women find it hard to hold cans firmly when opening them, and will therefore appreciate the simple device shown in the drawing. A block of 1-in. wood is cut with a V-shaped opening, as shown- and the faces of the vee covered with strips of fine emery cloth, glued to the wood; the block is then screwed to the work top of the kitchen cabinet. The can to be opened is pushed into the V- notch, where a very light pressure lolds it securely. With the can held i irmly in this manner, opening it is a very simple operation, requiring no heavy exertion. The angle of the notch and the size of the block should Camp Meals Are Cooked Easily on Revolving Grid Much of the unpleasantness of cooking over the camp fire may be eliminated by the use of a revolving bracket grid recently invented. It consists of a short, pointed' base which is driven into the ground and about which the fire is built, an ex­ tension tube, a revolving top piece and four interchangeable grids. Sev­ eral things may be cooked at once, and a light touch is sufficient to swing the arrangement around for stirring the contents of a pot or for placing anything over the hottest part of the fire without jstepping into the smoke. The entire outfit is quickly assembled or taken apart, occupies but little space and is durable. The surfaces of the cooking grids are angular­ shaped, making them easy to clean and well suited to broiling steak or toasting bread. What is believed to be the loudest noise ever made by man is reported i to have deafened persons within a ten-mile radius in France. Ten tons of explosive were set off in order to observe the speed of sound and to * * * discover the cause of the “zones of ®Some of the larger iron bedsteads silence,” first noticed during heavy often sag down on the rollers so that barrages in the war, when cannon it is difficult to move them about. could be heard at long distances, yet This can be cured by driving a hard­ the explosions were inaudible nearer wood plug into the bottom of each , to the guns. Observers were sta­ post and boring a %-in. hole in it, tioned in many of the principal cities, be such that it will hold any size of then putting in a regular roller in­ 1 some 600 miles away. ordinary can. tended for wooden bed«.