*«**•• D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) XLVIH . ASHLAND CLIMATE VY ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. JAPAN WILL BAVE SHALE DEVELOPMENT I u r x au® , no . v a i a hj ( ) F REPRIEVE OF 9 0 DAYS FOR ORANT GIVEN' r FIRST SNOW OX MOUNT NAVY AM» AIRPLANES -------- - a ASHLAND FRIDAY NIGHT WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. U j « ---------- R « 20. — President Coolidge R R Mount Lassen and Mount R R has ordered Secretary of R R Shasta of northern Califor- R R Navy W ilbur to institute a R R nla have been acting up dur- R R thorough survey to deter- R ♦t ing the last few weeks, get- R J? ting their names in the R R mine the relative importance R R of airplanes and battleships R R papers, and Friday evening R ; and subm arines for the first R jR Mount Ashland, the m ajestic R R line of national defense, ac- R R peak which is the scenic R | R point around Ashland, decid- R Retort Shipped to T h a t ' R cording to an announcem ent R Governor Small Gives H^ h e r and Benson to Open » ed th a t it was about time a R SaVS L o rd T« H ie j R from the W hite House. R Country W ill Extract Months More Life to Modern Plant on Oc- « uttie attention should be r Whpn n r .L ti? S^ sheperd R A fter hours of conference, R Oil From Shale Poor Boy Murderer tober First ; » R paid J When ? uestl? ^ d as to paid to to it. it. ;• R Sec. W ilbur said it was the R a Love Affair R Saturday morning when R MENTIONS WORK HERE R desire of the president to R j 100,000 ASK THIS BOULEVARD - SHERMAN « the early risers felt the R SUSPECTED 2 TVT'TT?T)'PP R have th e survey m ade im- R ---------- . » snappy tinge of the air and R Z M O h JJ iiK S E ffo rt to Increase Supply o f Fuel R mediate v, which was the R W as to H ave B een H anged Oetk ' W ill be General Floral and Seed R looked up toward R reason for his hurried recall R for Navy, R eport to Oil • 10th F or M urder o f Cop; toward M°'w t 8 i ” »> ■» „ I I I , 'I ,,,,I ,., <>r B u siness; Operators E x­ R from the Pacific coast. He R P ublication “ Ashland, they were greeted 8 IIuM,a a ,, Deep Interest A roused perienced F lorists !R with the first snow of the Rl ... ..... 1 R 3aid the president made no R --------- | « season. It is said th a t the R - The Japanese are interesting R reference to his speeches on R SPRINGFIELD, 111., Sept. 20. The H atcher and Benson Flor- ♦♦ fall was about two or three R them selves in developing the oii R the Pacific coast dealing R — Governor Len Small of this MOUNT VERNON, Hl., sept. al and Seed company will beg-’n inches. Snow lias been ex- R R w'ith the relations between R shale deposits of Japan, according sta te has granted Bernard G rant, and R on ____ the ,__ peak Operations a t Boulevard ...... .. pected r ____ ___ _ for sev- R „ j shall * L<' ' i ' H ' shepherd: to a report from San Francisco, J: the United States and Japan, R! poor 19-year old boy of Chicago Palm er about October 1st. a c -.R n Aral ' n c , 11 »¡¡„t,.. not w ant«’ , was Rev. Law- era.l days, since the tem per- ♦♦, R le which was prined in The Santa R which was alleged by many R who is under sentence to die on cording to an announcem ent by 8 ature turned rath er frigid R tbat -* 1' p> cliarge Maria Oil News, of Santa Maria, R w riters as the reason for R the gallows for the m urder of a he had poisoned his wife, the proprietors, who are now “ R the ' middle of the week. R i • Anna, witli arsenic. California, which m entions the R his recall by the chief ex- R policeman, a reprieve of 90 days R until Jan u ary 16, 1925. constructing a modern green­ R R R R R R R R R R R R operations of The H artm an Syn­ R ecutive. I This was the m inister’s reply R house and store building on the R R R R R R R R R R R R dicate of this city, as follows: He wTas to have been hanged | to the question of w hether lie Boulevard. From Japan by way of London October 17th., but the state ex; ' had a love affair witli pretty E ’.sle Besides seasonal flowers they comes the news, generally, if not ecutive has granted the reprieve Sweetin, of Ina, III., where he will grow and handle a full line wholly overlooked here, th at re­ so th a t his case can be taken .conducted services at the Metho­ I of seeds, shrubbery and nursery cently an oil shale reto rt was under reconsideration. dist church. i stock. L. R. Hatcher, who has shipped from here to Japan by The petition asking th a t the Because Wilford Sweetin died J been employed by The Ashland the American-Japanese Commer­ governor intervene in behalf of under mysterious circumstaaices j Greenhouse for the past two cial Co. and will be used for de­ the 19-year-oid youth who is un­ July 28tli., and because gossip has j years, is now growing a large se- veloping oil shale deposits in Man­ der sentence to hang Oct. 17, wag it th at the mlnistei war infatu­ churia to get more oil fuel for completed today by Thomas E. • lection of Asters, chrysanthe- ated by Sv/eetin’s wife, cold niedi- Swanson, G rant’s attorney. the Japanese Navy, a 9 ubject mum.,, caruat'ons and other (low- nce will be asked to solve which appears from many stories • ’’etition Asking that Area W ithin cm a t h l, home. 319 Mountain *° I the riddle rid Tire petition Is backed by signa­ of Sweetin's death. If coming from across the Pacific) Ten M*les ot ta v e be 1’lHces for Voters tures of more th an 100,000 peo­ avenue, which will be sold at the i poison is found to be the cause to be absorbing an amazing | ^ t Aside ple of all w’alks of life and in all f Dr; ° erta ^ nydef ’ a form er capte/n and one of seven survivors new greenhouse when it opens. i cf the famous B attalion of Death, which was composed of 500 Itus- PORTLAND, Sept. 20— Under of Sweetin's death, a second t-mount of Japanese energy and parts of the country. Local au- sian women, finds Nina Romano, a stage and screen actress to be They also intend to handle pot direction of the republican state charge of m urder of Sweetin will PORTLAND, Sept. 20 A plea, thorities said they had no. record j eL 5 O_“ sl,n who.m she has not seen since childhood. Nina Romano, plants and will cater to attention at this time when there a drive ior be f.led by the coroner against is so much talk in this country th a t the region w ithin ten square ) Of any oth er case in which such tn v lr j the minister. tova Nina Ivanofsky-Romano. The latter was orphaned during the The green h mi «o i -« . „ registration th a t will reach miles of the Josephine county widespread interest was shown. of perm anent peace. A network of circum stantial H et"? ’ ™r°Ely ? i survivor of th eir (am ille, 1, Vladimir N, eh-1 f eei healed h „ . " ” " - r o u g h several counties h a , been The rep o rt via London says caves be set aside as a federal The case of G rant sprang into oladtch h ivanofsky. in charge of Russian transportation. Dr. Snyder G heated by a modern hot w a -1 . , d w . r l evidence which, the police say, th at, according to the inventor game preserve will be forw’arded prominence when N athan Leo- conducts Jts a health in stitu t on in Los Angeles. te r system, while the store build-i ! 1 ™ P ty leaders are store build- alive to the danger of general i tends to indict Hight, was being of the process by which oil is ex­ to President Coolidge at once, ac-ipold and Richard Loeb were given 'ng will be 20 by 21 feet. D. D. L. L. I " 7 . ~ , wovon h ere ab o u t the death of the tracted- from shales by dry dis­ cording to decis’on reached by the life im prisonm ent for slaying Rob­ Bunion, the second member o( T ’ . Purposes »• pastor’s wile. A,urn. tillation, a company operating at board of directors of the Isaac ert Franks. The letters and tele­ the firm, rerenlly came here from ! " ' e ‘'“ ‘" " “ S" P<>1" t 10 .. ................ And .... while the investigation of 86 gallons of crude oil from a W alton league. grams received by the governor fact th at at the last presidential this was being pushed, another W alla Walla, W ashington. ton of shale and recovering 8,- The Isaac W alton league is a ! point out th at it would not be election very nearly half the total inquiry into the death oi William 000 cubic feet of gas yielding two national organization for the ju -t to permit G rant to hang num ber of Oregon voters entitled Sweetin, with whose widow the TI LE LAKE AREA WILL gallons of gasoline per 1,000 feet. preservation of wild life, sim ilar when Leopold and Loeb escaped to vote did not cast their ballots. name of the pastor has been link- HAVE HIGU PRODI’»-TIGN1 Aslijand The claim of oil shale opera­ to the Audubon society. the gallow’s. exhibiiors at the) Milton S. Nichols, Plate of 5 In Jackson county, under lead-; i d, was under way. Jackson County F air and Pear apples each, Jonathan, 2nd. tion at Ashland, Oregon, will j ership of Bert Anderson, chair- A s in ila r plan to make of the I A positive statem ent that Mrs KLAMATH FALLS. Sept. 20. Show won many prizes in „ t h e l Single Layer box, Newiowns, 3rd; cause much surprise to Califor­ Mount Hood region a national man of the county central com- Hight died from arsenic poisoning FIRST FALL HEATING Indications are th a t (lie grain various exhibits according to an nians. park, and thus prevent the rapid STOVE FIR E FRIDAY announcem ent of the winners, Spitzenberg, 1st; Delicious, 1st. yield cf the Tule lake lands will niittee, and S. S. Smith, registra- and uni from ptomaine, as had exterm ination of the game around Thornton Wiley, Display, three exceed the most optim isti” esti­ t on is aided by establishm ent of been believed, was in the hands W HEELBARROW BR EA K S the peak will be completed and The first real fire of the fall which includes the following Ash­ boxes, 1st. mates made. H arvesting of the branch registration offices at var- of the corontr today. Another MT. SHASTA MAN’S BACK recommendation exhibits and forwarded to season, originating from heating land exhibitors, Thornton Wi(ey, Plate of' 5 oats crop lias already started. The ious places throughout the coun- report on the Sweetin case was W ashington as soon as possible. stoves occurred Friday afternoon | prizes: peaches each, Elbertas, 2nd; Dis­ first report reaching this city is try, with specially delegated dep- expected by af rnoon from the Yreka, Cal., Sept. 20— Darrell F. D. Swingle, Span Mules, 1st. play, 3 boxes’, 2nd; Single Lay­ “ Game in the Mount Hood re­ when the fire departm ent wasi uty county clerks in ch arg e.' coroner's t hem . to whom the Adena Joy, Hereford Helfer, Jr. er box, Stark Early Elberta, 2nd. on the cut made by K latzuba W. Papst, in charge of the .Cali­ gion is growing scarce and will called to the residence of C. D. Brothers,* whose combined bar- j W orkers there are visiting voters exhumed vital organs of the man yearling, 2nd. fornia-Oregon Power Company be scarcer when the Mount Hood Owen, 519 Mountain avenue. Mr3. C. A. Brown, 2 Plates of vester cut forty acres last Mon- in their homes and urging th at were sent y. si» lay. Dick Joy, Bull, Senior, 1st. substation construction at Carr- loop is com pleted,’’ said W. S. Grapes, Rose of Peru, 2nd. Dr. William D. McNally, who The fire in the heater had day. Forty-three to forty-five they make c e rta ’n they will bo) G. F. Billings 3 yr. cow, 2nd. ville, suffered a fractured back Raker, board member, in discuss­ started a fire in the woodbox Community Exhibits — Upper- sacks per acre were the result. eligible to vote on November 4. analyzed the vital organs of Mrs. John Billings, Junior Calf, 2nd. Valley Community Club, 4th. and two broken ribs when he fell ing the game preserve plan. back of the stove and the flames I Hight, was decided in his opinion These sacks weighed from 115 to C. M. Cuvier, Doe 1 year, 1st. from the substation switch while “ Mount R ainier is a national park spread to the wall. The d ep art­ Mrs. Lee T uttle, Tomatoes, 2nd; 120 pounds per sack, thus giving BIBLE MAY BE PART ' as to the cause of death. ‘There C. M, Cuvier, Doe, kid, 1st. a t work. Cucumbers, 2nd. and one sees deer, bear and other ment arrived in time to check the a yield of approxim ately 140 OF STUDY IN THE I were ,a rKe am ounts of arsenic in Mrs. W. S. Eastm an, American Darrow fell a distance of 22 wild life quite generally, even flames which in a - few m inutes Mrs. H. H. E lhart, D ahlia’, Two bushels to th e acre. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL the liver’ kidneys aIld stom ach.’’ W yandottes, partridge 1 cock, 1st; firsts. feet, landing on a wheelbarrow. close to the resorts. The wheat is ripening fast and! q , ---------- k*s statem ent leads. “ There is They are i would have proved disastrous. 1 lien, 1st. He w*as unconscious for only a part of the attractio n of the r e - 1 The damage was more than $100, PAMENTO, Sept. 20 , no doubt in my mind that the wo. Mt 3. H. H. Leavitt, Apple Jel- unless unfavorable w eather condi-! A. M. McMillen, 1110010111, but upon regaining con­ gion. Mount Hood should also be it was stated. will be An„„ t c M J editerranean (ly .x 1®1: Plum Jelly, 1st; Black- tions interfere this ;s crop crop will be | w ,th the a " lv a l of a supplem ent-) m an’s death was caused by the Anconas; pullets, 3rd; cockerel, berry J e iIy; ls t Los Angeles poison.” sciousness was unable to move. made a national park. harvested w ithout loss. The esti- al petition from 2nd, .2nd, 1st, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 1st I The lower part of his body was Adena JUy, Pick ed Peaches, mate per acre for the wheat is County ‘‘obtaining more than 5,- Coupled with this report came “ The same thing is tru e of the SALMON ARRIVING AT and first. paralyzed by the fall. A w ork­ Josephine caves country, but the • 1st; 6 cans canned fruits, 1st; « ¡fo rty bushels to the acre, but if 000 names- Secretary of State word from police that a box which TH E KLAMATHON STATION Miss Gladys Thompson, O rna­ m an on a nearby pole came to his situation is more acute there, b e-1 Frank C. Jordan announced the had contained arsenic had been cans vegetables, lst. j it is Inci eased in proportion to ---------- mental Bantams, Black Cochin, move h’m. cause the caves are closer to the! W ith the salm on run well un- Mrs. A. E. Kinney, Counter- j the yield of oats, the possibilities initiative m easure providing for found in the pastoi s home and Cockerel, 2nd. • Papst is the son ofFrank Papst main line of travel. At present) der way in the K lam ath river, i pane, Applique, ls t; Cotton piec- of over fifty bushels need not be the introduction of the Bible into that employes in the restaurant M. E. Thompson, M editerran- cd quilt, ls t; Hand Woven rug, surprising. o f Mt. Shasta. He w’as taken to there is only one square m’le of the public schools of California where lie said he had bought the busy days are in order at th e ean, Anconas, Hen, 2nd; Pullet, 1 st. had qualified for a place on the canned meat which he claimed San Francisco hospital Satur- the protected area within the K laniathon egg taking station, 1st; Pullet, 3rd; Young pen, 1st. KLAMATH REPORTS ALL Mrs. Emma L. Oeder, Hand day. Papst is m arried and has bounds of the national monument. where Ernest B. Cassell, superin­ j caused ins wife’s fatal illness de- FOREST FIRES CHECKED ballot in 1926. Mrs. C. A. Patton, American, woven rug, 2nd. tw o children. His home is at Mt. Outside, the game is being killed The m easure failed to qualify nied having made such a sale to tendent, acts as accommodation P.arred Plym outh Rocks, Dark, Mrs. H. C. Galey, Hat, made on. Shasta. for a place On the November, hit11- KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 20.— off rapidly. There should be a ! clerk for the finny visitors, ac- Young pen, 2nd; Hen, 1st; Light buckram fram e, 2nd. Some action by the Methodist W ith a rise in hum idity and cold 1924, ballot owing to lack of the* ten-mile area set aside, to con­ cording to the Yreka News. Cockerel, 1st. Mrs. J. P. Dodge, Beaded Bag, nights as assistance, the K ’am ath num ber of signatures reguired by Episcopal conference which meets serve this wild life and make it W ith the salmon run are rain­ T. N. W illiams, American. lst. Forest Protective Association fire law. Supplemental petitions later at Carbondale Tuesday also is one of the sights of the caves.” bow and steelhead trout, but W yandotte, Silver laced, Hen, 1st; Mrs. Louis Dodge, Pillow cases ) fighters have checked the 1,000- were circulated by proponents of exPet‘ted. Hight already has made these are be'ng carefully netted Pullet, 3rd. crochet trim , ls t. acre fjre on P arker m ountain and the m easure on the advice of the! R statei«ent denying guilt in con- J. Larkin Grubb, American, from time to time by Almle and CANNERY BU SIN ESS Mary Galey, W oman’s made now have all other fires in the attorney general th at such action nection with his wif«’s death to W hite Plym outh Rocks, Cock, 1st; put in the river above the catch over woolen dress, ls t; W oman’s county under control. TOPIC AT FORUM was legal. the m inisters of the district. dam so th a t they may continue Hen, 1st; Hen, 2nd; Pullet, 2nd; made over cotton dres3, 2nd; The P arker mountain conflagra- The num ber of signatures re- 1 a,n not Ruilty of my wife’s Next Tuesday’s Forum at Hotel up the river to th eir sp aw n in g ! Pullet, 3rd; Blue Jersey Giant Blouse, cotton, 2nd; Dress, cot­ death.” he declared. ” 1 had tion, creeping up the north slope i quired was 77,263. The supple- Pullet (Special) 1st; Cockerel Ashland will have as a special grounds. ton. ls t; Apron, ls t; Hat, Straw. of j be m ountain, threatened t o ) mental petit'on I nothing to do with it. It is bad filed t o d a y (Special) 1st. Mr. Ralph 2nd. J e w e ls, Thought M otive o f F ou l feature, a talk by 1 enough to lo3e her, to have my crown yesterday afternoon. La?t I brought the num ber secured up Eilis Rose, W hite Flemish Kozer of the Ashland and Talent NEW PAVING AT GRANTS M urder, Found; Tw o Sus­ Miss E. Grubb. Blouse, home night, however, a force of 35 men to 77,994. home broken up and my chil- Giant Sr. Doe, 1st; Gray Flemish dyed, ls t . PA SS TO START MONDAY Canneries on, “ Problems ' Con­ pects B eing Sought i dren separated from me. I am pffectively backfired and checked ON PACIFIC HIGHW AY Giant ^ r. Doe, 1st; Jr. Buck, 2nd. fronting th e Cannery Business.” Mrs. H. E. Bourne, Tied and , the onrushing flames. j not guilty of any wrongdoing.” ALL STATE OFFICES G. W. Nichols, Plate of 5 apples LOS ANGELES, Sept. 20— Mr. Kozer’s talk will be one of a The Jenny creek fire, originat­ ASKING MORE MONEY GRANTS PASS, Sept. 20. — each, Newtown3, 2nd; Grimes . (Continned on Page 4) Mystery is surrounding t h e series of topics on “ Our Indus­ ing in northern California a week SALEM, Sept. 20. •— To meet i strange m urder of Mrs. Clifton tries in and about A shland,” and Those signs placed by the state I ago, is now corraled. However, it highway departm ent to warn auto the Chamber of Commerce has the requirem ents of the state a c -! H unn, 50-year old wife of the ¡ was pointed out, it would be a drivers th a t they had reached the taken an active part in prom ot­ cident commission during 1925-1 Chicago ink m anufacturer, who menace until entirely extinguish­ “end of pavem ent” as they ap- ing such industries. 26 a total of $469.240 will be was beaten with a ham m er and ed. The Cannery is one of the first j Proached G rants Pass from the needed, according to estim ates shot last night in her Pasadena to give promise for the fu tu re no' ‘t h will soon be consigned to subm itted to the state budget home. POULTRY RAISERS and all members of the Chamber the junk pile. W ork of prepar­ committee. The commission will FL IE R S ST R IK E W IND The m ystery deepened today) MEET HERE AT NOON need an appropriation of $175,-) iare especially urged to attend next ing the half-mile stretch on Or­ w hen her jewels, valued at $3,- EL PASO, Septem ber 2 0 — W ith reports o f stron g head w inds, chard avenue, the northern ex­ Tuesday. 965 to conduct its activities dur- Cockian le a d in g in Q ualifying 000, believed at first to have been A m eetin S o i the Poultry tension of Sixth street, will com­ l>reparations are being m ade to protect th e w orld flie rs over n ig h t ing the biennium, about half of G an u s for National Am ateur taken by the slayer, were found mence tomorrow morning, and at, P eeo s, 2 Jesse Guilford 74 and ply the needed engineering, thus w ith Senator La Follette, will The ram of Prtday was not ip Vonelm and Frsnels Oni- Civic Club. Any citizens inter- assuring th a t it will in every A 650 MILE JUMP LIQUOR BOAT ABANDONED speak in Portland October 7th, extremely heavy or long one. but met 75 each ested are especially incited to \particular meet the requirem ents and will pass through A shland' IL W A fO , W alh ., Septem ber 2 0 — The h alib ut schooner A lfa, * p ALLAS- Texas, Sept. 20 there is more w ater in Ashland) attend this gathering. and standards of the state com­ w h ich cam e ashore near Ocean P ark, W ash .,'yesterd ay w ith a cargo T akinS the air October 8th, according to an an­ 9 :39 a. m„ the creek now than since last April, mission. nouncem ent from his Chicago o f bonded liquor, is believed to have been bound from Canada tot 8lol>e circling fliers left on their according to city officials TH E WrEATH ER Portland headquarters. It is not known Eugene — University of Ore­ adlng ind w hether he will be available to Report for the past 24 hours: gon library now has 138,118 vol­ ators, plan $500,000 movie thea- «peak in Ashland while his train Maximum, 60, Minimum, 44; Set umes, 2934 purchased since the A m an d rivin g a truck, in w hich w as 2 7 cases o f liquor, w as arresti. t rarew e " shouts of thousands of and th a t with i a little more wa­ tre in Portland, one of 20 stml. ed a t th e N aselle to ll bridge. The liqu or m ay have b een from th e ' spectators. They faced a 650 te Is in this city. t r falling the lawns may assume jar t beatres Maximum, 49. Precipitation, ,15. middle of June. a b08 ’ mile jum p on this trip. their t in United States and their usual usual green green hAantv beauty. Canada. |B I« IS BELIEVER IN DIVINE HELP Finds Her Long Lost Royal Cousin BEING BUILT E TO MAKE DRIVES I BE A GAME RESERVE Many Prizes Won by Exhibitors of Ashland at the Jackson Co. Fair MYSTERY COMES Of WEALTHY WOMAN GOLF IS MADE Al 51 IN 18 HOLES