PAtifc r »CÄ Hi»«*'* ae m A m AfctíLAíííí ÜÁH.V T íhivhá M lH lî J1 * *»’ «*<( *à ’ ¿ lu í Friday, September It), jfcU Fot Ralo Alto—- Pov Portland— Í í * ^ * »■‘ »"«-'•'ö BANNËB * I „ a lle convent!.,, It would have ' town. Addison D. Helm3, Jr., left Sutì Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dodge aré IN THE WILLAMETTE RÎVÊfc been TOO KATE TO CLAMMtFT no surprise to seo M anhat­ day for Falo Alto Calif., where I ; leaving tonight for Portland, I like Ashland, Oregon. At tan shirts all off! he will enter the Seale M ilitary , where they will enjoy a two weeks this time of year it smiles upon FOR R EN T:— 5-room house, PORTLAND, Sept. 19 — The i Academy for the school year. P lan New Hotel vacation. the golden way. The hills and furnished on Mt. avenue. Also A Daily Chroulde oí those who come and go, and events of W illam ette river and the W ill-' Ashland, like many other town;-, valley are changed to a golden one on Second St. Inquire at 713 local interest am ette slough are closed to com-,' . is striving for som ething better Are you hard to fit? Try a suit brown by the summer sun. Here Oak St. We deliver the goods- -Detricks mereiai salmon 16__ 2* announced L ’T I h “ ! V“ ' "* »"*“ made to your m easure at Paul- t t t ì t t T f g U t l t H 94-tf FOR RENT— Pleasant furnlsV serud’s. 14__t f > Dy a . c . ; on the building of a very fine aud trees whose colors change F rom Sacram ento— To Talent — Ross, m aster fish warden. Mr. j hotel ed apt., near Jr. High, 323 Al­ Tennant— one th a t would reflect ; but little. They are constant, Mr. and Mrs. Stuerneigle of Ross explained th a t a recent in- great credit upon a town of 50,- i They have graced these rolling mond St. Don Spencer took a slfort corn- 16—tf Fresh fish mass and fisii foor Mrs. E. W. Hogue and son left Sacram ento wa3 in Ashland visit­ lin ed business and pleasure trip a t the V ariety Store. be°” T 16— 2“ today for Tennant. Calif., whe J 000 population. Aim high seems lands for age3, hut ju st now many ing friends for a tew days. FOE RENT: — Splendid fu r­ to 1 alent yesterday evening. they will stay fof »ever», months. ° m S‘0U<" ’ to be the ' slogan — ........... of this town t h a t ! f°rests of California and Oregon nished apartm ent, two room with Improving— __________________ _ ! ; . t iat tbey w not be opened is a picture of beautj y on t h e , a re burning. This, the danger The Staph*« A gency has realty K. K. K. Lecture, Armory, Sept. PAINTERS: — Beagle and ! 1,sll.11*E Ulltil December 1. Sev- northern slope of the Siskiyous. °f Dre is the worst the Pacific kitchenette and bath. A dults only. Marian Frost, who has been bargains. 24. Phone 122. 16__2 15— 4t confined to bis home with sick- Beagle; day work or contract; ! bee“ the re' Climatically the town is fav coast has to meet. It is usually i : »’-ess, is reported to be improving. estim ates free. Box 171. 305-lf rp. * ,6 c lange- ored. It is anti-m alarial and ' x' orst following the seasons of To E u g e n e - To K irby— J ______ ifle Columbia river is now , anti-asthm atic. Any clim ate th at rainfall such as last w inter was. Edna Prough left W ednesday Mrs. A. C. W ilhite left yester- j Complete line of Ashland Can- ° “ r z ' 181 ! i ; ” ’ ,ish - 18 - « * » • " « ” «<* - I am still northw ard bound. Jewel O rchestra! F air Grounds! for her home in Eugene, after day for Kirby where she will visit ! ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf Saturday Hight! ing and will be until March 1 something. This m ust be trua ...... May go to Medford, Oregon, soon, spending the sum m er with friends for several weeks with her father I ' 1925. in the beginning.! as the local paper, The Daily j but as and relatives here. and mother. like the ones we are having In Bed— Loenl Rains— ! I ’ll stop in Ashland for a few Tidings,” says so. This paper is now make one appreciate a Mrs. W. H. Bartges is sick in a wide-awake visitor, though it ( ^ ays wbere beauty and content­ with practically every other VISITOR WRITES OF heating stove. We have them, Rainbow Rock Springs Coal at Rexall G uaranteed Remedies. bed at her home with tonsilitis. section of the state reporting VISIT TO ASHLAND does not visit the home until to­ m ent combine to make life more new or second-hand, and will Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20. — McNair Bros. he glad to show you we can genial; to make the going a little fairly good rains, Ashland was ward evening. It is considerate; (Continued front Page 1) save you money. 16— 2 The Staples Agency has a'w o n ­ visited by a light shower Friday it does not break in one one’s i sm oother; a 'little more worth . . H om e For W eekend__ derful bargain in Bungalow. B et­ m orn'ng, which however was n o t i ia afforded th e travelers, and work in the m orning; it waits till while. At H ospital— ASHLAND FURNITURE Miss K atherine Parsons re tu rn ­ te r burry. • I am always yours with pleas- really sufficient to be of m u ch : v many stop there every - night. the work is over and then gives COMPANY Mrs. S. M. Rhodes was taken ed home today from the Willow value. The rain was accompanied Yesterday a machine was regis­ the “ up-to-the-m inute” news. It ure. 94 N. Main to the Community Hospital Iasi Springs school which she is teach­ Every body is going to Jack ­ by a slightly w arm er tem pera­ tered from Indiana, my native is a substantial booster for it31 SCHUYLER C. SPERO. night and operated upon this ing this winter. son’s Hot Springs Sat. Sept. 20th. ture. state, and I was glad. morning. 15— 3* th is park will be improved each Ladies and children's hair cu t­ At the Columbia— ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » - * season. I judge so from the signs j ♦ Sweet cream for whipping and ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par Sap-And-Salt— Among the registrations at the on the trees as “ Trinity,” •‘E ter­ coffee— also fresh milk, always o r- 293-tf Mrs. Johnny Gruelle and sons, Hotel Columbia are the names of nity,” etc. Evidently it will con­ on Ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf Dicky and W orth, are spending C. D. Hammond of Sacram ento; tinue if eternity is one of the Tonsils R em oved— the week-end at Sap-and-Salt. Jam es W. Prenderville and fam ­ backers of this -institution. For Albany— Miss M argaret Campbell of thi- Yes, the town ha3 a bakery and ily, Glendale, Cal.; J ,E. Lind­ Mrs. B. C. Miller of thi3 city city underw ent an operation for Fly Tox Spray Kills Flie3. it is cailed ‘ L ithia B akery.” Do gren, Portland; Dan Huff, Ore­ left W ednesday for Albany where .he removal of her tdasils in McNair Bros. gon City; Mrs. Guy C arter, Mrs. not know if it has the “ T rinity” she will visit her sister for sev­ Medford yesterday morning. She ! C. H. Gremer and Mrs. Hutch- sign or not. If it has it must eral weeks. is getting along nicely. Eat your Sunday dinner at t h e . ington of Seattle; J. F. Moore be it uses soda, flour and lithia Rainbow Rock Springs Coal at The Metropole O rchestra is Pla2a. The best chicken dinner an d 'fam ily of Los Angeles; L B w ater. If I knew th a t this bak­ 16— 2 iD anford of Yoncalla and C. O. ery used sulphur w ater in its i Ashland Lum ber Co. Phone 20. giving another big dance at Jack- m the city, 75 cents. 4 breqd, I would boycott the place. Î i Jennings of Lakevierw. 16— 2 son Hot Springs Sat., Sept. 20. Return Home— i _______ ___________ Ashland also has a store where r 15— 3* I T ChambCr,aln “ »1 «-AMAS m , Z T 1.URXK1, the dollar ha3 the most cents. Î F o r Eugene— El zabeth Palm er returned Tues­ Joe Neil left today for Eugene In Accident — W ITH $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 LOSS The very first time I have a dol­ e day from Pacific Grove, Cal., lar I am going to take it to th&t w here he will attend the Univer­ C’leo Mast who was h u rt in an where they have been staying for • sity of Oregon this winter. He automobile accident Monday CAMAS, Wash., Sept. 19.— The store. M anhattan shirts, too, several months. Their is going to try out for one of night, is able to he up and around many i mill and lum ber yards, of the Cam- here onethird off. Of course, it friends in Ashland are delighted ; as Lum ber company were totally is. warm here, but had it been in th e orchestras upon his arrival with the aid of crutches. to have them return. Miss there. destroyed at 3:30 a. m., W ednes­ New York city during the demo- No a gen t in Southern Oregon Chamberlain is a prom inent club day by a fire supposed to have T h e Staples R ealty Agency can can w rite bettor A uto insurance woman of Ashland and also of originated by spontaneous com­ sh ow you som e real bargains. or a t low er rates than th e Staples the state. bustion in saw dust beneath the A gency. saw plant of the mill. The loss, V « TfICATER BCAUTFW To Conference— HONESTY i s my POLICY. Yeo, which is estim ated at 3100.000, of course. 212— tf is offset by insurance of $50,000. TODAY and TOMORROW G. F. Billings was among the Return from Trip— people from Ashland who attend E. E. Phipps and Mr. Wild re­ A strong wind blew embers from ed the M ethodist conference at turned last night from a hunting Don’t forget the big dance at the burning sawdust to many And they are Medford last night. There was trip and reported th a t they were Jackson Hot Springs Sat. nite. A parts of the plant and was dis­ a large delegation from Ashland. w ithout luck big time assured you— Metropole covered by the night watchman, priced righ tly Orchestra. 15— 3* the entire property was burning. Superlite auto finish; guaran­ Follow the crowds to Jackson The Camas fire departm ent w a s ; to accomplish it. teed— Hughes, Pell's Corner. Hot Springs Sat. Nite, Sept. 20. At Hotel Ashland— enable to check the blaze. 298— tf Music by the famous Metropole Among the out-of-state people Orchestra. 15__3* at the Hotel Ashland are F. H. V isitin g H e r e - Allen of Chicago; J. A. Carlson UMPIRE GETS MANY Mrs. Will Landrum and two At Home— BOTTLES FROM FANS and family, Pocatello; Mr. and children a re visiting at the J. B M arjorie Gillette has been con­ Mrs. W illiam Floyd, N. Y .; L. G.- BROOKLYN, N. Y. Sept. 19. Icenhower home for several fined to her home for several Clay, L03 Angeles; C. B. Powell, We have grouped them into a — The Brooklyn fans, fighting week3. They are from Stockton days on account of illness. Chehalis, "Wash.; F. A. Gaskill, mad as the Dodgers battled with Mrs. Landrum was form erly a Palo Alto; Clyde C. Carswell and number of lots and have sqaeez- Pittsburgh for the rig h t to re­ nurse here. ATTENTION GROWERS Geo. H. C athcart, Marion, Iowa; main as the .National League race Pick and deliver W inter Nellis F. W. W right, W hittier, Cal.; ed down the prices in each group SPECIAL attention to AUTO Pears next Monday and Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Minardi, San Pedro, leaders, showered Umpire Firm an with pop bottles when he order­ MOBILE insurance; better terms None after Tuesday evening. to temjd early buying. Get your Cal.; and A. M. Muir, Bellingham. ed Grimes, Brooklyn pitcher, off and lower rates. Yeo, of course. FRUIT ASSOCIATION. the field. Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf coat early and get a full season’s Villany lurking in tjie 16— 2 Let us fill your pall with Swifts The bottles were throw n in black « W ednesday night. Sept. 24, mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss ing urftil next Friday, Sept. 27. 13— tf Armory,-Ku Klux Lecture. 15— 4t Wallace, Central Point. b o c a l - P e rso n a l JStotes Snappy Mornings WE WANT TO SELL 100 COATS before the elid of September $16.TS Anv Price $24.50 It The King Vidor. $16.75 W IL D Visiting Here— Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Huber and daughters, Ila and Rea May, a r­ rived in Ashland yesterday from Monmouth and are visiting Mrs. J. K. McWilliams and her m oth­ er, Mrs. Pernie Johnson. Mr. H uber is a breeder of Berkshire hog? and received the grand priz^ several year3 ago. He expects to receive It again this year. At H ospital— Mrs. O. E. H urst of Beach St. was taken to the hospital yester­ day and operated on for appen­ dicitis. She is reported to be get­ ting along very nicely. NOTICE My petition for re-election to the City Council is at the Rexall Drug Store on the Telephone table near the door. J will a p ­ preciate the signitures of my friends. MRS. W. M. BARBER. Snappy new modele in suits for 16— 1 young men at Paulserud’s. 14— tf Frank Mayo and Virginia Vafli p all F a sh io n s Rus CUith Us in Goldwyn** -W IL D O RA N G ES* DistrilvuJl by Ftakl l«l NOW AT THE VINING N 2 At Oregon H otel— The tru th about the Ku Klux Those registered at the Hotel Kian W ednesday night, Sept. 24 Oregon are Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Armory. 15— 4t Simpson and family of Venice, Cal.; A. P. Stimmel and Sidney Files Petition— Neat of D unsm uir and Mr. and A. D. Perdue, 921 North Cen­ Mrs. R. B. Pollock of Los An­ tra l avenue has filed a peti­ geles. tion in the county court for e hearing of the alleged delinquency Burton Dancing School, Mem­ of Mary Messersmith, age 12. orial Hall. Open dally. A fter­ R uth Mesaersmith. age 11, and noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. David Mesaersmith, age nine. P er­ 307-tf I due alleges th at on Sept. 15, the “ said children threw rocks and Correction—— other missiles at his prem ises.” In the account of the accident and “ the father and m other open­ wh’ch occurred in the Siskiyous ly approved and encouraged the Wednesday evening, it was stated said acts of said children.” The that Mrs. Cozart was driving her hearing has been set for Satur­ car. Theodore Russell was the day m orning in the juvenile court driver. All of the people ln the of County Judge G ardner.— Med­ accident, with th e exception of ford Mail Tribune. Mrs. Turner, who was badly shaken up, are well. The Young People's Society of the Nazarene Church of Medford will hold a special m eeting Sun­ A real party! At the Fair day a t 6:30 P. M. at the Church, Grounds Pavilion Sat! Finest 4th and C streets. A cordial in­ “ Open-Air” Floor in the State. vitation is extended to all. A. M. Modern Syncopated melody, by Ramey, Pres. 15— 3 the famous Jewell Orchestra! TH A T FAM OUS M e llo w e st C h eese SATURDAY and MONDAY only 29 cents per pound Semi-Tissue Toilet Paper ..................... 8c per roll Genuine Tissue Toilet Paper—This is our regular • 2 for 25c grade ....................... 9c per roll Regular, 3 for 25c Crepe P a p e r ..............5c per roll Q T T iv A B rK Kw $24.50 StJ1 goin* up— But owing to a fo rtu n ate buy— we once m ore offer SPECIAL - n V”"nds $1.°° The opening of the new season finds Dame Fashion in one of her most charming and agreeable moods. That worthy personage smiles upon femin­ inity, and is apparently willing to grant her every desire in the way of fashions and fabrics. She will lend a guiding hand, as is becoming her gracious self, hut for the most part, clothes will he a m atter of personal choice. W hether, then, the fashionable woman goes dressed in bouffante m anner, or w hether she prefers the straight, si in outline; w hether she will have a waiste-line or n o t;— all this is a m atter of imfividual taste. She may Wear what is becoming, and know she is correctly costumed. And we are prepared to offer her ju st as w d e a selection as will come within the lim its of fashionable decree. Women’s Coats Priced $29.75, $34.50, $45.00 The best Coat Values we have ever been able to offer Our High Grade Shortening, large ..................$1.57 Our High Grade Shortening, medium ............$ .79 High Grade Pure Lard, large ___...................$1.69 High Grade Pure Lard, medium ......................$ .86 High Quality Bacon---------- Lowest Price in Town H A R D Y BROTHERS AT ENDERS BIG STORE $39.75 Women’s Dresses $19.75 Priced $22.50 $34.50 $29.75 Come in and see our de­ lightful frocks w hether yQu are ready to buy naw or not. 1 -3 ■ Children’s and Misses’ Coats in sizes 2 to 12 years and 14 to 18 vears THE PR IC E S‘w n .L PLEASE YOU Time to buy Blankets! Woolen Blankets $6.95 to $14.98 pair E. R. ISAAC & CO. “Tit© Quality Store” ' ll»l(fl?»MRIIWn!!!t!iai«UHUIIini»iUldliíUlliUUiÍtiilUlililA«liÍltlli:iUil¡t!nUilfilllíniiillli¡r:: Time to buy Blankets! • Pot ton Blankets $2.48 to $5.98 pair i kk : tiiiH iiiio i w im iM M iM ■