Ä 2 Classified Column MM «Bisa» M PROFESSIONAL the ¿finge is belüg seen in hlì col- restrictions at the regular port ern Judicial District of New 'York | ¡.ors, dyed of course. C h i* M W C olum n'K aie.V * are booking passage to Montreal is deluged with them. At the PH YSICIANS A nother designer has gone a One cent the word each and then joining the category of last arraignm ent day in Federal Uep fa rth e r and is using not time. liquor aud opium in order to get Court between 50 and 75 werp horie, but lium an-hair fringe. A To run every issue for one DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings in. MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor costume from A nna’s collection is fined $1,000 each and sent to jail m onth or more, H e the word office. Phone 91. Dozens of them are 3neaking in red velvet, which softly swathe, Phone items to her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. for three months by Judge Coo­ each time. into New York City daily, it is DR. C. W. HANSON the figure, and the ‘ fringe of per. believed, and the num ber is bound feathers literally flows^about the D entist FOR RENT THE MIRACLE o f THE was given Sunday evening a t the ankles. A nother is in salmon- Special attention given to pyor­ MALONE, N. Y., Sept. 18.— to increase as the process becomes VALLEY LILIES FOR R EN T:— Furnished house rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith pink satin, with silver lace and Im m igrants are sneaking over the better known unless some action close in.— Staples. Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Why have I been so blind these of Oak Street. The table was £«fe black ostrich feathers. Canadian border from Rouse’s is taken. springtim es through decorated with flowers and a de­ of head or throat is usually FOR RENT — Furnished bed j Point to Ogdensburg in hundreds fe d e ra l officials are studying benefited by tbs vapors of— OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ To all the witching wonder­ licious three-course luncheon wa3 and working their wav -stealthily the problem. While up to a year room, with board to steady ren t­ ment of you, tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano served. The guests of the even-j down through the State to New ago few im m igrant easts ever er. Reasonably priced. 520 Eli­ th ro at— X-ray including teeth. I Carved cups of ivory so quaintly ing were Mr. and Mrs. Press T u r-! York City or other industrial cen­ zabeth. Phone 359L. 14— 4! x - V a ro A ub tipped came into court, now the N orth­ pin and children. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc C A je r J 7 M ill-art J a r a U . r J Y e a r ly ters where they can mingle in * * * As though the fairy frolickers 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, FOR RENT — Four-room fu r­ safety with people of their own who sipped W ells-Im hm an M arriage— Ore. nished apartm ent, with garage. race. Had turned each goblet down to The many friends of Donald ’■ ST. PAUL, Sept. 17— T h e A dults only. 1101 Boulevard. A dm itting this today, F e d e ra l! cheat the wind Wells wi'.l be surprised to learn American Legion obeys orders in officials here charged th a t there 12-tf DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ Of what exotic incense it w’ould ¡ of his m arriage a t Vancouver, dence and office, 108 Pioneer Memorial tree planting, says a is, in M ontreal, a syndicate of FOR RENT: — Modern well find? Sept. 6, to Miss B eatrice Lahman avenue. Telephone 28. Offici letter received today at conven­ taxicab men openly advertising located furnace heated apart of Portland. Mr. Wells is the hours, 10 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 tion headquarters fro m the along the St. Lawrence River m ents and sleeping rooms, fu r­ Why have I taken it a common on of Mrs. Roy Hosley and is a p. m. only. American Tree Association of front th a t they will take a lie n s , nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- '■ thing popular and w orthy young man W ashington, D. C., which con­ into the United States without j gadine. 1-tf DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic To find the rare3t p e rfu m e s! who has resided in Ashland all of the spring J his life. He graduated from the gratulates the Legion on its good form alities of complying with the • and Electro-Therapy. Office FOR SALE work. immigration regulation establish- j phone 48; residence 142. First Drawn from the breast of e a rth ’s > high school here. ed by the drastic new national re­ Bulletin 38 (sent to all posts stark, rugged sod Mrs. Wells is an employee of FOR SALE:— A good Jersey National Bank building. strictive immigration law. F ranklin j TPHF savings account is the true As wine from w ater pot, a gift th e Fire M arshall staff In the in 1920), signed by cow. Inquire 177 E. Main. Phone Knowledge of this syndicate D Olier, the then commander,! MONUMENTS of God, * home builder. Every young Chamber of Commerce Building 146. 15— 3* came through questioning immi­ Through frail green stents th at at Portland. They will reside in called for tree planting, says the couple is looking forward to a grants who have been arraigned ASHLAND GRANITE FOR SALE or Trade— Overland life their fragile still K lam ath Falls where Mr. Weils letter from Charles Lathrop Pack, before Federal Judge Frank Coo­ home. Prepare for your future MONUMENTS Touring Car. Cail at 939 B. St president of the Tree Association. In elfin sorcery, vo brew at has located in business. per for illegal entry into this B lair G ranite Co. home by opening an account today. 13— 5 The association is sending out * * * will country. PENNISTON, Manager thousands of Tree Day program s The essence of the sunlight and Pa rent-Teacher— Beats Bootlegging Office 175 E. Main FO R SALE the shower The Ju n io r High Circle of the and planting suggestions as a re­ Professional violators of the R es. Phone 444-Y 6 room modern house on North Into the wonder of one frag ­ Parent-T eacher Association met sult of the continued co-operation law, it is said, have given up Main St. Large lot, all kinds of ran t hour? at the Ju n io r High playshed Wed­ of the American Legion W eekly bootlegging for the more profit­ fruit. A Real Bargain. Price L U GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee heart has known this year the nesday afternoon. The new of­ and the headquarters division of able smuggling of aliens across 13500 on good term s at 6 per ficers, Mrs. E. M. Berg, president, the organization a t Indianapolis. the border. They can get more of the Salvation Army at the spell of you cent. The first memorial trees a t the and Mrs. I. R. Batem an, secre­ W hiteShield Home, 565 May-j And now m ight any m iracle be for carrying a load of aliens 6 room modern house close in. I true. intersection of the Dixie and Na­ tary, conducted the meeting. The fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. across the border over some little Price |2 1 0 0 , on easy terms. — Elizabeth B arbara Canady, near - Dayton, following -- committees were ap tional highways, ---------- -------- - - --„ -------7 Ásbland, Oregon used and unguarded route than Red Crown Service Station on PLANING MILL In The Forum, pointed: Membership, Mrs. B. B. Ohio, were planted by Colonel F. they can by bringing a load of Main Highway to trade a ♦ Brower, Mrs. Chas M artin and W. G albraith, Jr., a form er com liquor over. The danger of get­ for house in Ashland fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mrs. Thurlow; Program , Mrs m ander, the le tte r of congratula­ ting caught is also less. Conse­ Good 18 acre ranch on highway,I WORKS, Cor. Helman and Monday, Sept. 22. The Ladies Gill and Mrs. E. A. Woods; Pub­ tion says. Fine examples of the quently aliens who know they 6 room house, good new b a rn .! Van Ness. 194tf Art Club will meet at the Civic licity, Mrs. Powell; Social, Mr3. H’ckory Highway by the Kiffin cannot enter because of the rigid garage, nice lawn, 6 cows, good , Club house in the evening. Ackley and Mrs, K arl Nims; Juve­ Rockwell Post a t Asheville, N. C., TRANSFER AND EXPRESS team , 3ow and 12 pfes, 2 dozen * a ♦ nile Protection, A. C. Meyer and planting of a mile of th t Daniel chickens and all farm machin- i W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. R uger-R am sey W edding— C hildren’s Reading, Mrs. Coombe. W ebster Highway by the Con­ ery. 12 ton hay Price $6500 j for SERVICE. A wedding of unusual interest It was voted to send three dele­ cord, N. H., Post; planting of a on good terms. Experienced movers and pack­ DEMAND occurred last night when Miss gates to the convention which will hundred trees on the highway See ers of household goods. Deal­ H arriett Mildred Ruger and Mr. be held in Corvallis in October. near where W ashington crossed W. W. ROBISON, ers in coal and wood. Phone Elton Ramsey were m arried at Following the business session. the Delaware by the Elkins Oli­ 63 North Main St. 117. j seven o’clock at the Trinity Epis- Mrs. W illiam Denton, school phant Post, at T rentcn, N. J. 8tf Office 89 Oak St. near ! copal Church, Reverend P. K. nurse, gave an instructive talk The Gold Star Mothers also have Hotel Ashland FOR SALE or TRADE—.160 Hammond officiating. The ring about h er work and asked heir taken up the work. acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ r. L. POWELL— General T rans­ I ceremony was used. Miss Velta of the association in procuring In many states posts have ta k ­ tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, Over 100,000 people have fer—Good team and motor Ackley was the bridesmaid and some necessities. Her talk was en up the town forest and the testified that TANLA.C N orth Dakota. If interested call trucks. G >od service at a rea- W alter Hughes, coach at the high followed by an address by Mrs. memorial park idea, the letter has relieved them oi: or write G. S. Butler. 300— lm o school, was best man. Della Blodgett of Chicago, whs souab.'e price. Phone 83. dds in c a lln g the Legion’s work Stomach Trouble, The church wa3 beautifully de­ has had much experience in P a r­ one of the most constructive in FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers Rheumatism, corated with dahlias and the ent-Teacher work. She gave sug­ FEHIGE-ROACH the country milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- Mal-Nuirition, bride was lovely in a tan satin gestions in the fu tu re work 'c1 Transfer — Express — Storage ! dcr.9, 977 B St. 271— 2mo» S le e p le ssn e ss, Hauling — Dray work of all crepe dress. Following the wed­ this association. PORTLAND C. C. FOR Nervousness, A party was planned for th- FOR SALE — Tomatoes for kinds. Quick motor service. Dry ding the bridal party went to the A NEW INCOME LAW Loss of Appetite, canning, 2 cents per pound. Mrs. j wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Ruger borne on North Main street Ashland teachers to be given Loss of Weight, where a lovely two-course lunch­ Friday night, Sept. 26 at the Josselyn, upper end of Ashland 375 B. St. 112-tf PORTLAND, Stpt. 19. — Re­ Torpid Liver or eon, with a large wedding cake, Civic Clubhouse. This will be St. 14— 6* commendation th at the present C o n s tip a tio n . was served. given by the three P. T. circles FLORIST siate income tax be repealed and FOR SALE— 30*pullet3 from Upon their retu rn from P o rt­ nnd the Civic Club and members “Ask Anyone Who Has th a t a new income tax law be I trapnested hens, sires records Taken TANLAC” ’ land the bride and groom wil of these organizations are asked SAY IT WITH FLOWERS drafted and adopted was made over 270. A. Bert Freem an, 112 j to keep th at date free. be at home on Van Ness Avenue. OVER 4« MILLION DOTTLES ” From Furniture Co. SOLO by the special income tax investi­ Nutley. Phone 456J. 14tf ♦ * * Both Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Hatcher & Benson, Floral & Seed USE YOUR CREDIT gation committee of the Chambe ■ For Sole By All Good Br.sxsfet* location 399 Ramsey were graduates of the Paris Style H int— FOR SALE — Jersey cow. Co., tem porary of Commerce. H e a t i n g S to v e s $5 d o w n “ “ *n ^ ie local high Phone 9F4. 14— 4* Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and i 1 ^ass This report was made to the By ALICE LANGELIER • school. Mrs. Ramsey is very well floral desigirng. Phone 118. 9-mo a n d $5 a m o n th PARIS, Sept. 19.— Fringes are board of directors following sev­ FOR SALE— Grapes. Thomp­ known in this city and is a popu­ Eugene — Cornerstone laid for eral months of work and was re­ son Seedless. Rose of Peru, Mus­ POLITICAL ANN GUN CEMENTS lar member of the younger set. taking on most original fancies leased by the board for publica­ new Woodrow Wilson junior high ’ cat and Tokay. Get them fresh Mr. Ramsey was a member of the these days of early Autumn. school. a t the vineyard or phone A. H. [ One of the sm art dressm akers tion. The directors may act upon G. W . Milam all-star team which won the state has started putting horse—hair! the recommendation at a iater D avenhill. 14— 4* Independent championship in basketball. « * « fringe on her latest models. The date. Candidate for County School MISCELLANEOUS The report expressed belief- in effect Is very chic. ’ A striking Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ T hrift Sale— the principle of a state Income The W oman’s Civic Improve­ model from Jean M agnin's comes, GET YOU STOVE repaired at ty, Oregon. ment Club will hold their th rift in black and white, with a long tax, but declared th a t the present Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito sale Friday and Saturday, Oc­ fringe, of the same tones, in law is not a good law and should R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 be repealed so a new one can be For a smooth shave tober 10 and 11. This sale is horsehair, th a t makes one think Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* enacted. and qu'ck service go an annual event for tne Civic not a little of good old Dobbin. WANTED: — Used flat top to the Shell Barbel Club ladies and they ask the help Another, in dull Bordeaux red, office desk and swivel chair. See Shop. Ladies and and suport of every housewife in has horse-hair fringe in shinny Yaquina— Pinnacles in Yaquina G reer at the Tidings office. 1-4 children get your liaii Ashland. If you have something black. The d ark er shades are, Bay cut off to give 17 foot w ater bobbed and marcel you cannot use, send it to them. perhaps, th‘e best to use. although depth. PIANO instruction, by exper­ led. Someone else m a y ' be able to ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ make good use of it. The ladies red, Mrs. II. S. Aikins. Phone W. A. SHELL, Prop in charge can use clothing, hats, 441J. 3— lm o »32 A. St. Ashland. Or, in fact any kind of wearing ap- WANTED — Large wicker pearel in the sale. Ail pieces baby carriage. Must be reason­ of fu rn itu re th a t perhaps you able. 637 B. Street. 14— 3* have uo use for. Go through you closets and WANTED — 12 or 15 milk send w hat you have to help along custom ers in vicinity of Junior this w orthy cause. The Civic High school. Call at 156 Man­ Clubhouse will open from one to zanita St., after 5:00 p. nt. five p. m. October 7th and 8th w 14— 4 * | >r.d someone will be there to re­ ceive your goods. WANTED — Second handed lumber. Box 564, Ashland. The sale will sta rt Friday, Oc­ tober 10 at ten a/-m . Money re­ 14— 3* Y ou M ay B e A fflic te d ceived at this sale is put into a Goats Bred by registered ILES may exist for years before they sinking fund to keep the club­ buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, manifest any appreciable symptoms. house in repair. low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 Yet, if present, they dissipate the nerve ♦ * * miles south on Pacific Highway. force and undermine the health. Dinner Party— and can deliver it direct to your house. 14— 1 mo.* The old theory that Piles necessitate a A very delightful dinner party surgical operation has been so com­ WANTED:— Position as nurse, pletely disproved by my non-surgical that I GUARANTEE to cure This is a splendid Range and Early Fall Coal. or will do light housekeeping in treatment any case of Piles or refund the patient’s tm all family. 153 G ranite St. fee. W r it e t o d a y f o r m y 15— 2* »j i n ■ f 11 f a FREE book on Piles and I t w ill give you the heat to drive aivay the WANT TO REN T:— Couple wants other Rectal and Colon 1 chill these cool mornings diseases. to rent small place on or near Highway between Medford and D EAN, M.D. Inc C rater Lake Junction. State OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE price and description. Address f ¿^ORTIAND.ORCGON W CM TYO A i T H IS PAPER W HEN W R IT IN G Mrs. A rthur Keenan, K irkford, Ore., Care of Shans, Bertram Co “In the Heart of Town’* 15— 3 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Supplement No. 2 to Public Service Commission Order No. 7, YREK A KLAN STAGES A TWO-HORSE BRAND PARADE; LOCAL MEMBERS providing for a service charge on each m eter of Sixty ($.60) per YREKA, Cal., Sept. 18.— Over m onth, becomes effective th irty 250 members of the Ku Klux days from date. Southern Oregon Gas Company K ian from Siskiyou county and southern Oregon, attired in their September 1..1924. 4 Fri. Sat. 6 robes and caps, but unmasked these chilly mornings and held a spectacular parade thru the streets of Yreka last night there is no reason or econ­ and then held a m eeting in a park omy in waiting to purchase I bronught a truck load of bar­ a mile distant. Many prom inent your heating stove. gain counter good s from P ort­ residents of the town observed ANO land la st w eek, all o f w hich We have a big stock of the meeting. w ill be sold accordingly. A uto heating stoves, moderately Several women participated in R obes, W ade D ragsaw , H a lt­ th e parade and attended the ! priced to the best grade. A LL O T H E R ers, and lots o f arm y goods. m eeting. , ¡S O C IE T Y : CANADIAN LINE ‘ATARRH FOR f f i PLANS The Home Builder The Citizens Bank of Ashland All you have to do to win this stove is to G u ess ;The Blue Spots in the roll of lin- ' oleum in ourwin- ; dow and win this beautiful Heat­ ing Stove. Swenson & Peebler New Autumn Coats Just arrived from New York, a big ship­ ment of coats revealing the newest modes for fall, priced from $11.65t0 $37.50 We are unloading a car of Printzess Coat Styles brimfull of inspira­ tion for the autumn wardrobe, priced Dines Rock Spring PILES COAL P $ 2 5 t0 $75 Smart Daytime Frocks of Twill « „ ? ei? i s a surpassing value giving event in tall fashion 'frocks—you’ll be attracted to them, priced from $16.50t0 $33.75 As usual a line of all wool twill dresses marked, special $10.50 Carson-Fowler Lhr. Co. Silk Dresses Smart Coats for Charming models for busi­ ness, street and afternoon wear. Trimmed to conform to the latest modes. Black, Navy and the favored fall shades are in the lot, priced the Schoolgirl O veralls YOU NEED HEAT For Men Youths $7.98t0 $32.50 Come in early w h ile th ey last. 7 M AKES ALSO MAKERS Or Myrtle Point — Contract let for new th e atre building. W ork s ta rts a t once PEIL’S CORNER TWO-HORSE Braad Bib Overalls for M en and Boy* RELIABLE MERCHANDISE SINCE IMS J. P. Dodge & Sons House Furnishings They are*attractive and prac­ tical, some are fur trimmed, all are distinctive in appear­ ance; sizes 6 to 16, priced from $4.25t0 $16.25 Golden Rule Store Phone 3 ASHLAND, OREGON Elk’s Building O I ► 1 > I > < > < >