PAGE HOUR ASHLAND DAILŸ TIDINGS Thursday, Septem ber 18, 1024 F a lse A larm —• (JñíUSUAL EVENTS ** HAVE TO CUT METHODIST WORK and will not run again. sible they will employ >nen off C husm ea ads bring resulta. The other councilmen a*e O. O families. ----------- J A lenderfer, A. J. Crose, E H. It is the present plan to oper-! th e Methodi3t Episcopal church i Janney, A. C. H ubbard, B. W. ate on a double shift basis, begin-' A D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and g o , and even ts o f will be forced w ithin the next 4 5 Paul, J. W. Jacobs and R B ning January 1, 1925, increasing days to curtail her foreign m is-! Hammond. local in terest • • At Office—: .X P he caPat‘By to 50,000,000 boar. Biouary program 25 per cent un­ A part of the city adm inistra- ; feet. It is being rum ored around oo-o ♦, less the churches throughout tion ticket has already been filed .. . „ , • i t eWn th at Dr. Angell was the vic- ready at the turn of the America pay up th eir piedges wKh City Recorder Ajford and Ashland Lodge No. 23 U* unting tim Qi an acci{jellt and js 8Uffer_ switch and controlled just the rem ainder has not y e t’ been LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18. __ Wlt ’n that time. ’ red Taylor and H arry McNairj ing from a broken rib. Dr. An- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i his startlin g rtatem ent was ' -decided on. as you need, is the best Special W‘" “ “ 'S ° " ' Ce <'" Ì‘” ’" 18 All the world loves a comeback! made durlng tl,e opening session ! This partial ticket takes in the FOR So the world may center its aid the housewife can SALE:— A good Jersey his usual good health. day evening. Sept. 18. Third De- 7 * eyes on Hollywood’s motion pic­ in edford of the seventy-second names of Councilmen Jacobs cow. Inquire 177 E. Main. Phone have—either summer or Kree. Light refreshm ents after tu re colony, where the oldfasli- annua! Oregon Methodist confer-i Paul, Janney, Crose and Ham 146. K. K. K. Lecture, Armory, Sept. Visiting Here— 15— 3* winter. work. Meet at 7 o'clock. 24. ioned Wild W est movie is doing f enee by Dr. J. b . Hingiey of mond for re-election, and it is H erbert Maxey of San F ran ­ 15— 41 WANTED:— PO8itiOn as’ nurse, W. H. DAY, Sec’y. a sensational retu rn to popularity. ! ‘ °.l k ’ 8ecretary cf the board understood that the contem plated cisco is here visiting with his p ar­ The UNIVERSAL M. H. ELLIS, W. M. or will do light housekeeping in Cowboys, horses, Indians, cow-i ° f pen3,ons of the denominations. candidates of Councilmen Hub- Ladies and children’s h air cu t­ ents, the W alter Maxey family on Siskiyou chapter, R. A. M., will ELECTRIC Range plains, six-1 Dr. Hingiey is in Oregon as the j bard and A lenderfer are being small family. 153 Granite St. ting. Powder Puff Beauty P ar- Allison Street. They left today girls,, m ountains, bold its stated convocation follow­ lor- is the standard and the 15— 2» shooters and ranga cattle are representative of the world ser-j withheld in the hopes th at one 29-3-tf for C rater Lake for an outing. ing the Blue Lodge meeting. vice board of the church. j of them can be induced to run much in evidence in productions only range that thousands tlo n ? ’ d T H °n,ley “ "id“ “ ••Ihat' X e “' t ’ " . ” Mayor Gadd,s a d J re a t *”>•»' P l a c e ^ ^ o r T ä i ' 14— 2 For Yonculla— . now in the filming« ot women would have, Mr n,.-. e . v , Are >’ou hard to fit? Try a suit The great success attained by unless a d d ..,„ „ .l (,a M C M . re re. I aEal„. “ > “ » « *» ™ l ' e . m,t 1 and tam i,y wil1 made to your m easure at Paul- e will he glad to demon­ Born— and Ieave Sunday for Yoncalla, where j serud’s. 14_ tf picthrization of Emerson Hough's State To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Silver, strate ? ? ° be.r ? ? ’ th at we w l" ! Wl“ " the m ayorallty candidato I Price a„d novel “ The Covered W agon,” , , they will visit for a few days a n d ! ________ , . , . „ , description. Address a t the Community Hospital last paved the way for the retu rn of — forced to curtail our program. is decided on, the rest of the j Mrs. A rthur Keenan,. K irkford then go to Cottage Grove to visit Duck H unting__ night, a girl. The program for next year must councilmanic slate will be with friends and relatives. They Dan Kay, Rev. W. Judson Old- the W estern film. an-I Ore., Care of Shans, Bertram Co rPHE Ashland be based on the receipts for this nounced, and any day now the Among the im portant W estern expect to be gone for about ten field, H. C. Stock and Calvin year.” 15- Electric Supply The Staples Agency has realty- d a js ’ adm inistration candidates for re ­ McClelland returned home yester­ pictures to be seen In the Fall bargains. The foreign missionary board 1-OR RENT:— Furnished houa?{ 240 East Main S t day from a duck hunt. When and W inter will be William of the denomination is already corder and treasu rer may be an­ close in.— Staples. nounced. Vaughn Moody’s play, “The Great The Metropole O rchestra is asked how many they brought heavily in debt. During his ad- Sweet cream for whipping and It is practically assured th at giving another big dance at Jack- back, Kay reported 31, Cal re­ Divide.” A great stage success, coffee— also fresh milk, always t dress Dr. Hingiey presented the there will at least be a partial son Hot Springs Sat., Sept. 20. ported 27 and Oldfield said to this play is now being done for on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf conference with a d raft for $1000 anti-adm inistration ticket in the 15— 3* ask the others. Mr. Stock is said the silver screen. as the g ift of the pension board field as Earl Fehl recently took Confway Tearie, usually seen, R om — to have exhibited some expert in the society dram a films, ha?1 toward the support of 're tire d To Crater latke— out nomination blanks for such m arkesm anship. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. the role of Stephen Ghent in “ The Methodist m inisters in Oregon. a ticket, at which time he an- Mrs. W. B. Gammons of Man­ New Figs, 2 lbs......... 25c Dr. II. C. Jennings, a member of | nounced that lie and hi3 adher- Thade Coleman last n ig h t. Great Divide.” chester, Conn., and M arian B. New Dates, 2 lbs. ...3 5 c We deliver the goods— Detricks M other and daughter are doing A nother W estern picture ju st the Methodist book concern, an- . j en4s only planned to file a par- Gammons, of Plym outh, Mass., nicely. 94-tf completed is Harold Bell W right’s nounced th a t the conference t ial ticket, which would include o--O-- o—o stopped at the Hotel Ashland last “The Mine with the Iron Door.” would receive another check for a candidate for mayor. night and resumed th eir trip to­ Good rubber, spotlight, The Staple» Realty Agency can IDEAL GLASS TOP Up to date Mr. Fehl has not P at O’Malley has the leading role $2490 for the same fund, this day. They are going to C rater! At N iagara F ’alls— and good engine. show you some real bargains. in this picture, which, like “ The being Oregon’s share in last y ear’s filed his ticket or giiten out any JARS * Lake for a short time and th en j Word was received yesterday Great Divide,” was produced in profits of the book concern. inform ation about it. Pin ts’ do*............................. $ 1 .0 0 north. i from Lieutenant Clyde G. Young Arizona. Superllte auto finish; guaran­ m >— o • The time for filing candidates! Quarts, doz..................... stating th a t he had been at Nir Halt* Gals., doz................. SI 35 teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. expires September 30. CALIFORNIA FORESTS N< o agent in Southern Oregon I agara Falls and had witnessed a 298— tf WIDE MOUTH MASON REOPENED; FIRES OUT can w rite b etter Auto insurance • baseball gam e between th e New MAIN PLANT TO BE JARS v \ e n ,OW‘ V rateS thnn ' Y° ,k Yaftkeea aad ^ e Buffaloes, F reni S hale City— Pints, ‘ Q uarts, doz........................ $ 1 .0 8 • Thousands of acres in the Plum as save the flowers for the mg the game Babe R uth had City was in town yesterday eve­ At. Hot<“I O regon — Half Gals., doz. ............... $1.35 (Continued from Page 1) ! and Lassen National Forests were ning. wedding instead of the knocked two home runs. Mr, -I ordered reopened after Among those staying a t the Jelly (ilasses and J a r Young is on his way to F o rt funeral. Hotel Oregon are J. L. Aliflon and a year. The pay- Trimmings Monroe, Virginia, for training. Analax, The F ruity Laxative, ’ I v U I U I weeks ago in order to reduce the family. Philom ath; C. R. Clark, ! roll will average in the neighbor- 30c— McNair Bros. fire hazard. This was announc- i Bey Ponit, Cal.; Geo. W. Lucas, P A W T irn a . r> , ! WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. — ed by the United States forest hood of $70,000 per month, with Tillamook; W. Fabell Chicago- 1 t ? i D eagle and between 500 and 600 men regu­ a , ^ a g l e ; day work or contract; The farm s of the United States service headquarters here. SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ H arrv E c i larly employed. The present ca­ M F An / « ADRe ® S: ! e8tim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf MOBILE insurance; b etter term s were pushed so fa r into the val­ II. A. Stearns Heavy rains in the forests ex­ «1 N. Main Mrs. E. Anerstein, Los Angeles; ' pacity ia approximately 30,000,- and lower rates. Yeo, of course. ley of depression by the demo­ tinguished fires. 000 board feet per year. The V is itin g H ere__ Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf F. Schinkel, Orland, Cal. cratic policy of farm deflation, present payroll is about $4 5,000 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long of enacted in 1920 th a t it took a l­ Every ad has a message. Follow the crowds to Jackson Prosser, W ashington, a/"e visiting most four full years of construc­ per month, with 325 men employ­ V isitin g H ere— ed. One of the difficulties beset­ Mrs. E. L. Norri.s arrived from Hot Springs Sat. Nite, Sept. 20. ». :th the B. M. Shoudy family tive Republican adm inistration ting the new industry is sufficient Eugene thus m orning to visit Music by. the famous Metropole on Helman street. They are On to bring them back. Orchestra. 15__3» housing facilities for the employ­ friends in Ashland for several There are many Carburetors, but you can always Such was the pithy comment of (heir way after a trip to south­ ees. The m anagem ent announces days. She is staying at the Hotel ern California and will remain Henry C. W allace, secretary of depend on C on tractor R etu rn s__ tliat wherever feasible and pos- Ashland. A griculture on reading the ef­ here for several days. A. L. Lamb, prom inent contrac­ fect of the Democratic campaign tor who formerly lived in this city, W ednesday night, Sept. 24, Schools Increase— organization in its campaign text­ An entirely new city adminis­ but who has been residing in FOR EVERY CAR Armory, Ku Klux Lecture. 15— 4t The G rants Pass schools, which book to absolve tself of the biame tration m ust be elected at the Woodburn, has returned to Ash­ opened Monday, show a total re g -!io r ihe almost ruin of American general election November 4tli, j There Never to give you maximum service. Complete line of Ashland Can­ land and will occupy his resi­ istration upon the first day of ag ricultural enterprise Mr. W al­ next, as the two year term s of at 17S A street. Mr. Lamb 119? ai xio a street, air. « Is a Time ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf dence lace said. »•■II > i > V ♦ ♦ age in Ashland. He was taken ‘ Ilchlgan’ a ™ ved in Ashland fo­ They are the result of conditions mayor entitled him to step aside, j doubtful moves. HONESTY Is my POTxICY. Yeo to the justice cotrrt yesterday for v , °r a ' home of which too often, as in this case, It is understood th at City Re- j of course. 212__tf having liquor in his possession,; are the result of unwise states­ corder Alford and City Treasurer ! au g h ter’ Mrs- E - M.^Berg. manship. This oppression is pe­ W ebber will be candidates for re- ; but will not be fined for this' of- R en ted P roperty— culiarly the result of such con­ election, altbo there are rum ors A nother Sale—■ Mr. and Mrs. C ,H. Beale have fense until later. He was appre­ The Staples R ealty Agency re­ ditions. The troubles of the th a t th ere will be one other can- j moved from Dunsm uir to Ashland hended by Chief of Police Mc­ ports another im p o rtan t sale of fa rm e r are directly due mainly didate for city treasurer, and that • t and have rented the Stevens prop­ Nabb. ♦ inside city property, being the 50 to democratic m istakes. No soon­ six of the present councilmen will e rty on B. Street. They will e r was th e resu lt of the 1920 al3o run again. In this connect­ Why pay more for milk when foot lot ju st north of th e Ashland election fairly evident than the move In Immediately. Î ion it has ju st become publicly you can get the best milk for Hotel and extending from Oak dem ocrats began a system atic de­ I 4 known th a t Councilman John H. through to Pioneer. It is said Let us fill your pail with Swifts 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone flation of the farm er on the ex­ B utler resigned within the past that this land will be used in 4.t f Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than 396R and 369J. connection w ith the H otel Ash­ cuse th a t the cost of living must two weeks because of the lack , shortening. Goes fa rth e r and if In the 1 spring of of tim e for councilmanic duties, 1 land in its fu tu re improvem ents. be reduced. more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf Hotel Columbia— 1920, the farm ers position was Among the guests at the Hotel fairly satisfactory in relation to Columb'a are Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Buys Property— Don’t forget the big dance at other groups. In the late sum ­ E. V. C arter has purchased the Jackson Hot Springs Sat. nite. A Forsythe, who have made the * « ! ! : m er of 1920, members of the 1/ iht t big time assured you— Metropole trip to Vancouver, B. C., and are middle strip of property adjoin­ democratic adm inistration served O rchestra. 15__3* on their way to their home in ing his, next to the building oc­ notice th a t the price of farm pro­ cupied by E. R. Isaac. He hap California. FÍN1SH1NG TODAY W ar ____ _ owned the tw enty foot strip next ducts m u st come down. H ere- IT IS USUALLY Imogene W allace, piano classes*1.0 the Isaac building for some surplus was throw n on the m ar­ John Barrymore’s classic Eugene B ryant of McCloud is ket. F arm ers were called on to tim e and bought th e additional In Ashland for a few days visit­ begin Septem ber 25. For infor­ “ BEAU BRUMMEL” pay their notes, thus forcing Battery mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss property from W allace Corey. crops on the m arket The word ing with relatives and friends. W allace, Central Point. 13__tf This makes a 40 foot business lot. .Ignition I went out th a t agriculture m ust He will not build th ere at the H air Brushes— Hand Brushes Carburetor be deflated, and as prices began present time. -McNair Bros. In A shland— to drop through this pressure, Ju st a little attention be­ FIO DA Y & SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Miles of buyers withdrew from the m a r­ forehand would have pre­ le a v e s for Home__ In A shland— Newport arrived in Ashland vented the inconvenience Mr. I. B. M artin ie£t yesterday ket except as to hand to mouth io Mr. Will Leland and wife Tuesday night and are visiting needs, which added im petus to and loss of time. of D unsm uir are visiting at the with th eir son, Frank Murphy of for hia home in Ottumwa, Iowa, the decline. Democratic senators Pierson home on the Boulevard, this city. They will visit for sev­ after a short visit with his sister,’ and representatives in congress We caM g*vc you quick service on their re tu rn from a trip to eral days and then resum e their Mrs. Anna W illiams. On his way in overhauling these vital end in im portant adm inistrative he will stop a t Los Angeles, Salt K ansas City. Mr. Pierson is the trip to southern California. p arts of your machine. positions have themselves been Lake City and Denver. b rother of Mrs. Leland. most unsparing critics of this ru in ­ • Snappy new models in suits for ous democratic policy. The re­ Program a t High School— The Staples Agency has a wx>n- young men at Paulserud’s. sult of it all was th a t perpendi- In observance of Constitution dcrful bargain in Bungalow. Bet- 14— tf nnv o » cular drop in the prices of farm Ï b X : y’ .S? r J ntendent p- d - t s while the cost of every- te r hurry. Our Phone 82 Lioeal j P erso n al fiotes J The fire departm ent answered a call to 122 Laurel street Thurs-j —-------------- — ’ ’ • day morning, but found only a ' flue burning out. COMMAND ING A « E lectricity XV. YOUR INTEREST À Ju st A rrived FORD BUG $50 RaybCxStos Savs WALLACE STATES BY DEM POLICY . .. Plaza Market IL - ' RACE TO BE’PEPPY A utom otive Shop STRÖ M BERG CA RBU RETO RS Leedosn’s Tire House F irst N ational B ank New Line of Ladies S ilk Dresses W lien th e car stops A rrive Today T he same old story B eauties in Every D etail. Color Effects. C liarniine E xquisitely T ailored and M odeled P erfection Straight and Draped Lines New Trimming Patterns Murphy Elee. Co. E very O ne a W inner school s tu d e n t a & . tO the hlgh : thing else rem inded high. The Visiting Here— MARCEL AND CURL LAST 1S morning>j dem ocrats had given the farm ers Mr. W illiam Reynolds of P a t­ telline LONGER a fte r a Golden Glint h ° h such a pash into the valley of de- tonsburg, Missouri, arrived in B ereiL e v Shampoo. n»60 f 6 ’S ed the as’ > pression th a t it was six months Ashland Monday and is visiting semhl sembly with sp I pp - », i,. r> ' . . several piano p «no stnec a ftev republicans came into the C. H. Pierce family on Pio­ Hrmo P a rlo r R enovated— es e the piogram an- power before the price drop could neer street. He intends to stay ptn The p arlor of the Hotel Ash er m portant thing at the! be checked. It was checked by here several days. land is being redecorated and n ew ! lgn sc 00 today is the seating, j vigorous legislative and adminis- drapes and furniture will be put 11s çauses much interest and j trative action, and gradually farm Burton Dancing School, Mem­ in. It is the aim of the manage­ -pecu c-tion among the students prices and the farm ers buying Open daily. A fter­ as to where they will sit, and near m ent to make this parlor into a orial Hall. power has increased until today noon 2 to 3, evening to 9. social m eeting place and people what person the farm er is in a b etter position 307-tf will be welcome to visit there at than a t any time since he became all times. The dining room trade Local Roy M entioned— the victim of unprovoked assault is picking up every day also, and G uests of H o t e l - Francis Humphrey, son of Mr. by unwise democratic leader- Some of the guests a t the Hotel and Mrs. A. N. Humphrey, was ship It is possible th a t more cooks will Ashland are A. D. Sansman, P o rt­ complimented in the Telegram be hired in the near future. land; Jam es A. A rm strong and yesterday for th e 'w o rk with th a t The Young People’s Society of wife, Hollywood, Cal.; S. V. Hill, paper th a t he has been doing Eugene — Cornerstone laid for the Nazarene Church of Medford Mrs. L. P. Hill and Joseph A. De- here. Besides handling routes | new Woodrow W ilson ju n io r high will hold a special meeting Sun­ Bell of Montclair, New Jersey; himself, he has become m anager school. E. of Trail, B, C.; M- for the Telegram. Along with day a t 6:30 P. M. at the Church, J. „ T T Lee t . Hughes, San Francisco; H. T. short article on w hat he has ac- 4th and C streets. A cordial in­ Yaquina— Pinnacles in Yaquina vitation is extended to all. A. M. Hopkins, Portland; Mrs. H. D .! complished, his picture w as. in Bay cut off to give 17 foot w ater Ramey, Pres. 15— 3 Hall, Laclede, Mo.; J. B u tle r,! the paper. depth. ---------- i P ortland; Mrs. F. Manz and M r s . __________________ The tru th about the Ku Klux ¡C harles M irear of Seattle; J. A. Albany — City finishes five Myrtle Point — C ontract let K ian W ednesday night, S e p L 2 4 . Fearier of Vancouver, and K e n , contracted 8treet paving jobs at for new th eatre building. W ork Armory. 15— 4t Baily of Los Angeles. 1 cost of $33,000 starts at once o f t h Main • P laza Ashland A2-tt4 p The strange tale of A P ow erful Good Lesson R astus had been found guilty of m urder. “ You are sentenced,” said the judge, “ to be hanged by the neck until you are dead. Have you anything to say for your­ self?” •“ No, Jedge,” replied Rastus, “ ’cep’ dis am gwan to be one powe’ful good lesson fo’ me.” An old story— but frequently repeated in our courts. Many a m otorist hears the jury render «a b’g damage verdict against him. I t ’s one power­ ful good lesson as to the val­ ue of a first class insurance policy protecting the m otorist against loss from such claims. B illings Agency Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 a g i • l l 1 ’ j hidden away from the world; P riced to Sell Q uick AT ! in a terror-infested jungle ¡of Florida. Thrills, Action, •'Suspense GolUv^yn p re a e n t» The King Vidor W W IL D t O K ANG ES j L— $14.50, $17.50 $19.50, $22.50 PR.ODUCTIOM Now on D isplay at fp y .Joseph H ergesheim er WtA Frank Mayo, Virginia V a lli, Ford. S t e r lin g * K i n g V id o r , A G o ld -w y n P i c t u r e i JUNE MATHIS D i^ a ^ A m QaLtimun.»Cotmoaolittui, •W here Your D ollar H as More C ents’ < a