** * PA CT C lassified * . • * «U • C olum n ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS P R O FE SSIO N A L Thursday, September 1«, 1024 setting, such as buna and weinies. , all were -discussed interestingly was definitely stated. The Park-i 00,000 FRY PLANTED IN of the North Fork of Salmon The evening wa3 spent in telling end the audience appreciated the er Practice School, the D eaf-O ral, SISKIYOU COUNTY LAKES River. Cia3500 on good term s at 6 per B lair G ranite Co. ! circle P. T. A. meets at Bellview Land, this summer. ently puts it, and speaks with a u - ( A sanitary rest room, com­ cent. PENNISTON, M anager. • school at eight o’clock Friday c o m jro -! Thorlty. The real function and! pletely equipped with modern ; In Mrs. R obinette’s 6 room modern house close in Office 175 E. Main evening. Everyone asked to at- plumbing conveniences, is a hensive and enlightening addres3, i reason for 'b ein g of the P. T. A Price 32100, on easy terms. Res. P hon e 4 4 4 -Y profitable investment for any i tend. Red Crown Service Station on she prefaced the discussion of j ___ _ _ L_ ... — public or senr'-public building. Friday, Sept. 19. D. A. R. Main Highway to trade 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May the local work by a review of the ‘ Increase the accommodations communicate with Ensign Lee meets at the home of Mrs. Eliza­ National Society, its objective and for house in Ashland offered your patrons and ‘you beth Van Sant oh Oak Street, of the Sajvation Army at the Good 18 acre ranch on highway. the means provided for its fin­ will increase business. 2:30 o’clock. WhlteSfaield Home, 565 May- ancing. 6 room house, good new barn, • * » Let us install a rest room in fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. garage, nice lawn, 6 cows, good The speaker dwelt upon the _________________________________ your building th a t will invite “ Who Do’’ P arty — th e h o u se, in sid e o r o u t! team , 3ow and 12 pigs, 2 dozen success of th e Christm as Seal patronage rathe».- than repel it. The “WhoDo” class of the PLANING MILL chickens and all farm machin­ M ethodist Sunday School will Sale, as a means of the financial i W e c a n a s s is t w h e th e i ery. 12 ton hay Price 36500 lORDON’S SASH AND CABINET have a party on Friday Sept. 2 6, support for the county, state and you a r e p a p e r in g o r p a in t­ on good terms. W ORKS, Cor. Helman and at the home of Mrs. A. A. M ad-. national organizations. The work See ing. P h o n e us. Van Ness. 194tf den at 63 Pine Street. Mrs. Dew j the methods, the restrictive meas- W. W. ROBISON. .. • lirOQ* the fViA part nari th at is played in will be the honored guest. All j u re s’ 63 North Main St. T R A N SFE R AND EX PR E SS Plumbing members are urged to be pres-! individual and community life H e a tin g The triumph of every woman’s cooking is 8tf W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. and the relation of the state and Phone 188 2 0 7 E . Main ent. for SERVICE. good j?ie. After all, the final test of FOR SALE o r TRADE—.160 This party was postponed from local program to other programs, Experienced movers and pack­ acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ Friday due to the M. E. Confer­ good pie is—crust. ers of household goods. Deal- ence which is being held at Med­ tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, • ers in coal and wood. Phone ford this week. North Dakota. If interested call 'HE value o f an ar- 117. A delicious pie crust is light, crispy, • • » o r w rite G. S. Butler. 300— lm o A tid e depends upon Office 89 Oak St. near Hobo Party— sweet and digestible. To many this will FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers Hotel Ashland th e service it gives. Dr. Maud I. Hawley entertained milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- seem an almost impossible perfection, but her young people’s Sunday School M any suits “Tailored dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* ^* L. PO^VELL— General Trans­ class and the C hristian Endeavor it is not a bit hard to make when one fer— Good team and motor to Measure by B o m ’: to get a deer will be better FOR SALE — Tomatoes for trucks. G >od service at a rea- of the Christian Church with a knows how. ‘ Hobo P a rty ’’ at her home Mon­ eight to ten years age if you use canning, 2 cents per pound. Mrs. eouab.’e price. Phone 83. day evening. The guests- came Josselyn, upper end of Ashland are still in service to dressed in old clothes, with dishes The first “know how” is Frye’s “Wild Rose” St. 14— 6* FEHIGE-ROACH day. W inchester Guns in which to eat strapped to them, T ransfer — Express — Storage Brand P ure L ard for shortening. The FOR SALE— 30 pullet3 from and they also brought something This service is made Hauling — Dray work or all trapneeted hens, sirea records to contribute to the refreshm ents. second is the “knack” of pastry mixing and possible only by the over 270. A. Bert Freem an, 112 kinds. Quick motor service. Dry The group met at the park on which Frye’s Meat Guide and recipe book Nutley. Phone 456J. 14tf wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R the Boulevard and from there purchase o f depend* 375 B. St. 112-tf A m m u n ition went to Miss Hawley’s home. able fabrics, by pains* explains so fully that failure is impossible. FOR SALE — Jersey cow. A fter the costumes were discuss­ Phone 9F4. 14— 4» taking workmanship FLORIST ed thoroughly the group went in - . to the woods in back of the H aw -| FOR SALE — Chevrolet bug. and close supervision Send tw o cents for postage to SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Sim p son ’s W ill 3ell cheap or trade for Ford , ley home and built a large bon­ F rye & Com pany, Seattle, and o f e v e r y o p era tio n From R oadster or Coupe. 459 Morton fire. There they participated of receive your copy of F rye’s H atcher & Henson, Floral & Seed that enters into the Hardware St. 14— 2* Co., tem porary the things th a t go with such a M eat Guide. Contains a hun­ location 399 dred tested recipes on the prep­ making o f a suit ol W inchester Store FOR SALE — Grapes. Thourk- Mountain Ave. Cut flowers andj aration of F rye’s "Delicious” clothes. son Seedless, Rose of Porn. Mus­ floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo Brand H am s and Bacon and cat and Tokay. Get them fresh valuable hints on the successful That’s w hy w e dc a t the vineyard or phone A. H. use of hot hesitate to recom­ Davenhill. 14— 3* POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S o c ie ty TAM VAC VEGETABLE PILLS OVERLAND Shoe Shop To get more business BEAUTIFYING Jerry O’Neal “Good Pie” J. O. R IG G ' I V our Chances FOR SALE— Cheap. A beauti­ G. W . Milam ful Piano. Terme to suit Purchas­ Independent er. Inquire a t this office. 14-1 Candidate for County School Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ MISCELLANEOUS ty. Oregon. GET YOU STOVE repaired at Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito For a smooth shave R adiator and Stoves for sale. 140 and qu’Ck service go Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* to the Shell Barber W ANTED: — Used flat top Shop. Ladies and office desk and swivel chair. See children get your hair G reer at the Tidings office. 1-4 bobbed and m arcel­ led. * PIANO instruction, by exper­ ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone 441J. 3—-lmo WANTED — Large wicker baby carriage. Must be reason­ able. 637 B. Street. 14— 3* W. A. SH ELL. Prop. Fish m end B o m Tailoring e v e n to o u r m osl exacting customers. Paulserud’s For Your When next you require shortening, ask for it by this Brand Name— you will get a Lard that is guaranteed pure. Friday Dinner Eagle Market N. Main P h on e 107 COMPLETE PROTECTION P R O F I T FROM S A V IN G S »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore HS_ M R Two million investors have found it! F razier & S on TRADE— Will trade 50x145 foot lot on Main artery (226 Chester Ave.) Bakersfield, Cali­ fornia, for equal value or small house R. Sp©hr, Rt. 2, B akers­ field, California. 8— 8 DUBLIN, Sept. 17— For some years strikes have been ruining! Ireland's industries. Scarcely one new enterprise lias been s ta rt­ Olympic Cake and Pastry ed in any part of the country. flour, reg. 35c, now......... 2 5 Capital his been tied up by the O lym pic'Rolled Oats, reg. W ANTED — Men for picking fear that no sooner would a fac­ 35c, now ...................... .25 apples. Call E. C. Gardner. tory be started than a strik e Crown Pancake flour reg. Phone 373R2 13— 3 would be declared. Dockyards and 35c, now ............................... 25 4 lb. pail Orange Blossom WANTED — 12 or 15 milk factories have been closed, and •h o rtn ’ng, reg. 90c now .75 set in. 8 lb. pail Orange Blossom custom ers in vicinity of Junior industrial distem per Shortning, reg. 1.75 now 1,50 High school. Call at 156 Man­ About a year ago a more reason­ 2 lb. pail L aural Pure able attitu d e was taken by the zanita St., after 5:00 p. m. Lard, reg. 50c, n o w ......... 40 14— 4* trade union officials and s trik e s 1 became more uncommon. T h e n ' PL EA SE ASK ABOUT W ANTED — Second handed came Jam es Larkin on the scene’ F E E D and FLOUR lum ber. Box 564, Ashland. after his release from Sing S in g ’ 14— 3* Prison in America. He immed-i Goats Br©<| by registered iately started a new trade union! razier on buck, with 3 1-2 qts. milk strain, and has to his credit about fifty Phon e 2 1 4 — 3 5 3 E, Main St. low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 strikes in the last twelve m onths.! openly miies south on Pacific Highway. His propaganda w a s He claimed to be th e ' 14— 1 mo.* “ R ed.” member for Moscow in the Soviet. I He fought with the regular trade! A CHILD IN PAIN runs to M other u n :on officials and ended up in i for relief. So d o th e grow n-ups. all of F o r sudden and severe pain in stomach several libel actions, in and bowels, cramps, diarrhoea which he was beaten. He has now left Ireland and is under-J w onderful new in ter­ C O L IC a n d D IA R R H O E A stood to be in Russia, but his nal A treatm ent for Asthm a REM EDY i lieutenants carry on his work illa y s violen t spasm s in 10 m inutes, and is ffitaran- It has never been known to fa il j here. Recently they tried to j feed to fu lly relieve all of chronic Asthm a j shut down the principal railroad forms 24 hours— or it co sts Arlington —— Three rock crush­ I in the South of Ireland and tried in sou nothing. it is called R incx and is taken ers at work surfacing Rock Creek to intim idate the other w o rk ers,! nternally in sim ple capsule form. highway. new proves that all Asthm a but the regular trades union men Silence s due to internal infection. Rinex i A storia — 335,000 Paul Revere met them with a flat contadic-l io es direct to th is infection and , neutralizes it—w ith ou t narcotics or Temple. Orange lodge, dedicat­ tion, and though violence was a t­ oxic drugs. ed. tem pted by the Larkinites on a Free Trial Offer few occasions, they were worsted Just now, through a special intro­ ductory arrangem ent, you can ob­ and two or three of them found tain a trial treatm ent en tirely FREE. themselves in the Liffey. Ire­ Simply go to any of the drug stores ' lam ed below and ask for a trial land is probably seeing the last package of RINEX. No obligation it all on your part. B ut be sure to —rid your system o f Catarrh or Deaf. of L arkin’s rule. isk for your free treatm ent w ithin I f insured dies from natural causes, the company pays . . . $5,000 I f insured dies from accident, the company pays . . . $10,000 In case o f permanent total disability, the company will 1. W aive all premium payments 2. Pay $25 per week for one year; and in addition 3. Pay $50 per month for life; and 4. Pay$y,oootothebeneficiarywhen insured dies 5. If disability involves loss o f limbs or sight as result o f accident, the company will pay $5,000 in cash immediately in addition to other benefits. [In case of temporary disability, from any cause, the company pays $25 per week for a limit of 52 weeks.] & S Conquered g si By New Trea tment C H A M B E R L A IN ’S M cNair Bros. 0 and a monthly payment plan The California Oregon Power Company’s 7% Preferred Stock yields a dividend return of 7.14% on $100.00 par value shares, obtainable by direct pur­ chase from the Company at $98. CALIFORNIA OREGON j POW ER CO M PANY **A Service That Endures" For fu ll in fo rm a tio n a b o u t ou r special M o n th ly P a y m en t P lan fo r in v estm en ts o f $ 5 .0 0 a m o n th or m ore, te le p h o n e an y m em b er o f our organ ization — or sim p ly c lip a n d m ail th e c o u p o n b elow . THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Offices: C oast L ife OREGON INSURANCE COM PANY homs omca-SAM francisco R oseburg (O pportunity available to experienced Life Insurance salesman as D istrict M anager). M ed ford TOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS A sk any m ember o f our organization ONE OF A M E R I C A ’S S T R O N G E S T C O M P A N 1 ES * G rants Pass Klamath Falls C A LIFO R N IA Y reka he next three days — th is offer is imited. It may be obtained in thia We have a good job printing de­ -ity at * tf This constantly growing use of electricity in homes, industries and farms is but one of many rea­ sons why nearly iw o m illio n A m e r ic a n i n v e s t ­ o r s have already chosen electric light and power securities for the safeguarding of their funds and monthly savings. 14 H all’s Catarrh partm ent. In the ten years from 1913 to 1923, net earnings of The California Oregon Power Company increas­ ed 281 per cent. the following things happen to the aver age man: Accident—Sickness—Finan* cial Adversity—Death—Poverty in old age. A Perfect ProtectionPolicy in West Coast Life provides against all of these contingencies. For example Our Special F **“ caused by Catarrh. SoU Sy dfeggibn ft* wer 40 yean P. J. CHENEY & C O ., T oled o. GbK, PURE LARD —or ¿Mail this coupon —■today! D u n sm u ir THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POW ER COMPANY MEDFORD, OREGON Please send m e full information about your 7% Preferred Stock and special partial paym ent plan. N am e. ^Address —-