MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings 7 he Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Neivspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (Iu tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 4 3. CANDIDATES FILE PAPERS FOR OFFICES BOY KILLED AND HIS COMPANION INJURED ' M I » ■'« It « « 8 8 i 8 8 SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sept. IS. — A ttacked from behind by an unknown assailant, two boys, one dead and the other dying from a fractured skull, and other injuries, were found by a railroad em- ploye beneath the American river bridge at the outskirts 8 8 8 8- 8 I 8 8 8 8 ASHLAND CLIMATE ithout the use of medicine cares nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER .18, 1924 SOUTHERN GAS IS PLANNING SETTER PLANT Girl Sails to Meet uIdealn Miss Gertrude Biede Is Out 8 of th e city to d ay . 8 > Southern Oregon to Have For Recorder; May Not ■« Prior to lapsing ¡«no un- ni Best Gas Factory in •Be Opposed : « consciousness, w iiiia m Isaac 8 J the Entire State RECOVERY ON RING STOCKS IS DOUBTFUL — . ALL YOUTHFUL MURDERERS HAVE HOPES OF CLEMENCY i 8 ---------- „ 8 W ASHINGTON,, D. C. 8 1 8 Sept. 18. — Hopes for a life 8 8 sentence instead of the death 8 j j 8 penalty have raised in the 8 8 breast of Eugene Perrygo, 8 ' • 8 age 22, who has been a 8 1 8 prisoner in jail here since he 8 8 killed an aged woman four 8 ■ 8 years ago. « HELPINGPAL ESCAPE GETS MAN ARRESTED Attorney General Says ♦ « ♦ r The outcome of the Loeb «¡Parole Granted to Raigo Thousands of People a Leopold case .o Chicago, m » Money Violated When Certain to Lose , 8 which their youthful age 8 Ip a v p - ¡ a saved them from the g * i - a ! leaves Ashland REPORTS TO GOVERNOR « lows, has caused Perrygo’s 8 S M A S H F P W XI T e w r» 1 8 said he had met his assoc- 8 1 ______ EUBANKS, TREASURER 8 iate, who is unidentified, in «INCREASING VOLUME --------- . i 8 a soft drink parlor. Both 8 ____ —-------- - ! « attorney to urge a rehearing 8 ~ ‘ - a o Jh No Petitions for Councilmen Have 8 of them were destitute, he 8 Will Have Coke and Tar as Out- ¡.Another Report Made Been Filed, Hut Two Tick­ stated, and went out and 8 puts; Work Will Start Im­ IM , *° Gov , « for lbe youth, confident that 8 Tried to D c n h - ov Fviden,- Meree (• by Committee That j 8 Judge Caverly’s decision will 8 | tb e rs .'n e s te d - Are Caurf Commit t ets Expected 8 built a camp fire, expecting 8< mediate Future Is Proving Sales 8 stand as a precedent for ex- 8 | iu nos;.b u i’, “ *'* " 8 to take a freight here to- 8 8 morrow. Petitions for the candidacy cf 8 tending greater clemency to 3 MEDFORD, Sept. 18.— South­ i PORTLAND, Sept. IS. — In- 8 Perrygo. He said someone hit his 8 ern Oregon will have one of the Miss G ertrude Biede for re-elec- 8 8 . Failure to observe a nam i . i vectors of The Kings Food Pro *« tion as city recorder and G. G « p artn er over the head and 8 « An appeal will be taken 8 granted best gas, coke and coal tax by- «_ , u trained u m to raise money to ducts company and The Dundas ♦» E him. ♦♦ in the supreme court next, next 8 w pay imv a n fine w,,|ch had . ey io bf>en ¡mpog . ubanks for city treasurer have « then attacked .. Isaac 8 products m anufacturing plants in , M artin company, embracing sever-; « month. A ttorney Perrygo an- 8 ten filed at the city hall. been ¡ » « said «a,d he lived in Ci C entralia, 8 ; the e n W United States, accord- ed upon him, resulted in the re- al thousand people in Oregon. « nounced today. j* r-rrest Miss Biede has been connected j « W ashington, where his sis- 8 j ing to the plane of the directors of Ira Irons a t Roseburg W ashington and California, have « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! w ith the city recorder’s office for 8 ter, Mrs. Verhma Blaire, re- 8 cf The Southern Oregon Gas com- ear.y Thursday morning and in . lost heavily and apparently will i — ------------ —------ jj ' pany. many years, both as assistant and 8 sides. i the implication of Roy Campbell have difficulty in recovering, A t-' as recorder. She assumed the 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 j m who-d car and company Irons The new plant will include torney General Van W inkle ad-j position of recorder during the • made a hasty departure from ; what is known as the Glover West i vised Governor Pierce today re l-! w ar period and has held it since. • A shland W ed n esd ay n ig h t. j system of continuous coal gas ative to the two reports received ( I t is understood th at she will not Irons an.I Dave Jones, who are m anufacture, now being used with from Oswald West, form er gov ! have any opposition, having made raid to be cx-brakemen of the great success in Victoria and Van- } ernor, and George Black. P ort­ a competent official and proved Southern Pacific railroad at Duns- ' cauver, B. C. The local company 1 land accountant, who were mem satisfactory to everybody. mu.«, were arrested Wednesday by realized spme time ago th a t the ' bers of the governor’s committee! Mr. Eubanks is a veteran in the the local city oolice. When the rapid rise in the price of fuel oil investigating stock sales in Ore- city tre a su re r’s office and the offi'era appro"« hed them, Irone would prohibit its use for gas . - - , gon. Government Operated on a Basis indications are that he also will dashed two bo or of whiskey on ■ making purposes. ' «tarn. £ arhSad'“ X , 7 “ , b>' Great Saving in July be unopposed. Courtesy and ef­ , the pavement, an effort to des- and August ficiency have made his work in Declare for the Restoration of 1 The new plant will consist of of pretty Miss Yvette Frost, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and when the Pacific I 1 t& fr° m advisinS others- than troy the evid«; ce which the of- i six 26-inch vertical retorts, coal ln a d J i ’ler F ^ i d e n t Wilson sailed from San F ran csco for the land ! state officei’8 as to their legal World War Hero as the th e tre a su re r’s office eminently ; ficers were seeking. , fed continuously night and day m he-hnv'T nB!° ^ C.niS Mirs F r° st was aboard and on her way to rig h ts and remedies. In anothei Army’s Leader satisfactory. WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 18. meet her long distance Dance. At the pier to see her off was her T, ., , Irons wa3 paroled so th at he ---------- j from a 40-ton steel bin, built report subm itted to the governor The government s operating „„„ The petitions for the candidacy a tio n ^ A liT th e ab i’ tA,ire , pd> by the committee, the charge expenses were cut >13.400,000 of O. H. Johnson and C. H. Pierce i , , T , I’i's iiiio v iiHe Jones w h s niacod The American Legion w ants Gen-! chinery hoists, the coke being dis- was made th a t when The Multno during July and August as com-, P'acetl for the office of mayor were both mail Lumber and Box company pared with the first two months in the city ja i . The next thing filed Wednesday. Indications are eral P erth in g restored to active charged at the bottom cold, j became Insolvent in 1921, F. of the preceding fiscal year, ac- the officers knew Jones was re- In addition to the gas made th a t no fu rth er candidates will duty. The convention today un- Douty, president of the company cording to official treasury fig-i i ported to have hastily left th» anlmously adopted the report o f ' there will be about 100 tons of e n te r the field for this office. m company with Roy Camp­ arranged a sale of the stock to the ures, based on the savings during At the N ovem ber election six the m ilitary affairs committee : c°ke produced for sale and 20,- bell, also of Dunsmuir, in the lat­ public. The report also charges the la3t two months. councilmen will be elected, as the which declared th a t th e W o r ld ;000 gallons of ta r as a valuable ter's automobile. * the company’s properties were The governmental overhead term of each of the present coun­ W ar hero was still h eart and by-product. T he officers then ascertained W hat becomes of th e huge J 1-as used considerable of the dirt i appraised in exce~s of their actual will be 90 millions less this fiscal In the construction 500 ton3 of cilm en expires this year. Many soul in the army, th at he is vig-j that Campbell had brought the year than it was last year. The citizens have been mentioned in orous and able and th at it is u n - ' stru ctu ral steel and 100,000 fire am ount of d irt which is carted there. The lot next to Mr. P o -; ya3ne* two men to Ashland from Duns­ president’s hope of creating a connection with the councilmen fair to him and to the nation to j bricks will he used besides other away and dumped someplace well’s has also been filled. muir, Wednesday. The police of when a large excavation is made, m aterial. «180,000,000 surplus in 1926 may positions, but, as far as cKn be be retired. He stated there was a lively! Roseburg were notified to be on tuch as th a t from The Lithian i be achieved, the treasury offic-' The demand for General Per-! --------------------------- ascertained, no petitions have demand for the granite which i th«* lookout for the men. They Hotel company site? ials said after issuing this state been circulated for any candi­ shing as the leader of the Ameri-i ( they will take out of the hotel notified the Ashland police Thurs- ment. That it is not merely a waste, ' , * dates. It is expected th at w ith­ can Legion had subsided consid-l __________________ ; day morning that the two men a total loss or a heavy expense I Ot * 8hUnd agreed ; It could not be in the next few days petitions erably today. to haul it from the place of ex-i 1^ ° ° 1 >ards Ot thls 101 , SISKIYOU FIRES OUT | b*'“ RoSebur« will be started. It is under­ ascertained from what source the! cavation is proved in the case of Str®fet 8artac,ng and other P«r-! YIi7EKA; ! ePt‘ 17~~ReP° rtS “ ‘ l 1 The local officera immediately stood an effort is being made to ro en to n of General Pershing as pose3. He has also a long list of T A n r I T ■■rrkr-rxurv' e Litllian Hotel cpmpany con- procure a councilmen ticket national com m ander originated. the Un.tod States Forestry office; filed a charge of transporting li­ orders from private owners for which will not create opposition, at Yreka today show th at all for quor against Campbell. HD GRANTS PASS, Sept. IS. — I; who has the contract to make this the granite, x , , which make splen- although it is probable th at there est fires in the Klam ath National willingness to help Irons to es­ BIG INCREASE IN excavation, which will am ount to ' “ a‘erlal tor ' “'« » ‘re«! property. It Is LOCAL PEOPLE wil! result in several fills and im- ! bidders- The general committee outlined Sheviff Andrew S. Calkins left • POOL HALLS MUST STOP, shown in the report ot the auto " ° , ’T an<* yesterday afternoon for Som nes' IN ACCIDENT KLAMATH COUNCIL SAYS The revenue from the d irt and ^ l0 f*nan'?bîS plan which will not Stage and truck departm ent of ' ' 'i L ” ' to«1“« « « history p r o v e m e n t of p r o p e r t y . Bar to investigate the death o f ' ---------- Mr. Powell purchased a lot j granite sales will probably call for an outright donation, but A serious accident was narrow ­ the C alifornia Railroad Commlf-- The a i* !? ’7 7 . ’ Mrs. Johnny Pepper, 60-year-old KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. IS.— on w ater street after he had ta k - ’ am ount to several hundred dol- an advance to he returned later i T" ° Ma" T r" ’" ne- ly averted last evening when a ,lun for 1923-24. Indian m atron who was found Following a complaint lodged by of the $10,000 necessary, twelve Freight to the extent of S33. Tl!' plal!t wil1 cover 100 acre3 en the excavation contract and lars. p arty consisting of Mesdames J. individual and business houses of hanging from a tree at the p ep. i Chief of Police George Humphrey. C. Cozart, Ida Crandall, Bert 24 5 tons was transported. The ; of land, when completed, and will G rants Pass have already s u b ->i>er home earJy Monday by h e r ! pocl room and ' ard r3oni lv’opric T urner, Jennie Schwan and Theo- operating revenue of all the auto ! ¡nV° ? ? a ” oxponditH1æ of approx tors were warned by the city scribed >500 each, or $6,000 of husband. •17,554,- ! im ate’.v $1,000,000. council th at any violation of the Because of suspicious circuni the total. A campaign for the -a m eet In Yreka, was struck by 980.86 and the operating expense . The main features of the new soliciting of the balance is now stances, the district attorney has ordinanc® governing such estab- industry are: th e car of the sheriff of Siskiyou I $16,237,160.31. ' under way, and committees have issued a coroner’s w arrant to lisbm ents "o u k l result in imme- The enlargem ent of the mill­ •county. Mrs. Cozart was driving Pepper said diate revocation of license to op­ Statistics compiled by the com­ pond to coveiv. ten acres for the been announced. The general com­ hold the husband. :a W illys-Knight and the sheriff mission show th a t there are 670 m ittee th at form ulated the gen- ie h id ju st returned from an all erate. :& Tem plar. The Cozart car was auto stage and truck lines oper­ storage of logs. The ordi'iance Provides that PORTLAND, Sept. 18— Thai SALEM, Sept. 18— The decis- Pla" *S cosnpoEed of Messrs night hunting trip when he dis- ru n into the bank and one of the ating under the jurisdiction of j The building of a new plan­ Portland’ cham ber of com m erce1 ion of the Oregon suprem e court H’ D< N orton- L A- Rob!e and R covered the body ! “ bingles” can be purchased by ing mill, with new machinery. •disc wheels badly bent. W h'le the verdict of the cor- principals in card or P°o1 ga1» ^ the commission, of which 165 are The construction of the first has decided to continue its d e > su sta in in g the state income tax W ‘ C lark' A 8eC° nd coramitte? Three wheels on the Tem plar freight carriers, and 121 passeng­ oner’s ju ry was “ strangulation by " £5d a s ,Btake8- Th® ho,d- unit .of Crane dry storage sheds. velopment work with the aid of; law, in effect, will increase the * Char"e ° f the ca,npaign •were smashed besides other min­ er carriers. f°J b Can tUr” , th© raising of the $4,000 through parties unknow n.” the jury main-; The erection of a battery of 20 the State Chamber of Commerce sum t0 be ra> ed under the o r damages. W ith the exception »„.•„„ j *. . .. m the p o d room from which they at least >500,000 y j solicitation of the people of t!r tam ed th at the woman had first . . , 7 diy kilns, five now being under instead of attem pting to direct all o f a few minor scratches no one atrxnai j and then j dragged j were isRUed a »d ipcoive merchcu- T t ¡county, is composed of Sam II jx.en strangl«ad state affairs from the Portland j , way. In its decision the supreme Baker . , , dise in return. •was Injured. and E. H. Harbeck. 1’hi , standpoint. MONEY FOR YREKA she was tied with «i . . , , i Work begun on lath mill at court upheld the law enacted by conira;ttee has named numerour to a „ b , ee, where , , . Accoidtng to the chief of po- The Ashland fcroup w e re FAIR IS RAISED once with a capacity of 15,000 per The directors adopted a com­ the legislature and approved bv i eub^ mmittee3 and haa dividef- cord around her neck to look 1Ice (hesp tokpns wprp ugpd jn ■brought back to Ashland by Mr. day. ' m though she had committed exchange for merchandise in som m ittee report on th e state cham­ the people with the exception of Moss. the city and county into dbjtricfF suicide. YREKA, Sept. 17— The com­ . Til" building of a railroad ber situation pledging the P o rt­ the proviso th a t dividends paid to so the raising n Main street stores, theaters an«l so th th a a t t the raising of of the the fund m ittee named to raise funds for roundhouse, machine shop, oil Mrs. P e p p e rs son was m urder- restaurants. They were he said, land cham ber to keep interested iesident stockholders shall be de­ DISCHARGED TRAFFIC COP may proceed expeditiously. Ibe purchase of the old Mt. Shas- storage tanks, loading decks stor- in state development work thru d fifteen years ago by H. redeemed at a discount by the ducted 'rom th e net income of IN KLAMATH REINSTATED ta F air Association property two age and supply sheds. 'hanks, who was lateir released pooi rooms. the state organization as well as either re s d e n t or non-resident 'CHINESE MUTINY IN VT AXf ™ XX miles SOUth ° f Y reka’ reports th e i Tbe operation of two camps in from the penitentiary. through its developm ent fund. corporations. This feature of the Thus, he pointed out, in a f* MU’ITT AMP KLAMATH FALLS R. E .jsu m of $7480.00 pledged to- the woods— one for fir and one CHEKIANG FORCES The directors expressed the opin­ act the court excinded as in vio-; sense gambling was carried on, Knowles, form er city traffic o ffi-1 ward the purchase of the prop- for pine ion th a t while Portland people latiou of the privileges and im- FOOD« COMMISSIONER IS Mr. Humphrey revoked the SHANGHAI, China, Sept. 18— cer. was appointed county motor-1 e-rty. There is less than $5,000 The niaintenance and operation contribute the m ajority of the I m unities clause of the Oregon A pparently authentic reports have WANTING MORE MONEY “ bingle” privilege last week. At cycle policeman by the county yet to be subscribed. of the Pacific and Eastern rail- development * money th at the council m eeting last night it constitut'on and in violation of reached here th a t a terious mu court. He started in on his new The old race track, a mile in roa‘l between this city and Butte should not attem pt to control the SALEM, Sept. 18.— In an effort i were a number of pool room pro­ the 14th am endm ent of th e fed- tiny has taken place among the assignm ent immediately. length, is intact and only requires Falls. to place the salaries of deputies prietors to ask for the return cf state. C haracter of the work to eral constitution in th a t it dis- Chekiang forces at Hangchow ‘T h e state traffic officer does a -snian outlay to put it in firs t' p lan3 have been draw n for all land other assistants back to the! their privilege, with the under­ ( not usually cover county roads,’ cjagg shape This early-day race- ci tbe above work, and contracts be done by the two organizations crim inates against corporations' All the Chekiang leaders are place where they were before be- «landing that no deviation from to prevent duplication was out­ having non-resident stockholders, reported to be in flight to Shang­ County Judge R. H. Bunnell s a id ,' track hag , hc reputation of be. i have been let, or soon will be, lined. j ing pared by the ways and m e an s1 the strict letter of the law would hai, fearing their lives will be ‘ and we feel that there is a de- ¡ng onc of the "fa ste st” tracks in lor ad oi tbe above construction committee, J. D. Mickle, state be made. taken by the m utineers. cided need to curb speeding on the gtate and hag had mapy higJ at early date. dairy and food commissioner, in On this agreem ent, th«" council RECORD CROWD county roads as well as state to r;c races WILL SEND ARMY The building of the main mil! h it requirem ents for 1925-26, es- restored the privilege, PENDLETON, Sept. 18.— The highways. Knowles will work in ‘ AGAINST CHINESE S eptember has seen i will be deferred until the subsid- tim ates he will need >56,183, a c -' th re a t of rain disappeared u n d o I MANY FOREST FIRES I cording to the budget received cooperation w ith city and state MEN HURT IN ACCIDENT j iary plants are finished, the pres- a warm sun and the round-up motorcycle officers.” PEKING, China, Sept. 18. ; ent mill being used in furnish­ The first l T d Z s or S e n te n J by Ule bUdg6t commi;,8ion- A FLIERS TO SPEND opened in a blaze of color this President Kun of China by a Knowles was discharged over a ing m aterial for th e“ new work. SHELTON, Sept. 18. — Three ‘ P . total of $39,982 was expended NIGHT AT MUSKOGEE afternoon before w hat officials m onth ago from the city police men are near death in a hospital Manager Owen said th a t the date m andate today created a supreme i ber were the worst of the entire th i6 year Thous- force, following his a rre st on a as a result of an accident at the of the completion of the new big said n . was , a' . record crowd. K . ( command for the m ilitary expe-j season for lightning fires, Assist-. Thc commercial food stuffs d e J , ands of visitors are here for t h e , dition against Marshall Chang ant Forester G uthrie announced,' partm ent is seif-8upoprting, >12.-1 Th charge of assault. In justice Simpson Logging Camp No. 1, mill was indefinite, but would be day. Jose Sedgwick, motion pic- Lin. He declared he wa3 to place 1 and the service, which normally Pi)0 being received and epent A •le- tu re aetress, is queen of the ¡ 200,000 soldiers iu the field ; by this time would have dropped total of $3992 was added to the i A. A. Em m ttt. he w'sa exonerated (hey were riding was derailed i n ’ ( !,t Million Feet a Y ear They of the charge. He was not rehired the heart of a forest fire. Nine* The plant, when complete wil! round-up and led the big p a ra d e : against the Manchurian yrar lord 60 per cent of temporary fire- general fund front license fees left at 1:28 P. M. for Muskogee. about the arena during the o p en -lan d in care of an emergency guards, still employs about roo by the city police departm ent. cars of logs were destroyed. T i and fines- but lhis amount is not Oklahoma, where they will spend (Continued on Page 4) ing show. ] would increase this to 400,000.! extra men. „ Portland J Journal. credited to the commission. i the night. 13 MILLION IS TO LET P E R S H IN G OUT, STATES E Dirt From Hotel Excavaron Is Easily Sold By The Contractor IE OREGON LOR. CO. n Kr ÄI Mr(1Filnil explained b> T L Powe 1, TO !TT E DON’T FORGET To Pay $6.00 Tomorrow or Saturday For Year’s Subscription To The Daily Tidings. SAVES YOU $1.80