FACH tttftftfe S o e ie ty ' the 7, 8 and 9. At the close of A r t Club M eet»— , W ednesday September i" , 1924 heftithÿ Individuals, able to eat costs, says the the session ice cream and wafers Klam ath The Ladies Art Club had a very: heartily and assim ilate th e it were served. • iie infornied them th at unless I mony have checked the I ---- ------------------- - Herald. pleasant picnic in the park last * * » food, have strength, endurance, person who shot the game brush fire west of Jenny creek A in llumidUy’ a H iht rain j evening, a t six o’clock Follow­ Barnes, driving near the ranch Picnic— bird confessed he vould would piece place which ambition, alert minds and a ttra c ­ SM urdav menseed ” 4 ? t0TO which Saturday menaced millions t h J r f S e * » D » » t I by bv ing a delightful supper the group Saturday evening, noticed a pic- The K nights of Pythias will tive, pleasant personalities. Those all under arrest. “ WE SAT IN THE <* feet of m erchantable pine tim h C Oregon Power Corn- adjourned to the Civic clubhouse nieA iarty. As he neared a man — ----- ” “Jau There was a pause and ;h Dn bra K lam ath county according to P y .5° aid the fight’ » * « the GAXDLESH1XE’ have a basket dinner in the Lithia where the regular business m eet, j who are constantly suffering ° ‘ y arose and with a dinner i Mrs. B artlett spoke- park Sunday. Sept. 21. A short from indigestion, constipation, gas reports received here today from c X u ^ t o n * SUC' (By B arbara Young in the New- program has been arranged and ’.ng was held. There was no im -1 on the stomach, and other dis­ Alate m baud walked a w a v m o ! “ t i- n rapid pace. Barnes followed? A ' y e ste rd a y /’ 1 6 QUai!' 1 Ei‘Ot tW° ' llle th e fire 4ine- lin e L “ , .2 * St the r1.25) I ve been tired, 30 many years given yesterday afternoon at the if the first ^bottle fails to give I Tired, and homesick, and lost uonie of Mrs Jam es H. Doran you satisftetory relief. Get a bot­ THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL In a world th at was never d Ashland street in honor of her tle today. mine. . . TODAY-----TOMORROW Napoleon said, “An arm y trav daughter, Mrs. C. C. Cole who is E ast Side Pharm acy will supply There was talk and laughter and visiting here from Oakland, Cal. els on its stom ach.” And it is you (m ail orders accepted). Rid Jest— The afternoon was spent in just as tru e th at the citizen in yourself of stomach distress and And your face in the candle- playing games and talking over ordinary life is . dependent upon see how much m ore, interesting C. D. Hughes Took It Five , “ My stomach misery all went shine h ’s stomach. The normal, old times. The house was beau­ Years Ago And Would i ¡ S ^ 1. began eating everything! and p leasan t life will be to you tifully decorated with astors. At Hot Be Without It. ! X ' X a '"1 have bee” ■ I wanted them all to go, ______ ¡singing the praise of Tanlac ever, the close of the afternoon delic­ I w anter to hear you say ious refreshm ents were served "The more I know abo„, T a n - l s p X 4 / * , " ! , 1,88 T an llc in ! WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN? More of the kind dear things by the hostess. PICKNIC’KER TRUTHFUL lac the stronger I (eel I ke p rals-' wife u ta k tag "” ’1 ou said to me yesterday. Those present were Mrs. H. F log It - „ the high trib u te re c e n t-1 never w eho o T ' ' There was a rose or two. I lie world’s most famous •eliar* W alker and daughter, Jeanette, “ I killed cock robin” — Only ly paid the tam ons treatm ent by house T ll° . ™ , " C ln 11,8 J Mrs. M erritt Randles and cliil- And books, along the wall, c . D. Hughes, 219 H unt S,„ Port- say " " V ’ “ Oth‘" K «*> this time it was a quail. aeter actor in the Screen Classic But I could think only of yoti- dren, Misses Dorothy Abbott, Assuming all the blame, Mrs. land, Oregon. Mt the day. i _ , ’ Marie Prescott, Alice and Alma? Not anything else, at all! -I first took Tanlac about 5 drugg'ste Ac™,!“ '’ t" .* ~ , i H. L. B arrett was arrested late And w anting to rest in your Doran, Mrs. C. C. Cole and hon, Saturday afternoon by Game years ago when I was In such a - P‘ " ° aubsl1' » ' 8 arm s— Junior, Mrs. Norman Mack of W arden Marion J. Barnes at the bad fix from stomach trouble Over 40 million bottles sold. To dream , and be still— awhile i ililt and T. P. Doran old Gordon ranch near W orden th at I was losing half my time * * » From the comfort th a t came ' for shooting quail out of season. from work. Finally a neighbor with your smile. B irthday P arty — Tanlac Vegetable Pills for Tl , r Before Justice of the Peace R. urged Tanlac on me and in a constipation made and r’ e com-! U1° St fa s c m a tin g of fact, fiction or fanev. ---------- A charm ing birthday party was ! j A. Em m itt this m orning she plead­ short time my hopeless condition CALENDAR OF EVENTS •'K'ven for Miss W anda Jean ed guilty and was fined $35 and , was changed into splendid health. mended by the m anufacturers of Friday, Sept. 19. D. A. R. meets | Bandies celebrating her fourth TANLAC. SUCCESS IN LIFE GIVES TANLAC CREDIT FOR FINE CONDITION John Barrym ore FRANKLIN’S Superior Bread at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth ' bir(hday recently. - The - — party was cto Van Sant on Oak Street at 2:30 at the home of her m other, Mrs. o’clock. Guy Randles. Delicious refresh­ H ave M eeting— m e n t s , and a big birthday cake * * * wer® served. The little girl was | The executive committee of the recipient of many beautiful the C rater Lake Union of the Presents. Those present wer< C hristian Endeavor met at the Paul K- Mitchell, V irginia Loomis, I Presbyterian church last evening M argaret Norton. Bobbie Randles, Several members from G rants Velta Thompson and Ivan Ran- Pass and Medford were present, dies. Among the business transacted, plans were made for the conven­ tion and a committee was appoint­ ed. The convention will be held the first week-end in November. Beau Brummel 1 he kind which pleases all. Navy crepe de chine; cherry silk collar and cuffs. Navy twillbloom with ja Je green silk and beads. Franklin Bakery Phone 199 I ravel By Motor Stage September JS, 19, 20 September 18, 19, 20 Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably _ heaters \ From Ashland Daily to P o rtla n d ................ 7*00 A lwr Daily to E u g e n e ............................... 12>oo Noon Daily to R o seb u rg ............................... 4.^5 p jyj NEW and USED It would be ad visable to g,.f your b eater at once. t V?011 an(l 0 P- in. Stages connects to 1 ortland following morning. Black A rabia and Kit fox lhfornmfin„ken ^ a8S 8r 8 '?,r a" w“y »«►«»*•: » « « h er f o r m a t i o n and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone ASHLAND FU RNITUR E COMPANY ®4 N. Main d t T a 4eCr lii,(iarp a n d m ink- dyed rin g ta il. Reindeer Iridare l tied with cocoa crepe de chine. Our First Formal Showing' o f F a ll’s M ost ^Stylish C o a ts a n d and we know ^lu’likeT?!0 Sal>i.v the host assortment of silk and wool- X k T k -T n e v e r S h o w n is n o "- »'> ‘ h e racks. Ask to gee them, too. •W here Your D ollar Has More Gents ' T;mpo flamingo and silver- tone grisette.