a 1» .v TX ----------------- A sh la n d d a il y t id in g s !'<> t '<' e ™ A C U T _____ (Established in 1876) Nntl - AjWUW> BAIIV WMKOS , . TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT ‘ I Classified Column U^inesday, September if, lqAJ FOR SALE— Ford delivery bed. WANTED — Position nursing Franklin Bakery. 12-3 ------------------------ ------------V° man invaBd or housekeeping SALES AND TRADE«? ' r smaU ™ fam ‘° ily' auto agency and Garage d ^ n g 83- W rite _ H » - « F - » l ♦ . < lassified Column R ates One cent the word each ------- THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. I brenught a truck load of bar* time. Bert R. Greer gain counter goods from P ort­ -------- ——----j of money proposed tn i>. j ° k ’ a ? est,niate of the total am ount 1 To run every issue for one ......E ditor - suing fiscal vear fm n r eXPended by the said district during the en -i George Madden Green ........ a growing business, CheWolet "A N T E IJ _ Men fo, ‘ ~ land last week, all of which d Jan u ^r y_la t’. 192^ } 0 and in c lu d in g X e * e ib e ri month or more,« H e the word .Business , Manager t 31 «925 H ea-c^ Agency, on M an Street, in a bPlee- Call E. c will be sold accordingly. Auto o f f ic ia l city p a p e r ............ ......... Gardner. The estim ates i9 as attached- departm ent of said district. I each time. E ntered a t the Ashland, Oregon pi»stoffice .......................... Telephone 39 splendid fast growing city, big Phpne 373R2 Robes, M ade. Dragsaw, H alt­ 13— 3 as Second Class Mail M atter DIRECTORS— Per diem ers. «„«1 iots of arniy gow|s FOR RENT surrounding country trade, low Mi’eage ....................................— 3300.00 Subscription Price, Delivered in City M sc ........ ...... ................................. 100 00 rental. Will sell at invoice and < ’»me in early while they last. One M o n th ........... hOR RENT— Furnished 6-room Sec-Mgr................. / ................................................... 50.00 3 450.00 For a smooth shave accept good clean property as 1 hrec Months ......... .....” * ............................—- ♦ • 3000.00 house Barn, chicken house, etc. OFFICE— Clerical ................. .................................... Six Months ................................................................ 1. all or p art pay. and quick service gt 803 North Main. Phone 351Y. Telephone and Telegraph f t ’f t f t f t ” fto 'o o One Year — ................................................ 3 A SPLENDID 10 acre tract, first to the Shell Barber PosUge, Statlonery> etc........................ - 250.00 One Month ... Wail a "d R ural Routes: ....................... 7’ 13— 2* sll°P- Ladies and class land, scenic location, in Light ............................................ .............. 1 2 0 0 Three Months . ...................................................................................... 3 . children get your hair edge of city, paying orchard FOR RENT — Four-room fu r­ ....... ¡ ¡ ¡ ° ° Six M o n th s......... ' .............................................................................. 1. bobbed and with variety of fruits and nuts, nished apartm ent, with garage. marcel- One Year ....... ....................................................................................... 3. Insurance— Buildings and O ffice...... 50 00 led. A dults only, l i o i Boulevard. com fortable building. Will —— — ...................................... .......... ............................................ 5 « Industrial Insurance .... "10000 M iscellaneous................. ............................. 100 00 trade for good farm land down Single insertion, p ^ V n i r i ? . ^ TES: 12-tf Seal, and Lock, ...........lot,.™ SHELL, Prop. the valley. W ant about 30 or 1674.00 *32 A. St. Ashland. Ore ' E v e ry fo r RENT: — Modern well One insertion a week ......5 ^ ^on,racts: ................ .. "™ ’ '3° 40 acres with small house. I LEGAL ....................... I C a ta rrh located furnace heated ap art­ 500.00 = -_ - ■ th ro u g h Two insertions a week — --------- — — 27 H WATER MEASUREMENT” a C le v e la n d p h y s ic ia n 's T » ° A c l i i ' ® A T A B A R G A I N 300.00 ments and sleeping rooms, fu r­ Daily insertion ................. ............................................................... 25 Auto Transportation- “ 3 Fords .................... 900.00 p .» l . t , cal assovxcbm ex « nished and unfurnished. 316 H ar u ACRES, 7 miles out, free w at­ J ln rt e‘” ” ; 2,hev......................... 300.00 eadine. V tf er right, com fortable house -- -------------------------------------------- ------ ....... 1 Truck .................... 200.00 reason 1400.00 G. W. Milam 8 ’ :« * good barn, family fruit, and a fo r sa le IMPROVEMENTS- -McDonald Canal ..................... Independent 25 00 Free Trial Offer / ‘“e. Shade trees> Candidate Obituaries, per line “------- ~ ~ ---------------- 100 TaUn!"aTG«Sal (,ga/tes * lining) 200*00 and really a lovely home h a lt d n Z '“ “,“ , f° r C° “ “ ly s<'ho1'' i f o r SALE or Trade— Overland -------------------- -----------_...................... ............ ........................................02 H Talent L ateral • (gates) ..... 50 00 »11. (rom echool. Owner need, r y ’ or'eg“ * J ‘ Cl“ 0" "All fu tu rr " l n u ° w h J ^ ---------------- Touring Car. Call at 939 B. St Talent L ateral (Anderson Hume) .................. 7R . cash and will take $3500 ----------- — ________ 'named twlow ai,d -.1.U $ Iuk «tore. collection taken in A dvertising &D aanHssIoa charge is made or s 13— 5 W est L ateral (gates) ......... 25’.00 VERY pretty, „ e l, built,' a n d ' ... --------iffT if m, y i? «>>»k..l?n -No discount will be allowed Religious 375.00; f o r sa le or Benevolent orders. modern home on Fnlrytni St.. I en „ DITCH CLEANING— East Lateral good lot, some fru it and garage’ enla,r ged’ to hand’c 20 tons cu-llimited. I t may bt obum ’ d0— 6 room modern house on North No donation, to charltle? ° !,AT1OîiS Talent Lateral .......... ..... 100 00 m th is c ity a t 33,000 easy term s. , Cl,mbers dally. Main St. Large lot, all kinds of McDonald Canal ..............75 OO l-k or ,ob p r l o . l h , ^ - i „ 'c o b irîib û o b " wm 2 " - " *" advertIs- fruit. A Real Bargain. Price A MODERN bungalow, 6 room s,' W est & Fred. L ateral ...........350.00 in cash. Last Low Lateral ............. 75.00 33500 on good term s at 6 per splendid foundation, large base­ The Titling’s Ads Bring Results 1000.00 There is wisdom in reading ads. cent. I am THE WAV. TH e ’ t RUTH* AND DITCH WALKERS . m ent, modern plum bing fix­ 6 room modern house close in THE L IFE.— John 14:6. P o n t? d? tCh, tenders 3110.00 ....... tures, freshly calsomined and 3960.00 Price 32100, on easy terms. Painted, scenic location, front­ I tti! v . .. LACK OF COOPERATION Red Crown Service Station on ing the P ark, very easy terms 1440.00 Main Highway to trade Talent Lat. 2 men 6 mos. a t 100 00 at price of 32050. .1200.00 for house in Ashland 1 man 2 mos. at 100.00..............” ........... - 200.00 1400.00 Good 18 acre ranch on highway, ^ P1i s ’ AGENCY ^ D o n a ld , 2 men 4 mos. at 100.00...... 800 0 ? 6 room house, good new barn, Office, Hotel Ashland B’dg 800.00 H yatt, 1 man 6 mos. a t 100.00... ............ »00.00 PIione 20 garage, nice lawn, 6 cows, good 600.00 shland Lat., 2 men 6 mos. a t 100.00............. team , sow and 12 pigs, 2 dozen the l a k e f t d f t ) S o v erllm cliff “ for 1200.00 .................. ove to Mise., 2 men 2 mos. a t 100.00 M1SCELLA NEOUS chickens and all farm m achin­ 400.00 ELECTIONS minutes ery. 12 ton hay Price 36500 and then turned about and returned to tile Pacific f f i d r R efunds .................................. ..........*.............. 50.00 on good terms. GBIT YOU STOVE repaired at way heading for Portland. They though , ,e i f f * d State Interest ......".............................................:.......... 50.00 See Eagle Foundry. Bock Magnito 7653.74 U nk ® 66,216 a t 6 per c e n t...... the water were the only attractions at The lake W. W. ROBISON, lu t.— McDonald Unit 106 ? sa c „ r cent....... K adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 39972.96 C6Dt........ 6377.04 Oberlin St. 63 N orth Main St. Nobody was there to tell then, of the bea.iifsl d r iv e Bond Principal due Jan u ary 1 306-1 m o? Delinquency ............... ’ b...................... f 12500.00 8tf Emergency, 3rd Unît ..” ........................................... 8510.26 WANTED: — Used flat top 1000.00 FOR SALE or TRADE—1I6O office desk and swivel chair See ............... ......... .... ....... . ¿ ¿ . . a ,i- acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ Greer a t the Tidings office. l-4 394,613.00 Talent Irrigation ^ Íftric t^ c o n s tiü T ü n ^ th e 1!6 ^ ° a r? of Dlrector« of tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, dozens of other points of interest tors of « - « - o Ä 'i Ä S 1 bo" d of said North Dakota. If interested call PIANO instruction?~by exper- in southern Oregon. In their instance they made a few minutes insneetion I 'rueHda>’-" Ä ? 7“?,“ at u T o ’cLck V T 0 ln„ the Clty of or w rite G. S. B utler. 300__lm o tenced teacher. Beginners prefer­ red Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone) m « k ^ J A lA '“ R* L Red fry®rs £ S v T aî a " E » “ " m » r . v ï ï region. They knew of Ashland 3— lm o ° r any mnk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- Medford and other localities in southern Klamath Oregon as Falls. only D a tS Ä m b e “ “ tra d e - Will trade 50x145 dor.?, V7 B St. 271— 2mo* I board OF D IRBCToitS OF TALENT IRRIGATION places along the highway. foot lot on Main artery (226 DISTRICT ■negg— h — — ^ L 2 L A rn8Pi^e r, Secreta ry. FOR SALE — «one Minute" Chester Ave.) B akersfie’d Cali- How much better it would have heon „ u 2— 4 wed. Electrie W ashing Machine, 335; fornia, for equal value or small J,'tke"t'„ h,feS ain i" t<' rcsts 1,ad a representative at 'the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT O F'«mid « ~ large wood heating stove, 320; house. R. Spehr, Rt 2, Bakers- TATE nw nn^z^wr i . r f endinK H»e fu rth er order THE STATE o f OREGON J-ake to inform tire tourists of the wondersnots in il ! of the County Court of Jackson Copper bottom wash boiler, 31.50, field, California. 8— 8 FOR JACKSON COUNTY County, Oregon. all good as new. Phone 264J. I n S o fh ,a‘ “ ,ey C°U,Id 'CaVe knor » K sontlrem Oregon ROSE M. HOYT, plaintiff, "In the H eart ,,r T o w n " V jU a 1 !« . ~ Waltresa at the A list or all property to be sold, nstead of having merely a casual knowledge of only ’ vs. 12-6* .Nelda Cafe. 12__3 together with the minimum price of the region’s attractions. 8 • one HIRAM H. HOYT. Defendant. at which each lot, piece or parcel! SUIT IN'EQUITY FOR DIVORCE Ì thereof can be sold, is open to the ; SU M M O NS THE LIVING DEATH inspection of the public a t the of- ( TO: Hiram H. Hoyt, the abbve fice of the undersigned, Sheriff, J S Ä Ä “ i " " “ Defendant in the Court' house a t Jackson- ' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ville, Oregon. te n 'e “ 1O‘S l>eilltentia'-y under a lite OF OREGON, You are hereby sen- Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon,! summoned and required to ap­ day ° f September, A. D .1 pear and answ er the C o m p la in t'1924 (.L- ,Ie ".'1S aske.V> / ' S - ,. ± k ' f a : ? . to ’ .a u d n o t h “ e ‘ - > lo o k t o t o d a v 1 plaint, namely: th a t the m arriage MEDFORD or tomorrow. I contract exlsting between you! Everything is the same.” and the Plaintiff be dissolved and j ,lW ¡ i i ^ S B Ä S iiBl The aged prisoner was asked were he 18 years old lor such other relief as to t h e ! jf,í? f would he rather serve a life tern, or. die. ' ’ Court may seem ju st and proper. I ■í’í i ÏÎ;! w By order of the Hon. C. M. j 7 he answer was: ‘ ‘I would sooner he hanged T would Thomas, Judge of said Court | SPECIALIST - aT d h ‘" ,,ha" liVC again like “ us thro u jh an .¡i !' â ' made and dated September 8J in In tern al Medicine for the ■' M i ; •; : And then he asked this question, and answer 1924, thils S um m ers .is served past twelve years ed it in his own way: “ Is life so dear as that p“ sed at‘ upon you by the pdblication there-} xi the price of eternal slaverv*” 1 ucllased at of for six successive weeks in the j ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS, the Does Not Operate That is what Leopold and Loeb have gone to. are purchasing life at the price of eternal Z v -y They To- first publication of which, is Sep­ tem ber 10, 1924, and by said auaa X X e e T d T^e n e tt 6 1 1 ^ “ " ordjor you are required to answ er W ill be a t the same w ithin six weeks from Holland Hotel sleep They wid'work X t i * f t is work and eat and the date of said first publication. Monday, Sept. 29 BRIGGS & BRIGGS, -w h ile they await death. ' every day Office Hours i l a. m. to 4 p. m. By Wm. M. Briggs, Sí s t o p s ' 1 But d S ’t Ande‘te rren\ ‘eU 118 * A ttorneys fo r Plaintiff. *4 « would be preferable to the Jiving deaT^th’« ^ ^ ''a" g" ’g Postoffice address: One Day Only Pioneer Block man des­ Ashland, Oregon enbes, just as it would be preferable to him. 8— 6wed. PEIL’S CORNER CATARRH Curbed in 24 Hours F IR E re Brick - Fire Clay - Fire Brick We have just received a CAR Let ns supply your wants — Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co COMING TO DR. MELLINTHW If all murderers t r e quickly and surely sentenced to that living death and made to serve their livo« th.-Y i murders might be fe w e r.-Qregon Journal g ? No Charge fo r Consultation NOTICE OF TAX LAND SALE Public notice is hereby given th a t the undersigned, Sheriff of Dr. M ellinthin is a regular g ra d -J Jackson County, Oregon, under u ate in medicine and surgery and! and pursuant to a certain Order is licensed by the state of Ore- Paul Whiteman extravagant criticism He does not operate f o r !. of the County Court of Jackson gon. Bernard Shaw, famous English eritie i n n . , , and his famous Magazine, makes an exaggerated oritio^ r H arp er’s County, Oregon, duly m ade and chronic appendicitis, gall stones I Concert Ornhctfra ulcers of stomach, tonsils or a d / 'I lures, as f„nows. cxa^ t , a «'<‘ erthetsm ot movmg pie- entered on the 27th day of Aug­ noids. ust, A. D.. 1924, will — offer for has to his credit wonderful : î : ; s S Ï ï ' ï Ï Î sale and will sell, at the front n J ? daseas&s of the stom- liver, bowels, blood, skin I door of the Court house in Jack ­ b aeh, S T w i t i ? " 4' f t ,dney’ h ia d d erj sonville, Jackson County, Oregon, bed wetting, catarrh , weak lungs, r ± ° “; ? ? eal ?;ok'ano’ a c o n s tru c tio n of !hé i f o m a .ï T to the highest bidder for cash in aSd ’JLVt‘T ’ n8ciatica- leS u lo ia ! and rectal ailm ents. hand, all or any of those certain Beiow are the names of a few I e n o n n - lots, pieces or parcels of land Oregon ; m aDy Patients in heretofore acquired by Jackson 11 the tin te d States Government put a limit of 000 County, Oregon, for delinquent cl,M ?°ra„ u b ;k ltar'- I1W‘ CO’ W ash- taxes for year 1919, and now W. C. Toddt, Grass Valley Ore I owned by said County, upon ulcer of the stomach ’ ’’ which lots, pieces or parcels of Joseph Schuster, Beaverton land the said County Court of ° rFH and h eart tro u b le’ Elizabeth Taylor, Baker! Ore said County has set a minimum ntestinal trouble. Ure’’ price as indicated in said Order M™. E rnest Lacey, Ironside said land and said is spent on some cinem a”,ZJS'tmte andLhTt th T st “ ¿ " “' f lan t 8 d k‘ as t°r“’ V°h""’> ° nc” price C* au d nervous trouble.’ v. j . Minch, Estacado, Ore wDd bladder trouble. of many Is not the highest. If the producers desit" OrW" ’ ™ eau (M ry t Henry Baketr, Banks, Ore Title Land Record in the office gall stones and appendicitis. s : ^ c / rx a ta k : of the undersigned Sheriff a t the Ntehols, Lebanon, Ore., appendicitis. Court house in Jacksonville, Ore­ American government s l S X ? " ¿ » d ^ t h l ^ a d ^ l ' ”“' ~ Remember nbove gon, reference to which is here- is not up to par, the Ameripnn . f t I " “ t le stan<^a r ^ hy made and pended uponLo w e ^ out X n n T ^ m “ “ T " 5’ be de' ! by by made “ - te a p art of this notice- .'«Wterent. * treatm ent is eol/3 ’ I W ill H nve fh • 1 t,le Unuesirable products aftei sa'd sal« _... commence at 1 0 ' M arried women m ust be ac H .ll Hays, the m ove czar, has judged b efo re!..... J ’ “ ¡oCoct a A. Will M. ... . on Saturday, the comPanied by their h u sb an d s 4th day of October, A. D. 1924, T Addre«ss: 211 B radnury Bldg i n g s P h o o k t e S r i v ' t e ' a , - s ae X e n T id ' and continue until 12 o’clock Los Angeles, California noon of said day, and in case all advertising signs. Their action in t 1 . n u a a c e °f highway of said property is not sold w ith­ P ortland — New city directory tishtg s ig £ on the p S e X T iL « “s t e r t ^ ^ ^ ^ - in said time, said sale will be held um e, said sale will be held »hows increase of 100 000 « i n / and continued a t th e same place. 1920 eeasus. . ’ S‘nCe oUier prominent highwav advertiser« •’ many between the same hours on each follow. ' a a ' ertlsers could profitably Astoria — Fireproof building succeeding Saturday until all of containing 10 store rooms and J said land so to be sold has been theatre, to be built L ic cbtt & M yers T obacco C o È rS* leadership is n o t l u c k / Such popularity m u stb e deserved cigarette, req u ires s o m e th in g m o r e t h a n l u c k . T h e r e ’s s o u n d r e a so n fo r ev ery bi« s w in g in p o p u la r taste. S o, to a c c o u n t fo r C h ester- T h is o n e th in g a lo n e — its b e tter ta ste — e x p la in s w h v o v e r 1 0 0 0 m e n a d a y are c h a n g in g fr o m o th e r eiga* rettes to C h e ster fie ld . Chesterfield CIGARETTES m illio n s! Lu*