PÄUE R ’tft ASttUMJ bAiíÁ- ÍWÍÑGS ! F ren i Hilt»-» Mrs. Clara P, Robison and Glen Young and w ife of Hilt Mrs. Nellie EmbiCk have &old were la Ashland yesterday at- j th eir ranch near Talent and will tending to business interests spend the w inter in Ashland, i here. They are at the Columbia Hotel. ---------- MARCEL AND CURL LAST Cliff Payne makes clothes i LONGER after a Golden Giint racks. Shampoo. i bocal ; P erso n al flotes ¡ A D aily C hronicle of th o se w ho com o and go, and even ts of íuésday, September 16, lftU A t Jacksonvllle—- Monmouth — West «ide Paci* Mf¡ ánd Mrs. Normad Mack fie highway now open to Mon­ nt the weekend at the home cf mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman. To Build P lan t— Aichie Ash of San Francisco who is now in Medford, has taken the warehouse occupied by Mason, Visiting Here— M alta Com m audery No. 4 Ehrm an Com., has announced M as Elsie and Alma Reid o f!|.-fchil,g K n igh ts Tem plar Ermole Carlon, graduate of that as soon as they have moved San Diego are visiting a t the M asonic H all fish in g in the Rogue River is Ashland High school this year, to their new q u arter the w are­ M ergler home on N or.h Main St.! ,l o w s o m i " , i’ ia rH w d Stated conclave, Wednesday in Ashland yesterday house would be turned into a pre­ evening Sept. 17 All Sir Knights PA T V T rm T "— n . J ! wU bp in about a week Or ten from Portland and will spend cooling and cold storage plant „ ■ ‘ ' ■ Beagle and days. The steelheads and salmon I several days here. He will leave with a capacity of 400 or 500 cars courteously invited. ^ 'ae e . ay work or contract; are now striking on eggs, as the Sunday for O. A. C where he W. H. DAY, Recorder. estim ates tree. Box 171. ¿05-11 ! »aimon are spawning. There is »<>> attend school this winter?! a day. Mr. Ash states th at he F. H. JOHNSON, E. C. has intended to establish a plant said to be a new run of steelheads j ~ ” 13— 2 To A ttend Conference— of this kind for some time. Plans i A t Hotel Oregoi are being made now and the struc­ Reverend S. J. Chaney jo u r-| in the river.— Mail Tribune. Council Meets Tonight— Among those staying at the ture will be patterned after tines neyed to Medford today to attend The city council will m eet in Hotel ---¿»«wu Oregon are i Remember— Big Dance l Jack- a n r -------- c G. D. Mason of in operation in California. e 1 conference which is| ilo t gp , W ednesday nite 1 A shland, J. R. F urist, Portland regular session tonight a t 7:30 ,,y B w „od£ord and wife. Port- o'clock. The question of the be.ng he, thorn during this week. s „p, At Hotel Ashland— „ , ! tropole Orchestra “ Svnconatin’ i Iand: G- L Woodford and fam-' city’s w ater supply will prob­ Among those staying at the Yon can’t go wrong when yon tool, . Uy, P o rt,and; L. Murplly cleve. ably be discussed. Hotel Ashland are: H C Forsett, trade at Paulserud’s. C— tf * , land, Ohio and II. Grady of Cleve- San Francisco; Ray L. Antrim , To C rater Lake— j land, Ohio. Why pay more for milk when Aloha, Oregon; Edwin G. Curtis HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, S. A. Sanderson, B. II Rudolph i ------- you can get the best milk for P ortland; Jack Feinstein, San of course. 212— tf L. C. F lahr, and L. Bachun who. F u n eral Services— 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone Francisco; H. F. Leighton, Casp­ have been spending the past few 1 he iuneral services .of Jame3 er, W yo.; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. 396R and 369J. ^"tf Back from V acation— days at the Hotel Columbia made W' B errian> who passed away Sat- Doggett, Klam ath Falls; Geo. W Elwood Hedburg has returned Imogene Wallace, piano classes a trip to C rater Lake today and ^irday in Medford, were held from Soransen, G rants Pass; Mr. and begin Septem ber 25. For infor­ to his position in the F irst Na­ will retu rn late this evening. ,he Elks TemP'e in Medford this Mrs. A. R. Jacks, Sacram ento; J. m ation phone 210-J or w rite Miss tional Bank after a two weeks' va- -------- - • afternoon at 2 o’clock. The body W. Townsend and wife, San W allace, Central Point. 13— tfi cat!on spent at the coast. Dance at Jackson Hot S p rin g s! wiU be hei(1 at the ConS°r Un- Diego; C. L. Morían. Chicago; H. Wednesday, S e p t. 17. Music by d ertaking parlors and will be E Tompkins and wife, Seattle: F ire Not V isible— j Complete line ot Ashland Can- Hie Famous Metropole Orchestra ! Placed in the Mausoleum in A6li- M. A. Phillips, San Francisco; H. The driver on the Ashland- j aed Goods at Detricks. 94-tf 12-3t* land which will be complete in a J. Martin, P ortland; D. F. Swab K lam ath Falls stage reported short time. and wife, W ashington, D. C.; Monday afternoon th a t the forest From British Colombia__ W om en to M eet— Carrie E. Swab, W ashington, D. fire at Pinehurst was not visible' E. C. Schmidt and wife, A. L Medfoixl Man H u r t - The Business and Professionali C ; E. L. Clark and children of when he came through from ! Gindrup and Mrs. K athleen Car In a collision Sunday morning P ortland; J. A. Babcock of P o rt­ W omen’s club will hold th e first 1 K lam ath Falls. I son stopped in Ashland last night; dinner of the year at the Hotel a truck and trailer driven by land and L. Coates of San F ra n ­ and pressing! C U . theU way home a fte r m aking a Medford W ednesday at 6:30. Mrs. I a carnival troupe, K enneth Mc- cisco. For cleaning deliver. t r ' P tO British Columb;a They Josephine Forney will be h o n o r' Kenzie of Medford' received a Phone 119. We call and deliver.! guest and speaker of the evening. ! broken arm and other minor in- 6— tf stayed at the H o t e l r r n h .m h io TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY She will give a report of the fed- ■ 3urles- Mr- McKinzie \yas driv- W ANTED — Position nursing M iss W allace R e t u r n in g - The famous Metropole Or­ eration at W est Baden, Ind., ! ing toward Medford and the other car was headed north. Due to woman invalid or housekeeping Miss Imogene W allace, who has chestra which lias ju st completed which she attended recently. the smoke it was not possible to in small family. W rite H. F. L. been teaching piano and teach- an engagement playing for the 13— 2* Let us fill your pall with Swifts see very fa r ahead and Mr Mc- Care of Tidings. in methods at Cleveland Institute Dances during the Jackson County Silver Lea- lard. Costs less than ' Kinzi® spring in a little after pa3- of Music in Cleveland, Ohio, will Fair will reopen the dance P avil- WANTED — Men for picking retu rn to Ashland the la tte r part. Ion at Jackson Hot Springs Wed shortenlng. Goes fa rth e r and is si'ig the truck, smashing into the more nutritious. Detricks. 9 4 -tf: trailer. The whole side of the apples. Call E. C. Gardner. of this week. _ i nei day night. The versatile or­ --------- trailer was ripped off and the Phone 373R2 13— 3 chestra is fast sequiring a large o Chafer Lake I i>0{,ge roadster of Mr. McKinzie Paulesrud’s Suits give satisfac­ following here owing to the excel­ Mrs. Wm. B arber look , was bodly battered. He wa3 tak- FO R R E N T — Piano. Inquire tion. 6— tf lence of Its dance music. their first trip to C rater Lake pn by friends to the Good Samari- 276 B. St., or Phone 332Y. Hold C hickens Rapidly— SPECIAL attention to AUTO- lightful time, re P°rte(I a very de- tan hospital and is recovering. 13— 3 were much . None of the carnival troupe were G. W. Benedict, who lives on MOBILE Insurance; better term s interested in the They lake. Injured. M ountain avenue, requested The! and lower rates. Yeo, of course. LOR RENT— Furnished 6-room . Pw!W house. Barn, chicken house, etc. Daily Tidings Tuesday m orning Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf to discontinue his Classified ad ! ---------- 803 North Main. Phone 351Y. 13— 2* vertisem ent, stating: “ It had sold j M eteorologist Coming— his chickens in one day.” Edward L. Wells, meteorologist FDR HALE or Trad«'— Overland of Portland, will he in Ashland Touring Car. Call at 939 B. St Greeting Cards— McNair Bro3 in the morning and will confer 13— 5 with Louis Dodge, local w eather Burton Dancing School, Mem reporter. Mr. Wells is coming to orlai Hall. Open daily. A fter Ashland from M arshfield. He is noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. m aking a tour of the state visit- 3 0 7 -tf 'jng t j,e different w eather bu- I rea us. local Interest . . j . CHEVROLET Has H eld for Inquiry— E arl Ackers of Medford is be-' log he'd ,)y o t P C 'ce M o e .»x - 5, Nabb in the local jail for investi- gatlon. No charges had been' placed aga nst him Tuesday rinn«* m orninK y (: Don 1 fail j regret. Big w ““ “ Jackson Hot W atch d ivision . for Staples new Sub- Orchestra. 3 0 8 -tf I------ « “ '‘c j , . " T " ’ ______ 298— tf to come or you will Dance Wed. night, Springs.— Metropole 12 _____ _ 1 Iteturu Home— We deliver the goods— Detricks Mrs. and Mrs. R. C. McMillan 94-tf will retu rn this evening to P o rt­ land after visiting for some time F a ith in P u b licity— with Mr. and Mrs. W ill Dodge. M anager Allen of The Hotel McMillan is Mrs. Dodge’s Ashland has well-fou’nded f a ith ' sister in advertising. The new colored j ______ lights which he has had s tru n g ! i. i— the xt, au*ches « _ hotel fr o n t 1 , You can t . keep your feet In of . the xccv from iiu w , ; dancing— W’ednesday night Jack- have attracted attention and now! I son Hot Springs. Metropole Or- he has had attractive signs paint­ diestra. 12-3t* ed on the concrete wall in front of the hotel, advertising his cafe CI-ASS in voice training will and dining room service. begin this week. Those wishing 83 M any N eedless D isasters! E( Ai SE Credit lias been needlessly strained, and confidence is driven away, countless failures result. Timely consultations with a banker often will avert dis­ aster. and turn tem porary defeat into ultim ate success. Jins is part of the continuous service we gladly extend to z our custom ers! Let us talk over these financial problems with yon! Q uality F eatu res In A dvanced E quipm ent AT FORUM IVXCHEOS record fa re r in g r o t is s (Continued from Page 1) fact th a t “ w hat man does for LEGION GAINS AR E himself die3 with him, what man TOLD BY HEAD does for the world lives forever.’ This was the first forum of Hie (Continued from page 1.) year and about seventy people the greatest reform legislation.' were present. Fred Homes gave for the disabled since the creation a short talk about the oleom arg­ arine bill. The chamber went on of th e V eterans’ Bureau. “ The other outstanding achieve­ ment was the enactm ent into law of the adjusted compensation bill. Not so im portant from our view­ point as the Reed-Johnson B’ll,! Ileiisokit Prism Binoculars. Now is the time to get or as vital as other victories we I a fine set of glasses at half price. We are over have obtained, the adjusted corn-' stocked in this glass ami will sell them while they pensation bill nevertheless, took last at .just about half price. 12 power 30 m-in at on added im portance in the pub-i $47.50. lie eye because of the enemies it 8 pow er 21 ni-in ai $ 2 8 .5 0 . Other glasses ;U low prices See made. Instead of crushing our ; them in our window'. ' ’ o rg an zatio n , our enemies prov­ ed our inherent strength. In­ stead of destroying us, they made Biggest Little Store in Ashland us cohesive.’’ SALE SALE Army Goods Store New Autumn A A show distinction in Color Toning and very altractive Patterns New Silk ( ’harmeuse patterns, 40 inches wide in a wonder­ ful cloth, p rice d ......... I'hey come in the new Autumn Shades $2.49 Dress Satins, 36 inches wide. sott sheen and a beaut i- I’nl lustre, priced at New Autumn Shades Very jCfl Silk Changeable Bengalines 3(5 inches wide, a very soft corded silk inter­ woven with Blending rt» «fi q q colors, priced at, yd. ■ «wO New Autumn Shades Satin Faced Cantons, 40 inches wide, good body, very fine AA quality cloth priced at Autumn Shades •)4 inch V ool Taffeta in N aw and Brown. A very practical «loth for medium weight dress, nrieed at yd $1.50 • .56 inch French Flannels in Tile check patterns. Individual di’ess pat­ tern length. No Two alike. Brieetl al $8.50 1 $8.95 The Pattern 44 inch Wool Crepe Dress patterns with raised plaid cord effect. Comes in Gobelin Blue, vard, $2.98 40 inch W ool Crepe Dress pattern of Havana Brown with Plaid effect, Priced at, vard $2.98 Good Qualiy Taffettas, 36 inches wide, comes in all the autumn Qg shades, priced at Buy ¡he New Goods while they are New, at y/ie Touring $G55 In Ashland Automotive Shoj ) First National Bank Gabriel Snubbers and Raybes- tO3 Brake Lining. •W here Y our D ollar H as More « c u ts to join please call me at once Dr. Hes3 Fly Spray guaranteed, VIVIAN W. WOODSIDE, 172 Pine >1.50 gal.— McNair Bros St. Ladies and children’s hair cut-1 To Reno— ting. Powder Puff Beauty P ar Mrs. George Eib left today for l° r ‘ » 293-tf Reno where she will visit for a o ~ week with her daughter. From H ?***68 n | there she will go to San Fran- did it Ptf n*5 i 83 ° ncert band cisco and visit with other rela- did itself proud at the Jackson tives for some time, county fair last Saturday. The boys kept a steady line of peppy Sw eet cream for w hipping and music going all day and when coffee— also fresh milk, always th e ir concert was over received on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf much praise for their work. The band was hired to play all after- To South__ noon and th e m ajority of the Geo. Van N atta left today for members Were able to go.__ southern California, where G rants Pass Courier. will visit for several weeks. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL t TODAY—TOM ORROW —TH U R SD A Y G ran d p a ll O pening September 18, 19 and 20 Thursday, Friday and Saturday The Autumn season is always eagerly her­ alded in the world of “ Wdiat-io W’ear. ” The first crisp day, the first coloring leaf, are signals for fresh interest in new styles and new fabrics. In our Fall Opening, Sept. 18th, the ac­ cepted fashion tendencies of the season will he clearly revealed. Coats and frocks in the newest inodes, Autumn fabrics in all their beauty of weave and coloring will he shown, as well as cost tune acces­ sories of marked originality. You are invited to come in and see all this new merchandise whether you plan an im­ mediate purchase or not. We want you to know how fully we can serve you in giv­ ing you satisfactory values in your Fall huving. rr- Service That Leaves Nothing Undone hen necessity requires our services, it is a comforting thought to know that you can turn over all details of the funeral'arrangements to us, and they will he performed efficiently, and in the xsame spirit of sympathy 'and under­ standing that thoughtful friends won give. * A\e have facilities to meet every pos­ sible requirement, and strive to perform our sensitive tasks in that tactful and unobtrusive manner that inspires con­ fidence. J. P. Dodge & Sons D ay Phone 212 — N ight Phones 255-R and 282-J MRS. LO U IS DODGE L ady A ssistan t YOU APE CORDIALLY' INVITED TO ATTEND OUR FALL OPENING MARY ASTOR, CARMEL MYERS. IRENE RICH, WILLARD LOUIS, / ♦ ♦ ♦ A gorgeous presentation of the most vivid persoir jalitv of romance that ever strode through fiction’s page lor played out the checkered drama of life. America’s most famous actor in History’s most fas­ cinating love drama—Truly a classic. Latest Fashions at Popular Prices t Î è f See our add in Tomor­ row Evening's “Tidings” ♦ « ♦ ♦ a ,-» E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Q uality Store” w .♦ of • Jtei” . W W. W right also gave a short talk oh out-of-town sales­ men _____ and a ____ le tte r ____ from Mayor Charles Pierce was read. Guests of the forum were introduced. The next forum will be held next week, a3 it has been voted to have them weekly in the future. F u rth er announcem ents of the next m eeting will be made later. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SUPERIOR Values all the Time 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 , : ♦ !