!*«i» tmi A#ÄU!iö bAitr f t ò iW lUvcday, September 10. lpsH AS H L A ¡\ D D A IL Y T ID IN G S are r<*ftdy to do business.’’ It must go a great deal farther than that. It must create a demand for the fruit, PROFESSIONAL or other product^ it handles, so that they will move! PHYSICIAN 8 P u b lished E very E ven in g .Except Snndny by readily from the dealer’s shelves in competition with the J lj I lllb W IV IE j I i i OD THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. fruit from other districts. It cannot do that merely by! __ ----- - — __________ --------------------- _ ------- - Gil. HAWLEY— /.b o re Tidings ,®ert R- O^ T r ......................................................................................... Editor signing up the acreage. Specialist Guarantees Complete Relief from Every Form office. Phone si. George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager But signing up the acreage is the necessary first step, of Asthma Within 24 Hours—Or No Cost DR. C. W. HANSON £ITT ................ - .......................Telephone 39 lor it is clearly apparent that an Oregon cooperative hand- AH that agonizing coughing, every symptom— all the coughing, E ntered at th e A shland, Oregon P ostoffice as Second C lass Mail M atter D entist le r , • . . _ unte, a n gasping and wheezing goes w ith­ gasping, wheezing and th a t ter-! q n„,.iQ, - ling, say prunes, cannot go ahead with costly merchandis­ in Special attention given to pyor- 24 hours, and you sleep the rible night strangling— is control-! Subscription P rice, D elivered in C ity' rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver One M o n th ............................................................ ,o ing plans if it controls only a small part of the output. night through at once w ithout a led within 24 hours. $ .*5 break— through a rem arkable j Every Asthma sufferer is urg- B,ock- Phone 178-J. Wontha .............................................................. *i.H5 That would mean that it would be spending the good new 233-tf. internal prescription develop­ Six M o n th s____ ___ _____________ ^-rT-roT»—, 3 75 ed to at least try Rinex. It is the I „ ---------------- a Cleveland specialist One Year 7 5© j m o n e y °f its members to create a demand for the products ed t » by iinii n’f . only A sthm a treatm ent on th e , a a ’ ERNEST A. WOODS— Ppac- By Mail and R ural R outes: have had A s t h m ^ or° w lm tgy o ^ * 0” ginal^ 1 and developed! tlce limited to eye, ear. nose ano of nomnembers who would be contributing nothing to the One Month $ .65 cost of sales promotion. Enough of the total crop must be th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Three Months ............ ....................... 1 ok i scientific C liilc X ‘ ‘“ condlU o'S' Office Six M on th s.............. ................................................... **............. 1 30 severest spasms in 30 m inutes or hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc 3.50 controlled to insure not only a sufficient fund but a fair less, and is positively guaranteed m anufactured by reliable, ethical One Year 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, $.50 distribution of the cost. m anufacturing pharm acists, and • • • • to bring complete .relief within approved and prescribed by phy- Ore. hours— or it costs you noth- gfoian? . DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: The point to keep in mind is that cooperative market­ 24 And it is guaranteed.' ___ Single insertion, per inch ........................................ $ .30 ing. back instantly if not fully ! DR M ATTIE B. SH AW — Resi­ _ , Yearly C ontracts: ing does not end with signing up the acreage. It is only science now proves th a t A sth­ Money relieved in 24 hours. One insertion a week ........................... is not a mere external disease dence and office, 108 Pioneer beginnig when it reaches that point. It must then go on ma Two insertions a week ................................... Free Trial Offer but is due to fundiamental intern­ Daily Insertion ............................................ and advertise its products so that buyers will know them al condition— protein sensitive­ Ju st now, through a special in­ avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 of the system. Most reme­ troductory arrangem ent, you can R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertising and demand them. It must persistently follow them ness F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................ j dies— burning powders and the obtain a trial treatm ent entirely p. m. only. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................................. * through to the consumer, insuring satisfaction all along like— are merely tem porary, and FR EE. Simply go to any of the Card o f T h a n k s ................. ............................ .......................... ............... j not at all prevent the trouble drug stores named below and ask ! DR. E. 11. ANGELL— Chiropractic the line and keeping the dealer in a buying frame of mind. do O bituaries, per line..................................... from growing worse. for a trial package of RINEX. ' That is a big task and can be accomplished only by a But this new treatm ent, known No obligation at all on your part, j and Electro-Therapy. Office ..A .. • A W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING as Rinex, and taken in simple But be sure to ask for your free I phone 48; residence 142. First i< future events, where an adm-ission charge is made or a big and well-financed organization. But it is a highly capsule form, goes direct to the treatm ent within the next three National Bank building. collection taken in Advertising. essential task. It must be accomplished if Oregon fruit internal cause and neutralizes it days— this offer is limited. It No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. completely — w ithout harm ful may be obtained in this city at MONUMENTS is to sell on the markets of the world in competition with drugs or bad after-effects. So McNair Bros. M , DONATIONS “ the fruit of other regions and at a price justified by its ASHLAND GRANITE No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made In advertis­ high quality. ing or ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. MONUMENTS i ASTHMA CONQUERED IN 9/1 DV IVTE'WZ HlF’nPTl'/Aiv AlUUllO (E stab lish ed in 1 870) 1 . „a tr Classified Column Cla «sifted Colum n R ates One cent the word each time. To m n every issue for one month or more, H e the word each time. FOR RENT I’OR RENT — Four-room fu r­ nished apartm ent, with garage. Adults only. 1101 Boulevard. 12-tf FOR rent — 3 or 4 room apartm ent, private baths. Adults preferred. Phone 263R or call at Shook Bldg. 12-2 FOR RENT— Furnished rooms SO, 2nd St. Phone 332-L. 11__3 FOR RENT: — Modern well located furnace healed apart­ ments and sleeping rooms, fu r­ nished and unfurnished. 316 lia r- gadine. 1-tf --------- FOR SALE FOR SALE — Good fresh cow. 1304 Quincy St. n __ 3* FOR SALE — Oîdsmobile 4 touring car. Inquire 96 Laurel St. 11— 3* days more than a m onth of a long bis connection with the supreme B lair G ranite Co. J sentence in the Lane county jail! court here, PENNISTON, Manager „ SEPTEMBER 10 re t schemes,’ which require larger tax levies are'*”- ---- a --------* -*- still on 1 for sale for having moonshine th p i ? EXCELLENT is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore Office 175 E. Main the children of men put their tru st under the shadow of thy wings far more popular than plans for reduction of levies, ac­ his place, has been parol.ed for i room modern house on North R es. P hon e 444-Y fatneaa o , , b / b < S Main St. Large lot, all kinds of j » » e . - iiijr LIvJUö“ , cording to the state tax supervisor. The first are usually a few weeks by Governor P ie rc e ! drink of the river of thy pleasures.— fruit. A Real Bargain. Price ! 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Psalm 36:7, 8. individual benefits, while the latter usually concern the to build a trail and a bridge th at $3500 on good term s at 6 per his children may attend school! It H as Been D one, So Scores of communicate with Ensign Lee general population. Thus, the latter are neglected. cent. this fall and winter. of the Salvation Army at the A shland C itizens Say. MODERN CHILDREN BEHAVE WELL The Spry family lives only W hiteShield Home, 565 May- 6 room modern house close in. Price $2100, on easy terms. Much has been said derisively about tile flapper and The state corporation commissioner says that since about 1 1-2 miles from the Green­ To get rid of an aching back, fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Red Crown Service Station on leaf school, but on the opposite enkeeater, and possibly justifiably so, but now we have the commission has 12,000 corporations under its super­ The sharp twinges, PLANING MILL Main Highway to trade a little information that goes to their defense, proving vision, it is folly to expect it to take cognizance of the in­ side of Lake creek. The distance The tired-out feelings, * for house in Ashland by road and the present bridge there must be two sides to all arguments. ternal atfaiis of any of tlie said 12,000 organizaions. across You m ust reach the spot— get JORDON’S SASII AND CABINET Good 18 aero ranch on highway, the creek is too great for WORKS, Cor. Helman and a t the cause. 6 room house, good new baru, Grandmothers who gasp in astonishment at the flap­ What is the commission paid for? the children. Van Ness. 194tf garage, nice lawn, 6 cows, good In many cases ’tis the kidneys. per puffing a cigarette while sitting scantily clad in the team, 3ow and 12 pigs, 2 dozen Doan’s Pills are for weak kidneys. financial losses next year than we BOURBONS BACK SLATER TO TRANSFER AND EXPRESS ante-room of a dance hall, had better save ‘just a hit of chickens and all farm machin­ Ashland citizens testify. Ask W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. sustained this year. By prom pt SUCCEED LATE JUSTICE breath to withstand another gasp. ery. 12 ton hay Price $6500 your neighbor! for SERVICE. action, Mr. W atson’s plan can be The records ot the cakeeaters and flappers attend­ on good terms. Mrs. Shell Hayes, 195 Laurel made to furnish relief for next Experienced movers and pack SALEM, Sept. 16.— It was re­ See ing high school today compared with those of the boys Articles of tim ely interest« year and I think I «nay say it is St., Ashland, says: “ I have al­ ers of household goods. Deal­ ported here th a t a large number W. W. ROBISON, and girls of years ago might make the elders a little pink are welcomed under th is.h ead . i th e only plan in sight th a t will. ways found Doan’s Pill3 a good ers in coal and wood. Phone of P ortland and Salem dem ocrats 63 North Main St. 117. kidney remedy. I had attacks of about the ears, particularly the more critical ones, the Communciations m ust bear the In the case referred to in Mr. had joined in an effort to induce 8tf signature of the author. W atsons article, if my memory is Office 89 Oak St. near kidney complaint and my hack j Kansas City Board of Education announced recently. Governor Pierce to appoint Judge ached and pained dreadfully, i) FOR SALE CH EAP — Bose correct, an iceburg from 12 to Hotel Ashland Playing hookey is becoming passe, tardiness is great­ Woodson T. Slater as a member pears, 15 feet high was formed a t the culls, fine for canning. felt dull and tired, especially! p ly on the decline, and the behavior of the students is such E ditor T idings:— I am wonder- fountain in the part in about three of the state suprem e court to suc­ mornings. D. POM ELL— < ¡eneral T rans­ Newbery & Sons. Talent, Phone The action of my kid-! ceed the lace justice John Mc­ fer Good team and motor 373J2. that the old-fashioned hickory stick is being used for a ing why the suggestion of C. B. weeks. Probably half the w ater Court. 1-tf neys was irregular. I used Doan’s • trucks. O >od service at a rea- Wat3on to put w ater pipes and sprayed onto the berg ran off as chart pointer, the gist of the hoard’s report says. Judge Slater is a democrat. He Pills and it was not long before FOR SA LE or TRADE—.160 sprinklers on the upper slopes it was not cold enough to freeze eauab.'e price. Phone 83. Back 111 the old days, we all can remember and confess of relief. They' — acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ Mt. Ashland and create a sh o rt­ it all. At the altitude we would served on the bench at one time they gave me that, only the “ sissies” made a perfect attendance record age of ice for our w ater supply would pu t in sprinklers on the as one of two commissioners cre­ strengthened my back and kid­ tom land, within 8 miles Minot. fehige - roach neys.” ated by the legislature when the North Dakota. Jf interested call and all that “ mother’s darling girls” refused to stay has awakened no comment either m ountain, ice would probably Transfer — Express — Storage supreme court was made up of Price COc, a t all dealers. Don’t or w rite G. S. Butler. 300— 1 mo Hauling — Dray work of all away from school occasionally. Truant officers were aii from the Forum or E ditorial col­ form twice as fast. There is three members under the consti­ simply ask for a kidney remedy— kinds. Quick motoT service. Dry- absolute necessity in those days, and they w^re kept busy umn of The Tidings. The situ a­ practically no lim it to the am ount tution FOR SALE— R. I, Red fryers get Doan’s Pills— the same that wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R tion is one th a t calls for quick of ice we can store up by this keeping the young truants in line and marching them action. For several years past mnk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- Judge Slater lives in Portland, Mrs. Hayes had. Fotser-M ilburn 37 5 B. St. 112-tf dor.«, 97 7 B St. method and the w ater will be of 271— 2mo* back to the schoolrooms. the seasons on the Pacific Coast unquestionable purity. The cost where he located after severing * Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. No. 42 But now times and things have changed, as grand­ have grown steadily dryer until would be such a small percent­ Ml lit PEACHES for slicing or FLORIST cunning, 40 cents per box. Sat­ mother would say, in her argument in denouncing the wild the last has been the dryest on age of* w hat it would cost to SAY IT WITH FLOWERS record, I believe. Thert are no create storage in reservoirs th a t it suma Plums. Phone 9F21. Albert practices of the 1924 youth and miss. The truant officer signs From yet of a change and if the seems to me we can well afford C, Joy, near Normal. 12-2* has become an “ attendance officer,” and his duties main­ next year gives as little precipa- H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed ____ to try th e experiment. ly consist of investigating homes and assisting students tation as the last, Ashland will Co., tem porary location 399 FOR SALE — ‘-One Minute” W. W HEVENER. Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and Electric W ashing Machine, $35; who would he unable to attend otherwise. be far shorter of w ater next sum ­ floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo! 'arge wo°d heating stove, $20; Tardiness is becoming almost nil, the report shows m er than she was this. The con­ PAROLE GIVEN TO H E L P HIS = -'±1-1,"----------------------- l ______ ‘- —a r | Copper bottom wash boiler, $1.50. CH ILDREN ATTEND SCHOOL and the cakeeaters and flappers who are being admonish­ tinual leaking of the m ountain 1 all good as new. Phone 264J. and hillsides th a t supplied the ed they are setting too fast a pace might replv: “ Yes to 1 sum For a smooth shave 12-6' m ers runoff will not be re­ EUGENE, Sept 16.— J. L. Spry, ♦ hh°,° 7 TH! mark8 f°r Pnnctualit£ are much better in placed this w inter unless the rain ­ rancher and quick service go of the Nelson creek coun­ FOR SALE— One library table, to Lite Shell Barber the last couple ot years than they were in the earlier fall is heavier than it was last try in the western part of Lane chiffonier, linoleum rug. couch Shop. Ladies and years, according to the figures in black and white other and we will begin the dry season county, who has served a few bed, 2 rockers, wheel chair, dres­ children get your hair next sum m er with far less w ater arguments notwithstanding. ser, heating stove, dining room bobbed and marcel­ up in the m ountain soil chairs. Call after 3 p. in 117 And then, too, while the flippant miss and her pastry- stored led. than ever before. In case of an ­ 8th St. 12-2* consuming friend might be burning-up the boulevards on other such season it is also ques­ W. A. SHELL, Prop. FOR SALE— Ford delivery bed. the outside, teachers report that the conduct of the pupils tionable Jiow much w ater the Tal­ »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore *ZM B EvmvD** • Franklin Bakery. 12-3 ent D istrict will be able to spare in the class rooms today can be admired. Such tricks as shooting paper wads and placing a for Ashland, especially the latter the house, inside or out? FOR SALE— 1923 Ford ru n ­ part of the season Reservoirs about. Also 1924 4-door sedan, tack on the teacher’s otherwise soft chair are rarely in­ cannot now be put in in time to We can assist whether like new. Phone 314J. 12-2 dulged in, and more rare than that is the compulsory use help the situation next year so it you aro papering or paint­ ot a stick to make a pupil behave. is plain th at we m ust look to MISCELLANEOUS ing. Phone 11s. besides more re3er- All of which goes to prove both sides of the argument! somc‘hlng that times and things have changed. ‘ v01„ „ we are to have any assur­ • GET YOU STOVE repaired at ance of not suffering still heavier Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 SELLING OREGON FRUIT Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* , 1 ,, . . , . • Reaching The Spot THE FORUM BEAUTIFYING No germ. wMiTw this tin.* Only purify M il K’ It’sNestkkAIHNE J. O. RIGG (i rom the Eugene Register) W. E. DOUGLAS Commenting on Oregon’s fruit crops the other day an experienced advertising and merchandising man said! made wojiderful shoes t regon has the quality, but California has the sell- when working at t h e bench. Today his factory ing organization.” that statement, he pointed out that the makes equally wonderful lg California cooperatives follow their products clear shoes. through to the consumer with sales methods that get the goods oft the merchants shelves and the money into Ids cash box. They do this chiefly by advertising, but they . Shoe Shop supplement their advertising with a variety of services designed to make the goods move. For example, when the citrus association discovered that dealers did not like to push orange drinks because of the difficulty of squeezing ,B the juice it developed a machine to do it quickly and sold the machines to the dealers at cost. And ‘so on through a long list of sales methods. The lug California cooperatives are among the largest food advertisers in the world. They use newspaper^ In e\er> large center m America, and the magazines are full of their sales arguments. Every consumer everywhere knows all about California citrus fruits, prunes apricots Did your furniture cost money? peaches, walnuts and all the rest the list. The result is a consumer demand that makes the name “ California” And have you protected it mean something to the dealer. He knows that these eon- with insurance so th a t a fire sistentli advertised products move quickly off his shelves, can not sweep away all the time and labor it represents? and so lie favors them and pushes them. Adequate insurance means , . ?.ref? n fn,lts ail caused by Catinh. or Deaf- P-J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, ©bi* Water Users You are hereby notified that the use of water for all irrigation shall be stopped on and after Monday, Sept. 15,1924, in all the sections as set fortli July 2,1924. This will be necessary to protect the city and fill the reservoirs for domestic use, and Fire protection until further notice. You will be obliged to cooperate to help this situation. By Order of Council E. R. HOSLER Supt. Water Wks. CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Treforred Strn-k yields 7.14% ask any member of our organization SALES AND TRADES WANTED: — Used flat top office desk and swivel chair. See Greer at the Tidings office. 1-4 PIANO instruction, by exper­ ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone 441J. 3— i mo. TRADE— Will trade 50x145. foot lot on Main artery (220 Chester Ave.) Bakersfield, Cali­ fornia, for equal value or small house, R. Spehr, Rt. 2, B akers­ field, California. 8__ 8 AUTO agency and Garage doing a growing business, Chevrolet Agency, on Ma'n Street, in splendid fast growing city, big surrounding country trade, low WANTED __ W’aitress a t the rental. Will sell at invoice and Nelda Cafe. 12— 3 accept good clean property a s --------- -------------------------------------- all or part pay. : WANTED— A reliable woman: A SPLENDID 10 acre tract, first ¡to share home in a small family class land, scenic location, in ’n exchange for light housekeep- edge of city, paying orchard in8- N« children. Phone 469R with variety of fruits and nuts, 12-tf com fortable building. Will trade for good farm land down POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT» the valley. W ant about 30 or 40 acres with small house. G. W. Milam Independent FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 10 ACRES, 7 miles out, free wat-l Candidate for County School er right, comfortable house, Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ good barn, family fruit, and a ty, Oregon. little to sell, fine shade tre e s ,- and really a lovely home, half! Hood River — Apple picking mile from school. Owner needs will be two weeks early, due to cash and will take $.3500. dry weather Prospect of good A VERY pretty, well built, and crop and higher prices. modern home on Fairview St., good lot, some fru it and garage, a Gotxl Thing • DON’T MISS IT. I $3,000 easy term s. Semi ynur name and address plainly A MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms, rrilien together with 6 cents (and this splendid foundation, large base- ’^ P )10 Chkinheriaii» Medicine C o , IN» ment, modern plumbing fix- I . lDe*’ *«d receive in return • tures. ireshly cal8o,nl„eS and painted, scenic location, front- '»roncbuU, “flu” and whooping cough* ing the P ark, very easy terms! in,^ throat: Chamberlain’s Storm at price „( ,2050. ; .cb .»d Liver L „ .r Table ‘ stomach trou- •ch and Tablets for STAPLES’ AGENCY Office, Hotel Ashland Bldg. Phone 20 .h ? ’iln‘!L8eL1. the heart,.Inhousness and constipation^ Chamberlain. Salve, nreded in «very fcm.ly f0r burns, acalds, wounds. pile£ ■ Mid skin affections; these valued family meuicmes for only 5 cent». Don’t miss i%