AfttttAWi Kitty ilexes • < »■»•> » ♦ < »» « »♦ MH Sweet cream for whipping and hifent at Klamath Pails, new high-' Beaverton — Contract let for way and lumber work on Coos 20,000 theatre. ; bay and keener appreciation o f -----------------------__ ¡th e Oregon, as typical instances RACERS MAKE THRILLS Many Visit Caves— A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, Mid even ts o f i ot the new spirit of community FOR PANS SUNDAY The attendance at the Oregon ) local in terest activity and pride th a t had de- ______ Caves lias reached a total of 15,- ' TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL veloped w ithin the last year as (Continued from Page 1) 500 for the season, with an aver- . I a result largely of state cham ber j — ---------------- — ________ ________ .age daily attendance of about 60. F IN IS H IN G TODAY ’ ’ • o Eugene— work. four fastest drivers in the first Mr. Sabin states th at the resort I __________ BUNCETON Mo., Sept. 15.— “ TH E M ARRIAGE C H E A T ” ALPHA CHAPTER Mrs. Ada E. Clark will leave “ Oregon com m unities,” sa id ',event’ Marasco again easily won, tomorrow for EunenZ wil* l,e keP< open until O ctober' Charging (he Republican party No. 1 and will spend the w inter * 8l‘e 15 and ,a ter if V isib le. Guide : wlfb placing special privilege, Mr. Vining, “also have come to i With Cook seco»d, Harvey third <». E. S. “ RAD IO M A D ” Time. 9 i service will he m aintained until* «reed and corruption in high of. a new realization th a t self-help and ° Wens fourth. is the liest help. They are not minutes, 33 4-5 seconds. Prizes, State communication to-morrow th at date. Foundations will be lice. John W. Davis, Democratic waj(¡..„ ou can’t keep your feet from now for outside capital to O 0 0 t $75 and $50. (T uesday) evening at 8 o'clock laid for eight more cottages which c a n d id a te fo r th e p r e s id e n t, d e- ' tan cin g — W ednesday night. Jack ­ come in and invest. Local men 1 he 2o*,aP classic, the last V isiting members welcome. will be built in time for the 1925 livered a sm ashing attack upon i n Hot Springs. Metropole Or­ are investing their own capital i n ’ eVent on the Program was be­ By order of the W orthy Matron. chestra. season at the resort. — G rants i the Harding-Coolidge adm inistra new activities and tween the eight fastest cars in 12-3t* Pass Courier. LEAH M. CALDWELL, so creating, j’ tion today in his drive to capture Event One. Those who entered ' new enterprises th at naturally ---------- : the grain belt a re a ’s vote. Secy. For Corvallis__ were, De Palma, Hearne, Lyons,! Let ub fill * ' your Speaking b „ before Mis a ttra c t outside investm ent.” Mr. and Mrs A W t i n » — * pail with u Swifts w“ “ i I n u ic 75,000 iu . uuu mis- Marasco, Cook and W alker. In A shland — this m orning fo r’Coival»« where ‘? rd ’ ! ai° urians at ~ a barbecue held VII on : ---- —---- -------- — 1633 uvvuu uciu The race started out with De ' Leo Hoff of Butte F a lk is in they will visit friends a nd^r N a­ shortening. Goes farth er and is? A he farm of Dr. Nelson, Demo- i too iit v Palma and Hearne staging a real more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf cratic candidate for governor o f ! "ATE T° CLASSIFY Ashland visiting with friends and tives. transacting business here. Missouri, the Democratic chieftain • WANTED — W aitress at the battle for first honors, with De Palm a holding the edge, but in drew a wide campaign issue be­ Nelda Cafe. 12- THE WEATHER (he 7th lap one of the tires on tween his own pledge of “ hon­ Report for the past 24 hours; esty in governm ent” and the re­ D ePalm a’s car went bad. He PIANO BARGAINS! Maximum, 92; Minimum, 50. Set wa3 going too fast on the next In this vicinity we have cord of the Republican scandals. ÏN Maximum, 85. Sultry; cloudy. slightly used Piano and P layer) F° Und lo stop’ so * hen he di(1 Smith Bros. M. A. C. Stomach . The barbecue, which was attend- Tonic $1.25— McNair Bros. R ath er than incur the i stop in the 9th lap the tire was ! ed by many state and national piano. in shreds. > leaders, was a gala affair and the expense of freight, boxing, etc., ' T o A lud C re e k __ V isitin g At Medford— The mechanics, w aiting with an ■ j large audience paid strict atten- we offer these pianos at a frac­ Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Mis3 ! extra wheel, had De Palm a back Mrs. J. D, Mars journeyed to j tion to every word the Democratic tion of th eir original price. A Blanche MacLean, Mr. and Mrs. ! in tlie race in 31 seconds, - hut Medford Sunday and visited with — candidate for president .uttered. small cash payment and the bal-j „ Frank Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. ance in th irty equal monthly pay- H earne- dlle to the fact DePalma ) her daughter, Mrs. Hans Jeschke, C. B. Lamkin, form erly of Ash­ m ents are term s we will extend had t0 make the last lap with the form erly Ruth Mars. land. composed a party who jo u r­ A storia — Ninety cars w heat , SALEM, Septem ber 14 4 _ i t will received in one day for export to , resP°n8ible people. For full old tire at a stow rate and be- i neyed to Mud Creek near McCloud Ladies and children’s hair cut­ 78,024 to; • inform ation, w rite Kohler & cause of the 31 seconds delay, cost approxim ately $378,024 t o ! United Kingdom. ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par to view the glacier of Mt Shasta. < onduct the Oregon state p en iten -' Chase, W holesale D epartm ent, 26 had gained more than a lap on ,o r- 293-tf O’F arrell Street. San Francisco, the veteran, which- he could not Remember— Big Dance— Jack- tiary during the next bienn,,Si 1 •! *’Sel'SOll;l li t v nished apartm ent, with garage. ! Lyons second uim and mmaiivo Marasco iourtn. fourth. . ‘ ‘ Oakland, California are here visit­ Dalrymple, warden of th e in s ti-f€xtended to U8 d u rin e our recent fools o’ fu n .” 12-"St* ing Mr. K ilpatrick's sister, Mrs. Time 17 m inutes, 12 2-5 seconds. | o t r < »»aiice t h a t ever strode through f i d ion's Da<»e o r ‘ -------- tution. ’ bereavem ent, also for the beau- A dults only. 1101 Boulevard. Roy Frazier. 12-ti Purses $5oo, $350, $200 and played out the checkered dram a o f life The actual cost of conducting t,fu l f,ow ers- Retuims to A shland— $100. De Palma, no doubt, would ~ -- ----------------------------- ----------- — - __________ MRS. J. L. GAULT FOR RENT — 3 or 4 room Dr. B ertha Sawyer of this city- the prison d u ring the present bi-1 PAINTERS: — Beagle and apartm ent, private baths. A d u lts) n t r t i ^ ' t r o u b l e ' ' fOr j ,ln’ougbout ‘he program and dis- progra... _ li:iu ennlum ,w as $330,015.99, or m o re[ RO'f GAULT m was under Hie sanction Beagle: day work or contract; returned Saturday after several , _ o re trouble. played a kcen interegt ,n the MRS. BUNDY. than $45,090 less th an the days visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. preferred. Phone 263R or call at) estim ates free. Box 171. 395-tf e American Au- The audience was enthusiastic all of which were exciting Shook Bldg. 12-2 F. Goeller of K lam ath Falls, who am ount to be sought at th e next! The tonioh'le Association. The VINING WILL BE SPEAK returned to Ashland with her. session of the legislature. F or R ound-up— MUIR PEACHES for slicing or Mr. and Mrs. J. N Dennis left They - made the trip by way of proposed increase in th e cost of ER AT BIG MEET i canning, 40 cents per box. Sat­ The Goellers re­ operaitng the penitentiary, it was this morning for Pendleton where C iater Lake. suma Plums. Phone 9F21. Albert turned Sunday to Klamath Falls said, is due to various improve­ they will spend the next few days (Continued from page 1) C Joy, near Normal. 12-2* ments, both within and outside ______________ attending the Round-up. Coming to Ashland— PTOxIraa'ielv' »19 00» tA‘H ' conditions to be FOR SALE — “ One M inute’’ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hitchcock You can’t go wrong when you Electric Wra3hing .Machine, $36: ed In the bndget’ for 2 s" and" " " " t ° ‘ 1" " ,ress6d w l,h ,h e trade a t Paulserud’s. 6— tf of Jefferson, Ohio, are expected large wood heating stove, $20; i r e M ‘° Copper bottom wash boiler, $1.50, to arrive in Ashland the latter 1926 to purchase f cam ps along the public bigh- all good as new. Phone 264J. Shaving m irrors— McNair Bros part of tills month. Mr. H itch­ equipment, which was recom­ ways. cock was superintendent of the mended by a special committee 12-6* “ Many camps, however, are Ashland schools from 1894 to appointed by the governor to in- . . , , From K lam ath F alls— FOR SALE — A few choice ’’ ‘° r » r0 ,it by ” 1''- He has been practicing VMtieatb haxard» at th e priaM I Clifford Hoag of Klam ath Falls 1901 Kstlmate,, expenditures out " , ” h" " 'a ,n t , ° " ‘y s ' t white leghorn pullets, 5 months w as In Ashland yesterday visiting law in Ohio since leaving Ash- the prison revolving fund d u rin g ) L m t ° “ ri S t '" old. 219 Mountain Avenue. G. W. laud and is the Republican nom­ w ith friends. Benedict. 12-tf inee for Probate Judge this year tiic next two years was fivpri nt- ’ * »262,638.38, wltl, ‘ M h a, th e com m unities of the HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, in his home county. FOR SALE— One library table, mated nt »265.,08.53. U nder n I I m , m 0 ! t 1 now ” , e “ le '- of coarse. 212— tf chiffonier, linoleum rug, couch " " aP P y lsem an t o , th eir Dance at Jackson Hot Springs law enneted a , (he last session J opportunities; lied, 2 rockers, wheel chair, dres-1 Wednesday, Sept . 17. Music by the le g ,su tu re n revolving t ^ n R eturns H om e— Of $10») nun wn g n d R*a