y frÀÔÈ ASttLAÑft DAILY ÎIÎMNC» USES DYNAMITE TO BLOW SELF TO BITS Shows th a t 39,430 eases of child neglect wer« brought to their notice last year. Of these 33,000 came under the heading of neglect, 3,442 of ill treatm ent and assault, 560 of abandonm ent and exposure, and • 310 ° f corruption of morals The large num ber of cases is attributed by the society as due to the “ patchy civilization and m orals’’ of the country EXERCISE HINT i Jr a diver and take out all snaga tle C o n ftrth cà oa Pood Conserva-, homes for fish. A ustralia, took the witness stand gavel and pronounced the m eet­ which threatened th eir gear. The xieh held In Honolulu recently. By this time the delegates were to tel1 how he had seen a fish r result of the work is a greatly No less a persdh&ge than David going strong, and Dr. Barton W. I three inches long swim out of a ing adjourned. enlarged fishing area, m aking it S tarr Jo id an , president em eritus ’Everm ann, who looks out for the cake of mud which had lain in the possible for more nets to operate. of Stanford University, world- welfare of the fishes at Golden bed of a dry stream for more than The fisherm en of the low er famed pacifist and acknowledged Gate Park, San Francisco, rag- a year. Not only that, but great Umpqua, on hearing of the en­ authority on things piscatorial, gested the introduction of an im-t flocks of birds in A ustralia, said terprise of the Rogue river un- started things off with casual ref portant food fish into New Zea Mr- Stead, feed on living things ion, clubbed together and had a ■ ' erence to “ Ike W alton and some land by means of “ magic sand.” 1 *n ’ th ® flood w aters of stream s clearing made in certain sectio n s, of those boys,” and the race was It appears, continued the doctor, 'a n d lakes that have been dry for N EW and USED of the Umpqua, which has im-jOO. ,j!at a certain rish which is p i ( 'yetru. proved conditions on th at riv e r.' Hon. Q. M. Thompson, ot New tiful along the California coast Then the Siamese delegate told It would bi advisable to get he Umpqua fishermen intend Zealand, ventured to rem ark th a t watches its calendar and, when of a fish in his country which your heater at (inrf. to spend more to clear their American salmon and English the moon is ju st right, lets the “grow as large as w ater buffalo.” stream and will use a diver, W il­ vrout had been successfully intro- high tide carry it far up on the and was describing the fishing ASHLAND FU R N ITU R E liam Dewar, who worked on the duced in New Zealand waters, and sands, where it ¡ays its eggs and methods used by the Siamese two COMPANY clearing in the Rogue. this brought a reminiscent gleam then hurries away to the open thousand years ago when the 04 N. Main T . . - i r . to the eyes of Dr • Jordan, who re- - .sea. A nother month comes a'ong chairm an rapped loudly twice with Portland Lum ber exports for ,lated a fishing experience when he i and another high tide, which August totalled 35,714,391 feet, had discovered California salm o n ; drenches the eggs th at have been' with 182,521.737 for eight ----- « -• - - stream ■ trout ‘ *- in - a « Belgian . — He ' lying in this magic sand.” They m onths of 1924. Last year same thought the mo3quito minnow hatch almost immediately and period showed only 96,284,594 could be easily transferred from start for the sea after their long- feet. Foreign wheat exports for American stream s to the northern absent parent Dr. Evermann 1924. 11,282,089, against 5,646.- parts of New Zealand. ¿ays that scientists have shipped 448 for same period in 1923 This suggestion got a “ rise” the sand from long distances in from Dr. Hugh H. Smith, Com­ ordinary fruit Jars. AU th at i s 1 Pendleton — School popula­ missioner of Fisheries for Siam, necessary on arrival at its destin tion gains eight per cent over who called attention to the ation is to drench the sand with 1 923 registration. trouble which had been wrought sea w ater, when it im n ^ H a te ly ' by transplanting the English “ comes to “ life,” he added. I T V U W Z C T T? rl v U I ? TY , spairow and advised going care-; Some of the delegates gasped , I w W u T j T j A ILiK I ful,y ln the m atter of finding new a bit at this, but David Stead, of DENVER, Sept. 15.— Bringing to a horrible reality his prediction th a t it “ will not be necessary to bury me; I’ll blow myself to pieces!” Zebulon Montgomery Pike, fifty-one, of Morrison, Colo., committed suicide by holding a charge of dynam ite in his hand. Pike, a bachelor and long a vic­ tim of poor health, stood on the ' sum m it of Mount Glennon, over­ looking Morrison, his home for many years, as he touched off the fuse to a stick of dynam ite th at That the forest fire danger is j blew one arm off and badly muti I ju st as acute now as at any time I lated his body | during the past summer, is the With a clear view to the south substance of a statem ent just is- of Pike’s Peak, the tow ering sued by District Forester Geo. H. m ountain of the Rockies th a t Cecil, U S. Forest Service, Port- i bears the name of the suicide and land, Oregon. which was discovered by and “ Many people thought the rains named for his great-granduncle, which commenced on August 17 I Brigadier-General Zebulon Mont- ended the fire season,” said Mr. gomery Pike, the sick man met i Cecil. “ That is not true, how- his death in a m anner somewhat ever. Those rains were light.— I sim ilar to his famous forebear, and lighter in many of the inoun- who was killed during the war of j tain regions than in the lower ; 1812 between the United States valleys. The last few days of high ‘ and Great Britain, when a pow- tem perature and low relative hu-i A Chronicle of Events Occnring der magazine exploded atthe 3eige midity have again made the for- in World Centers of <>f New York (now T oronto). j'est litter and moss as dry as Population Residents ot Morrison heard 'tinder, aw aiting one spark to the dull boom of a d y n am ite; sta rt a forest fire. The spark charge late one afternoon, but ■ m ight come from a match, a cig- HONOLULU, Sept. 15.— Fish attributed it to road-construction arette stub, or a neglected cam p -■ stories th a t might be classed as (c) By Bernarr Macfadden crews, or quarrying operations. fire.’ ■ I “ whoppers,” but bearing the Later, missing Pike and remem­ The District F orester declared , S tanding with hips firm, rotat- I stam p of veracity with which we j bering his statem ents about end- th a t there was im perative need h eels inward then outw ard. C ount i are accustomed to label th in g * . 1-2. iug his life, they started a search for ju st as much precaution now brought gasps of as- j 11 ■ ■■■I'. J g g g H MW | scientific, and stumbled onto the ghastly 83 at any time during the sum-1 tonlshm ent to laymen listening in UMPQUA RIVER HAS BEEN evidence of the tragedy on the mer, and th a t the hazard would ' cn a fish session of the. Pan-Paci- CLEARED OF SNAGS hilltop. pot be completely over until t h e 1 Horribly shattered by the blast, fall rains set in. He also called the body lay on a level space on attention to the fact th a t the re­ MARSHFIELD, Sept 15. — DEMAND the m ountain’s summit. One arm cent unusual electrical storms Fisherm en on the Rogue river, at was gone— the one with which have kept the forest protective a considerable expense, have had the deadly explosive had been forces busy, and that thoughtless the lower river cleared of snags held. The head was crumpled into individuals should not add to which have bothered their nets the chest. - • their troubles by starting more and caused them repair expense« Coroner William Woods, after fires. in the past which ran into hun­ learning the details and examin- J / ‘Some of the worst fires in dreds of dollars. To clear t h e ! ing the body, declared it a plain northw estern history have start- river the fisherm en who have ' Over 100,000 people have ease of suicide. testified that TANLAC ed ln Septem ber,” said Mr. Cecil, ' been using giB^ets there joined j ha« relieved them W; Pike was bom in Wayne County and conditions are favorable for forces and subscribed to engage ' Iowa, in July, 1873, coming to i disastrous conflagrations this fall Stomach Trouble, Rheumatism, Colorado two years later. ' The Northwest has great resour- Mal-Nutritiou, —--------------- — ' ces at stake,— tim ber wealth, the ENGLISH CHILD NEGLECT scores of our stream s, scenery, Sleeplessness, I bronugbt a truck load of bar­ Nervousness, CALLED “ HIDEOVs BLOT” and the young growth which is gain counter goods from Port- Loss of Appetite, the hope of the ffiture. land last w eek, all of which Loss of Weight, LONDON, Sept. 15.— Statistics Extreme care and right thinking w ill be sold accordingly. Auto on the part of every citizen who Torpid Liver or issued by a prom inent child wel­ R obes, W ade Dragsaxv, H alt­ Constipation. fare society show that the amount visits the woods is absolutely ers, and lots o f arm y goods. of child neglect in England last necessary.” “Ask Anyone Who Has Uome in early w h ile they last. year reach enormous propor- Taken TANLAC” tlons OVBB 4» M ILUON BOTTUCS Angess — T. J. Brown, after SOLD C haracterizing the fact as a , , three years of development, work, i For S o b Br AU Good D ranfrto eous blot on a civilized com -' has gold mine equipped with ma- m unity," the society’s report chinery to sta rt this fall. | BY FOREST CHIEF PEIL’S CORNER Mondi»)’, September ÌS. 1024 Il E A T E R S Notice Water Users You are hereby notified that the use of water for all irrigation shall be stopped on and after Monday, Sept. 15,1924, in all the sections as set forth July 2,1924. This will be necessary to protect the city and fill the reservoirs for domestic use, and Fire protection until further notice. ASBESTOS JJEADYR00F1N65 Bear Underwriter«’ Class B label, — that means adequate fire protection and low rates of insurance. Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings not only resist all sorts of weather conditions but smoke, fumes and fire as welt Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings come in several iuushes, “ white top”,— slate surface and smooth finish. Call on us for samples and prices. “ A R o o / for ero ry b u ild in g ” - Ashland Lumber Co. on will be obliged to cooperate to help this situation. By Order of Council E. R. HOSLER Supt. Water Wks. Send In Your Check For $6.00 For A Year’s Subcription to The Tidings Today! Do n o t wait until the two Golden Bays-Septeniber 19-20- to send in-your-check for $6.00 to cover a year’s subscription to The Dailv Tid­ in advance. Mail o r birng it to The Tidings office today and we will hold it until the Golden Days to rash it. Yon might forget it unless you do it now. t> & ’ ings The Tidings is Celebrating It’s Fifth Anniversary by Savina You $1.80 on a Year's Subscription have discontinued our city subscription collector and offer on September 19-20 only, 12 Months’ Subscription for $6.00. The (¡olden Saving September marks the Fifth Anniversary of The Daily Ashland Tidings and to celebrate this anniversary, we have arranged .this wonderful reduction in our subscription rates. Two golden days—Friday, September 19th, and Saturday, September 20th—have been selected when we will give our present readers and new readers the opportunity to save $1.80 ou a year’s subscription. Applies to Subscriptions Paid in Advance Only Each September we will make this special an­ niversary offer on paid-in-advance subscrip­ tions. During the rest of the year you must pay (in advance? 65c a month or $7.50 a year. This is a 20 per cent reduction and the most convenient way to pay for your subscription. These Two Days Ony This price will absolutely apply only the two days of Septem­ ber 19-20, unless you mail your remittance and the envelope hears one of these dates. Otherwise, before or after these two days, the.subscription price will remain 65 cents a month or $7.80 a year when paid in advance each month. CHECKS RECEIVED NOW for yom sill script ion payments in advance from September 1, 1924, will he accepted and held for cashing September 19-20. No subscriptions will be started at this rate prior to Septem­ ber 19-20. This offer is open only to subscriptions paid in advance. If y(Zdr subscription is in arrears, pay 65 cents a month for the period in arrearage, up to September I , 1924, and $6.00 for a year in advance. Pay Now and You Will Not Fail to Make This Profit This is a Saving of More In order to avoid forgetting these Daily Tidings Bargain I)avs, the safest plan is to give us your cheek for $6.00 NOW and we will hold it. THAN 20 PER CENT DON’T PASS THIS UP THE ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND, OREGON DON’T PASS THIS UP