Pag© tw o A«t*4 *4 Ai 4, .uii.ii.wii à Ondaf, Scptctnber 15, ASH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S plea of the insurance agent to procure protection against J death, accident, fire and other agencies which are des tructive to property or a .man’s earning capacity. The work included stenographic | and clerical service, tutoring, waiting on table, tending furn­ CI m «siried Colum n R ates PH YSICIAN8 P u b lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by aces, janitor service, clerking and One cent the word each a variety of other tasks. One ASHLAND PRINTING CO. time. LESS LIBERAL GAME LAWS i ___ student earned his way as circu­ DR. HAWLEY— /.hove Tidings To run every issue for one Bert R. Greer ...................................................................................... Editor That leader of wild life conservation, Dr. William T.i L ouisville , sept. 15.— sec , lation manager in Eugene of a office. Phone 91. month or more, %c the word George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager Hornadav, asserts that North American game cannot long! retary of Commerce Herbert Hoo- Portland paper. each time. DR. c . W. HANSON OFFICIAL CITY PA P E R .........................................................Telephone 39 Dentist E ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffic e as Second C lass Mall M atter survive those attacks upon it which now are permitted i ver and Secretary of Labor James i FOR RENT Brookings — Great demand under the game laws. More than 6,000,000 hunters take cipal speakers at the Thirteenth Special attention given to pyor­ Subscription Price, D elivered in City i for acreage plots, and new lands rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver I <>R RENT — Front bed room, One Month .45 the field each year, he points out, and with the aid of the Annual Safety Congress of the : will soon be opened. Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. good locality. 916 Iowa St. Phone Three Months ..................................................................................... 1.95 i motor car they are enabled to cover everv. vestige of ter- National Safety Council to be blx Month« ----- i . . . . - _ . . •'V • ° 329-R. n _ 2 held here from September 29 t o ! “ UR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ One Year ............................................. . _ 7.5« tice limited to eye, ear, nose anu By Mail and Rural Routes: POR RENT— Furnished rooms tion has jjeuetrated tha wilderness and is pressing to­ October 3. Many leaders i n ' * One M onth__ American public, industrial and throat— X-ray including teeth. “0, 2nd St. Phone 332-L. 11— 3 $ .65 ward many places that have been previously disregarded Three Months educational life, bent on the cor­ 1.95 Offioe hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Six Months __ as almost inaccessible. The result is that game, unless 3.50 POR RENT: — Modern well relation of efforts to rid the 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, One Year ..... WHEN YOU BUY 6.50 more effectively protected, is making its last stand. All ¡country of the 80,000 fatalities located iurnace heated apart- Ore. , DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: _________ ___ nients and sleeping rooms, fur- caused by avoidable accidents thoughtful sportsmen will agree with the doctor. 81ngle Insertion, per inch ................ ......................... $ .30 8H AW __ Resi- nisbe<^ and unfurnished. 316 Har- , UR. MATTIE it The war against the “ game hog” was 'undertaken each year, will be present. _ , , Yearly C ontracts: gadm e. | & For the first time in accident dence and office, 108 Pioneer One insertion a week .27% many years ago, before game laws were to some extent Two insertions a week ........................ prevention history there w ill-be avenue. Telephone 28. Offici .25 FOR SALE Daily Insertion ............................... standardized and almost before game had begun to show brought together all national! .20 hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising the ill effects of hunting. It was the virtual disappear­ bodies which have been devoting ! FOR SALK: — Concord grape« p. m. only. First insertion, per 8 point line . j .10 5c per pound. C. A. Gray, Bridge ance of the bison, in a few brief years, that persuaded efforts toward minimizing the Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................................. .05 St. from Card of Thanks ____ ______ ________ ____ 20,000 annual automobile acci-! Dll. E. B. ANGELL— — Chiropractic 11— 2* true sportsmen of the peril toward all species. Too, the 1.00 Obituaries, per line............... dent death rate and Electro-Therapy. Office .02% passing of the passenger pigeon was rightly read as an FOR SALK:— 12 tons of Al. The trend of public accidents | phone 48; residence 142. First falfa hay, $18.00 ton in slock. . . a i . , W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING omen, although the evidence does not show that this during the last year will be dwelt National Bank building. „ ♦« 1 future, w h e r e an admission charge is made or a Iuqwjre A. H. Ward, Omega collection taken in Advertising. calamity was altogether the work of human agency. In on at length at the various ses­ Ranch, Talent. n __2te No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. - MONUMENTS the days when one first heard that scathingly descriptive sions of the congress. Recent FOR SALE:— Four head dairy _ DONATIONS term, “ game hog,” men who kept to the letter of the law analyses of automobile and other BO ULEVARD and SHERMAN ASHLAND GRANITE public accidents have resulted in No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertls- cows and three heifers, two com- MONUMENTS regarded their conduct as exemplary. .But since then, the general conclusion that most tng or ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. I ing fresh next month. Inquire A Blair Granite Co. while bag limits have steadily been lowered, and game accidents were due to mental You are Boosting nn Ash­ II. Ward, Omega Ranch, Tulent* S. PENNISTON. Manager „ SE PTE M B ER 15 preserves created, the various species of American game causes and this general conclus­ 11— 2t* Office 175 E. Main HAPPY IS HE THAT CONDEMNETH NOT HIMSELF IN ion will be reflected in addresses land Organization have shown marked decrease. A nation so large as ours, THAT WHICH HE ALLOWETH.— Romans 14:22. Res. Phone 444-Y FOB SALK — Oood fresh cow. with so much vacational leisure, cannot be too discreet in U. O P O. STUDENTS AR E 11— 3* 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May 1304 Quincy St. determining the amount of game that shall 'fall to any MENTALITY TESTS " SHOW N SE L F-R E L IA N T communicate with Ensign Lee FOR SALE — Oldsmobile 4 Present day court procedure has introduced many licensee. of the Salvation Army at the tonring car. Inquire 96 Laurel The viewpoint is changing. We do not hear so much UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, WhlteSJileld Home, 565 May- St. new methods of handling suspects and determining their 11— 3* Eugene, Sept. 15. — University fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. standing in the eyes of the law.. One of these new pro­ of “ game hogs” today, since there are fewer offenses of of razier on Oregon students who support FOR SALE— Gasoline pump, cedures is the mentality test, which is used rather fre­ the sort» that used to fall into that classification, but the themselves wholly or in part earn­ PLANING MILL Lithia Garage. 9— <• quently and, if handled by a powerful attorney, most attitude we once had toward such offenders is being ed In the aggregate $36,074 dur­ JORDON'S SASH AND CABINET FOR SALE at a bargain— 30 effectively. One of the applications of the mentality test transferred to the covetous sportsman who persistently ing the 1923-24 college year, ac­ W ORKS, Cor. Helman and Rhode Island Red pullets. Phone is creating considerable interest in California, where an avails . .. himself . . of ever)- - - privilege , - of a - generous law. _ . We . _ cording to the annual report of Van Ness. 194tf 17F11. io — 3 11 year old boy was charged with the murder of another be“ ev® ™at in sportsmanship he should voluntarily con- the university department service just made public by Mrs. Charlot­ T R A N SFE R AND EX PR E SS Cake and Pastry FOR SALE youth, exonerated by a coroner’s jury and then subjected tent himself, for example, with fewer ducks than are al te R. Donnelly, the director. The Olympic W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. flour, reg. 35c, now......... 23 6 room modern house on North to a mentality test. lowed him, save on occasions when he actually requires total earned In the preceding Olympic Rolled Oats, reg. for SERVICE. Main St. Large lot, all kinds of 35c, now ............................ 23 Here are three of the questions and the answers the birds that should fall to his gun. This attitude, when year was $27,396, so that last Crown Experienced movers and pack fruit. A Real Bargain. Price Pancake flour reg. era of household goods. Deal­ which the lad made when the questions were shot at him: it is analyzed, points the same course that Dr. Hornadav year's record w*as an increase of 35c, now .............................23 $3500 on good terms nt 6 per $8678. 4 lb. pail Orange Blossom ers In coal and wood. Phone cent. would have us take. It is indicative of a desire for great­ Q —Yesterday the police found the body of a girl Divided by terms, the report for shortning, reg. 90c now .75 117. 6 room modern house close in. cut into eighteen pieces. They believe she killed herself. er conservation through amended game laws.—Portland 1923-24 follows: 8 lb. pall Orange Blossom Office 89 Oah St. near Price $2100, on easy terms. Oregonian. Shortning, reg. 1.75 now 1.50 What is absurd about that! Fall — regular jobs, $10,479; Hotel Ashland Red Crown Service Station on 2 lb. pail Laural Pure odd Jobs, $15,000; total, $11,- A. Some one was angry and killed her. Lard, reg. 50c, n o w ......... 40 Main Highway to trade T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ A news item from California says a “ paradise” of 979. for house in Ashland Q.—There was a railroad accident yesterday, but it PLEASE ASK ABOUT fer-—Good team aud motor Good 18 acre ranch on highway. Winter — regular jobs, $10,- FEED and FLOUR was not very serious. Only forty-eight people were bears has been found. Paradise does not seem a proper 439; odd jobs, $1000; total, $11,- trucks. G >od service at a rea- 6 room house, good new bant, synonym to use with bears. killed. What is absurd about that! 439. souab.’e price. Phone 83. garage, nice lawn, 6 cows, good Spring — regular jobs, $11,- A.—The engineer did it on purpose. He did not team, sow and 12 pigs, 2 dozen It is difficult to criticise the fair sex for 'using cos- 556; odd jobs, $1100; total, $12,- turn the switch. FKHIGE-ROACH chickens and all farm machin­ razier on 656 Transfer — Express — Storage ery. 12 ton hay Price $6500 mteics after one looks at the picture of Edna Wallace Phone 214— 338 E. Main St. Q —A bicycle rider being thrown from his bicycle in Hauling — Dray work of all on good terms. an accident struck his head against a Stone and was in­ Hopper, the 62-year old flapper. kinds. Quick motor service. Dry See stantly killed. They picked him up and carried him to the wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R W. W. ROBISON. In the great mass of criticism as a result of the ten- 375 B. St. 112-tf 63 North Main SI. hospital and they do not think lib will get well again. tence imposed upon the Chicago murderers not a word 8tf What is absurd about that! (Established ln 1876) DAVIS ’ JO DISCUSS SAFETY i PROFESSIONAL Classified Column Gasoline—Oils— Accessories W. & N. Service Station F & S Our Special F has been against Darrow the famous criminal lawyer, A-— was dead and tliep put it into the paper. The answers of course are haphazard and, considered whose influence was instrumental in the victory for the alone and without due regard to the accompanving cir­ murderers. cumstances, might indicate a mentality beiow the Many people who are not in the habit of using goggles a\erage. However, what could actually he expected of an 11 j ear old boy who had been subjected to a grilling cor­ wore them Sunday when they started out for the races. oner’s examination, probably intimidated by the attitude DUCK SEASON W ILL OPEN of the officials and then with the questions hurled at him? IN KLAMATH TOMORROW A member of the reportorial staff of a California Fair Notes newspaper put these questions up to several prominent Eighteen minutes past five o'clock Tuesday morning, Sep­ citizens and in practically every case the men were be­ tember 16, will witness the open­ wildered—or thought the person asking the questions was ♦ » ♦ » I ing day of the 1924 duck and looney. Did the questions prove that these men were low A. McMillan of Ashland dis­ goose season in Klamath. played many bine ribbon speci­ mentally! And what would have been their answers if mens in among their 38 ancomas Local nimrods are enthusiasti­ they had not been “ frightened,” as the 11 year old boy in the poultry exhibits. cally preparing for the opening day shoot by cleaning the barrels must have been when confronted with the questions? of their shotguns, shaking out the It is difficult to agree with the court officials who The display of Earwigs at the moth balls from hunting coats, held that the boy’s answers justified holding him for fur­ Oregon Agricultural exhibit at and purchasing hunting licenses the fair attracted considerable ther examination. Present indications point to attention. A REAL PESSIMIST Dr. E. A. Woods of Ashland as­ sisted in the county nurses’ clinic In the health service room at the fair grounds. This clinic attract­ ed a large number of visitors and children for examjlnp.C^on. The ultimate destruction of the human race is only two centuries off, according to the prediction of Prof. MacDougall, phychologist of Harvard university and he places the blame for this upon the people at large because of their “ disregard of eugenic methods of maintaining Clara Coleman of Jacksonville and improving the human race.” In the same speech at Toronto, he stated: “ As I was victorious in the popularity contest at the fair, winning the watch the American people speeding down the path that four-door sedan and being ccown- leads to destruction, I seem to be watching one of the ed queen Saturday afternoon greatest tragedies in history.” It is not claimed that Americans todav are living per­ A canting demonstration was fect lives, it has never been claimed that people were given at the fair with Adena Joy Ellen Goley of Ashland at the living perfect lives and it probably never will be claimed and tables. that people are living perfect lives on this old earth. However, it is consoling to know that experience has Salem — Marion county has taught that more olten the most learned are wrong rather completed five-year program of than right in their attempts to forecast the future. What road building, costing more than $2,000,000. New asphaltic type may happen to one tomorrow is too deep a problem for roads have cost about $16,000 one to take upon himself the unnecessary burden of per mile. worry' when he sees a nation speeding to destruction because the majority of the people do not accept his Rainier — Menefee sawmill again in operation after extensive theories as to what is best or most helpful. repairs following fire. Conditions 200 years hence of course is only a con­ E‘ ■ '.'. i '.' j . . i . . i i g» jecture, but the world today is a rather happy place of living for the great majority of its citizenry who will not join the professor in picturing the destruction of America 200 years from now. Most Americans ate too busy build­ TH O R* ing and planning constructively to harbor thoughts of destruction. Electric BELIEVES IN HUNCHES Faith in superstitions, hunches and lucky signs is taboo with many people, but there is one citizen in Ash­ land who certainly believes in hunches—or at least he does now. About two weeks ago Dr. Crandall felt he had a hunch that he should acquire some accident insurance. He was adtised that he should acquire some accident in­ surance. He was advised that it was well to follow up such a hunch, and the result was the purchase of an acci- j dent insurance policy. A few days ago Dr. Crandall! while alighting from his automobile fell and broke his) arm. The compensation which is being paid Dr. Crandall I is the evidence which influences him to believe in! hunches. Also it is a strong endorsement of the plea op W A S H IN G M A C H IN E many limit bags on opening day. Tens of thousands of ducks are now in the Upper Klamath lake region, according to reports re­ ceived here today from Eagle Ridge tavern. The Flight to Klamath started about two weeks ago and has been increasing in volume ever since— Klamath Falla Herald. Bend — Union high school budget calls for $89,728, and grade schools $88,274. Your Chances to get a deer will be better if you use Winchester Guns and Ammunition Simpson's Hardware Winchester Store FRANKLIN’S Superior Bread The kind which pleases O E S E R ’S Ashland Service Station & S To get more FOR SALE CHEAP — Bose pears, culls, fine for canning. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Newbery & Sons. Talent. Phone From i Hatcher & Benson, Floral & Seed I 373^2- 1-tf Co., temporary location 399 FOR SALE or TRADE—,160 A sanitary rest room, com­ Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and acre ranch, Missouri River bot- pletely equipped with modern plumbing conveniences, is a floral designing. Phone 118. 9-m o; tom land, within 8 miles Minot. . - v North Dakota. If interested call profitable investment for any public or semi-public building. or write G. S. Butler. 360— lm o For a smooth s h a v e _____ Increase the accommodations and quick service go FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers offered your patrons and you to the Shell Barber milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- will increase business. Shop. Ladies and dor.«, 977 B St. 271»— 2mo* Let us install a rest room in children got your hair your building that will invite bobbed and marcel patronage ratho? than repel it. SALES AND TRADES led. AUTO agency and Garage doing a growing business, Chevrolet W . A. SH ELL, Prop. Agency, on Ma’n Street, in >32 A. St. A shland, Ore splendid fast growing city, big surrounding country trade, low Plumbing Heating POLITICA L A NNOUNCEMENT8 rental. V ill nell at invoice and P h on e 1 8 8 2 0 7 E. Main accept good clean property as G. W. Milam all or part pay. Independent A SPLENDID 10 acre tract, first Candidate for County School class land, scenic location, in Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ edge of city, paying orchard ty, Oregon. with variety of fruit« and nuts, comfortable buildiug. Will L. A. CHIEF OF POLICE trade for good farm laud down GETS QUEER MESSAGE the valley. Want about 30 or 40 acres with small house. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15.— Al­ business Jerry O’Neal Have you tried that pure famous maple sap syrup? 45 cents a can—3 cans for $1.25 O--O-- o—o Honeydews, Mushmelons, and Watermelons, all. o— o— o— o Fruit jars, jelly glasses and trimmings. Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Plaza Market H. A. Stearns 61 N. Main FIRESTONE ~+~* O M I I M M Còrd I « • » « « !> > < « » ♦ ■ 30x31-2 $9.” First Glass Oondition Special Price ALEMITE The Home Builder HE savings account is the true home builder. Every young couple is looking forward to a home. Prepare for your future home by opening an account today. T Greasing Murphy Elec. Co. Main Our Phone 82 Plaza The Citizens Bank of Ashland DR. OESER ft SON F I j ORIST Ashland, Oregon though R. Lee Heath, chief of FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN police of Los Angeles, has been 10 ACRES, 7 miles out, free wat­ In office le