PAO« R »en » M M • ♦ « •tSHMS’f) DAfl.Y iiWXeS » M M M M M t» > M » M H M k o e a l» P ersonal piotes A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho coine and go, and even ts of local in terest > We deliver the goods— Detricks 94-tf Ladies aud children's hair cut- ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par ior. 293-tf Mrs. Ash­ here Fair. Be sure and ask your grocer for Mrs. Bonar's sandwich spread, guaranteed. Try it. 9— 3 Eye Shades and Goggles McNair Bros. : Return To Munsir.nir5^ Mrs. T, T. Ahlstrom and soil, Norman, returned to D unsm uir Friday after visiting tor 3o:ne time with friends and relatives here. * * 1 .............. t t TINSELS LEND THEIR RADIANCE TO FORMAL OCCASIONS S P E C I A L $1.00 B5S5S5SS25S55525 I'ltHii D unsm uir— Mr and Mrs. H arry Strain o f : Stopped Here- Dunsm uir are visiting friends iu Miss Allene Anderson, sorority K ^ sh lan ^ and^MedZoTd sister of Miss W etherford, teach er at the Model Cottage, stopped To D unsm uir__ in A ihland yesterday on her vzay Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Mansfield ¡ to California where she w lr cf Ashland were In Dunsmuir the teach this winter. first of the week visiting friends and relatives there. SPECIAL attention to AUTO- ! MOBILE insurance; b etter terms In Ashland— and lower rates. Yeo, of course. Miss Josephine De Haa?<, who Phone 21 & 274-J. 212__tf has been, visiting friends and rel- j i atives in Ashland, has returned ; No W holesale No Delivery to Dunsmuir where she is work- 30 days test ! ing. beginning Sept. 15th to prove the! best bread made in Ashland Is! quality bread, from the oven o v e r' THE WEATHER the counter at 8c per pound, salt i Report for past 24 hours: Max- rising bread goes on Oct. 15th. imum, 97; Minimum. 50; Set KISTLERS QUALITY BAKERY Maximum, 85 11— 2 SUNDAY D IN N E R < H ives ♦ ,> > > < » » - R eturns To Keg Pit— Mrs. George G illette and Mrs. H unter left today for Keg Pit, w here they are living. To See F a ir— Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Schneider of Yreka were in land yesterday and from went to the Jackson County haturday, Sept. íft, 10ÙJ H » » « » ASHTONS and functions havo a way of reflecting each others’ characteristics. Judg­ ing by the advance reports, this will be a season of unparalelled brilliance, for never have fabrics been as gorgeous as those origin­ ated for the Fall and Winter. Tinsels, especially, will lend their brilliance to formal occasions this winter. There are tinsels in gold and silver, tinsels on satin surface, on crepe grounds, and printed tin­ sels. Particularly favored for evening wear are the tinsel bro­ cades. such as used in this elabor­ ate and beautiful evening mantle, which combines a blue and silver brocaded upper por­ tion, with a flounqe and lower sleeves of plain blue. The blue Is one of the new rich Chinese blues, called M a n d a r i n , and the omnipresent Chinese influence is also ap­ parent In the wide, | loose sleevea Ermine adds Its richness to the ensemble. The notable features about the new tinsel fabrics ac­ cording to Henri Creange, Cheney authority, is that their threads are 8 0 heavily plated that the chances of tarnishing are reduced io a minimum, and they arc so supple for all their brilliance that ihey can almost pass through the trad­ itional wedding ring of the fair, stories. , I t is interesting to note that th« line of this wrap, with its wide flounce follows the silhouette of the dresses over which it Is worn, and which fashion has at last a ¡lowed to deviate slightly from the straight and narrow line. Celery I fen its $1.00 Sweet Relish Soup Chicken Alii Reine (Crotons) Roast Chicken (Parsley Dressing) i I tesh Ham (< Immpaync Sauce) Roast Spring Lamb ((tarden Peas) * # * Salad Roman Salad — — _ W aldorf Salad Slice I Tomatoes — — Sliced Cueiunbers * # Duchess Potatoes Cream Peas * Le autrice Joy /¿The Mama^eChea/t* I - * » ( toffee Í ! :->() lo 1:30 * * * * * * * Lemon Cream Pie ♦ # R ed Tea Milk 5:30 to S;00 I lotel Ashland E. T. Allen, Owner Joe Lenehard, Chef. ♦ ♦ » Several Serious Cases i »>\t‘ ' ecu treated since I have received mv new electronic machine, which permits rapid develop­ ment. I have just returned from my vacation and am teady to continue the electronic treatments which have been proving so beneficial to my patients. Aou are invited to call for consultation and advice. DR, E. B. A N GELL Or NEWS LETTER * Pineapple Pie kept in London most of the Sum­ mer by the reparations confer­ ence, but Mrs. Kellogg has spent considerable time at a country house in Hampshire. The Am­ bassador and Mrs. Kellogg may make a flying trip home this Fall Superlite auto finish; g uaran­ HUNTER SHOOTS AT CROW, teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. KILLS WOMAN IN TREE To Medford— 298— tf Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Allen, pro­ PARIS, Sept. 12.— M. Fernand prietors of the Ashland Hotel, CI.ASS in voice training will Lapeyrere, a Parisian architect, were In Medford yesterday and begin this week. Those wishing has accidentally killed a woman attended the fair. .to join please call me a t once— in tragic circumstances. VIVIAN W. WOODSIDE 172 Pine TOG LATE TO CLASSIFY While on a holiday near Fon- St. Dr. Scholls Corn Remedies- tainebleu he shot at a crow and LOS1 on Boulevard, pair McNair Bros afterw ards found th a t he had glasses, dark rims. Finder re­ At F air— killed a peasant woman of 63, who tu rn to 131 No. Main. Reward. PA IN T E R S: — Beagle and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge, Mr. was in a tree picking cherries. 11— 2* Beagle; day work or contract: and Mrs. R. C. McMillan were Her body hung suspended in estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf in Medford today and also a t­ the branches and a ladder had to FOR SA LE:— 12 tons of Al­ tended the Jackson County Fair. be brought to lower her to the falfa hay, $18.00 ton in stock. To Bandon— Mr. McMillan will stay here until ground. She had been shot in Inquire A. H. Ward, Omega Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hosier, Ol­ Tuesday and then retu rn with his the heart. Threshing practically over — all , C laridge’s Ranch, Talent. 11—-2t* have caused some lie Easterling and Miss G ertrude wife to Portland. Mrs. McMillan crews filled. heartburnings, for royalty has | FOR SALE:— Four head d a iry ' will leave this evening for Ban­ is a sister of Mrs. Will Dodge. been frequently represented at cows and three heifers, two com- ‘ don and other Oregon coast cities ROSEBl RG — No shortage of her parties. ing fresh next month i nqujre A t where they will spend a weeks Madame Tracy-Young— Studio workers. Prune harvest in full ---------- ; H. W ard, Omega Ranch. Talent.! 122 Laurel St., Ashland Oregon. vacation. swing, ample help—‘tourists going Advance pupils only. Leschetizky 11— 2t* The departure of Consul-Gen­ through. You can’t go wrong When you method. Phone 354Y. 6— 4* eral and Mrs. Robert P. Skinner TOR SALE — (Jood fresh cow. trade at Paulserud’s. 6— tf GRANTS PASS — F ru it nlckJ*! ^ PaFlS brougllt a round of 1304 Quincy St. l i — 3* ! Following is a report accord­ Why pay more for milk when ~ ____ and . also ! social activities in American ing IO is no t in prograss HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, you can get the best milk for ing to districts or localities of hop picking but this is being circles. The Consul-General had FOR SALE — Oldsmohile 4 of course. 212— tf 10 cents. Llnlnger Dairy. Phone seasonal employment conditins: taken care of locally and w ith the first of a series of valedict­ touring car. Inquire 96 Laurel PORTLAND — Cnsiderable ac­ w hat tran sien t laborers th a t are ory banquets at the Berkley soon St. 396R and 369J. 4-tf ' 11— 3* tivity in building construction. D in e At P laza— after his tran sfer was announced, passing through this district. In ­ FOR RENT — Front bed room, Increased movement in w ater The Sunday School w orkers Elks Had Feed— dications a t this time point to a and a long list of fu rth er en ter­ good locality. 916 Iowa St. Phone who met In Ashland yesterday en­ The Ashland Elks enjoyed a shipments, giving employment to surplus ra th e r than a shortage tainm ents are schedu’ed. 329-R. ll—2 joyed a dinner at the Plaza yes­ feed at th eir club rooms before several hundred extra longshore of laborers, as the sawmills In terday evening. the National Defense program and w orkers; also demand for labor this locality have all closed down American women seem to glit­ FOR RENT— Furnished rooms parade last evening. About a to do short jobs, showing consid­ leaving such workmen th a t m ake te r and sparkle everywhere in GO, 2nd St. Phone 332-L. 11— 3 Complete line of Ashland Can hundred were present, and had a erable improvement over last their home here w ithout employ- Lo«don this season. Mrs. R obert ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf very pleasant time before attend- week. FOR SALE: — Concord grapes ment. Mason Talbot, of A tlantic City the program at the Armory which C. H GRAM, Chairman gave the Savoy habitues a thrill 5c per pound. C. A. Gray, Bridge GRESHAM— Supply ju st about Seasonal Employment Commis No Dance to night at Lithian followed 11— 2* . when she appeared in a skull cap St. equal to demand. Cucumber h a r­ s on. Platform , on acount of Jackson of m etallic fabric, fitted tightly For cleaning and pressing vest is now on, also blackberry. Co. Fair. over her shingled head, allowing Phone 119. We call and deliver. Indications point toward, suffi­ only a minimum of hair to show. 6— tf cient held to handle. From K 'am a'h F alls— Miss Mary Van Demeer, of W hite Mrs. Levi Stevens of Klam ath Plains, N. Y_, attracted consid­ Paulosrud’s Suits give satisfac­ HOOD RIVER— Ju st at pres­ Falls arrived in Ashland yester­ e ra b le attention with a complete 6— tf ent there is a surplus of w orkers A C hronicle o f E ven ts O ccuring day and will spend several days tion. yoke of glittering stones. Mr3. for the apple and pear picking visiting with her daughter, Miss in W orld C enters of W ade H unt, of Chicago, wore her season which is ju st commenc­ ’ Population Mildred Steven3, while here. She To C rater L a k e - hair brought round from the ing The apple and pear harvest Miss Lydia McCall of this city will retu rn to her home Tues­ neck and fastened under the chin and Mrs. S. T. Neil of Palo Alto, will commence in earnest here day. FINISHING TODAY LONDON, Sept. 13.— English vzith a diamond ornam ent — a made a trip to C rater Lake W ed­ about the tw entieth of this month society is breaking down age-long striking idea for cold W inter “ W H Y MEN CULL PEARS FOR HOME nesday, retu rn in g by way of The indications now are th a t we customs. For centuries the “ best nights. CANNING— D’Aujeus, Fall B ut­ K lam ath Falls. Mrs. Neil had will have an abundance of help people’’ have not dared to ¿how 1 LEAVE H OM E’ ter, etc, 25c per box, bring your been visiting here and returned to harvest our coming crop of their faces in Loudon in August. Ambassador Kellogg has been box, F ru it Association. 9— 3 to her home immediately follow­ apples. This year there have been many a refreshing drop O1 life LJL-T ing the trip to the lake. who have refused to leave town M c M i n n v i l l e — slig h t su r­ for the m onths when all social E at chicken dinner at the that you’ll have to see to plus for hop and prune picking, regulations said ihey should be Burton Dancing School, Mem­ Plaza Sunday, served 12:30 to Open daily. A fter­ which is now in progress. There iu Scotland or a t the fashionable 8 P. M. 11— 1 orial Hail. wlndly appreciate, wonder- is a surplus of w orkers among French w atering places noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. ful acting and a modem 307-tf those who are sticklers for big F rom D unsm uir— F o r M iners, R ailroaders, wages and not overly anxious to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanley Lady A stor flouted convention Loggers, F a n n e rs, and storv. work. and children of D unsm uir arriv­ P lan Forum — and decided to .spend A ugust and H unters. The Chamber of Commerce is ed in Ashland today for a several Septem ber a t her wonderful CORVALLIS — No shortage of Thameside Cliveden. Lady Diana days visit with Mrs. Stanley’s planning a large Forum at the Surplus if anything, Cooper went even fu rth e r and en­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. F rank Bess opening of the series of forum w orkers. and MONDAY many transients. Hop picking Is tertained extensively in her Lon­ luncheons next Tuesday at the of Allison street Hotel Ashland. A very interest­ now on in some of the yards, but don town house prior to sailing Every student who completed ing program is being arranged begins in full next week. We be for the United States, where she a course at the Medford Business which will be announced in Mon­ lieve the crop can be handled by resum es her role In “ The Mir­ acle ” College last year was placed on day’s issue of this paper. Those the local workers. who are planning to attend the a pay roll. Bus fare allowance. EUGENE — The demand for W inter term begins September 15. luncheon are asked to call at the The King had an American common labor on construction hostess during tire shooting sea­ 308-tf Chamber or notify the secretary so th a t they may be sure of a vzork has been strong all week, son, when he was the guest of both in and out of th e city. The Lord and Lady A ncaster at place. ....Cliff Payne makes steps. supply for prune pickers about Drummond Castle, w ith the Duke V equals the demand. There is of York and Prince Henry. Lady Stop a t A shland— W atch for Staples new Sub­ some shortage in hop pickers A ncaster was form erly Miss Mrs. A. S. Coats and daughter, division. 3 0 8 -tf Eloise Breeze, of New York, and : *; -7 Vo Florence and Mrs. Marvin Coats MARSHFIELD — W hile there she has become one of London’s and daughter of Pa3adena, stop­ Rob Service Station— ¿ • I ™ , j is a surplus of common labor most prolific entertainers, and ped in Ashland yesterday on their Thieves gained entrance to the I , . , . . way to Mrs. A. S. Coats’ home Central Point service 3tation some 1 more men are being employed in during the W inter season the in­ \A A’hat do the *5 in Raymond, W ashington. They time during th e night Sunday by the lum ber industries than at vitation lists for her parties at palm scented f e w visited a t the home of Mr. and prying the door lock open. F o r­ any tim e for the last four months. Several small logging camps are Mrs. R P. P o rter while here. breezes say? tunately, no great loss is sustain­ Ö /J $ resum ing operations and other3 UH ’ ed by the owners as they have AY hat do. the will commence as soon as the CULL PEARS FOR HOME missed only two tubes and two tropic nights CANNING— D’Aujeus, Fall B ut­ cans of oil. However, the con­ rains elim inate the fire hazard. murmur ? ter, etc, 25c per box, bring your tents of the draw ers gave evidence The spirit of Is­ PENDLETON — H arvest is box. F ru it Association. 9— 3 of a thorough rum m aging and the AA aterproof boots a n d land Love com pleted in this vicinity. cash draw er had been investigat­ them high top shoes that work­ I caught the spirit The best chicken dinner at the ed.— Medford Mail Tribune. LA GRANDE — There is a ers and sportsmen need. souls can resist. Plaza Sunday, 75c. 11— 1 Still a la w surplus of w orkers at present. All sizes in stock. Let us fill your pall with Swifts stronger t h a n Found Guilty— Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than any m an The Jury In the case against A. ’horteninr. Goes fa rth e r and Is warned them! The above sketch was made 94-tf McCauley charged with the sale '¿ore nutritious. Detricks. • from an actu al photograph of intoxicating liquor, turned In a verdict of - guilty yesterday Dislocates Shoulder__ afternoon, after deliberating for While getting out of his car a half hour. Thi3 is the fourth .n the front of John Rigg's Paint .—is a convenient and practical straig h t conviction in this term fixture to have installed in any 3.ore yesterday afternoon, Dr. cf court of men charged with vio­ Now is the time to prepare for out-building. W. J. Crandall tripped and fell the hunting season— get your lations of the liquor laws — Four people were »seriously jü the pavement, dislocating his No doubt you have often gun and am m unition in readi­ G rants Pass Courier. h u rt when these two cars thought of putting a w ater ness. Fall fishing season Is shoulder. Mr. Rigg immediately crashed together and the car closet in your garage; but you approaching, all kinds fishing took him to his office where the owners faced damage suits as hesitated because you were tackles here. W hen a t the F a ir be sure to arm was set. Dr. and Mr3. Cran­ afraid the cold w eather would well as heavy repair bills. see Mrs. B onars’ e x h ib t of salad dall are planning to take a vaca­ put it out of commission. Don’t wish you had proper in­ dressing, 20 different varieties. tion for several months while Dr. surance after an accident. We install sanitary frost­ Ask your grocer. 9— 3 C randall’s arm gets well? They Make SURE of your protection proof w ater closets th a t rem ain now. will leave about the first of the in service in all weathers. week and expect to spend their Made in the South Call on this agency o f the See us for particulars In A shland— New assortm ent of Remington vacation at Venice, Calif., and Hairtford F ire Insurance Co. F. J. McPherson was in Ash­ other southern California cities. knives ju st arrived. No two for a ll form s o f A utom obile miles away from your world knives alike. Insurance. land Thursday attending to busi­ ness in te re sts'h e re . —with Lent rice Joy and * ( hiropraetic and Electro Therapv F irst National Bank Bldg. i— —■-■I------------------- u DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH Al Diamond Briquettes ¡deal fuel for early fall, lor grates, fire places oi’ furnaces. STEADY HEAT Buckhect Boots Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “ In the H eart of Town” A U T O BEDFORD SPEED W A Y $9 to $14.50 A frost-proof* water closet Four injured and the cars smashed Guns and Lots of Ammunition Pocket Knives In A s h l a n d - Glen Hale, who is teaching at Sweet cream for whipping and Applegate, was iu Ashland yes­ coffee— also fresh milk, always terday visiting with his parents. • b ic« a t the Plaza. 239— tf He will rem ain for a few days Jerry O’Neal Plumbing Phone 188 H eating Billings Agency Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 2 0 7 E . Main X......................... Army Goods Store Biggest L ittle Store in Ashland H unting and Fishing Licenses Percy Marmont. Sunday, Sept 14 J',2 ih e World’s Speed Kings E - STAPP Driving the world’s fastest automobiles 20 E n tr ie s 5 Thrilling Events GENERAL ADMISSION Oft V (Including W a r T ax) R eserved S eats on Sale a t M edford Cham ber of Commerce. Race under S anction A. A. A.