PAtífc FUFfl áhhláñ ' d daily tioïng » U a v e F or M issouri— Ì riday, September 12, itti! c lif f payuo makes lockers. R A T E H E A R IN G SET CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. IL McNair le f t' . „ ____- _______ IN M ARION COUNTY We wish t£> thank our friends today for Kansas City and Ver- A B E R D E E N WOMAN for their kindness and sympathy sailles. Missouri, where they will; D IE S O P T N IIiP V ’ S ALEM. Sept 12.— The Mar­ extended to us during the sickness spend six weeks visiting with* A D aily C hronicle of th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of set friends and relatives. • * ABERDEEN, W ash., Sept. 12. ion county circuit .... court today VV-rv.tVj O C , and death of our daughter and local Interest October 13 a? the d a té for hear sister, also for the beautiful flow­ i — Miss Frances Faine, daughter ♦ mg argum ents of attorneys with ers. Jewel O rchestra! F air Grounds! of Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Paine of ’-»♦ • » » » » » ♦ ♦♦«>>>»« ■ • « ♦ » Mrs. A. E. A rm strong ______ Ciy . died night a t Lynn, f U V ^ X l X Saturday night! Lithians A t F a ir— From A lgom a— F. S. A rm strong and family Millinery Opening - Showing Î day" n i g ^ w h e n T e “sH p p eÏ X i " 7 ° b r° USht 3eVer&1 i v ’*’ ° Richard80Q and famf* Twenty Lithians attended the Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown and / ° mPanie3 ° P6rat,ng in S C,Srk and fam i* Jackson County F air at the fair children' were in Ashland .th e of the newest Fall Hats to-mor- the steps of a j exprèsX V a r d * o express train and Oregon to enjoin enforcem ent Of Oren A rm strong and family. gronds yesterday in uniform. A first of the week from Algoma row, (S at.) at Sugg’s Millinery fe-i beneath the wheels. I One a previous orCm- nf ,, great many others were noted in and visited friends here. Mr, and Shop. I foot was cut off and both legs ' c-ion reduci ‘‘ . J 16 commfa-j street clothes. The Lithians a t­ John W indsor and son Jack • | ' ’aUSï ea ‘° 8UCl1 “ eZ‘en t ° “ » “ I « « t o . M X r fr, ™ Sp°„" CARD OF THANKS tended the fair in a body. also from Algoma were in Ash- Gone To School— i was found necessary to am putate, ducts. 1 ! We wish to thank our many land recently. Mrs. Donald F raser left Tues- - She regained consciousness only! friends for their kindness and We deliver the goods— Detricks ' j day for Eugene where she is go- long enough to tell hospital a t­ floral offerings during the ill­ 94-u SPECIAL attention to AUTO- | ing to school after spending the tendants who she was THE W EATHER ness and death o f Mrs. L. E. MOBILE Insurance; better term s summer with her aunt, Mrs. Hule Report for the past 24 hours; Miss Paine, who was 2 7 years Kearnes D irectors To Meet— I and lower rates# Yeo, of course. old. was born In Aberdeen.' H e r ' Maximum, 92; Minimum, 44; Set BEN REAMS and BROTHERS The Chamber of Commerce Phone 21 & 274-J. 212__tf A real party! At the Fair parents and two sisters, M rs.! " x,nuim- 80- board of directors will meet a t ! ---------- Grounds Pavilion Sat! Finest Lester O’Day and Mrs. Theodore the Cham ber of Commerce rooms Dr. Angell Returns- ASHLAND DAY AT BIG “Open-Air” Floor in the State. Reid, both of this city survive. SA LESM A N IS H U RT Monday evening. Any citizen Dr. E. B. Angell and Mrs. Modern Syncopated melody, by FAIR DRAWS CROWD IN AUTO SM A SH U P having any topic to present to the Angell, who have been visiting the famous Jewell Orchestra! COWBOY CHAM P IS bend ; , J directors is invited to do so either at Marshfield and other coast (Continued from Page 1) in person or by letter cities, returned to Ashland Thurs­ The newest in Fall H ats at NO W IN PE N D L E T O N H ushes. . , r„ e l i „ e . a Ie, n, . „ . ! day evening. Sugg’s Millinery opeaing to-mor­ Ladies and children’s hair cu t­ K endleton , sept. 12. — i was seriously injured yesterday; row, Sat. io^— i (Continued from page near Redmond when his automo-I ting. Powder PufT Beauty P ar­ — Superine auto- finish; guaran- Howard Tegland, w inner in 1922 bile was hit by the Oregon-Wash^ Time 1:04. Purse S I20 lor. V 293-tf teed— Hughes, P ell’s Corner of the cowboy riding champion­ MEAT SPECIALS ington railroad train at Trail Relay Race ship of the world, winning first 298— tf For Saturday T h T T n T u rlT bey° nd Terribone’ Two ®»<*. best time in tln4e T o M arshfield— Picnic Ham ............................... 18c honors at both Cheyenne anti rhe injuted man was taken to | days. F^rst d a y - R a y Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. J. M W agner left In Ashland— B reakfast Bacon ...................28c Pendleton, ha.s arrived in Pend- Redmond, where „ was („„„d he Holbrook nod Y o é today for Marshfield and North William Virgin of Medford was Swift Jewel Shortening Purse $300. leton and win compete for b o „ .j,„ 8s “ Bend where they will spend sev­ in Ashland today on business 4 lb, can .................................. 80c ora and prizes this year. He . . . • physicians would n o t' say b„w eral days visiting. accompanied by Mrs. Tegland. i aerious the injury niigh). proye TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF THE THE EAGLE MARKET Their home is near Midwest, ; until a fu rth er examination. CAPITAL STOCK OF THE Phone 107 CLASS in voice training will Be sure and ask your grocer Wyo. • ELECTRIC BRAKE, DRILL 10— 1 The automobile Mr. Hughs fdf Mrs. B onar’s sandwich spread, begin this week. Those wishing AND HAMMER COMPANY: to join please call me at once— was driving was burned up im­ guaranteed. Try it. 9— 3 Y ou,and each of you. are here­ VIVIAN W. WOODSIDE 172 Pine In Ashland—• mediately after the accident. “He SECOND W H A L E IS St. Marshall Dana, newspaper man is salesman fdt- the Roberts Art by notified th at the fifty per cent Bring L ists— A SH O RE AT BEA CH company of Kansas City. of the capital stock of the Elec­ of the Oregon Journal, who has The Lithians who have lists of Visiting Her«'— tric Brake, Drill ant| Hammer been attending the Klamath i v D n m A n -n ~ of those participating in National Products Show and Irrigation j ftr E? ? ? ? ’ ,ePt- 12 ~ W hales Company has been subscribed, ; Dr. Charles W in g of Defense Day are asked to bring Congress .a t Klam ath Falls re -j Plentiful along the Oregon and th a t a m eeting of the sub- ' Oakland stoped here on his way JUDGE OF SUPREME them to Captain J. Q. Adams at cently was in Ashland W ednesday; ° De ° f the largest ever scribers of said capital stock of home after spending some time COURT PASSES ON ♦ he post office or give them i o said company will be held at the at C rater Lake yesterday evening night "lo hear the speech of Wil- j seen here came ashore at Spencer him at the Armory tonight. creek yesterday. It is not known ’laccabee Hall, in the City of ¡ and is visiting at the J. H. Mc­ liam Jennings Bryan (Continued from Page 1) E x tra Value a t Everyone is asked to be there at Gee home. how the whale m et its death. It Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday the -I 7:30 o’clock. i 15th day of September, 1 924, at Sweet cream for whipping and measures 60 feet 9 inches in terday he was reported length. This is the second whale j proving, but sank rapidly during! 7:30 ° 'clock p M of «aid day. Madame Tracy-Young— Studio coffee— also fresh milk, always PAINTERS: — Beagle and tn at lias come ashore near New- the night, and died thls~morning for the Purpose of electing a on ice at the Plaza. 239— tf DOrt in „ A . T»__ , « port in thp the nait past 20 Hove days. Beagle; day work or contract: 122 Laurel St., Ashland Oregon. For two weeks, slight improve- Board of Directors, adopting By- made in the late autumn stvle; estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf Advanco pupils only. Leschetizky Working» At L ane’s— A commercial fish company at ments and backsets were report- ^-aw s- and perfecting an organi- method. Phone 354Y. 6__ 4* Spencer creek is planning to store ed, and hope for his recovery were zation> a,nd for the transaction of trimmed laces, buttons and si Miss Ruth Flackus has a posi­ To Crater Lake— several tons of the whale meat entertained unti' the last cn/»ii tim . business as may be such n other embroidery. Take advantage ot' tion at Lane’s Confectionery and To A ttend F u n eral— to (eed young try. The whale’s! The funeral date has nol been deemed necessary and may be le­ Eric W ere nand family have expects to work there during, the these special values in silk dresses estim ate weight is 60 tons. set. gone to C rater Lake for several • Mr. ansiery Opportunity, pair $1.25 ford. Every student who completed a course a t the Medford Business College last year was placed on n pay roll. Bus fare allowance. W inter term begins September 15. 308-tf T o In v estig a te— Mark Howard, W illiam Baum, Alex Stevens, and Jack Mann left late last night for a trip through th e lava beds for the purpose of investizatlng the report that a great many deer are dying in th a t region. They will visit the Mud lake, Dry lake and Quaking Asp Springs districts on their trip , as well as other sections w here the reports come from, and expect to be gone several days.— K lam ath News. E. B. ISAAC & CO. V isitin g F riends— Glenn Conwell and wife of W ichita, Kanea.s, are visiting with Mr. Conwell’s mother, Mrs. A. Conwell and sister, Mrs. M. I t Brower. Mr. Conwell graduated with the last class which g rad u ­ ated from the normal here. Their stay is indefinite. , Burton Dancing School, Mem­ orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. 307-tf For Portland— Mrs. A. N. Humphrey left to ­ day for Portland where she will attend the state board meeting of the Parent-T eacher Associa­ tion._ Mrs. Humphrey has charge of the Child W ellfare departm ent in the 3tate. AVatcli for Staples new Snb CULL PEARS FOR HOME division. 8 0 8 -tf CANNING— D’Aujeus, Fall B ut­ ter, etc, 25c per box, bring your To California— box, F ru it Association. 9— 3 Mrs. Frank McEwan left re ­ cently for southern California, In A shland— where she will meet her husband Mr. and Mrs. L. D Stephenson and visit with friends for a short have arrived in Ashland and will time. spend the w inter here. They are from Aspgrove. Let u« fill vour pail wPh Swift«. Sliver Lee lard. Costs less than W hen at the F a ir be sure to «hortenlng. Goes farth er and is see Mrs. B onars’ exhibit of salad more nutritions. Detricks. 94-tf dressing, 20 different varieties. Ask your grocer. 9— 3 Leave F o r Newport— Mr. and Mrs. W S. Ball of C onfined W ith Illn ess— 104 Bush street will leave Mon­ Miss E tha Abbott, bookkeeper day for Newport where they will (c) By B e rn a rr M acfadden fo r E n d er’s Company i3 confined spend the next six weeks. They I to her home on accouut of ill- hope th at the climate may bene­ S tanding with hipa ihn», raise MM. balls of feet. Count 1-2. fit Mrs. B all’s health. “ Ih e Q uality Store” Lewis Stone tnd. Helene. Chadwick. ;^Whv Men Leave Home“ SPECIAL ft ♦ ♦ ♦ »+ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » » 4 Attractive Fall Coats SATURDAY and MONDAY AT . . - The Big Grocery Dept. Enders Big Store TH OSE BIG R ED PA C K A G ES' K E R R ’S F L A K E D V H E A T OR OATS 28e Per Package ihe heavily ribbed fabrics lend richness and grace to the straight wrap around lines of these coats. A striking note of contrast is achieved hy collars and eufls of tur. The sleeves are bell shape, and there is an ornamental buckle at the side for fastening, i he coat sketched shows distinctly the sumptuous­ ness of this model and is to he considered a good K err’s Pancake Flour 23c Per Package Exira Special Sugar—11 Pounds for $1.90 HARDY BROTHERS W here th e Crowds Go value at this price. / For School Coats a big line at $16.75 Some with 'f u r f rn n - F in er We feature S t y 1 i s h Stout coats Coats at Popular prices $25.00 -to $49.75 A very l a r g e showing of fine coats for wom- e n and misses. $54.50 GOODS to $125.00 Also clever coats f o r c h ild re n ;