PAGE R »ü» Á8HLÁÑT) DAILY TlDÍÑOS 'Thursday, September i l , ÌDiH V isitin g H ere— Visit Friends— j work»; a ckanc« to atop and pat ‘silent Dawes’.” ; several years. The speaker said Mrs. A. Strales of G rants Pass The family of A. II. Hays, 151 ourselves on the back and tell ns Credit was given the D em ocra-! th a t never did he imply that Dav is i is visiting at th e home of Mrs. Nutley street had a pleasant Bur- ju st w hat we think of us__ju st tic organization for the income had been corrupted, but stated E M. Berg for a few days. prise yesterday m orning on re- w hat a lot of fighting wildcats tax law, the securing of the dir i ceiving a call from the W. A J we are; but what about the-day ect election of senators, and p ar­ that he feared th at opponents of j the Democratic candidate would M issionary To M eet— Garrison family, of W averly, a fte r? . -Will we accomplish any tial credit for prohibition. make a political weapon out of The W oman’s Home M ission-! Kansas. The G arrisons are tour-1 thing of value? D em onstrate an> A shland L odge N o. 23 M iller Talks Davis’s connections. - J ary society of the Methodist ing the coast country and camp- new proves? Reveal any hidden} A. F . & A. M. Before B ryan:s train arrived, • The Commoner declared that he ! , church will meet Friday after-} ed in the Ashland auto camp l a s t ! strength? Facts known: can we TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL Milton Miller, Democratic aspir­ Regular communication, Thurs- noon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. night and this morning found fight? We can. Will we fig h t’ had taken no p art in the nomina­ day evening, Sept. 11. Alscrwork Frank Bess, 501 Allison street, i their old friends the Hays : We will. Can we take care of an t for the United States Sena- tion of his brother. “ He was sug- LAST TIMES TODAY on F irst degree, prelim inary to Everyone Is urged to attend. | ---------- ' • | ourselves. Ask John Bull and torship from Oregon talked. He routine business. Meet promptly ---------- Burton Dancing School, M»m- f the Kaiser. Are we ready to urged participation in the League geated by Davis> th « man whose THE FIGHTING COWARD’ at 7 o’clock. . : CULL PEARS FOR HOME orial Hall. Open daily. A fte r-! fight? Ju st as much on the day of Nations as a guard against nomination I opposed,” he de- clared. M. H. ELLIS, W. M. CANNING— D’Aujeus, Fall But-} noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. before as the day after. Will we war. He declared that by thi3 W H. DAY, Sec’y. ter, etc, 25c per box, bring your, 30T-tf learn anything new about our- means, 90 per cent of the taxes TOMORROW and SATURDAY 8— 2 box, F ru it Association. 9— 3 ---------- selves’ Not a thing, except w hat spent for defense could be divert­ ed to road and school funds. ----------- In A shland — the orators tell us. THEN WHY? Born— “ The Senate can legislate for When at the F a ir be sure to Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Hodges of And there is yet another side To Mr and Mrs. A lbert Wil- see Mrs. B onars’ exhibit of salad Albany are in Ashland visiting to this National Defense Day for the few or the m any,” he said. For Your ” 1 stand for the many. I want Hams a t Vista Street Tuesday dressing, 20 different varieties, with Mrs. Hodges’ brother, Dr. some of us— The Lord's side. I Friday Dinner night, a son. Birth reported by, Ask vour grocer. 9— 3 Mr. E. Blake of thi3 city. They am not of those who believe the tp see the farm ers get their rec­ Dr. M attie Shaw. ____ came to Ashland purposely to at- teachings of the M aster would for- ognition and I want them to get tend the Jackson County Fair. bid Hi3 disciples fighting for his Government aid. Canadian farm ­ Leave F or Ranch— ers can undersell Americans in We deliver the goods— Detricks Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Loughlin of Sunday in company with Dr and country, his home or his a lta r; American m arkets at present. •4-tf Laurel street have gone to their Mrs. Blake and children they but I do believe the church which There m ust be a rem edy.” ranch in eastern Oregon where made a trip to C rater Lake by represents Him before the world In the earlier p a rt of Bryans We cannot satisfactorily tell you why men leave V leitlng in A s h l a n d - way of K lam ath Falls and re- is not w arranted In assum ing any they will reside in th e future. ______ i turning by Medford. They re- p art in any m ilitaristic demon­ talk, he unqualifiedly endorsed Mrs. W. T. Moore of Belleview home heal ing is only suspecting—Seeing is believing. } ported th a t the roads were ex- stration in times of peace. The Miller, declaring th a t he had is in Ashland visiting for a fe w 1 SPEGIAL attention to AUTO- • cellent and the lake was beauti- church stands for peace, not war, known him since 1895, and that] days with the E. E. Phipps fam ­ Miller wa3 one of his closest and MOBILE insurance; b etter term s fu l.” ily only when w ar becomes a gem and lower rates. Yeo, of course. ---------- most honored friends necessity. And her wars m ust be COMING SOON Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— t f j W atch for Staples new Snb- Makes Explanation Ipana tooth paste, 50c, McNair wars for peace. THE COVERED WAGON’ An explanation of why he op­ ----------- division. 3 0 8 -tf Bros. It has cho3en a M aster whose G ets Fine— ; _ ______ posed Davis’s nomination was, N. Main P hon e 107 gospel is preem inently a gospel made. Bryan said th at he oppos­ Following hi» conviction Sat-, Let us fill your pail with Swifts Ladies and children’s hair cut­ of peace. If we preach it we m ust ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par- urday on th e charge of possession Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than live it and only under the lash ed Davis because he had been a lor- 293-tf of a still, Charley W alker, was shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is of dire necessity should she be­ lawyer for big corporations for fined $500 and sentenced to serve more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf come a party to war or dem onstra­ 60 days in jail, yesterday. Owing' L eft Today— tions of war. O. H. Johnson left today for to the poor connections betw een ' MYSTERY SURROUNDS ___ . Q uestionable - E xperim ent Pendleton where he will attend the W alker ranch and K lam ath FINDING DEAD MAN j It is a questionable experiment the Pendleton Round-Up and also Falls, W alker could not be locat-' which the go<5M’ of*'war have, ini WEED, Calif , Sept. ' 11. — posed upofi us HKlS’National De­ visit with Chas. E. Randall* of ed in time for the trial. He was represented by his attorney. * Who is the Mexican who rolled that city. fense Day. However, I have .no down the stairs of the W arren ’sj quarrel with th e secular world at 2 o’clock yesterday Be sure and ask your grocer Superlite auto finish; g uaran­ Building . , , when it choses to m easure its w” ,ound dead *‘ | stren g th or weigh l,e resources. for Mrs. Bonar’s sandwich spread, teed— Hughes, P eil’s Corner. guaranteed. Try it. 9— $ 298— tf in such dem onstration as this The coroner has not keen able requires of us. It is more or less to determ ine the identity, and To Medford— Circus Com ing— harm less, I think so far as we are inquiry was made of the Mexican personally concerned. But I am Mrs. C. II. Pierce and Ruth The hearts of the youngsters of F irst Class Condition Osmund were in Medford Tues­ G rants Pass will beat faster when foreman of the section, the local strongly persuaded th a t the employment agent and all the Special Price day attending to business inter­ they gaze upon the posters telling church as an am bassador of the Mexicans who could be found. ests. of the coming of the A1 G. Barnes Christ of Peace should refrain There was a dance going on in from participation in any demon­ wild animal circus on September j the second story of the structure. stration th a t would* even seem to 24. Adults, too, look forward PAINTERS: — Beagle and with anticipation to the com- I The dancers heard some one fall­ place it in antagonism to the un­ Beagle; day work or contract; ing circu3. The advertising car ing down the stairs. They went m istakable teachings of its Lord. estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf for the crcus was in G rants Pass to the foot of the stair3 and found We m ust practice w hat we the Mexican lying dead. preach if we are to persuade other today and the poster man was One part of the second story men to practice it, or even Re­ busy with his paste. The four- W ill A ttend Round-Up— of the building is a lodging house. lieve oiir teachings, or His Sure­ ring wild animal circus plays here Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis will Our Phone 82 One theory is th a t the Mexican The ¿Parkway— $10 ly the am bassador of the Prince on only the one day. — G rants leave the first of the week for Main - P laza A shland was on his way up stairs to get Pass Courier. of Peace is not about his Mast­ Pendleton and will attend the lodgings when a stroke of apo­ e r’s business when he is found in roundup there. plexy caused him to fail. He was the procession of those who are CLASS in voice training will aged about 45 years. giving exercise to the dogs of war. You can’t go wrong when you begin this week. Those wishing Let us render unto Caesar the trade a t Paulserud’s. 6— tf to Join please call m e a t once^— REV. M ILLER OPPONENT m p a n y things th a t are Coesar’s, but to VIVIAN W. WOODSIDE, 172 Pine OF D E F E N SE DAY You can’t go as fast as the •W here Your D ollar H as More Cents' God the things th a t are God3. A t la ir — St. racers Sunday at the fair­ Mrs. V. V. Mills has charge of i ___ (Continued From Page 1) grounds, but your car will the a rt departm ent for Jac k so n 1 R eturns To H o m e - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY peace-desiring people. We fight County at the fair and is spend-} Miss Helen French returned work better if you have Ing her tim e there. There is a yesterday to Corvallis after a if we have to, but not because we FOR R E N T — Furnished room, new replacements. large space for the exhibit and a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. w ant to. We are not a fighting with bath, 886 A St. 9—-3* • very fine one, although all the J. J. Fuller of this city. She will people— when let alone. We w ant to see w ar outlawed. space has not been filled. FO R SALE— Gasoline pump, teach In Forest Grove this win­ We fought a bit h ard er and with L ithia Garage. ter. 9— 4* more zeal and aggression in the HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, . For Every Oar last w ar because we thought— LOST— L ittle black, w hite and o f course. 212— tf Madame Tracy-Young— Studio many of us— th a t it was going to brown bob tailed dog, crooked 122 Laurel St., Ashland Oregon. end w ar, I do not believe we left fro n t( paw, named Sport, 333 Leave» for School— Advance pupils only. Leschetizky will ever become a war-loving na­ 2nd and B St. 9__2 » «f Miss K athryn P ra tt leff today method. Phone 354Y. 6— 4* tion. For Every Car to take charge of her school six­ FLORIST No Benefit teen miles from H arbor, Oregon. To A ddress School— Ju st w hat will we get out of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Trefreo SAY IT W ITH FLOWERS L. N. W oodside addressed the it— this Defense Day observance? will take Miss P ra tt to her des- high school yesterday a t one p. m. From We have been posing before the tinatlon. Her school opens Mon- ■ on National Defense Day. He gave H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed For Every Car world as a peace-loving nation, day, September 15. a very interesting speech Co., tem porary location 399 and we áre. We have been lead­ Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and ers in the great peace movements Guaranteed tooth brush, 35c, Why pay more for milk when floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo of the world. The m ajority of For Every Car McNair Bros. you can get the best milk for us would like to see a workable LOST on highway between Sis­ ,L.‘; l, " 8er D ,lry - Ph0'16 nation' The world is son, Cal., and G rants Pass— Arrives, in San J o s e - 396R and 369J. 4-tf looking to us as its hope of peace. L eather brief case containing val­ Word was received yesterday ---------- Ju st how is this National De­ uable papers, some cash and let­ from Miss Beth Johnson saying To Corvallis— fense Day firework3 of ours going ters addressed to J. S. Blair, that she had arrived safely in Dr. J- S. Parsons has gone to to appeal to other peoples? Are For Every Car San Jose and had already gotten Corvallis where he will visit for fce not adding more coals to the Mayfield, Cal. Finder please re­ straightened around and ready to a m ontb with J. R. Norris, form- fire instead of pouring on w ater? turn to Tidings office and receive rew ard. 9__2* start school. She will attend t h e ! er Ashland resident. It may not make us more m ilitar- 8an Jose normal school. . , istic— most of us will take it for BRAYAN FLA Y S R E PU B - For cleaning and pressing another Fourth of July and let it For Every Car LICAN PARTY IN SPEECH Phone 119. We call and deliver.! Cliff Payne makes panel doors. I go at th a t; but what about the fl— tf man acros.3 the w aters? A fter (Continued from Page 1) To A ttend H eald’s— l' all In the final analysis of this To K lam ath Falls Miss Helen Sanford left recent­ war business we have learned th at lette and Davis. The third party Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lilly and Son he is the man we have to ’ reckon ly for H eald’s Secretarial School wa3 not mentioned, except in a tend this w inter. Mr. and Mrs. of Ashland left "Saturday for with. W hat influence will it have trib u te paid to La Follette and in Sacramento which she will at- K lam ath Falls for a weeks visit on him? Let us not pour oil on W heeler. i Sanford returned Monday after with friends aftd relatives. the troubled w aters with one hand “B oth R eactionary" taking Miss Sanford there. . ... o «g , * ! and 3et fire to il (the oil- not “ Coolidge and ‘D&wes are both P a u le sru d s Suits give satisftw-, the w ater) with the other reactionary’ ^ the heart. The Across from the New 6 tf A pproves V iew C om plete lin e of A shland Can- tl0n’ d if f e r e n c e s th a t Dawes says Tourist Hotel Mr. Hughes is rig h t: there is what Coolidge thinks You hear ned Goods at Detricks. »4-tf A rrives H ere— no need to dem onstrate our abil­ Silent Cal,’ but never of Mrs. C. C. Cole and son Junior ity to take care of ourselves. In Conference— Coach Prink C lllw n nt Med- Oakland arrtved in Ashland There is no occasion to m anifest ford high, Coach Hughes of Ash-:1 , Monday night “ and " d will . . remain our willingness to do so, to warn high and Coach Brown of Grants'! I ? ' “ tW0 WeekS v,a,“ " g wlth other countries against acts of Pass high wore in conference this! C° ,e’S. m° ,h e r' Mrs' Jam e' aggression. They know we are H Doran of this city. neither too proud nor too scared forenoon relative to fixing up the to fight. We do not have to dem­ football schedule of the southern MARCEL AND CURL LAST onstrate our strength. Our hair Oregon high schools, which will LONGER after a Golden Glint is not shorn or is it likely to be. be announced within a day or ! Shampoo. two.* We have not fallen a victim to the lure of Delilah yet or are we CULL PEARS FOR HOME' Sch° ° ls likely to do so soon. How is our CANNING— D’Aujeus Fall But- The headquarters of the public N ational Defense Day to take its ter, etc. 25c per box. bring your SQCh° ° l9 are now located In ™om place beside our w orld’s peace pro­ 3, the new C rater ian th eater gramme and D isarm am ent Con­ box, F ru it Association building, on North Central near ference as other nations see us? East Main street, where the desks How will our Defense day meas­ In K lam ath F a l l s - and office effects of Superintend­ ure up beside our propaganda for Mr and Mrs. O. D. Mason of National Defense Day, September 12th ent Aubrey Smith and Miss Ruth peace? A3h’and were visitors in Klamath Then Ju3t what are we to get Falls on Tuesday. Mr. Mason Manning, clerk of the board of education, were removed from the out of it? A holiday; an oppor- At 7:30 P; M., put on by the National Guard of Ore­ has charge of the mausoleum high school over Sunday in or- tunity for a lot of patriotic which is being erected here. gon. Infantry attack on line of machine guns. A der to provide more room in th a t speeches from the men who realistic presentation of an actual battle. Flares, crowded building— Medford Maili “ didn’t get across” and some fire- $ 1 0 .0 0 Reward Tribune. smoke screens, rockets and thousands of rounds of A rew ard of ten dollars will be ammunition will be used. (Contributed to the Committee by City Administration) paid by the Ashland Ku Klux Stays To H ear B r y a n - Kian for the arrest and conviction j . Prank W ortm an of Med. of the p e rs e n w h o w rote a letter ford who was planning to leave I to the Ashland cannery th re a te n -, yesterday morning for Ashland Table u st and Canning ing and w arning them th a t if they Neb., on acount of his adm iration ! did not raise th e wages of the for Wm. Jennings Bryan, stayed i women w orkers th a t dire results over to hear his speech at the! would follow, whleh letter was park last night and went o n 1 falsely signed K. K. K. to Portland where he will meet W agner Creek Road School Children Free Friday Ashland Kian No. 10. J his wife and they will continue TALENT, OREGON 6-6 , th e trip. A Fish Eagle Market THOR Electric W A S H IN G M A C H IÑ E FLORSHEIM SHOE A FINE looking Sport Oxford . that will add the correct touch to the smart summer attire. Murphy Elec. Co. Stromberg Carbure­ tors—Parts C T C Tires American Hammer­ ed Rings Kelly Tires Farran-Oid Fan Belts Leedom’s Stidden Service and hundreds of other replacements Leedom’s Tire House 2 M ORE DAYS O F B IG F A IR 2 Near Medford, Sept. 12 and 13 Respect For The Flag Lovai tv to Nation Nations! Defense Test Day Friday, September 12,1924 Proclaimed by the President of the United States, the Governor of Oregon, and the Mayor of the City of Ashland Program 7:00 P. M.—All able bodied men, women and children of Ashland and vicinity, regardless of age, as­ semble on Oak Street near Armory to partici­ pate in parade. 7:30 P. M.—Grand civic parade. No uniforms. No comics. Simply loyal Americans demonstrating their allegiance to their country and their willing­ ness to aid in her defense. Line of March:—Armory to Plaza—Plaza to Public Libiary Public Library to pavilion in Lower Park. 8:15 P. M.—Patriotic Exercises. Ashland Band Community Singing TXT by Superintendent Geo. A. Briscoe, Rev. M J . Oldfield, J. H. Fuller aid Vicar P. K. Hammond. BIG SHAM BATTLE TOMORROW I royalty Demands Your Presence in the Big Civilian Parade if Your Affairs Can Possibly Be So Arranged Select Tomatoes H. S. Glein 5 Big Harness and Runinng Races Free attractions, Plenty of Music A mere test of the response of the nation to the duties of citizenship Stores Will Not Close During Day Not militaris­ tic but a pat­ riotic demon­ stration